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Showing 37,076 through 37,100 of 59,476 results

Mathematical Logic: On Numbers, Sets, Structures, and Symmetry (Springer Graduate Texts in Philosophy #4)

by Roman Kossak

This textbook is a second edition of the successful, Mathematical Logic: On Numbers, Sets, Structures, and Symmetry. It retains the original two parts found in the first edition, while presenting new material in the form of an added third part to the textbook. The textbook offers a slow introduction to mathematical logic, and several basic concepts of model theory, such as first-order definability, types, symmetries, and elementary extensions. Part I, Logic Sets, and Numbers, shows how mathematical logic is used to develop the number structures of classical mathematics. All necessary concepts are introduced exactly as they would be in a course in mathematical logic; but are accompanied by more extensive introductory remarks and examples to motivate formal developments. The second part, Relations, Structures, Geometry, introduces several basic concepts of model theory, such as first-order definability, types, symmetries, and elementary extensions, and shows how they are usedto study and classify mathematical structures. The added Part III to the book is closer to what one finds in standard introductory mathematical textbooks. Definitions, theorems, and proofs that are introduced are still preceded by remarks that motivate the material, but the exposition is more formal, and includes more advanced topics. The focus is on the notion of countable categoricity, which analyzed in detail using examples from the first two parts of the book. This textbook is suitable for graduate students in mathematical logic and set theory and will also be of interest to mathematicians who know the technical aspects of the subject, but are not familiar with its history and philosophical background.

Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces

by Michael Floater Tom Lyche Marie-Laurence Mazure Knut Mørken Larry L. Schumaker

Contains a carefully edited selection of papers that were presented at the Symposium on Trends in Approximation Theory, held in May 2000, and at the Oslo Conference on Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, held in July 2000. Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces covers topics such as B#65533;zier curves, conic sections, offsets, and wavelets.

Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation (Computational Imaging and Vision #41)

by Luc Florack Marie-Colette van Lieshout Remco Duits Geurt Jongbloed Laurie Davies

Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation presents the mathematical methodology for generic image analysis tasks. In the context of this book an image may be any m-dimensional empirical signal living on an n-dimensional smooth manifold (typically, but not necessarily, a subset of spacetime). The existing literature on image methodology is rather scattered and often limited to either a deterministic or a statistical point of view. In contrast, this book brings together these seemingly different points of view in order to stress their conceptual relations and formal analogies.Furthermore, it does not focus on specific applications, although some are detailed for the sake of illustration, but on the methodological frameworks on which such applications are built, making it an ideal companion for those seeking a rigorous methodological basis for specific algorithms as well as for those interested in the fundamental methodology per se.Covering many topics at the forefront of current research, including anisotropic diffusion filtering of tensor fields, this book will be of particular interest to graduate and postgraduate students and researchers in the fields of computer vision, medical imaging and visual perception.

Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation

by Luc Florack Marie-Colette van Lieshout Remco Duits Geurt Jongbloed Laurie Davies

Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation presents the mathematical methodology for generic image analysis tasks. In the context of this book an image may be any m-dimensional empirical signal living on an n-dimensional smooth manifold (typically, but not necessarily, a subset of spacetime). The existing literature on image methodology is rather scattered and often limited to either a deterministic or a statistical point of view. In contrast, this book brings together these seemingly different points of view in order to stress their conceptual relations and formal analogies. Furthermore, it does not focus on specific applications, although some are detailed for the sake of illustration, but on the methodological frameworks on which such applications are built, making it an ideal companion for those seeking a rigorous methodological basis for specific algorithms as well as for those interested in the fundamental methodology per se. Covering many topics at the forefront of current research, including anisotropic diffusion filtering of tensor fields, this book will be of particular interest to graduate and postgraduate students and researchers in the fields of computer vision, medical imaging and visual perception.

