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Showing 32,476 through 32,500 of 59,414 results

KI 2019: 42nd German Conference on AI, Kassel, Germany, September 23–26, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11793)

by Christoph Benzmüller Heiner Stuckenschmidt

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 42nd German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, KI 2019, held in Kassel, Germany, in September 2019. The 16 full and 10 short papers presented together with 3 extended abstracts in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 82 submissions. KI 2019 has a special focus theme on "AI methods for Argumentation" and especially invited contributions that use methods from all areas of AI to understand, formalize or generate argument structures in natural language.

KI 2020: 43rd German Conference on AI, Bamberg, Germany, September 21–25, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12325)

by Ute Schmid Franziska Klügl Diedrich Wolter

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 43rd German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, KI 2020, held in Bamberg, Germany, in September 2020.The 16 full and 12 short papers presented together with 6 extended abstracts in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 62 submissions.As well-established annual conference series KI is dedicated to research on theory and applications across all methods and topic areas of AI research. KI 2020 had a special focus on human-centered AI with highlights on AI and education and explainable machine learning. Due to the Corona pandemic KI 2020 was held as a virtual event.

KI 2021: 44th German Conference on AI, Virtual Event, September 27 – October 1, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12873)

by Stefan Edelkamp Ralf Möller Elmar Rueckert

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 44th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, KI 2021, held in September/October 2021. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually. The 16 full and 4 short papers with one extended abstract were carefully reviewed and selected from 59 submissions. As well-established annual conference series KI is dedicated to research on theory and applications across all methods and topic areas of AI research.

KI 2022: 45th German Conference on AI, Trier, Germany, September 19–23, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13404)

by Ralph Bergmann Lukas Malburg Stephanie C. Rodermund Ingo J. Timm

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 45th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, KI 2022, held in September 2022.The 12 full and 5 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 51 submissions. Additionally, five abstracts of invited talks are included. As well-established annual conference series KI is dedicated to research on theory and applications across all methods and topic areas of AI research.Due to COVID-19 the conference was held virtually.The chapter "Dynamically Self-Adjusting Gaussian Processes for Data Stream Modelling" is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

KI 2023: 46th German Conference on AI, Berlin, Germany, September 26–29, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14236)

by Dietmar Seipel Alexander Steen

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 46th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, KI 2023, which took place in Berlin, Germany, in September 2023.The 14 full and 5 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 78 submissions. The papers deal with research on theory and applications across all methods and topic areas of AI research.

KI 2024: 47th German Conference on AI, Würzburg, Germany, September 25–27, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14992)

by Andreas Hotho Sebastian Rudolph

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 47th German Conference on AI, KI 2024, which was held in Würzburg, Germany, during September 25–27, 2024. The 19 full papers, 7 short papers and 5 other papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 63 submissions. KI is one of the major European AI conferences and traditionally brings together academic and industrial researchers from all areas of AI, providing an ideal place for exchanging news and research results on theory and applications. The papers have been categorized into the following sections: full technical papers; technical communications; extended abstracts of papers from other AI conferences.

KI als Zukunftsmotor für Verlage: Potenziale und Fallbeispiele für KI-Anwendungen in der Buchbranche

by Okke Schlüter

Generative KI ist ein Game Changer für Verlage. Wie aber sollten Verlage darauf reagieren? Da in der Publishing-Branche Daten eine wichtige Rolle spielen, können KI-Technologien auch hier wertvolle Beiträge leisten. Diese Innovationen sichern gleichzeitig die Zukunft der Verlagsbranche gegenüber globalen Tech-Konzernen ab, die selbst Publishing anbieten. Ziel des Bandes ist es daher, über konkrete Potenziale in Verlagen zu sprechen, seien es z. B. Manuskriptarbeit, Marketingkommunikation oder Nachauflagen. Mit einer Einführung in KI, drei konkreten Fallbeispielen und einer Potenzialanalyse zu ChatGPT.

