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Learning ASP.NET Core 2.0

by Jason De Oliveira Michel Bruchet

Learn how web applications can be built efficiently using ASP.NET Core 2.0 and related frameworks About This Book • Get to grips with the new features and APIs introduced in ASP.NET Core 2.0 • Leverage the MVC framework and Entity Framework Core 2 to build efficient applications • Learn to deploy your web applications in new environments such as the cloud and Docker Who This Book Is For This book is for developers who would like to build modern web applications with ASP.NET Core 2.0. No prior knowledge of ASP.NET or .NET Core is required. However, basic programming knowledge is assumed. Additionally, previous Visual Studio experience will be helpful but is not required, since detailed instructions will guide through the samples of the book.This book can also help people, who work in infrastructure engineering and operations, to monitor and diagnose problems during the runtime of ASP.NET Core 2.0 web applications. What You Will Learn • Set up your development environment using Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio Code • Create a fully automated continuous delivery pipeline using Visual Studio Team Services • Get to know the basic and advanced concepts of ASP.NET Core 2.0 with detailed examples • Build an MVC web application and use Entity Framework Core 2 to access data • Add Web APIs to your web applications using RPC, REST, and HATEOAS • Authenticate and authorize users with built-in ASP.NET Core 2.0 features • Use Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Docker to deploy and monitor your applications In Detail The ability to develop web applications that are highly efficient but also easy to maintain has become imperative to many businesses. ASP.NET Core 2.0 is an open source framework from Microsoft, which makes it easy to build cross-platform web applications that are modern and dynamic. This book will take you through all of the essential concepts in ASP.NET Core 2.0, so you can learn how to build powerful web applications. The book starts with a brief introduction to the ASP.NET Core framework and the improvements made in the latest release, ASP.NET Core 2.0. You will then build, test, and debug your first web application very quickly. Once you understand the basic structure of ASP.NET Core 2.0 web applications, you'll dive deeper into more complex concepts and scenarios. Moving on, we'll explain how to take advantage of widely used frameworks such as Model View Controller and Entity Framework Core 2 and you'll learn how to secure your applications. Finally, we'll show you how to deploy and monitor your applications using Azure, AWS, and Docker. After reading the book, you'll be able to develop efficient and robust web applications in ASP.NET Core 2.0 that have high levels of customer satisfaction and adoption. Style and approach Start an exciting journey to building high performance web applications using ASP.NET Core 2.0 and MVC

Learning ASP.NET MVC Programming

by Mugilan T. Ragupathi

This book is for developers who want to learn to build web applications using ASP.Net MVC 6, developers who want to make a career building web applications using Microsoft technology, and developers who are working in Ruby on Rails or other web frameworks and want to learn ASP.Net MVC6. No knowledge of the ASP.Net platform or the .Net platform is required. Even though you do not need to have experience in C#, an understanding of the basic constructs (loops, conditionals, classes, and objects) of any modern programming language would be helpful.

Learning at the Crossroads of Theory and Practice

by Wim H. Gijselaers Piet Van den Bossche Richard G. Milter

Core concepts in education are changing. For example, professional performance or expertise is not uniquely the fruit of specialist knowledge acquired at professional schools, but the sum of influences exerted by a complex web of continuous learning opportunities for which an individual is well (or ill) prepared by their schools and their workplace. The key contributory factors to professional expertise are how professional schools connect to professional practice, how schools prepare graduates for continuous learning, and how the workplace endorses continuous development. Thus, the question this volume addresses--how to design learning and working environments that facilitate the integration of these three elements--is at the heart of contemporary pedagogical theory. The authors also ask a second vital question: how do we educate learners that go on to maximize their life's learning opportunities by regulating their own ongoing learning? Learning at the Crossroads of Theory and Practice argues that with the theory of learning at a crossroads, this is an unprecedented opportunity for learning about learning. The book sheds light on different elements of this challenge: integrating theory and practice in business education, generating and fully exploiting workplace learning opportunities, and enriching our classrooms by coupling theoretical knowledge with the richness of real-life experience.

