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Layout in Pages '09: The Mini Missing Manual
by Josh ClarkPages '09 is more than just a word processor. It lets you create gorgeous page layouts for glossy newsletters, catalogs, brochures, greeting cards-you name it. This eBook makes you an instant expert in Pages' layout features. You'll learn how to arrange your text so it really flows and how to complement it with images, sounds, and movies.
LC21: A Digital Strategy for the Library of Congress
by National Research CouncilDigital information and networks challenge the core practices of libraries, archives, and all organizations with intensive information management needs in many respects-not only in terms of accommodating digital information and technology, but also through the need to develop new economic and organizational models for managing information. LC21: A Digital Strategy for the Library of Congress discusses these challenges and provides recommendations for moving forward at the Library of Congress, the world's largest library. Topics covered in LC21 include digital collections, digital preservation, digital cataloging (metadata), strategic planning, human resources, and general management and budgetary issues. The book identifies and elaborates upon a clear theme for the Library of Congress that is applicable more generally: the digital age calls for much more collaboration and cooperation than in the past. LC21 demonstrates that information-intensive organizations will have to change in fundamental ways to survive and prosper in the digital age.
LDAP System Administration
by Gerald CarterWith the potential to consolidate existing network services into a single directory, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is exactly what overburdened system administrators have been waiting for. But LDAP can also be a headache for those trying to master the technology. LDAP System Administration takes a hands-on approach, providing system administrators with the tools they need to understand and implement LDAP. Author Jerry Carter talks about using directories for Unix system administration-specifically, the OpenLDAP directory-but the skills he teaches are also applicable to LDAP products from Microsoft, Sun, and Novell. His book tells readers how to get the directory running, how to get data into the directory, how to use a directory to replace local username and password lookups, and many other critical LDAP skills.
LDAP System Administration: Putting Directories to Work
by Gerald CarterBe more productive and make your life easier. That's what LDAP System Administration is all about.System administrators often spend a great deal of time managing configuration information located on many different machines: usernames, passwords, printer configurations, email client configurations, and network filesystem configurations, to name a few. LDAPv3 provides tools for centralizing all of the configuration information and placing it under your control. Rather than maintaining several administrative databases (NIS, Active Directory, Samba, and NFS configuration files), you can make changes in only one place and have all your systems immediately "see" the updated information.Practically platform independent, this book uses the widely available, open source OpenLDAP 2 directory server as a premise for examples, showing you how to use it to help you manage your configuration information effectively and securely. OpenLDAP 2 ships with most Linux® distributions and Mac OS® X, and can be easily downloaded for most Unix-based systems. After introducing the workings of a directory service and the LDAP protocol, all aspects of building and installing OpenLDAP, plus key ancillary packages like SASL and OpenSSL, this book discusses:Configuration and access controlDistributed directories; replication and referralUsing OpenLDAP to replace NISUsing OpenLDAP to manage email configurationsUsing LDAP for abstraction with FTP and HTTP servers, Samba, and RadiusInteroperating with different LDAP servers, including Active DirectoryProgramming using Net::LDAPIf you want to be a master of your domain, LDAP System Administration will help you get up and running quickly regardless of which LDAP version you use. After reading this book, even with no previous LDAP experience, you'll be able to integrate a directory server into essential network services such as mail, DNS, HTTP, and SMB/CIFS.
LDPC Code Designs, Constructions, and Unification
by Juane Li Shu Lin Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar William E. Ryan Daniel J. CostelloWritten by leading experts, this self-contained text provides systematic coverage of LDPC codes and their construction techniques, unifying both algebraic- and graph-based approaches into a single theoretical framework (the superposition construction). An algebraic method for constructing protograph LDPC codes is described, and entirely new codes and techniques are presented. These include a new class of LDPC codes with doubly quasi-cyclic structure, as well as algebraic methods for constructing spatially and globally coupled LDPC codes. Authoritative, yet written using accessible language, this text is essential reading for electrical engineers, computer scientists and mathematicians working in communications and information theory.
