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Mediterranean Forum – Data Science Conference: First International Conference, MeFDATA 2020, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 24, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1343)

by Jasminka Hasic Telalovic Mehmed Kantardzic

This book constitutes selected and revised papers from the First Mediterranean Forum - Data Science Conference, MeFDATA 2020, held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in October 2020. The 11 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from the 26 qualified submissions. The papers are organized in the topical sections on human behaviour and pandemic; applications in medicine; industrial applications; natural language processing.

The Medium Format Advantage

by Ernst Wildi

Learn the advantages and capabilities of medium-format cameras and examine all aspects of medium-format operations, including SLR, twin lens, panoramic, rangefinder, wide angle, press, and view cameras. Also explained and illustrated are lenses and their accessories, motor drives, films, flashes, filters, slides and slide projectors, and more. Includes black and white and color photographs and drawings to illustrate proper use of equipment and various techniques, effects, and possibilities that produce successful photographs with the best possible image quality. The medium format is truly the format in the middle. It combines many of the benefits of 35 mm photography with those of the large format, making a medium format system an excellent choice for almost all types of photography from candid action with a hand-held camera to critical studio work from a tripod. Special chapters are devoted to these different applications and the type of equipment that most likely meets your photography needs. This book explains clearly the medium format's benefits, advantages, and disadvantages and provides a comparison of the medium format to other formats so you can decide whether it is right for you and your photography.

The Medium of the Video Game

by Mark J. P. Wolf

Over a mere three decades, the video game has become the entertainment medium of choice for millions of people, who now spend more time in the interactive virtual world of games than they do in watching movies or even television. The release of new games or game-playing equipment, such as the PlayStation 2, generates great excitement and even buying frenzies. Yet, until now, this giant on the popular culture landscape has received little in-depth study or analysis. In this book, Mark J. P. Wolf and four other scholars conduct the first thorough investigation of the video game as an artistic medium. The book begins with an attempt to define what is meant by the term ""video game"" and the variety of modes of production within the medium. It moves on to a brief history of the video game, then applies the tools of film studies to look at the medium in terms of the formal aspects of space, time, narrative, and genre. The book also considers the video game as a cultural entity, object of museum curation, and repository of psychological archetypes. It closes with a list of video game research resources for further study.

Medizininformatik: Ein Kompendium für Studium und Praxis

by Martin Dugas

Das sich dynamisch entwickelnde Gebiet der Medizininformatik mit dem Ziel der Digitalisierung der Medizin wird im vorliegenden Buch kompakt dargestellt. Es soll einen umfassenden und verst#65533;ndlichen Einstieg in die Medizininformatik erm#65533;glichen. Im ersten Kapitel werden Grundbegriffe aus der Medizin erl#65533;utert, die f#65533;r Leser mit vorwiegend technischem Hintergrund wichtig sind. Das zweite Kapitel ist gedacht f#65533;r Leser mit medizinisch-biologischer Ausbildung und erl#65533;utert wichtige Informatikbegriffe. Im Anschluss daran werden die wichtigsten Teilgebiete der Medizininformatik vorgestellt, unter besonderer Ber#65533;cksichtigung des "Lernzielkatalogs Medizinische Informatik f#65533;r Studierende der Humanmedizin".

Meeting Common Core Technology Standards: Strategies For Grades 9-12 (First Edition)

by Valerie Morrison Stephanie Novak Tim Vanderwerff

<P>Have you ever wished you had an instructional coach at your side to help align your curriculum with the tech-related indicators found in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)? <P>You're not alone. <P>Nearly all U.S. states have adopted Common Core, and teachers across the country are redesigning their lessons to meet the standards, including the edtech component. In this book (the fourth in a four-book series), you'll learn how to shift your instructional practice and integrate technology standards found within Common Core into high school curriculum. <P>This book: addresses issues that digital age able bodied students face and examines the importance of tailoring their learning experiences using technology; discusses technology needed to teach CCSS and shows how to address roadblocks to incorporating technology; explains how the CCSS are organized and offers a deep dive into the standards specific to grades 9-12; includes classroom-tested lesson ideas mapped to tech-related CCSS and ISTE Standards; and shares resources (apps, software and websites) that can be used in meeting CCSS.

