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The Need for Speed: A New Framework for Telecommunications Policy for the 21st Century
by Hal J. Singer Robert E. LitanThe twenty-first-century telecommunications landscape is radically different from the one that prevailed as recently as the last decade of the twentieth century. <P><P>Robert Litan and Hal Singer argue that given the speed of innovation in this sector, the Federal Communications Commission's outdated policies and rules are inhibiting investment in the telecom industry, specifically in fast broadband networks. This pithy handbook presents the kind of fundamental rethinking needed to bring communications policy in line with technological advances.Fast broadband has huge societal benefits, enabling all kinds of applications in telemedicine, entertainment, retailing, education, and energy that would have been unthinkable a few years ago. Those benefits would be even greater if the FCC adopted policies that encouraged more broadband providers, especially wireless providers, to make their services available in the roughly half of the country where consumers currently have no choice in wireline providers offering download speeds that satisfy the FCC's current standards.The authors' recommendations include allowing broadband providers to charge for premium delivery services; embracing a rule-of-reason approach to all matters involving vertical arrangements; stripping the FCC of its merger review authority because both the Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department have the authority to stop anticompetitive mergers; eliminating the FCC's ability to condition spectrum purchases on the identity, business plans, or spectrum holdings of a bidder; and freeing telephone companies from outdated regulations that require them to maintain both a legacy copper network and a modem IP network.These changes and others advanced in this book would greatly enhance consumer welfare with respect to telecommunications services and the applications built around them.
Need to Know: Aqa A-level Computer Science Epub
by Stuart DavisonExam board: AQALevel: A-levelSubject: Computer ScienceFirst teaching: September 2015First exams: Summer 2017 Find what you need to know, when you need it, with key facts at your fingertips for AQA A-level Computer ScienceKeep this course companion by your side throughout your A-levels so you can check content, review your understanding, use quick tips for success and improve your exam performance.Written by an experienced teacher, author and examiner, this book will help you to:- Build on your learning throughout the course by reinforcing the key facts, terms and concepts from the AQA A-level Computer Science specification- Put the content into context with synoptic links between topics and exam tips on technique, mistakes to avoid and things to remember- Revise with confidence using 'Do you know?' questions at the end of each topic and synoptic questions at the end of each section
Needs Assessment for Learning and Performance: Theory, Process, and Practice
by Jill E. StefaniakNeeds Assessment for Learning and Performance offers comprehensive coverage of the knowledge and skills needed to develop and conduct needs assessments and to analyze, interpret, and communicate results to clients and organizations. Though critical to planning any performance improvement system, needs assessments can feel abstract and vague to students who have not yet managed the process in a professional setting. This first-of-its-kind textbook uses a variety of real-world examples to connect major theories and models to effective principles for practice. Each chapter offers guiding questions, key terms and concepts, recommended readings, and case studies illustrating how needs assessment training can be applied. Graduate students and researchers of instructional design, human resources, performance improvement, program evaluation, and other programs will find this volume relevant to a range of academic and organizational contexts.
Negative und positive Effekte von Absagen in Online-Produkttester-Programmen (Applied Marketing Science / Angewandte Marketingforschung)
by Kira Louisa KüpperOnline-Produkttester-Programme haben sich zu einem bedeutendem Marketinginstrument entwickelt, bei dem Konsumenten sich bewerben können, um Produkte kostenlos oder vergünstigt zu testen und anschließend bewerten müssen. Diese Programme zielen darauf ab, wertvolles Feedback in Form von Fragebögen oder Online-Reviews zu sammeln, um die Bekanntheit und das Image von Produkten und Marken zu steigern. Doch nicht jeder Bewerber kann als Produkttester ausgewählt werden. Häufig sind die Unternehmen gezwungen Absagen an die Bewerber zu verschicken. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Auswirkungen von Absagen in Online-Produkttester-Programmen und liefert wertvolle Erkenntnisse für die Marketingforschung und -praxis. Auf der Grundlage sozialpsychologischer Theorien und qualitativer und quantitativer Studien untersucht Kira Louisa Küpper die unterschiedlichen Effekte von Absagen in Online-Produkttester-Programmen und identifiziert dabei zwei gegensätzliche Effekte. Die Unternehmen müssen sowohl mit negativen als auch mit positiven Konsequenzen rechnen, wenn sie Bewerber ablehnen. Eine Absage kann sowohl einen Effekt auf die Kaufabsicht als auch auf die Weiterempfehlungsabsicht der abgelehnten Bewerber haben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen Unternehmen auf, welche Faktoren einen Einfluss haben und geben Hinweise zur effektiven Gestaltung.
