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Modelling of Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Nanofluids with and without Boiling and Condensation (Mathematical Engineering)
by Andriy A. Avramenko Igor V. ShevchukThis book presents step-by-step description of the use of Lie group analysis to find symmetry forms and similarity solutions for single- and two-phase laminar and turbulent flows of nanofluids. It outlines novel and unique analytical solutions validated via comparisons with experimental data. The main part of the book is devoted to analytical modeling of film condensation of still and moving vapor with nanoparticles, stable film boiling of nanofluids, instantaneous unsteady boiling and condensation of nano- and ordinary fluids and clarification and quantification of instability conditions in the vapor layer, as well as centrifugal and Dean instability in nanofluids. It was demonstrated that such complex phenomena can be successfully simulated using the proposed approaches validated via reliable experiments. The book is intended for scientists, engineers, graduate and undergraduate students specializing in the area of engineering thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer and energy systems.
Modelling of GPCRs
by Andrea Strasser Hans-Joachim WittmannG protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) comprise an important protein family, which is involved in signal transduction in the cell. Besides that a large number of drugs, available on market, address GPCRs. For an efficient and improved development of appropriate drugs, molecular modelling of GPCRs is - in order to understand the ligand-receptor interactions and functionality of GPCRs on molecular level - an important tool. The book "Modelling of GPCRs - a practical handbook" is focussed onto a practical introduction into molecular modelling of GPCRs. This book is very useful for beginners in GPCR modelling, but also addresses the advanced GPCR modeller: On the one hand, the book introduces principles of GPCR modelling, including extensive examples. On the other hand, detailed outlooks onto advanced GPCR modelling techniques are presented. Furthermore, the book includes important data, like information about crystal structures in a summarized manner or amino acid sequences, which are essential for GPCR modelling in general. Due to an increase in efficacy and data handling most modellers use LINUX as operating system. To address this, a summary of most important LINUX commands with examples is presented within the book.
Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using the Internet of Things (Intelligent Data-Driven Systems and Artificial Intelligence)
by Arun Solanki Simar Preet SinghThe text presents aspects of virtual worlds and highlights the emerging trends in simulation and modeling, comprising machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning, robotics, cloud computing, and data mining algorithms. It further discusses concepts including multimedia for the Internet of Things, graphical modeling using emerging technologies, and securing communication with secure data transmission in the modeling of virtual worlds.This book: Discusses secure data transmission in the modeling of virtual worlds in the Internet of Things environment. Covers the integration of concepts and technical know-how about multiple technologies in visual world modeling, system configurations, and hardware issues. Explores the use of next-generation technologies such as deep learning, blockchain, and artificial intelligence in visual world modeling scenarios. Presents architectures and system models for the Internet of Things based visual world modeling systems. Provides real-time case scenarios, highlighting emerging challenges and issues. The text is primarily written for senior undergraduate students, graduate students, and academic researchers in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics, communications engineering, computer engineering, and information technology.
Modelling, Simulation and Applications of Complex Systems: CoSMoS 2019, Penang, Malaysia, April 8-11, 2019 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #359)
by Mohd Hafiz Mohd Md Yushalify Misro Syakila Ahmad Doanh Nguyen NgocThis book discusses the latest progresses and developments on complex systems research and intends to give an exposure to prospective readers about the theoretical and practical aspects of mathematical modelling, numerical simulation and agent-based modelling frameworks. The main purpose of this book is to emphasize a unified approach to complex systems analysis, which goes beyond to examine complicated phenomena of numerous real-life systems; this is done by investigating a huge number of components that interact with each other at different (microscopic and macroscopic) scales; new insights and emergent collective behaviours can evolve from the interactions between individual components and also with their environments. These tools and concepts permit us to better understand the patterns of various real-life systems and help us to comprehend the mechanisms behind which distinct factors shaping some complex systems phenomena being influenced.This book is published in conjunction with the International Workshop on Complex Systems Modelling & Simulation 2019 (CoSMoS 2019): IoT & Big Data Integration. This international event was held at the Universiti Sains Malaysia Main Campus, Penang, Malaysia, from 8 to 11 April 2019. This book appeals to readers interested in complex systems research and other related areas such as mathematical modelling, numerical simulation and agent-based modelling frameworks.
