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MODx Web Development - Second Edition

by Antano Solar John

This book is an example-driven tutorial, which will take you from the installation of MODx through to configuration, customization, and deployment. Step-by-step instructions will enable you to build a fully-functional, feature-rich website quickly and without the knowledge of any programming language.This book is ideal for newcomers to MODx. Both beginners and experienced web developers will benefit from this comprehensive guide to MODx. No knowledge of PHP programming or any templating language is needed, but the more advanced chapters towards the end of the book will allow more confident developers to extend their applications even further by creating their own snippets.

MOJO: How to Make Broadcast Videos with an iPhone or iPad

by Stephen Quinn Ivo Burum

MOJO: The Mobile Journalism Handbook is the first book devoted specifically to training citizens, journalism students and media professionals to produce professional-quality videos with only a mobile device. As journalism becomes increasingly competitive, students and emerging professionals need a broader skillset to make themselves more employable, whether as mainstream or entrepreneurial journalists. This book by Dr. Ivo Burum and Dr. Stephen Quinn, world experts in mobile journalism, provides comprehensive coverage of all the skills and practices needed to be a mobile journalist. Key features: Burum and Quinn underline the importance of story and storytelling, the crucial context journalists always need to keep in mind. Other books and tutorials merely offer step-by-step guidance to mobile technology and apps. The book synthesizes the knowledge and more than 70 years of combined expertise of two of the world’s leading mobile journalism practitioners, offering sage advice and tips from people who have trained mojos in more than 20 countries. Companion Website: How-to videos on the companion website offer powerful ways for learners to absorb the content easily, walking them through the key mojo components of research, shooting, scripting, voice-over, editing and post-production. Ivo Burum is an award-winning writer, director and television executive producer. He has more than 30 years’ experience working across genres including frontline international current affairs. A pioneer in UGS creation, Dr. Burum lectures in multimedia journalism. This is his second book about mojo. He runs Burum Media, a mojo and web TV consultancy that provides training for journalists, educators and remote communities internationally. Stephen Quinn was a journalist for 20 years before he became a university professor in 1996. Dr. Quinn taught journalism in five countries until he returned to journalism in 2011 in Hong Kong. His UK-based company MOJO Media Insights trains mobile journalists around the world. This is his twenty-first print book. He has also produced 5 iBooks. He co-writes a weekly column syndicated to seven countries.

The Mojo Handbook: Theory to Praxis

by Ivo Burum

The Mojo Handbook: Theory to Praxis offers a detailed and engaging crash course on how to use mobile tools to create powerful journalistic stories. Drawing on both theoretical underpinnings and practical techniques, the book outlines the fundamentals of mobile journalism methods, by placing mobile storytelling within a wider context of current affairs, documentary filmmaking and public relations. The book offers expert advice for how to use storytelling skills to transform mobile content into engaging and purposeful user-generated stories for audiences. Topics covered include tips for recording dynamic video and clean audio, conducting interviews on your phone and editing and post-production processes, as well as advice on how to handle copyright issues and a primer on journalistic ethics. The book also includes a comprehensive glossary of terms to help students navigate the video production and mobile journalism world. The Mojo Handbook is a valuable resource for aspiring multimedia professionals in journalism, strategic and corporate communication, community and education, as well as anyone looking to incorporate mobile into their visual storytelling tool kit.

Molecular Communications: An Analysis from Networking Theories Perspective

by Yesenia Cevallos Cristian Vacacela Gómez Luis Tello-Oquendo Talia Tene Deysi Inca Ivone Santillán Albert Espinal Nicolay Samaniego

This book provides a complete analysis of molecular communications systems from the paradigm of TCP/IP network stack, and it exploits network theories (e.g. independent functions of a layer into a stack, addressing, flow control, error control, and traffic control) and applies them to biological systems. The authors show how these models can be applied in different areas such as industry, medicine, engineering, biochemistry, biotechnology, computer sciences, and other disciplines. The authors then explain how it is possible to obtain enormous benefits from these practices when applied in medicine, such as enhancing current treatment of diseases and reducing the side effects of drugs and improving the quality of treatment for patients. The authors show how molecular communications systems, in contrast to existing telecommunication paradigms, use molecules as information carriers. They show how sender biological nanomachines (bio-nano machines) encode data on molecules (signal molecules) and release the molecules into the environment. They go on to explain how the molecules then travel through the environment to reach the receiver bio-nano machines, where they biochemically react with the molecules to decipher information. This book is relevant to those studying telecommunications and biomedical students, engineers, masters, PhDs, and researchers.

