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Multicriteria Analysis: Applications to Water and Environment Management
by Ferenc Szidarovszky Mahdi ZarghamiMulticriteria analysis is one of the most important fields of decision science. This book gives an outline of the formulation of an appropriate model and presents a comprehensive summary of the most popular methods for solving multicriteria decision problems. In addition to the classical approach the book introduces fuzzy and stochastic methodology, models with uncertainty, social choice and conflict resolution. All methods are illustrated with easy to follow simple examples. At the end of each chapter detailed case studies are given in water and environment management including inter-basin water transfer, urban water management, water allocation, groundwater quality management, forest treatment, ranking water resources projects, reservoir planning, water distribution network design and long-term watershed management. The new methodology and the wide variety of case studies are not easily accessible elsewhere.
Multidimensional Analysis of Conversational Telephone Speech
by Friedemann KösterThis book presents a new diagnostic information methodology to assess the quality of conversational telephone speech. For this, a conversation is separated into three individual conversational phases (listening, speaking, and interaction), and for each phase corresponding perceptual dimensions are identified. A new analytic test method allows gathering dimension ratings from non-expert test subjects in a direct way. The identification of the perceptual dimensions and the new test method are validated in two sophisticated conversational experiments. The dimension scores gathered with the new test method are used to determine the quality of each conversational phase, and the qualities of the three phases, in turn, are combined for overall conversational quality modeling. The conducted fundamental research forms the basis for the development of a preliminary new instrumental diagnostic conversational quality model. This multidimensional analysis of conversational telephone speech is a major landmark towards deeply analyzing conversational speech quality for diagnosis and optimization of telecommunication systems.
Multidimensional Discrete Unitary Transforms: Representation: Partitioning, and Algorithms (Signal Processing and Communications)
by Artyom M. Grigoryan Sos S. AgaianThis reference presents a more efficient, flexible, and manageable approach to unitary transform calculation and examines novel concepts in the design, classification, and management of fast algorithms for different transforms in one-, two-, and multidimensional cases. Illustrating methods to construct new unitary transforms for best algorithm sele
Multidimensional Item Response Theory
by M. D. ReckaseFirst thorough treatment of multidimensional item response theory Description of methods is supported by numerous practical examples Describes procedures for multidimensional computerized adaptive testing
Multidimensional Modulations in Optical Communication Systems
by Silvello Betti Pierluigi Perrone Giuseppe Giulio RutiglianoThis book analyzes novel possibilities offered to the telecommunication engineer in designing tomorrow’s optical networks. Currently, optical and optoelectronic technologies make possible the realization of high-performance optical fiber communication systems and networks with the adoption of WDM configurations and both linear and nonlinear optical amplifications. The last step for increasing network throughput is represented by the implementation of multidimensional modulation formats in coherent optical communication systems, which enable increasing the bit rate/channel toward 400 Gbit/s/channel and beyond. Following this approach, the main emphasis is placed on innovative optical modulations. Multidimensional Modulations in Optical Communication Systems is an essential guide to the world of innovative optical communications from the point of view of growing capacity and security. It guides researchers and industries with the aim to exploring future applications for optical communications.
Multidimensional Particle Swarm Optimization for Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
by Moncef Gabbouj Serkan Kiranyaz Turker InceFor many engineering problems we require optimization processes with dynamic adaptation as we aim to establish the dimension of the search space where the optimum solution resides and develop robust techniques to avoid the local optima usually associated with multimodal problems. This book explores multidimensional particle swarm optimization, a technique developed by the authors that addresses these requirements in a well-defined algorithmic approach. After an introduction to the key optimization techniques, the authors introduce their unified framework and demonstrate its advantages in challenging application domains, focusing on the state of the art of multidimensional extensions such as global convergence in particle swarm optimization, dynamic data clustering, evolutionary neural networks, biomedical applications and personalized ECG classification, content-based image classification and retrieval, and evolutionary feature synthesis. The content is characterized by strong practical considerations, and the book is supported with fully documented source code for all applications presented, as well as many sample datasets. The book will be of benefit to researchers and practitioners working in the areas of machine intelligence, signal processing, pattern recognition, and data mining, or using principles from these areas in their application domains. It may also be used as a reference text for graduate courses on swarm optimization, data clustering and classification, content-based multimedia search, and biomedical signal processing applications.
