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The NICE Cyber Security Framework: Cyber Security Intelligence and Analytics

by Izzat Alsmadi

This updated textbook is for courses in cyber security education that follow the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) framework which adopts the Competency- Based Education (CBE) method. The book creates content based on the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (a.k.a. KSAs) described in the NICE framework. This book focuses on cyber analytics and intelligence areas. The book has 18 chapters: Introduction, Acquisition Management, Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery, Cyber Defense Analysis and Support, Cyber Intelligence, Cyber Intelligence Analysis, Cyber Operational Planning, Cyber Policy and Strategy Management, Cyber Threat Analysis, Cybersecurity Management, Forensics Analysis, Identity Management, Incident Response, Collection Operations, Computer Network Defense, Data Analysis, Threat Analysis and last chapter, Vulnerability Assessment.

The NICE Cyber Security Framework: Cyber Security Management

by Chuck Easttom Izzat Alsmadi Lo’ai Tawalbeh

This textbook covers security controls and management. It is for courses in cyber security education that follow National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) work roles and framework that adopt the Competency-Based Education (CBE) method. The book follows the CBE general framework, meaning each chapter contains three sections, knowledge and questions, and skills/labs for skills and sbilities. The author makes an explicit balance between knowledge and skills material in information security, giving readers immediate applicable skills. The book is divided into several parts, including: Information Assurance / Encryption; Information Systems Security Management; Information Systems / Network Security; Information Technology Management; IT Management; and IT Risk Management.

Nice Try: Stories of Best Intentions and Mixed Results

by Josh Gondelman

“If you only read one book in your life, it probably shouldn’t be this one. However, if you’re not operating an inexplicable one-book policy, these stories are funny, touching, and more than worth your time.” — John Oliver“Josh Gondelman is one of the most original hilarious voices out there today. This book will hook you and make you laugh and laugh.” — Amy SchumerEmmy-Award winning writer and comedian Josh Gondelman’s collection of personal stories of best intentions and mixed results.Josh Gondelman knows a thing or two about trying—and failing. The Emmy Award-winning stand-up comic—dubbed a “pathological sweetheart” by the New York Observer—is known throughout the industry as one of comedy’s true “nice guys.” Not surprisingly, he’s endured his share of last-place finishes. But he keeps on bouncing back.In this collection of hilarious and poignant essays (including his acclaimed New York Times piece “What if I Bombed at My Own Wedding?”), Josh celebrates a life of good intentions—and mixed results. His true tales of romantic calamities, professional misfortunes, and eventual triumphs reinforce the notion: we get out of the world what we put into it. Whether he’s adopting a dog from a suspicious stranger, mitigating a disastrous road trip, or trying MDMA for the first (and only) time, Josh only wants the best for everyone—even as his attempts to do the right thing occasionally implode.Full of the warm and relatable humor that’s made him a favorite on the comedy club circuit, Nice Try solidifies Josh Gondelman’s reputation as not just a good guy, but a skilled observer of the human condition.