Molecular Computing

by Weng-Long Chang Athanasios V. Vasilakos

This textbook introduces a concise approach to the design of molecular algorithms for students or researchers who are interested in dealing with complex problems. Through numerous examples and exercises, you will understand the main difference of molecular circuits and traditional digital circuits to manipulate the same problem and you will also learn how to design a molecular algorithm of solving any a problem from start to finish. The book starts with an introduction to computational aspects of digital computers and molecular computing, data representation of molecular computing, molecular operations of molecular computing and number representation of molecular computing and provides many molecular algorithm to construct the parity generator and the parity checker of error-detection codes on digital communication, to encode integers of different formats, single precision and double precision of floating-point numbers, to implement addition and subtraction of unsigned integers, to construct logic operations including NOT, OR, AND, NOR, NAND, Exclusive-OR (XOR) and Exclusive-NOR (XNOR), to implement comparators, shifters, increase, decrease, and to complete two specific operations that are to find the maximum number of "1" and to find the minimum number of "1". The book is also a useful reference source to people new for the field of molecular computing.

Molecular Computing

by Nicholas G. Rambidi

The question whether molecular primitives can prove to be real alternatives to contemporary semiconductor means or effective supplements extending greatly possibilities of information technologies is addressed. Molecular primitives and circuitry for information processing devices are also discussed. Investigations in molecular based computing devices were initiated in the early 1970s in the hopes for an increase in the integration level and processing speed. Real progress proved unfeasible into the 1980´s. However, recently, important and promising results were achieved. The elaboration of operational 160-kilobit molecular electronic memory patterned 1011 bits per square centimeter in the end of 90´s were the first timid steps of information processing further development. Subsequent advances beyond these developments are presented and discussed. This work provides useful knowledge to anyone working in molecular based information processing.

Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Statistical Physics: Theory and Applications (Scientific Computation)

by Hiqmet Kamberaj

This book presents computer simulations using molecular dynamics techniques in statistical physics, with a focus on macromolecular systems. The numerical methods are introduced in the form of computer algorithms and can be implemented in computers using any desired computer programming language, such as Fortran 90, C/C++, and others. The book also explains how some of these numerical methods and their algorithms can be implemented in the existing computer programming software of macromolecular systems, such as the CHARMM program. In addition, it examines a number of advanced concepts of computer simulation techniques used in statistical physics as well as biological and physical systems. Discussing the molecular dynamics approach in detail to enhance readers understanding of the use of this method in statistical physics problems, it also describes the equations of motion in various statistical ensembles to mimic real-world experimental conditions. Intended for graduate students and research scientists working in the field of theoretical and computational biophysics, physics and chemistry, the book can also be used by postgraduate students of other disciplines, such as applied mathematics, computer sciences, and bioinformatics. Further, offering insights into fundamental theory, it as a valuable resource for expert practitioners and programmers and those new to the field.

Molecular Logic and Computational Synthetic Biology: First International Symposium, MLCSB 2018, Santiago, Chile, December 17–18, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11415)

by Madalena Chaves Manuel A. Martins

This book collects the revised selected proceedings of the First International Symposium in Molecular Logic and Computational Synthetic Biology ( MLCSB), held in Chile, Santiago, in December 2018. The volume contains 7 full revised papers along with 2 surveys from 19 submissions presented at the symposium. One of the goals of the MLCSB 2018 was to explore the potential of molecular logic frameworks to study the emerging behavioural patterns in biological networks, combining discrete, continuous and stochastic features, and resorting both to specific or general-purpose analysis and verification techniques.