KI für das Gute: Künstliche Intelligenz und Ethik

by Stefan H. Vieweg

Während die Technologie im Zeitalter des maschinellen Lernens rasant voranschreitet, mangelt es an klaren Absichten und der Formulierung akzeptabler ethischer Standards. Dieses Buch fasst das komplexe Thema der "guten" Technologie bereichsübergreifend zusammen und wechselt zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Die Autoren gehen auf die sich ständig ausweitende Diskussion über Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und Ethik ein und geben eine Orientierung. Dabei werden insbesondere pragmatische und aktuelle Fragestellungen berücksichtigt, wie z.B. die Kollateralwirkungen der COVID19-Pandemie. Ein aktueller Überblick über die Digitalisierung - an sich schon ein sehr weites Feld - wird ebenso vorgestellt wie eine Analyse der Ansätze von KI aus ethischer Perspektive. Darüber hinaus werden konkrete Ansätze zur Berücksichtigung angemessener ethischer Prinzipien in KI-basierten Lösungen angeboten. Das Buch richtet sich sowohl an Wissenschaftler aus geistes- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen oder technischen Disziplinen als auch an Praktiker, die eine Einführung in das Thema und eine Orientierung mit konkreten Fragen und Hilfestellungen suchen.

KI im Mittelstand: Chancen, Optimierungen und Neugeschäft

by Dominik Renner Daniel Reicher Christian Vancea

Dieses Buch ist ein praktischer Leitfaden, um die Potenziale der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) im Mittelstand voll auszuschöpfen. Es bietet sowohl Einsteigern als auch Fortgeschrittenen verständliche Einführungen und fundierte Einblicke. Mit praxisnahen Beispielen, Fallstudien und konkreten Tipps wird gezeigt, wie KI erfolgreich in den Unternehmensalltag integriert werden kann. Ziel ist es, die Komplexität der KI verständlich zu machen und ihren Nutzen für den Mittelstand aufzuzeigen. Ein Muss für alle, die den technologischen Wandel aktiv mitgestalten wollen.

KI in der Psychologie - ist der Mensch eine Maschine? (essentials)

by Peter Gloor Marc Schreiber

Im Buch wird die Frage diskutiert, ob der Mensch eine Maschine ist und ob Algorithmen der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) das menschliche Erleben und Handeln jemals komplett abbilden können werden. Die Fragen werden sowohl aus der Perspektive der Psychologie als auch aus derjenigen der Informatik beleuchtet. Anhand von konkreten Projekten werden die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der beiden Perspektiven erläutert und es werden Probleme sowie ethische Fragestellungen im Zusammenhang mit der Anwendung von KI-Algorithmen in psychologischen Anwendungsfeldern thematisiert.

KI-Prompts schreiben für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Stephanie Diamond Jeffrey Allan

Einfach unmissverständlich mit KI kommunizieren KI bietet viele Einsatzmöglichkeiten und kann Sie bei Ihren Aufgaben unterstützen. Dafür müssen Sie lernen, präzise Prompts für KI-Systeme zu entwickeln. Die Autoren zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie Prompts formulieren, die effektive Ergebnisse liefern, und wie Sie diese Ergebnisse auswerten und verfeinern. Außerdem lernen Sie die führenden Plattformen, besten Chatbots und Kreativ-Tools für Ihre Bedürfnisse kennen. So sparen Sie Zeit beim Entwerfen von Websites, bei Bildbearbeitung und Recherche und verbessern die Interaktion mit Ihren Kunden. Sie erfahren Wie KI Prompts »versteht« Wie Sie Text, Bilder, Audio, Video und Code generieren Wie Sie Ihre Geschäftsprozesse oder Ihren Kundenservice verbessern Welche Aufgaben KI auch in Zukunft nicht übernehmen kann

