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Nature of Computation and Communication: 7th EAI International Conference, ICTCC 2021, Virtual Event, October 28–29, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #408)
by Phan Cong Vinh Nguyen Huu NhanThis book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Nature of Computation and Communication, ICTCC 2021, held in October 2021. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually. The 17 revised full papers presented were carefully selected from 43 submissions. The papers of ICTCC 2021 cover formal methods for self-adaptive systems and discuss natural approaches and techniques for natural computing systems and their applications.
The Nature of Data: Infrastructures, Environments, Politics
by Jenny Goldstein Eric NostWhen we look at some of the most pressing issues in environmental politics today, it is hard to avoid data technologies. Big data, artificial intelligence, and data dashboards all promise &“revolutionary&” advances in the speed and scale at which governments, corporations, conservationists, and even individuals can respond to environmental challenges. By bringing together scholars from geography, anthropology, science and technology studies, and ecology, The Nature of Data explores how the digital realm is a significant site in which environmental politics are waged. This collection as a whole makes the argument that we cannot fully understand the current conjuncture in critical, global environmental politics without understanding the role of data platforms, devices, standards, and institutions. In particular, The Nature of Data addresses the contested practices of making and maintaining data infrastructure, the imaginaries produced by data infrastructures, the relations between state and civil society that data infrastructure reworks, and the conditions under which technology can further socio-ecological justice instead of re-entrenching state and capitalist power. This innovative volume presents some of the first research in this new but rapidly growing subfield that addresses the role of data infrastructures in critical environmental politics.
The Nature of Software Development: Keep It Simple, Make It Valuable, Build It Piece by Piece
by Ron JeffriesYou need to get value from your software project. You need it "free, now, and perfect." We can't get you there, but we can help you get to "cheaper, sooner, and better." This book leads you from the desire for value down to the specific activities that help good Agile projects deliver better software sooner, and at a lower cost. Using simple sketches and a few words, the author invites you to follow his path of learning and understanding from a half century of software development and from his engagement with Agile methods from their very beginning.The book describes software development, starting from our natural desire to get something of value. Each topic is described with a picture and a few paragraphs. You're invited to think about each topic; to take it in. You'll think about how each step into the process leads to the next. You'll begin to see why Agile methods ask for what they do, and you'll learn why a shallow implementation of Agile can lead to only limited improvement.This is not a detailed map, nor a step-by-step set of instructions for building the perfect project. There is no map or instructions that will do that for you.You need to build your own project, making it a bit more perfect every day. To do that effectively, you need to build up an understanding of the whole process.This book points out the milestones on your journey of understanding the nature of software development done well. It takes you to a location, describes it briefly, and leaves you to explore and fill in your own understanding.What You Need:You'll need your Standard Issue Brain, a bit of curiosity, and a desire to build your own understanding rather than have someone else's detailed ideas poured into your head.
The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves
by W. Brian Arthur“More than anything else technology creates our world. It creates our wealth, our economy, our very way of being,” says W. Brian Arthur. Yet despite technology’s irrefutable importance in our daily lives, until now its major questions have gone unanswered. Where do new technologies come from? What constitutes innovation, and how is it achieved? Does technology, like biological life, evolve? In this groundbreaking work, pioneering technology thinker and economist W. Brian Arthur answers these questions and more, setting forth a boldly original way of thinking about technology. The Nature of Technology is an elegant and powerful theory of technology’s origins and evolution. Achieving for the development of technology what Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions did for scientific progress, Arthur explains how transformative new technologies arise and how innovation really works. Drawing on a wealth of examples, from historical inventions to the high-tech wonders of today, Arthur takes us on a mind-opening journey that will change the way we think about technology and how it structures our lives. The Nature of Technology is a classic for our times.