Nicht hackbare Rechner und nicht brechbare Kryptographie

by Wolfgang A. Halang Robert Fitz

Viren, Würmer, Trojanische Pferde, das Arsenal der Hackerangriffe auf IT-Infrastrukturen scheint unerschöpflich. Nachdem Computerwurm Stuxnet 2010 das Steuerungssystem eines iranischen Atomkraftwerks befallen hatte und Computer durch die Malware Flame ferngesteuert und ausspioniert wurden, sorgte 2015 ein Virus namens Duqu 2.0 für Schlagzeilen, weil er die IT von Unternehmen in Europa, Asien und den USA infiziert hatte. Was aber wenn Computer grundsätzlich gegen solche Hackerangriffe immun wären? Wissenschaftlich fundiert und zugleich verständlich geschrieben, zeigen die beiden IT-Experten in ihrem Buch, wie Computer mithilfe von bekannten technischen Verfahren so konstruiert werden können, dass Hackerangriffe grundsätzlich an ihnen abprallen. Zum einen setzen die Autoren für die IT-Sicherheit auf eine Rechnerarchitektur, die in mindestens zwei Segmente unterteilt ist: in einen schreibgeschützten und für Programme nicht beeinflussbaren Bereich sowie einen nicht-schreibgeschützten Bereich für Daten gibt, die sich oft ändern. Kombiniert unter anderem mit effektiven Verschlüsselungs- und Verschleierungsverfahren, einer sichereren Authentifizierung der Nutzer etwa durch biometrische Merkmale sowie sicheren virtuellen Adressen und Seitenverzeichnisstartadressen werden Computer unangreifbar für Software, die unerlaubt in den Rechner eindringt und Daten abschöpft.Die Autoren gehen in ihrer technisch-wissenschaftlich exakten Darstellung auf folgende Fragen ein:- Wie sicher sind Rechner und Netze heute?- Wie funktionieren Angriffe mit Stuxnet, Flame und Duqu und wie die Methoden zu ihrer Abwehr?- Welchen Schutz bieten Harvard- und Von-Neumann-Architekturen (VNA)?- Wie sehen neuartige Schutzmaßnahmen aus und wie können mobile Geräte geschützt werden?- Wie funktioniert sichere Datenverschlüsselung und -verschleierung?Das Buch richtet sich an IT-Experten und IT-Sicherheitsverantwortliche in Unternehmen und Organisationen und an alle, die sich für Fragen der Daten- und Netzsicherheit interessieren. Für das Verständnis sind nur elementare Vorkenntnisse erforderlich.

Nichtsequentielle und Verteilte Programmierung mit Go: Einführung In Die Konzepte Der Grundlegenden Programmiertechniken Für Betriebssysteme, Parallele Algorithmen, Verteilte Systeme Und Datenbanktransaktionen (It Kompakt Ser.)

by Christian Maurer

Der Band bietet eine kompakte Einführung in die Nichtsequentielle Programmierung als gemeinsamen Kern von Vorlesungen über Betriebssysteme, Verteilte Systeme, Parallele Algorithmen, Echtzeitprogrammierung und Datenbanktransaktionen. Basiskonzepte zur Synchronisation und Kommunikation nebenläufiger Prozesse werden systematisch dargestellt: Schlösser, Semaphore, Monitore, lokaler und netzweiter Botschaftenaustausch. Die Algorithmen sind in der Programmiersprache Google Go formuliert, mit der viele Synchronisationskonzepte ausgedrückt werden können.

Nichtsequentielle und Verteilte Programmierung mit Go: Synchronisation nebenläufiger Prozesse: Kommunikation – Kooperation – Konkurrenz (It Kompakt Ser.)

by Christian Maurer

Der Band bietet eine kompakte Einführung in die Nichtsequentielle Programmierung als gemeinsamen Kern von Vorlesungen über Betriebssysteme, Verteilte Systeme, Parallele Algorithmen, Echtzeitprogrammierung und Datenbanktransaktionen. Basiskonzepte zur Synchronisation und Kommunikation nebenläufiger Prozesse werden systematisch dargestellt: Schlösser, Semaphore, Monitore, lokaler und netzweiter Botschaftenaustausch. Die Algorithmen sind in der Programmiersprache Google Go formuliert, mit der viele Synchronisationskonzepte ausgedrückt werden können.

Niezawodne zasady web designu. Projektowanie spektakularnych witryn internetowych. Wydanie II