Modelling, Simulation and Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of MoSICom 2020 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #659)
by Nilesh Goel Shazia Hasan V. KalaichelviThis book presents articles from the International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Intelligent Computing (MoSICom 2020), held at Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Dubai Campus, Dubai, UAE, in January 2020. Modelling and simulation are becoming increasingly important in a wide variety of fields, from Signal, Image and Speech Processing, and Microelectronic Devices and Circuits to Intelligent Techniques, Control and Energy Systems, and Power Electronics. Further, Intelligent Computational techniques are gaining significance in interdisciplinary engineering applications, such as Robotics and Automation, Healthcare Technologies, IoT and its Applications. Featuring the latest advances in the field of engineering applications, this book serves as a definitive reference resource for researchers, professors and practitioners interested in exploring advanced techniques in the field of modelling, simulation and computing.
Modelling the Evolution of Natural Fracture Networks: Methods for Simulating the Nucleation, Propagation and Interaction of Layer-Bound Fractures
by Michael John Welch Mikael Lüthje Simon John OldfieldThis book presents and describes an innovative method to simulate the growth of natural fractural networks in different geological environments, based on their geological history and fundamental geomechanical principles.The book develops techniques to simulate the growth and interaction of large populations of layer-bound fracture directly, based on linear elastic fracture mechanics and subcritical propagation theory. It demonstrates how to use these techniques to model the nucleation, propagation and interaction of layer-bound fractures in different orientations around large scale geological structures, based on the geological history of the structures. It also explains how to use these techniques to build more accurate discrete fracture network (DFN) models at a reasonable computational cost. These models can explain many of the properties of natural fracture networks observed in outcrops, using actual outcrop examples. Finally, the book demonstrates how it can be incorporated into flow modelling workflows using subsurface examples from the hydrocarbon and geothermal industries.Modelling the Evolution of Natural Fracture Networks will be of interest to anyone curious about understanding and predicting the evolution of complex natural fracture networks across large geological structures. It will be helpful to those modelling fluid flow through fractures, or the geomechanical impact of fracture networks, in the hydrocarbon, geothermal, CO2 sequestration, groundwater and engineering industries.
Modelling to Program: Second International Workshop, M2P 2020, Lappeenranta, Finland, March 10–12, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1401)
by Ajantha Dahanayake Oscar Pastor Bernhard ThalheimThis book constitutes revised selected papers from the Second International Workshop on Modelling to Program, M2P 2020, held in Lappeenranta, Finland, in March 2020.The 10 papers presented were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 24 submissions. The papers provide a discussion on novel approaches to programming based on modelling approaches such as model-driven development (MDE, MDA, MDD) and conceptual-model programming and their future developments. The topics of the papers include notions of models that can be understood and used as programs, models-at-runtime, advanced conceptual modelling, conceptual-model programming, modelling foundation, transformation of models to programs, model suites/ensembles for programmers, modelling as the first step to programming and its revisions, advanced model-driven programming and software modernisation, modelling in applications.
Modelling Written Communication
by Deirdre PrattThis book offers an alternative view to current postmodern approaches to composition. It takes a critical realist stance to arrive at the "essence" of written communication with the aim of informing a practical application: a computerised writing tutor. Following Robert Franck's seminal work on modelling, a theoretical model of writing was first formulated, consisting of an architecture of functions which constitute the prerequisites for effective communication. Next, an applied model - a composing algorithm with an input option - was developed, showing composing to be a systemic social process with intra- and extra-systemic variation. The algorithm provided the design template for a writing tutor program which models for the learner both the systemic and the socially situated nature of writing. This book establishes composing as a communicative interaction, and shows the essential dynamism of writing, while offering an exemplar of a systems approach to modelling in the social sciences.