Learning Aurelia

by Manuel Guilbault

Harness the power of the next-generation JavaScript Framework, Aurelia, and start creating apps that really set you apart About This Book • Develop well-designed, decoupled, and testable single-page applications with Aurelia • Leverage the latest web standards to increase code performance, readability, and cross-compatibility • Understand how Aurelia is organized and use its innovative MVC approach to design professional-quality web apps Who This Book Is For This book is for JavaScript developers who want to build modern web apps with Aurelia. No prior knowledge of Aurelia is needed. What You Will Learn • Build a modern single-page web application • Understand the workflow of an Aurelia application • Design reusable web components, which can be shared and integrated into various frameworks and libraries • Write clean, modular, and testable code that will be easy to maintain and evolve • Use all the latest–and even future–web standards, so the application gathers minimal technical debt In Detail Aurelia is one of the most promising new JavaScript frameworks for mobile, desktop, and web, which makes developing powerful, modern web applications a straightforward task. Its power lies in its simplicity and clear workflow that enables developers to build next-generations apps for the web with ease. From initial structuring to full deployment, this book will serve as a step-by-step guide to develop a modern web application from scratch with the Aurelia framework. In addition to including a comprehensive coverage of various Aurelia framework features, this book will also show you how to utilize these features in the real world to develop a professional single-page web application. You'll see how to make the most out of Aurelia by understanding the Aurelia workflow and then applying it in real-world development tasks. By the end of the book, you will have learned to develop a clean and maintainable application in Aurelia from scratch. Style and approach This book will show you how to leverage the cutting edge features of Aurelia framework to develop modern web apps with a clear workflow. Using the modern architecture and features of Aurelia, this book will demonstrate the development of a web application from scratch.

Learning Author-it

by Char James-Tanny

Let Author-it guru Char James-Tanny teach you how to get the most from Author-it. Char has taught hundreds in her acclaimed classes, and now she has drawn from her extensive experience to create the definitive resource for learning Author-it. Whether you are new to Author-it or an experienced user, there is something here for you. If you are just starting out with Author-it, Learning Author-it will make the sometimes daunting learning curve for Author-it smoother and easier. You will learn how libraries work, how to wrap your head around Author-it's object-oriented structure, how to work with your content, and how to publish your output. If you are an experienced Author-it user, get a refresher from someone who uses Author-it like a technical writer. Char provides dozens of tips, helpful screenshots, and more than 150 tasks to help increase your efficiency (and lessen any frustration). And you'll find lots of tips and tricks that will improve your productivity.Inside the Book Understanding and setting up your library Understanding the authoring environment Creating content Reusing topic content Viewing, finding, and organizing topics Publishing the output Customizing objects for different outputs Maintaining the library Index

Learning Autodesk 3ds Max 2008 Foundation

by Autodesk

Learning Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2008 | Foundation is your shortcut to learning 3ds Max quickly and effectively. You'll get hands-on experience with the key tools and techniques through easy-to-follow, step-by-step project-based lessons, while learning to model, animate, apply materials and render in both the games & design visualization pipelines. By the end of the book you'll have a sense of the entire production process as you work on real-life production examples.Whether you're a game artist or a graphic artist, Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2008 has the tools you need to succeed. Game Artists will gain in-depth knowledge of the world-class Biped character animation toolset, unparalleled polygon modeling and texturing workflow.Design Visualization Specialists such as architects, designers, and graphic artists, will gain the power to visually inform the design process through conceptual exploration, design validation and visual communication.Bonus features included on DVD:. Link to a 30-day trial of Autodesk® 3ds Max® software. Bonus short films and new software feature demos. Autodesk 3ds Max hotkeys reference guide. Free models from Turbo Squid worth $160. Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2008

Learning Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 Foundation for Games

by Autodesk

3ds Max XXXX: presently under NDA. Learning 3ds Max XXXX Foundation is the key to unlocking the power of Autodesk 3ds Max, directly from the creators of one of the world's most powerful 3D animation and effects software products. Get hands on experience with the innovative tools and powerful techniques available in the new version of 3ds Max, through all new project-based lessons. Projects will include valuable game assets and examples. Topics will include modeling, animation, materials & mapping, rendering. Autodesk will be contributing assets (models and images) from high-profile studios. The DVD will include: 30-day trial of Max XXXX, bonus short films, demos, hotkey reference, free models from turbosquid.

