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Krypto-Mining für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Matt Millen Peter KentKryptowährungen versprechen schnelles Geld und Reichtum. Anders als die Goldsucher im vorletzten Jahrhundert brauchen Sie als Anleger oder Investor aber sehr viel mehr technisches Know-how, um in das Krypto-Mining-Spiel einzusteigen. Dieses Buch wurde von zwei Insidern geschrieben. Sie erläutern, welche Hard- und Software Sie brauchen und wie Sie bei der Gewinnung von Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, LiteCoin und Dash am besten vorgehen - und zwar so, dass Sie der Konkurrenz voraus sind und Ihren Return on Investment maximieren.
Kryptografie für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Hans Werner LangDie Kommunikation über das Internet ist quasi öffentlich: Dritte können Nachrichten mitlesen, abfangen oder fälschen. Genauso kann ein Sender einer Nachricht behaupten, diese nie gesendet zu haben, und ein Empfänger kann behaupten, eine Nachricht nie erhalten zu haben. Abhilfe schafft die Kryptografie. Sie ermöglicht nicht nur die Verschlüsselung von Nachrichten, sondern auch digitale Unterschriften, die Authentifizierung und die Anonymisierung von Kommunikationspartnern. Das hier vorliegende Buch ist eine Einführung in die Kryptografie für Studierende - von der symmetrischen über die asymmetrische Verschlüsselung bis hin zu Hash-Funktionen. Umfassend, keinesfalls oberflächlich, aber ohne Vorwissen verständlich.
Kryptografie für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Hans Werner LangKryptografie ist ein wichtiges Mittel um IT-Systeme zu schützen. Sie ermöglicht nicht nur die Verschlüsselung von Nachrichten, sondern auch digitale Unterschriften, die Authentifizierung und die Anonymisierung von Kommunikationspartnern. Das hier vorliegende Buch ist eine Einführung in die Kryptografie für Studierende ? von der symmetrischen über die asymmetrische Verschlüsselung bis hin zu Hash-Funktionen. Mit Übungsaufgaben und Lösungen können Sie Ihr frisch erworbenes Wissen überprüfen und festigen. So ist dieses Buch umfassend, keinesfalls oberflächlich, aber ohne Vorwissen verständlich.
Kryptowährungen für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Krijn SoetemanSie haben viel über Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Monero, IOTA und Icon gelesen und wollen wissen, was dahintersteckt? Dann ist dieser knappe Einstieg in die Kryptowährungen genau das Richtige für Sie. Zuerst erklärt Ihnen der Autor, wie sich Kryptowährungen vom Geld, so wie Sie es kennen, unterscheiden. Im Folgenden geht er kurz auf die technischen Grundlagen, also auf die Blockchain ein. Und dann erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihr Kryptogeld in Wallets aufbewahren, wie der Handel funktioniert und wie Sie mit Kryptowährungen - theoretisch - Geld verdienen können. So hilft Ihnen dieses Buch, wenn Sie zuverlässige und etwas tiefergehende Informationen suchen, aber keinen dicken Wälzer drehen wollen.
Kryptowährungen Für Neulinge
by Nick WoodsMöchten Sie erfahren, wie Sie von der Kryptowährungsrevolution profitieren können? Haben Sie in letzter Zeit von Bitcoin, Ethereum und Dogecoin gehört, aber wissen nicht genau, was es mit Kryptowährungen auf sich hat? Fragen Sie sich, wie Sie in die Welt der Krypto-Investitionen einsteigen können, haben jedoch Bedenken, in etwas zu investieren, das Ihnen nicht vollständig vertraut ist? Vielleicht wünschen Sie sich, Kryptowährungen zu verstehen, zögern jedoch aus Angst vor ihrer vermeintlichen Komplexität? Wenn dies auf Sie zutrifft, lesen Sie bitte weiter! Kryptowährungen sind faszinierende dezentrale Währungen der neuen Ära, die ausschließlich online existieren und dem Nutzer eine gewisse Anonymität bieten. Angesichts der Vielzahl von verfügbaren Kryptowährungen eröffnen sich ernsthafte Wachstumschancen. Die zahlreichen Projekte, die auf diesen Blockchain-Technologien basieren, sind ein überzeugender Beweis dafür, dass Kryptowährungen auf dem Vormarsch sind! Indem Sie Kryptowährungen verstehen, können Sie Ihre Investitionsziele erreichen, unabhängig von ihrer Größe. Egal, wer Sie sind oder was Sie erreichen wollen, die Grundlagen von Krypto gelten für alle. Dieses Buch wird Ihnen dabei helfen, alle Aspekte von Kryptowährungen und Blockchain zu verstehen, einschließlich der Vorzüge und Herausforderungen dieser neuen Technologie. Es bietet Ihnen eine schrittweise Anleitung, um Ihr Verständnis zu vertiefen, sodass Sie sich sicherer im Umgang mit Kryptowährungen fühlen können. Noch nie zuvor gab es ein Buch, das einen so zugänglichen Ansatz verfolgt und so effektiv Anfängern hilft, Krypto zu begreifen. In den folgenden Seiten werden Sie erfahren: • Was Kryptowährung ist und warum sie so wichtig ist • Eine Einführung in die Blockchain-Technologie • Eine schrittweise Erklärung des Kryptowährungs-Minings • Die beliebtesten Kryptowäh