Molecular Modeling and Simulation: An Interdisciplinary Guide

by Tamar Schlick

Very broad overview of the field intended for an interdisciplinary audience; Lively discussion of current challenges written in a colloquial style; Author is a rising star in this discipline; Suitably accessible for beginners and suitably rigorous for experts; Features extensive four-color illustrations; Appendices featuring homework assignments and reading lists complement the material in the main text

Molecular Simulation Investigations of Property Degradation in CFRP Composite

by Lik-ho Tam Ruidong Wu Jia-ao Hou Chao Wu

This book is written by a group of researchers based on the recent research progress in the fiber/matrix interface degradation under various environmental exposures via molecular dynamics simulation. It provides systematic framework of the model development, simulation techniques, and simulation results and presents the future research directions for investigating the interfacial degradation. By introducing the molecular details of fiber/matrix interface under environmental effects, it advances the fundamental understanding of the interfacial degradation mechanism. Researchers, scientists and engineers in the field of civil engineering and composite materials can benefit from the book. In conclusion, this book provides a computational paradigm and valuable insights on the fundamental interfacial degradation mechanism, which can contribute to the prediction of long-term behavior of fiber-reinforced polymer composites in harsh environments and pave the way for the material design with stronger interface.

Mom Blogging For Dummies

by Wendy Piersall

Ready to start your Mom blog or enhance your existing one? This book is for you! The population of mom bloggers is growing at a stunning pace and they boast an audience of more than 23 million women reading, posting, or commenting on blogs every week. This fun and friendly guide targets moms who are looking to become a savvier blogger, build a personal brand, earn free products to review or give away, or make some extra cash through ad revenue. Named by Nielsen as one of the most influential moms online, author Wendy Piersall helps you determine the right business model for your blog and then create a professional, in-demand personal brand. Serves as a road map for the growing population of moms who are interested in creating a blog or enhancing an existing blog Explains how to define a business model, understand your reader demographics, and choose the right look and feel for your blog Addresses delicate issues such as dealing with privacy and family members who don't want to be featured on your blog Walks you through using social media to extend your personal brand, building traffic with SEO and blog networks, and having a plan and policies in place when big brands and media come calling Offers a very unintimidating format as well as the usual fun and friendly For Dummies approach This beginner guide presents baby steps for breaking into the often-daunting mom blogging community, with practical advice on how to join and become an accepted member of this exciting world.

Moment Tensor Solutions: A Useful Tool For Seismotectonics (Springer Natural Hazards Ser.)

by Sebastiano D'Amico

This book first focuses on the explanation of the theory about focal mechanisms and moment tensor solutions and their role in the modern seismology. The second part of the book compiles several state-of-the-art case studies in different seismotectonic settings of the planet.The assessment of seismic hazard and the reduction of losses due to future earthquakes is probably the most important contribution of seismology to society. In this regard, the understanding of reliable determination seismic source and of its uncertainty can play a key role in contributing to geodynamic investigation, seismic hazard assessment and earthquake studies. In the last two decades, the use of waveforms recorded at local-to-regional distances has increased considerably. Waveform modeling has been used also to estimate faulting parameters of small-to-moderate sized earthquakes.

