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Multi-Site Network and Security Services with NSX-T: Implement Network Security, Stateful Services, and Operations
by Iwan HoogendoornKnow the basics of network security services and other stateful services such as NAT, gateway and distributed firewalls (L2-L7), virtual private networks (VPN), load balancing (LB), and IP address management. This book covers these network and security services and how NSX-T also offers integration and interoperability with various other products that are not only created by VMware, but are also referred by VMware as third-party integrated vendors.With the integration of VMware vRealize Automation, you can automate full application platforms consisting of multiple virtual machines with network and security services orchestrated and fully automated.From the operational perspective, this book provides best practices on how to configure logging, notification, and monitoring features and teaches you how to get the required visibility of not only your NSX-T platform but also your NSX-T-enabled network infrastructure.Another key part of this book is the explanation of multi-site capabilities and how network and security services can be offered across multiple on-premises locations with a single management pane. Interface with public cloud services also is included. The current position of NSX-T operation in on-premises private clouds and the position and integration with off-premises public clouds are covered as well.This book provides a good understanding of integrations with other software to bring the best out of NSX-T and offer even more features and capabilities.What You Will LearnUnderstand the NSX-T security firewall and advanced securityBecome familiar with NAT, DNS, DHCP, and load balancing featuresMonitor your NSX-T environmentBe aware of NSX-T authentication and authorization possibilitiesUnderstand integration with cloud automation platformsKnow what multi-cloud integrations are possible and how to integrate NSX-T with the public cloud Who This Book Is ForVirtualization administrators, system integrators
Multi-source, Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization
by Horacio Saggion Jakub Piskorski Roman Yangarber Thierry PoibeauInformation extraction (IE) and text summarization (TS) are powerful technologies for finding relevant pieces of information in text and presenting them to the user in condensed form. The ongoing information explosion makes IE and TS critical for successful functioning within the information society. These technologies face particular challenges due to the inherent multi-source nature of the information explosion. The technologies must now handle not isolated texts or individual narratives, but rather large-scale repositories and streams---in general, in multiple languages---containing a multiplicity of perspectives, opinions, or commentaries on particular topics, entities or events. There is thus a need to adapt existing techniques and develop new ones to deal with these challenges. This volume contains a selection of papers that present a variety of methodologies for content identification and extraction, as well as for content fusion and regeneration. The chapters cover various aspects of the challenges, depending on the nature of the information sought---names vs. events,--- and the nature of the sources---news streams vs. image captions vs. scientific research papers, etc. This volume aims to offer a broad and representative sample of studies from this very active research field.
Multi-spectral and Intelligent Sensing (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
by Liting Wang Xiaoming Tao Lu Sun Wentao ShenThis book provides a concise overview of intelligent technologies for vision and sensing, with a particular focus on their applications in various multispectral configurations, including safety monitoring in rural areas. Within the realm of intelligent perception and contemporary healthcare, the book emphasizes the real-time monitoring, analysis, and prediction of vital signals using biomedical optical sensors. This approach aims to offer more adaptable and personalized services within the medical health management domain. Furthermore, the book delves into the comprehensive comprehension of physiological signals and additional data sources, such as environmental and motion data. The goal is to enhance the breadth and depth of data analysis, providing more integrated support for the life and health sector. Additionally, the book explores the implementation of edge intelligence algorithms at the sensor level to enable real-time analysis, enhancing the efficiency of sensor data processing and utilization. Detailed explanations of the configuration and deployment of an active vision camera system featuring an integrated edge algorithm are provided to elucidate the coordination and communication mechanisms of edge intelligence technology across multiple edge devices. A specific application case is then presented—the universal camera jamming system—which underscores the benefits of intelligent sensing fusion for tasks such as attitude and position recognition, as well as self-feedback excitation jamming. The book underscores the pervasive and seamless integration of smart sensing in both current and future lifestyles, spanning from active vision cameras to diverse applications across multiple spectrums. Its insights are poised to stimulate innovation and application within the realms of smart vision and sensing, including a comprehensive analysis of future healthcare paradigms.