Mega-Bit Memory Technology - From Mega-Bit to Giga-Bit: From Mega-Bit to Giga-Bit (Japanese Technology Reviews Ser. #Vol. 32.)

by Hiroyuki Tango

This book describes LSI process technology, and focuses on the rapid progress of state-of-the-art dynamic random access memory (DRAM) process technologies—the longstanding technology driver of Si ULSI—as they advance from the 1 Kbit to the Gbit DRAM era.

Mega-Schools, Technology and Teachers: Achieving Education for All (Open and Flexible Learning Series)

by Sir John Daniel

Education for All (EFA) has been a top priority for governments and intergovernmental development agencies for the last twenty years. So far the global EFA movement has placed its principal focus on providing quality universal primary education (UPE) for all children by 2015. The latest addition to The Open and Flexible Learning series, this book addresses the new challenges created by both the successes and the failures of the UPE campaign. This book advocates new approaches for providing access to secondary education for today’s rapidly growing population of children and young adults and examines: the creation and expansion of Mega-Schools, which combine distance learning and community support and have a proven track record of increasing access at scale how to prepare the ten-million new teachers that are required to achieve Education for All by 2015 by focusing on classroom-based in-service training strategies for using technology to scale up distance education cost-effectively the creation of a twenty-first century educational ecosystem that integrates open schooling and teacher education with communities and their school systems successful examples of open schools and teacher education programmes operating at scale around the world. Readers will be delighted to find that Sir John Daniel, bestselling Routledge author of Mega Universities and Knowledge Media, delivers another insightful and practical book on educational technology. Mega-Schools, Technology and Teachers will be of interest to all who are concerned by the central educational challenge of our times: providing secondary education to tens of millions of young people around the world.

Mega-universities and Knowledge Media (Open And Distance Learning Ser.)

by Daniel, John (Vice Chancellor, Open University)

A discussion of how the knowledge media can contribute to the renewal of universities, particularly through the development of distance education. It looks at universities which have risen to the challenges of cost and accessibility using technology.

MegaBite (EDGE: I HERO: Megahero #5)

by Steve Skidmore Steve Barlow

Take on the role of a shape-shifting MEGAHERO in this fully interactive, wacky, choose-your-own-destiny adventure story.You and your mega-computer sidekick, PAL, must save the world from MegaBite - an ultra-skilled and not-very-nice computer hacker. The evil genius has built a web of scams online - can you possibly morph into the right shapes to unravel his coordinated cyber attacks?? Written by the award-winning duo Steve Barlow and Steve Skidmore (AKA the 2STEVES) and illustrated by the hilarious Pipi Sposito. Reading age from 6 to 8 years old. Interest range from 7 to 10 years old - suitable for reluctant readers and less confident older readers. Printed using a font approved by the British Dyslexia Association.Read and laugh along with the whole series!October 2020I HERO: MegaHero: Sushi Man - 9781445169477I HERO: MegaHero: Professor Weird - 9781445170039November 2020I HERO: MegaHero: DinoSaw - 9781445170084I HERO: MegaHero: Miss Take - 9781445170091December 2020I HERO: MegaHero: MegaBite - 9781445170121I HERO: MegaHero: Queen of Hearts - 9781445170152

Meganets: How Digital Forces Beyond Our Control Commandeer Our Daily Lives and Inner Realities

