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Mahara 1.4 Cookbook

by Ellen Marie Murphy

Part of Packt's cookbook series, this book offers learning and techniques through recipes. It contains step-by-step instructions for Mahara users of all kinds. It is designed in such a way that you can refer to recipes chapter by chapter, or read them in no particular order. Whether you are a student, an instructor, an administrator, or simply someone who would like to build your own portfolio, this book is for you. The range of recipes is wide, because Mahara's features can support portfolio development and use, regardless of level or purpose. This book requires only a very basic knowledge of Mahara.

Mahara ePortfolios: Beginner’s Guide

by Derrin Kent

This book will provide you with step-by-step instructions to get started with Mahara and create an impressive electronic portfolio. The book is packed with many useful examples and screenshots for easy and quick learning. Pick up this book if you want to get started with Mahara. This book is for you if: You are an employee, student or other type of learner wanting to maintain online documentation of your projects and share it with a particular assessor/CPD Manager/teacher/trainer for feedback. You are a teacher or mentor wanting to set up an e-portfolio for your students or employees in order to encourage and advance personalized and reflective learning. You are a professional wanting to share your journals and project documents with your team by sharing your existing knowledge and creating new knowledge in communities of professional practice. You are a human resources professional who wants a software application which will enable your team to generate, capture and transfer tacit knowledge. No previous experience of Mahara is required

Mahout in Action

by Sean Owen B. Ellen Friedman Robin Anil Ted Dunning

SummaryMahout in Action is a hands-on introduction to machine learning with Apache Mahout. Following real-world examples, the book presents practical use cases and then illustrates how Mahout can be applied to solve them. Includes a free audio- and video-enhanced ebook.About the TechnologyA computer system that learns and adapts as it collects data can be really powerful. Mahout, Apache's open source machine learning project, captures the core algorithms of recommendation systems, classification, and clustering in ready-to-use, scalable libraries. With Mahout, you can immediately apply to your own projects the machine learning techniques that drive Amazon, Netflix, and others.About this BookThis book covers machine learning using Apache Mahout. Based on experience with real-world applications, it introduces practical use cases and illustrates how Mahout can be applied to solve them. It places particular focus on issues of scalability and how to apply these techniques against large data sets using the Apache Hadoop framework.This book is written for developers familiar with Java -- no prior experience with Mahout is assumed.Owners of a Manning pBook purchased anywhere in the world can download a free eBook from at any time. They can do so multiple times and in any or all formats available (PDF, ePub or Kindle). To do so, customers must register their printed copy on Manning's site by creating a user account and then following instructions printed on the pBook registration insert at the front of the book.What's InsideUse group data to make individual recommendationsFind logical clusters within your dataFilter and refine with on-the-fly classificationFree audio and video extrasTable of ContentsMeet Apache MahoutPART 1 RECOMMENDATIONSIntroducing recommendersRepresenting recommender dataMaking recommendationsTaking recommenders to productionDistributing recommendation computationsPART 2 CLUSTERINGIntroduction to clusteringRepresenting dataClustering algorithms in MahoutEvaluating and improving clustering qualityTaking clustering to productionReal-world applications of clusteringPART 3 CLASSIFICATIONIntroduction to classificationTraining a classifier Evaluating and tuning a classifierDeploying a classifierCase study: Shop It To Me

Mainframe Experimentalism: Early Computing and the Foundations of the Digital Arts

by Hannah B. Higgins Douglas Kahn

Mainframe Experimentalism challenges the conventional wisdom that the digital arts arose out of Silicon Valley’s technological revolutions in the 1970s. In fact, in the 1960s, a diverse array of artists, musicians, poets, writers, and filmmakers around the world were engaging with mainframe and mini-computers to create innovative new artworks that contradict the stereotypes of "computer art." Juxtaposing the original works alongside scholarly contributions by well-established and emerging scholars from several disciplines, Mainframe Experimentalism demonstrates that the radical and experimental aesthetics and political and cultural engagements of early digital art stand as precursors for the mobility among technological platforms, artistic forms, and social sites that has become commonplace today.