Multidimensional Signal Processing: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on 3D Imaging Technologies—Multidimensional Signal Processing and Deep Learning, Volume 1 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #400)
by Roumen Kountchev Srikanta Patnaik Yingkai Liu Roumiana KountchevaThis book presents high-quality research in the field of 3D imaging technology. The fifth edition of International Conference on 3D Imaging Technology (3DDIT-MSP&DL) continues the good traditions already established by the first four editions of the conference to provide a wide scientific forum for researchers, academia, and practitioners to exchange newest ideas and recent achievements in all aspects of image processing and analysis, together with their contemporary applications. The conference proceedings are published in two volumes. The main topics of the papers comprise famous trends such as: 3D image representation, 3D image technology, 3D images and graphics, and computing and 3D information technology. In these proceedings, special attention is paid at the 3D tensor image representation, the 3D content generation technologies, big data analysis, and also deep learning, artificial intelligence, the 3D image analysis and video understanding, the 3D virtual and augmented reality, and many related areas. The first volume contains papers in 3D image processing, transforms, and technologies. The second volume is about computing and information technologies, computer images, and graphics and related applications. The two volumes of the book cover a wide area of the aspects of the contemporary multidimensional imaging and the related future trends from data acquisition to real-world applications based on various techniques and theoretical approaches.
Multidimensional Signals and Systems: Theory and Foundations
by Rudolf Rabenstein Maximilian SchäferThis book covers the theory of multidimensional signals and systems and related practical aspects. It extends the properties and mathematical tools of one-dimensional signals and systems to multiple dimensions and covers relevant timeless topics including multidimensional transformations, multidimensional sampling as well as discrete multidimensional systems. A special emphasis is placed on physical systems described by partial differential equations, the construction of suitable integral transformations and the implementation of the corresponding discrete-time algorithms. To this end, signal spaces and functional transformations are introduced at a mathematical level provided by undergraduate programs in engineering and science.The presentation takes a comprehensive, illustrative and educational approach without reference to a particular application field. Instead, the book builds a solid theoretical concept of multidimensional signals and systems and shows the application to various problems relevant for practical scenarios.
Multidimensional Signals, Augmented Reality and Information Technologies: Proceedings of 3DWCAI 2023 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #374)
by Roumen Kountchev Srikanta Patnaik Wenfeng Wang Roumiana KountchevaThis book features a collection of high-quality, peer-reviewed research papers presented at Second 'World Conference on Intelligent and 3-D Technologies' (WCI3DT 2023), held in China during May 26–28, 2023. The book provides an opportunity to researchers and academia as well as practitioners from industry to publish their ideas and recent research development work on all aspects of 3D imaging technologies and artificial intelligence, their applications and other related areas. The book presents ideas and the works of scientists, engineers, educators and students from all over the world from institutions and industries.
Multidimensional Views on Enterprise Information Systems
by Felix Piazolo Michael FeldererThis volume presents the revised and peer reviewed contributions of the 'EPR Future 2014' conference held in Dornbirn/Austria on November 17-18th, 2014. The book assembles latest research and recent practice on enterprise information systems in general and specifically on core topics like business process management (BPM), business intelligence (BI) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. To master the challenges of enterprise information systems comprehensively, this book contains chapters with a business as well as an IT focus to consider enterprise information systems from various viewpoints.
by Anshuman Tripathi Shilpi Birla Mamta Soni Jagrati Sahariya Monica SharmaIn a world where the pace of technological advancement continues to accelerate, the imperative to ensure sustainable development has never been more pressing to address the same, the 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Development in Science & Technology (MASDST - 2024), took place at Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, from 28th to 29th March 2024. Embracing the spirit of innovation and collaboration, this conference marks a significant milestone in the pursuit of sustainable solutions for our global challenges.
A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Information Security (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
by Stig F. MjølsnesWith most services and products now being offered through digital communications, new challenges have emerged for information security specialists. A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Information Security presents a range of topics on the security, privacy, and safety of information and communication technology. It brings together methods in pure m
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence and the Law (Law, Governance and Technology Series #58)
by Henrique Sousa Antunes Pedro Miguel Freitas Arlindo L. Oliveira Clara Martins Pereira Elsa Vaz de Sequeira Luís Barreto XavierThis open access book presents an interdisciplinary, multi-authored, edited collection of chapters on Artificial Intelligence (‘AI’) and the Law. AI technology has come to play a central role in the modern data economy. Through a combination of increased computing power, the growing availability of data and the advancement of algorithms, AI has now become an umbrella term for some of the most transformational technological breakthroughs of this age. The importance of AI stems from both the opportunities that it offers and the challenges that it entails. While AI applications hold the promise of economic growth and efficiency gains, they also create significant risks and uncertainty. The potential and perils of AI have thus come to dominate modern discussions of technology and ethics – and although AI was initially allowed to largely develop without guidelines or rules, few would deny that the law is set to play a fundamental role in shaping the future of AI.As the debate over AI is far from over, the need for rigorous analysis has never been greater. This book thus brings together contributors from different fields and backgrounds to explore how the law might provide answers to some of the most pressing questions raised by AI. An outcome of the Católica Research Centre for the Future of Law and its interdisciplinary working group on Law and Artificial Intelligence, it includes contributions by leading scholars in the fields of technology, ethics and the law.
