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Kurdish Diaspora Online
by Jowan MahmodThe argument offered in this book is that new technology, as opposed to traditional media such as television, radio, and newspaper, is working against the national grain to weaken its imagined community. Online activities and communications between people and across borders suggest that digital media has strong implications for different articulations of identity and belongingness, which open new ways of thinking about the imagined community. The findings are based on transnational activities by Kurdish diaspora members across borders that have pushed them to rethink notions of belonging and identity. Through a multidisciplinary and comparative approach, and multifaceted (online-offline) methodologies, the book unveils tensions between new and old media, and how the former is not only changing social relations but also exposing existing ones. Living in two or more cultures, speaking multiple languages, and engaging in transnational practices, diaspora individuals may have created a momentum that discloses how the imagined nation is diminishing in this digital era.
Kurdish Identity, Discourse, and New Media
by Jaffer SheyholislamiInformed by the interdisciplinary approach of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and theories of identity, nation, and media, this study investigates the ways Kurds, the world's largest stateless nation, use satellite television and Internet to construct their identities. This book examines the complex interrelationships between ethno-national identities, discourses, and new media. Not only does this book offer the first study of discursive constructions of Kurdish identity in the new media,this book is also the first CDA-informed comparative study of the contents of the two media. The study pushes the boundaries of the growing area of studies of identity, nationalism and transnationalism, discourse studies, minority language, and digital media.
KVM Virtualization Cookbook
by Konstantin IvanovDeploy, manage, and scale virtual instances using Kernel-based Virtual Machines About This Book • Build, manage and scale virtual machines with practical step-by-step examples • Leverage the libvirt user-space tools and libraries to manage the life-cycle of KVM instances • Deploy and scale applications inside KVM virtual machines with OpenStack Who This Book Is For If you are a system administrator working KVM virtualization, this book will help you grow on your expertise of working with the infrastructure to manage things in a better way. You should have a knowledge of working with Linux based systems. What You Will Learn • Deploy different workloads in isolation with KVM virtualization and better utilize the available compute resources • Explore the benefits of running applications with KVM and learn to prevent the “bad-neighbor” effect • Leveraging various networking technologies in the context of virtualization with Open vSwitch and the Linux bridge. • Create KVM instances using Python and inspect running KVM instances • Understand Kernel Tuning for enhanced KVM performance and better memory utilization In Detail Virtualization technologies such as KVM allow for better control over the available server resources, by deploying multiple virtual instances on the same physical host, or clusters of compute resources. With KVM it is possible to run various workloads in isolation with the hypervisor layer providing better tenant isolation and higher degree of security. This book will provide a deep dive into deploying KVM virtual machines using qemu and libvirt and will demonstrate practical examples on how to run, scale, monitor, migrate and backup such instances. You will also discover real production ready recipes on deploying KVM instances with OpenStack and how to programatically manage the life cycle of KVM virtual machines using Python. You will learn numerous tips and techniques which will help you deploy & plan the KVM infrastructure. Next, you will be introduced to the working of libvirt libraries and the iPython development environment. Finally, you will be able to tune your Linux kernel for high throughput and better performance. By the end of this book, you will gain all the knowledge needed to be an expert in working with the KVM virtualization infrastructure. Style and approach This book takes a complete practical approach with many step-by-step example recipes on how to use KVM in production. The book assumes certain level of expertise with Linux systems and virtualization in general. Some knowledge of Python programming is encouraged, to fully take advantage of the code recipes.
La Guida Definitiva a Windows 10: Consigli e suggerimenti per risparmiare tempo e usare Windows 10 a livello pro
by Hiddenstuff EntertainmentCome per Windows 7 e 8.1, ci sono state alcune nuove aggiunte nell’ambito del tipo di funzionalità disponibili su Windows 10. A volte, però, è difficile adattarsi a una nuova tecnologia, perciò ecco 9 consigli e suggerimenti per fare in modo che, con Windows 10, il tuo PC funzioni come vuoi tu.
