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Showing 39,476 through 39,500 of 59,476 results

Monitoring with Graphite: Tracking Dynamic Host and Application Metrics at Scale

by Jason Dixon

Graphite has become one of the most powerful monitoring tools available today, due to its ease of use, rapid graph prototyping abilities, and a friendly rendering API. With this practical guide, system administrators and engineers will learn how to use this open source tool to track operational data you need to monitor your systems, as well as application-level metrics for profiling your services.Author Jason Dixon, member of the Graphite project, provides a thorough introduction of Graphite from the basics to the skills and tools you need for troubleshooting and scaling out its software components. If you want to learn more about monitoring systems, services, or applications, this is the book you need.Get an introduction to monitoring, including important concepts and terminologyExamine the features and functionality of key Graphite components, including Carbon and WhisperLearn the typical user workflow necessary to create a basic line chartBuild complex charts with chained functions and multiple axes that interact directly with the rendering APIUnderstand how to use the native Graphite dashboard, as well as the more popular third-party dashboardsMaster the art of scaling and troubleshooting high-performance or highly available Graphite clusters

Monitoring with Opsview

by Alan Wijntje

A practical and fast-paced guide that gives you all the information you need to get up and running with Opsview.This book is for anyone interested in using Opsview as a potential monitoring solution or for those who are already running Opsview Core and who would like to improve on their setup by exploring the features of Pro and Enterprise. Some working knowledge of monitoring and Linux is assumed, and it is recommended to have an Opsview system at hand while reading, allowing you to immediately try out the features discussed.

Monitorowanie otoczenia z Arduino

by Emily Gertz Patrick Di Justo

Zbuduj w?asne urz?dzenia pomiarowe z platform? Arduino!Arduino to niesamowita platforma, która otworzy?a przed ?wiatem elektroniki mnóstwo nowych mo?liwo?ci. Dzi?ki prostocie obs?ugi zdoby?a rzesz? zwolenników, a to prze?o?y?o si? na ilo?? dost?pnych w sieci materia?ów i publikacji. Dla platformy Arduino opracowano liczne akcesoria, które pozwalaj? u?ytkownikowi rozbudowa? ka?dy uk?ad. Dodatkowo istnieje te? mo?liwo?? po??czenia jej z kolejn? popularn? platform? — Raspberry Pi. Z tym duetem osi?gniesz wszystko!Ten fantastyczny podr?cznik poka?e Ci, jak wykorzysta? Arduino do zbierania informacji o otaczaj?cym ?wiecie. Pomiar poziomu ha?asu, temperatury i wilgotno?ci to tylko cz??? projektów, które mo?esz zrealizowa? dzi?ki tej platformie. W trakcie lektury dowiesz si?, jak wykorzysta? modu? sieciowy oraz zaprezentowa? zebrane dane na wy?wietlaczu. Chcia?by? mie? swój w?asny licznik Geigera? To cudo jest w Twoim zasi?gu! Podczas realizacji przedstawionych tu projektów poznasz platform? Arduino i zaczniesz tworzy? w?asne uk?ady. Si?gnij po t? ksi??k? i zanurz si? w ?wiat uk?adów elektronicznych.Zbuduj swój w?asny: termometr miernik ha?asu licznik Geigera wymarzony uk?ad z platform? Arduino!Arduino — Twoja przepustka do ?wiata elektroniki!

Monkey Game Development: Beginner's Guide

by Michael Hartlef

The first two chapters will provide you with grounding in Monkey. In each subsequent chapter you will create a complete game deployable to either iOS, Android, HTML5, FLASH, OSX, Windows and XNA. The last chapter will show you how to monetize the games so you can be commercially successful in the app development world. Do you want to quickly create games deployable to all the major desktop and mobile platforms?, if so look no further. You will learn how to utilize the highly versatile Monkey compiler to create 2d games deployable almost anywhere. No game development or programming experience is required.