Mainstreaming and Game Journalism (Playful Thinking)

by David B. Nieborg Maxwell Foxman

Why games are still niche and not mainstream, and how journalism can help them gain cultural credibility.Mainstreaming and Game Journalism addresses both the history and current practice of game journalism, along with the roles writers and industry play in conveying that the medium is a &“mainstream&” form of entertainment. Through interviews with reporters, David B. Nieborg and Maxwell Foxman retrace how the game industry and journalists started a subcultural spiral in the 1980s that continues to this day. Digital play became increasingly exclusionary by appealing to niche audiences, relying on hardcore fans and favoring the male gamer stereotype. At the same time, this culture pushed journalists to the margins, leaving them toiling to find freelance gigs and deeply ambivalent about their profession.Mainstreaming and Game Journalism also examines the bumpy process of what we think of as &“mainstreaming.&” The authors argue that it encompasses three overlapping factors. First, for games to become mainstream, they need to become more ubiquitous through broader media coverage. Second, an increase in ludic literacy, or how-to play games, determines whether that greater visibility translates into accessibility. Third, the mainstreaming of games must gain cultural legitimacy. The fact that games are more visible does little if only a few people take them seriously or deem them worthy of attention. Ultimately, Mainstreaming and Game Journalism provocatively questions whether games ever will—or even should—gain widespread cultural acceptance.

Mainstreaming Gays: Critical Convergences of Queer Media, Fan Cultures, and Commercial Television

by Eve Ng

Mainstreaming Gays discusses a key transitional period linking the eras of legacy and streaming, analyzing how queer production and interaction that had earlier occurred outside the mainstream was transformed by multiple converging trends: the emergence of digital media, the rising influence of fan cultures, and increasing interest in LGBTQ content within commercial media. The U.S. networks Bravo and Logo broke new ground in the early 2000s and 2010s with their channel programming, as well as bringing in a new cohort of LGBTQ digital content creators, providing unprecedented opportunities for independent queer producers, and hosting distinctive spaces for queer interaction online centered on pop culture and politics rather than dating. These developments constituted the ground from which recent developments for LGBTQ content and queer sociality online have emerged. Mainstreaming Gays is critical reading for those interested in media production, fandom, subcultures, and LGBTQ digital media.

Maintainability of Building Envelope Elements: Optimizing Predictive Condition-Based Maintenance Decisions (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering)

by Cláudia Ferreira Ana Silva Jorge de Brito Inês Flores-Colen

This book introduces a maintenance model that will assist decision-makers in their choice of building maintenance policies. The model is stochastic and condition-based that analyses the impact of different maintenance strategies on the durability and performance of different buildings envelope elements (facades, windows, and roofs). As non-structural elements, the maintenance of buildings envelope can be disregarded stakeholders. However, as first barrier to the external environment, these elements are critical to buildings' overall performance and are expected to meet aesthetic, comfort, safety, and durability requirements. The methodology presented is innovative. The maintenance model is based on a Petri net formalism and includes degradation, inspection, maintenance, and renewal processes. The model provides key information, such as: i) the impact of different maintenance strategies on the service life and durability of the building components; ii) the impact of maintenance on their performance over time; iii) the life cycle costs; and iv) the impact of maintenance on the buildings' use. The book will be of use to a variety of professionals in the construction sector.

Maintainable JavaScript

by Nicholas C. Zakas

You may have definite ideas about writing code when working alone, but team development requires that everyone use the same approach. With the JavaScript practices in this book--including code style, programming tips, and automation--you'll learn how to write maintainable code that other team members can easily understand, adapt, and extend. Author Nicholas Zakas assembled this collection of best practices as a front-end tech leader at Yahoo!, after completing his own journey from solo hacker to team player. He also includes rules recommended by other industry authorities. Use these tips and techniques to help your team set aside individual preferences and function at a higher level. Establish specific code conventions for your team Use tools such as JSLint and JSHint to keep your team on track Adopt style guidelines, such as basic formatting, to help your team produce uniform code Apply several programming practices to solve problems and improve code quality Create an automated JavaScript build system using a variety of utilities Integrate browser-based JavaScript testing with tools such as the YUI Test Selenium Driver

Maintaining and Troubleshooting Your 3D Printer

by Charles Bell

Maintaining and Troubleshooting Your 3D Printer by Charles Bell is your guide to keeping your 3D printer running through preventive maintenance, repair, and diagnosing and solving problems in 3D printing. If you've bought or built a 3D printer such as a MakerBot only to be confounded by jagged edges, corner lift, top layers that aren't solid, or any of a myriad of other problems that plague 3D printer enthusiasts, then here is the book to help you get past all that and recapture the joy of creative fabrication. The book also includes valuable tips for builders and those who want to modify their printers to get the most out of their investment. Good fabrication begins with calibration. Aligning the print bed to support deposition of medium in three dimensions is critical. Even off-the-shelf machines that are pre-built must be aligned and periodically realigned throughout their life cycle. Maintaining and Troubleshooting Your 3D Printer helps you achieve and hold proper alignment. Maintaining and Troubleshooting Your 3D Printer also helps with software and hardware troubleshooting. You'll learn to diagnose and solve firmware calibration problems, filament and feed problems, chassis issues, and more. Finally there are regular maintenance and enhancements. You've invested significantly in your 3D printer. Protect that investment using the guidance in this book. Learn to clean and lubricate your printer, to maintain the chassis, and know when realignment of the print bed is needed. Learn ways to master your craft and improve the quality of your prints through such things as post-print finishing and filament management. Don't let the challenges of 3D printing stand in the way of creativity. Maintaining and Troubleshooting Your 3D Printer by Charles Bell helps you conquer the challenges and get the most benefit from your expensive investment in personal fabrication.