KI & Recht kompakt (IT kompakt)

by Matthias Hartmann

Das Buch gibt einen kompakten Einblick in alle wesentlichen Rechtsfragen rund um den Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz in Unternehmen oder Produkten. Versierte Autoren mit Praxiserfahrung erläutern die wichtigsten rechtlichen Themen beim Einsatz intelligenter Systeme und behandeln nach einer Einführung in die technischen Grundlagen die Auswirkungen und Besonderheiten Künstlicher Intelligenz in den Bereichen:ZivilrechtVertragsgestaltungLizenzierung HaftungImmaterialgüterrechte DatenschutzStrafrechtArbeitsrecht

KI-Technologie für Unterwasserroboter

by Frank Kirchner Sirko Straube Daniel Kühn Nina Hoyer

Dieses Buch bietet einen exklusiven Einblick in die Entwicklung einer neuen Generation von Unterwasser-Robotertechnologien.Der Einsatz und die Nutzung selbst der einfachsten und robustesten mechanischen Werkzeuge ist eine Herausforderung und oft mit einem enormen Aufwand an Vorbereitung, kontinuierlicher Überwachung und Wartung verbunden.Daher werden alle disziplinären Aspekte (z. B. Systemdesign, Kommunikation, maschinelles Lernen, Kartierung und Koordination, adaptive Missionsplanung) im Detail untersucht, was insgesamt einen umfassenden Überblick über die Forschungsbereiche gibt, die die Unterwasserroboter der nächsten Generation beeinflussen.Diese Unterwasserrobotersysteme werden mit Hilfe modernster Verfahren der künstlichen Intelligenz autonom operieren und die Umweltüberwachung sowie die Inspektion und Wartung von Unterwasserstrukturen übernehmen. Die Systeme sind als modulare und rekonfigurierbare Systeme konzipiert, die langfristig autonom am Einsatzort verbleiben können. Neue Kommunikationsmethoden, die KI nutzen, ermöglichen Einsätze von hybriden Teams aus Menschen und heterogenen Robotern.Damit wird dieser Band zu einem wichtigen Nachschlagewerk für Wissenschaftler aller Qualifikationsstufen im Bereich der Unterwassertechnologien, der industriellen maritimen Anwendungen und der Meereswissenschaften.

Kibana 7 Quick Start Guide: Visualize your Elasticsearch data with ease

by Anurag Srivastava

A quick start guide to visualize your Elasticsearch data Key Features Your hands-on guide to visualizing the Elasticsearch data as well as navigating the Elastic stack Work with different Kibana plugins and create effective machine learning jobs using Kibana Build effective dashboards and reports without any hassle Book Description The Elastic Stack is growing rapidly and, day by day, additional tools are being added to make it more effective. This book endeavors to explain all the important aspects of Kibana, which is essential for utilizing its full potential. This book covers the core concepts of Kibana, with chapters set out in a coherent manner so that readers can advance their learning in a step-by-step manner. The focus is on a practical approach, thereby enabling the reader to apply those examples in real time for a better understanding of the concepts and to provide them with the correct skills in relation to the tool. With its succinct explanations, it is quite easy for a reader to use this book as a reference guide for learning basic to advanced implementations of Kibana. The practical examples, such as the creation of Kibana dashboards from CSV data, application RDBMS data, system metrics data, log file data, APM agents, and search results, can provide readers with a number of different drop-off points from where they can fetch any type of data into Kibana for the purpose of analysis or dashboarding. What you will learn Explore how Logstash is configured to fetch CSV data Understand how to create index patterns in Kibana Become familiar with how to apply filters on data Discover how to create ML jobs Explore how to analyze APM data from APM agents Get to grips with how to save, share, inspect, and edit visualizations Understand how to find an anomaly in data Who this book is for Kibana 7 Quick Start Guide is for developers new to Kibana who want to learn the fundamentals of using the tool for visualization, as well as existing Elastic developers.