KSI: I Am a Bellend
by KSIAdmitting you're a bell-end is the first step to salvation...KSI is one of the biggest and baddest YouTube stars on the planet. With over a billion views and millions of subscribers to his name, he is the undisputed king of social media. But despite this success he is a self-confessed bell-end. Excessively posting selfies, oversharing about his dead nan, spending all day scouring Tinder and suffering from red-hot Fifa rage, are just some of his undesirable online habits. However, with acceptance comes salvation and now KSI is blowing the doors off the internet to find the cure. No one is spared, as KSI takes down fellow YouTubers, trolls, paedos, Tinder catfishers and Nigerian scammers in an all-out assault on the online universe. Along the way he also reveals how to become a YouTube kingpin as well as his hot Fifa tips, before he unveils his online revolution to help save the next generation from his fate.So, if you want to avoid becoming a total bell-end, then calm your tits, and simply take the medicine KSI is dishing up.
KSI: I Am a Bellend
by KSINarrated by KSI himself, this audio has the best bits of the Beast's Bell-End including Lamborghini featuring P Money.Admitting you're a bell-end is the first step to salvation...KSI is one of the biggest and baddest YouTube stars on the planet. With over a billion views and millions of subscribers to his name, he is the undisputed king of social media. But despite this success he is a self-confessed bell-end. Excessively posting selfies, oversharing about his dead nan, spending all day scouring Tinder and suffering from red-hot Fifa rage, are just some of his undesirable online habits. However, with acceptance comes salvation and now KSI is blowing the doors off the internet to find the cure. No one is spared, as KSI takes down fellow YouTubers, trolls, paedos, Tinder catfishers and Nigerian scammers in an all-out assault on the online universe. Along the way he also reveals how to become a YouTube kingpin as well as his hot Fifa tips, before he unveils his online revolution to help save the next generation from his fate.So, if you want to avoid becoming a total bell-end, then calm your tits, and simply take the medicine KSI is dishing up.(p) 2015 Orion Publishing Group
kubectl: Deploy, manage, and debug container workloads using the Kubernetes CLI
by Rimantas MoceviciusManage Kubernetes applications using kubectl and discover the different Kubernetes clustersKey FeaturesExplore the Kubernetes command line for deploying applications, inspecting clusters, and viewing logsLeverage kubectl for Kubernetes application management and container debuggingApply your knowledge of Docker to learn kubectl equivalent commands for Docker subcommandsBook DescriptionThe kubectl command line tool lets you control Kubernetes clusters to manage nodes in the cluster and perform all types of Kubernetes operations. This introductory guide will get you up to speed with kubectl in no time.The book is divided into four parts, touching base on the installation and providing a general overview of kubectl in the first part. The second part introduces you to managing Kubernetes clusters and working with nodes. In the third part, you'll be taken through the different ways in which you can manage Kubernetes applications, covering how to create, update, delete, view, and debug applications. The last part of the book focuses on various Kubernetes plugins and commands. You'll get to grips with using Kustomize and discover Helm, a Kubernetes package manager. In addition to this, you'll explore how you can use equivalent Docker commands in kubectl.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to install and update an application on Kubernetes, view its logs, and inspect clusters effectively.What you will learnGet to grips with the basic kubectl commandsDelve into different cluster nodes and their resource usagesUnderstand the most essential features of kubectlDiscover how to patch Kubernetes deployments with KustomizeFind out ways to develop and extend kubectl tools with their own pluginsExplore how to use Helm as an advanced tool for deploying appsWho this book is forThis book is for developers, system administrators, and anyone who wants to use the kubectl command-line tool to perform Kubernetes functionalities. A basic understanding of Kubernetes and Docker is required to get started with this book.