Monad (AKA PowerShell): Introducing the MSH Command Shell and Language

by Andy Oakley

Windows PowerShell, formerly know by its codename "Monad" and available now for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Vista, and soon for Exchange Server 2007 and MOM, is the future of Windows administration. From setting up automated build environments to managing 20,000 Exchange email clients in an organization, any tool that reduces the number of repetitive steps an administrator must perform, is a real win. Even better, PowerShell part of a major Microsoft initiative that aims to replace a host of Windows management tools with a single, unified shell. This is the promise of PowerShell and the reason IT professionals need to start learning how to use it today Reflecting the best of legacy tools such as bash and the Korn shell, PowerShell also breaks new ground in its command language design and its use of the object-oriented .NET Framework. And there is no better way to learn how to put PowerShell to work than to get your hands on Monad, O'Reilly's innovative, hands-on introduction to the tool. This concise 200-page book is an exciting tour of some of the new capabilities thatPowerShell puts into the hands of system administrators and power users, and is the perfect complement to existing PowerShell documentation. With more than 40 hands-on activities, the book covers every angle, from using PowerShell commands and its object-oriented pipelines to querying systems, generating reports and writing scripts that automate existing tasks. Adding to the lure is the fact that the book is written by Microsoft manager, Andy Oakley with a Foreword by PowerShell architect Jeffrey Snover-so you can be certain that it's teeming with inside information. Monad lets you see for yourself how PowerShell can significantly improve your productivity. Because the PowerShell technology has wide appeal, so, too, does this compact guide. Developers, administrators, and power users alike can all benefit from its insight. If you're someone who habitually drifts toward the c-m-d keys, knows all of the switches to most command tools, or spends time authoring batch files to solve new challenges, this book is right up your alley. And if your organization plans to upgrade soon to Exchange 2007 or MOM V3, there's no time to waste. Breaking News: A PowerShell RC1 Update to the book is now available at no charge from the book's catalog page on!

Mondo Nano: Fun and Games in the World of Digital Matter

by Colin Milburn

In Mondo Nano Colin Milburn takes his readers on a playful expedition through the emerging landscape of nanotechnology, offering a light-hearted yet critical account of our high-tech world of fun and games. This expedition ventures into discussions of the first nanocars, the popular video games Second Life, Crysis, and BioShock, international nanosoccer tournaments, and utopian nano cities. Along the way, Milburn shows how the methods, dispositions, and goals of nanotechnology research converge with video game culture. With an emphasis on play, scientists and gamers alike are building a new world atom by atom, transforming scientific speculations and video game fantasies into reality. Milburn suggests that the closing of the gap between bits and atoms entices scientists, geeks, and gamers to dream of a completely programmable future. Welcome to the wild world of Mondo Nano.

Mondrian in Action

by Julian Hyde William Back Nicholas Goodman

SummaryMondrian in Action teaches business users and developers how to use Mondrian and related tools for strategic business analysis. You'll learn how to design and populate a data warehouse and present the data via a multidimensional model. You'll follow examples showing how to create a Mondrian schema and then expand it to add basic security based on the users' roles.About the TechnologyMondrian is an open source, lightning-fast data analysis engine designed to help you explore your business data and perform speed-of-thought analysis. Mondrian can be integrated into a wide variety of business analysis applications and learning it requires no specialized technical knowledge.About this BookMondrian in Action teaches you to use Mondrian for strategic business analysis. In it, you'll learn how to organize and present data in a multidimensional manner. You'll follow apt and thoroughly explained examples showing how to create a Mondrian schema and then expand it to add basic security based on users' roles. Developers will discover how to integrate Mondrian using its olap4j Java API and web service calls via XML for Analysis.Written for developers building data analysis solutions. Appropriate for tech-savvy business users and DBAs needing to query and report on data.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.What's InsideMondrian from the ground up—no experience requiredA primer on business analyticsUsing Mondrian with a variety of leading applicationsOptimizing and restricting business data for fast, secure analysisAbout the AuthorsWilliam D. Back is an Enterprise Architect and Director of Pentaho Services. Nicholas Goodman is a Business Intelligence pro who has authored training courses on OLAP and Mondrian. Julian Hyde founded Mondrian and is the project's lead developer.Table of ContentsBeyond reporting: business analyticsMondrian: a first lookCreating the data mart Multidimensional modeling: making analytics data accessibleHow schemas growSecuring dataMaximizing Mondrian performanceDynamic securityWorking with Mondrian and PentahoDeveloping with MondrianAdvanced analytics