Le basi di Linux: Una guida per principianti al sistema operativo di Linux
by Adidas WilsonLinux è l'unico sistema operativo per endpoint che sta crescendo a livello globale. Come ha detto una persona, "Linux è il Nikola Tesla dell'informatica". Questo sistema operativo è utilizzato in una miriade di dispositivi, tra cui smartphone, videoregistratori digitali, televisori, sistemi di intrattenimento delle compagnie aeree, segnaletica digitale, sistemi di controllo delle automobili, switch, router, desktop e molti altri. Il dibattito sui sistemi operativi Microsoft Windows e Linux non finirà presto. Tuttavia, è evidente che Linux sta vincendo. Se avete difficoltà a crederlo, considerate l'influenza di Linux sui dispositivi Android e Apple basati su UNIX. L'unico motivo per cui Windows è ancora diffuso è la sua influenza su molte applicazioni principali. Questa situazione sta per cambiare e Linux è, senza dubbio, il futuro. Microsoft è stato il re dell'End User Computing (EUC) per circa 30 anni. Tuttavia, alcuni fattori, come i problemi di sicurezza, stanno spingendo l'EUC verso il data center. Per questo motivo, c'è il desiderio di ridurre i costi e i rischi legati al mantenimento di Windows sul bordo. Il sistema operativo Linux offre la soluzione perfetta. Linux è stratificato e leggero, il che gli consente di funzionare molto bene su molti tipi di dispositivi. Inoltre, offre velocità e reattività elevate. Poiché Linux presenta numerosi vantaggi intrinseci, è preferito per le applicazioni endpoint.
Le basi di Scrum
by Stefano Spelta Troy DimesCreare software che offre più valore Di idee se ne trovano a iosa. Un sacco di gente sembra pensare che la maggior parte del processo di sviluppo del software consista nella semplice creazione di un'applicazione, vagamente legata ad un concetto, che la gente potrebbe desiderare. Probabilmente avrete sentito moltissima gente dire cose come: "Ho questa idea per un'app che raggiungerà sicuramente un milione di download!" solo per trovare poi la loro applicazione dispersa in un oceano di applicazioni simili. La creazione di software eccellente ed il suo rilascio nei tempi corretti richiedono uno schema di implementazione abbastanza sistematico ma non eccessivamente rigido. Qualità e tempi devono convivere. Se si rilascia un software che è pieno di bachi o che ha una user experience mediocre non ci si potrà di certo attendere un'altra commessa da parte del cliente. Molti programmatori temono questo esito e, di conseguenza, impiegano troppo tempo per sviluppare i programmi. Voi avete una quantità limitata di tempo per sviluppare un software, soprattutto quando dovete rispettare una data di scadenza, autoimposta o meno. Dovrete fare in modo che il software creato sia almeno decente ma, ancora più importante, rilasciato in modo tempestivo. Come si fa a bilanciare la qualità con il tempo? Questo libro spazia tra questi importantissimi argomenti. Dopo aver letto Le basi di Scrum conoscerete i significati dei ruoli di Scrum, degli Sprint, degli artefatti di Scrum e di molto altro. Ecco cosa imparerete leggendo Le basi di Scrum: *Cos'è il metodo Waterfall e perché non dovreste usarlo per i vostri progetti software *Che cosa è Scrum, da dove viene, perché dovreste usarlo e come potete metterlo in pratica nella vostra organizzazione oggi *Quale è la differenza tra Scrum e Agile Software Development? *I vari ruoli di Scrum, tra cui il Product Owner, lo Scrum Master ed i memb
Le Bitcoin : Une Introduction Simple
by Eric Morse Avinash MayaramComprendre les Bases du Bitcoin Le Bitcoin est une monnaie numérique révolutionnaire qui transforme l’argent tel que nous le connaissons, mais il peut être difficile à comprendre pour l’utilisateur moyen. Plus maintenant ! Ce livre élimine la complexité et enseigne les bases du Bitcoin dans un langage simple et facile à comprendre. Ce n’est pas un manuel. C’est un livre élémentaire non technique qui répond aux questions les plus courantes et importantes que posent les utilisateurs à propos du Bitcoin. Pas de jargon. Pas de bla-bla technologique. Aucune connaissance technique préalable n’est requise. Dans ce livre, vous trouverez les réponses à ces questions : Le Bitcoin, c’est quoi ? Qu’est-ce qui le rend spécial ? La Blockchain, c’est quoi ? Le minage, c’est quoi ? Qui contrôle le Bitcoin ? Le Bitcoin est-il sécurisé ? Le Bitcoin est-il anonyme ? Comment puis-je utiliser le Bitcoin de manière plus sûre ? Devrais-je investir en Bitcoin ? ...Et Bien Plus ! Et Vous n’aurez pas le sentiment d’apprendre une nouvelle langue ou d’obtenir une licence en informatique ! Prérequis : AUCUN ! Si vous avez déjà effectué un achat en ligne, vous avez déjà ce qu’il faut pour comprendre ce livre et apprendre les bases du Bitcoin.