Kubeflow for Machine Learning
by Trevor Grant Holden Karau Boris Lublinsky Richard Liu Ilan FilonenkoIf you're training a machine learning model but aren't sure how to put it into production, this book will get you there. Kubeflow provides a collection of cloud native tools for different stages of a model's lifecycle, from data exploration, feature preparation, and model training to model serving. This guide helps data scientists build production-grade machine learning implementations with Kubeflow and shows data engineers how to make models scalable and reliable.Using examples throughout the book, authors Holden Karau, Trevor Grant, Ilan Filonenko, Richard Liu, and Boris Lublinsky explain how to use Kubeflow to train and serve your machine learning models on top of Kubernetes in the cloud or in a development environment on-premises.Understand Kubeflow's design, core components, and the problems it solvesUnderstand the differences between Kubeflow on different cluster typesTrain models using Kubeflow with popular tools including Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and Apache SparkKeep your model up to date with Kubeflow PipelinesUnderstand how to capture model training metadataExplore how to extend Kubeflow with additional open source toolsUse hyperparameter tuning for trainingLearn how to serve your model in production
Kubeflow Operations Guide
by Josh Patterson Michael Katzenellenbogen Austin HarrisBuilding models is a small part of the story when it comes to deploying machine learning applications. The entire process involves developing, orchestrating, deploying, and running scalable and portable machine learning workloads--a process Kubeflow makes much easier. This practical book shows data scientists, data engineers, and platform architects how to plan and execute a Kubeflow project to make their Kubernetes workflows portable and scalable.Authors Josh Patterson, Michael Katzenellenbogen, and Austin Harris demonstrate how this open source platform orchestrates workflows by managing machine learning pipelines. You'll learn how to plan and execute a Kubeflow platform that can support workflows from on-premises to cloud providers including Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.Dive into Kubeflow architecture and learn best practices for using the platformUnderstand the process of planning your Kubeflow deploymentInstall Kubeflow on an existing on-premises Kubernetes clusterDeploy Kubeflow on Google Cloud Platform step-by-step from the command lineUse the managed Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) to deploy Kubeflow on AWSDeploy and manage Kubeflow across a network of Azure cloud data centers around the worldUse KFServing to develop and deploy machine learning models
Kubernetes: Dive into the Future of Infrastructure
by Brendan Burns Joe Beda Kelsey HightowerKubernetes radically changes the way applications are built and deployed in the cloud. Since its introduction in 2014, this container orchestrator has become one of the largest and most popular open source projects in the world. The updated edition of this practical book shows developers and ops personnel how Kubernetes and container technology can help you achieve new levels of velocity, agility, reliability, and efficiency.Kelsey Hightower, Brendan Burns, and Joe Beda—who’ve worked on Kubernetes at Google and beyond—explain how this system fits into the lifecycle of a distributed application. You’ll learn how to use tools and APIs to automate scalable distributed systems, whether it’s for online services, machine learning applications, or a cluster of Raspberry Pi computers.Create a simple cluster to learn how Kubernetes worksDive into the details of deploying an application using KubernetesLearn specialized objects in Kubernetes, such as DaemonSets, jobs, ConfigMaps, and secretsExplore deployments that tie together the lifecycle of a complete applicationGet practical examples of how to develop and deploy real-world applications in Kubernetes
Kubernetes: Dive into the Future of Infrastructure
by Brendan Burns Joe Beda Kelsey Hightower Lachlan EvensonIn just five years, Kubernetes has radically changed the way developers and ops personnel build, deploy, and maintain applications in the cloud. With this book's updated third edition, you'll learn how this popular container orchestrator can help your company achieve new levels of velocity, agility, reliability, and efficiency--whether you're new to distributed systems or have been deploying cloud native apps for some time.Brendan Burns, Joe Beda, Kelsey Hightower, and Lachlan Evenson--who have worked on Kubernetes at Google and beyond--explain how this system fits into the life cycle of a distributed application. Software developers, engineers, and architects will learn ways to use tools and APIs to automate scalable distributed systems for online services, machine learning applications, or even a cluster of Raspberry Pi computers.This guide shows you how to:Create a simple cluster to learn how Kubernetes worksDive into the details of deploying an application using KubernetesLearn specialized objects in Kubernetes, such as DaemonSets, jobs, ConfigMaps, and secretsExplore deployments that tie together the lifecycle of a complete applicationGet practical examples of how to develop and deploy real-world applications in Kubernetes
Kubernetes: Dive into the Future of Infrastructure