Monetarisierung von technischen Daten: Innovationen aus Industrie und Forschung

by Daniel Trauth Thomas Bergs Wolfgang Prinz

Die Monetarisierung von Daten ist per se ein sehr junges Thema, zu dem es nur sehr vereinzelt Fallbeispiele gibt. Es fehlt an einer Strategie bzw. einem Konzept, das Führungskräften den Weg in die Monetarisierung von Daten zeigt, insbesondere jenen, die die Digitale Transformation bzw. Industrie 4.0 für sich entdeckt haben oder davon bedroht sind. Weil Maschinendaten meist unstrukturiert und ohne Domänenwissen/Metadaten nicht verwertbar sind, birgt die Monetarisierung von Maschinendaten ein noch nicht abschließend bewertbares Potenzial. Um dieses Potenzial greifbar zu machen, werden in diesem Werk neben Beiträgen aus der Wissenschaft auch Praxisbeispiele aus der Industrie beschrieben. Anhand von unterschiedlichen Beispielen aus diversen Branchen kann der Leser bereits heute Teil einer zukünftigen Datenökonomie werden. Mehrwerte und Nutzen werden konkret beschrieben.

The Monetization of Technical Data: Innovations from Industry and Research

by Daniel Trauth Thomas Bergs Wolfgang Prinz

The monetization of data is a very young topic, for which there are only very few case studies. There is a lack of strategy or concept that shows decision-makers the way into the monetization of data, especially those who have discovered or are threatened by the digital transformation or Industry 4.0. Because machine data is usually unstructured and not usable without domain knowledge/metadata, the monetization of machine data has an as yet unquantifiable potential. In order to make this potential tangible, this work describes not only contributions from science, but also practical examples from industry. Based on different examples from various industries, the reader can already become part of a future data economy today. Values and benefits are described in detail.

Money Without Boundaries: How Blockchain Will Facilitate the Denationalization of Money

by Thomas Anderson

Discover how blockchain will facilitate a new currency that will transcend space and time Largely inspired by The Denationalization of Money by Fredrich Hayek, Money Without Boundaries’ ideological foundation is also inspired by economists and thought leaders like Milton Friedman and Irving Fisher, advancements in capital markets over the past 50 years, and the convergence of old and new technologies. Author Thomas J. Anderson explains how blockchain acts as the filter and the glue, making it all possible. Compared with other currencies, blockchain-managed money markets are more straightforward and transparent. It is easier to monitor, understand, and assess the quality of their "full-faith and credit." Money Without Boundaries shows how not only money, but also the process of borrowing and lending, will evolve to be conducted in a 100% trusted, secure, transparent, open architecture environment. Anderson begins with a history of money and discusses the rise of cryptocurrency, concluding with a comparison of decentralized money markets to all other alternatives. Money without Boundaries: • Demonstrates how blockchain technology allows full transparency • Explains how blockchain makes it possible for money to be fully commoditized • Explains how this fully market-based, decentralized, self-regulating system has vast implications throughout the global financial system • Shows how everyone will benefit when they have the opportunity to compete on “full faith in credit” If you are interested in cryptocurrency, money, monetary theory, or understanding how the applied uses of blockchain technology will change your everyday life, this is essential reading.

MoneyGPT: AI and the Threat to the Global Economy

by James Rickards

From the New York Times bestselling author of The New Great Depression and Currency Wars, a telling prediction for how AI will endanger global economic markets and securityIn November 2022, OpenAI released GPT-4 in a chatbot form to the public. In just two months, it claimed 100 million users—the fastest app to ever reach this benchmark. Since then, AI has become an all-consuming topic, popping up on the news, in ads, on your messenger apps, and in conversations with friends and family. But as AI becomes ubiquitous and grows at an ever-increasing pace, what does it mean for the financial markets?In MoneyGPT, Wall Street veteran and former advisor to the Department of Defense James Rickards paints a comprehensive picture of the danger AI poses to the global financial order, and the insidious ways in which AI will threaten national security. Rickards shows how, while AI is touted to increase efficiency and lower costs, its global implementation in the financial world will actually cause chaos, as selling begets selling and bank runs happen at lightning speed. AI further benefits malicious actors, Rickards argues, because without human empathy or instinct to intervene, threats like total nuclear war that once felt extreme are now more likely. And throughout all this, we must remain vigilant on the question of whose values will be promoted in the age of AI. As Rickards predicts, these systems will fail when we rely on them the most.MoneyGPT shows that the danger is not that AI will malfunction, but that it will function exactly as intended. The peril is not in the algorithms, but in ourselves. And it&’s up to us to intervene with old-fashioned human logic and common sense before it&’s too late.