Negócios de US$ 100.000 no eBay: obtenha lucros absurdos vendendo no eBay e na Amazon
by Braun Schweiger Mauricio ChinemannVocê está pronto para ganhar dinheiro on-line? O Negócios de US$ 100.000 no eBay é o seu passaporte para vender no eBay e na Amazon. Estima-se que mais de meio milhão de pessoas atualmente ganham a vida vendendo no eBay e na Amazon. Você também pode. É apenas uma questão de começar e dimensionar seu negócio. Não sabe nada sobre eBay ou Amazon? Não se preocupe. O Negócios de US$ 100.000 no eBay ajuda você a definir o que vender, como vender e como obter o maior lucro possível. Se você já quis abrir um negócio próprio, vender on-line é a melhor forma de começar. 1. Você pode começar com um investimento mínimo. A maioria dos vendedores começa vendendo itens que já têm em casa. 2. Você pode começar de casa, em meio período, enquanto continua trabalhando no seu emprego de tempo integral. 3. Não há número de horas definido. Se você é um dono ou dona de casa, pode vender quando as crianças estiverem na escola ou depois que forem dormir. 4. Provavelmente você tem o equipamento necessário para começar. Você pode anunciar pelo notebook, celular ou tablet e comprar equipamentos melhores à medida que suas vendas aumentarem. Não sabe exatamente o que vender ou como encontrar produtos? Sem problemas, nós também falamos sobre isso. Descubra uma longa lista de itens que você provavelmente tem em casa para começar a vender. Explore locais em que pode escolher estoque localmente - mercado de pulgas, vendas de imóveis, vendas de garagem e até lojas de varejo. Há itens lucrativos para vender em todo o mundo. Você só precisa saber o que procurar. Não sabe nada sobre vender no eBay ou na Amazon? Nada demais. O Negócios de US$ 100.000 no eBay explica como vender no eBay e na Amazon. Aprenda tudo o que precisa para começar e desenvolver um negócio on-line de sucesso.
The Neighborhood in the Internet: Design Research Projects in Community Informatics (Routledge Advances in Sociology)
by John M. CarrollToday, "community" seems to be everywhere. At home, at work, and online, the vague but comforting idea of the community pervades every area of life. But have we lost the ability truly to understand what it means? The Neighborhood in the Internet investigates social and civic effects of community networks on local community, and how community network designs are appropriated and extended by community members. Carroll uses his conceptual model of "community" to re-examine the Blacksburg Electronic Village – the first Web-based community network – applying it to attempts to sustain and enrich contemporary communities through information technology. The book provides an analysis of the role of community in contemporary paradigms for work and other activity mediated by the Internet. It brings to the fore a series of design experiments investigating new approaches to community networking and addresses the future trajectory and importance of community networks. This book will be of interest to students of sociology, community psychology, human-computer interaction, information science, and computer-supported collaborative work.
Neo-Innovation: Ideas, Insights, and Tools to Compete in a New Era (Business Guides on the Go)
by Michael S. TomczykAs civilization rapidly evolves into a new radical post-pandemic era, organizations and leaders need to adapt, innovate, and reimagine the future. This guidebook offers insights and strategies for leaders to thrive in this new era, empowering them to embrace their roles as Neo-Innovators, Neo-managers, and Neo-futurists. It is a concise “how-to” guide for anyone who is (or wants to be) involved in the development of radical innovations that solve problems and exploit opportunities in the post-pandemic world. Featuring actionable advice and examples from generative AI and the influencer culture to humanoid robots, self-driving cars and age-slowing therapies, this book equips young and experienced innovators, innovation leaders, and practitioners with the essential tools and mindset to tackle challenges and explore opportunities in a dynamic innovative landscape.
Neo-Simulation and Gaming Toward Active Learning (Translational Systems Sciences #18)
by Hidehiko Kanegae Paola Rizzi Ryoju Hamada Songsri Soranastaporn Pongchai Dumrongrojwatthana Settachai Chaisanit Vinod DumblekarThis book provides tips to teachers for moving toward active learning by using simulation and gaming. The book is a rare reference for teachers who wish to initiate active learning by applying many real experiences from world experts in simulation and gaming. This cumulative wisdom comes from cutting-edge trials reported at the 49th International Simulation and Gaming Association’s annual conference in Thailand 9–13 July 2018. The importance of changing teachers’ one-way lecture approach to that of active learning has been commonly understood for several decades and has been promoted especially in recent years in Asian universities. Simulation and gaming meets the requirements of such teaching programs, especially for active learning, but there are few books or references on how to gamify a lecture. This book serves as a guide to facilitate that change. The author recognizes the duty to provide readers with fixed directions toward simulation and gaming in the next generation, which have still not been fully elucidated. Developing a simulation and gaming culture and making it sustainable in the next decade are the purpose of this book.
Neo4j Cookbook
by Ankur GoelIf you are already using Neo4j in your application and want to learn more about data analysis or database graphs, this is the book for you. This book also caters for your needs if you are looking to migrate your existing application to Neo4j in the future. We assume that you are already familiar with any general purpose programming language and have some familiarity with Neo4j.