Multi-Step Multi-Input One-Way Quantum Information Processing with Spatial and Temporal Modes of Light
by Ryuji UkaiIn this thesis, the author develops for the first time an implementation methodology for arbitrary Gaussian operations using temporal-mode cluster states. The author also presents three experiments involving continuous-variable one-way quantum computations, where their non-classical nature is shown by observing entanglement at the outputs. The experimental basic structure of one-way quantum computation over two-mode input state is demonstrated by the controlled-Z gate and the optimum nonlocal gate experiments. Furthermore, the author proves that the operation can be controlled by the gain-tunable entangling gate experiment.
Multi-Strategy Learning Environment: Proceedings of ICMSLE 2024 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)
by Vincenzo Piuri Isidoros Perikos Vrince Vimal Amrit MukherjeeThe book presents selected papers from International Conference on Multi-Strategy Learning Environment (ICMSLE 2024), held at Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, India, during 12–13 January 2024. This book presents current research in machine learning techniques, deep learning theories and practices, interpretability and explainability of AI algorithms, game theory and learning, multi-strategy learning (MSL) in distributed and streaming environments, and adaptive data analysis and selective inference.
Multi Tenancy for Cloud-Based In-Memory Column Databases: Workload Management and Data Placement
by Jan SchaffnerWith the proliferation of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings, it is becoming increasingly important for individual SaaS providers to operate their services at a low cost. This book investigates SaaS from the perspective of the provider and shows how operational costs can be reduced by using "multi tenancy," a technique for consolidating a large number of customers onto a small number of servers. Specifically, the book addresses multi tenancy on the database level, focusing on in-memory column databases, which are the backbone of many important new enterprise applications. For efficiently implementing multi tenancy in a farm of databases, two fundamental challenges must be addressed, (i) workload modeling and (ii) data placement. The first involves estimating the (shared) resource consumption for multi tenancy on a single in-memory database server. The second consists in assigning tenants to servers in a way that minimizes the number of required servers (and thus costs) based on the assumed workload model. This step also entails replicating tenants for performance and high availability. This book presents novel solutions to both problems.
Multi-UAV Planning and Task Allocation (Chapman & Hall/CRC Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Series)
by Yasmina Bestaoui SebbaneMulti-robot systems are a major research topic in robotics. Designing, testing, and deploying aerial robots in the real world is a possibility due to recent technological advances. This book explores different aspects of cooperation in multiagent systems. It covers the team approach as well as deterministic decision-making. It also presents distributed receding horizon control, as well as conflict resolution, artificial potentials, and symbolic planning. The book also covers association with limited communications, as well as genetic algorithms and game theory reasoning. Multiagent decision-making and algorithms for optimal planning are also covered along with case studies. Key features: Provides a comprehensive introduction to multi-robot systems planning and task allocation Explores multi-robot aerial planning; flight planning; orienteering and coverage; and deployment, patrolling, and foraging Includes real-world case studies Treats different aspects of cooperation in multiagent systems Both scientists and practitioners in the field of robotics will find this text valuable.
Multi-valued Logic for Decision-Making Under Uncertainty (Computer Science Foundations and Applied Logic)
by Evgeny Kagan Alexander Rybalov Ronald YagerMulti-valued and fuzzy logics provide mathematical and computational tools for handling imperfect information and decision-making with rational collective reasoning and irrational individual judgements. The suggested implementation of multi-valued logics is based on the uninorm and absorbing norm with generating functions defined by probability distributions. Natural extensions of these logics result in non-commutative and non-distributive logics. In addition to Boolean truth values, these logics handle subjective truth and false values and model irrational decisions. Dynamics of decision-making are specified by the subjective Markov process and learning – by neural network with extended Tsetlin neurons. Application of the suggested methods is illustrated by modelling of irrational economic decisions and biased reasoning in the wisdom-of-the-crowd method, and by control of mobile robots and navigation of their groups. Topics and features: Bridges the gap between fuzzy and probability methods Includes examples in the field of machine-learning and robots’ control Defines formal models of subjective judgements and decision-making Presents practical techniques for solving non-probabilistic decision-making problems Initiates further research in non-commutative and non-distributive logics The book forms a basis for theoretical studies and practice of decision-making under uncertainty and will be useful for computer scientists and mathematicians interested in multi-valued and fuzzy logic, as well as for engineers working in the field of data mining and data analysis.
