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Showing 40,276 through 40,300 of 59,678 results

The Mythical Man-Month Essays on Software Engineering Anniversary Edition

by Frederick P. Brooks

Few books on software project management have been as influential and timeless as The Mythical Man-Month. With a blend of software engineering facts and thought-provoking opinions, Fred Brooks offers insight for anyone managing complex projects. These essays draw from his experience as project manager for the IBM System/360 computer family and then for OS/360, its massive software system. Now, 20 years after the initial publication of his book, Brooks has revisited his original ideas and added new thoughts and advice, both for readers already familiar with his work and for readers discovering it for the first time. The added chapters contain (1) a crisp condensation of all the propositions asserted in the original book, including Brooks' central argument in The Mythical Man-Month: that large programming projects suffer management problems different from small ones due to the division of labor that the conceptual integrity of the product is therefore critical; and that it is difficult but possible to achieve this unity; (2) Brooks' view of these propositions a generation later; (3) a reprint of his classic 1986 paper "No Silver Bullet"; and (4) today's thoughts on the 1986 assertion, "There will be no silver bullet within ten years. "

Mythopoeic Narrative in The Legend of Zelda (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature)

by Anthony G. Cirilla Vincent E. Rone

The Legend of Zelda series is one of the most popular and recognizable examples in videogames of what Tolkien referred to as mythopoeia, or myth-making. In his essay On Fairy Stories and a short poem entitled Mythopoeia, Tolkien makes the case that the fairy tale aesthetic is simply a more intimate version of the same principle underlying the great myths: the human desire to make meaning out of the world. By using mythopoeia as a touchstone concept, the essays in this volume explore how The Legend of Zelda series turns the avatar, through which the player interacts with the in-game world, into a player-character symbiote wherein the individual both enacts and observes the process of integrating worldbuilding with storytelling. Twelve essays explore Zelda’s mythmaking from the standpoints of literary criticism, videogame theory, musicology, ecocriticism, pedagogy, and more.

Myths of Branding: A Brand is Just a Logo, and Other Popular Misconceptions (Business Myths)

by Simon Bailey Andy Milligan

A brand is just a logo - everyone knows that, don't they? After all, it's not as though a good brand can save a bad business, and besides, the digital revolution is making branding irrelevant...Myths of Branding, written by renowned branding experts Andy Milligan and Simon Bailey, explores the huge number of misguided, mistaken and blatantly false myths that abound in the branding arena. From the belief that developing brands is nothing more than fiddling with logos, to the perception that it's a 'soft' area of marketing that doesn't go beyond visual identity - these myths are all surprisingly entrenched, yet could not be further from the truth. Myths of Branding takes the most up-to-date research and evidence to debunk these popular misconceptions, and replaces them with the reality of what it's really like to work in the world of branding. Jam-packed with entertaining anecdotes and useful information that practitioners' can learn from, it guarantees a deeper, sharper understanding of the realities of branding and brand management.

Myths of Branding: Dispel the Misconceptions and Become a Brand Expert (Business Myths)

by Simon Bailey Andy Milligan

A brand is just a logo - everyone knows that, don't they? After all, it's not as though a good brand can save a bad business, and besides, the digital revolution is making branding irrelevant...Myths of Branding, written by renowned branding experts Andy Milligan and Simon Bailey, explores the huge number of misguided, mistaken and blatantly false myths that abound in the branding arena. From the belief that developing brands is nothing more than fiddling with logos, to the perception that it's a 'soft' area of marketing that doesn't go beyond visual identity and that the customer is always right - these myths are all surprisingly entrenched, yet could not be further from the truth.Myths of Branding uses up-to-date case studies and witty examples to debunk these popular misconceptions, and replaces them with the reality of what it's really like to work in the world of branding. Jam-packed with entertaining anecdotes and useful information that practitioners can learn from, it guarantees a deeper, sharper understanding of the realities of branding and brand management.About the Business Myths series... The Business Myths series tackles the falsehoods that pervade the business world. From leadership and management to social media, strategy and the workplace, these accessible books overturn out-of-date assumptions, skewer stereotypes and put oft-repeated slogans to the test. Entertaining and rigorously researched, these books will equip you with the insight and no-nonsense wisdom you need to succeed.

