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Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing Learning Experiences: 6th International Conference, LCT 2019, Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCII 2019, Orlando, FL, USA, July 26–31, 2019, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11590)
by Panayiotis Zaphiris Andri IoannouThis two-volume set LNCS 11590 and 11591 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies, LCT 2019, held as part of the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2019, in Orlando, FL, USA in July 2019. The 1274 full papers and 209 posters presented at the HCII 2019 conferences were carefully reviewed and selected from 5029 submissions. The papers cover the entire field of human-computer interaction, addressing major advances in knowledge and effective use of computers in a variety of applications areas. The papers in this volume are organized in the following topical sections: designing and evaluating learning experiences; theoretical and pedagogical approaches in technology-enhanced learning; cognitive and psychological issues in learning; and technology in STEM education.
Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing the Learner and Teacher Experience: 9th International Conference, LCT 2022, Held as Part of the 24th HCI International Conference, HCII 2022, Virtual Event, June 26 – July 1, 2022, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13328)
by Panayiotis Zaphiris Andri IoannouThis proceedings, LCT 2022, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies, LCT 2022, held as Part of the 24th International Conference, HCI International 2022, which took place in June/July 2022. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually.The total of 1271 papers and 275 poster papers included in the 39 HCII 2022 proceedings volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 5487 submissions. The papers of LCT 2022 are organized in topical sections named: Designing and Developing Learning Technologies; Learning and Teaching Online; Diversity in Learning; Technology in Education: Practices and Experiences.
Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Human and Technology Ecosystems: 7th International Conference, LCT 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12206)
by Panayiotis Zaphiris Andri IoannouThis two-volume set LNCS 12205 and LNCS 12206 constitutes the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies, LCT 2020, held as part of the 22nd International Conference, HCI International 2020, which took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, in July 2020.The total of 1439 papers and 238 posters included in the 37 HCII 2020 proceedings volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 6326 submissions.The papers in this volume are organized in the following topical sections: communication and conversation in learning; cognition, emotions and learning; games and gamification in learning; VR, robot and IoT in learning; and collaboration technology and collaborative learning. As a result of the Danish Government's announcement, dated April 21, 2020, to ban all large events (above 500 participants) until September 1, 2020, the HCII 2020 conference was held virtually.
Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Learning and Teaching: 5th International Conference, LCT 2018, Held as Part of HCI International 2018, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 15-20, 2018, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10925)
by Panayiotis Zaphiris Andri IoannouThis two-volume set LNCS 10924 and 10925 constitute the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies, LCT 2018, held as part of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2018, in Las Vegas, NV, USA in July 2018. The 1171 papers presented at HCII 2018 conferences were carefully reviewed and selected from 4346 submissions. The papers cover the entire field of human-computer interaction, addressing major advances in knowledge and effective use of computers in a variety of applications areas. The papers in this volume are organized in the following topical sections: designing and evaluating systems and applications, technological innovation in education, learning and collaboration, learners, engagement, motification, and skills, games and gamification of learning, technology-enhanced teaching and assessment, computing and engineering education.
Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Novel Learning Ecosystems
by Panayiotis Zaphiris Andri IoannouThe two-volume set LNCS 10295 and 10296 constitute the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies, LCT 2017, held as part of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2017, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, in July 2017, in conjunction with 15 thematically similar conferences. The 1228 papers presented at the HCII 2017 conferences were carefully reviewed and selected from 4340 submissions.The papers cover the entire field of human-computer interaction, addressing major advances in knowledge and effective use of computers in a variety of application areas. The papers included in this volume are organized in the following topical sections: multimodal and natural interaction for learning; learning and teaching ecosystems; e-learning, social media and MOOCs; beyond the classroom; and games and gamification for learning.
Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Novel Technological Environments: 9th International Conference, LCT 2022, Held as Part of the 24th HCI International Conference, HCII 2022, Virtual Event, June 26 – July 1, 2022, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13329)
by Panayiotis Zaphiris Andri IoannouChapter “Developing a VR Tool to Support Repeat Pattern Design Learning ” is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Technology in Education
by Panayiotis Zaphiris Andri IoannouThe two-volume set LNCS 10295 and 10296 constitute the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies, LCT 2017, held as part of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2017, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, in July 2017, in conjunction with 15 thematically similar conferences. The 1228 papers presented at the HCII 2017 conferences were carefully reviewed and selected from 4340 submissions.The papers cover the entire field of human-computer interaction, addressing major advances in knowledge and effective use of computers in a variety of application areas. The papers included in this volume are organized in the following topical sections: STEM education; diversity in learning; learning analytics; and improving the learning and collaboration experience.The chapter 'The Quality of MOOCs: How to Improve the Design of Open Education and Online Courses for Learners?' is Open Access under a CC BY 4.0 license.
Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Ubiquitous and Virtual Environments for Learning and Collaboration: 6th International Conference, LCT 2019, Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCII 2019, Orlando, FL, USA, July 26–31, 2019, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11591)
by Panayiotis Zaphiris Andri IoannouThis two-volume set LNCS 11590 and 11591 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies, LCT 2019, held as part of the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2019, in Orlando, FL, USA in July 2019. The 1274 full papers 209 posters presented at the HCII 2019 conferences were carefully reviewed and selected from 5029 submissions. The papers cover the entire field of human-computer interaction, addressing major advances in knowledge and effective use of computers in a variety of applications areas. The papers in this volume are organized in the following topical sections: mobile and ubiquitous learning; virtual reality and augmented reality systems for learning; and collaborative technology.
Learning and Instruction in the Digital Age
by J. Michael SpectorInstruction tailored to the individual student, learning and teaching outside the limits of time and space--ideas that were once considered science fiction are now educational reality, with the prospect of an intelligent Web 3.0 not far distant. Alongside these innovations exists an emerging set of critical-thinking challenges, as Internet users create content and learners (and teachers) take increased responsibility in their work. Learning and Instruction in the Digital Age nimbly balances the technological and pedagogical aspects of these rapid changes, gathering papers from noted researchers on a wealth of topics relating to cognitive approaches to learning and teaching, mental models, online learning, communications, and innovative educational technologies, among them: Cognition and student-centered, Web-based learning, The progression of mental models throughout a course of instruction, Experiencing education with 3D virtual worlds, Expanding educational boundaries through multi-school collaboration, Adapting e-learning to different learning styles, The student blog as reflective diary. With its blend of timely ideas and forward thinking, Learning and Instruction in the Digital Age will enrich the work of researchers in educational psychology, educational technology, and cognitive science.
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 12th International Conference, LION 12, Kalamata, Greece, June 10–15, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11353)
by Roberto Battiti Mauro Brunato Ilias Kotsireas Panos M. PardalosThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization, LION 12, held in Kalamata, Greece, in June 2018. The 28 full papers and 12 short papers presented have been carefully reviewed and selected from 62 submissions. The papers explore the advanced research developments in such interconnected fields as mathematical programming, global optimization, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Special focus is given to advanced ideas, technologies, methods, and applications in optimization and machine learning.
Learning and Intelligent Optimization
by Roberto Battiti Dmitri E. Kvasov Yaroslav D. SergeyevLION 4, the 4th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Op- mizatioN, was held during January 18-22 in Venice, Italy. This meeting, which continues the successful series of LION conferences, was aimed at exploring the intersectionsand uncharted territoriesbetween machine learning,arti?cial int- ligence, mathematical programming and algorithms for hard optimization pr- lems. The main purpose of the event was to bring together experts from these areas to discuss new ideas and methods, challenges and opportunities in various application areas, general trends and speci?c developments. Despite the economical crisis in 2009, which visibly a?ected the submission numbers of many conferences and workshops, we received an impressive n- ber of 87 submissions. As in previous years, we o?ered three di?erent paper categories for submission: (1) regular papers on original and unpublished work, (2)shortpapersonoriginalandunpublishedwork,and(3)worksfororalpres- tation only. Accepted papers from the ?rst two categories are published in the proceedings. Fromthe 87 submissions that wereceived,57 fell into the ?rstca- gory, 22 into the second one, and 8 into the last one. After a thorough reviewing process we accepted 19 regular papers (which amounts to an acceptance rate of 33%) and 11 short papers for publication in the proceedings. Additionally, nine regular paperswere accepted as shortpapers, and all eight submissions from the third category were accepted for presentation.
Learning and Intelligent Optimization
by Clarisse Dhaenens Laetitia Jourdan Marie-Eléonore MarmionThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning and Optimization, LION 9, which was held in Lille, France, in January 2015. The 31 contributions presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in this book. The papers address all fields between machine learning, artificial intelligence, mathematical programming and algorithms for hard optimization problems. Special focus is given to algorithm selection and configuration, learning, fitness landscape, applications, dynamic optimization, multi-objective, max-clique problems, bayesian optimization and global optimization, data mining and - in a special session - also on dynamic optimization.
