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Showing 39,376 through 39,400 of 59,465 results
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Modern Technologies in Energy and Transport II (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #574) 6410771 Sergii Boichenko Artur Zaporozhets Iryna Shkilniuk Anna Yakovlieva 9783031766503 2024 Contains images
Modern Theories of Many-Particle Systems in Condensed Matter Physics 668582 Daniel C. Cabra Andreas Honecker Pierre Pujol 9783642104497 2012 Contains images
Modern Time Series Forecasting with Python: Explore industry-ready time series forecasting using modern machine learning and deep learning 5010895 Manu Joseph 9781803232041 2022 Contains images
Modern Time Series Forecasting with Python: Industry-ready machine learning and deep learning time series analysis with PyTorch and pandas 6444710 null Manu Joseph null Jeffrey Tackes 9781835883198 2024 Contains images
Modern Trends and Techniques in Computer Science 1426666 Radek Silhavy Roman Senkerik Zuzana Kominkova Oplatkova Petr Silhavy Zdenka Prokopova 9783319067407 2014 Contains images
Modern Trends in Controlled Stochastic Processes: Theory and Applications, V.III (Emergence, Complexity and Computation #41) 4137757 Alexey Piunovskiy Yi Zhang 9783030769284 2021 Contains images
Modern TypeScript: A Practical Guide to Accelerate Your Development Velocity 5773592 Ben Beattie-Hood 9781484297230 2023 Contains images
Modern Vim: Craft Your Development Environment with Vim 8 and Neovim 2066749 Drew Neil 9781680506013 2018 Contains images
Modern Warfare, Intelligence and Deterrence: The technologies that are transforming them (Economist Books) 4083068 Benjamin Sutherland 9781610395120 1983 Contains images
The Modern Web 1691033 Peter Gasston 9781593274887 2013 Contains images
The Modern Web: Multi-Device Web Development with HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript 667149 Peter Gasston 9781593274870 2013
Modern Web Development with ASP.NET Core 3: An end to end guide covering the latest features of Visual Studio 2019, Blazor and Entity Framework, 2nd Edition 4174644 Ricardo Peres 9781789614282 2020 Contains images
Modern Web Performance Optimization: Methods, Tools, and Patterns to Speed Up Digital Platforms 3690586 Shailesh Kumar Shivakumar 9781484265284 2020 Contains images
Modern Web Testing with TestCafe: Get to grips with end-to-end web testing with TestCafe and JavaScript 3989771 Dmytro Shpakovskyi 9781800205963 2020 Contains images
Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming 1420965 Daniel Kusswurm 9781484200643 2014 Contains images
Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming: Covers x86 64-bit, AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512 2332440 Daniel Kusswurm 9781484240632 2018 Contains images
Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming: Covers X86 64-bit, AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512 5523566 Daniel Kusswurm 9781484296035 2023 Contains images
Moderne C-Programmierung 1353188 Helmut Schellong 9783642400582 2013
Moderne C++ Programmierung 1354485 Ralf Schneeweiß 9783642214295 2011 Contains images
Moderne Datenanalyse mit R: Daten einlesen, aufbereiten, visualisieren, modellieren und kommunizieren (FOM-Edition) 2469922 Sebastian Sauer 9783658215873 2019 Contains images
Moderne Rechnernetze: Protokolle, Standards und Apps in kombinierten drahtgebundenen, mobilen und drahtlosen Netzwerken 3479182 Andriy Luntovskyy Dietbert Gütter 9783658256173 2020 Contains images
Moderne Rechnernetze: Protokolle, Standards und Apps in kombinierten drahtgebundenen, mobilen und drahtlosen Netzwerken 5851039 Andriy Luntovskyy Dietbert Gütter 9783658406844 2023 Contains images
Moderne Rechnernetze – Übungsbuch: Aufgaben und Musterlösungen zu Protokollen, Standards und Apps in kombinierten Netzwerken 5593160 Andriy Luntovskyy Dietbert Gütter 9783658412951 2023 Contains images
Moderne Rechnernetze - Übungsbuch: Aufgaben und Musterlösungen zu Protokollen, Standards und Apps in kombinierten Netzwerken 3479133 Andriy Luntovskyy Dietbert Gütter 9783658256197 2020 Contains images
Moderne Software-Entwicklung mit Java und JEE: Ein praxisorientiertes Lehrbuch für effiziente Programmierung 5362052 Dr.-Ing. Stefan Wagenpfeil 9783662665824 2023 Contains images

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