Mathematical Methods using Python: Applications in Physics and Engineering

by Vasilis Pagonis Christopher Wayne Kulp

This advanced undergraduate textbook presents a new approach to teaching mathematical methods for scientists and engineers. It provides a practical, pedagogical introduction to utilizing Python in Mathematical and Computational Methods courses. Both analytical and computational examples are integrated from its start. Each chapter concludes with a set of problems designed to help students hone their skills in mathematical techniques, computer programming, and numerical analysis. The book places less emphasis on mathematical proofs, and more emphasis on how to use computers for both symbolic and numerical calculations. It contains 182 extensively documented coding examples, based on topics that students will encounter in their advanced courses in Mechanics, Electronics, Optics, Electromagnetism, Quantum Mechanics etc.An introductory chapter gives students a crash course in Python programming and the most often used libraries (SymPy, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib). This is followed by chapters dedicated to differentiation, integration, vectors and multiple integration techniques. The next group of chapters covers complex numbers, matrices, vector analysis and vector spaces. Extensive chapters cover ordinary and partial differential equations, followed by chapters on nonlinear systems and on the analysis of experimental data using linear and nonlinear regression techniques, Fourier transforms, binomial and Gaussian distributions. The book is accompanied by a dedicated GitHub website, which contains all codes from the book in the form of ready to run Jupyter notebooks. A detailed solutions manual is also available for instructors using the textbook in their courses.Key Features:· A unique teaching approach which merges mathematical methods and the Python programming skills which physicists and engineering students need in their courses.· Uses examples and models from physical and engineering systems, to motivate the mathematics being taught.· Students learn to solve scientific problems in three different ways: traditional pen-and-paper methods, using scientific numerical techniques with NumPy and SciPy, and using Symbolic Python (SymPy).Vasilis Pagonis is Professor of Physics Emeritus at McDaniel College, Maryland, USA. His research area is applications of thermally and optically stimulated luminescence. He taught courses in mathematical physics, classical and quantum mechanics, analog and digital electronics and numerous general science courses. Dr. Pagonis’ resume lists more than 200 peer-reviewed publications in international journals. He is currently associate editor of the journal Radiation Measurements. He is co-author with Christopher Kulp of the undergraduate textbook “Classical Mechanics: a computational approach, with examples in Python and Mathematica” (CRC Press, 2020). He has also co-authored four graduate-level textbooks in the field of luminescence dosimetry, and most recently published the book “Luminescence Signal analysis using Python” (Springer, 2022).Christopher Kulp is the John P. Graham Teaching Professor of Physics at Lycoming College. He has been teaching undergraduate physics at all levels for 20 years. Dr. Kulp’s research focuses on modelling complex systems, time series analysis, and machine learning. He has published 30 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, many of which include student co-authors. He is also co-author of the undergraduate textbook “Classical Mechanics: a computational approach, with examples in Python and Mathematica” (CRC Press, 2020).

Mathematical Modeling and Computational Intelligence in Engineering Applications

by Antônio José da Silva Neto Orestes Llanes Santiago Geraldo Nunes Silva

This book brings together a rich selection of studies in mathematical modeling and computational intelligence, with application in several fields of engineering, like automation, biomedical, chemical, civil, electrical, electronic, geophysical and mechanical engineering, on a multidisciplinary approach. Authors from five countries and 16 different research centers contribute with their expertise in both the fundamentals and real problems applications based upon their strong background on modeling and computational intelligence. The reader will find a wide variety of applications, mathematical and computational tools and original results, all presented with rigorous mathematical procedures. This work is intended for use in graduate courses of engineering, applied mathematics and applied computation where tools as mathematical and computational modeling, numerical methods and computational intelligence are applied to the solution of real problems.

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Systems: Selected Papers of 14th International Scientific-Practical Conference, MODS, 2019 June 24-26, Chernihiv, Ukraine (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1019)

by Alexander Palagin Anatoliy Anisimov Anatoliy Morozov Serhiy Shkarlet

This book presents current investigations in the field of mathematical modeling and simulation to support the development of intelligent information systems in domains such as ecology and geology, manufacturing, project management, and safety of distributed information systems. The book will be of interest to developers of modern high-tech software complexes for situational control centers, based on mathematical modeling and simulation methods. In addition, it will appeal to software engineers and programmers, offering them new implementation and application methods. Gathering the latest research, prepared by leading scholars, and identifying promising new directions for solving complex scientific and practical problems, the book presents selected outcomes of the 14th International Scientific-Practical Conference, MODS2019, held in Chernihiv, Ukraine, on June 24 to 26, 2019.

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Systems: Selected Papers of 15th International Scientific-practical Conference, MODS, 2020 June 29 – July 01, Chernihiv, Ukraine (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1265)

by Serhiy Shkarlet Anatoliy Morozov Alexander Palagin

This book contains works on mathematical and simulation modeling of processes in various domains: ecology and geographic information systems, IT, industry, and project management. The development of complex multicomponent systems requires an increase in accuracy, efficiency, and adequacy while reducing the cost of their creation.The studies presented in the book are useful to specialists who are involved in the development of real events models: analog, management and decision-making models, production models, and software products. Scientists can get acquainted with the latest research in various decisions proposed by leading scholars and identify promising directions for solving complex scientific and practical problems. The chapters of this book contain the contributions presented on the 15th International Scientific-Practical Conference, MODS, June 29–July 01, 2020, Chernihiv, Ukraine.

