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MySQL Pocket Reference (2nd Edition)

by George Reese

To help you be more efficient in your work, this handy pocket reference gives you instant reminders on how to use important MySQL functions, especially in conjunction with key parts of the LAMP open source infrastructure. This powerful database system is so rich in features that no administrator or programmer can stay familiar with all of them. MySQL Pocket Reference is an ideal on-the-job companion, well organized to help you find and adapt the statements you need -- quickly.Updated for the latest versions of this popular database, this edition covers many complex features that have been added since the last version.

MySQL Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition

by George Reese

To help you be more efficient in your work, this handy pocket reference gives you instant reminders on how to use important MySQL functions, especially in conjunction with key parts of the LAMP open source infrastructure. This powerful database system is so rich in features that no administrator or programmer can stay familiar with all of them. MySQL Pocket Reference is an ideal on-the-job companion, well organized to help you find and adapt the statements you need -- quickly. Updated for the latest versions of this popular database, this edition covers many complex features that have been added to MySQL 5.0 and 5.1, including a section dedicated to stored procedures and triggers. After a brief introduction on installation and initial setup, the book explains: How to configure MySQL, such as setting the root password MySQL data types, including numerics, strings, dates, and complex types SQL syntax, commands, data types, operators, and functions Arithmetic, comparison and logical operators Aggregate and general functions Stored procedures and triggers, including procedure definition, procedure calls, procedure management, cursors, and triggers You don't have time to stop and thumb through an exhaustive reference when you're hard at work. This portable and affordable guide is small enough to fit into your pocket, and gives you a convenient reference that you can consult anywhere. When you reach a sticking point and need to get to a solution quickly, the MySQL Pocket Reference is the book you want to have.

MySQL Stored Procedure Programming: Building High-Performance Web Applications in MySQL

by Guy Harrison Steven Feuerstein

The implementation of stored procedures in MySQL 5.0 a hugemilestone -- one that is expected to lead to widespread enterprise adoption ofthe already extremely popular MySQL database. If you are serious aboutbuilding the web-based database applications of the future, you need toget up to speed quickly on how stored procedures work -- and how tobuild them the right way. This book, destined to be the bible of storedprocedure development, is a resource that no real MySQL programmer canafford to do without. In the decade since MySQL burst on the scene, it has become thedominant open source database, with capabilities and performancerivaling those of commercial RDBMS offerings like Oracle and SQLServer. Along with Linux and PHP, MySQL is at the heart of millions ofapplications. And now, with support for stored procedures, functions,and triggers in MySQL 5.0, MySQL offers the programming power neededfor true enterprise use. MySQL's new procedural language has a straightforward syntax, making iteasy to write simple programs. But it's not so easy to write secure,easily maintained, high-performance, and bug-free programs. Few in theMySQL world have substantial experience yet with stored procedures, butGuy Harrison and Steven Feuerstein have decades of combined expertise. In MySQL Stored Procedure Programming, they putthat hard-won experience to good use. Packed with code examples and coveringeverything from language basics to application building to advancedtuning and best practices, this highly readable book is the one-stopguide to MySQL development. It consists of four major sections:MySQL stored programming fundamentals -- tutorial, basicstatements, SQL in stored programs, and error handlingBuilding MySQL stored programs -- transaction handling,built-in functions, stored functions, and triggersMySQL stored programs in applications -- using storedprograms with PHP, Java, Perl, Python, and .NET (C# and VB.NET)Optimizing MySQL stored programs -- security, basic andadvanced SQL tuning, optimizing stored program code, and programmingbest practicesA companion web site contains many thousands of lines of code, that youcan put to use immediately.Guy Harrison is Chief Architect of Database Solutions at Quest Softwareand a frequent speaker and writer on MySQL topics. Steven Feuerstein isthe author of Oracle PL/SQL Programming, the classic reference for Oracle stored programming for more than ten years. Both have decades of experience as database developers, and between them they have authored a dozen books.