El modelo para ganar dinero de ChatGPT para emprendedores: Descubra los secretos para monetizar ChatGPT y obtener ingresos masivos
by John AlexanderEn la vertiginosa era digital, la clave del éxito reside en adoptar tecnologías de vanguardia. Prepárese para liberar el potencial del lenguaje y la inteligencia artificial con "Ganar dinero con Chat GPT". Esta guía indispensable le lleva en un viaje cautivador, revelando los secretos para aprovechar Chat GPT, el modelo de lenguaje avanzado de OpenAI, para la máxima generación de ingresos. Descubra su camino hacia los beneficios: Entre en el lucrativo mundo del trabajo autónomo y potencie sus habilidades con la destreza lingüística de Chat GPT. Destaque en el abarrotado mercado, presentando ofertas en proyectos que muestren su experiencia mejorada por la IA. Sea testigo de cómo sus ingresos se disparan a medida que se convierte en el experto al que acudir, ofreciendo resultados de primera categoría con el poder de la IA al alcance de su mano. Cree Chatbots irresistibles para el éxito: Revolucione la forma en que las empresas interactúan con los clientes mediante la creación de chatbots inteligentes. Vea cómo la automatización de la atención al cliente alcanza nuevas cotas a medida que Chat GPT proporciona respuestas rápidas y precisas. Genere confianza, gane lealtad y aumente los ingresos a medida que sus clientes experimentan una satisfacción sin precedentes. Libere su potencial de escritura: Eleve su juego de creación de contenido con Chat GPT como su asistente de escritura. Experimente la magia de generar entradas de blog convincentes, artículos cautivadores y descripciones de productos persuasivas. Atraiga a su audiencia como nunca antes, generando tráfico y conversiones mientras ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo. Conquiste el marketing en redes sociales: Llame la atención en las redes sociales con la delicadeza de Chat GPT. Lance exitosas campañas publicitarias, domine las publicaciones atractivas y cultive un seguimiento masivo. Vea cómo el alcance de su marca se expan
Models and Analysis for Distributed Systems (Wiley-iste Ser.)
by Serge Haddad Fabrice Kordon Laurent Pautet Laure PetrucciNowadays, distributed systems are increasingly present, for public software applications as well as critical systems. software applications as well as critical systems. This title and Distributed Systems: Design and Algorithms – from the same editors – introduce the underlying concepts, the associated design techniques and the related security issues. The objective of this book is to describe the state of the art of the formal methods for the analysis of distributed systems. Numerous issues remain open and are the topics of major research projects. One current research trend consists of profoundly mixing the design, modeling, verification and implementation stages. This prototyping-based approach is centered around the concept of model refinement. This book is more specifically intended for readers that wish to gain an overview of the application of formal methods in the design of distributed systems. Master’s and PhD students, as well as engineers in industry, will find a global understanding of the techniques as well as references to the most up-to-date works in this area.
Models and Methods for Interval-Valued Cooperative Games in Economic Management
by Deng-Feng LiThis book proposes several commonly used interval-valuedsolution concepts of interval-valued cooperative games with transferable utility. It thoroughly investigates these solutions,thereby establishing the properties, models, methods, and applications. Thefirst chapter proposes the interval-valued least square solutions and quadraticprogramming models, methods, and properties. Next, the satisfactory-degree-basednon-linear programming models for computing interval-valued cores andcorresponding bisection algorithm are explained. Finally, the book explores severalsimplification methods of interval-valued solutions: the interval-valued equal division and equalsurplus division values; the interval-valued Shapley, egalitarian Shapley, and discountedShapley values; the interval-valued solidarity and generalized solidarity values;and the interval-valued Banzhaf value. This book is designed for individuals fromdifferent fields and disciplines, such as decision science, game theory, managementscience, operations research, fuzzy sets or fuzzy mathematics, appliedmathematics, industrial engineering, finance, applied economics, expert system,and social economy as well as artificial intelligence. Moreover, it is suitablefor teachers, postgraduates, and researchers from different disciplines:decision analysis, management, operations research, fuzzy mathematics, fuzzysystem analysis, applied mathematics, systems engineering, project management,supply chain management, industrial engineering, applied economics, and hydrologyand water resources.