The Myths of Innovation

by Scott Berkun

How do we know if a hot new technology will succeed or fail? Most of us, even experts, get it wrong all the time. We depend more than we realize on wishful thinking and romanticized ideas of history. In the new paperback edition of this fascinating book, a book that has appeared on MSNBC, CNBC,, and in The New York Times, bestselling author Scott Berkun pulls the best lessons from the history of innovation, including the recent software and web age, to reveal powerful and suprising truths about how ideas become successful innovations -- truths people can easily apply to the challenges of today. Through his entertaining and insightful explanations of the inherent patterns in how Einstein’s discovered E=mc2 or Tim Berner Lee’s developed the idea of the world wide web, you will see how to develop existing knowledge into new innovations.Each entertaining chapter centers on breaking apart a powerful myth, popular in the business world despite it's lack of substance. Through Berkun's extensive research into the truth about innovations in technology, business and science, you’ll learn lessons from the expensive failures and dramatic successes of innovations past, and understand how innovators achieved what they did -- and what you need to do to be an innovator yourself. You'll discover:Why problems are more important than solutionsHow the good innovation is the enemy of the greatWhy children are more creative than your co-workersWhy epiphanies and breakthroughs always take timeHow all stories of innovations are distorted by the history effectHow to overcome people’s resistance to new ideasWhy the best idea doesn’t often winThe paperback edition includes four new chapters, focused on appling the lessons from the original book, and helping you develop your skills in creative thinking, pitching ideas, and staying motivated."For centuries before Google, MIT, and IDEO, modern hotbeds of innovation, we struggled to explain any kind of creation, from the universe itself to the multitudes of ideas around us. While we can make atomic bombs, and dry-clean silk ties, we still don’t have satisfying answers for simple questions like: Where do songs come from? Are there an infinite variety of possible kinds of cheese? How did Shakespeare and Stephen King invent so much, while we’re satisfied watching sitcom reruns? Our popular answers have been unconvincing, enabling misleading, fantasy-laden myths to grow strong."-- Scott Berkun, from the text"Berkun sets us free to change the world."-- Guy Kawasaki, author of Art of the StartScott was a manager at Microsoft from 1994-2003, on projects including v1-5 (not 6) of Internet Explorer. He is the author of three bestselling books, Making Things Happen, The Myths of Innovation and Confessions of a Public Speaker. He works full time as a writer and speaker, and his work has appeared in The New York Times, Forbes magazine, The Economist, The Washington Post, Wired magazine, National Public Radio and other media. He regularly contributes to Harvard Business Review and Bloomberg Businessweek, has taught creative thinking at the University of Washington, and has appeared as an innovation and management expert on MSNBC and on CNBC. He writes frequently on innovation and creative thinking at his blog: and tweets at @berkun.

The Myths of Security: What the Computer Security Industry Doesn't Want You to Know

by John Viega

If you think computer security has improved in recent years, The Myths of Security will shake you out of your complacency. Longtime security professional John Viega, formerly Chief Security Architect at McAfee, reports on the sorry state of the industry, and offers concrete suggestions for professionals and individuals confronting the issue. Why is security so bad? With many more people online than just a few years ago, there are more attackers -- and they're truly motivated. Attacks are sophisticated, subtle, and harder to detect than ever. But, as Viega notes, few people take the time to understand the situation and protect themselves accordingly. This book tells you:Why it's easier for bad guys to "own" your computer than you thinkWhy anti-virus software doesn't work well -- and one simple way to fix itWhether Apple OS X is more secure than WindowsWhat Windows needs to do betterHow to make strong authentication pervasiveWhy patch management is so badWhether there's anything you can do about identity theftFive easy steps for fixing application security, and moreProvocative, insightful, and always controversial, The Myths of Security not only addresses IT professionals who deal with security issues, but also speaks to Mac and PC users who spend time online.

Myths of Social Media: Dismiss the Misconceptions, Side-step the Slip-ups and Use Social Media Effectively in Business (Business Myths)

by Michelle Carvill Ian MacRae

Everyone knows that social media is free, millennials are all adept social media experts, that businesses always have to be available 24/7 and ultimately none of it really matters, as the digital space is full of fake news and online messaging is seen as inauthentic. Don't they?The use of social media as a business tool is dominated by falsehoods, fictions and fabrications. In Myths of Social Media, digital consultant Michelle Carvill and workplace psychologist Ian MacRae dismiss many of the most keenly-held misconceptions and instead, present the reality of social media best practice. Using helpful and instructive, sometimes entertaining and occasionally eye-watering examples of what you should and should not do, Myths of Social Media debunks the most commonly held myths and shows you how to use social media effectively for work and at work.