The Nature of the Future: Dispatches from the Socialstructed World
by Marina GorbisA renowned futurist offers a vision of a reinvented world. Large corporations, big governments, and other centralized organizations have long determined and dominated the way we work, access healthcare, get an education, feed ourselves, and generally go about our lives. The economist Ronald Coase, in his famous 1937 paper "The Nature of the Firm," provided an economic explanation for this: Organizations lowered transaction costs, making the provision of goods and services cheap, efficient, and reliable. Today, this organizational advantage is rapidly disappearing. The Internet is lowering transaction costs--costs of connection, coordination, and trade--and pointing to a future that increasingly favors distributed sources and social solutions to some of our most immediate needs and our most intractable problems. As Silicon Valley thought-leader Marina Gorbis, head of the Institute for the Future, portrays, a thriving new relationship-driven or socialstructed economy is emerging in which individuals are harnessing the powers of new technologies to join together and provide an array of products and services. Examples of this changing economy range from BioCurious, a members-run and free-to-use bio lab, to the peer-to-peer lending platform Lending Club, to the remarkable Khan Academy, a free online-teaching service. These engaged and innovative pioneers are filling gaps and doing the seemingly impossible by reinventing business, education, medicine, banking, government, and even scientific research. Based on extensive research into current trends, she travels to a socialstructed future and depicts an exciting vision of tomorrow.
The Nature of the Future
by Marina GorbisA renowned futurist offers a vision of a reinvented world. Large corporations, big governments, and other centralized organizations have long determined and dominated the way we work, access healthcare, get an education, feed ourselves, and generally go about our lives. The economist Ronald Coase, in his famous 1937 paper "The Nature of the Firm," provided an economic explanation for this: Organizations lowered transaction costs, making the provision of goods and services cheap, efficient, and reliable. Today, this organizational advantage is rapidly disappearing. The Internet is lowering transaction costs--costs of connection, coordination, and trade--and pointing to a future that increasingly favors distributed sources and social solutions to some of our most immediate needs and our most intractable problems. As Silicon Valley thought-leader Marina Gorbis, head of the Institute for the Future, portrays, a thriving new relationship-driven or socialstructed economy is emerging in which individuals are harnessing the powers of new technologies to join together and provide an array of products and services. Examples of this changing economy range from BioCurious, a members-run and free-to-use bio lab, to the peer-to-peer lending platform Lending Club, to the remarkable Khan Academy, a free online-teaching service. These engaged and innovative pioneers are filling gaps and doing the seemingly impossible by reinventing business, education, medicine, banking, government, and even scientific research. Based on extensive research into current trends, she travels to a socialstructed future and depicts an exciting vision of tomorrow.
The Nature of the Machine and the Collapse of Cybernetics
by Alcibiades Malapi-NelsonThis book is a philosophical exploration of the theoretical causes behind the collapse of classical cybernetics, as well as the lesson that this episode can provide to current emergent technologies. Alcibiades Malapi-Nelson advances the idea that the cybernetic understanding of the nature of a machine entails ontological and epistemological consequences that created both material and theoretical conundrums. However, he proposes that given our current state of materials research, scientific practices, and research tools, there might be a way for cybernetics to flourish this time. The book starts with a historical and theoretical articulation of cybernetics in order to proceed with a philosophical explanation of its collapse--emphasizing the work of Alan Turing, Ross Ashby and John von Neumann. Subsequently, Malapi-Nelson unveils the common metaphysical signature shared between cybernetics and emergent technologies, identifying this signature as transhumanist in nature. Finally, avenues of research that may allow these disruptive technologies to circumvent the cybernetic fate are indicated. It is proposed that emerging technologies ultimately entail an affirmation of humanity.
Nature Photography: Insider Secrets From The World's Top Digital Photography Professionals
by Chris WestonHave you ever wondered what it is that professional photographers do day in and day out that enables them to take consistently compelling images? Or thought that unravelling the insider secrets of the professionals could inspire you? Nature Photography: Insider Secrets from the World's Top Digital Photography Professionals takes a contemporary and innovative approach to revealing the day-to-day habits of the world's most successful wildlife, landscape and macro photographers, divulging the core skills and techniques through which they excel. This book is crammed full with expert advice taken from the world's leading pros directly from the field. It will empower the development of your skills to a professional level and fire your imagination. Starting with the basics of how to plan a rewarding field trip, whether locally or afar, for one day or a month, and covering all aspects of camera handling and photographic technique including: how to make perfect exposures every time, ensure pin-sharp images of moving subjects, decipher the complexities of camera menus and controls, and break through the mysteries of composition. And, having learned the secrets to success, the book maps out some simple yet powerful photo exercises and self-assignments to encourage you to explore all facets of digital photography and put into practice the essential skills that will make you, too, a highly successful photographer.