Mono: A Developer's Notebook (Developer's Notebook)

by Edd Wilder-James Niel M. Bornstein

The Mono Project is the much talked-about open source initiative to create a Unix implementation of Microsoft's .NET Development Framework. Its purpose is to allow Unix developers to build and deploy cross-platform .NET applications. The project has also sparked interest in developing components, libraries and frameworks with C#, the programming language of .NET.The controversy? Some say Mono will become the preferred platform for Linux development, empowering Linux/Unix developers. Others say it will allow Microsoft to embrace, extend, and extinguish Linux. The controversy rages on, but--like many developers--maybe you've had enough talk and want to see what Mono is really all about.There's one way to find out: roll up your sleeves, get to work, and see what you Mono can do. How do you start? You can research Mono at length. You can play around with it, hoping to figure things out for yourself. Or, you can get straight to work with Mono: A Developer's Notebook--a hands-on guide and your trusty lab partner as you explore Mono 1.0.Light on theory and long on practical application, Mono: A Developer's Notebook bypasses the talk and theory, and jumps right into Mono 1.0. Diving quickly into a rapid tour of Mono, you'll work through nearly fifty mini-projects that will introduce you to the most important and compelling aspects of the 1.0 release. Using the task-oriented format of this new series, you'll learn how to acquire, install, and run Mono on Linux, Windows, or Mac OS X. You'll work with the various Mono components: Gtk#, the Common Language Runtime, the class libraries (both .NET and Mono-provided class libraries), IKVM and the Mono C# compiler. No other resource will take you so deeply into Mono so quickly or show you as effectively what Mono is capable of.The new Developer's Notebooks series from O'Reilly covers important new tools for software developers. Emphasizing example over explanation and practice over theory, they focus on learning by doing--you'll get the goods straight from the masters, in an informal and code-intensive style that suits developers. If you've been curious about Mono, but haven't known where to start, this no-fluff, lab-style guide is the solution.

Monochromatic HDR Photography: Shooting And Processing Black And White High Dynamic Range Photos

by Harold Davis

Update: The Kindle version of Monochromatic HDR Photography: Shooting and Processing Black & White High Dynamic Range Photos currently available for sale has been corrected and updated to address formatting issues. Monochromatic HDR Photography is the first book intended to show photographers how to work at the intersection of two up-and-coming trends that are at the forefront of the digital revolution: Black & White and High Dynamic Range imaging. The book explains techniques for extending dynamic range, monochromatic conversion methods and best practices where the two technologies intersect. Since successful digital monochromatic image creation generally requires using the color information inherent in RAW exposures, most case studies will be presented in full color. In addition, Monochromatic HDR Photography provides extensive coverage of the creative vision required to successfully create monochromatic HDR images and the workflow necessary to make art prints from this specialized image making technique.

MonoGame Mastery: Build a Multi-Platform 2D Game and Reusable Game Engine

by Jarred Capellman Louis Salin

Master the art of game creation with MonoGame—the cross-platform framework of choice for independent developers. Learn the various aspects needed to create your next game by covering MonoGame framework specifics, engine creation, graphics, patterns, and more. The MonoGame framework provides an incredible canvas for the programmer to create their next 2D game, and this book teaches you to make the most of it. You will start from the ground up, beginning with the basics of what MonoGame is, the pipeline, and then how to build a reusable game engine on top of the framework. You will deep dive into various components of each aspect of a game, including graphics, input, audio, and artificial intelligence. The importance of game tooling is also covered. By the end, you will have a mastery level of understanding of how to create a 2D game using MonoGame. With a fully functional 2D game, aspiring developers will have the ideal blueprint to tackle their next fully featured game. The material covered is applicable for almost any 2D game project ranging from side scrolling adventures to fighting games. What You Will Learn Learn to build a game with the MonoGame framework.Understand game engine architecture and how to build an engine onto the MonoGame framework.Grasp common design patterns used in game development and in fully featured engines, such as Unity. Who This Book Is For Beginner to advanced MonoGame programmer would find this book helpful. The audience is expected to have a working knowledge of C#.

Monolith to Microservices: Evolutionary Patterns to Transform Your Monolith

by Sam Newman

How do you detangle a monolithic system and migrate it to a microservice architecture? How do you do it while maintaining business-as-usual? As a companion to Sam Newman’s extremely popular Building Microservices, this new book details a proven method for transitioning an existing monolithic system to a microservice architecture.With many illustrative examples, insightful migration patterns, and a bevy of practical advice to transition your monolith enterprise into a microservice operation, this practical guide covers multiple scenarios and strategies for a successful migration, from initial planning all the way through application and database decomposition. You’ll learn several tried and tested patterns and techniques that you can use as you migrate your existing architecture.Ideal for organizations looking to transition to microservices, rather than rebuildHelps companies determine whether to migrate, when to migrate, and where to beginAddresses communication, integration, and the migration of legacy systemsDiscusses multiple migration patterns and where they applyProvides database migration examples, along with synchronization strategiesExplores application decomposition, including several architectural refactoring patternsDelves into details of database decomposition, including the impact of breaking referential and transactional integrity, new failure modes, and more