Myths of Social Media: Dispel the Misconceptions and Master Social Media (Business Myths)

by Michelle Carvill Ian MacRae

Everyone knows that social media is free, millennials are all adept social media experts, that businesses always have to be available 24/7 and ultimately none of it really matters, as the digital space is full of fake news and online messaging is seen as inauthentic. Don't they?The use of social media as a business tool is dominated by falsehoods, fictions and fabrications. In Myths of Social Media, digital consultant Michelle Carvill and workplace psychologist Ian MacRae dismiss many of the most keenly-held misconceptions and instead, present the reality of social media best practice. Using helpful and instructive, sometimes entertaining and occasionally eye-watering examples of what you should and should not do, Myths of Social Media debunks the most commonly held myths and shows you how to use social media effectively for work and at work.About the Business Myths series... The Business Myths series tackles the falsehoods that pervade the business world. From leadership and management to social media, strategy and the workplace, these accessible books overturn out-of-date assumptions, skewer stereotypes and put oft-repeated slogans to the test. Entertaining and rigorously researched, these books will equip you with the insight and no-nonsense wisdom you need to succeed.

N 2 Deep ( #7)

by Terry Brown Laurie Knowlton

Amber needs help from God when she is talked into trying out for the soccer team while being swamped with demands for the Web site she is developing for her school.

The N64 Encyclopedia: Every Game Released for the Nintendo 64

by Chris Scullion

This comprehensive guide to the iconic Nintendo 64 game consol covers every game produced for the system.Although the Nintendo 64 struggled in the shadow of the bold and shiny Sony PlayStation, it was beloved by nearly everyone who owned one. Despite its relatively small library, the N64 had a number of groundbreaking titles, such as Super Mario 64, GoldenEye 007, Mario Kart 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Each of these revolutionized the way we play and remain the stuff of legend for fans. The N64 Encyclopedia covers these major gaming touchstones, along with every other game released for the system, no matter how obscure. It also includes every game released in Japan, even those intended for the ill-fated Nintendo 64DD add-on which never left the country. With over four hundred games covered, screenshots for every title and a light-hearted writing style designed to make reading it a fun experience, The N64 Encyclopedia is the definitive guide to a revolutionary gaming system.

Nachfolge und Verkauf von IT-Unternehmen: In 7 Schritten zum erfolgreichen Verkauf

by Volker Johanning

Dieses Buch hilft IT-Unternehmern, Eigentümern und Gesellschaftern von Systemhäusern und IT-Beratungshäusern die Unternehmensnachfolge und den Unternehmensverkauf optimal zu planen. Im Vordergrund stehen Themen wie "Wie viel ist mein IT-Unternehmen wert?", "Was sind die wesentlichen Schritte und Erfolgsfaktoren für einen gelungenen Unternehmensverkauf?", "Wie mache ich mein IT-Unternehmen übergabefähig?" und "Was kann ich frühzeitig tun, damit der Verkauf meines Unternehmens ein Erfolg wird?“.Anhand von 3 Beispielunternehmen zwischen 5 und 25 Mio. € Umsatz werden alle Phasen des Unternehmensverkaufs von Systemhäusern und IT-Dienstleistern praxisnah durchgespielt: Von der Zielsetzung und den Motiven des Verkaufs über die Berechnung des Unternehmenswerts bis zur Erstellung des Exposés sowie einer Due Diligence und der Verkaufsverhandlung.