Multidisciplinary Social Networks Research: 6th International Conference, MISNC 2019, Wenzhou, China, August 26–28, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1131)
by Jerry Chun-Wei Lin I-Hsien Ting Tiffany Tang Kai WangThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Social Networks Research, MISNC 2019, held in Wenzhou, China, in August 2019. The 15 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 37 submissions. The papers deal with the following topics: social network, social network analysis, data engineering, data mining, user behavior.
Multifaceted approaches for Data Acquisition, Processing & Communication
by K. Shyamala Chinmay Chakraborty Manisha Guduri B. SandhyaThe objective of the conference is to bring to focus the recent technological advancements across all the stages of data analysis including acquisition, processing, and communication. Advancements in acquisition sensors along with improved storage and computational capabilities, have stimulated the progress in theoretical studies and state-of-the-art real-time applications involving large volumes of data. This compels researchers to investigate the new challenges encountered, where traditional approaches are incapable of dealing with large, complicated new forms of data.
Multifractal Detrended Analysis Method and Its Application in Financial Markets
by Guangxi Cao Ling-Yun He Jie CaoThis book collects high-quality papers on the latest fundamental advances in the state of Econophysics and Management Science, providing insights that address problems concerning the international economy, social development and economic security. This book applies the multi-fractal detrended class method, and improves the method with different filters. The authors apply those methods to a variety of areas: financial markets, energy markets, gold market and so on. This book is arguably a systematic research and summary of various kinds of multi-fractal detrended methods. Furthermore, it puts forward some investment suggestions on a healthy development of financial markets.
Multigate Transistors for High Frequency Applications (Springer Tracts in Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
by K. Sivasankaran Partha Sharathi MallickThis book discusses the evolution of multigate transistors, the design challenges of transistors for high-frequency applications, and the design and modeling of multigate transistors for high-frequency applications. The contents particularly focus on the cut-off frequency and maximum oscillation frequency of different multigate structures. RF stability modeling for multigate transistors is presented, which can help to understand the relation between the small-signal parameter and the physical parameter of the device for optimization. This is a useful reference to those in academia and industry.
Multihomed Communication with SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)
by Victor C.M. Leung Eduardo Parente Ribeiro Alan Wagner Janardhan IyengarAlthough multihomed communication is a rapidly emerging trend for next generation networks, no known book explores multihomed communication with the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP). Filling this void, Multihomed Communication with SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) explains this innovative feature that allows an endpoint to sim
Multilabel Classification
by Francisco Herrera Francisco Charte Antonio J. Rivera María J. JesusThis book offers a comprehensive review of multilabel techniques widely used to classify and label texts, pictures, videos and music in the Internet. A deep review of the specialized literature on the field includes the available software needed to work with this kind of data. It provides the user with the software tools needed to deal with multilabel data, as well as step by step instruction on how to use them. The main topics covered are: * The special characteristics of multi-labeled data and the metrics available to measure them. * The importance of taking advantage of label correlations to improve the results. * The different approaches followed to face multi-label classification. * The preprocessing techniques applicable to multi-label datasets. * The available software tools to work with multi-label data. This book is beneficial for professionals and researchers in a variety of fields because of the wide range of potential applications for multilabel classification. Besides its multiple applications to classify different types of online information, it is also useful in many other areas, such as genomics and biology. No previous knowledge about the subject is required. The book introduces all the needed concepts to understand multilabel data characterization, treatment and evaluation.
Multilayer Control of Networked Cyber-Physical Systems: Application to Monitoring, Autonomous and Robot Systems (Advances in Industrial Control)
by Sabato ManfrediThis book faces the interdisciplinary challenge of formulating performance-assessing design approaches for networked cyber-physical systems (NCPSs). Its novel distributed multilayer cooperative control deals simultaneously with communication-network and control performance required for the network and application layers of an NCPS respectively. Practically, it distributes the computational burden among different devices, which act cooperatively to achieve NCPS goals. The approach can be applied to NCPSs based on both wired and wireless technologies and so is suitable for future network infrastructures in which different protocols and technologies coexist. The book reports realistic results from performance evaluation of the new approach, when applied in different operative scenarios. Readers of this book will benefit by: learning a general, technology-independent methodology for the design and implementation of cooperative distributed algorithms for flow control at the network layer of an NCPS that gives algorithm-parameter-tuning guidelines for assessing the desired quality of service performance; learning a general methodology for the design and implementation of consensus-based algorithms at the application layer that allows monitoring and control of distributed physical systems and gives algorithm-parameter-tuning guidelines for assessing the desired control system performance; understanding the main network simulators needed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed multilayer control approach in different realistic network operation scenarios; and practising with a cooperative multilayer control project that assesses acceptable NCPS performance in networked monitoring and robot systems, autonomous and queuing networks, and other critical human relief applications. Researchers, graduate students and practitioners working in automation, engineering, sensor networks, mobile robotics and computer networks will find this book instructive. It will also be helpful to network administrators and technicians implementing application-layer and network-layer solutions or installing, configuring or troubleshooting network and control system components of NCPSs.