Multi-variant User Interfaces in E-commerce: A Practical Approach to UI Personalization (Progress in IS)
by Adam WasilewskiThis book focuses on the personalisation of the user interface in e-commerce based on collected data on customer behaviour. While product recommendation systems are widely used for this purpose today, they do not allow for a comprehensive adaptation of the layout to different user groups. The proposed approach is based on the conclusion that since e-commerce customers are different, the user interface should also be different. To make this possible, several components need to be combined, which together allow the design of the online shop to be automatically or expertly adapted to the customer's choices and behaviour. It presents and discusses a framework that allows data to be collected, processed and used to optimise UI variants for generated customer segments. The proposed approach has been verified in practice and further developed on this basis, so that the reader is presented with a solution that is not riddled with 'baby age' problems, and the limitations and challenges identified are described and commented on in detail. Typical e-commerce systems currently have a single UI for all customers. The implementation of multi-variant UIs therefore represents an opportunity for companies to create a marketing advantage by addressing the personalisation trends in e-commerce.The book is intended for those responsible for developing e-commerce platform and user interfaces for web-based systems, as well as individuals interested in practical applications of machine learning in business.
Multi-Winner Voting with Approval Preferences (SpringerBriefs in Intelligent Systems)
by Martin Lackner Piotr SkowronFrom fundamental concepts and results to recent advances in computational social choice, this open access book provides a thorough and in-depth look at multi-winner voting based on approval preferences. The main focus is on axiomatic analysis, algorithmic results and several applications that are relevant in artificial intelligence, computer science and elections of any kind.What is the best way to select a set of candidates for a shortlist, for an executive committee, or for product recommendations? Multi-winner voting is the process of selecting a fixed-size set of candidates based on the preferences expressed by the voters. A wide variety of decision processes in settings ranging from politics (parliamentary elections) to the design of modern computer applications (collaborative filtering, dynamic Q&A platforms, diversity in search results, etc.) share the problem of identifying a representative subset of alternatives. The study of multi-winner voting provides the principled analysis of this task.Approval-based committee voting rules (in short: ABC rules) are multi-winner voting rules particularly suitable for practical use. Their usability is founded on the straightforward form in which the voters can express preferences: voters simply have to differentiate between approved and disapproved candidates. Proposals for ABC rules are numerous, some dating back to the late 19th century while others have been introduced only very recently. This book explains and discusses these rules, highlighting their individual strengths and weaknesses. With the help of this book, the reader will be able to choose a suitable ABC voting rule in a principled fashion, participate in, and be up to date with the ongoing research on this topic.
Multiagent Scheduling
by Alessandro Agnetis Jean-Charles Billaut Stanisław Gawiejnowicz Dario Pacciarelli Ameur SoukhalScheduling theory has received a growing interest since its origins in the second half of the 20th century. Developed initially for the study of scheduling problems with a single objective, the theory has been recently extended to problems involving multiple criteria. However, this extension has still left a gap between the classical multi-criteria approaches and some real-life problems in which not all jobs contribute to the evaluation of each criterion. In this book, we close this gap by presenting and developing multi-agent scheduling models in which subsets of jobs sharing the same resources are evaluated by different criteria. Several scenarios are introduced, depending on the definition and the intersection structure of the job subsets. Complexity results, approximation schemes, heuristics and exact algorithms are discussed for single-machine and parallel-machine scheduling environments. Definitions and algorithms are illustrated with the help of examples and figures.