Kibana Essentials

by Yuvraj Gupta

Use the functionalities of Kibana to discover data and build attractive visualizations and dashboards for real-world scenariosAbout This BookPerform real-time data analytics and visualizations, on streaming data, using KibanaBuild beautiful visualizations and dashboards with simplicity and ease without any type of coding involvedLearn all the core concepts as well as detailed information about each component used in KibanaWho This Book Is ForWhether you are new to the world of data analytics and data visualization or an expert, this book will provide you with the skills required to use Kibana with ease and simplicity for real-time data visualization of streaming data.This book is intended for those professionals who are interested in learning about Kibana,its installations, and how to use it . As Kibana provides a user-friendly web page, no prior experience is required.What You Will LearnUnderstand the basic concepts of elasticsearch used in Kibana along with step by step guide to install Kibana in Windows and UbuntuExplore the functionality of all the components used in Kibana in detail, such as the Discover, Visualize, Dashboard,and Settings pagesAnalyze data using the powerful search capabilities of elasticsearchUnderstand the different types of aggregations used in Kibana for visualizationCreate and build different types of amazing visualizations and dashboards easilyCreate, save, share, embed, and customize the visualizations added to the dashboardCustomize and tweak the advanced settings of Kibana to ensure ease of useIn DetailWith the increasing interest in data analytics and visualization of large data around the globe, Kibana offers the best features to analyze data and create attractive visualizations and dashboards through simple-to-use web pages. The variety of visualizations provided, combined with the powerful underlying elasticsearch capabilities will help professionals improve their skills with this technology.This book will help you quickly familiarize yourself to Kibana and will also help you to understand the core concepts of this technology to build visualizations easily.Starting with setting up of Kibana and elasticsearch in Windows and Ubuntu, you will then use the Discover page to analyse your data intelligently. Next, you will learn to use the Visualization page to create beautiful visualizations without the need for any coding. Then, you will learn how to use the Dashboard page to create a dashboard and instantly share and embed the dashboards. You will see how to tweak the basic and advanced settings provided in Kibana to manage searches, visualizations, and dashboards. Finally, you will use Kibana to build visualizations and dashboards for real-world scenarios.You will quickly master the functionalities and components used in Kibana to create amazing visualizations based on real-world scenarios. With ample screenshots to guide you through every step, this book will assist you in creating beautiful visualizations with ease.Style and approachThis book is a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help you understand Kibana. It's explained in an easy-to-follow style along with supporting images. Every chapter is explained sequentially , covering the basics of each component of Kibana and providing detailed explanations of all the functionalities of Kibana that appeal.

Kick Ass Social Commerce for E-preneurs: It's Not About Likes--It's About Sales

by John Lawson Debra Schepp

It's not about Likes—it's about sales. You're not alone. Almost all businesses are marketing online these days—everyone tweets, posts to social networks, and blogs. What you're doing now is not enough to make your business stand out. Forget what all the self-proclaimed &“social media gurus" are telling you. Being active on social media and being successful in social commerce are not the same things. Simply getting a bunch of followers or Likes doesn't cut it anymore. In Kick Ass Social Commerce for E-Preneurs, award-winning digital media strategist John Lawson gives you a straight-shooting, no-holds-barred guide to social commerce. In other words, he shows you how to make money online using social media. One of the most-respected and listened-to voices in the worlds of e-commerce and small business, Lawson stands alone because he can actually back up his words. Lawson is a multi-platform PowerSeller, whose internet businesses have rung up millions of dollars in sales. In Kick Ass Social Commerce for E-Preneurs, Lawson and bestselling e-commerce author Debra Schepp take you step-by-step through: Creating a business plan using a simple, effective template, a proven blueprint for all stages of marketing—from start-up to empire Employing the best social commerce strategy for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and the hottest new social media sites Building a thriving e-commerce business and keeping it vibrant and growing What are you waiting for? Read this book and start kicking social commerce ass.