by David B. Auerbach

How the autonomous digital forces jolting our lives – as uncontrollable as the weather and plate tectonics – are transforming life, society, culture, and politics.David Auerbach&’s exploration of the phenomenon he has identified as the meganet begins with a simple, startling revelation: There is no hand on the tiller of some of the largest global digital forces that influence our daily lives: from corporate sites such as Facebook, Amazon, Google, YouTube, Instagram, and Reddit to the burgeoning metaverse encompassing cryptocurrencies and online gaming to government systems such as China&’s Social Credit System and India&’s Aadhaar.As we increasingly integrate our society, culture and politics within a hyper-networked fabric, Auerbach explains how the interactions of billions of people with unfathomably large online networks have produced a new sort of beast: ever-changing systems that operate beyond the control of the individuals, companies, and governments that created them.Meganets, Auerbach explains, have a life of their own, actively resisting attempts to control them as they accumulate data and produce spontaneous, unexpected social groups and uprisings that could not have even existed twenty years ago. And they constantly modify themselves in response to user behavior, resulting in collectively authored algorithms none of us intend or control. These enormous invisible organisms exerting great force on our lives are the new minds of the world, increasingly commandeering our daily lives and inner realities.Auerbach&’s analysis of these gargantuan opaque digital forces yield important insights such as:The conventional wisdom that the Googles and Facebook of this world are tightly run algorithmic entities is a myth. No one is really in control.The efforts at reform - to get lies and misinformation off meganets - run into a brick wall because the companies and executives who run them are trapped by the persistent, evolving, and opaque systems they have created.Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are uncontrollable and their embrace by elite financial institutions threatens the entire economyWe are asking the wrong questions in assuming that if only the Facebooks of this world could be better regulated or broken up that they would be better, more ethical citizens.Why questions such as making algorithms fair and bias-free and whether AI can be a tool for good or evil are wrong and misinformedAuerbach then comes full circle, showing that while we cannot ultimately control meganets we can tame them through the counterintuitive measures he describes in detail.

Megaphone Bureaucracy: Speaking Truth to Power in the Age of the New Normal

by Dennis C. Grube

A revealing look at how today’s bureaucrats are finding their public voice in the era of 24-hour mediaOnce relegated to the anonymous back rooms of democratic debate, our bureaucratic leaders are increasingly having to govern under the scrutiny of a 24-hour news cycle, hyperpartisan political oversight, and a restless populace that is increasingly distrustful of the people who govern them. Megaphone Bureaucracy reveals how today’s civil servants are finding a voice of their own as they join elected politicians on the public stage and jockey for advantage in the persuasion game of modern governance.In this timely and incisive book, Dennis Grube draws on in-depth interviews and compelling case studies from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand to describe how senior bureaucrats are finding themselves drawn into political debates they could once avoid. Faced with a political climate where polarization and media spin are at an all-time high, these modern mandarins negotiate blame games and manage contradictory expectations in the glare of an unforgiving spotlight. Grube argues that in this fiercely divided public square a new style of bureaucratic leadership is emerging, one that marries the robust independence of Washington agency heads with the prudent political neutrality of Westminster civil servants. These “Washminster” leaders do not avoid the public gaze, nor do they overtly court political controversy. Rather, they use their increasingly public pulpits to exert their own brand of persuasive power.Megaphone Bureaucracy shows how today’s senior bureaucrats are making their voices heard by embracing a new style of communication that brings with it great danger but also great opportunity.

Mehr als ein Chatbot: Die Entmystifizierung der Sprachmodelle

by Mascha Kurpicz-Briki

Sie haben sich gefragt, wie Tools wie ChatGPT oder Bard funktionieren, haben aber keinen technischen Hintergrund? Dann ist dies das richtige Buch für Sie! Um besser zu verstehen, wozu solche Technologien in der Lage sind und wie sich dies auf unser Leben und unsere Gesellschaft auswirken wird, ist ein grundlegendes Hintergrundwissen über diese Technologie erforderlich. In diesem Buch werden insbesondere die folgenden Fragen thematisiert: Was hat die unglaublichen Fortschritte der letzten Zeit ermöglicht? Können Chatbots wie ChatGPT oder Bard Menschen wirklich verstehen? Welche Fallstricke gibt es und wie spiegeln sich die Stereotypen der Gesellschaft in solchen Modellen wider? Welches Potenzial steckt in dieser Technologie und wie wird die digitale Gesellschaft der Zukunft in Bezug auf die Mensch-Chatbot-Zusammenarbeit aussehen? Nach der Lektüre dieses Buches sind Sie sich der Risiken und Fallstricke bewusst, die diese Technologien mit sich bringen können, und wissen, wie Sie verantwortungsbewusst mit Werkzeugen umgehen, die auf KI-Technologie basieren.

