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Abgründe der Informatik: Geheimnisse und Gemeinheiten
by Alois PottonWas Sie schon immer über die Informatik und "die Informatiker" wissen wollten, aber nie zu fragen wagten, Alois Potton hat es notiert: Über mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte hat er hinter die Kulissen geblickt und Anekdoten in 80 Glossen gegossen. Schonungslos, bösartig und zum Teil politisch nicht ganz korrekt analysiert er den alltäglichen Wahnsinn und die Absurditäten der IT-Szene. Allgemein verständlich geschrieben, werden sich auch Nichtinformatiker angesichts analoger Vorgänge in ihrem Arbeitsbereich amüsieren - oder aber beleidigt fühlen.
Ability Machines: What Video Games Mean for Disability (Digital Game Studies)
by Sky LaRell AndersonVideo games are both physically and cognitively demanding—so what does that mean for those with a disability or mental illness? Though they may seem at odds, Ability Machines illuminates just how vital video games are to understanding our bodies and abilities.In Ability Machines, Sky LaRell Anderson shows us how video games can help us imagine what our abilities mean and how they engage us physically, behaviorally, and cognitively to envision our agency beyond limitations. On the surface, this can mean games provide power fantasies; more profoundly, games can fundamentally reshape cultural and personal understandings of mental health, illness, disability, and accessibility. Video games are indeed ability machines that produce a reimagined state of agency. Featuring a comparative analysis of key video game titles, including Metal Gear Solid V, Wolfenstein II, Celeste, Devil May Cry 5, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, Hades, Nier: Automata, and more, Ability Machines tackles larger questions of ability and how our bodies relate to interactive media.
Ablaufsimulation in der Automobilindustrie
by Sven Spieckermann Sigrid Wenzel Gottfried Mayer Carsten PögeDas vorliegende Buch stellt den Stand der Technik zur Ablaufsimulation in der deutschen Automobilindustrie zusammen und beschreibt Simulationsanwendungen in einzelnen Gewerken sowie auf Lieferkettenebene. Ferner werden Standards zur Simulation aus dem Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) und dem Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA) aufgegriffen sowie aktuelle Entwicklungen rund um die Digitale Fabrik und Industrie 4.0 diskutiert. Autoren aus Forschung, Automobilindustrie und Automobilzulieferindustrie sowie aus Simulationsdienstleistungsunternehmen stellen Aktualität, Praxisrelevanz, wissenschaftliche und fachliche Breite sowie die Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Perspektiven sicher.Die ereignisdiskrete Simulation (auch Ablaufsimulation) wird in der Automobilindustrie fast durchgängig in allen Gewerken zur Untersuchung von Produktions- und Logistikprozessen eingesetzt. Mit ihrer Hilfe kann die Planung von Produktions- und Logistiksystemen umfassend abgesichert und nachvollzogen werden. Aufgrund der zunehmenden Komplexität, Flexibilität und Wandlungsfähigkeit dieser Systeme bei gleichzeitiger Verkürzung der Planungszeiträume hat sich in den letzten Jahren die Relevanz der Ablaufsimulation als Analysemethode kontinuierlich erhöht. Mit der Etablierung eines Simultaneous Engineering, der Einführung von Werkzeugen zur Digitalen Fabrik oder der Beherrschung neuer Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit den Bestrebungen von Industrie 4.0 unterliegt auch die Simulation neuen Entwicklungen. Das Buch wendet sich an Anwender, Forscher und Studierende in gleichem Maße.