Le dropshipping en toute simplicité: Le guide ultime pour gagner de l'argent avec Shopify et le e-commerce
by Adidas WilsonLe Dropshipping est une méthode de vente au détail où les boutiques ne stockent pas réellement leurs produits. Lorsqu’un client achète un produit, le vendeur l'achète à une autre partie et l'expédie directement au client. Le commerçant ne manipule ni ne voit le produit. Le dropshipping diffère du modèle de vente au détail conventionnel en ce sens que, dans ce cas, le vendeur ne possède pas de stock. Il ou elle achète une commande à un tiers. Comme tout le reste, le modèle du dropshipping présente des inconvénients et des avantages. Vous avez besoin de moins de capital : c'est sans doute le plus grand avantage. Vous n'avez pas besoin de milliers de dollars pour lancer une boutique de e-commerce. Les détaillants conventionnels doivent disposer d'un capital énorme pour constituer leur stock. Dans le cas du dropshipping, vous n'achetez un produit que lorsqu'un client a passé une commande et effectué le paiement. Un investissement initial dans le stock n'est pas nécessaire. Facile à démarrer : une entreprise de e-commerce est beaucoup plus facile à gérer lorsque vous ne manipulez pas de produits physiques. Vous n'aurez pas à vous soucier d'un entrepôt, de l'emballage et de l'expédition, du suivi des stocks, de la gestion des retours, etc. Faibles frais généraux : puisque vous n'aurez pas à vous occuper d'un entrepôt ou à acheter des stocks, attendez-vous à de faibles frais généraux. Beaucoup de personnes gèrent une entreprise de dropshipping depuis leur bureau à domicile avec leur ordinateur portable et ne dépensent qu'environ 100 $ par mois. Les dépenses peuvent augmenter au fur et à mesure que votre entreprise se développe, mais elles resteront faibles. Emplacement flexible : si vous avez une connexion Internet, vous pouvez gérer votre entreprise de dropshipping de n'importe où.
Le Guide complet pour débrider le Stick Fire TV
by Rob StiegelmanComment installer Kodi sur les appareils Fire TV et Stick Fire d'Amazon Suite à l’installation de Kodi sur les appareils Fire TV, vous aurez accès à tout le contenu que vous voulez, comme des émissions de télévision, de la musique et des films. Voici ce que vous obtiendrez : Tout sur Kodi sur Stick Fire Installation de Kodi et débridage des appareils Stick Fire TV - Fonctionne sur tous les appareils Résolution des problèmes Profitez de l’accès à des films, de la musique, des émissions de télévision, des applications et plus encore ! --> Faites défiler jusqu’en haut de la page et cliquez sur Ajouter au panier pour acheter instantanément Avertissement : Cet auteur et / ou le(s) titulaire(s) des droits ne font aucune réclamation, promesse ou garantie sur l’exactitude, l’exhaustivité ou l’adéquation du contenu de ce livre, et décline expressément toute responsabilité pour les erreurs et les omissions dans le contenu. Ce produit est destiné à un usage de référence uniquement.
Le guide ultime de Windows 10: Conseils et astuces pour gagner du temps et utiliser Windows 10 comme un pro
by Jon AlbertUn guide détaillé pour connaître les trucs et astuces de windows 10. Ce guide vous aidera à utiliser Windows 10 comme un pro, des trucs et astuces pour gagner du temps. Ce livre vous apprendra à : - Configurer l'explorateur Windows - Supprimer 'Bing' de microsoft edge - Configurer cortana - Prendre le contrôle de la mise à jour de Windows 10 - Se débarrasser de l'écran de connexion de Windows 10 - Désactiver le flash dans Edge Si vous voulez utiliser Windows 10 comme un Pro, alors ce livre est pour vous. --> Faites défiler jusqu'en haut de la page et cliquez sur ajouter au panier pour acheter instantanément Avis de non-responsabilité : Cet auteur et ou le(s) propriétaire(s) des droits ne font aucune réclamation, promesse ou garantie quant à l'exactitude, l'exhaustivité ou l'adéquation du contenu de ce livre, et rejette expressément toute responsabilité en cas d'erreur ou d'omission dans le contenu de celui-ci. Ce produit est destiné à un usage de référence uniquement.