Models for Cooperative Games with Fuzzy Relations among the Agents: Fuzzy Communication, Proximity Relation and Fuzzy Permission (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing #355)
by Andrés Jiménez-LosadaThis book offers a comprehensive introduction to cooperative game theory and a practice-oriented reference guide to new models and tools for studying bilateral fuzzy relations among several agents or players. It introduces the reader to several fuzzy models, each of which is first analyzed in the context of classical games (crisp games) and subsequently in the context of fuzzy games. Special emphasis is given to the value of Shapley, which is presented for the first time in the context of fuzzy games.Students and researchers will find here a self-contained reference guide to cooperative fuzzy games, characterized by a wealth of examples, descriptions of a wide range of possible situations, step-by-step explanations of the basic mathematical concepts involved, and easy-to-follow information on axioms and properties.
Models for Data Analysis: SIS 2018, Palermo, Italy, June 20–22 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #402)
by Eugenio Brentari Marcello Chiodi Ernst-Jan Camiel WitThe 49Th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society was held in June 2018 in Palermo, with more than 450 attendants. There were plenary sessions as well as specialized and solicited and contributed sessions.This volume collects a selection of twenty extended contributions covering a wide area of applied and theoretical issues, according to the modern trends in statistical sciences. Only to mention some topics, there are papers on modern textual analysis, sensorial analysis, social inequalities, themes on demography, modern modeling of functional data and high dimensional data, and many other topics.This volume is addressed to academics, PhD students, professionals and researchers in applied and theoretical statistical models for data analysis.
Models for Intercultural Collaboration and Negotiation
by Katia Sycara Michele Gelfand Allison AbbeThis book is the first to bring together research material from different communities, Computer Science and especially Artificial Intelligence, and Social Sciences, e.g. Anthropology, Social Psychology, Political Science that present ideas and viewpoints, methods and models on inter-cultural collaboration and negotiation. With increasing globalization of business and science, cultural differences of the parties are an important factor that affects the process and outcomes of collaborative and self-interested interactions. The social science literature on culture as well as human collaboration and negotiation is vast. Most of this literature is devoted to work within the same culture. Artificial intelligence researchers, on the other hand, have developed computational models of cooperation, conflict resolution and negotiation, but paying almost no attention to identifying and modeling cultural factors. In recent years, we have witnessed a great increase in interest in understanding inter-cultural interactions. This has led to increased interest of social scientists and computational scientists in theoretical and experimental analysis of inter-cultural exchanges, modeling and support. Currently, these communities are largely unconnected. There is a great need to bring them together to share research work and experiences, discuss ideas and forge interdisciplinary collaborative relations. This book will be of interest to researchers from AI/computer science and social/behavioral sciences fields, such as psychology, sociology, communications, organizational science.
Models for Research and Understanding: Exploring Dynamic Systems, Unconventional Approaches, and Applications (Simulation Foundations, Methods and Applications)
by Stanislaw RaczynskiThis introductory textbook/reference addresses the fundamental and mostly applied kinds of models. The focus is on models of dynamic systems that move and change over time. However, the work also proposes new methods of uncertainty treatment, offering supporting examples.Topics and features: Chapters suitable for textbook use in teaching modeling and simulationIncludes sections of questions and answers, helpful in didactic workProposes new methodology in addition to examining conventional approachesOffers some cognitive, more abstract models to give a wider insight on model building The book’s readership may consist of researchers working on multidisciplinary problems, as well educators and students. It may be used while teaching computer simulation, applied mathematics, system analysis and system dynamics.