La guida definitiva alla programmazione in Python per principianti e utenti intermedi
by William Alvin NewtonDescrizione In La guida definitiva alla programmazione in Python per principianti e utenti intermedi imparerete tutti gli strumenti essenziali per diventare esperti nel linguaggio di programmazione Python. Scoprite come installarlo in tutti i principali sistemi operativi: Windows, Mac OS e persino Linux. Sarete guidati passo dopo passo, a partire dal download dei file necessari per effettuare le modifiche nell'installazione per il vostro particolare sistema operativo. Imparate la shell della riga di comando e come utilizzarla per eseguire Python in modalità interattiva e tramite script. Scoprite come funziona l'interprete Python e come usare la shell interattiva della riga di comando attraverso esempi pratici che potrete provare da soli. Imparate in dettaglio i tipi di dati e le variabili, con codici di esempio e la discussione dell'output generato. I numeri sono trattati in dettaglio, compresa una disamina dei 4 tipi di numeri in Python: interi, float, complessi e booleani. Scoprite cosa sono i valori restituiti Truthy e Falsy e come si relazionano con il tipo booleano. Fate esercizio con alcune delle numerose funzioni matematiche integrate in Python, e scoprite la differenza tra le funzioni format() e round(). Le stringhe sono una delle variabili più importanti in qualsiasi linguaggio di programmazione. Imparate in profondità come esplorare, cercare e persino manipolare le stringhe in Python. Fate esercizio con i metodi integrati per le stringhe. Scoprite le strutture di controllo di Python e come utilizzare la logica booleana per ottenere il software che vi serve. Usate gli operatori e capite a fondo i punti di forza e le differenze degli operatori matematici, relazionali e logici, nonché l'importanza della precedenza e dell'associatività tra gli operatori. Scoprite le stringhe e i molti modi per farvi ricerche e manipolarle. Scoprite il potere dell'ereditarietà e del polimorfismo.
La guida non-ufficiale a Minecraft
by Loris Palmitesta Joshua Abbott*GUIDA NON UFFICIALE* In aggiunta all'acquisto di questo eBook potrete segnarvi al nostro programma gratuito in supplemento a questa guida.Copiando il link in basso avrete accesso a tutti gli ultimi update per tutte le app più popolari per videogiochi. Registrati gratuitamente dal link qui in basso: http://emailsignupform.subscribemenow.com/ Consigli Avanzati e Guida strategica. Questa è l'unica guida dettaglia e completa che troverete online. Disponibile subito per il download sul tuo cellulare, su qualunque lettore eBook o in formato cartaceo. Con il successo del mio migliaio di guide e strategie scritte ho deciso di compilare un'altra guida ottima sia per i veterani che per i nuovi giocatori. Questa guida dà consigli specifici su come avanzare nel gioco, sconfiggere i propri nemici, acquisire più monete e ricchezze e tanto altro ancora! Ecco cosa avrai quando acquisterai questa guida professionale avanzata e dettagliata di gioco. - Consigli e strategie da professionista. - Trucchi e Hacks. - Segreti, Consigli, Trucchi e Sbloccabili usati dai Pro Players! - Come ammucchiare tonnellare di monete/soldi. - MOLTO ALTRO ANCORA! Tutte le versioni di questa guida contengono degli screenshot per aiutarti a capire meglio il gioco.Non c'è un'altra guida così completa e dettagliata del gioco. Sarai felice di aver acquistato questa guida e ne trarrai subito grandi benefici se paragonati a quelli che avresti avuto con qualunque altra guida. Acquista adesso e sconfiggi i tuoi nemici! Diventa un Pro Player Adesso! Per supporto e più informazioni su i nostri prodotti perfavore visita il nostro sito: http://www.hiddenstuffentertainment.com/ Disclaimer: Questo prodotto non è associato, affiliato, sponsorizzato o certificato dal Possessore del Copyright Originale.Tutti i marchi e i marchi registrati che appaiono in questo ebook sono di proprietà dei loro rispettivi proprietari.