ABOBE Illustrator CS: Hands-On Training
by Jeff Van West Lynda WeinmanGet hands-on, project building exercises, and a CR-ROM full of tutorials from this top-selling series by Lynda.com. Adobe Illustrator CS Hands-On Training uses guided, tutorial-based exercises to teach you how to use Illustrator CS to create high-quality artwork. In this book, you'll find carefully developed, classroom-proven lessons and exercises. Each lesson contains extensive background information, which helps you understand the process as well as the particular exercise. You will learn about creating and editing vector-based artwork, with an emphasis on mastering the pen and path tools. You'll also learn how to work with the new 3D features, as well as typographic effects, integration with the other tools in the Adobe Creative Suite, and more. This book is designed for the reader who learns by doing. The accompanying CD-ROM contains guided exercises and QuickTime movies to meet the needs of beginning to intermediate Web designers, as well as Photoshop users who are looking for a great tool to create graphics for the Web. Adobe Illustrator CS was released in October 2003 for the price of $499 for the full version and $169 for the upgrade.
Abortion Politics, Mass Media, and Social Movements in America
by Deana A. Rohlinger"Weaving together analyses of archival material, news coverage, and interviews conducted with journalists from mainstream and partisan outlets as well as with activists across the political spectrum, Deana A. Rohlinger reimagines how activists use a variety of mediums, sometimes simultaneously, to agitate for - and against - legal abortion"--
About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design
by Christopher Noessel Alan Cooper Robert Reimann David CroninAbout Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design, Fourth Edition is the latest update to the book that shaped and evolved the landscape of interaction design. This comprehensive guide takes the worldwide shift to smartphones and tablets into account. New information includes discussions on mobile apps, touch interfaces, screen size considerations, and more. The new full-color interior and unique layout better illustrate modern design concepts. <p><p> The interaction design profession is blooming with the success of design-intensive companies, priming customers to expect "design" as a critical ingredient of marketplace success. Consumers have little tolerance for websites, apps, and devices that don't live up to their expectations, and the responding shift in business philosophy has become widespread. About Face is the book that brought interaction design out of the research labs and into the everyday lexicon, and the updated Fourth Edition continues to lead the way with ideas and methods relevant to today's design practitioners and developers.
About Face 3
by Alan Cooper Robert Reimann David CroninThis completely updated volume presents the effective and practical tools you need to design great desktop applications, Web 2.0 sites, and mobile devices. You'll learn the principles of good product behavior and gain an understanding of Cooper's Goal-Directed Design method, which involves everything from conducting user research to defining your product using personas and scenarios. Ultimately, you'll acquire the knowledge to design the best possible digital products and services.
Above the Clouds: Managing Risk in the World of Cloud Computing
by Kevin T. McdonaldInterested in ways to make your business more efficient? Then Cloud Computing may be just what you have been looking for. Cloud Computing can enable you to drive down the costs of your IT function and gives you the ability to focus on your core business, whilst saving energy. The concept of shifting computing to a shared service provider is not new. What is new is that the cost of Cloud Computing is falling so dramatically that considering outsourcing to the Cloud is no longer rare. And, in an era of tight budgets, the opportunity to make financial savings means that Cloud Computing looks especially attractive. "Above the Clouds: Managing Risk in the World of Cloud Computing" acts as a primer and strategic guide to identify Cloud Computing best practices and associated risks, and reduce the latter to acceptable levels. From software as a service (SaaP) to replacing the entire IT infrastructure, the author serves as an educator, guide and strategist, from runway to getting the organization above the clouds. Valuable tips on how to choose your provider of Cloud Services are also offered. The author, Kevin T. McDonald is a Senior Information Technology Analyst and Cloud Strategist for ICF International Inc, a consulting firm in Washington, DC. A member of the Tech America Cloud Computing Committee and the Cloud Security Alliance, Kevin has over 25 years' experience in IT, choosing to specialize in cyber security, infrastructure protection and business continuity. Buy this book and take your business on a journey above the Clouds!
