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Management, Tourism and Smart Technologies: ICMTT 2024 Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1191)
by Álvaro Rocha Carlos Montenegro Elisabeth T. Pereira José A. M. Victor Waldo IbarraThis book features a selection of articles from the 2024 International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies (ICMTT´24), held at the Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, in Cusco, Peru, between May 9 and 11, 2024. ICMTT is an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in the several perspectives of Management, Tourism and Technologies. The main and distinctive areas covered are: Area A – Managements; Area B – Tourism; Area C – Marketing strategies in Management, Tourism and Technology; and Area D – Technology. The primary market of this book is postgraduates and researchers in Management, Tourism and Technologies fields. And the secondary market is undergraduates and professionals as well in management, tourism and technologies fields.
Management, Tourism and Smart Technologies: ICMTT 2024 Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1190)
by Álvaro Rocha Carlos Montenegro Elisabeth T. Pereira José A. M. Victor Waldo IbarraThis book features a selection of articles from the 2024 International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies (ICMTT´24), held at the Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, in Cusco, Peru, between May 9 and 11, 2024. ICMTT is an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in the several perspectives of Management, Tourism and Technologies. The main and distinctive areas covered are: Area A – Managements; Area B – Tourism; Area C – Marketing strategies in Management, Tourism and Technology; and Area D – Technology. The primary market of this book is postgraduates and researchers in Management, Tourism and Technologies fields. And the secondary market is undergraduates and professionals as well in management, tourism and technologies fields.
Management von IT-Agilität in der IT-Funktion: Design eines Kennzahlensystems zur Messung der organsatorischen IT-Agilität (Forschung zur Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft | Advanced Studies in Business Digitization)
by Ronny-Alexander KochRonny-Alexander Koch konzentriert sich in seiner Forschung auf die IT-Agilität im organisatorischen Handlungsfeld und berücksichtigt die Aufbau- und die Ablauforganisation der IT-Funktion. Unter Anwendung der Design-Science manifestiert sich ein Artefakt in Form eines Kennzahlensystems auf Basis eines interdisziplinären Literaturreviews. Das Kennzahlensystem erfährt eine iterative Evaluation und Optimierung auf Basis einer mixed-mode Delphi-Studie und instrumentellen Fallstudien in Unternehmen verschiedener Branchen. Der gemessene organisatorische IT-Agilitätsindex offenbart signifikante Unterschiede und Verbesserungspotenziale. Das entwickelte Artefakt ermöglicht es nun erstmals dem oberen Führungskreis der IT-Funktion, die organisatorische IT-Agilität eigenständig zu messen, zu vergleichen und auf dieser Grundlage praktische Maßnahmen zur Steuerung der IT-Agilität zu ergreifen.
Managerial Discretion in Imperfect Markets
by T. V. Ramamohan RaoThis book deals with behavioral responses of management of firms that make several decisions with respect to production, marketing, finance, organization of activities within divisions, and interrelations between divisions (including synergies between them and constraints placed on each other in the attainment of overall goals of the firm). The market conditions, that constitute the basis of such decisions, may be stable, random but predictable, or uncertain. It can be expected that objectives attained by the firm, as a result of decisions of management, may be different from the maximum which can be achieved. A generic conceptualization of such managerial discretion and operationally useful methods of measurement have been presented. It is possible to develop machine learning algorithms on this basis to minimize managerial discretion and assist managers in arriving at strategic decisions thereby leaving more resources to deal with uncertain events as they arise. The volume is a great resource not only for researchers, but also decision makers in corporates.
A Manager's Guide to BS25999
by Tony DrewittThis book is a concise and practical guide to implementing the new benchmark for business continuity management - BS25999. While the number of events that could potentially disrupt the ability of your organization to continue with its business activities continues to grow, the ramifications are increasingly dramatic. Climate change, terrorism and IT system failure are just some of today's more serious threats - and pressure is growing on all organizations to demonstrate effective, meaningful and dependable emergency preparedness. This guide will help you understand and meet the growing need to demonstrate and provide assurance to partners, customers and stakeholders that, should some significant business disruption occur, you have done everything possible to minimize disruption to the continued supply of the products or services by your organization.