Nachhaltige Künstliche Intelligenz: Eine Zukunftsvision und ihre Hintergründe (SDG - Forschung, Konzepte, Lösungsansätze zur Nachhaltigkeit)

by Daniel Sonnet Andreas Moring Joseph Bethge Hendrik Müller

Die aus KI entstehenden Möglichkeiten sind immens. Speziell das maschinelle Lernen ist für viele deutsche Unternehmen mittlerweile kein Fremdwort mehr. In durchweg allen Branchen werden die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von trainierten Modellen evaluiert, die neue Geschäftsfelder entstehen lassen oder bestehende Abläufe optimieren. In der Euphorie werden von vielen Akteurinnen und Akteuren Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte vernachlässigt. Zum Beispiel kann das Training von KI-Algorithmen und der Betrieb der Systeme durchaus ressourcenintensiv sein kann. Die derzeitige Entwicklung zielt darauf ab, bestehende Modelle noch akkurater bzw. performanter zu machen. Dabei müssen Performance und Nachhaltigkeit von KI-Systemen kein Widerspruch sein. Dieses Buch verfolgt das Anliegen, die Chancen nachhaltiger KI-Ansätze darzustellen. Es wird detailliert auf Nachhaltigkeit in der IT, Nachhaltigkeit durch KI sowie auf Digitale Ethik eingegangen. Nicht alle 17 UN-Agenda 2030 Ziele werden behandelt, der Fokus liegt auf der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit. Das Buch ist kein Theoriewerk. Es beinhaltet diverse konkrete Empfehlungen für zur direkten Anwendung für nachhaltigere KI-Projekte.

Nachhaltige MITO-Businessmodell-Transformation: Systematische Umsetzung mit dem MITO-Methoden-Tool

by Hartmut F. Binner

Entscheidungen in Unternehmen haben Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft und die Umwelt. Unternehmen müssen solche Auswirkungen ernst nehmen und Nachhaltigkeitsthemen in der Organisation und den Geschäftstätigkeiten berücksichtigen sowie geeignete Maßnahmen treffen (Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR). Entsprechend geht dies mit Transformationen einher, die vielfältige Herausforderungen hinsichtlich Bewertung und Entscheidungsfindung mit sich bringen. Dieses Buch beschreibt einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz zur Businessmodell-Nachhaltigkeitsgestaltung mit dem Ziel einer Integration aller Nachhaltigkeitsthemen. Eingesetzt wird das MITO-Methoden-Tool, das sich streng an den Vorgaben der DIN ISO 26000, den dort genannten Kernthemen der Nachhaltigkeit, den Handlungsempfehlungen und auch weiterführenden Nachhaltigkeitsregelwerken orientiert.

Nachhaltige Websites: Praktischer Leitfaden zur Prüfung und Optimierung – mit zahlreichen Tool-Tipps und Programm-Codes

by Torsten Beyer

Dieses Buch bietet einen praktischen Leitfaden für das Design, die Entwicklung und den Betrieb energieeffizienter Webseiten. Torsten Beyer hat eine konkrete Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung entwickelt, die zur Optimierung bestehender Seiten als auch vor dem Website-Relaunch nutzbar ist. Dabei werden die Ziele und Ansätze diverser Initiativen, u.a. die SDG-Klimaziele der Vereinten Nationen, die Prinzipien der Corporate Digital Responsibility und das von Web-Designern formulierte Sustainable Web Manifesto berücksichtigt.Durch die Optimierung von Bildern, Videos, Schriften, Skripten und Seitentemplates sowie der Konfiguration des Webservsers lässt sich das Datenvolumen mit einfachen Mitteln und ohne Qualitätseinbußen substanziell reduzieren. Als Nebeneffekt werden die Ladezeiten geringer, was zu besseren Rankings in Suchmaschinen und einer höheren Nutzerzufriedenheit führt. Kostenersparnis, Ranking-Verbesserungen und CO2-Optimierungen können somit Hand-in-Hand gehen.Aus dem InhaltAnalyse des CO2-Fußabdrucks von WebsitesSchritt-für-Schritt-Optimierung: von der Konfiguration des Webservers über Bilder, Icons und Animationen sowie Schriften, CSS, Video-, Audio- und PDF-Dateien, JavaScript und HTML-DateienMit zahlreichen kleinen Programmcode-Tipps zur schnellen Optimierung. Plus erprobte und häufig kostenlose Tool-Tipps zur Prüfung und Optimierung Ihrer WebsiteDas Buch zeigt mit seinen vielfältigen praktischen Tipps, wie Internetseiten selbst mit kostenlosen Hilfsmitteln nachhaltiger und datensparsamer gestaltet werden können. Es richtet sich gleichermaßen an die Betreiber von Webseiten als auch an Agenturen.