Models for Tropical Climate Dynamics: Waves, Clouds, and Precipitation (Mathematics of Planet Earth #3)
by Boualem KhouiderThis book is a survey of the research work done by the author over the last 15 years, in collaboration with various eminent mathematicians and climate scientists on the subject of tropical convection and convectively coupled waves. In the areas of climate modelling and climate change science, tropical dynamics and tropical rainfall are among the biggest uncertainties of future projections. This not only puts at risk billions of human beings who populate the tropical continents but it is also of central importance for climate predictions on the global scale. This book aims to introduce the non-expert readers in mathematics and theoretical physics to this fascinating topic in order to attract interest into this difficult and exciting research area. The general thyme revolves around the use of new deterministic and stochastic multi-cloud models for tropical convection and convectively coupled waves. It draws modelling ideas from various areas of mathematics and physics and used in conjunction with state-of-the-art satellite and in-situ observations and detailed numerical simulations. After a review of preliminary material on tropical dynamics and moist thermodynamics, including recent discoveries based on satellite observations as well as Markov chains, the book immerses the reader into the area of models for convection and tropical waves. It begins with basic concepts of linear stability analysis and ends with the use of these models to improve the state-of-the-art global climate models. The book also contains a fair amount of exercises that makes it suitable as a textbook complement on the subject.
Models in Hardware Testing
by Hans-Joachim WunderlichModel based testing is the most powerful technique for testing hardware and software systems. Models in Hardware Testing describes the use of models at all the levels of hardware testing. The relevant fault models for nanoscaled CMOS technology are introduced, and their implications on fault simulation, automatic test pattern generation, fault diagnosis, memory testing and power aware testing are discussed. Models and the corresponding algorithms are considered with respect to the most recent state of the art, and they are put into a historical context by a concluding chapter on the use of physical fault models in fault tolerance.
Models, Languages, and Tools for Concurrent and Distributed Programming: Essays Dedicated to Rocco De Nicola on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11665)
by Michele Boreale Flavio Corradini Michele Loreti Rosario PuglieseThis volume was published in honor of Rocco De Nicola’s 65th birthday. The Festschrift volume contains 27 papers written by close collaborators and friends of Rocco De Nicola and was presented to Rocco on the 1st of July 2019 during a two-day symposium held in Lucca, Italy. The papers present many research ideas that have been influenced by Rocco's work. They testify his intellectual curiosity, versatility and tireless research activity, and provide an overview of further developments to come. The volume consists of six sections. The first one contains a laudation illustrating the distinguished career and the main scientific contributions by Rocco and a witness of working experiences with Rocco. The remaining five sections comprise scientific papers related to specific research interests of Rocco and are ordered according to his scientific evolution: Observational Semantics; Logics and Types; Coordination Models and Languages; Distributed Systems Modelling; Security.
Models, Methods, and Tools for Complex Chip Design
by Jan HaaseThis book brings together a selection of the best papers from the fifteenth edition of the Forum on specification and Design Languages Conference (FDL), which was held in September 2012 at Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria. FDL is a well-established international forum devoted to dissemination of research results, practical experiences and new ideas in the application of specification, design and verification languages to the design, modeling and verification of integrated circuits, complex hardware/software embedded systems, and mixed-technology systems.
Models, Methods and Tools for Product Service Design: The Manutelligence Project (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Sergio Terzi Laura CattaneoThis open access book summarizes research being pursued within the Manutelligence project, the goal of which is to help enterprises develop smart, social and flexible products with high value added services. Manutelligence has improved Product and Service Design by developing suitable models and methods, and connecting them through a modular, collaborative and secure ICT Platform. The use of real data collected in real time by Internet of Things (IoT) technologies underpins the design of product-service systems and makes it possible to monitor them throughout their life cycle. Available data allows costs and sustainability issues to be more accurately measured and simulated in the form of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Analysing data from IoT systems and sharing LCC and LCA information via the ICT Platform can help to accelerate the design of product-service systems, reduce costs and better understand customer needs. Industrial partners involved in Manutelligence provide a clear overview of the project’s outcomes, and demonstrate how its technological solutions can be used to improve the design of product-service systems and the management of product-service life cycles.