Meilensteine und Entwicklungen der KI: Technische Herausforderungen sowie aktuelle ethische, soziale und gesellschaftspolitische Fragestellungen (FOM-Edition)

by Markus H. Dahm Carsten Hagemann

Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Entstehung und den aktuellen Stand der KI. Der interdisziplinäre Ansatz erlaubt einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf das Thema. Die Autoren bilden die Entwicklung, die damit einhergehenden Schwierigkeiten und Erfolge sowie den Einfluss der technologischen Entwicklung auf die Realisierung von KI-Systemen ab. Im Fokus stehen nicht nur technologische Aspekte, sondern auch ethische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Fragestellungen rund um die KI. Die Leserinnen und Leser werden dazu angeregt, über diese Herausforderungen nachzudenken, um aktiv an der Diskussion über die Rolle der KI in unserer Gesellschaft teilnehmen zu können.

Mein Jahr ohne Hosen: Überall auf der welt von zu hause aus arbeiten

by Scott Berkun

Lernen Sie eine Arbeitswelt kennen, die Sie so vermutlich noch nicht erlebt haben! Scott Berkun leitete ein Jahr lang ein junges, innovatives Team bei WordPress. Was er dort erlebte, widersprach seinen bisherigen Erfahrungen völlig. Büroräume? Feste Arbeitszeiten? Klare Regeln? Meetings? Fehlanzeige! Ob im Homeo_ ce, im Café oder in der Hängematte, seine Kollegen konnten von überall auf der Welt virtuell zusammenarbeiten. Sie glauben, das geht nicht? Dass es funktioniert, zeigt MEIN JAHR OHNE HOSEN. Obwohl sich das Team manchmal monatelang nicht einmal auf demselben Kontinent aufhielt, war der Zusammenhalt so gut wie in wenigen Unternehmen. Dass WordPress die weltweit erfolgreichste Blogsoftware ist und un aufhörlich wächst, bestätigt außerdem dieses neue Konzept des Arbeitens. »Mein Jahr ohne Hosen ist eines der originellsten und wichtigsten Bücher, das je darüber geschrieben wurde, was Arbeit wirklich ist und was notwendig ist, um gute Arbeit zu leisten.« Robert Sutton, Professor an der Stanford University und Autor der New York Times Bestseller Der Arschloch-Faktor und Der Chef-Faktor »Wenn Sie Ihre Ansichten über Unternehmergeist, Management oder das Leben generell ändern wollen, dann lesen Sie dieses Buch.« Tim Ferriss, Autor des New York Times Bestsellers Die 4-Stunden-Woche

Meine digitale Sicherheit für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Matteo Grosse-Kampmann Chris Wojzechowski

Digital einfach besser geschützt! Wie Sie Ihre Daten zuhause und im Internet vor Betrügern schützen, vermittelt Ihnen dieses Buch. Sichere Passwörter, Browser, Online-Banking, Schutz Ihres Heimnetzwerks und Ihrer Endgeräte, Backups wichtiger Daten oder deren Wiederherstellung: Leicht verständlich und systematisch lernen Sie, sich digital zu schützen. Sie erfahren, welche menschlichen Eigenschaften Angreifer ausnutzen, um beim Phishing oder anderen Angriffen erfolgreich zu sein. Mit konkreten Schutzmaßnahmen für alle gängigen Betrugsmaschen und technischen Schutzvorkehrungen sind Sie ab sofort gewappnet. Sie erfahren Alles über zentrale Grundlagen der digitalen Sicherheit Welche Betrugsmaschen es gibt und wie Sie sich schützen Wie Sie Ihre Daten, Ihr Netzwerk und Ihre Endgeräte absichern Wie Sie sich zum Beispiel bei Bankgeschäften online wirklich sicher bewegen

Meine digitale Sicherheit Tipps und Tricks für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Matteo Grosse-Kampmann Chris Wojzechowski

Identitätsdiebstahl, Schadsoftware auf dem Rechner, Phishing-Mail? Wir wissen alle, welche Gefahren uns im digitalen Alltag drohen und doch verschließen wir oft die Augen davor. Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, warum eine skeptische Grundhaltung vonnöten ist und wie Sie pragmatisch und mit so wenig Zeitaufwand wie möglich wichtige Schutzmaßnahmen für sich und Ihre Familie ergreifen. Pflegen Sie Ihre Accounts, finden Sie sichere Online-Anbieter und erkennen Sie Spam- und Phishingmails auf einen Blick. Damit Sie nachts besser schlafen können.