Nachhaltiges Facility Management

by Andrea Pelzeter Kai Kummert Michael May

Um Nachhaltigkeit im Facility Management zu realisieren, sind praxisgerechte Bezugsgrößen erforderlich. Die Autoren stellen in dem Band eine Definition der Nachhaltigkeit vor, die auf Kennzahlen für das Facility Management basiert und die sie in Kooperation mit Unternehmen erarbeitet haben. Anhand eines IT-gestützten Systems werden die flexible Erfassung, Verwaltung, Messung und Auswertung von Nachhaltigkeitskennzahlen im Unternehmen dargestellt und das Tool in seinen Kernfunktionen beschrieben.

Nachhaltigkeit im Controlling: Aktuelle Entwicklungen, praxisorientierte Ansätze und Lösungen mit Unternehmensbeispielen

by Susanne Theresia Weber Jessica Hastenteufel

Die Beiträge dieses Praktikerbuchs erläutern die Potenziale und Herausforderungen der Nachhaltigkeit für das Controlling anhand von Fallstudien und/oder von in der Praxis erprobten Ansätzen und Lösungen. Sie richten sich primär an Controller*innen und Personen im Management, die Nachhaltigkeitscontrolling zur Optimierung des Unternehmenserfolgs einsetzen möchten, entweder aus der Perspektive des gesamten Unternehmens oder aus der Perspektive spezifischer Abteilungen und Prozesse. Die verschiedenen Beiträge beleuchten den in der Praxis nicht immer einfachen Prozess der Implementierung nachhaltiger Lösungen und unterstützen Unternehmen dabei, das Controlling und Reporting ihrer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien erfolgreich umzusetzen. Dieser Sammelband stellt den dritten Teil zu wesentlichen Themen im Controlling dar. Das erste Werk „Branchenspezifisches Controlling“ bezieht sich auf bedeutsame Entwicklungen im Controlling in unterschiedlichen Branchen. Das zweite Buch „Digitale Transformation im Controlling“ präsentiert relevante Trends zur Digitalisierung im Controlling. Das vorliegende dritte Werk beschäftigt sich als logische Fortsetzung mit dem aktuellen Thema der Nachhaltigkeit aus der Controlling-Perspektive.

Nachhaltigkeit und Social Media: Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in der digitalen Welt

by Annika Bush Jonas Birke

Das Konzept der Nachhaltigkeit erfährt in den letzten Jahren zunehmend Aufmerksamkeit in allen Lebensbereichen. Ob es um Stories zum Klimaschutz auf Instagram, Erklärvideos zur Kreislaufwirtschaft auf YouTube oder Tweets zur Armutsbekämpfung auf Twitter geht - längst hat das Thema auch Einzug in die aufmerksamkeitsstarke Welt von Social Media gefunden. Diese bieten bisher nie dagewesene Möglichkeiten der digitalen Vernetzung und des informellen Lernens. Dadurch rücken sie Nachhaltigkeit verstärkt aus der wissenschaftlichen Nische in den öffentlichen Diskurs.Dieser Sammelband verbindet die bisher zumeist getrennt gedachten Bereiche Nachhaltigkeit und Social Media. Welche nachhaltigen Themen dominieren in den sozialen Netzwerken? Wie werden diese in Facebook rezipiert und auf YouTube diskutiert? Welchen Einfluss hat die Darstellung von ressourcenschonendem Verhalten bei Instagram auf den privaten Alltag? Diesen und weiteren spannenden Fragen wird in diesem Kompendium auf den Grund gegangen. Zwölf innovative Beiträge aus unterschiedlichen Fachdisziplinen untersuchen verschiedene Social Media hinsichtlich der Darstellung und Kommunikation von Nachhaltigkeitsthemen und zeigen, welche Chancen, aber auch welche Herausforderungen sich durch die Verbindung beider Themenkomplexe ergeben. Damit wird ein Beitrag zum wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Diskurs beider Bereiche geleistet und die Nachhaltigkeitsforschung im digitalen Raum gestärkt.