Learning and Intelligent Optimization
by Paola Festa Meinolf Sellmann Joaquin VanschorenThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Learning and Optimization, LION 10, which was held on Ischia, Italy, in May/June 2016. The 14 full papers presented together with 9 short papers and 2 GENOPT papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 47 submissions. The papers address all fields between machine learning, artificial intelligence, mathematical programming and algorithms for hard optimization problems. Special focus is given to new ideas and methods; challenges and opportunities in various application areas; general trends, and specific developments.
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 14th International Conference, LION 14, Athens, Greece, May 24–28, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12096)
by Ilias S. Kotsireas Panos M. PardalosThis book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings on Learning and Intelligent Optimization, LION 14, held in Athens, Greece, in May 2020. The 37 full papers presented together with one invited paper have been carefully reviewed and selected from 75 submissions. LION deals with designing and engineering ways of "learning" about the performance of different techniques, and ways of using past experience about the algorithm behavior to improve performance in the future. Intelligent learning schemes for mining the knowledge obtained online or offline can improve the algorithm design process and simplify the applications of high-performance optimization methods. Combinations of different algorithms can further improve the robustness and performance of the individual components. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, LION 14 was not held as a physical meeting.
Learning and Intelligent Optimization
by Giuseppe Nicosia Panos PardalosThis book constitutes the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Learning and Optimization, LION 7, which was held in Catania, Italy, in January 2013. The 49 contributions presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 101 submissions. They explore the intersections and uncharted territories between machine learning, artificial intelligence, mathematical programming and algorithms for hard optimization problems.
Learning and Intelligent Optimization
by Panos M. Pardalos Mauricio G. C. Resende Chrysafis Vogiatzis Jose L. WalterosThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning and Optimization, LION 8, which was held in Gainesville, FL, USA, in February 2014. The 33 contributions presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in this book. A large variety of topics are covered, such as algorithm configuration; multiobjective optimization; metaheuristics; graphs and networks; logistics and transportation; and biomedical applications.
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 13th International Conference, LION 13, Chania, Crete, Greece, May 27–31, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11968)
by Panos Pardalos Nikolaos F. Matsatsinis Yannis MarinakisThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed pChania, Crete, Greece, in May 2019. The 38 full papers presented have been carefully reviewed and selected from 52 submissions. The papers focus on advancedresearch developments in such interconnected fields as mathematical programming, global optimization, machine learning, and artificial intelligence and describe advanced ideas, technologies, methods, and applications in optimization and machine learning.
Learning and Operating Presto: Fast, Reliable SQL for Data Analytics and Lakehouses
by Angelica Lo Duca Tim Meehan Vivek Bharathan Ying SuThe Presto community has mushroomed since its origins at Facebook in 2012. But ramping up this open source distributed SQL query engine can be challenging even for the most experienced engineers. With this practical book, data engineers and architects, platform engineers, cloud engineers, and software engineers will learn how to use Presto operations at your organization to derive insights on datasets wherever they reside. Authors Angelica Lo Duca, Tim Meehan, Vivek Bharathan, and Ying Su explain what Presto is, where it came from, and how it differs from other data warehousing solutions. You'll discover why Facebook, Uber, Alibaba Cloud, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM, Intel, and many more use Presto and how you can quickly deploy Presto in production. With this book, you will: Learn how to install and configure PrestoUse Presto with business intelligence toolsUnderstand how to connect Presto to a variety of data sourcesExtend Presto for real-time business insightLearn how to apply best practices and tuningGet troubleshooting tips for logs, error messages, and moreExplore Presto's architectural concepts and usage patternsUnderstand Presto security and administration
Learning and Relearning Equipment Complexity: Achieving Safety in Engineering Complex Systems (Developments in Quality and Safety)
by Sasho AndonovWith industrial systems becoming ever more mechanized and reliant on advanced technology, the complexity of equipment, especially in risky industries, is increasing on a daily basis. A thorough understanding of operations and providing safety for these complex systems has become a firm requirement for many. This book offers the knowledge required by safety professionals to provide and maintain the safety of engineering complex systems. Through a scientific and engineering approach to designing, implementing, operating, and maintaining complex systems, Learning and Relearning Equipment Complexity: Achieving Safety in Engineering Complex Systems details the need for more engineering and scientific knowledge to understand and maintain their safety. It gives clear explanations of reasons for a system’s complexity, based on control systems and non-linear dynamics. In addition, the book addresses the necessary changes in the approach and the procedures for the safety assessment of engineering complex systems. The reader will develop a thorough understanding of what complex systems are, why they are complex, and how they are utilized. This book will appeal to any safety professional tasked with complex systems. This extends to professionals in risky industries such as aviation, nuclear power, chemicals, railway and transport, and pharmaceuticals.