MySQL Troubleshooting

by Sveta Smirnova

<p>Sometimes applications can go mad: tables contain wrong data, users get random replies, server stop working, and so on. Several easy methods allow users to often find the problems quickly. This book, based on successful conference presentations by the author, cover SQL problems, memory and other server problems, replication, and problems related to particular storage engines.</p>

MySQL Troubleshooting: What To Do When Queries Don't Work

by Sveta Smirnova

Stuck with bugs, performance problems, crashes, data corruption, and puzzling output? If you’re a database programmer or DBA, they’re part of your life. The trick is knowing how to quickly recover from them. This unique, example-packed book shows you how to handle an array of vexing problems when working with MySQL.Written by a principal technical support engineer at Oracle, MySQL Troubleshooting provides the background, tools, and expert steps for solving problems from simple to complex—whether data you thought you inserted doesn’t turn up in a query, or the entire database is corrupt because of a server failure. With this book in hand, you’ll work with more confidence.Understand the source of a problem, even when the solution is simpleHandle problems that occur when applications run in multiple threadsDebug and fix problems caused by configuration optionsDiscover how operating system tuning can affect your serverUse troubleshooting techniques specific to replication issuesGet a reference to additional troubleshooting techniques and tools, including third-party solutionsLearn best practices for safe and effective troubleshooting—and for preventing problems

The MySQL Workshop: A practical guide to working with data and managing databases with MySQL

by Thomas Pettit Scott Cosentino

Learning MySQL just got a whole lot easier, thanks to this hands-on workshop, complete with simple explanations, engaging examples, and realistic exercises that focus on helping you to build and maintain databases effectivelyKey FeaturesLearn how to set up and maintain a MySQL databaseRun SQL queries to create, retrieve, and manipulate dataUse MySQL effectively with common business applications such as Excel and MS AccessBook DescriptionDo you want to learn how to create and maintain databases effectively? Are you looking for simple answers to basic MySQL questions as well as straightforward examples that you can use at work? If so, this workshop is the right choice for you.Designed to build your confidence through hands-on practice, this book uses a simple approach that focuses on the practical, so you can get straight down to business without having to wade through pages and pages of dull, dry theory.As you work through bite-sized exercises and activities, you'll learn how to use different MySQL tools to create a database and manage the data within it. You'll see how to transfer data between a MySQL database and other sources, and use real-world datasets to gain valuable experience of manipulating and gaining insights from data. As you progress, you'll discover how to protect your database by managing user permissions and performing logical backups and restores.If you've already tried to teach yourself SQL, but haven't been able to make the leap from understanding simple queries to working on live projects with a real database management system, The MySQL Workshop will get you on the right track.By the end of this MySQL book, you'll have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to advance your career and tackle your own ambitious projects with MySQL.What you will learnUnderstand the concepts of relational databases and document storesUse SQL queries, stored procedures, views, functions, and transactionsConnect to and manipulate data using MS Access, MS Excel, and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)Read and write data in the CSV or JSON format using MySQLManage data while running MySQL Shell in JavaScript modeUse X DevAPI to access a NoSQL interface for MySQLManage user roles, credentials, and privileges to keep data securePerform a logical database backup with mysqldump and mysqlpumpWho this book is forThis book is for anyone who wants to learn how to use MySQL in a productive, efficient way. If you're totally new to MySQL, it'll help you get started or if you've used MySQL before, it'll fill in any gaps, consolidate key concepts, and offer valuable hands-on practice. Prior knowledge of simple SQL or basic programming techniques will help you in quickly grasping the concepts covered, but is not necessary.

Myst and Riven: The World of the D'ni

by Mark J. P. Wolf

"Myst and Riven is well-written, interesting, on-topic, insightful, and a real pleasure to read. " -Edward Castronova, Indiana University. Video games have become a major cultural force, and within their history, Myst and its sequel Riven stand out as influential examples. Myst and Riven:The World of the D'ni is a close analysis of two of the most popular and significant video games in the history of the genre, investigating in detail their design, their functionality, and the gameplay experience they provide players. While scholarly close analysis has been applied to films for some time now, it has only rarely been applied at this level to video games. Mark J. P. Wolf uses elements such as graphics and sound, the games' mood and atmosphere and how they are generated, the geography and design of the digital worlds, and the narrative structures of the games to examine their appeal to both critical and general audiences, their legacy, and what made them great. Myst and Riven is the first book in the Landmark Video Games series, edited by Bernard Perron and Mark J. P. Wolf, which is the first series to examine individual video games of historical significance.