Nachrichten verschlüsseln für Dummies Junior (Für Dummies)

by Katrin Buttner Thomas Knapp

Wenn du mit deinem Smartphone eine Nachricht versendest, möchtest du, dass niemand mitliest oder mitkriegt, worum es geht. Deine Nachrichten sollen privat bleiben. Nachrichten über größere Entfernungen zu übermitteln und Nachrichten unter Verschluss zu halten, war den Menschen schon immer wichtig. In diesem Buch erfährst du, welche Lösungen man dafür gefunden hat; vom historischen Fackeltelegraf über die Vigenère-Verschlüsselung bis hin zum heute eingesetzten RSA-Kryptosystem. Bestens geeignet für Kinder und Jugendliche ab 10 Jahre.

La nación en portada: El debate de Cataluña y España en la prensa

by Antoni Bassas

¿Es Cataluña una nación? ¿Es España plurinacional? Una invitación al debate desde un periodismo riguroso. El 12 de septiembre de 2019, el periodista Antoni Bassas pronunció una conferencia en el Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid con motivo de la fiesta nacional de Cataluña, que terminó con una larguísima ovación de los presentes y miles de reproducciones posteriores en YouTube. Bassas, una de las voces con más credibilidad e influencia en el panorama informativo contemporáneo, presentó una selección de portadas de la prensa de Barcelona y Madrid de los últimos 40 años, en un ejercicio de periodismo comparado que permitía percibir el cambio de tonalidades de la vida social y política en Cataluña y España y que van de la afirmación nacional catalana a través del Estatuto de Autonomía hasta el colapso de la vía estatutaria que da paso a la reclamación del derecho a la autodeterminación, el referéndum del 1 de octubre de 2017 y la condena por sedición de sus responsables políticos en sentencia del Tribunal Supremo en el año 2019. Hace ya más de cuarenta años que se aprobó la Constitución y la reivindicación nacional de Cataluña ha terminado por condicionar decisivamente la actuación de todos los actores de la vida institucional española. Y Bassas se pregunta: «Si, como repiten los medios españoles, el Procés constituye el desafío más grande de la historia reciente de España y si Cataluña puede poner España boca arriba, ¿no será que no estamos ante una comunidad autónoma más? ¿Y que la receta no puede ser policías y jueces, sino la negociación política y el referéndum pactado, como en Escocia o Quebec?».

Nagios, 2nd Edition: System and Network Monitoring

by Wolfgang Barth

Good system administrators recognize problems long before anyone asks, "Hey, is the Internet down?" Nagios, an open source system and network monitoring tool, has emerged as the most popular solution for sys admins in organizations of all sizes. It's robust but also complex, and Nagios: System and Network Monitoring, 2nd Edition, updated to address Nagios 3.0, will help you take full advantage of this program.Nagios, which runs on Linux and most *nix variants, can be configured to continuously monitor network services such as SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, SSH, and FTP. It can also supervise host resources (processor load, disk and memory usage, running processes, log files, and so on) and environmental factors, such as temperature and humidity. This book is your guide to getting the most out of this versatile and powerful monitoring tool.Inside Nagios, you’ll learn how to:–Install and configure the Nagios core, all standard plugins, and selected third-party plugins–Configure the notification system to alert you of ongoing problems—and to alarm others in case of a serious crisis–Program event handlers to take automatic action when trouble occurs–Write Perl plugins to customize Nagios for your unique needs–Quickly understand your Nagios data using graphing and visualization tools–Monitor Windows servers, SAP systems, and Oracle databasesThe book also includes a chapter that highlights the differences between Nagios versions 2 and 3 and gives practical migration and compatibility tips. Nagios: System and Network Monitoring, 2nd Edition is a great starting point for configuring and using Nagios in your own environment.