Learning Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010 Essentials: The Official Autodesk 3ds Max Reference

by Autodesk

Learning Autodesk 3ds Max XXXX Essentials is a superb end-to-end reference that provides users with complete info on all of the features and options available in the latest version of 3ds Max, so that users can learn how to use 3ds Max confidently in a production environment. Each chapter offers a series of lessons - which introduce the functional areas of Max and go over all associated features (with examples), and then a lab (which demonstrates a practical application of the lesson). Together, all of the lessons deliver and sound and complete approach to revealing the functions, features, and principles of 3ds Max XXXX. New Bonus section on MaxScript covering techniques for automating repetitive tasks and customizing 3ds Max to make you more productive.The DVD includes: Project Scene & support files, Free models & texture maps from Turbo Squid, NEW!! HIGH VALUE: Autodesk product Sketchbook Pro (for character development) valued at $199.99 US.

Learning Automata and Their Applications to Intelligent Systems

by JunQi Zhang MengChu Zhou

Comprehensive guide on learning automata, introducing two variants to accelerate convergence and computational update speed Learning Automata and Their Applications to Intelligent Systems provides a comprehensive guide on learning automata from the perspective of principles, algorithms, improvement directions, and applications. The text introduces two variants to accelerate the convergence speed and computational update speed, respectively; these two examples demonstrate how to design new learning automata for a specific field from the aspect of algorithm design to give full play to the advantage of learning automata. As noisy optimization problems exist widely in various intelligent systems, this book elaborates on how to employ learning automata to solve noisy optimization problems from the perspective of algorithm design and application. The existing and most representative applications of learning automata include classification, clustering, game, knapsack, network, optimization, ranking, and scheduling. They are well-discussed. Future research directions to promote an intelligent system are suggested. Written by two highly qualified academics with significant experience in the field, Learning Automata and Their Applications to Intelligent Systems covers such topics as: Mathematical analysis of the behavior of learning automata, along with suitable learning algorithms Two application-oriented learning automata: one to discover and track spatiotemporal event patterns, and the other to solve stochastic searching on a line Demonstrations of two pioneering variants of Optimal Computing Budge Allocation (OCBA) methods and how to combine learning automata with ordinal optimization How to achieve significantly faster convergence and higher accuracy than classical pursuit schemes via lower computational complexity of updating the state probabilityA timely text in a rapidly developing field, Learning Automata and Their Applications to Intelligent Systems is an essential resource for researchers in machine learning, engineering, operation, and management. The book is also highly suitable for graduate level courses on machine learning, soft computing, reinforcement learning and stochastic optimization.

Learning Automata Approach for Social Networks (Studies in Computational Intelligence #820)

by Alireza Rezvanian Behnaz Moradabadi Mina Ghavipour Mohammad Mehdi Daliri Khomami Mohammad Reza Meybodi

This book begins by briefly explaining learning automata (LA) models and a recently developed cellular learning automaton (CLA) named wavefront CLA. Analyzing social networks is increasingly important, so as to identify behavioral patterns in interactions among individuals and in the networks’ evolution, and to develop the algorithms required for meaningful analysis. As an emerging artificial intelligence research area, learning automata (LA) has already had a significant impact in many areas of social networks. Here, the research areas related to learning and social networks are addressed from bibliometric and network analysis perspectives. In turn, the second part of the book highlights a range of LA-based applications addressing social network problems, from network sampling, community detection, link prediction, and trust management, to recommender systems and finally influence maximization. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable guide for all researchers whose work involves reinforcement learning, social networks and/or artificial intelligence.

Learning AWK Programming: A fast, and simple cutting-edge utility for text-processing on the Unix-like environment

by Shiwang Kalkhanda

Text processing and pattern matching simplifiedKey Features-Master the fastest and most elegant big data munging language-Implement text processing and pattern matching using the advanced features of AWK and GAWK-Implement debugging and inter-process communication using GAWKBook DescriptionAWK is one of the most primitive and powerful utilities which exists in all Unix and Unix-like distributions. It is used as a command-line utility when performing a basic text-processing operation, and as programming language when dealing with complex text-processing and mining tasks. With this book, you will have the required expertise to practice advanced AWK programming in real-life examples. The book starts off with an introduction to AWK essentials. You will then be introduced to regular expressions, AWK variables and constants, arrays and AWK functions and more. The book then delves deeper into more complex tasks, such as printing formatted output in AWK, control flow statements, GNU's implementation of AWK covering the advanced features of GNU AWK, such as network communication, debugging, and inter-process communication in the GAWK programming language which is not easily possible with AWK. By the end of this book, the reader will have worked on the practical implementation of text processing and pattern matching using AWK to perform routine tasks.What you will learn-Create and use different expressions and control flow statements in AWK-Use Regular Expressions with AWK for effective text-processing -Use built-in and user-defined variables to write AWK programs-Use redirections in AWK programs and create structured reports-Handle non-decimal input, 2-way inter-process communication with Gawk-Create small scripts to reformat data to match patterns and process textsWho this book is forThis book is for developers or analysts who are inclined to learn how to do text processing and data extraction in a Unix-like environment. Basic understanding of Linux operating system and shell scripting will help you to get the most out of the book.