by Kelsey Hightower Brendan Burns Joe BedaLegend has it that Google deploys over two billion application containers a week. How’s that possible? Google revealed the secret through a project called Kubernetes, an open source cluster orchestrator (based on its internal Borg system) that radically simplifies the task of building, deploying, and maintaining scalable distributed systems in the cloud. This practical guide shows you how Kubernetes and container technology can help you achieve new levels of velocity, agility, reliability, and efficiency.Authors Kelsey Hightower, Brendan Burns, and Joe Beda—who’ve worked on Kubernetes at Google and other organizatons—explain how this system fits into the lifecycle of a distributed application. You will learn how to use tools and APIs to automate scalable distributed systems, whether it is for online services, machine-learning applications, or a cluster of Raspberry Pi computers.Explore the distributed system challenges that Kubernetes addressesDive into containerized application development, using containers such as DockerCreate and run containers on Kubernetes, using the docker image format and container runtimeExplore specialized objects essential for running applications in productionReliably roll out new software versions without downtime or errorsGet examples of how to develop and deploy real-world applications in Kubernetes
Kubernetes: Preparing for the CKA and CKAD Certifications
by Philippe MartinMaster all the concepts and tools necessary to start administering a Kubernetes cluster and deploying applications to production. You will cover the entire curricula of the two Kubernetes certifications (for application developers and administrators).The initial chapters guide you through deployment of a Kubernetes cluster on virtual machines and explore the different components of the control plane. Next, you will work with the kubectl command-line tool; namespaces, labels, selectors, and annotations—common resources used through the Kubernetes API. The following chapters describe the principle of controllers and detail how workload controllers work as well as the possibilities for configuring deployed applications. You will also learn how to deploy a scalable and self-healing application, how pods are scheduled to nodes, how parts of the application can communicate, and how the application is discoverable from the outside. Next, you will cover security concerns describing the different authentication methods, the RBAC authorization mode, security contexts, network policies, and how to secure container images. You will also cover using persistent volumes for your containers to store long-term data, monitoring your clusters and applications and implementing design patterns for multi-container pods. The concluding chapters guide you through the upgrade of your deployed cluster.After reading this book, you will have enough knowledge to deploy a complex application using a Kubernetes cluster and be ready for the certification exams.What You Will LearnDeploy a Kubernetes cluster with kubeadm and learn how the control plane worksDiscover how the Kubernetes API is structuredDeploy secure, auto-scaled, and self-healing applicationsMaster the kubectl command-line toolWho This Book Is For Administrators and application developers with good knowledge of micro-services development and deployment.
Kubernetes – An Enterprise Guide: Master containerized application deployments, integrate enterprise systems, and achieve scalability
by null Marc Boorshtein null Scott SurovichElevate your Kubernetes expertise with seamless Istio integration, cutting-edge security insights, advanced CI/CD strategies, robust Prometheus and Grafana monitoring, all while excelling in multitenancy, secrets management, and global load balancing for exceptional proficiency.Key FeaturesFocuses on what you need to run Kubernetes in an Enterprise environment, based on real-world experienceLearn how to secure clusters by adding runtime security and enhancing secrets management using direct pod mounting and Vault integrationGet a firm command of Kubernetes from a dual perspective of an admin as well as a developerBook DescriptionStay at the forefront of cloud-native technologies with the eagerly awaited 'Kubernetes – An Enterprise Guide, Third Edition.' Delve deep into Kubernetes and emerge with the latest insights to conquer today's dynamic enterprise challenges. This meticulously crafted edition equips you with the latest insights to skillfully navigate the twists and turns of ever-evolving cloud technology. Experience a more profound exploration of advanced Kubernetes deployments, revolutionary techniques, and expert strategies that redefine your cloud-native skillset. Discover cutting-edge topics reshaping the technological frontier like virtual clusters, container security, and secrets management. Gain an edge by mastering these critical aspects of Kubernetes and propelling your enterprise to new heights. Expertly harness Kubernetes' power for business-critical applications with insider techniques. Smoothly transition to microservices with Istio, excel at modern deployments with GitOps/CI/CD and bolster security with OPA/Gatekeeper and KubeArmor. Integrate Kubernetes with leading tools for maximum impact in a competitive landscape. Stay ahead of the technology curve with cutting-edge strategies for innovation and growth. Redefine cloud-native excellence with this definitive guide to leveraging Kubernetes. Pre-order now for a transformative journey.What you will learnLearn to manage secrets with Vault and External Secret OperatorCreate multitenant clusters with vCluster for isolated environmentsMonitor clusters with Prometheus and visualize metrics using GrafanaAggregate and analyze logs centrally with OpenSearch for insightsBuild a developer platform integrating GitLab and ArgoCD for CI/CDDeploy apps in Istio service mesh and secure with OPA and GateKeeperSecure your container runtime and halt hackers in their tracks with KubeArmorSet up KinD clusters and optimize access with Ingress and MetalLBWho this book is forTech enthusiasts, DevOps aficionados, and those keen on mastering containerization will revel in the insights offered by this book. Designed for DevOps engineers, developers, and system administrators seeking to amplify their IT journey, this guide is your gateway to next-level Kubernetes expertise. While some familiarity with Docker and Kubernetes is advantageous, fear not if you're new to these concepts. A Kubernetes bootcamp is thoughtfully included, ensuring a seamless learning experience for beginners and those in need of a refresher.