Maintenance Management in Network Utilities

by Adolfo Crespo Márquez Juan F Gómez Fernández

In order to satisfy the needs of their customers, network utilities require specially developed maintenance management capabilities. Maintenance Management information systems are essential to ensure control, gain knowledge and improve-decision making in companies dealing with network infrastructure, such as distribution of gas, water, electricity and telecommunications. Maintenance Management in Network Utilities studies specified characteristics of maintenance management in this sector to offer a practical approach to defining and implementing the best management practices and suitable frameworks. Divided into three major sections, Maintenance Management in Network Utilities defines a series of stages which can be followed to manage maintenance frameworks properly. Different case studies provide detailed descriptions which illustrate the experience in real company situations. An introduction to the concepts is followed by main sections including: * A Literature Review: covering the basic concepts and models needed for framework design, development and implementation. * Framework Design and Definition: developing the basic pillars of network utilities maintenance management framework. * Performance Evaluation & Maturity: focusing on the reliability concept and maturity models from different viewpoints. By establishing basic foundations for creating and maintaining maintenance managements strategies, Maintenance Management in Network Utilities acts a practical handbook for all professionals in these companies and across areas such as network development, operations management and marketing.

Maîtriser Bitcoin - Guide du débutant pour commencer à gagner de l'argent avec Bitcoin

by Adidas Wilson

Le Bitcoin est une crypto-monnaie et un système de paiement numérique inventé par un programmeur inconnu, ou un groupe de programmeurs, sous le nom de Satoshi Nakamoto. Il est sorti en tant que logiciel open source en 2009. Le système est pair à pair et les transactions ont lieu directement entre les utilisateurs, sans intermédiaire. Ces transactions sont vérifiées par des nœuds de réseau et enregistrées dans un registre public distribué appelé blockchain. Étant donné que le système fonctionne sans référentiel central ni administrateur unique, le bitcoin est appelé la première monnaie numérique décentralisée. En plus d'être créé en récompense de l'exploitation minière, le bitcoin peut être échangé contre d'autres devises, produits et services sur les marchés légaux ou noirs. En février 2015, plus de 100 000 commerçants et vendeurs ont accepté le bitcoin comme moyen de paiement. Selon une recherche réalisée par l'Université de Cambridge en 2017, 2,9 à 5,8 millions d'utilisateurs uniques utilisent un portefeuille de crypto-monnaie, la plupart utilisant du bitcoin.

Maîtriser les applications: Guide du débutant pour commencer à gagner de l'argent avec les applications

by Adidas Wilson

Les technologies de la communication évoluent constamment pour suivre l’époque. Les applications de messagerie sont énormes en ce moment. Dépasser complètement les médias sociaux en devenant le principal moyen de communication en ligne. Lorsque la plupart des entrepreneurs débutent, ils aiment lire des articles sur «comment tuer avec votre première application», «créer l'application de plusieurs milliards de dollars» et la plupart des livres liés à ce sujet. Ils sont collés à ce côté de l'histoire et aveuglés à l'autre. Pour avoir votre propre réussite, vous devez découvrir pourquoi d'autres applications échouent. La triste vérité est qu'il y a plus d'applications qui ont échoué que celles qui ont réussi.