La Guida per gli Scrittori All'uso del Software di Riconoscimento Vocale: Come scrivere più rapidamente dettando per Windows e MAC
by Barbara WatkinsonSapevi che i software per la dettatura possono aiutarti a scrivere un libro fino a 3 volte più rapidamente? Vuoi riuscire a scrivere un romanzo in modo più rapido ed efficace? Se hai risposto di sì, allora questa pubblicazione fa al caso tuo! Questa guida è farcita di una miriade di strategie per dettare un romanzo comodamente dal tuo salotto e senza toccare la tastiera! Ecco gli argomenti trattati del libro: Come iniziare Come preparare una bozza Le migliori applicazioni per la scrittura vocale Come usare il software per la dettatura per pubblicare un romanzo e MOLTO ALTRO! Se vuoi imparare a scrivere un romanzo dettando, allora questo libro fa per te! --> Vai in cima alla pagina e clicca su aggiungi al carrello per acquistarlo subito Disclaimer: L'autore e/o il titolare o i titolari dei diritti non danno alcuna certezza, non fanno alcuna promessa e non forniscono alcuna garanzia sulla precisione, sulla completezza o sull'adeguatezza dei contenuti della presente opera e declinano espressamente la responsabilità per qualsiasi errore e omissione nel suo contenuto. Questo prodotto è destinato al solo utilizzo come riferimento.
La nació en portada: El debat de Catalunya i Espanya a la premsa
by Antoni BassasÉs Catalunya una nació? És Espanya plurinacional? Una invitació al debat des d'un periodisme rigorós. El 12 de setembre de 2019, el periodista Antoni Bassas va pronunciar una conferència al Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid amb motiu de la festa nacional de Catalunya, que va acabar amb una llarguíssima ovació dels presents i milers de reproduccions posteriors a YouTube. Bassas, una de les veus amb més credibilitat i influència en el panorama informatiu contemporani, hi va presentar una selecció de portades de la premsa de Barcelona i de Madrid dels darrers 40 anys, en un exercici de periodisme comparat que permetia percebre el canvi de tonalitats de la vida social i política a Catalunya i Espanya i que van de l'afirmació nacional catalana a través de l'Estatut d'Autonomia fins al col·lapse de la via estatutària que dona pas a la reclamació del dret a l'autodeterminació, el referèndum de l'1 d'octubre de 2017 i la condemna per sedició dels seus responsables polítics en sentència del Tribunal Suprem el 2019. Ja fa més de quaranta anys que es va aprovar la Constitució i la reivindicació nacional de Catalunya ha acabat per condicionar decisivament l'actuació de tots els actors de la vida institucional espanyola. I Bassas es pregunta: «Si, com repeteixen els mitjans espanyols, el Procés constitueix el desafiament més gran de la història recent d'Espanya i si Catalunya pot posar Espanya de panxa enlaire, no deu ser que no estem davant d'una comunitat autònoma més? I que la recepta no pot ser policies i jutges, sinó la negociació política i el referèndum pactat, com a Escòcia o al Quebec?».
La recette des applications mobiles
by Mark Weston Caroline PageauLa révolution des applications mobiles est en cours, alors pourquoi ne pas vous y joindre en téléchargeant votre exemplaire de La recette des applications mobiles dès maintenant! Avez-vous déjà envisagé faire de l’argent en lançant votre propre application? Saviez-vous que c’est facile, peu coûteux et à la portée de n’importe qui? Depuis l’arrivée du iPhone sur le marché en 2007, les applications mobiles sont rapidement devenues le Klondike du monde de la technologie. Si l’on considère les sommes investies pour l’achat de téléphones cellulaires et d’applications mobiles, il n’est pas étonnant que cette industrie produise des millionnaires chaque jour. Je ne suis pas ici pour vous dire que vous ferez fortune en téléversant une application, mais bien pour vous offrir une façon de développer progressivement une source de revenus passive. Dans mon livre, La recette des applications mobiles, je vous montre ce que vous devez faire pour commencer à développer un portefolio d’applications mobiles qui rapporteront jour après jour. Vous avez certainement déjà entendu parler de Angry Birdsou de Plants vs. Zombies? Ce sont des applications mobiles de jeux qui sont devenues des succès commerciaux. Mais nul besoin de créer de tels succès pour tirer un revenu d’une application mobile. Même l’application la plus élémentaire a le potentiel de générer un revenu simplement en raison du nombre de gens qui possèdent un téléphone cellulaire et téléchargent des applications. Dans ce livre, je vous enseigne comment vous pouvez commencer à développer une entreprise d’applications florissante, en profitant du levier extraordinaire que constitue Internet pour lancer une entreprise rapidement et à peu de frais. Vous n’avez même pas besoin de connaissances en codage! En fait, je conseillerais même de vous abstenir de tout codage, à moins d’avoir une idée de génie à laquelle vous tenez mor