Kubernetes – An Enterprise Guide: Effectively containerize applications, integrate enterprise systems, and scale applications in your enterprise
by null Marc Boorshtein null Scott SurovichMaster core Kubernetes concepts important to enterprises from security, policy, and management point-of-view. Learn to deploy a service mesh using Istio, build a CI/CD platform, and provide enterprise security to your clusters.Key FeaturesExtensively revised edition to cover the latest updates and new releases along with two new chapters to introduce IstioGet a firm command of Kubernetes from a dual perspective of an admin as well as a developerUnderstand advanced topics including load balancing, externalDNS, global load balancing, authentication integration, policy, security, auditing, backup, Istio and CI/CDBook DescriptionKubernetes has taken the world by storm, becoming the standard infrastructure for DevOps teams to develop, test, and run applications. With significant updates in each chapter, this revised edition will help you acquire the knowledge and tools required to integrate Kubernetes clusters in an enterprise environment. The book introduces you to Docker and Kubernetes fundamentals, including a review of basic Kubernetes objects. You’ll get to grips with containerization and understand its core functionalities such as creating ephemeral multinode clusters using KinD. The book has replaced PodSecurityPolicies (PSP) with OPA/Gatekeeper for PSP-like enforcement. You’ll integrate your container into a cloud platform and tools including MetalLB, externalDNS, OpenID connect (OIDC), Open Policy Agent (OPA), Falco, and Velero. After learning to deploy your core cluster, you’ll learn how to deploy Istio and how to deploy both monolithic applications and microservices into your service mesh. Finally, you will discover how to deploy an entire GitOps platform to Kubernetes using continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).What you will learnCreate a multinode Kubernetes cluster using KinDImplement Ingress, MetalLB, ExternalDNS, and the new sandbox project, K8GBConfigure a cluster OIDC and impersonationDeploy a monolithic application in Istio service meshMap enterprise authorization to KubernetesSecure clusters using OPA and GateKeeperEnhance auditing using Falco and ECKBack up your workload for disaster recovery and cluster migrationDeploy to a GitOps platform using Tekton, GitLab, and ArgoCDWho this book is forThis book is for anyone interested in DevOps, containerization, and going beyond basic Kubernetes cluster deployments. DevOps engineers, developers, and system administrators looking to enhance their IT career paths will also find this book helpful. Although some prior experience with Docker and Kubernetes is recommended, this book includes a Kubernetes bootcamp that provides a description of Kubernetes objects to help you if you are new to the topic or need a refresher.
Kubernetes – An Enterprise Guide: Effectively containerize applications, integrate enterprise systems, and scale applications in your enterprise, 2nd Edition
by Scott Surovich Marc BoorshteinMaster core Kubernetes concepts important to enterprises from security, policy, and management point-of-view. Learn to deploy a service mesh using Istio, build a CI/CD platform, and provide enterprise security to your clusters.Key FeaturesExtensively revised edition to cover the latest updates and new releases along with two new chapters to introduce IstioGet a firm command of Kubernetes from a dual perspective of an admin as well as a developerUnderstand advanced topics including load balancing, externalDNS, global load balancing, authentication integration, policy, security, auditing, backup, Istio and CI/CDBook DescriptionKubernetes has taken the world by storm, becoming the standard infrastructure for DevOps teams to develop, test, and run applications. With significant updates in each chapter, this revised edition will help you acquire the knowledge and tools required to integrate Kubernetes clusters in an enterprise environment.The book introduces you to Docker and Kubernetes fundamentals, including a review of basic Kubernetes objects. You'll get to grips with containerization and understand its core functionalities such as creating ephemeral multinode clusters using KinD. The book has replaced PodSecurityPolicies (PSP) with OPA/Gatekeeper for PSP-like enforcement. You'll integrate your container into a cloud platform and tools including MetalLB, externalDNS, OpenID connect (OIDC), Open Policy Agent (OPA), Falco, and Velero. After learning to deploy your core cluster, you'll learn how to deploy Istio and how to deploy both monolithic applications and microservices into your service mesh. Finally, you will discover how to deploy an entire GitOps platform to Kubernetes using continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).What you will learnCreate a multinode Kubernetes cluster using KinDImplement Ingress, MetalLB, ExternalDNS, and the new sandbox project, K8GBConfigure a cluster OIDC and impersonationDeploy a monolithic application in Istio service meshMap enterprise authorization to KubernetesSecure clusters using OPA and GateKeeperEnhance auditing using Falco and ECKBack up your workload for disaster recovery and cluster migrationDeploy to a GitOps platform using Tekton, GitLab, and ArgoCDWho this book is forThis book is for anyone interested in DevOps, containerization, and going beyond basic Kubernetes cluster deployments. DevOps engineers, developers, and system administrators looking to enhance their IT career paths will also find this book helpful.Although some prior experience with Docker and Kubernetes is recommended, this book includes a Kubernetes bootcamp that provides a description of Kubernetes objects to help you if you are new to the topic or need a refresher.
Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) Study Guide: In-Depth Exam Prep and Practice
by Jorge Valenzuela Jiménez Adrián González SánchezLearn how to prepare for—and pass—the Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) certification exam. This practical guide serves as both a study guide and point of entry for practitioners looking to explore and adopt cloud native technologies. Adrián González Sánchez and Jorge Valenzuela Jiménez teach you not only the core technology fundamentals, but also the community and industry that KCNA serves.With the meteoric rise in cloud adoption, cloud native technologies such as Kubernetes have become the de facto industry standard. Other Kubernetes certifications—including KCSA, CKAD, CKA, and CKS—are all geared toward higher-level technical proficiency. The KCNA is the entry door to your cloud native journey, and the certification exam covers the cloud native environment generally as well as fundamental Kubernetes skills and knowledge.This guide helps you learn:How to best and most efficiently prepare for the KCNA examThe latest cloud native developments and their importanceThe fundamentals of Kubernetes, cloud native development, and related CNCF projectsThe core elements of Kubernetes applicationsThe crucial elements of modern cloud native developmentHow to differentiate and choose cloud native technologiesThe market value of passing the KCNA examInsights and testimonials from key cloud native industry experts
Kubernetes and Docker - An Enterprise Guide: Effectively containerize applications, integrate enterprise systems, and scale applications in your enterprise
by null Scott Surovich null Marc BoorshteinApply Kubernetes beyond the basics of Kubernetes clusters by implementing IAM using OIDC and Active Directory, Layer 4 load balancing using MetalLB, advanced service integration, security, auditing, and CI/CDKey FeaturesFind out how to add enterprise features to a Kubernetes cluster with theory and exercises to guide youUnderstand advanced topics including load balancing, externalDNS, IDP integration, security, auditing, backup, and CI/CDCreate development clusters for unique testing requirements, including running multiple clusters on a single server to simulate an enterprise environmentBook DescriptionContainerization has changed the DevOps game completely, with Docker and Kubernetes playing important roles in altering the flow of app creation and deployment. This book will help you acquire the knowledge and tools required to integrate Kubernetes clusters in an enterprise environment.The book begins by introducing you to Docker and Kubernetes fundamentals, including a review of basic Kubernetes objects. You'll then get to grips with containerization and understand its core functionalities, including how to create ephemeral multinode clusters using kind. As you make progress, you'll learn about cluster architecture, Kubernetes cluster deployment, and cluster management, and get started with application deployment. Moving on, you'll find out how to integrate your container to a cloud platform and integrate tools including MetalLB, externalDNS, OpenID connect (OIDC), pod security policies (PSPs), Open Policy Agent (OPA), Falco, and Velero. Finally, you will discover how to deploy an entire platform to the cloud using continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).By the end of this Kubernetes book, you will have learned how to create development clusters for testing applications and Kubernetes components, and be able to secure and audit a cluster by implementing various open-source solutions including OpenUnison, OPA, Falco, Kibana, and Velero.What you will learnCreate a multinode Kubernetes cluster using kindImplement Ingress, MetalLB, and ExternalDNSConfigure a cluster OIDC using impersonationMap enterprise authorization to KubernetesSecure clusters using PSPs and OPAEnhance auditing using Falco and EFKBack up your workload for disaster recovery and cluster migrationDeploy to a platform using Tekton, GitLab, and ArgoCDWho this book is forThis book is for anyone interested in DevOps, containerization, and going beyond basic Kubernetes cluster deployments. DevOps engineers, developers, and system administrators looking to enhance their IT career paths will also find this book helpful. Although some prior experience with Docker and Kubernetes is recommended, this book includes a Kubernetes bootcamp that provides a description of Kubernetes objects to help you if you are new to the topic or need a refresher.