The Majesty of Vue.js

by Kostas Maniatis Alex Kyriakidis

Create fast front-end applications and increase the performance of your existing projects with Vue.js integration About This Book * Learn about computed properties, components, filters, routing, ES6, and workflow automation * This book will show you how easy Vue.js is to grasp, and that its integration can save you a lot of time and effort * This book will guide you through the path of the rapidly spreading JavaScript Framework Vue.js Who This Book Is For This book is for anyone interested in learning to use a lightweight and simple JavaScript framework. No excessive knowledge is required, though it would be good to be familiar with HTML and JavaScript. This book is also useful for those who already know their way around Vue.js and want to expand their knowledge. What You Will Learn * Get to know the fundamentals of Vue.js * Consume an API using Vue Resource * Explore components, filters, methods, and computed properties are and find out how to use them to build robust applications * Break your applications into Single File Components * Build Single Page Applications using Vue Router * Automate your workflow using Vue.js In Detail Vue.js is a library to build interactive web interfaces. The aim is to provide the benefits of reactive data binding and composable view components with an API that is as simple as possible. This book will teach you how to efficiently implement Vue.js in your projects. It starts with the fundamentals of Vue.js to building large-scale applications. You will find out what components, filters, methods, and computed properties are and how to use them to build robust applications. Further on, you will become familiar with ES6, single file components, module bundlers, and workflow automation. The best way to learn to code is to write it, so there's an exercise at the end of most of the chapters for you to solve and actually test yourself on what you have learned. You can solve these in order to gain a better understanding of Vue.js. By the end of this book, you will be able to create fast front-end applications and increase the performance of your existing projects with Vue.js integration. Style and approach The book is written in an informal, intuitive, and easy-to-follow format, and all examples are detailed enough to provide adequate guidance to everyone.

Make: Getting Started with Arduino

by Massimo Banzi Michael Shiloh

Arduino is the hot open source prototyping platform for artists, hobbyists, students, and anyone who wants to create interactive physical environments. Getting Started with Arduino is co-authored by Arduino co-founder Massimo Banzi, and incorporates his experience in teaching, using, and creating Arduino.

Make: Getting Started with littleBits

by Ayah Bdeir Matt Richardson

littleBits are electronic building blocks with over 60 modules and trillions of combinations. With littleBits, anyone can harness the power of electronics, microcontrollers, and the cloud--regardless of age, gender, technical ability, or educational background. You can combine these simple, snap-together, magnetic bricks to make simple electronic circuits, or build robots and devices that combine sensors, microcontrollers, and cloud connectivity. This book, co-authored by littleBits founder Ayah Bdeir, along with top-selling author Matt Richardson (Getting Started with Raspberry Pi), teaches you just enough electronics to start making things with littleBits and takes you on up through connecting littleBits to the cloud and programming with its Arduino-compatible module.

Make: JavaScript Robotics

by Julian David Duque Raquel Velez Susan Hinton David Resseguie Donovan Buck Kassandra Perch Rick Waldron Jonathan Beri Andrew Fisher Pawel Szymczykowski Bryan Hughes Backstop Media Lyza Danger Gardner Sara Gorecki Anna Gerber Emily Rose

JavaScript Robotics is on the rise. Rick Waldron, the lead author of this book and creator of the Johnny-Five platform, is at the forefront of this movement. Johnny-Five is an open source JavaScript Arduino programming framework for robotics. This book brings together fifteen innovative programmers, each creating a unique Johnny-Five robot step-by-step, and offering tips and tricks along the way. Experience with JavaScript is a prerequisite.

Make: 3D Printing

by Anna Kaziunas France

The 3D printing revolution is well upon us, with new machines appearing at an amazing rate. With the abundance of information and options out there, how are makers to choose the 3D printer that's right for them? MAKE is here to help, with our Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing. With articles about techniques, freely available CAD packages, and comparisons of printers that are on the market, this book makes it easy to understand this complex and constantly-shifting topic. Based on articles and projects from MAKE's print and online publications, this book arms you with everything you need to know to understand the exciting but sometimes confusing world of 3D Printing.

Make: Coffee Roaster, Bottomless Portafilter, Toaster Tea Popper, Hot on the Spot, Automate Using X10

by Mark Frauenfelder

DIY Coffee collects five hot MAKE magazine projects to supercharge your java: Home-Built Coffee Roaster Bottomless Espresso Portafilter Toaster Tea Popper Perfect Espresso Temperature Hack Web-Fired Coffee with X10 Automation Got a jones for caffeine and technology? Mod your espresso machine to dial in the perfect shot, with precise temperature control and a filter hack that kicks out maximum tasty crema. Roast your own with a hand-built custom coffee roaster. Hack a toaster timer to perfect-brew your tea every time. And fire up your coffee pot from the internet using X10 automation. Using home-grown techniques and off-the-shelf parts, caffeine junkies will find everything they need to overclock the fix from their favorite shade-grown beverage.

Make: Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing 2014

by Mark Frauenfelder

It's 3D Printing: The Next Generation! The technology's improving, prices are dropping,new models are hitting the market, and 3D printers are appearing on desktops, workbenches, lab shelves, and kitchen tables all over the world. Not only are we seeing better, faster, and cheaper 3D printers, we're also seeing new printing materials, easier-to-use design software, powerful scanning technology, and the rise of an entire ecosystem of 3D peripherals and services that support 3D printing technology. Make's second annual 3D Printing Guide is once again your go-to resource for discovering the latest information in this fast-changing field of printers, software, projects, and accessories. Inside, you'll find up-to-date reviews on the latest in 3D printing technology, feature and model comparisons, tutorials and stories about 3d printing, and some of the coolest 3d printed objects out there.