Kickstart Modern Android Development with Jetpack and Kotlin: Enhance your applications by integrating Jetpack and applying modern app architectural concepts

by Catalin Ghita

Explore modern Android development in Kotlin 1.6.10 with this condensed hands-on guide to building reliable apps using libraries such as Compose, ViewModel, Hilt, Retrofit, Flow, and moreKey FeaturesExplore Jetpack libraries and other modern technologies for Android developmentImprove the architectural design of your Android appsEnhance the quality of your Android projects' code bases and applications using the latest librariesBook DescriptionWith Jetpack libraries, you can build and design high-quality, robust Android apps that have an improved architecture and work consistently across different versions and devices. This book will help you understand how Jetpack allows developers to follow best practices and architectural patterns when building Android apps while also eliminating boilerplate code. Developers working with Android and Kotlin will be able to put their knowledge to work with this condensed practical guide to building apps with the most popular Jetpack libraries, including Jetpack Compose, ViewModel, Hilt, Room, Paging, Lifecycle, and Navigation. You'll get to grips with relevant libraries and architectural patterns, including popular libraries in the Android ecosystem such as Retrofit, Coroutines, and Flow while building modern applications with real-world data. By the end of this Android app development book, you'll have learned how to leverage Jetpack libraries and your knowledge of architectural concepts for building, designing, and testing robust Android applications for various use cases.What you will learnIntegrate popular Jetpack libraries such as Compose, ViewModel, Hilt, and Navigation into real Android apps with KotlinApply modern app architecture concepts such as MVVM, dependency injection, and clean architectureExplore Android libraries such as Retrofit, Coroutines, and FlowIntegrate Compose with the rest of the Jetpack libraries or other popular Android librariesWork with other Jetpack libraries such as Paging and Room while integrating a real REST API that supports paginationTest Compose UI and the application logic through unit testsWho this book is forThis book is for junior and intermediate-level Android developers looking to level up their Android development skills to develop high-quality apps using Jetpack libraries and other cutting-edge technologies. Beginners with knowledge of Android development fundamentals will also find this book useful. Familiarity with Kotlin is assumed.

Kickstarter For Dummies

by Aimee Cebulski

Learn to use Kickstarter to make your great ideas a realityAs a crowd-funding website for creative projects, Kickstarter has the power to make creative ideas come to life. This helpful guide walks you through the potential of this amazing tool, which has helped project creators successfully launch their projects since 2009. You'll learn how to create a Kickstarter account, set up your first project, and effectively use social media to bring awareness to your project and build up the community around it to hopefully reach the goal of 100 percent funding. Explains how to determine if you meet the requirements to create a projectGets you started with creating your first project, choosing a great project image, and write a compelling project title and descriptionHelps you establish rewards for project backersZeroes in on deciding a funding duration and funding goalWhether you have an idea for a movie, video game, gadget or anything in between, Kickstarter For Dummies is the fun and friendly guide to help you get the funds to make your idea happen!

The Kickstarter Handbook: Real-Life Crowdfunding Success Stories

by Don Steinberg

So you want to produce a short film. Or design a new line of jewelry. Or manufacture a revolutionary solar-powered garden sprinkler. There's just one catch: You need $100,000 to bankroll your dream, and your checking account has barely enough to cover the rent. Enter phenomenal "crowdfunding" website launched in 2009 that brings venture capital to the masses. At Kickstarter, it's not uncommon for entrepreneurs to raise $50,000, $100,000, $250,000, or more. All you need is a great idea--and The Kickstarter Handbook. Business journliast Don Steinberg has interviewed dozens of artists and inventors who launched their passion projects online. Through their voices, you'll explore all the strategies of a successful Kickstarter campaign. You'll learn the elements of a compelling Kickstarter video, innovative ways to market your projects, tips for getting donors onboard, and the secrets of irresistible Kickstarter "rewards." You'll also discover what to do in a best-case scenario--when your project goes viral and the cash starts flowing in. On Kickstarter, it happens to a few lucky visionaries every week. Here's how to be one of them.