Mysteries of the Overworld: An Unofficial Overworld Heroes Adventure, Book Two (Unofficial Overworld Heroes Adventure #2)

by Danica Davidson

Stevie and Alex are still looking for answers about the mysterious Ender crystal Stevie discovered, and the sinister voice that seems to emanate from it. Their search leads them to a strange book filled with writing in a strange language, and pictures that seem to show two adventurers trapping the evil Ender Dragon in the End.As the writing in the book slowly reveals itself, the friends realize that the Overworld is in danger! The Ender crystal Stevie stumbled upon in the Overworld is one piece of an enchanted crystal that, if fully assembled, could either destroy the dragon—or set it free to destroy the world!Now Stevie and his friends must race to find the pieces of the broken Ender crystal. Can they find them all before the Ender Dragon discovers a way to stop them?Fans of Minecraft will be at the edge of their seats all the way through this second book in the Unofficial Overworld Heroes Adventure series by Danica Davidson!

The Mysterious Affair at Olivetti: IBM, the CIA, and the Cold War Conspiracy to Shut Down Production of the World's First Desktop Computer

by Meryle Secrest

The never-before-told true account of the design and development of the first desktop computer by the world's most famous high-styled typewriter company, more than a decade before the arrival of the Osborne 1, the Apple 1, the first Intel microprocessor, and IBM's PC5150.The human, business, design, engineering, cold war, and tech story of how the Olivetti company came to be, how it survived two world wars and brought a ravaged Italy back to life, how after it mastered the typewriter business with the famous "Olivetti touch," it entered the new, fierce electronics race; how its first desktop compter, the P101, came to be; how, within eighteen months, it had caught up with, and surpassed, IBM, the American giant that by then had become an arm of the American government, developing advanced weapon systems; Olivetti putting its own mainframe computer on the market with its desktop prototype, selling 40,000 units, including to NASA for its lunar landings. How Olivetti made inroads into the US market by taking control of Underwood of Hartford CT as an assembly plant for Olivetti's own typewriters and future miniaturized personal computers; how a week after Olivetti purchased Underwood, the US government filed an antitrust suit to try to stop it; how Adriano Olivetti, the legendary idealist, socialist, visionary, heir to the company founded by his father, built the company into a fantastical dynasty--factories, offices, satellite buildings spread over more than fifty acres--while on a train headed for Switzerland in 1960 for supposed meetings and then to Hartford, never arrived, dying suddenly of a heart attack at fifty-eight . . . how eighteen months later, his brilliant young engineer, who had assembled Olivetti's superb team of electronic engineers, was killed, as well, in a suspicious car crash, and how the Olivetti company and the P101 came to its insidious and shocking end.

The Mystery of the Griefer's Mark: An Unofficial Minecrafters Adventure (An Unofficial Gamer's Adventure)

by Winter Morgan

For every boy and girl who loves Minecraft, a brand-new illustrated edition of the bestselling novel by author Winter Morgan with 75 full-color illustrations. Steve is back and ready for more adventures! But this time the excitement lands closer to home. While walking home from the village, Steve is surprised to hear a loud BOOM! When he returns home, he finds his wheat farm destroyed and a huge crater where the wheat once grew. And his diamond sword is missing! Steve believes it&’s the act of a griefer with a lot of TNT. Devastated, Steve wants to rebuild and find his sword, but with his wheat destroyed, he must call on old friends to help him. All together again, Lucy, Max, and Henry tell harrowing stories of their treasure hunts and conquests, and Steve discusses his strategy for rebuilding. They all go to sleep, excited to begin their plans; but when they wake up, Henry is missing! Looking for Henry in the village, two of Steve&’s neighbors, Kyra and Adam, have been targeted as well: Kyra&’s barn was flooded with lava, and Adam&’s friend Thomas is missing too! Who is the griefer terrorizing Steve and the villagers? And how will Steve find the resources to rebuild his prosperous farm? With suspicion circulating and no answers to be found, Steve finds himself wrongly suspected of these crimes—and so he must discover who the mischievous griefer is before something even worse happens.