Learning AWS

by Aurobindo Sarkar Amit Shah

<P><P>Design, build, and deploy responsive applications using AWS cloud components <P><P>About This Book <P><P>Build scalable and highly available real-time applications <P><P>Make cost-effective architectural decisions by implementing your product's functional and non-functional requirements <P><P>Develop your skills with hands-on exercises using a three-tiered service oriented application as an example <P><P>Who This Book Is For <P><P>This book is targeted at expert programmers and architects wanting to learn AWS. Some familiarity with Spring, MySQL, and RESTful web services is assumed. <P><P>What You Will Learn <P><P>Multi-tenant design approaches for SaaS applications <P><P>Planning dev, test, staging, and production environments <P><P>Design considerations for scalability and high-availability <P><P>Planning for DR <P><P>The security considerations and implementation of AWS applications <P><P>Production deployment processes and tools <P><P>Monitoring AWS applications using CloudWatch <P><P>Automating infrastructure using CloudFormation <P><P>In Detail <P><P>With the increasing global interest in leveraging cloud infrastructure, AWS Cloud from Amazon offers a cutting-edge platform for architecting, building, and deploying web-scale cloud applications. The variety of features available within AWS can reduce overall infrastructure costs and accelerate the development process for both large enterprises and startups alike. <P><P>Beginning with basic cloud concepts, you'll learn about the various cloud services models and the design implications of multi-tenant applications. You'll then design, implement, and deploy a multi-tier, scalable, highly-available and secure application on the AWS platform. At every step, we explain the key guiding principles driving real-world production-ready application architectures. Finally, you will learn how to automate your cloud infrastructure, set up operations, application monitoring, and DevOps pipeline.

Learning AWS.: Design, build, and deploy responsive applications using AWS Cloud components, 2nd Edition

by Aurobindo Sarkar Amit Shah

Discover techniques and tools for building serverless applications with AWS Key Features Get well-versed with building and deploying serverless APIs with microservices Learn to build distributed applications and microservices with AWS Step Functions A step-by-step guide that will get you up and running with building and managing applications on the AWS platform Book Description Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the most popular and widely-used cloud platform. Administering and deploying application on AWS makes the applications resilient and robust. The main focus of the book is to cover the basic concepts of cloud-based development followed by running solutions in AWS Cloud, which will help the solutions run at scale. This book not only guides you through the trade-offs and ideas behind efficient cloud applications, but is a comprehensive guide to getting the most out of AWS. In the first section, you will begin by looking at the key concepts of AWS, setting up your AWS account, and operating it. This guide also covers cloud service models, which will help you build highly scalable and secure applications on the AWS platform. We will then dive deep into concepts of cloud computing with S3 storage, RDS and EC2. Next, this book will walk you through VPC, building realtime serverless environments, and deploying serverless APIs with microservices. Finally, this book will teach you to monitor your applications, and automate your infrastructure and deploy with CloudFormation. By the end of this book, you will be well-versed with the various services that AWS provides and will be able to leverage AWS infrastructure to accelerate the development process. What you will learn Set up your AWS account and get started with the basic concepts of AWS Learn about AWS terminology and identity access management Acquaint yourself with important elements of the cloud with features such as computing, ELB, and VPC Back up your database and ensure high availability by having an understanding of database-related services in the AWS cloud Integrate AWS services with your application to meet and exceed non-functional requirements Create and automate infrastructure to design cost-effective, highly available applicationsWho this book is for If you are an I.T. professional or a system architect who wants to improve infrastructure using AWS, then this book is for you. It is also for programmers who are new to AWS and want to build highly efficient, scalable applications.