Natürliche und künstliche Intelligenz: Ein kritischer Vergleich
by Gerhard Roth Lukas Tuggener Fabian Christoph RothDieses Sachbuch fasst die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der natürlichen und künstlichen Intelligenzsysteme zusammen und analysiert ihre Leistungen in einem kritischen Vergleich. Fachkenntnisse sind keine Voraussetzung. Nach einer Einführung in die Intelligenzforschung folgt die Beschreibung menschlicher und tierischer Intelligenz und deren neurobiologischen Grundlagen. Dieser natürlichen Intelligenz wird im Anschluss die künstliche Intelligenz gegenübergestellt, wobei die wichtigsten Grundprinzipien und die Entwicklung hin zu heutigen KI-Systemen betrachtet werden. Dies beinhaltet auch die wichtige Frage, inwiefern KI-Systeme vom Gehirn und dessen Arbeitsweisen lernen können und ob durch das „Nachbauen“ von Nervenzellenverbünden mit den sogenannten neuromorphen Chips vergleichbare Leistungen erreichbar sind oder sein werden. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der kritischen Betrachtung und Einordnung der Fähigkeiten von KI-Systemen in Hinblick auf Denken und Handeln als eine selbstständige Entscheidungsinstanz. Letzteres wirft Fragen hinsichtlich moralischer Entscheidungen und des möglichen Kontrollverlusts über solche Systeme auf, die zurzeit nicht abschließend beantwortet werden können
Navigating Complexity: AI and Systems Thinking for Smarter Decisions
by Hassan Qudrat-UllahThis book, “Navigating Complexity: AI and Systems Thinking for Smarter Decisions” delves into the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and systems thinking to enhance decision-making in complex and dynamic environments. Aimed at professionals, researchers, and academics in fields such as management, healthcare, sustainability, and public policy, it provides a comprehensive exploration of how these two approaches can be synergistically employed. The main topics include the theoretical foundations of complexity science, the practical application of AI and systems thinking tools, and real-world case studies demonstrating their combined use. These topics are crucial as they address the need for advanced methodologies to navigate and manage the increasing complexity in modern decision-making scenarios. The book seeks to solve the problem of effectively managing complexity by offering innovative frameworks and models that integrate AI’s data-driven capabilities with systems thinking’s holistic approach. This integration is essential for improving decision-making processes across various domains, providing readers with actionable insights and tools to tackle contemporary challenges.
Navigating Cyberspace
by Kim EtingoffThe Internet is a great tool for learning. It's also a lot of fun for games, keeping up with friends, or reading about the things you love. But there are also dangers on the Internet. You can't always know for sure to whom you're talking. Information you put online that you think is safe may become a target for people who are up to no good. Pictures you share with one person can end up in the hands of people you'd never have sent them to. The Internet can become a scary place.
Navigating Digital Transformation: Organizational Change, Digital Work, and Individual Behavior (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation #73)
by Rocco Agrifoglio Alessandra Lazazzara Stefano ZaThis book presents a collection of research papers that explore how managers, practitioners and policymakers can address the challenges of the Digital Transformation with particular reference to the topics of organizational change, digital work, and individual behaviors. Each chapter offers insights into how to tackle DT in order to support work within modern organizations and society as a whole. The plurality of views offered makes this book relevant for scholars, companies, and public sector organizations alike. It gathers revised versions of selected papers (original double-blind peer-reviewed contributions) presented at the annual conference of the Italian chapter of AIS, which took place in Turin, Italy, in October 2023.
Navigating Insurtech: Opportunities and Challenges in Digital Insurance
by Janthana KaenprakhamroyNavigating Insurtech demystifies the insurtech ecosystem, providing insurance professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the industry and its key players, components, challenges and opportunities. The insurtech landscape is highly complex and constantly evolving, making it difficult to fully understand its opportunities and challenges. Yet insurance companies that fail to evolve and grasp advancements in insurtech could risk losing market share and suffer reputational damage. This book offers practical guidance for insurance companies looking to implement insurtech solutions, supported throughout by real-life case studies, insights and interviews from industry leaders and experts. It examines key developments, such as customer experience, risk management, distribution channels and transformative technologies such as blockchain, IoT and AI. It also looks at the investment landscape, offering insights into successful insurtech investments, opportunities and challenges of investing in insurtech startups.To succeed in insurtech, organizations must have a deep understanding of the industry and the technologies involved, as well as the ability to build strong partnerships with other players in the ecosystem. Navigating Insurtech is an essential read for insurance and insurtech professionals, investors and anyone else interested in the developments of insurtech.
