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Nagios Core Administrators Cookbook

by Tom Ryder

This book is written in Cookbook style, beginning with recipes based on basic structure which gradually progresses towards using Nagios Core as a monitoring framework. This book is for System Administrators who are looking for recipes to help them deal with advanced network monitoring issues with Nagios Core.

Nakar y la noche de retos extremos

by Nakar

¡Únete a Nakar y Arta y vive con ellos el reto MÁXIMO! ATRAPADOS. EN EL PARQUE DE ATRACCIONES. DE NOCHE.¿Qué puede salir mal? Nakar y sus amigos se han quedado encerrados en el parque y lo tienen claro: ¡ES SU OPORTUNIDAD PARA PROBAR TODAS LAS ATRACCIONES! Pero pronto empiezan a suceder cosas extrañas: parece que hay alguien más por la zona, se escuchan ruidos sospechosos y, lo peor, ¡sus amigos van desapareciendo uno a uno!¿QUÉ ESTÁ PASANDO? Nakar tendrá que descubrir el SECRETO MÁXIMO del parque de atracciones. ¿Lo acompañas en su aventura más loca?

The Naked Android: Synthetic Socialness and the Human Gaze (Chapman & Hall/CRC Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Series)

by Julie Carpenter

The Naked Android: Synthetic Socialness and the Human Gaze illuminates the connection between the stories people tell, their expectations of what a robot is, and how these beliefs and values manifest in how real robots are designed and used.The introduction of the “human gaze” articulates how peoples’ expectations and perceptions about robots are ultimately based on deeply personal cultural interpretations of what is artificial or human and what problems social robots should –or should not –solve. The Naked Android clarifies how human qualities like understanding and desire are designed into robots as mediums as well as projected onto them by the people who live with them.By investigating the fluidity of identities across human culture and social robotics, this book unpacks the contextual complexities of their interactions and mutual influences. Using ethnographic methods including in-depth interviews with a variety of stakeholders, each chapter explores how people are designing social robots, the experience of living with robots, and people whose jobs it is to dream about a future integrated with robots.Key Features: Introduces the concept of the “human gaze” (and the “robot gaze”) as means of understanding how people live with robots. Each chapter includes in-depth interviews with people who make, live with, or create art about robots. Using ethnographic methods, paints a vivid description of the interconnecting influences of science fiction, human imagination, and real technology.

Naked Conversations: How Blogs Are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers

by Robert Scoble Shel Israel

Scoble and coauthor Israel argue that every business can benefit from smart "naked" blogging, whether the company's a small town plumbing operation or a multinational fashion house. "If you ignore the blogosphere... you won't know what people are saying about you," they write. "You can't learn from them, and they won't come to see you as a sincere human who cares about your business and its reputation." To bolster their argument, Scoble and Israel have assembled an enormous amount of information about blogging: from history and theory to comparisons among countries and industries. They also lay out the dos and don'ts of the medium and include extensive statistics, dozens of case studies and several interviews with famous bloggers.

Naked in the Rideshare: Stories of Gross Miscalculations

by Rebecca Shaw Ben Kronengold

From Rebecca Shaw and Ben Kronengold, the youngest comedy writers ever for The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and masterminds behind the viral 2018 Yale graduation speech, comes a hilarious collection of short stories taking on coming-of-age, memes, sex, politics, relationships, and Goop, with satire, self-deprecation, and utter irreverence.Showing off their trademark humor and writing chops that have made them a viral sensation, Rebecca Shaw and Ben Kronengold provide a collection of startlingly funny short stories that will keep readers laughing.Naked in the Rideshare is a riotous collection of comedic short stories, bursting with the safe spaces, shrooms dealers, and Notes app apologies that define growing up right now. The essays take a drunken cannonball into this generation’s hopes and anxieties. A camp color war ends in ritual sacrifice. A twenty-something enters a sexual relationship with his childhood fairy god milf. A summit outside of space and time brings together a teen's selves from ages 1 to 81.Irreverent, disturbing, and surprisingly rife with hope, Naked in the Rideshare aims to shine a light on the generation we can’t stop talking about—and all the ways we get them so wrong.