A Manager's Guide to Data Warehousing
by Laura ReevesAimed at helping business and IT managers clearly communicate with each other, this helpful book addresses concerns straight-on and provides practical methods to building a collaborative data warehouse . You'll get clear explanations of the goals and objectives of each stage of the data warehouse lifecycle while learning the roles that both business managers and technicians play at each stage. Discussions of the most critical decision points for success at each phase of the data warehouse lifecycle help you understand ways in which both business and IT management can make decisions that best meet unified objectives.
A Manager's Guide to the New World of Work: The Most Effective Strategies for Managing People, Teams, and Organizations (The Digital Future of Management)
by MIT Sloan Management ReviewThe best tools and insights to succesfully navigate the novel challenges of the digital workplace.How can technology and analytics help companies manage people? Why do teams working remotely still need leaders? When should organizations use digital assessment tools for gauging talent and potential? This book from MIT Sloan Management Review answers questions managers are only beginning to ask, presenting insights and stories from organizations navigating the novel challenges of the digital workplace. Experts from business and academia describe what's worked, what's failed, and what they've learned in the new world of work, looking at strategies that organizations use to help managers and employees adapt to the fast-changing digital environment.
The Manager's Guide to Web Application Security:
by Ron LepofskyThe Manager's Guide to Web Application Security is a concise, information-packed guide to application security risks every organization faces, written in plain language, with guidance on how to deal with those issues quickly and effectively. Often, security vulnerabilities are difficult to understand and quantify because they are the result of intricate programming deficiencies and highly technical issues. Author and noted industry expert Ron Lepofsky breaks down the technical barrier and identifies many real-world examples of security vulnerabilities commonly found by IT security auditors, translates them into business risks with identifiable consequences, and provides practical guidance about mitigating them. The Manager's Guide to Web Application Security describes how to fix and prevent these vulnerabilities in easy-to-understand discussions of vulnerability classes and their remediation. For easy reference, the information is also presented schematically in Excel spreadsheets available to readers for free download from the publisher's digital annex. The book is current, concise, and to the point--which is to help managers cut through the technical jargon and make the business decisions required to find, fix, and prevent serious vulnerabilities.
The Manager's Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change
by Camille FournierManaging people is difficult wherever you work. But in the tech industry, where management is also a technical discipline, the learning curve can be brutal—especially when there are few tools, texts, and frameworks to help you. In this practical guide, author Camille Fournier (tech lead turned CTO) takes you through each stage in the journey from engineer to technical manager.From mentoring interns to working with senior staff, you’ll get actionable advice for approaching various obstacles in your path. This book is ideal whether you’re a new manager, a mentor, or a more experienced leader looking for fresh advice. Pick up this book and learn how to become a better manager and leader in your organization.Begin by exploring what you expect from a managerUnderstand what it takes to be a good mentor, and a good tech leadLearn how to manage individual members while remaining focused on the entire teamUnderstand how to manage yourself and avoid common pitfalls that challenge many leadersManage multiple teams and learn how to manage managersLearn how to build and bootstrap a unifying culture in teams
Managing Agile
by Alan MoranThis book examines agile approaches from a management perspective by focusing on matters of strategy, implementation, organization and people. It examines the turbulence of the marketplace and business environment in order to identify what role agile management has to play in coping with such change and uncertainty. Based on observations, personal experience and extensive research, it clearly identifies the fabric of the agile organization, helping managers to become agile leaders in an uncertain world. The book opens with a broad survey of agile strategies, comparing and contrasting some of the major methodologies selected on the basis of where they lie on a continuum of ceremony and formality, ranging from the minimalist technique-driven and software engineering focused XP, to the pragmatic product-project paradigm that is Scrum and its scaled counterpart SAFe®, to the comparatively project-centric DSDM. Subsequently, the core of the book focuses on DSDM, owing to the method's comprehensive elaboration of program and project management practices. This work will chiefly be of interest to all those with decision-making authority within their organizations (e. g. , senior managers, line managers, program, project and risk managers) and for whom topics such as strategy, finance, quality, governance and risk management constitute a daily aspect of their work. It will, however, also be of interest to those readers in advanced management or business administration cou rses (e. g. , MBA, MSc), who wish to engage in the management of agile organizations and thus need to adapt their skills and knowledge accordingly.