Mathematical Modeling and Soft Computing in Epidemiology (Information Technology, Management and Operations Research Practices)

by Jyoti Mishra, Ritu Agarwal, and Abdon Atangana

This book describes the uses of different mathematical modeling and soft computing techniques used in epidemiology for experiential research in projects such as how infectious diseases progress to show the likely outcome of an epidemic, and to contribute to public health interventions. This book covers mathematical modeling and soft computing techniques used to study the spread of diseases, predict the future course of an outbreak, and evaluate epidemic control strategies. This book explores the applications covering numerical and analytical solutions, presents basic and advanced concepts for beginners and industry professionals, and incorporates the latest methodologies and challenges using mathematical modeling and soft computing techniques in epidemiology. Primary users of this book include researchers, academicians, postgraduate students, and specialists.

Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputer Technologies: 20th International Conference, MMST 2020, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, November 23 – 27, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1413)

by Dmitry Balandin Konstantin Barkalov Victor Gergel Iosif Meyerov

This book constitutes selected and revised papers from the 20th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputer Technologies, MMST 2020, held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, in November 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held online. The 25 full papers and 8 short papers presented in the volume were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 106 submissions. They are organized in topical secions on ​computational methods for mathematical models analysis; computation in optimization and optimal control; supercomputer simulation.

Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputer Technologies: 22nd International Conference, MMST 2022, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, November 14–17, 2022, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1750)

by Dmitry Balandin Konstantin Barkalov Iosif Meyerov

This book constitutes selected and revised papers from the 22nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputer Technologies, MMST 2022, held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, in November 2022. The 20 full papers and 5 short papers presented in the volume were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 48 submissions. They are organized in topical secions on ​computational methods for mathematical models analysis; computation in optimization and optimal control; supercomputer simulation.

Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputer Technologies: 23rd International Conference, MMST 2023, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, November 13–16, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1914)

by Dmitry Balandin Konstantin Barkalov Iosif Meyerov

This book constitutes selected and revised papers from the 23rd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputer Technologies, MMST 2023, held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, during November 13–16 2023. The 18 full papers and 7 short papers presented in the volume were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 45 submissions. They are organized in topical sections as follows: computational methods for mathematical models analysis; computation in optimization and optimal control; artificial intelligence and supercomputer simulation.

Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy: Proceedings of the Third International Conference, MMCITRE 2022 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1440)

by Manoj Sahni José M. Merigó Walayat Hussain Ernesto León-Castro Raj Kumar Verma Ritu Sahni

The book is a collection of best selected research papers presented at the Third International Conference on “Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy (MMCITRE 2022),” organized by the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, in association with the Department of Mathematics, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, India, and Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics. This book presents new knowledge and recent developments in all aspects of computational techniques, mathematical modeling, energy systems, applications of fuzzy sets and intelligent computing. The book provides innovative works of researchers, academicians and students in the area of interdisciplinary mathematics, statistics, computational intelligence and renewable energy.

Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy: Proceedings of the First International Conference, MMCITRE 2020 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1287)

by Manoj Sahni José M. Merigó Brajesh Kumar Jha Rajkumar Verma

This book presents new knowledge and recent developments in all aspects of computational techniques, mathematical modeling, energy systems, applications of fuzzy sets and intelligent computing. The book is a collection of best selected research papers presented at the International Conference on “Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy,” organized by the Department of Mathematics, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, in association with Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Institution of Engineers (IEI) – Gujarat and Computer Society of India (CSI) – Ahmedabad. The book provides innovative works of researchers, academicians and students in the area of interdisciplinary mathematics, statistics, computational intelligence and renewable energy.

Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy: Proceedings of the Second International Conference, MMCITRE 2021 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1405)

by Manoj Sahni José M. Merigó Ritu Sahni Rajkumar Verma

This book presents new knowledge and recent developments in all aspects of computational techniques, mathematical modeling, energy systems, and applications of fuzzy sets and intelligent computing. The book is a collection of best selected research papers presented at the Second International Conference on “Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy (MMCITRE 2021),” organized by the Department of Mathematics, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, in association with Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics. The book provides innovative works of researchers, academicians, and students in the area of interdisciplinary mathematics, statistics, computational intelligence, and renewable energy.