Membrane Computing: 21st International Conference, CMC 2020, Virtual Event, September 14–18, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12687)

by Rudolf Freund Tseren-Onolt Ishdorj Grzegorz Rozenberg Arto Salomaa Claudio Zandron

This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Membrane Computing, CMC 2020, held as a virtual event, in September 2020. The 10 full papers presented were selected from 31 submissions. The papers deal with all aspects on membrane computing and related areas.

Membrane Computing

by Marian Gheorghe Grzegorz Rozenberg Arto Salomaa Claudio Zandron

Part of the broader research field of natural computing, Membrane Computing is an area within computing science that aims to abstract computing ideas and models from the structure and functioning of living cells, as well as from the way the cells are organized in tissues or higher orderstructures. It studies models of computation (known as P systems) inspired by the biochemistry of cells, in particular by the role of membranes in the compartmentalization of living cells into "protected reactors". This handbook provides both a comprehensive survey of available knowledge and established research topics, and a guide to recent developments in the field, covering the subject from theory to applications. The handbook is suitable both for introducing novices to this area of research, and as a mainsource of reference for active researchers. It sets out the necessary biological and formal background, with the introductory chapter serving as a gentle introduction to and overview of membrane computing. Individual chapters, written by leading researchers in membrane computing, present the stateof the art of all main research trends and include extensive bibliographies.

Membrane Computing: 19th International Conference, CMC 2018, Dresden, Germany, September 4–7, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11399)

by Thomas Hinze Grzegorz Rozenberg Arto Salomaa Claudio Zandron

This book constitutes revised selected papers from the 19th International Conference on Membrane Computing (CMC19), CMC 2018, which was held in Dresden, Germany, in September 2018. The 15 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 20 submissions. The contributions aim to abstract computing ideas and models from the structure and the functioning of living cells, as well as from the way the cells are organized in tissues or higher order structures.

Membrane Computing

by Alberto Leporati Grzegorz Rozenberg Arto Salomaa Claudio Zandron

Part of the broader research field of natural computing, Membrane Computing is an area within computing science that aims to abstract computing ideas and models from the structure and functioning of living cells, as well as from the way the cells are organized in tissues or higher order structures. This handbook provides both a comprehensive survey of available knowledge and established research topics, and a guide to recent developments in the field, covering thesubject from theory to applications. The handbook is suitable both for introducing novices to this area of research, and as a main source of reference for active researchers. It sets out the necessary biological and formal background, with the introductory chapter serving as a gentle introduction toand overview of membrane computing. Individual chapters, written by leading researchers in membrane computing, present the state of the art of all main r`search trends and include extensive bibliographies.

Membrane Computing Models: Implementations

by Marian Gheorghe Gexiang Zhang Sergey Verlan Agustín Riscos-Núñez Thomas Hinze Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez Savas Konur

The theoretical basis of membrane computing was established in the early 2000s with fundamental research into the computational power, complexity aspects and relationships with other (un)conventional computing paradigms. Although this core theoretical research has continued to grow rapidly and vigorously, another area of investigation has since been added, focusing on the applications of this model in many areas, most prominently in systems and synthetic biology, engineering optimization, power system fault diagnosis and mobile robot controller design. The further development of these applications and their broad adoption by other researchers, as well as the expansion of the membrane computing modelling paradigm to other applications, call for a set of robust, efficient, reliable and easy-to-use tools supporting the most significant membrane computing models. This work provides comprehensive descriptions of such tools, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in membrane computing models.

Membrane Filtration

by Greg Foley

Focusing on the application of membranes in an engineering context, this hands-on computational guide makes previously challenging problems routine. It formulates problems as systems of equations solved with MATLAB, encouraging active learning through worked examples and end-of-chapter problems. The detailed treatments of dead-end filtration include novel approaches to constant rate filtration and filtration with a centrifugal pump. The discussion of crossflow microfiltration includes the use of kinetic and force balance models. Comprehensive coverage of ultrafiltration and diafiltration processes employs both limiting flux and osmotic pressure models. The effect of fluid viscosity on the mass transfer coefficient is explored in detail, the effects of incomplete rejection on the design and analysis of ultrafiltration and diafiltration are analysed, and quantitative treatments of reverse osmosis and nanofiltration process analysis and design are explored. Includes a chapter dedicated to the modelling of membrane fouling.