Managing Agile Business Technology: The Business and Technology Relationship Model in Practice (Management for Professionals)
by David MillerThis book describes a conceptual management system derived from the Business and Technology Relationship Model (BTRM). The BTRM describes the relationship between business and technology and provides simple definitions for service quality, alignment, agility, and governance. It explains our problems with traditional methods, democratizes the management and governance of enterprise technologies, and is suitable for introducing process automation. This book describes in detail how the BTRM, combined with a focus on value creation and value delivery, will enable continuous change, in the context of current, emerging and future technologies. It illustrates the potential for real-time insight and control not previously considered and provides a wide range of information to plan an implementation, understand where AI can be applied, and its importance in the world of self-managing systems. The topic of this book is particularly relevant for business managers, business technology managers and technology service providers.
Managing AI in the Enterprise: Succeeding with AI Projects and MLOps to Build Sustainable AI Organizations
by Klaus HallerDelivering AI projects and building an AI organization are two big challenges for enterprises. They determine whether companies succeed or fail in establishing AI and integrating AI into their digital transformation. This book addresses both challenges by bringing together organizational and service design concepts, project management, and testing and quality assurance. It covers crucial, often-overlooked topics such as MLOps, IT risk, security and compliance, and AI ethics. In particular, the book shows how to shape AI projects and the capabilities of an AI line organization in an enterprise. It elaborates critical deliverables and milestones, helping you turn your vision into a corporate reality by efficiently managing and setting goals for data scientists, data engineers, and other IT specialists. For those new to AI or AI in an enterprise setting you will find this book a systematic introduction to the field. You will get the necessary know-how to collaborate with and lead AI specialists and guide them to success. Time-pressured readers will benefit from self-contained sections explaining key topics and providing illustrations for fostering discussions in their next team, project, or management meeting. Reading this book helps you to better sell the business benefits from your AI initiatives and build your skills around scoping and delivering AI projects. You will be better able to work through critical aspects such as quality assurance, security, and ethics when building AI solutions in your organization.What You Will LearnClarify the benefits of your AI initiatives and sell them to senior managersScope and manage AI projects in your organizationSet up quality assurance and testing for AI models and their integration in complex software solutionsShape and manage an AI delivery organization, thereby mastering ML Ops Understand and formulate requirements for the underlying data management infrastructureHandle AI-related IT security, compliance, and risk topics and understand relevant AI ethics aspects Who This Book Is ForExperienced IT managers managing data scientists or who want to get involved in managing AI projects, data scientists and other tech professionals who want to progress toward taking on leadership roles in their organization’s AI initiatives and who aim to structure AI projects and AI organizations, any line manager and project manager involved in AI projects or in collaborating with AI teams
Managing an Information Security and Privacy Awareness and Training Program
by Rebecca HeroldStarting with the inception of an education program and progressing through its development, implementation, delivery, and evaluation, Managing an Information Security and Privacy Awareness and Training Program, Second Edition provides authoritative coverage of nearly everything needed to create an effective training program that is compliant with
Managing and Customizing OpenCms 6 Websites
by Matt ButcherWritten in an accessible and easy to read style, this book is packed with practical advice to help you create your OpenCMS website. This book is for anyone who wants to get an OpenCMS website up and running as quickly as possible, whether you are a user, administrator, designer or webmaster. You do not have to be a Java developer to benefit from this book, although a working knowledge of Java, JSP, and XML will help you to get the most from OpenCMS, and this book.