Mystery on Mushroom Island (Unofficial Minecraft Mysteries #6)

by Winter Morgan

Edison and Billy finally have a chance for a vacation, joining Amira to celebrate her birthday on peaceful Mushroom Island. But before celebrations can get underway, Mushroom Island is rocked by a mysterious explosion. As they investigate the fire, they discover rumors that the island, itself, is cursed. Of course, Edison and Billy don’t believe in curses. There must be a logical explanation behind the explosion, and they just have to find it. So not only do they have solve the mystery of the fire, but they have to prove to theirs friend and the residents of Mushroom Island that there is no such thing as a curse.Join Edison and Billy their explosive final adventure in the final installment of the Unofficial Minecraft Mystery series!

Myten om internet

by Paul Frigyes Lisa Ehlin Anders R. Olsson Robert Levine Helienne Lindvall Pelle Snickars Per Strömbäck Mariam Kirollos Anders Rydell

Vilken funktion hade egentligen sociala medier under den arabiska våren? Vilka är den digiala underklassen? Och hur har en handfull teknikföretag i Silicon Valley lyckats sprida ryktet om sig själva som det fria ordet och kunskapens främsta förespråkare När internet ska diskuteras används ofta begrepp som frihet, demokrati och delaktighet. Att internet har haft en otrolig betydelse tvivlar ingen på, men samtidigt finns en mängd löst grundade föreställningar att internet kommer infria alla förhoppningar, en sorts tekno-utopi. Internet är på ett plan öppet och fritt, men lika mycket är det skapat av offentliga regleringar, teknik och affärsintressen. 85 procent av de så kallade stadsnäten ägs av kommunala bolag. Den grundläggande infrastrukturen för nätet i Sverige är alltså i allmän ägo, tvärtemot den gängse bilden att internet drivs av marknadskrafterna. I Myten om internet har såväl svenska som internationella namn samlats för att nyansera bilden av internet, och inte minst blottlägga vilka som har gynnats av de rådande föreställningarna. Bland skribenterna märks egyptiska Mariam Kirollos, aktivist och doktorand, som starkt ifrågasätter hyllningarna av sociala mediers roll i den arabiska våren, och Robert Levine, amerikansk författare och journalist, som utkom med den mycket uppmärksammade boken Free Ride 2011.

The Myth of Artificial Intelligence: Why Computers Can't Think the Way We Do

by Erik J. Larson

“Artificial intelligence has always inspired outlandish visions—that AI is going to destroy us, save us, or at the very least radically transform us. Erik Larson exposes the vast gap between the actual science underlying AI and the dramatic claims being made for it. This is a timely, important, and even essential book.” —John Horgan, author of The End of Science Many futurists insist that AI will soon achieve human levels of intelligence. From there, it will quickly eclipse the most gifted human mind. The Myth of Artificial Intelligence argues that such claims are just that: myths. We are not on the path to developing truly intelligent machines. We don’t even know where that path might be. Erik Larson charts a journey through the landscape of AI, from Alan Turing’s early work to today’s dominant models of machine learning. Since the beginning, AI researchers and enthusiasts have equated the reasoning approaches of AI with those of human intelligence. But this is a profound mistake. Even cutting-edge AI looks nothing like human intelligence. Modern AI is based on inductive reasoning: computers make statistical correlations to determine which answer is likely to be right, allowing software to, say, detect a particular face in an image. But human reasoning is entirely different. Humans do not correlate data sets; we make conjectures sensitive to context—the best guess, given our observations and what we already know about the world. We haven’t a clue how to program this kind of reasoning, known as abduction. Yet it is the heart of common sense. Larson argues that all this AI hype is bad science and bad for science. A culture of invention thrives on exploring unknowns, not overselling existing methods. Inductive AI will continue to improve at narrow tasks, but if we are to make real progress, we must abandon futuristic talk and learn to better appreciate the only true intelligence we know—our own.

The Myth of Digital Democracy

by Matthew Hindman

Is the Internet democratizing American politics? Do political Web sites and blogs mobilize inactive citizens and make the public sphere more inclusive? The Myth of Digital Democracy reveals that, contrary to popular belief, the Internet has done little to broaden political discourse but in fact empowers a small set of elites--some new, but most familiar. Matthew Hindman argues that, though hundreds of thousands of Americans blog about politics, blogs receive only a miniscule portion of Web traffic, and most blog readership goes to a handful of mainstream, highly educated professionals. He shows how, despite the wealth of independent Web sites, online news audiences are concentrated on the top twenty outlets, and online organizing and fund-raising are dominated by a few powerful interest groups. Hindman tracks nearly three million Web pages, analyzing how their links are structured, how citizens search for political content, and how leading search engines like Google and Yahoo! funnel traffic to popular outlets. He finds that while the Internet has increased some forms of political participation and transformed the way interest groups and candidates organize, mobilize, and raise funds, elites still strongly shape how political material on the Web is presented and accessed. The Myth of Digital Democracy. debunks popular notions about political discourse in the digital age, revealing how the Internet has neither diminished the audience share of corporate media nor given greater voice to ordinary citizens.