Nagios Core Administration Cookbook - Second Edition

by Tom Ryder

Over 90 hands-on recipes that will employ Nagios Core as the anchor of monitoring on your network About This Book * Master the advanced configuration techniques of Nagios Core to model your network better by improving hosts, services, and contacts * Filter and improve the notifications that Nagios Core sends in response to failed checks, which can greatly assist you when diagnosing problems * Pull Nagios Core's data into a database to write clever custom reports of your own devise Who This Book Is For If you are a network or system administrator and are looking for instructions and examples on working with Nagios Core, then this book is for you. Some basic shell command-line experience is required, and some knowledge of scripting would be helpful when we discuss how plugins work. What You Will Learn * Manage the configuration of Nagios Core with advanced techniques to achieve fine detail in your checks * Find, install, and even write your own check plugins * Filter notifications to send them to the right people or programs at the right time * Work around difficult network accessibility issues and delegate checks to other machines * Tweak a Nagios Core server to achieve both high performance and redundancy in case of disaster * Process the results of checks performed by other machines to monitor backups and similar processes * Extend Nagios Core to allow advanced scripting, reporting, and network visualization behavior In Detail Nagios Core is an open source monitoring framework suitable for any network that ensures both internal and customer-facing services are running correctly and manages notification and reporting behavior to diagnose and fix outages promptly. It allows very fine configuration of exactly when, where, what, and how to check network services to meet both the uptime goals of your network and systems team and the needs of your users. This book shows system and network administrators how to use Nagios Core to its fullest as a monitoring framework for checks on any kind of network services, from the smallest home network to much larger production multi-site services. You will discover that Nagios Core is capable of doing much more than pinging a host or to see whether websites respond. The recipes in this book will demonstrate how to leverage Nagios Core's advanced configuration, scripting hooks, reports, data retrieval, and extensibility to integrate it with your existing systems, and to make it the rock-solid center of your network monitoring world. Style and approach Each chapter contains a set of step-by-step recipes to perform an example of a commonly performed task related to network administration. The book begins by focusing closely on the properties and configuration of Nagios Core itself, and gradually moves on to other pieces of software that can support, manage, and extend the system.

Nagios Core Administrators Cookbook

by Tom Ryder

This book is written in Cookbook style, beginning with recipes based on basic structure which gradually progresses towards using Nagios Core as a monitoring framework. This book is for System Administrators who are looking for recipes to help them deal with advanced network monitoring issues with Nagios Core.

Nakar y la noche de retos extremos

by Nakar

¡Únete a Nakar y Arta y vive con ellos el reto MÁXIMO! ATRAPADOS. EN EL PARQUE DE ATRACCIONES. DE NOCHE.¿Qué puede salir mal? Nakar y sus amigos se han quedado encerrados en el parque y lo tienen claro: ¡ES SU OPORTUNIDAD PARA PROBAR TODAS LAS ATRACCIONES! Pero pronto empiezan a suceder cosas extrañas: parece que hay alguien más por la zona, se escuchan ruidos sospechosos y, lo peor, ¡sus amigos van desapareciendo uno a uno!¿QUÉ ESTÁ PASANDO? Nakar tendrá que descubrir el SECRETO MÁXIMO del parque de atracciones. ¿Lo acompañas en su aventura más loca?

The Naked Android: Synthetic Socialness and the Human Gaze (Chapman & Hall/CRC Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Series)

by Julie Carpenter

The Naked Android: Synthetic Socialness and the Human Gaze illuminates the connection between the stories people tell, their expectations of what a robot is, and how these beliefs and values manifest in how real robots are designed and used.The introduction of the “human gaze” articulates how peoples’ expectations and perceptions about robots are ultimately based on deeply personal cultural interpretations of what is artificial or human and what problems social robots should –or should not –solve. The Naked Android clarifies how human qualities like understanding and desire are designed into robots as mediums as well as projected onto them by the people who live with them.By investigating the fluidity of identities across human culture and social robotics, this book unpacks the contextual complexities of their interactions and mutual influences. Using ethnographic methods including in-depth interviews with a variety of stakeholders, each chapter explores how people are designing social robots, the experience of living with robots, and people whose jobs it is to dream about a future integrated with robots.Key Features: Introduces the concept of the “human gaze” (and the “robot gaze”) as means of understanding how people live with robots. Each chapter includes in-depth interviews with people who make, live with, or create art about robots. Using ethnographic methods, paints a vivid description of the interconnecting influences of science fiction, human imagination, and real technology.

Naked Conversations: How Blogs Are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers

by Robert Scoble Shel Israel

Scoble and coauthor Israel argue that every business can benefit from smart "naked" blogging, whether the company's a small town plumbing operation or a multinational fashion house. "If you ignore the blogosphere... you won't know what people are saying about you," they write. "You can't learn from them, and they won't come to see you as a sincere human who cares about your business and its reputation." To bolster their argument, Scoble and Israel have assembled an enormous amount of information about blogging: from history and theory to comparisons among countries and industries. They also lay out the dos and don'ts of the medium and include extensive statistics, dozens of case studies and several interviews with famous bloggers.

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