Make: Getting Started with Processing

by Ben Fry Casey Reas

Processing opened up the world of programming to artists, designers, educators, and beginners. This short book gently introduces the core concepts of computer programming and working with Processing. Written by the co-founders of the Processing project, Reas and Fry, Getting Started with Processing shows you how easy it is to make software and systems with interactive graphics. If you're an artist looking to develop interactive graphics programs or a programmer on your way to becoming an artist, this book will take you where you want to go. Updated with new material on graphics manipulation, data, and for the latest version of Processing.

Make: Wearable Electronics

by Kate Hartman

What if your clothing could change color to complement your skin tone, respond to your racing heartbeat, or connect you with a loved one from afar? Welcome to the world of shoes that can dynamically shift your height, jackets that display when the next bus is coming, and neckties that can nudge your business partner from across the room. Whether it be for fashion, function, or human connectedness, wearable electronics can be used to design interactive systems that are intimate and engaging. Make: Wearable Electronics is intended for those with an interest in physical computing who are looking to create interfaces or systems that live on the body. Perfect for makers new to wearable tech, this book introduces you to the tools, materials, and techniques for creating interactive electronic circuits and embedding them in clothing and other things you can wear. Each chapter features experiments to get you comfortable with the technology and then invites you to build upon that knowledge with your own projects. Fully illustrated with step-by-step instructions and images of amazing creations made by artists and professional designers, this book offers a concrete understanding of electronic circuits and how you can use them to bring your wearable projects from concept to prototype.

Make: Raspberry Pi and AVR Projects

by Cefn Hoile Brian Corteil Clare Bowman Troy Mott Lauren Orsini Sjoerd Dirk Meijer

As an incredibly cheap, credit-card sized computer, the Raspberry Pi is breaking down barriers by encouraging people of all ages to experiment with code and build new systems and objects; and this book provides readers with inspiring and insightful examples to explore and build upon. Written for intermediate to seasoned Raspberry Pi users, this book explores four projects from around the world, explained by their makers. These projects cover five major categories in the digital maker space: music, light, games, home automation, and the Internet of Things.

Make: Arduino Bots and Gadgets

by Kimmo Karvinen Tero Karvinen

Want to build your own robots, turn your ideas into prototypes, control devices with a computer, or make your own cell phone applications? It's a snap with this book and the Arduino open source electronic prototyping platform. Get started with six fun projects and achieve impressive results quickly. Gain the know-how and experience to invent your own cool gadgets. With Arduino, building your own embedded gadgets is easy, even for beginners. Embedded systems are everywhere--inside cars, children's toys, and mobile phones. This book will teach you the basics of embedded systems and help you build your first gadget in just a few days. Each learn-as-you-build project that follows will add to your knowledge and skills. Experiment with Arduino, the popular microcontroller board Build robots and electronic projects with easy-to-follow instructions Turn your ideas into working physical prototypes Use Android phones as remote controls in your projects Work with an uncomplicated programming language created for artists, designers, and hobbyists Get everyone involved, with projects that even beginners can build

Make: Getting Started with Sensors

by Kimmo Karvinen Tero Karvinen

To build electronic projects that can sense the physical world, you need to build circuits based around sensors: electronic components that react to physical phenomena by sending an electrical signal. Even with only basic electronic components, you can build useful and educational sensor projects.But if you incorporate Arduino or Raspberry Pi into your project, you can build much more sophisticated projects that can react in interesting ways and even connect to the Internet. This book starts by teaching you the basic electronic circuits to read and react to a sensor. It then goes on to show how to use Arduino to develop sensor systems, and wraps up by teaching you how to build sensor projects with the Linux-powered Raspberry Pi.

Make: Sensors

by Kimmo Karvinen Ville Valtokari Tero Karvinen

Make: Sensors is the definitive introduction and guide to the sometimes-tricky world of using sensors to monitor the physical world. With dozens of projects and experiments for you to build, this book shows you how to build sensor projects with both Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Use Arduino when you need a low-power, low-complexity brain for your sensor, and choose Raspberry Pi when you need to perform additional processing using the Linux operating system running on that device.You'll learn about touch sensors, light sensors, accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetic sensors, as well as temperature, humidity, and gas sensors.

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