Le Kindle Fire HD 8 & 10 Guide 2019 Mise À Jour: Moyens faciles et rapides pour comprendre votre Kindle Fire HD et solution aux problèmes courants
by Smith AnthonyTHE KINDLE FIRE HD 8 & 10 GUIDE 2019 MISE À JOUR Les guides de ce manuel sont principalement destinés aux utilisateurs de KINDLE Fire qui n'ont rien appris de nouveau sur la façon de maximiser votre Kindle Fire HD 8 et 10. Vous obtiendrez de nouveaux trucs et astuces cachés qui vous permettront de maîtriser votre appareil. Ce manuel vous guidera pas à pas vers les fonctions avancées des processus Kindle Fire HD 8 et 10 sur la configuration initiale, les fonctions de base, les paramètres avancés et bien plus encore. D'autres informations importantes que vous obtiendrez de ce livre incluent ; Raison du Kindle Fire HD 8 et 10 Comment mettre en place Kindle feu HD 8 et 10 La meilleure façon de charger votre Kindle Fire HD 8 et 10 À L'AIDE D'UN ORDINATEUR À L'AIDE D'UN ADAPTATEUR MURAL Navigation sur l'écran de votre terminal Magasiner sur Amazon Fonctionnalité des trois boutons de l'écran de votre appareil Magasiner sur Amazon COMMENT FAIRE UN MIROIR DE VOTRE FEU ALLUMÉ HD À VOTRE TÉLÉVISEUR À L'AIDE D'UN BÂTON DE FEU Comment accélérer votre feu lent HD Mon feu allumé ne s'allume pas. Votre feu allumé HD ne se charge pas Mon feu allumé n'a pas de son Comment maximiser Alexa sur un feu HD Comprimé Possibilité de pouvoir changer la couleur du clavier Possibilité de changer le texte à la voix de la parole Arrêt automatique pour le Wi-Fi Possibilité d'avoir des émojis ou des émoticônes sur le clavier Possibilité de changer le comportement d'autocorrection Comment retrouver votre tablette perdue à l'aide du GPS Fonds d'écran Capacité de refléter votre feu de Kindle Ne tergiversez pas davantage, naviguez vers le haut et cliquez sur le bouton "ACHETER" pour obtenir ce manuel afin de maîtriser votre appareil et devenir un expert en K
Le Marketing par Média sociaux
by Adidas WilsonLe guide ultime de l’utilisateur pour Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, le Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest Qu’est-ce qu’un engagement sur les médias sociaux ? Il s’agit du nombre de partages, de likes et de commentaires. Un bon suivi c’est bien, mais une audience engagée c’est encore mieux. La qualité prime sur la quantité. Qu’est-ce qu’un engagement sur les médias sociaux ? Il s’agit du nombre de partages, de likes et de commentaires. Un bon suivi c’est bien, mais une audience engagée c’est encore mieux. La qualité prime sur la quantité. Il y a certain métriques utilisés pour mesurer l’engagement des medias sociaux. Elles comprennent : l’usage des hashtags de la marque. Les mentions. Les taux de clics. La croissance de l’audience et du nombre d’abonnés. Les Likes. Les commentaires. Les retweets et les partages. Vos abonnés peuvent commencer à s’engager naturellement avec votre contenu. Mais la plupart du temps, vous avez besoin de les encourager un peu. Evaluez votre engagement : vérifiez combien d’abonnés vous avez, la moyenne des partages et des commentaires que vous avez sur chaque publication et tout autre chiffre pertinent. Assurez-vous de continuer à monitorer ces chiffres. Choisissez votre stratégie : chaque société va dépendre de vos objectifs. Ça pourrait éduquer votre audience, collecter les feedbacks, changer la perception du public, etc. comprendre votre audience : ce n’est pas facile d’engager les gens que vous ne connaissez pas.