Navigating Molecular Networks (SpringerBriefs in Materials)
by N. SukumarThis book delves into the foundational principles governing the treatment of molecular networks and "chemical space"—the comprehensive domain encompassing all physically achievable molecules—from the perspectives of vector space, graph theory, and data science. It explores similarity kernels, network measures, spectral graph theory, and random matrix theory, weaving intriguing connections between these diverse subjects. Notably, it emphasizes the visualization of molecular networks. The exploration continues by delving into contemporary generative deep learning models, increasingly pivotal in the pursuit of new materials possessing specific properties, showcasing some of the most compelling advancements in this field. Concluding with a discussion on the meanings of discovery, creativity, and the role of artificial intelligence (AI) therein.Its primary audience comprises senior undergraduate and graduate students specializing in physics, chemistry, and materials science. Additionally, it caters to those interested in the potential transformation of material discovery through computational, network, AI, and machine learning (ML) methodologies.
Navigating New Cyber Risks: How Businesses Can Plan, Build and Manage Safe Spaces in the Digital Age
by Ganna Pogrebna Mark SkiltonThis book is a means to diagnose, anticipate and address new cyber risks and vulnerabilities while building a secure digital environment inside and around businesses. It empowers decision makers to apply a human-centred vision and a behavioral approach to cyber security problems in order to detect risks and effectively communicate them. The authors bring together leading experts in the field to build a step-by-step toolkit on how to embed human values into the design of safe human-cyber spaces in the new digital economy. They artfully translate cutting-edge behavioral science and artificial intelligence research into practical insights for business. As well as providing executives, risk assessment analysts and practitioners with practical guidance on navigating cyber risks within their organizations, this book will help policy makers better understand the complexity of business decision-making in the digital age. Step by step, Pogrebna and Skilton show you how to anticipate and diagnose new threats to your business from advanced and AI-driven cyber-attacks.
Navigating the Cyber Maze: Insights and Humor on the Digital Frontier (Security, Audit and Leadership Series)
by null Matthias MuhlertIn an era where cyber threats loom larger than ever, Navigating the Cyber Maze: Insights and Humor on the Digital Frontier offers a refreshing blend of deep insights and engaging humor to demystify the complex world of cybersecurity. Authored by Matthias Muhlert, a seasoned cybersecurity expert with over 20 years of experience, this book aims to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity, extending far beyond traditional IT concerns. From safeguarding smart homes to securing agricultural supply chains, Muhlert’s expertise shines through in this essential guide.What sets this book apart is its unique approach to making cybersecurity accessible and enjoyable. Matthias not only breaks down intricate concepts with clarity but also infuses humor throughout, making the learning experience both informative and entertaining. Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the field, this book ensures you will gain valuable knowledge while having a good laugh.Key Features: Comprehensive Coverage: Explore a wide array of topics, including Return on Security Investment (RoSI), cybersecurity in energy management, and the security of smart devices Practical Strategies: Discover actionable steps to enhance your security posture, from basic hygiene practices to complex strategic implementations Psychological Insights: Understand the human element in cybersecurity, with chapters on the security mindset, overcoming cognitive biases, and building a cyber-resilient culture Advanced Technologies: Delve into cutting-edge topics like quantum computing, 5G security, and the latest in deception technologies Real-World Case Studies: Learn from detailed case studies that illustrate the application of cybersecurity principles in various industries Engaging Humor: Enjoy "Cyber Chuckles" scattered throughout the book, ensuring that even the most complex topics are accessible and enjoyable Designed for a diverse audience ranging from cybersecurity professionals and IT managers to business leaders and students, Navigating the Cyber Maze: Insights and Humor on the Digital Frontier is your ultimate guide to the digital frontier. Whether you are looking to enhance your technical skills, understand the broader impact of cybersecurity, or simply enjoy a good read, this book is your essential companion in the ever-evolving cyber landscape. Dive in and equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies to navigate the cyber maze with confidence and a smile.