MongoDB: Powerful and Scalable Data Storage

by Shannon Bradshaw Eoin Brazil Kristina Chodorow

Manage your data with a system designed to support modern application development. Updated for MongoDB 4.2, the third edition of this authoritative and accessible guide shows you the advantages of using document-oriented databases. You’ll learn how this secure, high-performance system enables flexible data models, high availability, and horizontal scalability.Authors Shannon Bradshaw, Eoin Brazil, and Kristina Chodorow provide guidance for database developers, advanced configuration for system administrators, and use cases for a variety of projects. NoSQL newcomers and experienced MongoDB users will find updates on querying, indexing, aggregation, transactions, replica sets, ops management, sharding and data administration, durability, monitoring, and security.In six parts, this book shows you how to:Work with MongoDB, perform write operations, find documents, and create complex queriesIndex collections, aggregate data, and use transactions for your applicationConfigure a local replica set and learn how replication interacts with your applicationSet up cluster components and choose a shard key for a variety of applicationsExplore aspects of application administration and configure authentication and authorizationUse stats when monitoring, back up and restore deployments, and use system settings when deploying MongoDB

MongoDB: Powerful and Scalable Data Storage

by Kristina Chodorow

Manage the huMONGOus amount of data collected through your web application with MongoDB. This authoritative introduction--written by a core contributor to the project--shows you the many advantages of using document-oriented databases, and demonstrates how this reliable, high-performance system allows for almost infinite horizontal scalability. This updated second edition provides guidance for database developers, advanced configuration for system administrators, and an overview of the concepts and use cases for other people on your project. Ideal for NoSQL newcomers and experienced MongoDB users alike, this guide provides numerous real-world schema design examples. Get started with MongoDB core concepts and vocabulary Perform basic write operations at different levels of safety and speed Create complex queries, with options for limiting, skipping, and sorting results Design an application that works well with MongoDB Aggregate data, including counting, finding distinct values, grouping documents, and using MapReduce Gather and interpret statistics about your collections and databases Set up replica sets and automatic failover in MongoDB Use sharding to scale horizontally, and learn how it impacts applications Delve into monitoring, security and authentication, backup/restore, and other administrative tasks

MongoDB: The Definitive Guide

by Michael Dirolf Kristina Chodorow

How does MongoDB help you manage a huMONGOus amount of data collected through your web application? With this authoritative introduction, you'll learn the many advantages of using document-oriented databases, and discover why MongoDB is a reliable, high-performance system that allows for almost infinite horizontal scalability. Written by engineers from 10gen, the company that develops and supports this open source database, MongoDB: The Definitive Guide provides guidance for database developers, advanced configuration for system administrators, and an overview of the concepts and use cases for other people on your project. Learn how easy it is to handle data as self-contained JSON-style documents, rather than as records in a relational database. Explore ways that document-oriented storage will work for your project Learn how MongoDB's schema-free data model handles documents, collections, and multiple databases Execute basic write operations, and create complex queries to find data with any criteria Use indexes, aggregation tools, and other advanced query techniques Learn about monitoring, security and authentication, backup and repair, and more Set up master-slave and automatic failover replication in MongoDB Use sharding to scale MongoDB horizontally, and learn how it impacts applications Get example applications written in Java, PHP, Python, and Ruby