Meme di barzellette divertenti di Fortnite Battle Royale Epic

by Joke Factory

Ottieni l’accesso istantaneo alle più divertenti barzellette di Fortnite! Stai per scoprire le più divertenti battute di Fortnite di sempre. Questo libro è ricco di alcune delle barzellette più divertenti di Fortnite. Scopri gli argomenti più popolari di Epic Games insieme a scherzi e meme sciocchi, ridicoli e semplicemente esilaranti su di loro! Scarica la tua copia istantaneamente! Acquista oggi e scopri tutte le barzellette più popolari per Fortnite!

Memes in Digital Culture: In Digital Culture (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)

by Limor Shifman

Taking “Gangnam Style” seriously: what Internet memes can tell us about digital culture.In December 2012, the exuberant video “Gangnam Style” became the first YouTube clip to be viewed more than one billion times. Thousands of its viewers responded by creating and posting their own variations of the video—“Mitt Romney Style,” “NASA Johnson Style,” “Egyptian Style,” and many others. “Gangnam Style” (and its attendant parodies, imitations, and derivations) is one of the most famous examples of an Internet meme: a piece of digital content that spreads quickly around the web in various iterations and becomes a shared cultural experience. In this book, Limor Shifman investigates Internet memes and what they tell us about digital culture. Shifman discusses a series of well-known Internet memes—including “Leave Britney Alone,” the pepper-spraying cop, LOLCats, Scumbag Steve, and Occupy Wall Street's “We Are the 99 Percent.” She offers a novel definition of Internet memes: digital content units with common characteristics, created with awareness of each other, and circulated, imitated, and transformed via the Internet by many users. She differentiates memes from virals; analyzes what makes memes and virals successful; describes popular meme genres; discusses memes as new modes of political participation in democratic and nondemocratic regimes; and examines memes as agents of globalization. Memes, Shifman argues, encapsulate some of the most fundamental aspects of the Internet in general and of the participatory Web 2.0 culture in particular. Internet memes may be entertaining, but in this book Limor Shifman makes a compelling argument for taking them seriously.

Memes to Movements: How the World's Most Viral Media Is Changing Social Protest and Power

by An Xiao Mina

A global exploration of internet memes as agents of pop culture, politics, protest, and propaganda on- and offline, and how they will save or destroy us all.Memes are the street art of the social web. Using social media-driven movements as her guide, technologist and digital media scholar An Xiao Mina unpacks the mechanics of memes and how they operate to reinforce, amplify, and shape today's politics. She finds that the "silly" stuff of meme culture--the photo remixes, the selfies, the YouTube songs, and the pun-tastic hashtags--are fundamentally intertwined with how we find and affirm one another, direct attention to human rights and social justice issues, build narratives, and make culture. Mina finds parallels, for example, between a photo of Black Lives Matter protestors in Ferguson, Missouri, raising their hands in a gesture of resistance and one from eight thousand miles away, in Hong Kong, of Umbrella Movement activists raising yellow umbrellas as they fight for voting rights. She shows how a viral video of then presidential nominee Donald Trump laid the groundwork for pink pussyhats, a meme come to life as the widely recognized symbol for the international Women's March.Crucially, Mina reveals how, in parts of the world where public dissent is downright dangerous, memes can belie contentious political opinions that would incur drastic consequences if expressed outright. Activists in China evade censorship by critiquing their government with grass mud horse pictures online. Meanwhile, governments and hate groups are also beginning to utilize memes to spread propaganda, xenophobia, and misinformation. Botnets and state-sponsored agents spread them to confuse and distract internet communities. On the long, winding road from innocuous cat photos, internet memes have become a central practice for political contention and civic engagement.Memes to Movements unveils the transformative power of memes, for better and for worse. At a time when our movements are growing more complex and open-ended--when governments are learning to wield the internet as effectively as protestors--Mina brings a fresh and sharply innovative take to the media discourse.

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