Learning AWS

by Amit Shah Aurobindo Sarkar

This book is targeted at expert programmers and architects wanting to learn AWS. Some familiarity with Spring, MySQL, and RESTful web services is assumed.

Learning AWS IoT: Effectively manage connected devices on the AWS cloud using services such as AWS Greengrass, AWS button, predictive analytics and machine learning

by Agus Kurniawan

Learn to use AWS IoT services to build your connected applications with the help of this comprehensive guide. Key Features Gets you started with AWS IoT and its functionalities Learn different modules of AWS IoT with practical use cases. Learn to secure your IoT communication Book Description The Internet of Things market increased a lot in the past few years and IoT development and its adoption have showed an upward trend. Analysis and predictions say that Enterprise IoT platforms are the future of IoT. AWS IoT is currently leading the market with its wide range of device support SDKs and versatile management console. This book initially introduces you to the IoT platforms, and how it makes our IoT development easy. It then covers the complete AWS IoT Suite and how it can be used to develop secure communication between internet-connected things such as sensors, actuators, embedded devices, smart applications, and so on. The book also covers the various modules of AWS: AWS Greengrass, AWS device SDKs, AWS IoT Platform, AWS Button, AWS Management consoles, AWS-related CLI, and API references, all with practical use cases. Near the end, the book supplies security-related best practices to make bi-directional communication more secure. When you've finished this book, you'll be up-and-running with the AWS IoT Suite, and building IoT projects. What you will learn Implement AWS IoT on IoT projects Learn the technical capabilities of AWS IoT and IoT devices Create IoT-based AWS IoT projects Choose IoT devices and AWS IoT platforms to use based on the kind of project you need to build Deploy AWS Greengrass and AWS Lambda Develop program for AWS IoT Button Visualize IoT AWS data Build predictive analytics using AWS IoT and AWS Machine Learning Who this book is for This book is for anyone who wants to get started with the AWS IoT Suite and implement it with practical use cases. This book acts as an extensive guide, on completion of which you will be in a position to start building IoT projects using AWS IoT platform and using cloud services for your projects.

Learning AWS Lumberyard Game Development

by Dr Edward Lavieri

Create stunning 3D multiplayer games with integrated cloud-based features About This Book * Build a multiplayer 3D game from scratch using the features of Amazon's Lumberyard * Explore the world of Lumberyard along with Twitch and various key Amazon Web Services to build a game * This step-by-step practical guide will teach you how to build cross-platform games using Lumberyard Who This Book Is For The book caters for those who have an interest or desire to create their own games, either as a hobbyist or to enhance their skills as a professional games developer. The book requires previous knowledge of software development. Experience with C++ will also be beneficial. What You Will Learn * Explore Lumberyard's graphical user interface * Create stunning game worlds * Use Geppetto editor to create 3D characters * Create and animate game characters using Lumberyard's toolset * Create impressive gameplay to add multiplayer functionality to your game * Debug and play your 3D game * Add multiplayer functionality to your game using Amazon GameLift * Integrate with Amazon cloud services to support cloud computing and storage * Engage your users during gameplay with Twitch In Detail Amazon's Lumberyard is a 3D cross-platform game development engine for building high-quality AAA games. It makes the process of creating multi-player games and adding realistic characters, stunning terrains, and special effects much faster and more efficient. This book will show you how to use Lumberyard to create a multiplayer 3D game with cloud computing, storage, and Twitch integration for user engagement. We will start with an introduction to Lumberyard and provide an overview of its capabilities and integration options. Once the game engine is installed, we'll guide you through the creation of an immersive game world with characters. You'll add animations and audio to bring the game to life. We'll explore external interactions to support live multiplayer game play, data storage, user engagement, and the back end. By the end of the book, you will be efficient in building cross-platform games using Lumberyard. Style and approach This step-by-step tutorial is filled with practical examples that will introduce you to the game engine's interface, as well as setting up your development environment.

Learning AWS OpsWorks

by Todd Rosner

A fast-paced, example-based guide to mastering AWS OpsWorks.This book is geared towards application developers, system administrators, DevOps, and anyone else interested in delivering applications while managing highly-scalable and automated infrastructures using push-button procedures. Some knowledge of what cloud computing is as well as some familiarity with Amazon Web Services is all you need as a precursor to reading this book.