Naming Game: Models, Simulations and Analysis (Emergence, Complexity and Computation #34)

by Guanrong Chen Yang Lou

This book provides a gradual introduction to the naming game, starting from the minimal naming game, where the agents have infinite memories (Chapter 2), before moving on to various new and advanced settings: the naming game with agents possessing finite-sized memories (Chapter 3); the naming game with group discussions (Chapter 4); the naming game with learning errors in communications (Chapter 5) ; the naming game on multi-community networks (Chapter 6) ; the naming game with multiple words or sentences (Chapter 7) ; and the naming game with multiple languages (Chapter 8). Presenting the authors’ own research findings and developments, the book provides a solid foundation for future advances. This self-study resource is intended for researchers, practitioners, graduate and undergraduate students in the fields of computer science, network science, linguistics, data engineering, statistical physics, social science and applied mathematics.

The Nano Age of Digital Immunity Infrastructure Fundamentals and Applications: The Intelligent Cyber Shield for Smart Cities

by Rocky Termanini

Present anti-virus technologies do not have the symmetrical weaponry to defeat massive DDoS attacks on smart cities. Smart cities require a new set of holistic and AI-centric cognitive technology, such as autonomic components that replicate the human immune system, and a smart grid that connects all IoT devices. The book introduces Digital Immunity and covers the human immune system, massive distributed attacks (DDoS) and the future generations cyber attacks, the anatomy and critical success factors of smart city, Digital Immunity and the role of the Smart Grid, how Digital Immunity defends the smart city and annihilates massive malware, and Digital Immunity to combat global cyber terrorism.

Nano-Electronic Devices

by Stephen M. Goodnick Dragica Vasileska

This book surveys the advanced simulation methods needed for proper modeling of state-of-the-art nanoscale devices. It systematically describes theoretical approaches and the numerical solutions that are used in explaining the operation of both power devices as well as nano-scale devices. It clearly explains for what types of devices a particular method is suitable, which is the most critical point that a researcher faces and has to decide upon when modeling semiconductor devices.

Nanoelectronic Devices for Hardware and Software Security (Security, Privacy, and Trust in Mobile Communications)

by Balwinder Raj Arun Kumar Singh

Nanoelectronic Devices for Hardware and Software Security has comprehensive coverage of the principles, basic concepts, structure, modeling, practices, and circuit applications of nanoelectronics in hardware/software security. It also covers the future research directions in this domain. In this evolving era, nanotechnology is converting semiconductor devices dimensions from micron technology to nanotechnology. Nanoelectronics would be the key enabler for innovation in nanoscale devices, circuits, and systems. The motive for this research book is to provide relevant theoretical frameworks that include device physics, modeling, circuit design, and the latest developments in experimental fabrication in the field of nanotechnology for hardware/software security. There are numerous challenges in the development of models for nanoscale devices (e.g., FinFET, gate-all-around devices, TFET, etc.), short channel effects, fringing effects, high leakage current, and power dissipation, among others. This book will help to identify areas where there are challenges and apply nanodevice and circuit techniques to address hardware/software security issues.

Nanometer CMOS Sigma-Delta Modulators for Software Defined Radio

by Rocío Del Río José M. Rosa Alonso Morgado

This book presents innovative solutions for the implementation of Sigma-Delta Modulation (SDM) based Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC), required for the next generation of wireless hand-held terminals. These devices will be based on the so-called multi-standard transceiver chipsets, integrated in nanometer CMOS technologies. One of the most challenging and critical parts in such transceivers is the analog-digital interface, because of the assorted signal bandwidths and dynamic ranges that can be required to handle the A/D conversion for several operation modes. This book describes new adaptive and reconfigurable SDM ADC topologies, circuit strategies and synthesis methods, specially suited for multi-standard wireless telecom systems and future Software-defined-radios (SDRs) integrated in nanoscale CMOS. It is a practical book, going from basic concepts to the frontiers of SDM architectures and circuit implementations, which are explained in a didactical and systematic way. It gives a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art performance, challenges and practical solutions, providing the necessary insight to implement successful design, through an efficient design and synthesis methodology. Readers will learn a number of practical skills - from system-level design to experimental measurements and testing.