by Jason Beaird

"Nie jeste? grafikiem, a chcesz projektowa? zachwycaj?ce witryny internetowe? Dowiedz si?, jak stworzy? u?yteczny uk?ad witryny i mi?y dla oka interfejs u?ytkownika Naucz si? umiej?tnie dobiera? i odpowiednio zestawia? kolory serwisu Opanuj zasady stosowania fontów oraz uatrakcyjniania strony grafik? i typografi?My?lisz, ?e zadanie programisty ko?czy si? na stworzeniu wydajnego i funkcjonalnego silnika witryny, a kwestia jego wygl?du to ju? "sprawa dla webmastera"? Frustruje Ci?, ?e potrafisz robi? perfekcyjnie dzia?aj?ce strony, które bez dobrego grafika nie wzbudzaj? entuzjazmu u?ytkowników? Je?li wci?? uwa?asz, ?e wyczucie graficzne pozwalaj?ce tworzy? zachwycaj?ce wizualnie strony internetowe to umiej?tno?? zarezerwowana jedynie dla najlepszych projektantów i webmasterów, pora sko?czy? ze stereotypami i ograniczeniami! Oto drugie wydanie rewolucyjnej ksi??ki, która odmieni?a sposób pracy programistów na ca?ym ?wiecie!Ta wype?niona kolorowymi ilustracjami, licznymi przyk?adami i przejrzystymi instrukcjami ksi??ka pozwoli Ci szybko zrozumie? zasady dobrego projektowania stron internetowych, dzi?ki czemu ju? wkrótce zastosujesz je w swoich projektach. B?dzie dla Ciebie praktycznym przewodnikiem, prowadz?cym od koncepcji do realizacji przez wszystkie niezb?dne zagadnienia, takie jak sensowny uk?ad i atrakcyjna kompozycja witryny, przykuwaj?ca uwag? kolorystyka, czytelna typografia i w?a?ciwe zdj?cia. Szybko przekonasz si?, dlaczego w?a?nie ta ksi??ka cieszy si? tak? popularno?ci? w?ród programistów. Nim si? zorientujesz, ju? zaczniesz tworzy? zachwycaj?ce serwisy internetowe!​Dowiesz si?, jak: dobiera? kolory, by komponowa? mi?e dla oka schematy barw budowa? solidne uk?ady, efektywnie stosuj?c systemy siatek i bia?? przestrze? wykorzystywa? tekstury, w tym pot?g? nawet najprostszych elementów, takich jak punkt, linia, figura, g??bia czy dese? opanowa? sztuk? transformacji nudnych kompozycji w ol?niewaj?ce per?y przy u?yciu samej typografii wybiera?, modyfikowa? i pozycjonowa? grafiki na stronie ?mia?o projektowa? strony kompatybilne z urz?dzeniami przeno?nymi korzysta? z dobrodziejstw fontów dzi?ki deklaracji @font-face​Opanuj zasady dobrego projektowania - od koncepcji do sprawnej realizacji!Jason Beaird jest projektantem i programist? z wi?cej ni? dziesi?cioletnim do?wiadczeniem w pracy nad wieloma uznanymi i nagradzanymi witrynami internetowymi. Dzi?ki zami?owaniu do projektu graficznego i wielkiemu oddaniu standardom sieciowym Jason sukcesywnie znajduje nowe sposoby, by uczyni? sie? pi?kniejszym miejscem. W chwilach, gdy nie bawi si? pikselami w Photoshopie b?d? nie kombinuje ze znacznikami HTML, dzieli si? z innymi swoj? twórcz? pasj?."">​konkurs_6.jpg"" /> "

Niezawodne zasady web designu. Projektowanie spektakularnych witryn internetowych. Wydanie III

by Jason Beaird James George

Nie musisz ucz?szcza? do akademii sztuk pi?knych, by tworzy? witryny marze?!Stworzenie doskona?ej strony WWW wymaga wspó?pracy grafika i programisty, który potrafi przeku? jego wizj? na j?zyk kodu. Czy jest mo?liwe po??czenie tych dwóch ról? Czy programista mo?e nauczy? si? tworzy? atrakcyjne, eleganckie i estetyczne strony WWW bez pomocy grafika? Dowiedz si?, jak to osi?gn?? i zoptymalizowa? swoj? prac?!Si?gnij po kolejne wydanie tej bogato ilustrowanej ksi??ki i poznaj najlepsze zasady projektowania stron internetowych. W kolejnych rozdzia?ach zdob?dziesz bezcenn? wiedz? na temat dobierania kolorów, tworzenia uk?adów stron oraz korzystania z tekstur. Ponadto poznasz szkielety Foundation i Bootstrap. Najnowsze wydanie tej cenionej ksi??ki k?adzie nacisk na tworzenie responsywnych stron, które prezentuj? si? dobrze zarówno na du?ych, jak i ma?ych ekranach. Ksi??ka ta jest doskona?? lektur? dla wszystkich pasjonatów tworzenia stron WWW!Dowiedz si?, jak: Dobiera? kolory, by komponowa? zabójcze schematy barw. Tworzy? elastyczne uk?ady stron, które wygl?da? b?d? rewelacyjnie na wszystkich urz?dzeniach. Wykorzystywa? tekstury, w tym pot?g? nawet najprostszych elementów takich, jak: punkt, linia, figura, g??bia czy dese?. Budowa? solidne uk?ady, efektywnie stosuj?c systemy siatek i bia?? przestrze?. Opanowa? sztuk? transformacji ... nudnych kompozycji w ol?niewaj?ce per?y przy pomocy samej typografii. Stosowa? frameworki w rodzaju Foundation i Bootstrap do tworzenia solidnie ustrukturyzowanych projektów. Wybiera?, modyfikowa? i pozycjonowa? grafiki na stronie.I wielu innych rzeczy...Przewodnik po projektowaniu stron dla programistów!