Navigating the Cybersecurity Career Path
by Helen E. PattonLand the perfect cybersecurity role—and move up the ladder—with this insightful resource Finding the right position in cybersecurity is challenging. Being successful in the profession takes a lot of work. And becoming a cybersecurity leader responsible for a security team is even more difficult. In Navigating the Cybersecurity Career Path, decorated Chief Information Security Officer Helen Patton delivers a practical and insightful discussion designed to assist aspiring cybersecurity professionals entering the industry and help those already in the industry advance their careers and lead their first security teams. In this book, readers will find: Explanations of why and how the cybersecurity industry is unique and how to use this knowledge to succeed Discussions of how to progress from an entry-level position in the industry to a position leading security teams and programs Advice for every stage of the cybersecurity career arc Instructions on how to move from single contributor to team leader, and how to build a security program from scratch Guidance on how to apply the insights included in this book to the reader's own situation and where to look for personalized help A unique perspective based on the personal experiences of a cybersecurity leader with an extensive security background Perfect for aspiring and practicing cybersecurity professionals at any level of their career, Navigating the Cybersecurity Career Path is an essential, one-stop resource that includes everything readers need to know about thriving in the cybersecurity industry.
Navigating the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Security, and Ethical Governance: Sentinels of Cyberspace (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)
by Reza Montasari Hamid Jahankhani Anthony J. MasysThis book not only equips the readers with the essential knowledge to gain a nuanced understanding of the present cyber threat landscape but also offers strategic foresight to navigate the challenges looming on our digital horizon. In the ever-evolving realm of cyberspace, this meticulously crafted book reveals the escalating cyber threats challenging the foundations of global security and governance. Unprecedented in its synthesis of academic rigour and practical insight, “Sentinels of Cyberspace: Navigating the Intersection of AI, Security, and Ethical Governance in Western Democracies” demystifies the complex relationship between cybersecurity and AI. Rich with comprehensive literature reviews, insightful case studies, and forward-looking perspectives, this book serves as an indispensable guide for scholars, policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and all those concerned with the security fabric of Western democracies. Its unique blend of theoretical frameworks and real-world scenarios creates a transformative bridge between academic discourse and practical application. From foundational explorations of AI to in-depth analyses of its applications in decision-making, crime analysis, counter-terrorism, and predictive modelling, each chapter weaves a narrative that not only articulates contemporary challenges but also lays the groundwork for practical solutions. This transformative work actively engages with ethical dimensions, ensuring a delicate balance between theoretical insights and actionable considerations. More than just informative, “Sentinels of Cyberspace: Navigating the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Security, and Ethical Governance in Western Democracies” is a roadmap to navigate the intricate landscape of cybersecurity and AI integration, propelling the discourse towards innovative solutions. For those intrigued by the evolving dynamics of our digital era, this book is an essential companion, offering strategic foresight to understand and address the pressing issues at the intersection of technology, security, and governance.
Navigating the Metaverse: A Guide to Limitless Possibilities in a Web 3.0 World
by Cathy Hackl Dirk Lueth Tommaso Di BartoloJump into the metaverse to connect with consumers and explore endless opportunities Like the Internet before it, the metaverse is a virtual space bringing people, companies, and products together in both digital and real environments to create new economic opportunities. The groundwork is already laid. People and organizations jumping in are gaining invaluable experience, meeting customers, developing revenue streams, and even shaping metaverse culture. In Navigating the Metaverse: A Guide to Limitless Business Possibilities in a Web 3.0 World, a team of Silicon Valley thought leaders delivers a groundbreaking discussion of how to find the right opportunities in this fast-moving universe. You'll explore everything from the metaverse basics, to strategy, to launching your first metaverse project. In the book, you'll find: Data and market analysis to erase any doubt that the metaverse is the next big thing. Foundational knowledge about the metaverse, metaverse economy, Web3 technology, and more. The essential connection between metaverse environments, businesses, community, and digital products that make the metaverse economy so powerful. A deep dive on non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and how to make the most of these assets. Frameworks to help find, nurture, measure, and capitalize on innovation in the metaverse. An essential breakdown of the next stage in online business, Navigating the Metaverse belongs in the libraries of entrepreneurs, executives, and innovators looking to lead in the new age of online business and commerce.
Navigating the Nexus: Hydrology, Agriculture, Pollution and Climate Change, Volume 1 (Water Science and Technology Library #102)
by Aliva Nanda Pankaj Kumar Gupta Vivek Gupta Prakash Kumar Jha Swatantra Kumar DubeyThis book encompasses updated information as well as future directions for researchers working in the fields of environmental science, water resource engineering, and agricultural science. Navigating the Nexus: Hydrology, Agriculture, Pollution, and Climate Change focuses on the thematic areas of water resource, agriculture, and environmental domains. This book covers advances in modelling approaches, including Machine Learning (ML)/Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications; GIS and remote sensing; and sensors; to provide hydrological, agricultural, and environmental solutions during the ongoing climate crisis.