Above the Fold
by Brian MillerThis is a different kind of web design book. Above the Fold is not about timely design or technology trends; instead, this book is about the timeless fundamentals of effective communication within the context of web design. It is intended to help you, the reader, understand the considerations that web designers make when developing successful websites. Above the Fold is divided into three sections: Design & Typography Planning & Usability Business Value Each section represents a phase in the continuous cycle of web design. It's the balance among design, usability, and return on investment that makes a website truly great. Topics covered in Above the Fold include: What makes web design unique The history of web design Anatomy of a web page White space and grid use in web design The elements of web design: color, texture, imagery, scale, depth, animation, and variability Web typography, including web-safe type, images of type, and font replacement and embedding Web project planning Information architecture, including site maps, wireframes, and user flow diagrams The elements of usability: navigation, breadcrumbs, links, search, submission forms, and error messaging Search engine optimization Online marketing, including banner ads, viral and social marketing, on-site marketing, and email marketing Web statistics and analysis
Above the Fold: Understanding the Principles of Successful Web Site Design
by Brian MillerThis is a different kind of web design book. Above the Fold is not about timely design or technology trends; instead, this book is about the timeless fundamentals of effective communication within the context of web design. It is intended to help you, the reader, understand the considerations that web designers make when developing successful websites.Above the Fold is divided into three sections:Design & TypographyPlanning & UsabilityBusiness Value Each section represents a phase in the continuous cycle of web design. It's the balance among design, usability, and return on investment that makes a website truly great.Topics covered in Above the Fold include:What makes web design uniqueThe history of web designAnatomy of a web pageWhite space and grid use in web designThe elements of web design: color, texture, imagery, scale, depth, animation, and variabilityWeb typography, including web-safe type, images of type, and font replacement and embeddingWeb project planningInformation architecture, including site maps, wireframes, and user flow diagramsThe elements of usability: navigation, breadcrumbs, links, search, submission forms, and error messagingSearch engine optimizationOnline marketing, including banner ads, viral and social marketing, on-site marketing, and email marketingWeb statistics and analysis
Above the Fold: Understanding the Principles of Successful Web Site Design
by Brian MillerThis is a different kind of web design book. Above the Foldis not about timely design or technology trends; instead, this book is about the timeless fundamentals of effective communication within the context of web design. It is intended to help you, the reader, understand the considerations that web designers make when developing successful websites. Above the Foldis divided into three sections: Design & Typography Planning & Usability Business Value Each section represents a phase in the continuous cycle of web design. It's the balance among design, usability, and return on investment that makes a website truly great. Topics covered inAbove the Foldinclude: What makes web design unique The history of web design Anatomy of a web page White space and grid use in web design The elements of web design: color, texture, imagery, scale, depth, animation, and variability Web typography, including web-safe type, images of type, and font replacement and embedding Web project planning Information architecture, including site maps, wireframes, and user flow diagrams The elements of usability: navigation, breadcrumbs, links, search, submission forms, and error messaging Search engine optimization Online marketing, including banner ads, viral and social marketing, on-site marketing, and email marketing Web statistics and analysis
Above the Fold, Revised Edition
by Brian D MillerAbove the Fold is a book about the fundamentals of clear graphic communication within the context of Web design. The book has three sections, which follow the cycle of a typical Web project:PLAN Section I focuses on the predesign phase of a Web project. From project planning and brief writing to information architecture and responsive grid creation.DESIGN The second section of Above the Fold explores the enduring principles of design and the nuances that are specific to the field of Web design.OPTIMIZE Finally, we close the loop and discover ways to enable your client to maximize the investment they've made in their Web site with marketing and analytics.