Monomial Ideals and Their Decompositions (Universitext)

by W. Frank Moore Mark Rogers Sean Sather-Wagstaff

This textbook on combinatorial commutative algebra focuses on properties of monomial ideals in polynomial rings and their connections with other areas of mathematics such as combinatorics, electrical engineering, topology, geometry, and homological algebra. Aimed toward advanced undergraduate students and graduate students who have taken a basic course in abstract algebra that includes polynomial rings and ideals, this book serves as a core text for a course in combinatorial commutative algebra or as preparation for more advanced courses in the area. The text contains over 600 exercises to provide readers with a hands-on experience working with the material; the exercises include computations of specific examples and proofs of general results. Readers will receive a firsthand introduction to the computer algebra system Macaulay2 with tutorials and exercises for most sections of the text, preparing them for significant computational work in the area. Connections to non-monomial areas of abstract algebra, electrical engineering, combinatorics and other areas of mathematics are provided which give the reader a sense of how these ideas reach into other areas.

Monotonic and Ultra-Low-Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Pipeline Steels: Experimental and Numerical Approaches

by António Augusto Fernandes Abílio M.P. Jesus Renato Natal Jorge

This book covers the development of innovative computational methodologies for the simulation of steel material fracture under both monotonic and ultra-low-cycle fatigue. The main aspects are summarised as follows: i) Database of small and full-scale testing data covering the X52, X60, X65, X70 and X80 piping steel grades. Monotonic and ULCF tests of pipe components were performed (buckled and dented pipes, elbows and straight pipes). ii) New constitutive models for both monotonic and ULCF loading are proposed. Besides the Barcelona model, alternative approaches are presented such as the combined Bai-Wierzbicki-Ohata-Toyoda model. iii) Developed constitutive models are calibrated and validated using experimentally derived testing data. Guidelines for damage simulation are included. The book could be seen as a comprehensive repository of experimental results and numerical modeling on advanced methods dealing with Ultra Low Cycle Fatigue of Pipelines when subjected to high strain loading conditions.

Monotonicity in Logic and Language: Second Tsinghua Interdisciplinary Workshop on Logic, Language and Meaning, TLLM 2020, Beijing, China, December 17-20, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12564)

by Dun Deng Fenrong Liu Mingming Liu Dag Westerståhl

Edited in collaboration with FoLLI, the Association of Logic, Language and Information this book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second Interdisciplinary Workshop on Logic, Language, and Meaning, TLLM 2020, held in Tsinghua, China, in December 2020. The 12 full papers together presented were fully reviewed and selected from 40 submissions.Due to COVID-19 the workshop will be held online.The workshop covers a wide range of topics where monotonicity is discussed in the context of logic, causality, belief revision, quantification, polarity, syntax, comparatives, and various semantic phenomena in particular languages.

Monster: A Tough Love Letter On Taming the Machines that Rule our Jobs, Lives, and Future

by Paul Roehrig Ben Pring

Learn to tame technology's role in your life and work through 13 easy steps Monster: A Tough Love Letter on Taming the Machines that Rule our Jobs, Lives, and Future is an insightful exploration of how we can responsibly engage with technology We can maintain our freedom and privacy while still realizing the benefits that tech offers; Monster shows us how. The book offers readers an original view of big tech that includes discussions of: The addictive nature of many modern technology platforms and how to combat bad habits The growing backlash against big tech and how people are growing increasingly disenchanted with its impacts How to tame technology's role in your life and firm without becoming a modern Luddite Perfect for managers, leaders, and employees at companies of all sizes and in all industries, Monster will also earn a place in the libraries of technology enthusiasts who are growing increasingly wary of technology's role in their life and the lives of the people around them.

Monster Careers: How To Land The Job Of Your Life

by Jeff Taylor Doug Hardy

Packed with real-world advice from recruiters, career counselors, human resource professionals, and dozens of Monster members who have found rewarding employment through the world's leading global online job network, Monster Careers provides a step-by-step plan for carrying out a supercharged job search-from exploring new career options to writing job-winning resumes and cover letters to mastering the interview and negotiating a job offer. You'll also learn how to thrive in your first months in the new job and set yourself up for continuing success. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a recent graduate, whatever your job situation, this practical and passionate guide will show you the way to build a meaningful and rewarding career.

Monster Hunter: Die lustigsten Sprüche und Memes

by Joke Factory

Sie sind auf der Suche nach den lustigsten Witzen und Sprüchen aus dem Monster Hunter-Universum? Hier sind Sie genau richtig, Sie werden sich den Hintern ablachen! Entdecken Sie die lustigsten, um nicht zu sagen dümmsten, Witze und Memes aus der Welt der Monster Hunter Corporations! Am Besten schlagen Sie gleich zu! Heute kaufen und Spaß haben mit Monster Hunter!