Navigating the Product Galaxy: A Practical Handbook for Product Managers
by Michele GalliAs companies want to innovate and stay competitive, product managers must be capable of understanding new market demands, leveraging technology, and aligning product strategies with business goals. This book is designed for both aspiring and seasoned product managers covering the entire product management lifecycle, from ideation and user research to development, to launch, and continuous improvement. In today’s technology-driven market, the role of a product manager has never been more crucial. This book emphasizes practical applications and real-world examples, offering actionable insights and addresses the evolving world of product management, including the impact of new technologies and methodologies. By blending theory with practice, Navigating the Product Galaxy provides you with the tools they need to succeed in a dynamic environment. What You Will Learn Create an inspiring vision and strategic roadmap. Leverage user research and product metrics. Understand the best approaches to plan, launch, and iterate on your product. Generate growth and improve conversion rates. Apply methods for continuous learning and staying ahead in the industry Who This Book Is For Product Managers both new to the field and those more experienced who are looking to consolidate their skills; Developers and engineers who are looking to know more about product management lifecycles; Managers and start up entrepreneurs who are looking to know more about product management and deployment for early business success.
Navigating the Technological Tide: Proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT2024), Volume 3 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1082)
by Allam Hamdan Bahaaeddin AlareeniIn an era defined by technological breakthroughs such as AI, blockchain, and IoT, this book offers a fresh and practical approach to Business Model Innovation (BMI). It delves into how technological advancements drive new business models and enhance operational efficiency, providing actionable insights and real-world examples for business leaders, strategists, operations managers, entrepreneurs, and students in business and technology disciplines. Encouraging diverse research methods, including theoretical, empirical, and multimethod studies, it welcomes manuscripts with clear managerial or policy implications. Aimed at students, scholars, researchers, professionals, executives, government agencies, and policymakers, this book equips readers with tools to succeed in today's dynamic business environment and supports multidisciplinary research to advance innovation management practices.
Navigating the Technological Tide: Proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT2024), Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1081)
by Allam Hamdan Bahaaeddin AlareeniIn an era defined by technological breakthroughs such as AI, blockchain, and IoT, this book offers a fresh and practical approach to Business Model Innovation (BMI). It delves into how technological advancements drive new business models and enhance operational efficiency, providing actionable insights and real-world examples for business leaders, strategists, operations managers, entrepreneurs, and students in business and technology disciplines. Encouraging diverse research methods, including theoretical, empirical, and multimethod studies, it welcomes manuscripts with clear managerial or policy implications. Aimed at students, scholars, researchers, professionals, executives, government agencies, and policymakers, this book equips readers with tools to succeed in today's dynamic business environment and supports multidisciplinary research to advance innovation management practices.
Navigating the Technological Tide: Proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT2024), Volume 4 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1083)
by Allam Hamdan Bahaaeddin AlareeniIn an era defined by technological breakthroughs such as AI, blockchain, and IoT, this book offers a fresh and practical approach to Business Model Innovation (BMI). It delves into how technological advancements drive new business models and enhance operational efficiency, providing actionable insights and real-world examples for business leaders, strategists, operations managers, entrepreneurs, and students in business and technology disciplines. Encouraging diverse research methods, including theoretical, empirical, and multimethod studies, it welcomes manuscripts with clear managerial or policy implications. Aimed at students, scholars, researchers, professionals, executives, government agencies, and policymakers, this book equips readers with tools to succeed in today's dynamic business environment and supports multidisciplinary research to advance innovation management practices.
Navigating the Technological Tide: Proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT2024), Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1080)
by Allam Hamdan Bahaaeddin AlareeniIn an era defined by technological breakthroughs such as AI, blockchain, and IoT, this book offers a fresh and practical approach to Business Model Innovation (BMI). It delves into how technological advancements drive new business models and enhance operational efficiency, providing actionable insights and real-world examples for business leaders, strategists, operations managers, entrepreneurs, and students in business and technology disciplines. Encouraging diverse research methods, including theoretical, empirical, and multimethod studies, it welcomes manuscripts with clear managerial or policy implications. Aimed at students, scholars, researchers, professionals, executives, government agencies, and policymakers, this book equips readers with tools to succeed in today's dynamic business environment and supports multidisciplinary research to advance innovation management practices.