Managing and Implementing Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 Projects
by Geoff EvelynDelve into the capabilities of SharePoint® 2010 -- and determine the best way to put this technology to work for your organization. With this practical guide, you'll gain project management practices for implementing SharePoint, and learn how to customize the system to match the unique collaboration and data-sharing needs of your users. Discover how to: Define a SharePoint 2010 system specification based on user requirements Plan your SharePoint implementation and build your team Determine the function, performance, interfaces, and design of your system Optimize your hardware, software, and information architecture Take control of the documentation process during your SharePoint project Manage the implementation to respond to the evolving needs of your organization Your companion content includes a fully searchable online edition of the book -- with unlimited access on the Web. Customize SharePoint 2010 to fit the needs of your business with this hands-on guide.
Managing and Implementing the Digital Transformation: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Industrial Engineering and Automation ISIEA 2022 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #525)
by Dominik T. Matt Renato Vidoni Erwin Rauch Patrick DallasegaThis book shows how companies can practically implement the advantages of Industry 4.0 and digitalization and also addresses the current challenges with regard to engineering education for Industry 4.0. In this book, we collect the contributions of the 1st Symposium on Industrial Engineering and Automation (ISIEA 2022), which took place from June 21–22, 2022 at the Free University of Bolzano. The contributions cover three basic areas: (1) best practice examples and technical solutions for the implementation of Industry 4.0 in production and logistics, (2) management-oriented approaches for the digital transformation in companies, and (3) addressing Industry 4.0 in engineering education. The book targets different readers. Researchers find approaches to current research topics regarding Industry 4.0. Practitioners find valuable examples for technological implementations as well as management approaches for introducing digitalization. Students and lecturers find hints on how Industry 4.0 can be integrated into university teaching.
Managing and Leading Software Projects, 1st Edition
by Richard E. FairleyThe book is organized around basic principles of software project management: planning and estimating, measuring and controlling, leading and communicating, and managing risk. Introduces software development methods, from traditional (hacking, requirements to code, and waterfall) to iterative (incremental build, evolutionary, agile, and spiral). Illustrates and emphasizes tailoring the development process to each project, with a foundation in the fundamentals that are true for all development methods. Topics such as the WBS, estimation, schedule networks, organizing the project team, and performance reporting are integrated, rather than being relegating to appendices. Each chapter in the book includes an appendix that covers the relevant topics from CMMI-DEV-v1.2, IEEE/ISO Standards 12207, IEEE Standard 1058, and the PMI Body of Knowledge.
Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment
by Microsoft Official Academic Course Staff Craig ZackerThis Microsoft Official Academic Course provides everything students need to build the knowledge and skills necessary to install, configure, administer, and support the primary services in the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system and to prepare for the Microsoft Certified Professional examination 70-290: Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment.
Managing and Mining Multimedia Databases
by Bhavani ThuraisinghamThere is now so much data on the Web that managing it with conventional tools is becoming almost impossible. To manage this data, provide interoperability and warehousing between multiple data sources and systems, and extract information from the databases and warehouses, various tools are being developed. In fact, developments in multimedia databa
Managing And Troubleshooting Pcs Lab Manual: Mike Meyers' CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs Lab Manual, Seventh Edition (Exams 220-1101 & 220-1102)
by Mike Meyers Mark Edward SoperThis practical workbook contains more than 140 labs that challenge you to solve real-world problems by applying key concepts. Thoroughly revised for the 220-1101 and 220-1102 exam objectives, this book maps directly to Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+™ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs, Seventh Edition. You will get complete materials lists, setup instructions, and start-to-finish lab scenarios. “Hint” and “Warning” icons guide you through tricky situations, and post-lab questions measure your knowledge.