Multiagent System Technologies
by Jan Ole Berndt Paolo Petta Rainer UnlandAfter the huge success of the ?rst German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES) last year in Erfurt the German Special Interest Group on Distributed Arti'cial Intelligence together with the steering committee of MATES proudly organized and conducted this international conference for the second time. ThegoaloftheMATESconferenceistoconstituteahigh-qualityplatformfor thepresentationanddiscussionofnewresearchresultsandsystemdevelopments. It provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, users, and developers, to present and discuss the latest advances in research work, as well as prototyped or'eldedsystemsofintelligentagents. Theconferencecoversthecompleterange from theory to application of agent and multiagent technologies. MATES 2004 was conducted - asanintegralpartofthe5thInternationalConferenceNet. ObjectDays2004 along with the - 8th International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA) 2004 - Autumn meeting of FIPA (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents) - PrototypeandProductExhibitionofAgentRelatedPlatforms, Frameworks, Systems, Applications, and Tools As such all these events together may have formed the biggest agent-related event of this year in Europe and one of the biggest worldwide. The call-for-papers attracted about 60 submissions from all over the world. After a carefulreviewing process, the internationalprogramcommittee accepted 22 high-quality papers of particular relevance and quality. The selected cont- butions cover a wide range of exciting topics, in particular agent analysis and security, agent negotiation and control, agents and software engineering, s- ulation and agents, and agent policies and testing. Exciting highlights of the conference were the invited talks, by Jim Odell on Agent UML 2. 0: Too Radical or Not Radical Enough?, and Cristiano Castelfranchi on Emergence and C- nition: Towards a Synthetic Paradigm in AI and Cognitive Science. Moreover, several agent-related tutorials were conducted.
Multiagent System Technologies
by Nils Bulling Gerd Wagner Gal Kaminka Wolf Ketter Jörg P. MüllerThis book constitutes the proceedings of the 13th German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies, MATES 2015, held in Cottbus, Germany, in September 2015. The 11 full papers papers presented together with 2 short papers, 1 invited paper and 4 extended abstracts of doctoral papers in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 27 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on MAS engineering, modeling, and simulation; smart things working together; and innovative and emerging applications of MAS.
Multiagent System Technologies
by Matthias Klusch Rainer Unland Onn Shehory Alexander Pokahr Sebastian AhrndtAfter the huge success of the ?rst German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES) last year in Erfurt the German Special Interest Group on Distributed Arti'cial Intelligence together with the steering committee of MATES proudly organized and conducted this international conference for the second time. ThegoaloftheMATESconferenceistoconstituteahigh-qualityplatformfor thepresentationanddiscussionofnewresearchresultsandsystemdevelopments. It provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, users, and developers, to present and discuss the latest advances in research work, as well as prototyped or'eldedsystemsofintelligentagents. Theconferencecoversthecompleterange from theory to application of agent and multiagent technologies. MATES 2004 was conducted - asanintegralpartofthe5thInternationalConferenceNet. ObjectDays2004 along with the - 8th International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA) 2004 - Autumn meeting of FIPA (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents) - PrototypeandProductExhibitionofAgentRelatedPlatforms, Frameworks, Systems, Applications, and Tools As such all these events together may have formed the biggest agent-related event of this year in Europe and one of the biggest worldwide. The call-for-papers attracted about 60 submissions from all over the world. After a carefulreviewing process, the internationalprogramcommittee accepted 22 high-quality papers of particular relevance and quality. The selected cont- butions cover a wide range of exciting topics, in particular agent analysis and security, agent negotiation and control, agents and software engineering, s- ulation and agents, and agent policies and testing. Exciting highlights of the conference were the invited talks, by Jim Odell on Agent UML 2. 0: Too Radical or Not Radical Enough?, and Cristiano Castelfranchi on Emergence and C- nition: Towards a Synthetic Paradigm in AI and Cognitive Science. Moreover, several agent-related tutorials were conducted.
Multiagent Systems: Introduction and Coordination Control
by Magdi S. MahmoudMultiagent systems (MAS) are one of the most exciting and the fastest growing domains in the intelligent resource management and agent-oriented technology, which deals with modeling of autonomous decisions making entities. Recent developments have produced very encouraging results in the novel approach of handling multiplayer interactive systems. In particular, the multiagent system approach is adapted to model, control, manage or test the operations and management of several system applications including multi-vehicles, microgrids, multi-robots, where agents represent individual entities in the network. Each participant is modeled as an autonomous participant with independent strategies and responses to outcomes. They are able to operate autonomously and interact pro-actively with their environment. In recent works, the problem of information consensus is addressed, where a team of vehicles communicate with each other to agree on key pieces of information that enable them to work together in a coordinated fashion. The problem is challenging because communication channels have limited range and there are possibilities of fading and dropout. The book comprises chapters on synchronization and consensus in multiagent systems. It shows that the joint presentation of synchronization and consensus enables readers to learn about similarities and differences of both concepts. It reviews the cooperative control of multi-agent dynamical systems interconnected by a communication network topology. Using the terminology of cooperative control, each system is endowed with its own state variable and dynamics. A fundamental problem in multi-agent dynamical systems on networks is the design of distributed protocols that guarantee consensus or synchronization in the sense that the states of all the systems reach the same value. It is evident from the results that research in multiagent systems offer opportunities for further developments in theoretical, simulation and implementations. This book attempts to fill this gap and aims at presenting a comprehensive volume that documents theoretical aspects and practical applications.