Mathematical Modeling for Complex Fluids and Flows

by Michel Deville Thomas B. Gatski

Mathematical Modeling for Complex Fluids and Flows provides researchers and engineering practitioners encountering fluid flows with state-of-the-art knowledge in continuum concepts and associated fluid dynamics. In doing so it supplies the means to design mathematical models of these flows that adequately express the engineering physics involved. It exploits the implicit link between the turbulent flow of classical Newtonian fluids and the laminar and turbulent flow of non-Newtonian fluids such as those required in food processing and polymeric flows. The book develops a descriptive mathematical model articulated through continuum mechanics concepts for these non-Newtonian, viscoelastic fluids and turbulent flows. Each complex fluid and flow is examined in this continuum context as well as in combination with the turbulent flow of viscoelastic fluids. Some details are also explored via kinetic theory, especially viscoelastic fluids and their treatment with the Boltzmann equation. Both solution and modeling strategies for turbulent flows are laid out using continuum concepts, including a description of constructing polynomial representations and accounting for non-inertial and curvature effects. Ranging from fundamental concepts to practical methodology, and including discussion of emerging technologies, this book is ideal for those requiring a single-source assessment of current practice in this intricate yet vital field.

Mathematical Modeling for Genes to Collective Cell Dynamics (Theoretical Biology)

by Tetsuji Tokihiro

This book describes the dynamics of biological cells and their mathematical modeling. The topics cover the dynamics of RNA polymerases in transcription, construction of vascular networks in angiogenesis, and synchronization of cardiomyocytes. Statistical analysis of single cell dynamics and classification of proteins by mathematical modeling are also presented. The book provides the most up-to-date information on both experimental results and mathematical models that can be used to analyze cellular dynamics. Novel experimental results and approaches to understand them will be appealing to the readers. Each chapter contains 1) an introductory description of the phenomenon, 2) explanations about the mathematical technique to analyze it, 3) new experimental results, 4) mathematical modeling and its application to the phenomenon. Elementary introductions for the biological phenomenon and mathematical approach to them are especially useful for beginners. The importance of collaboration between mathematics and biological sciences has been increasing and providing new outcomes. This book gives good examples of the fruitful collaboration between mathematics and biological sciences.

Mathematical Modeling for Intelligent Systems: Theory, Methods, and Simulation

by Mukesh Kumar Awasthi

Mathematical Modeling for Intelligent Systems: Theory, Methods, and Simulation aims to provide a reference for the applications of mathematical modeling using intelligent techniques in various unique industry problems in the era of Industry 4.0. Providing a thorough introduction to the field of soft-computing techniques, this book covers every major technique in artificial intelligence in a clear and practical style. It also highlights current research and applications, addresses issues encountered in the development of applied systems, and describes a wide range of intelligent systems techniques, including neural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary strategy, and genetic algorithms. This book demonstrates concepts through simulation examples and practical experimental results. Key Features: • Offers a well-balanced mathematical analysis of modeling physical systems • Summarizes basic principles in differential geometry and convex analysis as needed • Covers a wide range of industrial and social applications and bridges the gap between core theory and costly experiments through simulations and modeling • Focuses on manifold ranging from stability of fluid flows, nanofluids, drug delivery, and security of image data to pandemic modeling, etc. This book is primarily aimed at advanced undergraduates and postgraduate students studying computer science, mathematics, and statistics. Researchers and professionals will also find this book useful.

Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics of Granular Materials

by Holm Altenbach Oxana Sadovskaya Vladimir Sadovskii

This monograph contains original results in the field of mathematical and numerical modeling of mechanical behavior of granular materials and materials with different strengths. It proposes new models helping to define zones of the strain localization. The book shows how to analyze processes of the propagation of elastic and elastic-plastic waves in loosened materials, and constructs models of mixed type, describing the flow of granular materials in the presence of quasi-static deformation zones. In a last part, the book studies a numerical realization of the models on multiprocessor computer systems. The book is intended for scientific researchers, lecturers of universities, post-graduates and senior students, who specialize in the field of the deformable materials mechanics, mathematical modeling and adjacent fields of applied and calculus mathematics.

Mathematical Modeling of Biosensors

by Juozas Kulys Romas Baronas Feliksas Ivanauskas

This book presents biosensor development and modeling from both a chemical and a mathematical point of view. It contains unique modeling methods for catalytical (amperometric, potentiometer and optical) biosensors. It examines processes that occur in the sensors' layers and at their interface, and it provides analytical and numerical methods to solve enzymatic kinetic and diffusion equations. The action of single enzyme as well as polyenzyme biosensors is studied, and the modeling of biosensors that contain perforated membranes and multipart mass transport profiles is critically investigated. Furthermore, it is fully described how signals can be biochemically amplified, how cascades of enzymatic substrate conversion are triggered, and how signals are processed via a chemometric approach and artificial neuronal networks. The results of digital modeling are compared with both proximal analytical solutions and experimental data.