Above the Fold, Revised Edition
by Brian D. MillerAbove the Fold is a book about the fundamentals of clear graphic communication within the context of Web design. The book has three sections, which follow the cycle of a typical Web project:PLANSection I focuses on the predesign phase of a Web project. From project planning and brief writing to information architecture and responsive grid creation.DESIGNThe second section of Above the Fold explores the enduring principles of design and the nuances that ar
Abschlussarbeiten mit LaTeX erstellen: Eine Einführung für Ingenieure, Informatiker und Naturwissenschaftler
by Marcel Müller Elmar WingsDieses Buch vermittelt die Grundlagen und das notwendige Spezialwissen, das zum Schreiben von wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeiten mit LaTeX erforderlich ist. Das schließt Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten sowie Dissertationen ein. Es eignet sich aber auch für die ersten Laborberichte, Studien- und Seminararbeiten.Der Leser lernt die Funktionsweise von LaTeX und diverse Werkzeuge kennen. Zur Wissensvermittlung werden Quelltextbeispiele verwendet. Übungsaufgaben und Kontrollfragen am Ende der Kapitel helfen beim Vertiefen des Erlernten. Verweise auf weiterführende Literatur und auf die jeweiligen Paketbeschreibungen unterstützen den Leser dabei, sein Wissen über den Inhalt dieses Buches hinaus zu erweitern.Das Ziel dieses Buches ist es, den Leser dahingehend zu befähigen, dass er effizient eine wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit in hoher typografischer Qualität mit LaTeX anfertigen kann, wenig Zeit in das Formatieren investieren muss und fokussiert am Inhalt arbeiten kann.
Absolute Beginners Guide to Computing
by Wallace WangLearn and understand how you can perform a wide range of tasks on your new Windows computer, including managing files, browsing the internet, and protecting yourself, as well as interacting with Cortana. Using Absolute Beginners Guide to Computing you will see how to use Windows, and how you can connect and communicate with others. You will learn the basics of browsing the web, how to send email, and sign up for services. You will learn about some of the social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. You will also learn how to connect and use external hardware, and process digital music, photos, and video. Written by an author who has written multiple computing titles, this book is friendly and approachable, and can teach anyone how to use a computer. With simple steps, easy troubleshooting, and online resources, it's the best place to learn how to make computing a part of your life. What You'll Learn: Get pictures onto your computer to share Listen to digital music What clubs, groups, and other resources there are to help Who this Book Is For Anyone that wants to learn all the latest Windows features. Beginners who want to use their new Windows computer to share pictures or video clips on YouTube or Facebook to those seeking a common sense approach to safe computing.
The Absolute Beginner's Guide to HTML and CSS: A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples and Lab Exercises
by Kevin WilsonWritten as an illustrated, step-by-step guide for beginners, this book will introduce you to HTML and CSS with lab exercises and examples of code. You'll begin by setting up the development environment such as local web server and html editor. The next few chapters cover web servers, the basics of HTML such as language syntax, tags, and how to write a program. Next, you'll learn how to put together simple web pages demonstrating how the code works and how to use various HTML tags and CSS to style the pages. Finally, the use of CMS to build websites such as Drupal and WordPress and how HTML and CSS fits in. At the end there are reference libraries for both HTML tags and CSS. The Absolute Beginners Guide to HTML and CSS provides you with the tools, confidence, and inspiration to start building web pages and websites. If you are a programmer, developer or a student, or just someone who wants to learn on their own, this book is for you.What You'll LearnUnderstand basic computer programming conceptsSee how to use HTML and CSS to build web pagesApply the syntax of HTML and CSSSee how HTML and CSS fits into CMS systems such as Drupal and WordPressWho This Book Is For Software programmers, developers, students, and anyone who wants a quick reference for HTML and CSS
The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Python Programming: A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples and Lab Exercises
by Kevin WilsonWritten as an illustrated, step-by-step guide, this book will introduce you to Python with examples using the latest version of the language. You'll begin by learning to set up your Python environment. The next few chapters cover the basics of Python such as language classifications, Python language syntax, and how to write a program. Next, you will learn how to work with variables, basic data types, arithmetic, companion, and Boolean operators, followed by lab exercises. Further, the book covers flow control, using functions, and exception handling, as well as the principles of object-oriented programming and building an interface design. The last section explains how to develop a game by installing PyGame and how to use basic animation, and concludes with coverage of Python web development with web servers and Python web frameworks. The Absolute Beginners Guide to Python Programming will give you the tools, confidence, and inspiration to start writing Python programs. If you are a programmer, developer, or a student, or someone who wants to learn on their own, this book is for you.What You Will LearnGain an understanding of computer programming Understand different data and data typesWork with Classes and OOPBuild interfaces, simple games, and web development with PythonWho This Book Is ForSoftware programmers, developers or students, or anyone who wants to learn Python programming on their own.