La sicurezza informatica è come il sesso sicuro: bisogna metterli in pratica per evitare le infezioni (Serie dei Computer #1)
by Richard G Lowe Jr Cristina PuppoProteggete il vostro computer, le vostre informazioni di valore e le foto senza dilapidare il budget o pagare un esperto. Che cosa succede se un paio di nuove abitudini riducono drasticamente le possibilità del sistema di essere infettato da un virus o attaccato da un hacker? Immaginate la navigazione sul web senza preoccuparvi del terrore delle frodi con la carta di credito o del furto di identità? E se fosse possibile tenere i cattivi alla larga con un paio di semplici applicazioni? Esperto di Sicurezza e Dirigente Informatico, Richard Lowe, propone i semplici passi da seguire per proteggere i vostri computer, foto e informazioni da malintenzionati e virus. Utilizzando esempi di facile comprensione e spiegazioni semplici, Lowe spiega perché agli hacker interessa il vostro computer, che cosa se ne fanno delle vostre informazioni e cosa dovete fare per tenerli a bada. Lowe risponde alla domanda: come restare al sicuro nel selvaggio west di internet. Cosa imparerete leggendo questo libro? * Cosa accidenti stanno tentando di fare gli hacker con il vostro computer e i vostri dati? * Come proteggere il vostro computer dai virus. * Il modo migliore per tenere i vostri account online al sicuro dagli hacker cattivi. * Come tenere i vostri dati e le foto al sicuro dai computer che si bloccano e dai disastri. * Come evitare che gli intrusi utilizzino la vostra rete wireless per violare il vostro computer. * Come proteggervi sulla rete Wi-Fi. del bar. * Come utilizzare in sicurezza il computer di un hotel o un computer pubblico. * Come costruire un firewall intorno al vostro computer per tenere fuori i malintenzionati. * Come proteggere il vostro computer dai virus utilizzando un antivirus. * Come rendere sicura la vostra rete domestica. * E molti, molti altri suggerimenti e tecniche per tenere i vostri dati, il vostro credito e la vostra vita al sicuro. Acquistate questo libro ADESSO prima che sia troppo tardi!
La Singularité Économique: L'intelligence artificielle et le capitalisme de luxe entièrement automatisé
by Calum ChaceLa Singularité Économique La singularité économique désigne le moment où la majorité de la population se retrouvera au chômage, car les machines pourront accomplir toutes les tâches humaines plus rapidement, plus efficacement et à moindre coût. Si certains affirment qu’elle est impossible, beaucoup de spécialistes en IA l’envisagent, même s'ils divergent sur l’échéance à laquelle elle surviendra. L'Intelligence Artificielle (IA) est déjà plus performante que l'humain dans sa capacité d'assimilation et de traitement de l'information. Les robots deviennent de plus en plus habiles, flexibles et sécurisés (à l'exception des robots militaires). L'IA est la plus puissante de nos technologies, il est devenu vital de la comprendre. Cette troisième édition du best-seller de Calum Chace bénéficie d'une mise à jour et d'une extension substantielles. Il affirme que la singularité économique constitue le plus grand défi de l'humanité de la première moitié du XXIe siècle, mais aussi l'opportunité la plus prometteuse. Les voitures autonomes et les smartphones avec lesquels il est possible de dialoguer sont sans doute « les canaris dans la mine de charbon », qui tireront la sonnette d'alarme pour tous ceux qui n'y prêtent pas encore attention. Tous les métiers seront concernés, des McJobs de la restauration rapide, aux avocats et aux journalistes. La tendance à croire que le Revenu de Base Universel soit la solution idéale n'est que partiellement correcte. Nous aurons vraisemblablement besoin d'un tout nouveau système économique. Nous devons commencer dès maintenant à nous préparer à la Singularité Économique. Selon Chace, elle pourrait avoir une issue très positive. Nous pourrions vivre dans un monde où les machines se chargent de toutes les tâches ennuyeuses et où les humains font ce qui leur plaît. Mais il met en garde contre les risques majeurs, que nous ne pourrons éviter qu
La stratégie des milliards de dollars de gratuités