The Night Albums: Visibility and the Ephemeral Photograph

by Kate Palmer Albers

We live in an era of abundant photography. Is it then counterintuitive to study photographs that disappear or are difficult to discern? Kate Palmer Albers argues that it is precisely this current cultural moment that allows us to recognize what has always been a basic and foundational, yet unseen, condition of photography: its ephemerality. Through a series of case studies spanning the history of photography, The Night Albums takes up the provocations of artists who collectively redefine how we experience visibility. From the protracted hesitancies of photography’s origins, to conceptual and performative art that has emerged since the 1960s, to the waves of technological experimentation flourishing today, Albers foregrounds artists who offer fleeting, hidden, conditional, and future modes of visibility. By unveiling how ephemerality shapes the photographic experience, she ultimately proposes an expanded framework for the medium.

Night and Low-Light Photography Photo Workshop

by Alan Hess

Finally! A resource that sheds light on the unique challenges of night and low-light photographyWith their unique sets of challenges, night and low-light photography are often touted as some of the most difficult and frustrating genres of digital photography. This much-needed guide demystifies any murky topics provides you with all the information you need to know from choosing the right gear and camera settings to how to best edit your photos in post-production. Renowned photographer Alan Hess shares techniques and indispensable tips that he has garnered from years of experience.Helpful projects and full-color stunning photos in each chapter serve to educate and inspire, while assignments at the end of every chapter encourage you to practice your skills and upload your photos to a website so you can share and receive critiques.Details best practices for taking portraits, landscapes, and action shots in night or low lightFeatures specific coverage of concert photography and low-light event photographyAnswers the most frequent questions that photographers face while tackling this challenging techniquePacked with invaluable advice and instruction, Night and Low-Light Photography Photo Workshop doesn?t leave you in the dark.

Night and Low-Light Techniques for Digital Photography

by Peter Cope

The techniques illustrated in this handbook inspire photographers to take photographs when they would otherwise put their camera away-in low-light and nighttime situations. A comprehensive discussion of color and tone teaches photographers how to change their overall perceptions in low-light environments and adjust their exposure settings and filters to suit a variety of light levels. The most adverse lighting situations are covered, such as floodlit cityscapes, lightning, sunsets, stage shows, and fireworks. Tips on taking advantage of the digital environment's ability to manipulate and enhance low-light images both during and after the photo shoot are offered and technical information on both cameras and the latest software is discussed.

Night Photography and Light Painting: Finding Your Way in the Dark

by Lance Keimig

Lance Keimig, one of the premier experts on night photography, has put together a comprehensive reference that will show you ways to capture images you never thought possible. This new edition of Night Photography presents the practical techniques of shooting at night alongside theory and history, illustrated with clear, concise examples, and charts and stunning images. From urban night photography to photographing the landscape by starlight or moonlight, from painting your subject with light to creating a subject with light, this book provides a complete guide to digital night photography and light painting.

Night Vision Processing and Understanding

by Lianfa Bai Jing Han Jiang Yue

This book systematically analyses the latest insights into night vision imaging processing and perceptual understanding as well as related theories and methods. The algorithm model and hardware system provided can be used as the reference basis for the general design, algorithm design and hardware design of photoelectric systems. Focusing on the differences in the imaging environment, target characteristics, and imaging methods, this book discusses multi-spectral and video data, and investigates a variety of information mining and perceptual understanding algorithms. It also assesses different processing methods for multiple types of scenes and targets.Taking into account the needs of scientists and technicians engaged in night vision optoelectronic imaging detection research, the book incorporates the latest international technical methods. The content fully reflects the technical significance and dynamics of the new field of night vision. The eight chapters cover topics including multispectral imaging, Hadamard transform spectrometry; dimensionality reduction, data mining, data analysis, feature classification, feature learning; computer vision, image understanding, target recognition, object detection and colorization algorithms, which reflect the main areas of research in artificial intelligence in night vision.The book enables readers to grasp the novelty and practicality of the field and to develop their ability to connect theory with real-world applications. It also provides the necessary foundation to allow them to conduct research in the field and adapt to new technological developments in the future.