Learning AWS, Second Edition: Design, Build, And Deploy Responsive Applications Using Aws Cloud Components

by Aurobindo Sarkar

AWS is currently the market leader in the public cloud market.With the increasing global interest in leveraging cloud infrastructure, AWS Cloud from Amazon offers a cutting-edge platform for architecting, building, and deploying web-scale cloud applications. This book will help you in performing these tasks easily.

Learning Axure RP Interactive Prototypes

by John Henry Krahenbuhl

If you are a user experience professional, designer, information architect, or business analyst who wants to gain interactive prototyping skills with Axure, then this book is ideal for you. Some familiarity with Axure is preferred but not essential.

Learning Azure Cosmos DB: A beginner's guide to creating scalable, globally distributed, and highly responsive applications using Cosmos DB

by Shahid Shaikh

Gain an in-depth understanding of Azure Cosmos DB — a multi-model database from Microsoft Key FeaturesDevelop your skills to build and scale applications using the power of Azure CosmosDB.Learn how to store and access data with a variety of APIs including MongoDB, Gremlin, SQL, Azure Tables and much more.Fast paced guide to have a better understanding of the features with the practical approach mentioned.Book DescriptionMicrosoft has introduced a new globally distributed database, called Azure Cosmos DB. It is a superset of Microsoft's existing NoSQL Document DB service. Azure Cosmos DB enables you to scale throughput and storage elastically and independently across any number of Azure's geographic regions.This book is a must-have for anyone who wants to get introduced to the world of Cosmos DB. This book will focus on building globally-distributed applications without the hassle of complex, multiple datacenter configurations. This book will shed light on how Cosmos DB offers multimodal NoSQL database capabilities in the cloud at a scale that is one product with different database engines, such as key-value, document, graph, and wide column store. We will cover detailed practical examples on how to create a CRUD application using Cosmos DB with a frontend framework of your choice. This book will empower developers to choose their favorite database engines to perform integration, along with other systems that utilize the most popular languages, such as Node.js. This book will take you through the tips and trick, of Cosmos DB deployment, management, and the security offered by Azure Cosmos DB in order to detect, prevent, and respond to database breaches.By the end of this book, you will not only be aware of the best capabilities of relational and non-relational databases, but you will also be able to build scalable, globally distributed,and highly responsive applications.What you will learnBuild highly responsive and mission-critical applicationsUnderstand how distributed databases are important for global scale and low latencyUnderstand how to write globally distributed applications the right wayImplement comprehensive SLAs for throughput, latency, consistency,and availabilityImplement multiple data models and popular APIs for accessing and querying dataImplement best practices covering data security in order to detect, prevent andrespond to database breachesWho this book is forThis book is intended to anyone who wants to get well versed with Microsoft's new NoSQL database called Azure Cosmos DB. Get the database into work with the practical examples mentioned.

Learning Azure DocumentDB

by Riccardo Becker

Create outstanding enterprise solutions around DocumentDB using the latest technologies and programming tools with Azure About This Book * Get to know the concepts of DocumentDB and learn to work your way around it * Manipulate and query your documents using different modern technologies to access DocumentDB * Build a real-life scenario using Microsoft Visual Studio and C# with this handy and practical guide Who This Book Is For This book is for novice developers and database architects who need a thorough knowledge of the features of DocumentDB and developing applications with it. Basic knowledge of SQL would be helpful. What You Will Learn * Create, manage, and configure your DocumentDB environment * Execute SQL queries from simple to complex and nested ones against your database * Get to know about advanced DocumentDB techniques such as scopes, portioning, indexing, triggers, UDF's, and security * Fine-tune your DocumentDB database to optimize performance and costs * Interact with DocumentDB from different technologies and platforms * Build a real-life scenario using C# and put DocumentDB at the heart of Azure solutions * Understand how to migrate from your current datastore to DocumentDB In Detail Learning DocumentDB adopts a practical, step-by-step approach to help you learn the basics of DocumentDB and use your new-found abilities in real-life scenarios and enterprise solutions. We start with the absolute basics, such as setting up a DocumentDB environment, and guide you through managing your databases, and executing simple and complex queries. Next, we explain how to work with DocumentDB using the open REST protocol, and demonstrate how JavaScript works with DocumentDB. We'll also show you how to authenticate and execute queries. Moving on, you'll find out how to use DocumentDB from within Node.js to kick-start your Node.js projects. Next, you'll discover how to increase the performance of your DocumentDB database and fine-tune it. Finally, you'll get to grips with using DocumentDB in conjunction with other services offered from the Microsoft Azure platform. Style and approach This book can be used as a tutorial where you learn step by step, but also as a knowledge base to quickly look up recipes you can instantly utilize. Starting with the basics and moving on to advanced topics, every concept is explained in theory and demonstrated through easy-to-understand examples.