Kubernetes Application Developer: Develop Microservices and Design a Software Solution on the Cloud
by Prateek KhushalaniWrite efficient, smart, and optimized code for containerized applications on public and private clouds at a generic level. This book shows you how to set up microservices that are robust, scalable, and capable of running on GKE (Google Kubernetes Service), AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service), ECS (Elastic Container Service), or even on a vanilla K8S cluster. The book covers the nuts and bolts of container orchestration engines (COEs) and explains how to install and configure them. It also covers creation and deployment of a sample application on COEs. You will learn how to integrate different applications such as OAuth and how to test them and secure them using Istio Citadel. You also will be taught how to create HPA rules for microservices and scale only those microservices that require it, making your stack intelligent. In the concluding chapter, the book explains how to build a SaaS solution from scratch, running on the cloud with automated deployments accessed publicly via a secured ingress K8S controller.By the end of the book, you will have a good understanding of developing microservices and how to design and create a software solution on the cloud.What You Will LearnBuild software on Kubernetes in the most optimized wayInteract with Kubernetes using client SDKs in Python, Go, nodejs, etc.Create a testing and deployment CI/CD system for software stacksSecure your application using Istio, without writing codeAccess microservices using ingress controllers and scale them using HPA rulesWho This Book Is For Software and system engineers and developers
Kubernetes Best Practices: Blueprints for Building Successful Applications on Kubernetes
by Brendan Burns Eddie Villalba Dave Strebel Lachlan EvensonIn this practical guide, four Kubernetes professionals with deep experience in distributed systems, enterprise application development, and open source will guide you through the process of building applications with this container orchestration system. Based on the experiences of companies that are running Kubernetes in production successfully, many of the methods are also backed by concrete code examples.This book is ideal for those already familiar with basic Kubernetes concepts who want to learn common best practices. You’ll learn exactly what you need to know to build your best app with Kubernetes the first time.Set up and develop applications in KubernetesLearn patterns for monitoring, securing your systems, and managing upgrades, rollouts, and rollbacksUnderstand Kubernetes networking policies and where service mesh fits inIntegrate services and legacy applications and develop higher-level platforms on top of KubernetesRun machine learning workloads in Kubernetes
Kubernetes Best Practices: Blueprints for Building Successful Applications on Kubernetes
by Brendan Burns Eddie Villalba Dave Strebel Lachlan EvensonIn this practical guide, four Kubernetes professionals with deep experience in distributed systems, enterprise application development, and open source will guide you through the process of building applications with this container orchestration system. They distill decades of experience from companies that are successfully running Kubernetes in production and provide concrete code examples to back the methods presented in this book.Revised to cover all the latest Kubernetes features, new tooling, and deprecations, this book is ideal for those who are familiar with basic Kubernetes concepts but want to get up to speed on the latest best practices. You'll learn exactly what you need to know to build your best app with Kubernetes the first time.Set up and develop applications in KubernetesLearn patterns for monitoring, securing your systems, and managing upgrades, rollouts, and rollbacksIntegrate services and legacy applications and develop higher-level platforms on top of KubernetesRun machine learning workloads in KubernetesEnsure pod and container securityUnderstand issues that have become increasingly critical to the successful implementation of Kubernetes, such as chaos engineering/testing, GitOps, service mesh, and observability
The Kubernetes Bible: The definitive guide to deploying and managing Kubernetes across major cloud platforms
by null Nassim Kebbani null Piotr Tylenda null Russ McKendrickGet up and running with Kubernetes 1.19 and simplify the way you build, deploy, and maintain scalable distributed systemsKey FeaturesDesign and deploy large clusters on various cloud platformsExplore containerized application deployment, debugging, and recovery with the latest Kubernetes version 1.19Become well-versed with advanced Kubernetes topics such as traffic routing or Pod autoscaling and schedulingBook DescriptionWith its broad adoption across various industries, Kubernetes is helping engineers with the orchestration and automation of container deployments on a large scale, making it the leading container orchestration system and the most popular choice for running containerized applications.This Kubernetes book starts with an introduction to Kubernetes and containerization, covering the setup of your local development environment and the roles of the most important Kubernetes components. Along with covering the core concepts necessary to make the most of your infrastructure, this book will also help you get acquainted with the fundamentals of Kubernetes. As you advance, you'll learn how to manage Kubernetes clusters on cloud platforms, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and develop and deploy real-world applications in Kubernetes using practical examples. Additionally, you'll get to grips with managing microservices along with best practices.By the end of this book, you'll be equipped with battle-tested knowledge of advanced Kubernetes topics, such as scheduling of Pods and managing incoming traffic to the cluster, and be ready to work with Kubernetes on cloud platforms.What you will learnManage containerized applications with KubernetesUnderstand Kubernetes architecture and the responsibilities of each componentSet up Kubernetes on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, Google Kubernetes Engine, and Microsoft Azure Kubernetes ServiceDeploy cloud applications such as Prometheus and Elasticsearch using Helm chartsDiscover advanced techniques for Pod scheduling and auto-scaling the clusterUnderstand possible approaches to traffic routing in KubernetesWho this book is forThis book is for software developers and DevOps engineers looking to understand how to work with Kubernetes for orchestrating containerized applications and services in the cloud. Prior experience with designing software running in operating system containers, as well as a general background in DevOps best practices, will be helpful. Basic knowledge of Kubernetes, Docker, and leading cloud service providers assist with grasping the concepts covered easily.