Managing and Using MySQL, 2nd Edition
by Tim King George Reese Randy Jay YargerLearn how to use MySQL, a popular database product that supports key subsets of SQL on Linux and Unix systems. Using C/C++, Java, Perl, PHP, or Python, you can write programs to interact with a MySQL database, either as a stand-alone application or through a web page. This book covers the whole process, from installation to programming interfaces and database administration. It includes ample tutorial material and examples.
Managing Business Projects: The Essentials
by Frank EinhornManaging Business Projects: The Essentials differs from many other project management textbooks. Foremost, it is about business projects as opposed to construction or engineering projects. Although many techniques, like schedule management, apply to both, they are usually applied differently. As its title conveys, the book explains the essential techniques and perspectives needed for business projects to be successful. The focus is on small and medium sized projects, up to $20 million, but often below $1 million. Some literature favors large and mega-projects, but for every mega-project there are many thousands of smaller projects which are vital to the organization and could involve considerable complexity and risk. Nevertheless, the techniques outlined here also apply to mega-projects and their many subprojects; they even apply to some aspects of construction or engineering projects. This book does not aim to cover all project management techniques. In real life there is simply not time for sophisticated ‘should-dos.' Rather, it covers the essentials that apply to almost all business projects; these are unlikely to change in the future even as technology and methodologies advance. The driving idea, which is stated repeatedly, is to do the essentials and to do them consistently and well. Strong emphasis is placed on things that happen before, around, and after the project itself. So, while the basic disciplines like engaging with stakeholders, managing scope, schedules, costs, risks, issues, changes, and communication, are thoroughly explained, other important aspects are covered. These include: governance of a project and of a portfolio of projects, project selection with its financial and non-financial aspects, effective use of the business case through to benefits realization, procurement, outsourcing and partnership, and also the agile mindset that is valuable beyond Agile projects. Besides project managers and sponsors, this book is intended for people who are working in business or government, at any level, or for MBA students. It offers perspectives that enable them to learn more from their everyday experience. It is not aimed at undergraduate students, although many would benefit from the contents.
Managing Change in IT Outsourcing
by Albert PluggeThrough case studies this volume provides evidence that a link between sourcing capabilities and organizational structure contributes to a positive sourcing performance. Reveals that providers who are able to adapt to changing client circumstances, whilst establishing a fit, succeed in achieving a sustainable performance.
Managing Chaos
by Lisa WelchmanFew organizations realize a return on their digital investment. They're distracted by political infighting and technology-first solutions. To reach the next level, organizations must realign their assets--people, content, and technology--by practicing the discipline of digital governance. Managing Chaos inspires new and necessary conversations about digital governance and its transformative power to support creativity, real collaboration, digital quality, and online growth.
Managing Cloud Native Data on Kubernetes: Architecting Cloud Native Data Services Using Open Source Technology
by Jeff Carpenter Patrick McFadinIs Kubernetes ready for stateful workloads? This open source system has become the primary platform for deploying and managing cloud native applications. But because it was originally designed for stateless workloads, working with data on Kubernetes has been challenging. If you want to avoid the inefficiencies and duplicative costs of having separate infrastructure for applications and data, this practical guide can help.Using Kubernetes as your platform, you'll learn open source technologies that are designed and built for the cloud. Authors Jeff Carpenter and Patrick McFadin provide case studies to help you explore new use cases and avoid the pitfalls others have faced. You’ll get an insider's view of what's coming from innovators who are creating next-generation architectures and infrastructure.With this book, you will:Learn how to use basic Kubernetes resources to compose data infrastructureAutomate the deployment and operations of data infrastructure on Kubernetes using tools like Helm and operatorsEvaluate and select data infrastructure technologies for use in your applicationsIntegrate data infrastructure technologies into your overall stackExplore emerging technologies that will enhance your Kubernetes-based applications in the future