NII Testbeds and Community for Information Access Research: 14th International Conference, NTCIR 2019, Tokyo, Japan, June 10–13, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11966)

by Yiqun Liu Noriko Kando Makoto P. Kato Charles L. A. Clarke

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on NII Testbeds and Community for Information Access Research, NTCIR 2019, held in Tokyo, Japan, in June 2019. The 15 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 55 submissions.This NTCIR 2019 proceedings was structured in the following topics: lifelog search; open live test for question retrieval; QA lab for political information; short text conversation; we want web; and fine-grained numeral understanding in financial tweet.

Nikon 1 J1/V1 For Dummies

by Julie Adair King

Master Nikon's first mirrorless camera with this full-color guide The Nikon 1 is a revolutionary new pocket-size camera line that packs the power of a digital SLR into a smaller body. This easy-to-follow guide covers both the J1 and V1 models, showing you all the modes and capabilities of each and how to use them. Illustrated with full-color images to show what you can achieve, it explores all the controls, different lenses, auto and video shooting modes, and how you can take creative control of your photos. It also teaches you which format to use, how to organize and manage your images, and how to get super shots of people, landscapes, action, and more. This guide by leading photography instructor Julie Adair King provides a complete introduction to using the new Nikon 1 J1 and V1 models Covers all the camera controls and how to use them, lenses, auto and video modes, and how to take control of exposure, color, and lighting Explains how to get images from the camera to the computer, manage your photo files, and make basic edits Full-color illustrations show the great effects you can achieve Nikon 1 J1/V1 For Dummieshelps you get the most from Nikon's new mirrorless camera.

The Nikon Creative Lighting System

by Mike Hagen

Mike Hagen opens up a whole new world to those photographers who are already well versed in photography, but may not have a clue about flash photography. With the new and rapidly evolving technology, flash photography (especially advanced light modeling with modern iTTL flash systems) has become an art in itself and should be mastered by all aspiring photographers-amateurs as well as professionals-who are often helpless when it comes to using the full potential of these systems. Using a simple, step-by-step method for setting up and using the newest Nikon iTTL flash units, Mike teaches all the steps required to achieve consistent and amazing flash photos. He solves the common frustrations associated with flash, and specifically teaches how to use the SB-600, SB-700, SB-800, SB-900, SB-910, and R1C1 strobes. Also included is a chapter showing system configuration so readers can duplicate the desired results on their own. Beginning at a basic level and progressing to more advanced techniques, Mike teaches you everything you need to know about mastering Nikon's iTTL flash system.

Nikon Creative Lighting System Digital Field Guide

by J. Dennis Thomas

A full-color, go-anywhere guide to Nikon's entire array of creative lighting possibilitiesNikon's Creative Lighting System is like having a low-cost, wireless, studio lighting system that's portable enough to fit into a camera bag. Although the possibilities are endless and exciting, setting up, synchronizing the equipment, and determining lighting ratios can be a bit overwhelming. Luckily, this Digital Field Guide has been completely updated to shed some light on the situation!Beginning with the basic functions of the Nikon SB-900, the SB-800, and the SB-600, the author then goes on to demystify the complexities of using multiple speedlights, adjusting flash outputs, and setting up a wireless studio.Clearly explains how to get the best results when using multiple speedlightsIncludes examples and unique advice on how to light specific subjects, such as weddings, wildlife, portraits, product shots, and corporate locationsCovers other Creative Lighting System components, such as Nikon's wireless commander and macro speedlightsWith this handy, on-the-go guide, you'll no longer be in the dark on Nikon's Creative Lighting System.