Lead Community Fundraising: Successfully Connecting People Digitally (Management for Professionals)
by Linda Mareen Neugebauer Irene ZankoThe world is changing, and so are our donors. In the future, it will become even more important for organizations to find leads, supporters and new donors online - because digitization is a bottleneck in fundraising.This book highlights universal fundraising opportunities. It explains the fundamentals of lead community fundraising and why, especially in digital times, it is important to start with the people - the community. The main topic of the book is the current state of digital fundraising, which is becoming more and more important. More than 45 examples from international fundraising practices provide a valuable foundation for all practitioners in this field.
Lead Developer Career Guide
by Shelley BenhoffLearn the skills you need to be a lead developer, with expert advice on mentoring teams, handling clients and project managers, and keeping your head in emergencies.The Lead Developer Career Guide teaches you how to transition from an individual contributor to a thriving lead developer. It's packed with insider tips, tricks, and strategies drawn from author Shelley Benhoff's 25-year career in technology, providing vital insights for navigating the unique challenges and expectations of the lead developer role. This one-of-a-kind book demonstrates how critical thinking and communication skills can elevate your career. In the Lead Developer Career Guide you'll discover: • The key responsibilities of a lead developer • Techniques for writing effective technical documentation • Strategies for improving development processes • Best practices for communicating with non-technical clients • Methods for mentoring and inspiring a team • Approaches for delivering negative feedback constructively The Lead Developer Career Guide is filled with interviews and real-world case studies from industry professionals and esteemed tech experts. You'll learn how to become the public face for your development team, gathering feedback from your coworkers and communicating with clients and stakeholders. Plus, you'll find proven techniques to reliably calculate project estimates, plan a project from scratch, and mentor junior developers and peers alike. Foreword by Steve Buchanan. About the technology To be a successful Lead Developer you&’ll need more than just technical expertise. You&’ll be responsible for everything from facilitating architectural decisions that satisfy all stakeholders to mentoring your fellow developers. And you&’ll be on the hook for delivering great software on time and under budget. Are you ready for the challenge? This book will help get you there! About the book The Lead Developer Career Guide provides the techniques and wisdom you need to transition from individual contributor to lead developer. You&’ll learn how to collaborate effectively with executive leadership and project managers, present elegant solutions to clients, and think quickly in those inevitable emergencies. When all eyes are on you, this book will ensure you know exactly what to do. What's inside • Improving development processes • Mentoring and inspiring a team • Delivering negative feedback About the reader For aspiring lead developers. About the author Shelley Benhoff has over twenty-five years of experience in tech as a business owner, author, and speaker. The technical editor on this book was Stephen Mizell. Table of Contents 1 What is a lead developer? 2 Lead developer career trajectory 3 Learning lead developer skills 4 Learning any developer skill 5 Writing technical documentation 6 Optimizing the development process 7 Working with project teams 8 Speaking with clients 9 Being a mentor 10 Taking the lead 11 Leading with emotional intelligence 12 Being a successful lead developer
Lead-Management: Prozesse – Menschen – Daten (essentials)
by Ulrich Vossebein Gabriele Hildmann Stefan WenglerLead-Management ist eine der großen Herausforderungen im Vertrieb, da die Neukundengewinnung immer bedeutsamer wird. Dieses essential erläutert, wie durch den parallelen Ausbau der drei Basisdimensionen: Prozesse, Menschen und Daten Lead-Exzellenz erreicht werden kann. Hierzu sind zunächst die Rahmenbedingungen zu analysieren und zu bewerten. Anschließend müssen die Prozesse in eine Prozesslandkarte eingebunden, die Kompetenzprofile den neuen Anforderungen angepasst und die Datenbasis vervollständigt werden. Eine umfangreiche Checkliste zeigt auf, wie Unternehmen bei der Einführung oder Überarbeitung ihres bereits existierenden Lead-Managements sinnvollerweise vorgehen sollten.
A Leader's Journey to Quality
by Dana M. CoundThis book deals with the "hard skills" involved in achieving leadership quality. It provides a vehicle to foster interaction of the elements of the modern approach to quality, including statistical applications, quality and reliability engineering, management, and motivational aspects.