by Sesan OguntadeVous voulez découvrir les secrets de l'utilisation des cadeaux par des entreprises et organisations milliardaires ? Voulez-vous savoir comment vous pouvez commencer à utiliser ces secrets dans votre propre entreprise pour augmenter vos profits et votre clientèle ? La stratégie des milliards de dollars de gratuités... Ce livre sur les principes fondamentaux du marketing des petites entreprises, uniques et efficaces, pour développer votre entreprise décrit comment des individus et des entreprises à succès ont fait de la gratuité pour augmenter leurs profits et développer leur entreprise et leur organisation. Ce livre analyse les opérations de ces individus et entreprises milliardaires afin de découvrir leurs intentions secrètes en termes de gratuités. Ce livre pose cette question : Pourquoi une entreprise dépenserait-elle autant de temps, d'argent et d'efforts pour développer des produits et services de grande valeur et mettre en place une plateforme pour les distribuer gratuitement au public ? Ce livre, La stratégie des milliards de dollars de gratuités… Petites entreprises uniques et efficaces, jettent les bases du marketing pour développer votre entreprise tout en révélant les réponses à la pertinente question ci-dessus. Ce livre va plus loin. Il organise les informations et les présente sous forme d'idées d'opportunités pour tous ceux qui veulent les utiliser pour augmenter leurs profits et développer leurs entreprises. Vous y trouverez de nombreuses informations sur : 1. Le marketing pour les petites entreprises 2. Un guide pour la création de petites entreprises 3. Les fondamentaux de la commercialisation des petites entreprises 4. Les stratégies de marketing pratiques pour transformer votre entreprise en une méga entreprise à but lucratif. Il s'agit d'un petit livre, offrant de bonnes informations que vous pouvez y puiser et commencer à utiliser im
Lab Manual for A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Sixth Edition, Comprehensive
by Jean Andrews Todd VergeNIMAC-sourced textbook
Lab Manual for MCSE Guide to Planning a Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 Network
by Jennifer Guttormson Kelly Reid Byron WrightThe objective of this lab manual is to assist you in preparing for the Microsoft Certification Exam 70-293: Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure by applying the objectives to relevant lab activities. This text is designed to be used in conjunction with MCSE Guide to Planning a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network (0-619-12025-8).
Labnet: Toward A Community of Practice (Technology and Education Series)
by Richard Ruopp Shahaf Gal Brian Drayton Meghan PfisterConnected by a computer telecommunications network, ninth-graders from eight high schools scattered thousands of miles across Alaska work together, building a robot submarine to gather samples from the floor of Prince William Sound. This is high school science as some teachers and educational reformers today envision it -- centered on student projects that encourage learning by doing...supported by modern technology...enriched by collaboration among students and teachers, both face to face and far apart. This example is drawn from LabNet, a three-year effort funded by the National Science Foundation. The project was conducted by Technical Education Research Centers (TERC), a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to improving mathematics and science education. Eventually reaching 562 teachers in 37 states, Puerto Rico, and American Samoa, LabNet had a direct impact on their classroom practice. In a follow-up evaluation, the majority said they had assigned their students more projects and had used LabNet's telecommunications network to exchange project ideas with other teachers. This book is the story of LabNet as told by its editors, with 14 additional essays on science projects -- both theoretical and practical -- by LabNet teachers and TERC staff.
Laboratory Biosecurity Handbook
by Reynolds M. Salerno Jennifer Gaudioso Benjamin H. BrodskyIn recognition of the vital need to protect legitimate facilities from the theft and misuse of dangerous pathogens and toxins, the Laboratory Biosecurity Handbook serves as a guide to the implementation of pathogen protection programs. The first sections of the book offer an historical overview of biological weapons activity, key principles of biosecurity and its integration into existing frameworks, as well as a discussion of biosecurity risk. Later sections discuss biosecurity risk assessments, describe detailed components of a biosecurity program, and offer a graded approach to biosecurity through multiple risk levels. The work also covers risk prioritization of biological assets and biosecurity training.