The Mythical Man-Month Essays on Software Engineering Anniversary Edition

by Frederick P. Brooks

Few books on software project management have been as influential and timeless as The Mythical Man-Month. With a blend of software engineering facts and thought-provoking opinions, Fred Brooks offers insight for anyone managing complex projects. These essays draw from his experience as project manager for the IBM System/360 computer family and then for OS/360, its massive software system. Now, 20 years after the initial publication of his book, Brooks has revisited his original ideas and added new thoughts and advice, both for readers already familiar with his work and for readers discovering it for the first time. The added chapters contain (1) a crisp condensation of all the propositions asserted in the original book, including Brooks' central argument in The Mythical Man-Month: that large programming projects suffer management problems different from small ones due to the division of labor that the conceptual integrity of the product is therefore critical; and that it is difficult but possible to achieve this unity; (2) Brooks' view of these propositions a generation later; (3) a reprint of his classic 1986 paper "No Silver Bullet"; and (4) today's thoughts on the 1986 assertion, "There will be no silver bullet within ten years. "

Mythopoeic Narrative in The Legend of Zelda (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature)

by Anthony G. Cirilla Vincent E. Rone

The Legend of Zelda series is one of the most popular and recognizable examples in videogames of what Tolkien referred to as mythopoeia, or myth-making. In his essay On Fairy Stories and a short poem entitled Mythopoeia, Tolkien makes the case that the fairy tale aesthetic is simply a more intimate version of the same principle underlying the great myths: the human desire to make meaning out of the world. By using mythopoeia as a touchstone concept, the essays in this volume explore how The Legend of Zelda series turns the avatar, through which the player interacts with the in-game world, into a player-character symbiote wherein the individual both enacts and observes the process of integrating worldbuilding with storytelling. Twelve essays explore Zelda’s mythmaking from the standpoints of literary criticism, videogame theory, musicology, ecocriticism, pedagogy, and more.

Myths of Branding: A Brand is Just a Logo, and Other Popular Misconceptions (Business Myths)

by Simon Bailey Andy Milligan

A brand is just a logo - everyone knows that, don't they? After all, it's not as though a good brand can save a bad business, and besides, the digital revolution is making branding irrelevant...Myths of Branding, written by renowned branding experts Andy Milligan and Simon Bailey, explores the huge number of misguided, mistaken and blatantly false myths that abound in the branding arena. From the belief that developing brands is nothing more than fiddling with logos, to the perception that it's a 'soft' area of marketing that doesn't go beyond visual identity - these myths are all surprisingly entrenched, yet could not be further from the truth. Myths of Branding takes the most up-to-date research and evidence to debunk these popular misconceptions, and replaces them with the reality of what it's really like to work in the world of branding. Jam-packed with entertaining anecdotes and useful information that practitioners' can learn from, it guarantees a deeper, sharper understanding of the realities of branding and brand management.

Myths of Branding: Dispel the Misconceptions and Become a Brand Expert (Business Myths)

by Simon Bailey Andy Milligan

A brand is just a logo - everyone knows that, don't they? After all, it's not as though a good brand can save a bad business, and besides, the digital revolution is making branding irrelevant...Myths of Branding, written by renowned branding experts Andy Milligan and Simon Bailey, explores the huge number of misguided, mistaken and blatantly false myths that abound in the branding arena. From the belief that developing brands is nothing more than fiddling with logos, to the perception that it's a 'soft' area of marketing that doesn't go beyond visual identity and that the customer is always right - these myths are all surprisingly entrenched, yet could not be further from the truth.Myths of Branding uses up-to-date case studies and witty examples to debunk these popular misconceptions, and replaces them with the reality of what it's really like to work in the world of branding. Jam-packed with entertaining anecdotes and useful information that practitioners can learn from, it guarantees a deeper, sharper understanding of the realities of branding and brand management.About the Business Myths series... The Business Myths series tackles the falsehoods that pervade the business world. From leadership and management to social media, strategy and the workplace, these accessible books overturn out-of-date assumptions, skewer stereotypes and put oft-repeated slogans to the test. Entertaining and rigorously researched, these books will equip you with the insight and no-nonsense wisdom you need to succeed.