Nanopharmaceutical Advanced Delivery Systems

by Vivek Dave Nikita Gupta Srija Sur

The book provides a single volume covering detailed descriptions about various delivery systems, their principles and how these are put in use for the treatment of multiple diseases. It is divided into four sections where the first section deals with the introduction and importance of novel drug delivery system. The second section deals with the most advanced drug delivery systems like microbubbles, dendrimers, lipid-based nanoparticles, nanofibers, microemulsions etc., describing the major principles and techniques of the preparations of the drug delivery systems. The third section elaborates on the treatments of diverse diseases like cancer, topical diseases, tuberculosis etc. The fourth and final section provides a brief informative description about the regulatory aspects of novel drug delivery system that is followed in various countries.

Nanophotonics and Machine Learning: Concepts, Fundamentals, and Applications (Springer Series in Optical Sciences #241)

by Kan Yao Yuebing Zheng

This book, the first of its kind, bridges the gap between the increasingly interlinked fields of nanophotonics and artificial intelligence (AI). While artificial intelligence techniques, machine learning in particular, have revolutionized many different areas of scientific research, nanophotonics holds a special position as it simultaneously benefits from AI-assisted device design whilst providing novel computing platforms for AI. This book is aimed at both researchers in nanophotonics who want to utilize AI techniques and researchers in the computing community in search of new photonics-based hardware. The book guides the reader through the general concepts and specific topics of relevance from both nanophotonics and AI, including optical antennas, metamaterials, metasurfaces, and other photonic devices on the one hand, and different machine learning paradigms and deep learning algorithms on the other. It goes on to comprehensively survey inverse techniques for device design, AI-enabled applications in nanophotonics, and nanophotonic platforms for AI. This book will be essential reading for graduate students, academic researchers, and industry professionals from either side of this fast-developing, interdisciplinary field.

Nanoscale Memory Repair

by Masashi Horiguchi Kiyoo Itoh

Yield and reliability of memories have degraded with device and voltage scaling in the nano-scale era, due to ever-increasing hard/soft errors and device parameter variations. This book systematically describes these yield and reliability issues in terms of mathematics and engineering, as well as an array of repair techniques, based on the authors' long careers in developing memories and low-voltage CMOS circuits. Nanoscale Memory Repair gives a detailed explanation of the various yield models and calculations, as well as various, practical logic and circuits that are critical for higher yield and reliability.

Nanoscale Networking and Communications Handbook

by John Vacca

This comprehensive handbook serves as a professional reference as well as a practitioner's guide to today's most complete and concise view of nanoscale networking and communications. It offers in-depth coverage of theory, technology, and practice as they relate to established technologies and recent advancements. It explores practical solutions to a wide range of nanoscale networking and communications issues. Individual chapters, authored by leading experts in the field, address the immediate and long-term challenges in the authors' respective areas of expertise.

Nanoscale Photonic Imaging (Topics in Applied Physics #134)

by D. Russell Luke Tim Salditt Alexander Egner

This open access book, edited and authored by a team of world-leading researchers, provides a broad overview of advanced photonic methods for nanoscale visualization, as well as describing a range of fascinating in-depth studies. Introductory chapters cover the most relevant physics and basic methods that young researchers need to master in order to work effectively in the field of nanoscale photonic imaging, from physical first principles, to instrumentation, to mathematical foundations of imaging and data analysis. Subsequent chapters demonstrate how these cutting edge methods are applied to a variety of systems, including complex fluids and biomolecular systems, for visualizing their structure and dynamics, in space and on timescales extending over many orders of magnitude down to the femtosecond range. Progress in nanoscale photonic imaging in Göttingen has been the sum total of more than a decade of work by a wide range of scientists and mathematicians across disciplines, working together in a vibrant collaboration of a kind rarely matched. This volume presents the highlights of their research achievements and serves as a record of the unique and remarkable constellation of contributors, as well as looking ahead at the future prospects in this field. It will serve not only as a useful reference for experienced researchers but also as a valuable point of entry for newcomers.