Models, Mindsets, Meta: Essays Dedicated to Bernhard Steffen on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11200)
by Tiziana Margaria Susanne Graf Kim G. LarsenThis Festschrift volume is published in honor of Bernhard Steffen, Professor at the Technical University of Dortmund, on the occasion of his 60th birthday. His vision as well as his theoretical and practical work span the development and implementation of novel, specific algorithms, and the establishment of cross-community relationships with the effect to obtain simpler, yet more powerful solutions. He initiated many new lines of research through seminal papers that pioneered various fields, starting with the Concurrency Workbench, a model checking toolbox that significantly influenced the research and development of mode based high assurance systems worldwide. The contributions in this volume reflect the breadth and impact of his work. The introductory paper by the volume editors, the 23 full papers and two personal statements relate to Bernhard’s research and life. This volume, the talks and the entire B-Day at ISoLA 2018 are a tribute to the first 30 years of Bernhard’s passion, impact and vision for many facets of computer science in general and for formal methods in particular. Impact and vision include the many roles that formal methods-supported software development should play in education, in industry and in society.
Models of Computation for Big Data (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
by Rajendra AkerkarThe big data tsunami changes the perspective of industrial and academic research in how they address both foundational questions and practical applications. This calls for a paradigm shift in algorithms and the underlying mathematical techniques. There is a need to understand foundational strengths and address the state of the art challenges in big data that could lead to practical impact. The main goal of this book is to introduce algorithmic techniques for dealing with big data sets. Traditional algorithms work successfully when the input data fits well within memory. In many recent application situations, however, the size of the input data is too large to fit within memory. Models of Computation for Big Data, covers mathematical models for developing such algorithms, which has its roots in the study of big data that occur often in various applications. Most techniques discussed come from research in the last decade. The book will be structured as a sequence of algorithmic ideas, theoretical underpinning, and practical use of that algorithmic idea. Intended for both graduate students and advanced undergraduate students, there are no formal prerequisites, but the reader should be familiar with the fundamentals of algorithm design and analysis, discrete mathematics, probability and have general mathematical maturity.
Models of Network Reliability: Analysis, Combinatorics, and Monte Carlo
by null Ilya B. Gertsbakh null Yoseph ShpunginUnique in its approach, Models of Network Reliability: Analysis, Combinatorics, and Monte Carlo provides a brief introduction to Monte Carlo methods along with a concise exposition of reliability theory ideas. From there, the text investigates a collection of principal network reliability models, such as terminal connectivity for networks with unre
Models of Neurons and Perceptrons: Selected Problems and Challenges (Studies In Computational Intelligence #770)
by Andrzej BieleckiThis book describes models of the neuron and multilayer neural structures, with a particular focus on mathematical models. It also discusses electronic circuits used as models of the neuron and the synapse, and analyses the relations between the circuits and mathematical models in detail. The first part describes the biological foundations and provides a comprehensive overview of the artificial neural networks. The second part then presents mathematical foundations, reviewing elementary topics, as well as lesser-known problems such as topological conjugacy of dynamical systems and the shadowing property. The final two parts describe the models of the neuron, and the mathematical analysis of the properties of artificial multilayer neural networks. Combining biological, mathematical and electronic approaches, this multidisciplinary book it useful for the mathematicians interested in artificial neural networks and models of the neuron, for computer scientists interested in formal foundations of artificial neural networks, and for the biologists interested in mathematical and electronic models of neural structures and processes.
Models of Science Dynamics
by Peter Van Besselaar Andrea Scharnhorst Katy BörnerModels of Science Dynamics aims to capture the structure and evolution of science, the emerging arena in which scholars, science and the communication of science become themselves the basic objects of research. In order to capture the essence of phenomena as diverse as the structure of co-authorship networks or the evolution of citation diffusion patterns, such models can be represented by conceptual models based on historical and ethnographic observations, mathematical descriptions of measurable phenomena, or computational algorithms. Despite its evident importance, the mathematical modeling of science still lacks a unifying framework and a comprehensive study of the topic. This volume fills this gap, reviewing and describing major threads in the mathematical modeling of science dynamics for a wider academic and professional audience. The model classes presented cover stochastic and statistical models, system-dynamics approaches, agent-based simulations, population-dynamics models, and complex-network models. The book comprises an introduction and a foundational chapter that defines and operationalizes terminology used in the study of science, as well as a review chapter that discusses the history of mathematical approaches to modeling science from an algorithmic-historiography perspective. It concludes with a survey of remaining challenges for future science models and their relevance for science and science policy.