Modeling and Using Context: 11th International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT 2019, Trento, Italy, November 20–22, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11939)
Gábor Bella
Paolo Bouquet
9783030349745 |
2019 |
Contains images
Modeling and Using Context
Patrick Brézillon
Roy Turner
Carlo Penco
9783319578378 |
2005 |
Contains images
Modeling and Using Context
Henning Christiansen
Isidora Stojanovic
George A. Papadopoulos
9783319255910 |
2015 |
Contains images
Modeling Biomaterials (Nečas Center Series)
Josef Málek
Endre Süli
9783030880842 |
2021 |
Contains images
Modeling Communication Networks and Protocols: Implementation via the SMURPH System (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #61)
Paweł Gburzyński
9783030153915 |
2019 |
Contains images
Modeling, Control and Drug Development for COVID-19 Outbreak Prevention (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #366)
Ahmad Taher Azar
Aboul Ella Hassanien
9783030728342 |
2022 |
Contains images
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence
Vicenç Torra
Yasuo Narukawa
9783319232409 |
2015 |
Contains images
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence: 19th International Conference, MDAI 2022, Sant Cugat, Spain, August 30 – September 2, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13408)
Vicenç Torra
Yasuo Narukawa
9783031134487 |
2022 |
Contains images
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence: 20th International Conference, MDAI 2023, Umeå, Sweden, June 19–22, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13890)
Vicenç Torra
Yasuo Narukawa
9783031334986 |
2023 |
Contains images
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence: 18th International Conference, MDAI 2021, Umeå, Sweden, September 27–30, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12898)
Vicenç Torra
Yasuo Narukawa
9783030855291 |
2021 |
Contains images
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence: 15th International Conference, MDAI 2018, Mallorca, Spain, October 15–18, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11144)
Vicenç Torra
Yasuo Narukawa
Isabel Aguiló
Manuel González-Hidalgo
9783030002022 |
2018 |
Contains images
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence: 21st International Conference, MDAI 2024, Tokyo, Japan, August 27–31, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14986)
Vicenç Torra
Yasuo Narukawa
Hiroaki Kikuchi
9783031682087 |
2024 |
Contains images
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence
Vicenç Torra
Yasuo Narukawa
Guillermo Navarro-Arribas
Cristina Yañez
9783319456560 |
2005 |
Contains images
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence: 17th International Conference, MDAI 2020, Sant Cugat, Spain, September 2–4, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12256)
Vicenç Torra
Yasuo Narukawa
Jordi Nin
Núria Agell
9783030575243 |
2020 |
Contains images
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence: 16th International Conference, MDAI 2019, Milan, Italy, September 4–6, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11676)
Vicenç Torra
Yasuo Narukawa
Gabriella Pasi
Marco Viviani
9783030267735 |
2019 |
Contains images
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence: 14th International Conference, MDAI 2017, Kitakyushu, Japan, October 18-20, 2017, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10571)
Vicenç Torra, Yasuo Narukawa, Aoi Honda and Sozo Inoue
9783319674223 |
2017 |
Contains images
Modeling, Design, Construction, and Operation of Power Generators with Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: From Single Cell To Complete Power System (Green Energy And Technology)
Jakub Kupecki
9783319756028 |
2018 |
Contains images
Modeling Discrete-Event Systems with GPenSIM: An Introduction (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
Reggie Davidrajuh
9783319731025 |
2018 |
Contains images
Modeling Dynamic Economic Systems
Bruce Hannon
Matthias Ruth
9781461422099 |
2012 |
Contains images
Modeling, Evaluating, and Predicting IT Human Resources Performance
null Konstantina Richter
null Reiner R. Dumke
9781351231725 |
2015 |
Contains images
Modeling Fuzzy Spatiotemporal Data with XML (Studies in Computational Intelligence #894)
Li Yan
Zongmin Ma
Luyi Bai
9783030419998 |
2020 |
Contains images
Modeling Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport
Jacob Bear
Alexander H.-D. Cheng
9781402066825 |
2010 |
Modeling Human Behavior With Integrated Cognitive Architectures: Comparison, Evaluation, and Validation
Kevin A. Gluck
Richard W. Pew
9781135610487 |
2006 |
Contains images
Modeling in Event-B
Jean-Raymond Abrial
9781139637794 |
2010 |
Contains images
Modeling in Silo: The Official Guide
Antony Ward
David Randall
9781136132056 |
2011 |
Contains images