Nikon D3000 For Dummies

by Julie Adair King

Professional photography advice for D3000 beginners The Nikon D3000 is Nikon's new entry-level camera. With the D3000, you get all the features of Nikon's older cameras along with an updated battery, larger monitor, and improved focus features. In addition, the D3000 also offers simpler menus to help first-time DSLR users. Assuming no prior dSLR knowledge, veteran author Julie Adair King offers you a tour of the camera body, a hands-on how-to on all the features of the D3000, and a step-by-step walkthrough of how to get the photos you want. Explains shooting in auto mode, reviews the new video option, and covers working with file size and quality Walks you through shifting out of automatic mode and using the D3000's lighting, exposure, focus, and color features Demonstrates getting photos from your camera to your PC, developing an effective file system, and sharing photos via print, online, or other ways Packed with useful tips, this helpful guide encourages you to take control of your camera.

Nikon D300s For Dummies

by Julie Adair King

The know-how you need to get the most out of your Nikon D300s The Nikon D300s is packed with pro features at a consumer price of less than $2,000, making it a camera both pro and beginning photographers will be looking to scoop up. Newcomers to the D300s can rely on this easy-to-understand book to guide them through the essentials of the camera's controls and how to adjust them in order to get results you want. Assuming no previous dSLR experience, veteran author Julie Adair King helps familiarize you with the features of the D300s and provides you with an overview of the camera body and automatic settings. You'll quickly learn to apply what you've learned to any shooting situation. Serves as ideal reading for newcomers to the Nikon D300s Veteran author Julie Adair King provides you with an overview of the camera body and its controls and features Looks at the camera's exposure, lighting, focus, automatic settings, and color controls Covers the retouch menu, as well as lesser-known features, so that you can get a final product worth sharing Set your focus on learning the essentials of the Nikon D300s with this friendly guide by your side!

Nikon D3200 Digital Field Guide

by Alan Hess

A colorful, portable guide to all the features of Nikon's D3200 dSLRThe Nikon D3200 dSLR camera is packed with fabulous features like a 24-megapixel sensor, full HD video capability with fulltime autofocus, and 4 frames-per-second continuous shooting mode. This full-color guide provides instructions for all the buttons, dials, modes, and menus plus a refresher course in photography basics. It illustrates the essentials of lighting, composition, and exposure with plenty of examples, and author Alan Hess, veteran concert photographer, even includes professional tips on improving portraits, candids, sports and travel photos, and much more. Sized to fit in a camera bag, the book includes a bonus gray and color checker card to help dSLR newcomers capture perfect white balance and color every time. Nikon's exciting D3200 dSLR offers a 24-megapixel sensor, full HD (1080p) video recording with fulltime autofocus and 4 fps high-speed continuous shooting mode, and a host of other featuresThis full-color guide, in a portable 6 x 9-inch trim explains all the camera's settings, buttons, menus, and modes with step-by-step directionsExplains how to choose lenses, adjust white balance, use autofocus, and manage exposure Author and professional photographer Alan Hess provides advice on improving your candids, portraits, sports and travel photos, macro photography, and more, with exquisite examples Includes a gray and color checker card to help you achieve perfect colorNikon D3200 Digital Field Guide is your new Nikon's best friend. Take it everywhere you take your camera and have expert advice at your fingertips.

Nikon D3200 For Dummies

by Julie Adair King

A full-color guide to Nikon's exciting new entry-level dSLR With its large 24.2 megapixel sensor, full HD video recording capability, and wireless options, the Nikon D3200 is very appealing! This full-color guide assumes no prior digital photography or dSLR knowledge and helps you start taking great pictures with your new Nikon right from the beginning. Popular author and photography instructor Julie Adair King shows you how to use all the settings, manage playback options, take control with manual modes, work with video, and edit and share your images. It's like a personal course in beginning dSLR photography. New dSLR users will quickly gain skills and confidence with the step-by-step, colorfully illustrated instructions in this beginner's guide to the Nikon D3200 camera Explains how to use all the new features of the Nikon D3200, including a 24-megapixel sensor, 11 autofocus points, 4 frame-per-second shooting, full HD video capabilities, and a WiFi feature that lets you control the camera remotely or preview images on your smartphone Covers auto and manual modes, playback options, working with exposure and focus, shooting video, editing and sharing photos, troubleshooting, and photography tips Popular author has written more than 15 For Dummies books on Nikon and Canon cameras Nikon D3200 For Dummies is the easy, full-color, and fun way to start making the most of your new camera right away.