Nanosystems Design and Technology

by Martin Gijs Giovanni Demicheli Yusuf Leblebici Janos Vörös

Nanosystems use new, nanoscopic electrical and/or mechanical devices which, as constituents of electronic and electromechanical systems, find application primarily in computing, embedded control and biomedical data acquisition. In particular, this book will deal with the characterization and patterning of these materials from an engineering perspective, with the objective of creating operational prototypes and products. The book will integrate various nano technologies on materials, devices and systems and identify key areas and results. The book will describe different design aspects for integrated systems on silicon, as well as on heterogeneous platforms including, but not limited to, electrical, optical, micromechanical and biological components in various forms and mixtures. By associating research topics from differing horizons, the book will provide a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between electronics/electrical engineering and materials science. The book will include topics at the intersection of these disciplines, and will interface with computer science, biology and medicine.

Nanotechnology and Scientific Communication: Ways of Talking about Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Society (2004-2008)

by Deborah R. Bassett

This study examines findings from a 4-year-long ethnography of communication among a research university’s community of scientists and engineers working in nanoscience and nanotechnology. It includes analysis of 20 in-depth interviews with scientists and engineers from 18 different disciplines self-identified as working in nanoscale science and engineering. Using multiple methods of inquiry, including fieldwork, interviews, and textual analysis, elements of a shared speech code are presented, each of which indicate culturally distinctive understandings of psychology, sociology and rhetoric. In particular, the interview data addresses questions such as “What kind of person is a scientist?” “What is the role of science in society?” and “What is the role of communication in science?” This book will appeal to readers interested in science and society, scientific communication, and ethnography of communication.

Nanotechnology in Construction for Circular Economy: Proceedings of NICOM7, 31 October–02 November, 2022, Melbourne, Australia (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #356)

by Wenhui Duan Lihai Zhang Surendra P. Shah

This open access book covers emerging opportunities and future use of nanotechnology in construction, including deep advances in cement chemistry, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, robotics, concrete technology, and extreme engineering (blast, impact and fire). The proceedings also presents sectorial interactions within the traditional construction industry supply chain, enabled by the dynamic partnership between international industry, government agencies, and universities. Nanotechnology has transformed the construction materials industry into an advanced manufacturing sector to address climate change and carbon neutrality challenges by delivering sustainable and resilient infrastructure assets. Hence, this book reports specific advances in nanoscience and nano-engineering, and their impacts on numerous novel construction materials including binders, additives, high-performance concrete materials, concrete structural systems, polymer composites, and pavement materials.

Narrating Complexity

by Richard Walsh Susan Stepney

This book stages a dialogue between international researchers from the broad fields of complexity science and narrative studies. It presents an edited collection of chapters on aspects of how narrative theory from the humanities may be exploited to understand, explain, describe, and communicate aspects of complex systems, such as their emergent properties, feedbacks, and downwards causation; and how ideas from complexity science can inform narrative theory, and help explain, understand, and construct new, more complex models of narrative as a cognitive faculty and as a pervasive cultural form in new and old media. The book is suitable for academics, practitioners, and professionals, and postgraduates in complex systems, narrative theory, literary and film studies, new media and game studies, and science communication.

Narrative as Virtual Reality 2: Revisiting Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media

by Marie-Laure Ryan

Rethinking textuality, mimesis, and the cognitive processing of texts in light of new modes of artistic world construction.Winner of the Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies from the Modern Language Association of AmericaIs there a significant difference between engagement with a game and engagement with a movie or novel? Can interactivity contribute to immersion, or is there a trade-off between the immersive "world" aspect of texts and their interactive "game" dimension? As Marie-Laure Ryan demonstrates in Narrative as Virtual Reality 2, the questions raised by the new interactive technologies have their precursors and echoes in pre-electronic literary and artistic traditions. Approaching the idea of virtual reality as a metaphor for total art, Ryan applies the concepts of immersion and interactivity to develop a phenomenology of narrative experience that encompasses reading, watching, and playing. The book weighs traditional literary narratives against the new textual genres made possible by the electronic revolution of the past thirty years, including hypertext, electronic poetry, interactive drama, digital installation art, computer games, and multi-user online worlds like Second Life and World of Warcraft.In this completely revised edition, Ryan reflects on the developments that have taken place over the past fifteen years in terms of both theory and practice and focuses on the increase of narrativity in video games and its corresponding loss in experimental digital literature. Following the cognitive approaches that have rehabilitated immersion as the product of fundamental processes of world-construction and mental simulation, she details the many forms that interactivity has taken—or hopes to take—in digital texts, from determining the presentation of signs to affecting the level of story.