Multilevel Modeling of Secure Systems in QoP-ML
by Bogdan KsiezopolskiIn order to perform effective analysis of today's information security systems, numerous components must be taken into consideration. This book presents a well-organized, consistent solution created by the author, which allows for precise multilevel analysis of information security systems and accounts for all of the significant details. Enabling t
Multilevel Security for Relational Databases
by Osama S. Faragallah El-Sayed M. El-Rabaie Fathi E. El-Samie Ahmed I. Sallam Hala S. El-SayedSince databases are the primary repositories of information for today's organizations and governments, database security has become critically important. Most database security models focus on protecting against external unauthorized users. Because multilevel secure databases provide internal security according to user access type, they are a viable option for the security needs of modern database systems. Covering key concepts in database security, this book illustrates the implementation of multilevel security for relational database models. It considers concurrency control in multilevel database security and presents encryption algorithms. It also includes simulation programs and Visual studio and Microsoft SQL Server code for the simulations covered in the text.
Multilinear Subspace Learning: Dimensionality Reduction of Multidimensional Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition)
by null Haiping Lu null Konstantinos N. Plataniotis null Anastasios VenetsanopoulosDue to advances in sensor, storage, and networking technologies, data is being generated on a daily basis at an ever-increasing pace in a wide range of applications, including cloud computing, mobile Internet, and medical imaging. This large multidimensional data requires more efficient dimensionality reduction schemes than the traditional techniqu
Multilingual Digital Humanities (Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities)
by Lorella Viola Paul SpenceMultilingual Digital Humanities explores the impact of monolingualism—especially Anglocentrism—on digital practices in the humanities and social sciences. The volume explores a wide range of applied contexts, such as digital linguistic injustice, critical digital literacy, digital learning, digital publishing, low-resourced, minoritised or endangered languages in a digital space, and multilingual historical intertextuality. These discussions are situated within wider work on language technologies, language documentation and international (in particular European) language-based infrastructure creation. Drawing on both primary and secondary research, this four-part book features 13 diverse case studies of infrastructural projects, pedagogical resources, computational models, interface building, and publishing initiatives in a range of languages, including Arabic, French, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, German, Spanish, Bengali, Hindi, Malayalam, and Tamil. All the debates are contextualised within a wider cultural frame, thus bridging the gap between the linguistic focus of the multilingual initiatives and wider discussion of cultural criticism in DH. Multilingual Digital Humanities recognizes the digital as a culturally situated and organic multilingual entity embedding past, present, and future worlds, which reacts to and impacts on institutional and methodological frameworks for knowledge creation. It is essential reading for students, scholars, and practitioners working in digital humanities and digital studies.
Multilingual Digital Humanities (ISSN)
by Lorella Viola Paul SpenceMultilingual Digital Humanities explores the impact of monolingualism—especially Anglocentrism—on digital practices in the humanities and social sciences.The volume explores a wide range of applied contexts, such as digital linguistic injustice, critical digital literacy, digital learning, digital publishing, low-resourced, minoritised or endangered languages in a digital space, and multilingual historical intertextuality. These discussions are situated within wider work on language technologies, language documentation and international (in particular European) language-based infrastructure creation. Drawing on both primary and secondary research, this four-part book features 13 diverse case studies of infrastructural projects, pedagogical resources, computational models, interface building, and publishing initiatives in a range of languages, including Arabic, French, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, German, Spanish, Bengali, Hindi, Malayalam, and Tamil. All the debates are contextualised within a wider cultural frame, thus bridging the gap between the linguistic focus of the multilingual initiatives and wider discussion of cultural criticism in DH. Multilingual Digital Humanities recognizes the digital as a culturally situated and organic multilingual entity embedding past, present, and future worlds, which reacts to and impacts on institutional and methodological frameworks for knowledge creation. It is essential reading for students, scholars, and practitioners working in digital humanities and digital studies.