Learning Azure Functions

by Mitesh Soni Manisha Yadav

This book will start with the basics of Azure Functions. You will learn the steps to set up the environment and the tools that we will be using in the further chapters. Once you have a better understanding of this, we will be creating our first hello world function app. Later you will be introduced to triggers, how they are used to activate a function, and how binding can be used to output results of a function.You will also explore the steps to create an assembly with complex functionality that can be used by functions. Next, this book will teach you to scale your functions and use them to process data, integrate systems, and build simple APIs and microservices. Finally, this book will cover some diagnostic techniques with Azure App services and best practices of working with Azure Functions. By the end of this book, you will be well-versed with the techniques of scaling your Azure functions and making the most of serverless architecture.

Learning Banana Pi

by Daniel Blair

This book is for anyone who wants to explore Banana Pi and get started building projects on their own using it. No prior experience of working with single board computers is required.

Learning-Based Reconfigurable Multiple Access Schemes for Virtualized MTC Networks (Wireless Networks)

by Tho Le-Ngoc Atoosa Dalili Shoaei

This book assists readers with understanding the key aspects, problems and solutions related to the design of proper Multiple Access Schemes for MTC (Machine-Type Communications) and IoT applications in 5G-and-beyond wireless networks. An overview of MTC applications and their traffic features are also provided. In addition, it presents a comprehensive review of MTC access schemes including orthogonal multiple access schemes (OMA), non-orthogonal multiple access schemes (NOMA), massive MIMO-based schemes and fast uplink grant approaches. It also proposes efficient and reconfigurable access schemes deploying machine learning and optimization techniques to address the main requirements of MTC networks. This book discusses potential research directions to further enhance the performance of MTC access schemes.Machine-type communications are expected to account for the dominant share of the traffic in future wireless networks. While in traditional wireless networks, designed for human-type communications, the focus is on support of large packet sizes in downlink, machine-type communication systems deal with heavy uplink traffic. This is due to the nature of the tasks performed by machine-type communication devices, which is mainly reporting measured data or a detected event. Furthermore, in these networks, using the virtualization framework, the network infrastructure can be shared between different applications for which providing isolation is of high importance. To support these unique characteristics of machine-type communications, proper access schemes need to be developed, which is the focus of this book.This book benefits advanced-level students studying computer science and electrical engineering as a secondary textbook and researchers working in this field. Engineers and practitioners interested in the challenges and practical solutions of integrating MTC in the cloud radio access network of 5G-and-beyond cellular systems will want to purchase this book as well.

Learning-based VANET Communication and Security Techniques (Wireless Networks)

by Liang Xiao Weihua Zhuang Sheng Zhou Cailian Chen

This timely book provides broad coverage of vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) issues, such as security, and network selection. Machine learning based methods are applied to solve these issues. This book also includes four rigorously refereed chapters from prominent international researchers working in this subject area. The material serves as a useful reference for researchers, graduate students, and practitioners seeking solutions to VANET communication and security related issues. This book will also help readers understand how to use machine learning to address the security and communication challenges in VANETs. Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) support vehicle-to-vehicle communications and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications to improve the transmission security, help build unmanned-driving, and support booming applications of onboard units (OBUs). The high mobility of OBUs and the large-scale dynamic network with fixed roadside units (RSUs) make the VANET vulnerable to jamming. The anti-jamming communication of VANETs can be significantly improved by using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to relay the OBU message. UAVs help relay the OBU message to improve the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio of the OBU signals, and thus reduce the bit-error-rate of the OBU message, especially if the serving RSUs are blocked by jammers and/or interference, which is also demonstrated in this book.This book serves as a useful reference for researchers, graduate students, and practitioners seeking solutions to VANET communication and security related issues.

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