Laboratory Experiments in Information Retrieval: Sample Sizes, Effect Sizes, and Statistical Power (The Information Retrieval Series #40)
by Tetsuya SakaiCovering aspects from principles and limitations of statistical significance tests to topic set size design and power analysis, this book guides readers to statistically well-designed experiments. Although classical statistical significance tests are to some extent useful in information retrieval (IR) evaluation, they can harm research unless they are used appropriately with the right sample sizes and statistical power and unless the test results are reported properly. The first half of the book is mainly targeted at undergraduate students, and the second half is suitable for graduate students and researchers who regularly conduct laboratory experiments in IR, natural language processing, recommendations, and related fields.Chapters 1–5 review parametric significance tests for comparing system means, namely, t-tests and ANOVAs, and show how easily they can be conducted using Microsoft Excel or R. These chapters also discuss a few multiple comparison procedures for researchers who are interested in comparing every system pair, including a randomised version of Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference test. The chapters then deal with known limitations of classical significance testing and provide practical guidelines for reporting research results regarding comparison of means. Chapters 6 and 7 discuss statistical power. Chapter 6 introduces topic set size design to enable test collection builders to determine an appropriate number of topics to create. Readers can easily use the author’s Excel tools for topic set size design based on the paired and two-sample t-tests, one-way ANOVA, and confidence intervals. Chapter 7 describes power-analysis-based methods for determining an appropriate sample size for a new experiment based on a similar experiment done in the past, detailing how to utilize the author’s R tools for power analysis and how to interpret the results. Case studies from IR for both Excel-based topic set size design and R-based power analysis are also provided.
Laboratory Science with Space Data
by Martin Zell Luigi Carotenuto Jack J.W.A. van Loon Daniel BeysensFor decades experiments conducted on space stations like MIR and the ISS have been gathering data in many fields of research in the natural sciences, medicine and engineering. The EU-sponsored Ulisse Internet Portal provides metadata from space experiments of all kinds and links to the data. Complementary to the portal, this book will serve as handbook listing space experiments by type of infrastructure, area of research in the life and physical sciences, data type, what their mission was, what kind of data they have collected and how one can access this data through Ulisse for further research. The book will provide an overview of the wealth of space experiment data that can be used for research, and will inspire academics (e.g. those looking for topics for their PhD thesis) and research departments in companies for their continued development.
LabVIEW: A Developer's Guide to Real World Integration
by Ian Fairweather Anne BrumfieldLabVIEW™ has become one of the preeminent platforms for the development of data acquisition and data analysis programs. LabVIEW™: A Developer’s Guide to Real World Integration explains how to integrate LabVIEW into real-life applications.Written by experienced LabVIEW developers and engineers, the book describes how LabVIEW has been pivotal in solving real-world challenges. Each chapter is self-contained and demonstrates the power and simplicity of LabVIEW in various applications, from image processing to solar tracking systems. Many of the chapters explore how exciting new technologies can be implemented in LabVIEW to enable novel solutions to new or existing problems. The text also presents novel tricks and tips for integrating LabVIEW with third-party hardware and software.Ideal for LabVIEW users who develop stand-alone applications, this down-to-earth guide shows how LabVIEW provides solutions to a variety of application problems. It includes projects and virtual instrumentation for most of the programs and utilities described. Many of the authors’ own software contributions are available on the downloadable resources.
LabVIEW für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Corinna Meiwald Melanie von der CroneGanz unverhofft müssen Sie sich mit LabVIEW beschäftigen? Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen dabei sich in diesem grafischen Programmiersystem zurechtzufinden. Die Autorinnen erklären Ihnen die Grundlagen von grafischer Programmierung und erläutern was Virtuelle Instrumente (VIs) sind. Sie führen Sie in die Arbeit in Projekten mit LabVIEW ein, zeigen Ihnen was Sie bei der Fehlersuche beachten sollten, wie Sie Datentypen und Datenstrukturen verwenden und vieles mehr. Dabei kommt auch das klassische Programmieren nicht zu kurz und so werden Sie sich schneller als Sie denken in LabVIEW zurechtfinden.