MongoDB 4 Quick Start Guide: Learn the skills you need to work with the world's most popular NoSQL database

by Doug Bierer

A fast paced guide that will help you to create, read, update and delete data using MongoDBKey FeaturesCreate secure databases with MongoDBManipulate and maintain your databaseModel and use data in a No SQL environment with MongoDBBook DescriptionMongoDB has grown to become the de facto NoSQL database with millions of users, from small start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. It can solve problems that are considered difficult, if not impossible, for aging RDBMS technologies. Written for version 4 of MongoDB, this book is the easiest way to get started with MongoDB.You will start by getting a MongoDB installation up and running in a safe and secure manner. You will learn how to perform mission-critical create, read, update, and delete operations, and set up database security. You will also learn about advanced features of MongoDB such as the aggregation pipeline, replication, and sharding. You will learn how to build a simple web application that uses MongoDB to respond to AJAX queries, and see how to make use of the MongoDB programming language driver for PHP. The examples incorporate new features available in MongoDB version 4 where appropriate.What you will learnGet a standard MongoDB database up and running quicklyPerform simple CRUD operations on the database using the MongoDB command shellSet up a simple aggregation pipeline to return subsets of data grouped, sorted, and filteredSafeguard your data via replication and handle massive amounts of data via shardingPublish data from a web form to the database using a program language driverExplore the basic CRUD operations performed using the PHP MongoDB driverWho this book is forWeb developers, IT professionals and Database Administrators (DBAs) who want to learn how to create and manage MongoDB databases.

MongoDB Administrator's Guide

by Cyrus Dasadia

Manage, fine-tune, secure and deploy your MongoDB solution with ease with the help of practical recipes About This Book • Configure and deploy your MongoDB instance securely, without any hassle • Optimize your database's query performance, perform scale-out operations, and make your database highly available • Practical guide with a recipe-based approach to help you tackle any problem in the application and database administration aspects of MongoDB Who This Book Is For Database administrators with a basic understanding of the features of MongoDB and who want to professionally configure, deploy, and administer a MongoDB database, will find this book essential. If you are a MongoDB developer and want to get into MongoDB administration, this book will also help you. What You Will Learn • Install and deploy MongoDB in production • Manage and implement optimal indexes • Optimize monitoring in MongoDB • Fine-tune the performance of your queries • Debug and diagnose your database's performance • Optimize database backups and recovery and ensure high availability • Make your MongoDB instance scalable • Implement security and user authentication features in MongoDB • Master optimal cloud deployment strategies In Detail MongoDB is a high-performance and feature-rich NoSQL database that forms the backbone of the systems that power many different organizations. Packed with many features that have become essential for many different types of software professional and incredibly easy to use, this cookbook contains more than 100 recipes to address the everyday challenges of working with MongoDB. Starting with database configuration, you will understand the indexing aspects of MongoDB. The book also includes practical recipes on how you can optimize your database query performance, perform diagnostics, and query debugging. You will also learn how to implement the core administration tasks required for high-availability and scalability, achieved through replica sets and sharding, respectively. You will also implement server security concepts such as authentication, user management, role-based access models, and TLS configuration. You will also learn how to back up and recover your database efficiently and monitor server performance. By the end of this book, you will have all the information you need—along with tips, tricks, and best practices—to implement a high-performance MongoDB solution. Style and approach This practical book follows a problem-solution approach to help you tackle any issues encountered while performing MongoDB administrative tasks. Each recipe is detailed, and explained in a very easy to understand manner

MongoDB and PHP: Document-Oriented Data for Web Developers (Oreilly And Associate Ser.)

by Steve Francia

What would happen if you optimized a data store for the operations application developers actually use? You’d arrive at MongoDB, the reliable document-oriented database. With this concise guide, you’ll learn how to build elegant database applications with MongoDB and PHP.Written by the Chief Solutions Architect at 10gen—the company that develops and supports this open source database—this book takes you through MongoDB basics such as queries, read-write operations, and administration, and then dives into MapReduce, sharding, and other advanced topics. Get out of the relational database rut, and take advantage of a high-performing system optimized for operations and scale.Learn step-by-step the tools you need to build PHP applications with MongoDBPerform Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations, and learn how to perform queries to retrieve dataAdminister your database, and access and manipulate data with the MongoDB ShellUse functions to work with sets, arrays, and multiple documents to perform synchronous, asynchronous, and atomic operationsDiscover PHP’s community tools and libraries, and why they’re valuableWork with regular expressions, aggregation, MapReduce, replication, and sharding

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