Learning and Teaching in Distance Education: Analyses and Interpretations from an International Perspective (Open and Flexible Learning Series)
by Otto PetersThis unique and comprehensive overview of open and distance education is written by one of the best known names in the field. It integrates historical, contemporary and future aspects of distance education. Packed with international case studies, it goes beyond looking at the methods and technology of distance education, giving Otto Peters' renowned visions on the sociological and social impacts of distance education.Now published in paperback for the first time, this new edition includes a new section on virtual universities. A major contribution to thinking on open and distance education, this new edition will reach an even wider audience.
Learning and Teaching with Interactive Whiteboards: Primary and Early Years (Achieving QTS Practical Handbooks Series)
by David Barber Linda Cooper Mr Graham MeesonInteractive Whiteboards (IWBs) are becoming increasingly common in schools and early years settings, and it is important for trainees to be equipped with the necessary skills and understanding to use them effectively to enhance learning. This book takes a thematic approach, examining all the key issues required to get the most out of this versatile learning technology. All chapters contain case studies from a range of subject areas and across the key stages, ensuring the text is rooted in the reality of the primary classroom and its curriculum.
Learning and Teaching with Technology: Principles and Practices (Open and Flexible Learning Series)
by Som NaiduIncreased use of electronic libraries, multimedia courseware and computer-mediated communication is giving rise to an entirely new educational experience, prompting educators to assess the potential for improved and enriched learning and teaching models. This new book explores the creative opportunities offered by ICT, and provides an authoritative, rigorous survey of the ways in which ICT is currently transforming core teaching functions, including: *subject matter representation*activating learning and the engagement of students*supporting interaction and socialization*assessing learning outcomes*providing feedback to students. Written by leading experts in the field, this text draws on the experiences of practitioners at the forefront of ICT developments, making this essential reading for all educational professionals who recognize the new opportunities afforded by this changed environment. Suitable for those who are open and flexible learning specialists, educational technologists or educational developers in either a conventional or an e-learning environment.
Learning and Teaching with Technology in the Knowledge Society
by Mizuho IinumaThis book discusses learning and teaching with modern technology in the new knowledge society. It focuses specifically on new literacy and technology in classroom environments. Based on a social-constructivist approach, this book covers a wide range of new technology use examples, such as participatory media, video recording systems and 3D computer graphics. A case study on a constructivist approach to teaching and learning, especially CSCL (computer supported collaborative learning), is discussed from a practical perspective for educators. It also includes specific in-class practices with detailed accounts of curricula featuring readily accessible yet new technology available for classroom use, such as Google Sketchup 3D computer models.
Learning AndEngine
by Martin VargaIf you are a beginner to AndEngine, or mobile game development in general, and you are looking for a simple way to start making games for Android, this book is for you. You should already know the basics of Java programming, but no previous game development experience is required.
Learning Android
by Marko GargentaWant to build apps for Android devices? This book is the perfect way to master the fundamentals. Written by an expert who's taught this mobile platform to hundreds of developers in large organizations, this gentle introduction shows experienced object-oriented programmers how to use Android's basic building blocks to create user interfaces, store data, connect to the network, and more. You'll build a Twitter-like application throughout the course of this book, adding new features with each chapter. Along the way, you'll also create your own toolbox of code patterns to help you program any type of Android application with ease. Get an overview of the Android platform and discover how it fits into the mobile ecosystem Learn about the Android stack, including its application framework, and the structure and distribution of application packages (APK) Set up your Android development environment and get started with simple programs Use Android's building blocks--Activities, Intents, Services, Content Providers, and Broadcast Receivers Learn how to build basic Android user interfaces and organize UI elements in Views and Layouts Build a service that uses a background process to update data in your application Get an introduction to Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL) and the Native Development Kit (NDK)