The Kickstarter Handbook

by Don Steinberg

A business book for 21st-century entrepreneurs, THE KICKSTARTER HANDBOOK will be the first book to market on a phenomenally popular website--and a new way of financing your wildest dreams.

Kid Youtuber 2: From the Creator of Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (Kid Youtuber #2)

by Marcus Emerson Noah Child

Davy Spencer is still learning the secrets to becoming a superstar YouTuber! In this season, Davy's views skyrocket when he lets Fans decide his next video, but how far will he go to become an internet legend? Answer - VERY, VERY FAR. There’s a food drive at Davy’s school, and the kid who donates the most canned goods by the end of the week wins a super rad bike! Davy promises his Fans a crazy-dangerous stunt with the bike if they help him win it - all they have to do is leave a canned good by his locker with a video idea taped to the top. As the cans pile up, so does Davy’s Fan count, but how high does Davy need to jump to keep his new Fans happy? Kid Youtuber: Hungry for More is a funny children's book for ages 9-12, middle school students, and adults who never grew up. Marcus Emerson is the author of Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja, The Super Life of Ben Braver, and Recess Warriors.

Kidnapping and Abduction: Minimizing the Threat and Lessons in Survival

by Brian John Heard

Terrorist groups and organized crime cartels pose an increasing threat of kidnapping throughout many regions in the word. At the same time, international travel has become more commonplace for both business and leisure purposes. Kidnapping and Abduction: Minimizing the Threat and Lessons in Survival provides a practical guide on the precautions tra

Kidney and Kidney Tumor Segmentation: MICCAI 2021 Challenge, KiTS 2021, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, France, September 27, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13168)

by Nicholas Heller Fabian Isensee Darya Trofimova Resha Tejpaul Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos Christopher Weight

This book constitutes the Second International Challenge on Kidney and Kidney Tumor Segmentation, KiTS 2021, which was held in conjunction with the 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2021. The challenge took place virtually on September 27, 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 21 contributions presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 29 submissions. This challenge aims to develop the best system for automatic semantic segmentation of renal tumors and surrounding anatomy.

Kidney and Kidney Tumor Segmentation: MICCAI 2023 Challenge, KiTS 2023, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 8, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14540)

by Nicholas Heller Andrew Wood Fabian Isensee Tim Rädsch Resha Teipaul Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos Christopher Weight

This book constitutes the Third International Challenge on Kidney and Kidney Tumor Segmentation, KiTS 2023, which was held in conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2023. The challenge took place in Vancouver, BC, Canada, on October 8, 2023. The 22 contributions presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 29 submissions. This challenge aims to develop the best system for automatic semantic segmentation of kidneys, renal tumors and renal cysts.

A Kids Book About Life Online (A Kids Book)

by Dave S. Anderson Blake Fleischacker

A clear explanation of what the online world can be like, helping to navigate life in a world surrounded by technology.Kids today are growing up with social media and life online, which may have differed from how their grownups grew up! Life online isn&’t a bad thing, and it isn&’t necessarily a good thing either. This book shows kids aged 5-9 that how you hang out online can tell the whole world about who you are, and that when you show up authentically, creatively, and kindly, you can help change the world! Teach kids the importance of kindness, empathy and inclusion, especially when interacting with others online.A Kids Book About Life Online features: - A large and bold, yet minimalist font design that allows kids freedom to imagine themselves in the words on the pages.- A friendly, approachable, yet empowering, kid-appropriate tone throughout.- An incredible and diverse group of authors in the series who are experts or have first-hand experience of the topic.Tackling important discourse together! The A Kids Book About series are best used when read together. Helping to kickstart important, challenging, and empowering conversations for kids and their grownups through beautiful and thought-provoking pages. The series supports an incredible and diverse group of authors, who are either experts in their field, or have first-hand experience on the topic. A Kids Co. is a new kind of media company enabling kids to explore big topics in a new and engaging way. With a growing series of books, podcasts and blogs, made to empower. Learn more about us online by searching for A Kids Co.

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