Absolute Essentials of Digital Marketing (Absolute Essentials of Business and Economics)
by Alan CharlesworthThis short form textbook provides readers with a comprehensive yet concise overview of the fundamentals of Digital Marketing. The author, a well-renowned teacher and writer on the subject, presents a concise and clear structure that works step by step through each of the core aspects of the subject, including SEO, metrics and analytics, web development, e-commerce, social media and digital marketing strategy. Presented in nine chapters to suit delivery periods at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, this book can be used either as a core text that gives tutors a sound platform on which to structure a module on digital marketing or as supporting text where digital marketing is an element of a module with a broader scope, such as strategic marketing. Pedagogical features include an essential summary paragraph at the start of each chapter, focused references and further reading. There is also online teaching and learning support for both in-class and digital delivery, including suggested case studies, chapter questions and other activities.
Absolute Essentials of Ethereum (Absolute Essentials of Business and Economics)
by Paul Dylan-EnnisAbsolute Essentials of Ethereum is a concise textbook which guides the reader through the fascinating world of the emerging Ethereum ecosystem, from the basics of how its blockchain works to cutting-edge applications.Written by an experienced educator, each chapter is designed to progress potential students from class to class. Technical concepts are clearly explained for those new to the topic and readers are supported with definitions and summaries in each chapter. Real-life case studies situate the overviews in a contemporary context. Topics covered include the Ethereum Execution and Consensus layers, Ethereum governance and community, Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs), Decentralised Finance (DeFi), Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Layer 2.This book is the ideal text to support undergraduate and postgraduate courses on blockchain technologies, cryptocurrencies, Web3 and fintech, as well as for those who want to know how Ethereum really works.
Absolute FreeBSD, 3rd Edition: The Complete Guide to FreeBSD
by Michael W. LucasThis updated edition of Michael W. Lucas' definitive volume on FreeBSD-based systems adds coverage of modern disks, the ZFS filesystem IPv6, redesigned jail and packaging systems, and virtualization, among dozens of new features added in the last 10 years.FreeBSD is the muscle behind companies like Netflix and EMC. Any place where someone does heavy lifting on the Internet, you'll find FreeBSD. This newly revised edition of Absolute FreeBSD brings FreeBSD's strengths to bear on your problems and covers FreeBSD's newest features, all in the inimitable style that has made author Michael W. Lucas' system administration books so popular.Any computer system is only as good as the system administrator's knowledge. Absolute FreeBSD teaches you everything you need to know about managing FreeBSD systems, from installation, configuration, and taking the system from "just working" to "working well." A cohesive focus on service delivery and best practice means that you can apply much of the book to other operating systems.Absolute FreeBSD dives deep into server management, taking you beyond just making things work and into understanding why they work.You'll learn: * How to best install FreeBSD to meet your needs * Which filesystem to use in your environment * How to back up and restore critical data * How to tweak the kernel, and when not to * Network configuration, from activating interfaces to selecting congestion control algorithms * How to manage UFS, ZFS, and other critical filesystems * FreeBSD's software packaging system, including how to build your own package repository * How and when to upgrade * Techniques to build your own FreeBSD * Advanced security features like blacklistd and packet filtering * How to monitor and adjust performance * Container-style virtualization with jails * Diskless systems * Panic management and bug reportingWith Absolute FreeBSD readers will get the solid introduction they need while fans of the earlier editions will expand their skills even further.