LabVIEW Graphical Programming Cookbook
by Yik YangThis practical and realistic guide will give you independent recipes, concentrating on advanced level concepts so that you can make your applications. If you are a developer, scientist, or engineer who uses LabVIEW to test, develop and manage advanced level applications, then this is the book for you. Prerequisites include proficiency in C or C++, and workable knowledge of LabVIEW.
Labyrinth (Level Up Ser.)
by Israel KeatsSuprSolvr has the opportunity to test a game set in a mechanical labyrinth by playing inside of it, which she's thrilled about. The guy she's partnered with? Not so much. But as they soon face robotic bugs, word puzzles, and obstacles, they realize that they must work together to reach the center of the labyrinth or risk being trapped in virtual reality forever.
Labyrinth (Level Up)
by Israel KeatsSuprSolvr has the opportunity to test a game set in a mechanical labyrinth by playing inside of it, which she's thrilled about. The guy she's partnered with? Not so much. But as they soon face robotic bugs, word puzzles, and obstacles, they realize that they must work together to reach the center of the labyrinth or risk being trapped in virtual reality forever.
Land Acquisition, Industrialization and Livelihoods: A case study on JSW Bengal Steel Plant
by Ramkrishna Maiti Sumanta Prakash SheeThis book provides an assessment of the impacts of human intervention on the natural environment and peoples' livelihoods through land-use conversion due to industrialization. Problems of land acquisition and the execution thereof have varying consequences that depend on the specific geographical as well as socio-political contexts in which they occur. This book covers a specific study of JSW Bengal Steel Ltd., which in 2014 planned to set up a 10.0 million ton per year integrated steel plant at the upper catchment of Sundra basin, the tributary of the Shilabati that ultimately pours to the river Rupnarayan, located at Salboni Block of Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India. The project was ultimately put on hold, but caused many lingering environmental and socioeconomic problems due to the acquisition of formerly productive lands. The book examines this case to generate a database on the different aspects of land acquisition and its negative impacts on the geomorphology and hydrological of non-timber forest products, agricultural impacts resulting in livelihood changes, policy dimensions of land acquisition, and the impacts of delays in project implementation through a comparative analysis between projects-affected areas and non-project areas. The book will appeal to environmental managers and industry workers, as well as students and researchers in environmental economics, anthropology, and human geography.
Land Cover Classification of Remotely Sensed Images: A Textural Approach
by S. JenickaThe book introduces two domains namely Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing. It discusses remote sensing, texture, classifiers, and procedures for performing the texture-based segmentation and land cover classification. The first chapter discusses the important terminologies in remote sensing, basics of land cover classification, types of remotely sensed images and their characteristics. The second chapter introduces the texture and a detailed literature survey citing papers related to texture analysis and image processing. The third chapter describes basic texture models for gray level images and multivariate texture models for color or remotely sensed images with relevant Matlab source codes. The fourth chapter focuses on texture-based classification and texture-based segmentation. The Matlab source codes for performing supervised texture based segmentation using basic texture models and minimum distance classifier are listed. The fifth chapter describes supervised and unsupervised classifiers. The experimental results obtained using a basic texture model (Uniform Local Binary Pattern) with the classifiers described earlier are discussed through the relevant Matlab source codes. The sixth chapter describes land cover classification procedure using multivariate (statistical and spectral) texture models and minimum distance classifier with Matlab source codes. A few performance metrics are also explained. The seventh chapter explains how texture based segmentation and land cover classification are performed using the hidden Markov model with relevant Matlab source codes. The eighth chapter gives an overview of spatial data analysis and other existing land cover classification methods. The ninth chapter addresses the research issues and challenges associated with land cover classification using textural approaches. This book is useful for undergraduates in Computer Science and Civil Engineering and postgraduates who plan to do research or project work in digital image processing. The book can serve as a guide to those who narrow down their research to processing remotely sensed images. It addresses a wide range of texture models and classifiers. The book not only guides but aids the reader in implementing the concepts through the Matlab source codes listed. In short, the book will be a valuable resource for growing academicians to gain expertise in their area of specialization and students who aim at gaining in-depth knowledge through practical implementations. The exercises given under texture based segmentation (excluding land cover classification exercises) can serve as lab exercises for the undergraduate students who learn texture based image processing.