Mathematical Modeling of Social Relationships: What Mathematics Can Tell Us About People (Computational Social Sciences)

by Urszula Strawinska-Zanko Larry S. Liebovitch

This edited volume presents examples of social science research projects that employ new methods of quantitative analysis and mathematical modeling of social processes. This book presents the fascinating areas of empirical and theoretical investigations that use formal mathematics in a way that is accessible for individuals lacking extensive expertise but still desiring to expand their scope of research methodology and add to their data analysis toolbox. Mathematical Modeling of Social Relationships professes how mathematical modeling can help us understand the fundamental, compelling, and yet sometimes complicated concepts that arise in the social sciences. This volume will appeal to upper-level students and researchers in a broad area of fields within the social sciences, as well as the disciplines of social psychology, complex systems, and applied mathematics.

Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of Engineering Problems (Nonlinear Systems and Complexity #30)

by Dumitru Baleanu J. A. Tenreiro Machado Necati Özdemir

This book presents recent developments in modelling and optimization of engineering systems and the use of advanced mathematical methods for solving complex real-world problems. It provides recent theoretical developments and new techniques based on control, optimization theory, mathematical modeling and fractional calculus that can be used to model and understand complex behavior in natural phenomena including latest technologies such as additive manufacturing. Specific topics covered in detail include combinatorial optimization, flow and heat transfer, mathematical modelling, energy storage and management policy, artificial intelligence, optimal control, modelling and optimization of manufacturing systems.

Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing with Applications: ICMMSC 2018, Indore, India, July 19–21 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #308)

by Santanu Manna Biswa Nath Datta Sk. Safique Ahmad

This book contains original research papers presented at the International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, held at the Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India, on 19–21 July 2018. Organized into 30 chapters, the book presents the recent progress and the most advanced innovations, trends, and real-world challenges encountered and solutions embraced in the applications of mathematics and scientific computing. The book will be of interests to a wide variety of researchers, students and the practicing engineers working in diverse areas of science and engineering, ranging from applied and computational mathematics, vibration problem, computer science, and numerical optimization to physics, chemistry, biology, electrical, civil, mechanical, chemical, seismology, aerospace, and medical sciences. The aim of the conference is to bring together leading academicians, scientists, researchers, engineers, and industry partners from all over the globe to exchange and share their experiences and research results on various aspects of applied mathematics and scientific computation, like, differential equation, modeling, simulation, dynamical systems, numerical analysis, matrix theory, inverse problems, and solid and fluid mechanics, computational engineering.

Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis and Computation: ICMMAAC 2018, Jaipur, India, July 6-8 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #272)

by Jagdev Singh Devendra Kumar Hemen Dutta Dumitru Baleanu Sunil Dutt Purohit

This book contains original research papers presented at the International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis and Computation, held at JECRC University, Jaipur, India, on 6-8 July, 2018. Organized into 20 chapters, the book focuses on theoretical and applied aspects of various types of mathematical modelling such as equations of various types, fuzzy mathematical models, automata, Petri nets and bond graphs for systems of dynamic nature and the usage of numerical techniques in handling modern problems of science, engineering and finance. It covers the applications of mathematical modelling in physics, chemistry, biology, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, computer science, social science and finance. A wide variety of dynamical systems like deterministic, stochastic, continuous, discrete or hybrid, with respect to time, are discussed in the book. It provides the mathematical modelling of various problems arising in science and engineering, and also new efficient numerical approaches for solving linear and nonlinear problems and rigorous mathematical theories, which can be used to analyze a different kind of mathematical models. The conference was aimed at fostering cooperation among students and researchers in areas of applied analysis, engineering and computation with the deliberations to inculcate new research ideas in their relevant fields. This volume will provide a comprehensive introduction to recent theories and applications of mathematical modelling and numerical simulation, which will be a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers of mathematical modelling and industrial mathematics.

Mathematical Modelling in Health, Social and Applied Sciences (Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics)

by Hemen Dutta

This book discusses significant research findings in the field of mathematical modelling, with particular emphasis on important applied-sciences, health, and social issues. It includes topics such as model on viral immunology, stochastic models for the dynamics of influenza, model describing the transmission of dengue, model for human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, prostate cancer model, realization of economic growth by goal programming, modelling of grazing periodic solutions in discontinuous systems, modelling of predation system, fractional epidemiological model for computer viruses, and nonlinear ecological models. A unique addition in the proposed areas of research and education, this book is a valuable resource for graduate students, researchers and educators associated with the study of mathematical modelling of health, social and applied-sciences issues. Readers interested in applied mathematics should also find this book valuable.

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