The Kubernetes Bible: The definitive guide to deploying and managing Kubernetes across cloud and on-prem environments
by null Gineesh Madapparambath null Russ McKendrickThis completely revised edition equips you to secure, scale, and optimize your deployments like a K8s pro . Learn advanced techniques and cloud implementations for robust container orchestration and cloud-native domination. Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in PDF format.Key FeaturesComprehensive coverage of Kubernetes concepts - from deployment to cluster and resource managementGain insights into the latest cloud-native trends and how they impact your Kubernetes deploymentsTap into the collective wisdom of acclaimed Kubernetes expertsBook DescriptionKubernetes has become the go-to orchestration platform for containerized applications. As a Kubernetes user, you know firsthand how powerful yet complex this tool can be. The Kubernetes Bible cuts through the complexity, offering hands-on examples and expert advice to conquer containerization challenges With this new edition, you will master cutting edge security practices, deploy seamlessly and scale effortlessly, ensuring unwavering service availability. You will gain the expertise to craft production-grade applications, secure development environments, navigate complex deployments with ease, and become a security maestro. You will be able to optimize network communication and data management across major cloud platforms. Additionally, this book dives deep into these challenges, offering solutions such as multi-container Pods, advanced security techniques, and expert networking guidance. You will also explore persistent storage advancements, cloud-specific cluster management updates, and best practices for traffic routing By the end of this comprehensive guide, you will possess the skills and knowledge to orchestrate your containerized applications with precision, ensuring their optimal performance and scalability. Stop settling for basic container management. Order your copy today and orchestrate your containers to greatness.What you will learnSecure your Kubernetes clusters with advanced techniquesImplement scalable deployments and autoscaling strategiesDesign and learn to build production-grade containerized applicationsManage Kubernetes effectively on major cloud platforms (GKE, EKS, AKS)Utilize advanced networking and service management practicesUse Helm charts and Kubernetes Operators for robust security measuresOptimize in-cluster traffic routing with advanced configurationsEnhance security with techniques like Immutable ConfigMaps and RBACWho this book is forWhether you're a software developer, DevOps engineer, or an existing Kubernetes user, this Kubernetes book is your comprehensive guide to mastering container orchestration and services in the cloud. It empowers you to overcome challenges in building secure, scalable, and cloud-native applications using Kubernetes. With a foundational understanding of Kubernetes, Docker, and leading cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP) recommended, this book equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate complex deployments and master core Kubernetes concepts and architecture.
The Kubernetes Book: The fastest way to get your head around Kubernetes
by Nigel Poulton Pushkar JoglekarUnderstand the Kubernetes ecosystem and learn techniques to run fault-tolerant, scalable applications Key Features Gain insight into the inner workings of Kubernetes Learn how to deploy and manage applications on Kubernetes Explore ways to build and secure Kubernetes clusters Book Description Kubernetes is the leading orchestrator of cloud-native apps. With knowledge of how to work with Kubernetes, you can easily deploy and manage applications on the cloud or in your on-premises data center. The book begins by introducing you to Kubernetes and showing you how to install it. You'll learn how to use Kubernetes Services and bring stable and reliable networking to apps that are deployed on Kubernetes. You'll delve deep into the powerful storage subsystem of Kubernetes and learn how to leverage the variety of external storage backends in your applications. As the book progresses, it shows you how to use features such as DaemonSets, Helm, and RBAC to enhance your Kubernetes applications. You'll explore the six categories of identifying vulnerabilities and look at a few ways to prevent and mitigate them. You'll also look at ways to secure the software delivery pipeline by discussing some image-related best practices. The book ends by sharing with you some resources that'll help take your Kubernetes knowledge to the next level. By the end of the book, you'll have the confidence and skills to leverage all the features of Kubernetes to develop scalable applications. What you will learn Explore cluster-level and node-level isolation and runtime isolation options Use Kubernetes Deployments for self-healing, scaling, and updating apps Manage Kubernetes clusters with kubectl Write a Container Storage Interface (CSI) plugin to work across multiple orchestrators Use Kubernetes features such as Jons and CronJobs in your apps Identify vulnerabilities and learn measures to prevent and mitigate them Who this book is for If you want to be more comfortable using Kubernetes to orchestrate your containerized applications, this is the ideal book for you. To easily grasp the concepts explained in this book, you must be familiar with Docker and containers.