The Myths of Innovation

by Scott Berkun

How do we know if a hot new technology will succeed or fail? Most of us, even experts, get it wrong all the time. We depend more than we realize on wishful thinking and romanticized ideas of history. In the new paperback edition of this fascinating book, a book that has appeared on MSNBC, CNBC,, and in The New York Times, bestselling author Scott Berkun pulls the best lessons from the history of innovation, including the recent software and web age, to reveal powerful and suprising truths about how ideas become successful innovations -- truths people can easily apply to the challenges of today. Through his entertaining and insightful explanations of the inherent patterns in how Einstein’s discovered E=mc2 or Tim Berner Lee’s developed the idea of the world wide web, you will see how to develop existing knowledge into new innovations.Each entertaining chapter centers on breaking apart a powerful myth, popular in the business world despite it's lack of substance. Through Berkun's extensive research into the truth about innovations in technology, business and science, you’ll learn lessons from the expensive failures and dramatic successes of innovations past, and understand how innovators achieved what they did -- and what you need to do to be an innovator yourself. You'll discover:Why problems are more important than solutionsHow the good innovation is the enemy of the greatWhy children are more creative than your co-workersWhy epiphanies and breakthroughs always take timeHow all stories of innovations are distorted by the history effectHow to overcome people’s resistance to new ideasWhy the best idea doesn’t often winThe paperback edition includes four new chapters, focused on appling the lessons from the original book, and helping you develop your skills in creative thinking, pitching ideas, and staying motivated."For centuries before Google, MIT, and IDEO, modern hotbeds of innovation, we struggled to explain any kind of creation, from the universe itself to the multitudes of ideas around us. While we can make atomic bombs, and dry-clean silk ties, we still don’t have satisfying answers for simple questions like: Where do songs come from? Are there an infinite variety of possible kinds of cheese? How did Shakespeare and Stephen King invent so much, while we’re satisfied watching sitcom reruns? Our popular answers have been unconvincing, enabling misleading, fantasy-laden myths to grow strong."-- Scott Berkun, from the text"Berkun sets us free to change the world."-- Guy Kawasaki, author of Art of the StartScott was a manager at Microsoft from 1994-2003, on projects including v1-5 (not 6) of Internet Explorer. He is the author of three bestselling books, Making Things Happen, The Myths of Innovation and Confessions of a Public Speaker. He works full time as a writer and speaker, and his work has appeared in The New York Times, Forbes magazine, The Economist, The Washington Post, Wired magazine, National Public Radio and other media. He regularly contributes to Harvard Business Review and Bloomberg Businessweek, has taught creative thinking at the University of Washington, and has appeared as an innovation and management expert on MSNBC and on CNBC. He writes frequently on innovation and creative thinking at his blog: and tweets at @berkun.

The Myths of Security: What the Computer Security Industry Doesn't Want You to Know

by John Viega

If you think computer security has improved in recent years, The Myths of Security will shake you out of your complacency. Longtime security professional John Viega, formerly Chief Security Architect at McAfee, reports on the sorry state of the industry, and offers concrete suggestions for professionals and individuals confronting the issue. Why is security so bad? With many more people online than just a few years ago, there are more attackers -- and they're truly motivated. Attacks are sophisticated, subtle, and harder to detect than ever. But, as Viega notes, few people take the time to understand the situation and protect themselves accordingly. This book tells you:Why it's easier for bad guys to "own" your computer than you thinkWhy anti-virus software doesn't work well -- and one simple way to fix itWhether Apple OS X is more secure than WindowsWhat Windows needs to do betterHow to make strong authentication pervasiveWhy patch management is so badWhether there's anything you can do about identity theftFive easy steps for fixing application security, and moreProvocative, insightful, and always controversial, The Myths of Security not only addresses IT professionals who deal with security issues, but also speaks to Mac and PC users who spend time online.