Leadership and Management Principles in Libraries in Developing Countries
by Wei Wei Sue O'Neill JohnsonLearn leadership skills from achievements at special libraries in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Central America! Leadership and Management Principles in Libraries in Developing Countries is a compilation of success stories epitomizing management and leadership strategies from developing nations around the globe. This book focuses on library administrators from Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Central America who have significantly transformed their library services in spite of limited funds and a lack of resources. You'll learn about their achievements, their techniques, and the strengths and skills they used-which can help you become a stronger leader at your own library. Leadership and Management Principles in Libraries in Developing Countries is a collection of selected entries to the Special Libraries Association Leadership and Management Division&’s 2003 International Paper Competition for special librarians in developing countries. Each author describes the effective leadership and management that made their special library initiatives successful, providing references, tables, step-by-step instructions, and handy checklists for other librarians to use.In Leadership and Management Principles in Libraries in Developing Countries, library officials discuss the development of successful programs at special libraries such as: the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi, India-where a team of people with diverse backgrounds worked together to digitally modernize their traditional library the Agricultural Libraries and Special Libraries in Tropical Biology located in Indonesia-where special librarians found innovative ways to access funding support and expertise from foreign institutions, international relief agencies, and library associations the Information Resource Centre at The Mildmay Centre in Kampala, Uganda-where the new Mobile Patient Library Services project provides information materials to patients with HIV/AIDS and their caregivers the American Cultural Center Library (now called the Rosa Parks Library) in Niamey, Niger-where the library was restructured from a simple reading room into a diverse cultural resource of exhibitions, seminars, and multilingual reference materials the Federal Ministry of Industry headquarters Library in Nigeria-where the library transformation was made possible through good leadership style, managerial expertise, and effective staff organization the University of Swaziland Libraries in Swaziland-where a strategic planning initiative helped the library widen Internet access, secure subscription funding for database access, and purchase updated equipment to enrich the instructional, research, and administrative functions of the libraryThis book represents a body of practical experience, problems, lessons, and techniques that can be shared and tried by those who want to know more about or deal with the special needs and circumstances of librarians in developing countries. Leadership and Management Principles in Libraries in Developing Countries will show you how to improve both service and outreach to your local community by becoming a leader at your special library, whether you are the librarian, mid-level manager, director, or information consultant. Library science faculty and students will also find that this book illustrates the benefits of good leadership and management.
Leadership Concepts for the Engineering Mindset (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)
by Deandra CassoneThe book is intended to focus the engineer or technically minded individual on key aspects of their organization and how they can leverage their position to make a positive impact. The author explains why it is critical that the technically minded individual is aware of their corporate environment and how they and their organization fit within the organizational structure. Technical knowledge is just one component of success for engineers. The book provides readers with the tools to understand where they fit in with their organizations and what they can do to support corporate objectives. This book will address topics including gaining a big picture of an organization, defining what a specific organization does, understanding goals and objectives to align management strategies, budgeting, role in the supply chain, engineering career paths, and the importance of innovation.
Leadership for Remote Learning: Strategies for Success
by Ronald Williamson Barbara R. BlackburnLearn how to adapt leadership and keep motivation alive in a remote learning setting or hybrid school. In this essential book, bestselling authors Ronald Williamson and Barbara R. Blackburn share frameworks and tools you can use to immediately make a difference in your school. You’ll learn how to do the following: Navigate the change process in remote learning Maintain a collaborative remote learning school Address equity issues in remote instruction Communicate effectively across online platforms Provide essential professional development remotely The chapter coverage ranges from school culture, to collaboration, to instructional leadership, to focusing on your own effective leadership. You will gain practical strategies and tips you can implement immediately to help your school and community flourish in a remote learning environment.