Multiagent Systems
by Yoav Shoham Kevin Leyton-BrownMultiagent systems combine multiple autonomous entities, each having diverging interests or different information. This overview of the field offers a computer science perspective, but also draws on ideas from game theory, economics, operations research, logic, philosophy and linguistics. It will serve as a reference for researchers in each of these fields, and be used as a text for advanced undergraduate or graduate courses. The authors emphasize foundations to create a broad and rigorous treatment of their subject, with thorough presentations of distributed problem solving, game theory, multiagent communication and learning, social choice, mechanism design, auctions, cooperative game theory, and modal logics of knowledge and belief. For each topic, basic concepts are introduced, examples are given, proofs of key results are offered, and algorithmic considerations are examined. An appendix covers background material in probability theory, classical logic, Markov decision processes and mathematical programming.
Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence
by Gerhard WeissThis is the first comprehensive introduction to multiagent systems and contemporary distributed artificial intelligence that is suitable as a textbook.
Multibody Dynamics
by Wojciech Blajer Marek Wojtyra Krzysztof Arczewski Janusz FraczekThe ECCOMAS Thematic Conference "Multibody Dynamics 2009" was held in Warsaw, representing the fourth edition of a series which began in Lisbon (2003), and was then continued in Madrid (2005) and Milan (2007), held under the auspices of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS). The conference provided a forum for exchanging ideas and results of several topics related to computational methods and applications in multibody dynamics, through the participation of 219 scientists from 27 countries, mostly from Europe but also from America and Asia. This book contains the revised and extended versions of invited conference papers, reporting on the state-of-the-art in the advances of computational multibody models, from the theoretical developments to practical engineering applications. By providing a helpful overview of the most active areas and the recent efforts of many prominent research groups in the field of multibody dynamics, this book can be highly valuable for both experienced researches who want to keep updated with the latest developments in this field and researches approaching the field for the first time.
Multibody Dynamics 2019: Proceedings of the 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences #53)
by Andrés Kecskeméthy Francisco Geu FloresIn this work, outstanding, recent developments in various disciplines, such as structural dynamics, multiphysic mechanics, computational mathematics, control theory, biomechanics, and computer science, are merged together in order to provide academicians and professionals with methods and tools for the virtual prototyping of complex mechanical systems. Each chapter of the work represents an important contribution to multibody dynamics, a discipline that plays a central role in the modelling, analysis, simulation and optimization of mechanical systems in a variety of fields and for a wide range of applications.
Multichannel Marketing
by Akin ArikanNo longer can the offline remain separate from the online. Integrated, customer-centric, cross-channel marketing campaigns persuade customers to act, provide greater ROI, and ultimately improve your organization's bottom line. This must-have guide synthesizes the successful methods and metrics that online, direct, and brand marketers have employed for years so that you can develop, implement, and measure successful cross-channel campaigns. Multichannel marketing expert Akin Arikan takes you from customer acquisition to customer relationship management with strategic advice, effective case studies, and proven metrics.