Nikon D3300 Digital Field Guide

by J. Dennis Thomas

Everything you need to know about your new N1 camera! Portable and full color, this guide is packed with everythingyou want and need to know in order to take amazing photos usingyour new Nikon Camera N1. Veteran author J. Dennis Thomas walks youthrough the essential controls, features, and functions of the N1using step-by-step instructions and providing full-color images ofeach menu screen. You'll learn how to adjust white balance,autofocus, and exposure as well as choose lens and adjust settings.The handy trim size allows this guide to go where you go, allowingyou easy access to information quickly so you can get the exactshot you want when you want it.Helps you make the most of your Camera N1 and get the shots youwantFeatures valuable insight from a successful professionalphotographer for capturing unique and memorable portrait, candid,action, travel, sports, and other shotsProvides step-by-step explanations on techniques and tips, allaimed at getting you comfortable and confident with yourcameraGo beyond the basic manual and the standard settings and seewhat your Camera N1 can do with Camera N1 Digital FieldGuide!

Nikon D3300 For Dummies

by Julie Adair King

Take your best shot with your new Nikon D3300 Congratulations on your new Nikon D3300 DSLR! You probably want to get shooting right away, but first you need to know some basics about the controls and functions. Nikon D3300 For Dummies is your ultimate guide to your new camera, packed with everything you need to know to start taking beautiful photographs right out of the gate. Author Julie Adair King draws on a decade of experience in photography instruction, specifically Nikon and Canon, to walk you through the basics and get you started off on the right foot. Your new Nikon D3300 offers full control over exposure settings, but it also includes pre-sets and auto mode options for beginners. Nikon D3300 For Dummies guides you through the specifics of each setting, and teaches you how to determine what controls work best in a given situation. Written specifically for the Nikon D3300, the book discusses only the controls and capabilities available on your model, and shows you where to find them and how to use them. Topics include: Shooting in auto mode, playback options, and basic troubleshooting Working with light, focus, and color, and conquering video mode Picture organization, including file transfer and sharing Tips on photo editing and select features This full-color book includes a variety of photos that demonstrate the effects of different settings, allowing you to develop an eye for matching controls to situations. If you want to get the most out of your new DSLR, Nikon D3300 For Dummies is the best, most complete guide on the market.

Nikon D3500 For Dummies

by Julie Adair King

Use your Nikon D3500 camera like the pros Capturing frame-worthy photos is no easy feat — until now! Inside, author Julie King shares her experience as a professional photographer and photography teacher to help you get picture-perfect landscapes, portraits, action shots, and more with your Nikon D3500 digital SLR camera. It takes more than a good eye and an amazing camera to get shots like the pros. With the help of Nikon D3500 For Dummies, you’ll find all the expert advice and know-how you need to unlock your camera’s capabilities to their fullest potential. From working with the basics of lighting and exposure to making sense of your camera’s fanciest features, you’ll be snapping professional-grade photos in a flash! Learn the five essential options for shooting quality photos Understand the settings that control exposure Take charge of color and focus features Put your skills together to shoot portraits, close-ups, and action shots Whether you’re shooting in automatic mode, scene mode, or manual mode, you’ll get all the guidance you need to take photos you’ll be proud to share.

Nikon D40/D40x For Dummies

by Julie Adair King

The Nikon D40 and the D40x offer exciting new features that will enable you to take amazing digital photos. These compact cameras pack a big punch at a great price! With Nikon D40/D40x For Dummies, you'll discover what each bell and whistle on your camera does so that you can confidently know when, where, why and how to put each feature to its best use. This friendly full-color guide translates all of those techie words in your Nikon manual into plain English. You'll learn what terms like SLR, resolution, aperture, white balance, and file format really mean and how they effect picture quality. You'll also find out what happens when you press, jiggle, or twist all those serious-looking controls and how to use them to capture the great shots you imagined taking when you became a Nikon owner. Discover how to: Install batteries and memory card Adjust viewfinder to your eyesight Take great pictures automatically Get creative with exposure and lighting Manipulate focus and color Control picture quality and size Download, organize, and archive your photos Print and share your photos Use fast photo-retouching tricks Packed with more than 200 beautiful color photos throughout, Nikon D40/D40x For Dummies is more than an easy-to-use handbook, it's the paperback version of an in-depth photography workshop tailored specifically to help you make the absolute most of your Nikon picture-taking powerhouse.

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