Absolute OpenBSD, 2nd Edition: Unix for the Practical Paranoid
by Michael W. LucasOpenBSD, the elegant, highly secure Unix-like operating system, is widely used as the basis for critical DNS servers, routers, firewalls, and more. This long-awaited second edition of Absolute OpenBSD maintains author Michael Lucas's trademark straightforward and practical approach that readers have enjoyed for years. You'll learn the intricacies of the platform, the technical details behind certain design decisions, and best practices, with bits of humor sprinkled throughout. This edition has been completely updated for OpenBSD 5.3, including new coverage of OpenBSD's boot system, security features like W^X and ProPolice, and advanced networking techniques.You'll learn how to: –Manage network traffic with VLANs, trunks, IPv6, and the PF packet filter–Make software management quick and effective using the ports and packages system–Give users only the access they need with groups, sudo, and chroots–Configure OpenBSD's secure implementations of SNMP, DHCP, NTP, hardware sensors, and more–Customize the installation and upgrade processes for your network and hardware, or build a custom OpenBSD releaseWhether you're a new user looking for a complete introduction to OpenBSD or an experienced sysadmin looking for a refresher, Absolute OpenBSD, 2nd Edition will give you everything you need to master the intricacies of the world's most secure operating system.
Abstract Pattern Illustrations for Textile Printing (Textile Science and Clothing Technology)
by K. Murugesh Babu M. Selvadass Megha Shisodiya Abera Kechi KabishThis book is intended for textile designers, fashion designers, and for those interested in the integration of graphic design with textile surface printing. The book discusses how abstract graphic designs with intense color palette range work on different types of fabrics, will be beneficial for designers. The book provides beautiful illustrations of abstract designs that can be used directly for textile printing and also acts as inspiration (or motivation) for development of new designs. Abstract designs represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality and uses shapes, colors and forms to achieve its effect. This book provides illustrations that show the importance of color and color combinations with bright, warm and dull colors. The book presents flawless illustrations with great harmony between the diverse shapes and overall color combinations. All the illustrations in this book are explained briefly. The illustrations can also be used in other areas like wall paper design, packaging design, ceramic design and many more.
Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z: 5th International Conference, Abz 2016, Linz, Austria, May 23-27, 2016, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9675)
by Michael Butler Atif Mashkoor Miklos Biro Laus-Dieter ScheweThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z, ABZ 2016, held in Linz, Austria, in May 2016. <P><P> The 17 full and 15 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 61 submissions. They record the latest research developments in state-based formal methods Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, Circus, Event-B, TLS+, VDM and Z.
Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z: 5th International Conference, ABZ 2016, Linz, Austria, May 23-27, 2016, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9675)
by Michael Butler Klaus-Dieter Schewe Atif Mashkoor Miklos BiroThis bookconstitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on AbstractState Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z, ABZ 2016, held in Linz, Austria, inMay 2016. The 17 full and 15 short papers presented in this volume were carefullyreviewed and selected from 61 submissions. They record the latest researchdevelopments in state-based formal methods Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B,Circus, Event-B, TLS+, VDM and Z.
Abstraction in Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems
by Jean-Daniel Zucker Lorenza SaittaAbstraction is a fundamental mechanism underlying both human and artificial perception, representation of knowledge, reasoning and learning. This mechanism plays a crucial role in many disciplines, notably Computer Programming, Natural and Artificial Vision, Complex Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Art, and Cognitive Sciences. This book first provides the reader with an overview of the notions of abstraction proposed in various disciplines by comparing both commonalities and differences. After discussing the characterizing properties of abstraction, a formal model, the KRA model, is presented to capture them. This model makes the notion of abstraction easily applicable by means of the introduction of a set of abstraction operators and abstraction patterns, reusable across different domains and applications. It is the impact of abstraction in Artificial Intelligence, Complex Systems and Machine Learning which creates the core of the book. A general framework, based on the KRA model, is presented, and its pragmatic power is illustrated with three case studies: Model-based diagnosis, Cartographic Generalization, and learning Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models.