Multichannel Marketing: Strategy – Design – Digital Technology (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)
by Bernd W. WirtzIncreasing customer demands and innovations in digital sales require targeted management and flexible organisation of multiple sales channels. Multi-channel marketing can be used to achieve outstanding competitive advantages. This book provides a comprehensive and systematic overview of the fundamentals and management of multi-channel marketing. The book understands multi-channel marketing as an integrative marketing system with special consideration of digital technologies. “Multi-Channel-Marketing is with increasing frequency a key success factor for companies in competition for customers. Bernd Wirtz’ textbook provides a clearly patterned, incorporated and theoretically funded overview for this purpose. The author excellently succeeded in illustrating in a descriptive way the considerable complexity and breadth of applicability and contemporaneously establishing a high practical relevance.” Dr. Rainer Hillebrand, Member of the Supervisory Board Otto Group (2019-), Member of the Executive Board of the Otto Group for Strategy, E-Commerce, Business Intelligence (1999-2019) “Wirtz examines the whole path down from theoretical basic knowledge of Multi-Channel-Marketing right up to the practical realization. This book is a needed approach which is at the same time a reference book for specific issues. The Wirtz’ is essential for everyone who is concerned with this highly topical subject in his studies or in practice already.” Dr. Arno Mahlert, Chief Executive Officer Tchibo Holding AG (2004-2009), Member of the Board of Directors Peek&Cloppenburg KG and maxingvest AG
Multicore Computing: Algorithms, Architectures, and Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer and Information Science Series)
by Sanguthevar Rajasekaran Lance Fiondella Mohamed Ahmed Reda A. AmmarEvery area of science and engineering today has to process voluminous data sets. Using exact, or even approximate, algorithms to solve intractable problems in critical areas, such as computational biology, takes time that is exponential in some of the underlying parameters. Parallel computing addresses this issue and has become affordable with the
Multicore Programming Using the ParC Language
by Yosi Ben-AsherMulticore Programming Using the ParC Language discusses the principles of practical parallel programming using shared memory on multicore machines. It uses a simple yet powerful parallel dialect of C called ParC as the basic programming language. Designed to be used in an introductory course in parallel programming and covering basic and advanced concepts of parallel programming via ParC examples, the book combines a mixture of research directions, covering issues in parallel operating systems, and compilation techniques relevant for shared memory and multicore machines. Multicore Programming Using the ParC Language provides a firm basis for the 'delicate art' of creating efficient parallel programs. Students can exercise parallel programming using a simulation software, which is portable on PC/Unix multicore computers, to gain experience without requiring specialist hardware. Students can also help to cement their learning by completing the great many challenging and exciting exercises which accompany each chapter.
Multicore Systems On-Chip: 2nd Edition
by Abderazek Ben AbdallahSystem on chips designs have evolved from fairly simple unicore, single memory designs to complex heterogeneous multicore SoC architectures consisting of a large number of IP blocks on the same silicon. To meet high computational demands posed by latest consumer electronic devices, most current systems are based on such paradigm, which represents a real revolution in many aspects in computing. The attraction of multicore processing for power reduction is compelling. By splitting a set of tasks among multiple processor cores, the operating frequency necessary for each core can be reduced, allowing to reduce the voltage on each core. Because dynamic power is proportional to the frequency and to the square of the voltage, we get a big gain, even though we may have more cores running. As more and more cores are integrated into these designs to share the ever increasing processing load, the main challenges lie in efficient memory hierarchy, scalable system interconnect, new programming paradigms, and efficient integration methodology for connecting such heterogeneous cores into a single system capable of leveraging their individual flexibility. Current design methods tend toward mixed HW/SW co-designs targeting multicore systems on-chip for specific applications. To decide on the lowest cost mix of cores, designers must iteratively map the device's functionality to a particular HW/SW partition and target architectures. In addition, to connect the heterogeneous cores, the architecture requires high performance complex communication architectures and efficient communication protocols, such as hierarchical bus, point-to-point connection, or Network-on-Chip. Software development also becomes far more complex due to the difficulties in breaking a single processing task into multiple parts that can be processed separately and then reassembled later. This reflects the fact that certain processor jobs cannot be easily parallelized to run concurrently on multiple processing cores and that load balancing between processing cores - especially heterogeneous cores - is very difficult.
Multicore Technology: Architecture, Reconfiguration, and Modeling (Embedded Multi-Core Systems)
by Muhammad Yasir Qadri Stephen J. SangwineThe saturation of design complexity and clock frequencies for single-core processors has resulted in the emergence of multicore architectures as an alternative design paradigm. Nowadays, multicore/multithreaded computing systems are not only a de-facto standard for high-end applications, they are also gaining popularity in the field of embedded computing. The start of the multicore era has altered the concepts relating to almost all of the areas of computer architecture design, including core design, memory management, thread scheduling, application support, inter-processor communication, debugging, and power management. This book gives readers a holistic overview of the field and guides them to further avenues of research by covering the state of the art in this area. It includes contributions from industry as well as academia.