Monster Hunter As Mais Engraçadas Épicas e Hilárias Piadas & Memes

by Joke Factory

Você desvendará as mais divertidas piadas de Monster Hunter de todos os tempos. Este livro está repleto com algumas das mais engraçadas piadas de Monster Hunter. Descubra os temas mais populares da Corporação Monster Hunter, juntamente com piadas e memes bobos, ridículos e puramente hilários sobre eles! Baixe sua cópia imendiatamente! Compre hoje e descubra as mais populares piadas sobre Monster Hunter!

Monster Kids: How Pokémon Taught a Generation to Catch Them All

by Daniel Dockery

The definitive, behind-the-scenes look at why Pokémon's evolution from a single Japanese video game to global powerhouse captured the world's attention, and how the "gotta catch 'em all" mentality of its fanbase shaped pop culture—and continues to do so today. More than just a simple journey through the history of Pokémon, Daniel Dockery offers an in-depth look at the franchise&’s many branches of impact and influence. With dozens of firsthand interviews, Monster Kids covers its beginnings as a Japanese video game created to recapture one man's love of bug-collecting as a child before diving into the decisions and conditions that would ultimately lead to that game's global domination. With its continued growth as television shows, spin-off video games, blockbuster movies, trading cards, and toys, Pokémon is a unique and special brand that manages to continue to capture the attention and adoration of its eager fanbase 25 years after its initial release. Whether it was new animated shows like Digimon, Cardcaptors, and Yu-Gi-Oh!; the rise of monster-catching video games and trading card games; and more, Pikachu, the king of pop culture in the '90s, opened the doors in America to those hoping to capture some of Pokémon's dedicated fans. In Monster Kids, Dockery combines the personal stories of the people who helped bring Pokémon to the global stage with affection and humor, making this book the ultimate look at the rise of the franchise in Japan and then North America, but also the generation of kids whose passion for "catching them all" created a unique cultural phenomenon that continues to make a profound impact today.

Monster Savings (Freestylers: Data Beast #4)

by Andrew Fusek Peters

A short thriller that's high on suspense! This is a perfect page turner if you want to finish a story in one sitting, especially for reluctant and struggling readers. Cool, edgy computer hackers, Kiran and Roz are teens who set out to fight crime and injustice with the help of a shape-shifting data beast they've created.In Monster Savings, Kiran and Roz take on the might of shopping phenomenon, a company that sells anything to anyone, but evades tax and avoids giving its workers fair pay and conditions. It's the data beast's most perilous mission yet - will it survive?Reading level for this book:-ATOS: 2.6Lexile ® Measure: 360LBook Band: 11 Lime

Monsters in the Mist: The Mystery of Entity303 Book Two: A Gameknight999 Adventure: An Unofficial Minecrafter's Adventure (Gameknight999 Series #2)

by Mark Cheverton

Gameknight999 is hot on the trail of Entity303, who has kidnapped Weaver. He follows the mysterious villain into the strange mod world of Mystcraft, with green skies, trees with blue leaves, floating islands, and a blood-red moon.Entity303 makes his way to a tower made of sparkling blue crystals, where he steals a linked book from the User-that-is-not-a-user, disappearing into one of Mystcraft’s many ages.Without the linked book, Gameknight has no way of ever leaving Mystcraft and returning to the Overworld. And besides, he can’t leave with rescuing Weaver and sending him back to the past, which would repair Minecraft’s timeline, making things right in the game once again.The User-that-is-not-a-user has no choice but to visit each age, in hopes of finding the right one. But in the process he’ll discover an unsettling truth about Entity303, and the deadly monsters the villain has left in wait for him.Sky Pony Press, with our Good Books, Racehorse and Arcade imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of books for young readers-picture books for small children, chapter books, books for middle grade readers, and novels for young adults. Our list includes bestsellers for children who love to play Minecraft; stories told with LEGO bricks; books that teach lessons about tolerance, patience, and the environment, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

The Monsters Know What They're Doing: Combat Tactics for Dungeon Masters (The Monsters Know What They’re Doing #1)

by Keith Ammann

From the creator of the popular blog The Monsters Know What They&’re Doing comes a compilation of villainous battle plans for Dungeon Masters.In the course of a Dungeons & Dragons game, a Dungeon Master has to make one decision after another in response to player behavior—and the better the players, the more unpredictable their behavior! It&’s easy for even an experienced DM to get bogged down in on-the-spot decision-making or to let combat devolve into a boring slugfest, with enemies running directly at the player characters and biting, bashing, and slashing away. In The Monsters Know What They&’re Doing, Keith Ammann lightens the DM&’s burden by helping you understand your monsters&’ abilities and develop battle plans before your fifth edition D&D game session begins. Just as soldiers don&’t whip out their field manuals for the first time when they&’re already under fire, a DM shouldn&’t wait until the PCs have just encountered a dozen bullywugs to figure out how they advance, fight, and retreat. Easy to read and apply, The Monsters Know What They're Doing is essential reading for every DM.

Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: Mcqmc 2016, Stanford, Ca, August 14-19 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #241)

by Art B. Owen Peter W. Glynn

This book presents the refereed proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing that was held at Stanford University (California) in August 2016. These biennial conferences are major events for Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo researchers. The proceedings include articles based on invited lectures as well as carefully selected contributed papers on all theoretical aspects and applications of Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods. Offering information on the latest developments in these very active areas, this book is an excellent reference resource for theoreticians and practitioners interested in solving high-dimensional computational problems, arising in particular, in finance, statistics, computer graphics and the solution of PDEs.

Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: MCQMC 2022, Linz, Austria, July 17–22 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #460)

by Friedrich Pillichshammer Peter Kritzer Aicke Hinrichs

This book presents the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing that was held in Linz, Austria, and organized by the Johannes Kepler University Linz and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, in July 2022. These biennial conferences are major events for Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo researchers. The proceedings include articles based on invited lectures as well as carefully selected contributed papers on all theoretical aspects and applications of Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods. Offering information on the latest developments in these highly active areas, this book is an excellent reference resource for theoreticians and practitioners interested in solving high-dimensional computational problems, in particular arising in finance, statistics and computer graphics.

Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: MCQMC 2018, Rennes, France, July 1–6 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #324)

by Bruno Tuffin Pierre L’Ecuyer

​This book presents the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing that was held at the University of Rennes, France, and organized by Inria, in July 2018. These biennial conferences are major events for Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo researchers. The proceedings include articles based on invited lectures as well as carefully selected contributed papers on all theoretical aspects and applications of Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods. Offering information on the latest developments in these very active areas, this book is an excellent reference resource for theoreticians and practitioners interested in solving high-dimensional computational problems, arising, in particular, in finance, statistics and computer graphics.

Monte Carlo Methods

by Adrian Barbu Song-Chun Zhu

This book seeks to bridge the gap between statistics and computer science. It provides an overview of Monte Carlo methods, including Sequential Monte Carlo, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Metropolis-Hastings, Gibbs Sampler, Cluster Sampling, Data Driven MCMC, Stochastic Gradient descent, Langevin Monte Carlo, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, and energy landscape mapping. Due to its comprehensive nature, the book is suitable for developing and teaching graduate courses on Monte Carlo methods. To facilitate learning, each chapter includes several representative application examples from various fields. The book pursues two main goals: (1) It introduces researchers to applying Monte Carlo methods to broader problems in areas such as Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, etc.; and (2) it makes it easier for scientists and engineers working in these areas to employ Monte Carlo methods to enhance their research.

Monte Carlo Methods Utilizing Mathematica®: Applications in Inverse Transform and Acceptance-Rejection Sampling (Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics & Statistics)

by Sujaul Chowdhury

This book provides practical demonstrations of how to carry out definite integrals with Monte Carlo methods using Mathematica. Random variates are sampled by the inverse transform method and the acceptance-rejection method using uniform, linear, Gaussian, and exponential probability distribution functions. A chapter on the application of the Variational Quantum Monte Carlo method to a simple harmonic oscillator is included. These topics are all essential for students of mathematics and physics. The author includes thorough background on each topic covered within the book in order to help readers understand the subject. The book also contains many examples to show how the methods can be applied.

Monte Carlo Search: First Workshop, MCS 2020, Held in Conjunction with IJCAI 2020, Virtual Event, January 7, 2021, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1379)

by Tristan Cazenave Olivier Teytaud Mark H. M. Winands

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First Workshop on Monte Carlo Search, MCS 2020, organized in conjunction with IJCAI 2020. The event was supposed to take place in Yokohama, Japan, in July 2020, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic was held virtually on January 7, 2021. The 9 full papers of the specialized project were carefully reviewed and selected from 15 submissions. The following topics are covered in the contributions: discrete mathematics in computer science, games, optimization, search algorithms, Monte Carlo methods, neural networks, reinforcement learning, machine learning.

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