Leadership in a Zoom Economy with Microsoft Teams: Applying Leadership to a Remote Workforce
by Peter WardManage and lead a team remotely by intertwining leadership principles with the many robust tools of Microsoft Teams. This book shows you how to utilize Microsoft Teams in an effective way to achieve your global team goals.Leading a team is a challenge, but leading a team in the zoom economy can make you stressed out and overworked. Peter Ward gives the reader a communication and organization centered approach for the dynamic, hardworking, successful employee who wants to step into a leadership role and vastly improve their organization with the aid of Microsoft Teams. Ward shares his own "rules" for successful leadership of teams and small companies, to scale at a steady pace, creating a culture of accountability and responsibility, with a remote workforce, not using venture capital, and applying minimal bureaucracy. Ward says teamwork, right hires, diversity, and work balance are equally important as profitability. Leadership in a Zoom Economy with Microsoft Teams is a portrait of a productive, sane, balanced life that is organized and filled with rich results. After reading this book, you will be able to extend your Microsoft Team capabilities to day-to-day leadership principles.What Will You LearnUse MS Teams to build trust in your remote or virtual workplace with teamsWork with Planner, Outlook, and Tasks within MS TeamsCoach, mentor, and develop your team when you are not in the exact locationLead a remote workforce effectivelyApply an entrepreneur mentality to remote teamsCreate a culture that is innovative and creative when you are a dispersed organizationWho This Book Is ForManagers who want to step into leadership, and leaders who want to raise their leadership game using Microsoft Teams as a technical tool.
Leadership in Chaordic Organizations
by Beverly G. McCarter Brian E. WhiteSupplying a clear vision of how to build high-performance teams, Leadership in Chaordic Organizations presents methods for improving operations through the application of complex systems engineering principles and psychological counseling techniques. Ideal for systems engineers, organizational managers, coaches, and psychologists, it addresses the
Leadership in Music Technology Education: Philosophy, Praxis, and Pedagogy
by Daniel WalzerLeadership in Music Technology Education examines the pedagogical, sociocultural, and philosophical issues that affect curriculum, research, and decision-making in music technology in higher education. This book considers a range of cutting-edge topics, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, professional development concepts, partnerships between higher education and the creative and cultural industries, and the effects technology has on sustainability. Drawing on Leadership theories, including Transformational, Situational, Servant, and Social Change Model Theory, the book puts forward a new model, Creative Industry Leadership, which considers the sociocultural aspects of Music Technology Education, and interrogates biased ideologies that limit opportunities for a broad range of learners and practitioners in education and beyond. Additionally, Leadership in Music Technology Education examines educators’ informal leadership capacities during the COVID-19 pandemic and how inclusive pedagogy expands the creative boundaries of teaching, learning, and music-making for all. Leadership in Music Technology Education is crucial reading for instructors teaching audio engineering and music technology, as well as researchers in education, music pedagogy and related fields. This is also a valuable read for anyone with an interest in music technology and its many potentialities.
Leadership in the Era of AI: How to Grow Organizational Intelligence
by Mark SalisburyWhat will be the right place for humans in the new economy of AI, avatars, automation, and 3D virtual worlds? Our job will be to bring wisdom to our workplace and the marketplace, working with intelligent machines, and this book is the roadmap.Though it addresses growing fears about the future of work, The Future of Leadership is about more than specific technologies. It’s about building organizational intelligence (OI): the capability of an organization to comprehend and create knowledge relevant to its purpose. To increase organizational intelligence requires a new kind of knowledge worker—a wisdom worker—who requires a new kind of leadership. Written in an engaging business novel format, this book is the story of how to become a leader of wisdom workers and be successful in the emerging wisdom economy.Seasoned and emerging leaders in all industries, as well as talent development professionals, will value this book’s insights into how to step confidently into the developing work paradigm, bringing human values and wisdom together with the latest AI in the real and virtual worlds.
Leadership OS: The Operating System You Need to Succeed
by Nik Kinley Shlomo Ben-HurBased on years of original research, this book controversially counters almost every existing leadership model and approach.It shows how as leaders rise to senior levels, their roles become less about doing things that directly drive results and more about directing and supporting others to achieve objectives. Using case studies and research insights the authors reveal how leadership success is thus not so much about having the right core capabilities, but about creating the right environment.Using the analogy of a smartphone operating system (OS), the book presents a new way of thinking about leadership. The authors provide a clear and practical framework to follow and show how your leadership OS becomes the impact you have, the imprint you make and the foundation of your legacy as a leader.After reading it, you will learn:· How to diagnose the impact you have as a leader and understand the OS you create· How famous business and societal leaders have created effective – and sometimes ineffective – OSs· How to optimise your OS to produce the best results· How to get people working together effectively, and be a high-performing leaderProviding you with practical and easy to follow advice, this book will show you how leadership success is not about having the core capabilities, but about creating the right operating systems for your organisation.