Narrative Design: The Craft of Writing for Games

by Michael Breault

Narrative designers and game designers are critical to the development of digital and analog games. This book provides a detailed look at the work writers and designers perform every day on game development projects. It includes practical advice on how to break into the game industry as a writer or game designer. Readers can use the templates and detailed instructions provided here to create lively portfolios that will help open the door to jobs in the game industry. Key features of this book: • An intimate look at the workings of AAA game development from someone who has spent decades embedded on teams at well-known companies. • An insider’s look at the game industry, including advice on breaking into the industry. • Detailed instructions for creating a portfolio to demonstrate narrative design and game design skills to prospective employers. • Lessons and exercises to help students develop narrative design and game design skills. • A how-to guide for college instructors teaching classes in narrative design and game design. Detailed assignments and syllabi are included. Author Bio: Michael Breault is a 35-year industry veteran who has contributed his writing and game design skills to over 130 published games. He currently teaches narrative design and game design courses at Webster University in St. Louis. The courses he creates and teaches are based on the tasks narrative designers and game designers undertake every day while developing games. These classes provide his students with a real-world view of the work they will be doing as writers and designers in the game industry.

Narrative Design for Mobile and Live Games

by Valentina Tamer

This is a comprehensive guidebook for long-term storytelling in mobile games and games-as-a-service (also known as live games). This book formalizes creative techniques of game writing and narrative design for a platform (and revenue model) that has shown drastic growth and changes over the past few years. The unique challenges of mobile games and live games are also increasingly relevant across the whole games industry. With hybrid consoles such as the Nintendo Switch, cloud gaming, and cross-platform titles, the lines between mobile and console have begun to blur. Additionally, many games now offer live support to extend player engagement. This book starts with an introduction to narrative design and the world of mobile games, followed by a deep dive into open-ended and seasonal storytelling. Besides the creative aspect of development, it covers areas of production such as documentation, collaboration, and monetization. To illustrate its solutions, it uses examples from video games and other media, specifically screenwriting for TV shows. This book will be of great interest to all game narrative and writing professionals working on mobile and live games.

Narrative Ecologies: Teachers As Pedagogical Toolmakers

by Keith Turvey

In recent years there has been significant investment by policy makers in the potential of technological tools to transform learning and teaching across a range of professional practitioner groups; education, nursing and social care. There remain, however, outstanding issues concerning the ways educators and professional practitioners harness the p

Narrative Form: Revised and Expanded Second Edition

by Suzanne Keen

This revised and expanded handbook concisely introduces narrative form to advanced students of fiction and creative writing, with refreshed references and new discussions of cognitive approaches to narrative, nonfiction, and narrative emotions.

A Narrative History of Artificial Intelligence: The Perpetual Frontier of Information Technology

by Masayuki Ida

This book addresses the history of artificial intelligence through the author’s experiences from the 1960s, when AI was a dream to give computers far more power than the progress for industrial technological advancement. The book starts from the AI pioneering days including what the author witnessed and impressed, then the episodes during AI boom of the 80s and 90s when the author was involved in ANSI X3J13 committee work as a principal member, translating Common Lisp books into Japanese, leading committee works in Japan for global standardization, and visiting MIT AI Lab for totally three years. The book points out that neural network research started in the 1980s, highlighting the DARPA report dated in 1988. The last episodes and thoughts include the experiences with business school students after the author moved from engineering school. The former half is from a view of an engineering mind and then the latter is based on how the author struggled with business-minded people to explain the core of AI. This book is suitable for anyone interested in the history of Artificial Intelligence. The content is easy to follow, even for readers without prior knowledge of AI. Experts will also find something new and thought-provoking.

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