Myths of Social Media: Dismiss the Misconceptions, Side-step the Slip-ups and Use Social Media Effectively in Business (Business Myths)

by Michelle Carvill Ian MacRae

Everyone knows that social media is free, millennials are all adept social media experts, that businesses always have to be available 24/7 and ultimately none of it really matters, as the digital space is full of fake news and online messaging is seen as inauthentic. Don't they?The use of social media as a business tool is dominated by falsehoods, fictions and fabrications. In Myths of Social Media, digital consultant Michelle Carvill and workplace psychologist Ian MacRae dismiss many of the most keenly-held misconceptions and instead, present the reality of social media best practice. Using helpful and instructive, sometimes entertaining and occasionally eye-watering examples of what you should and should not do, Myths of Social Media debunks the most commonly held myths and shows you how to use social media effectively for work and at work.

Myths of Social Media: Dispel the Misconceptions and Master Social Media (Business Myths)

by Michelle Carvill Ian MacRae

Everyone knows that social media is free, millennials are all adept social media experts, that businesses always have to be available 24/7 and ultimately none of it really matters, as the digital space is full of fake news and online messaging is seen as inauthentic. Don't they?The use of social media as a business tool is dominated by falsehoods, fictions and fabrications. In Myths of Social Media, digital consultant Michelle Carvill and workplace psychologist Ian MacRae dismiss many of the most keenly-held misconceptions and instead, present the reality of social media best practice. Using helpful and instructive, sometimes entertaining and occasionally eye-watering examples of what you should and should not do, Myths of Social Media debunks the most commonly held myths and shows you how to use social media effectively for work and at work.About the Business Myths series... The Business Myths series tackles the falsehoods that pervade the business world. From leadership and management to social media, strategy and the workplace, these accessible books overturn out-of-date assumptions, skewer stereotypes and put oft-repeated slogans to the test. Entertaining and rigorously researched, these books will equip you with the insight and no-nonsense wisdom you need to succeed.

N 2 Deep ( #7)

by Terry Brown Laurie Knowlton

Amber needs help from God when she is talked into trying out for the soccer team while being swamped with demands for the Web site she is developing for her school.

The N64 Encyclopedia: Every Game Released for the Nintendo 64

by Chris Scullion

This comprehensive guide to the iconic Nintendo 64 game consol covers every game produced for the system.Although the Nintendo 64 struggled in the shadow of the bold and shiny Sony PlayStation, it was beloved by nearly everyone who owned one. Despite its relatively small library, the N64 had a number of groundbreaking titles, such as Super Mario 64, GoldenEye 007, Mario Kart 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Each of these revolutionized the way we play and remain the stuff of legend for fans. The N64 Encyclopedia covers these major gaming touchstones, along with every other game released for the system, no matter how obscure. It also includes every game released in Japan, even those intended for the ill-fated Nintendo 64DD add-on which never left the country. With over four hundred games covered, screenshots for every title and a light-hearted writing style designed to make reading it a fun experience, The N64 Encyclopedia is the definitive guide to a revolutionary gaming system.

Nachfolge und Verkauf von IT-Unternehmen: In 7 Schritten zum erfolgreichen Verkauf

by Volker Johanning

Dieses Buch hilft IT-Unternehmern, Eigentümern und Gesellschaftern von Systemhäusern und IT-Beratungshäusern die Unternehmensnachfolge und den Unternehmensverkauf optimal zu planen. Im Vordergrund stehen Themen wie "Wie viel ist mein IT-Unternehmen wert?", "Was sind die wesentlichen Schritte und Erfolgsfaktoren für einen gelungenen Unternehmensverkauf?", "Wie mache ich mein IT-Unternehmen übergabefähig?" und "Was kann ich frühzeitig tun, damit der Verkauf meines Unternehmens ein Erfolg wird?“.Anhand von 3 Beispielunternehmen zwischen 5 und 25 Mio. € Umsatz werden alle Phasen des Unternehmensverkaufs von Systemhäusern und IT-Dienstleistern praxisnah durchgespielt: Von der Zielsetzung und den Motiven des Verkaufs über die Berechnung des Unternehmenswerts bis zur Erstellung des Exposés sowie einer Due Diligence und der Verkaufsverhandlung.

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