Neo4j Essentials
by Sumit GuptaIf you are an application developer or software architect who wants to dive into the Cypher language and learn the concepts of graph theory and graph-based data models, this is the book for you. Prior experience with a graph-based or NoSQL-based database is expected. Some knowledge of Java will be beneficial, as this will give you more insights into Neo4j's extensibility.
Neo4j Graph Data Modeling
by Mahesh LalIf you are a developer who wants to understand the fundamentals of modeling data in Neo4j and how it can be used to model full-fledged applications, then this book is for you. Some understanding of domain modeling may be advantageous but is not essential.
Neo4j High Performance
by Sonal RajIf you are a professional or enthusiast who has a basic understanding of graphs or has basic knowledge of Neo4j operations, this is the book for you. Although it is targeted at an advanced user base, this book can be used by beginners as it touches upon the basics. So, if you are passionate about taming complex data with the help of graphs and building high performance applications, you will be able to get valuable insights from this book.
Neo4j in Action
by Tareq Abedrabbo Nicki Watt Dominic Fox Aleksa VukoticSummaryNeo4j in Action is a comprehensive guide to Neo4j, aimed at application developers and software architects. Using hands-on examples, you'll learn to model graph domains naturally with Neo4j graph structures. The book explores the full power of native Java APIs for graph data manipulation and querying.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the TechnologyMuch of the data today is highly connected—from social networks to supply chains to software dependency management—and more connections are continually being uncovered. Neo4j is an ideal graph database tool for highly connected data. It is mature, production-ready, and unique in enabling developers to simply and efficiently model and query connected data. About the BookNeo4j in Action is a comprehensive guide to designing, implementing, and querying graph data using Neo4j. Using hands-on examples, you'll learn to model graph domains naturally with Neo4j graph structures. The book explores the full power of native Java APIs for graph data manipulation and querying. It also covers Cypher, Neo4j's graph query language. Along the way, you'll learn how to integrate Neo4j into your domain-driven app using Spring Data Neo4j, as well as how to use Neo4j in standalone server or embedded modes. Knowledge of Java basics is required. No prior experience with graph data or Neo4j is assumed. What's InsideGraph database patternsHow to model data in social networksHow to use Neo4j in your Java applicationsHow to configure and set up Neo4jAbout the AuthorsAleksa Vukotic is an architect specializing in graph data models. Nicki Watt, Dominic Fox, Tareq Abedrabbo, and Jonas Partner work at OpenCredo, a Neo Technology partner, and have been involved in many projects using Neo4j.Table of ContentsPART 1 INTRODUCTION TO NEO4JA case for a Neo4j databaseData modeling in Neo4jStarting development with Neo4j The power of traversalsIndexing the dataPART 2 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT WITH NEO4JCypher: Neo4j query languageTransactionsTraversals in depthSpring Data Neo4jPART 3 NEO4J IN PRODUCTIONNeo4j: embedded versus server mode
Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Legend of Piko Piko Middle School Students Volume 2
by Yushi KawataShinji! Rei! Asuka! And of course...Kaworu! The elite four students of the National Defense Middle School...otherwise known as NERV! They're training to prevent the "New Century Apocalypse"...but will all their training help them when they're demoing dating sims on the main stage at Tokyo's largest game show? • Full of video game parodies--it's Evangelion meets Let's Play! • The most famous anime franchise of the last 20 years! • The latest anime movie, Neon Genesis Evangelion: 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo is available from Funimation. • Each volume contains four opening pages in full color.
The NES Encyclopedia: Every Game Released for the Nintendo Entertainment System
by Chris ScullionA comprehensive, colorful guide to every game ever released on the classic Nintendo Entertainment System. One of the most iconic video game systems, the NES is credited with saving the American video games industry in the early 1980s. The NES Encyclopedia is the first ever complete reference guide to every game released on the Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo&’s first industry-defining video game system. As well as covering all 714 officially licensed NES games, the book also includes more than 160 unlicensed games released during its lifespan, giving for the first time a definitive history of this important console's full library. Written by a retro gaming expert with 30 years of gaming experience and a penchant for bad jokes, TheNES Encyclopedia promises to be both informative and entertaining. The NES continues to enjoy a strong cult following among Nintendo fans and gamers in general with wide varieties of officially licensed merchandise proving ever popular. Nintendo&’s most recent console, the Switch, is the fastest selling video game console of all time in the United States and Japan. Nintendo launched a variety of classic NES games for download on the system, meaning a new audience of gamers is due to discover the NES for the first time if they have not already. Praise for The NES Encyclopedia &“As a catalog of all 876 NES games, this work is unique in its breadth of coverage and will be of great interest to old-school video gamers and collectors.&” —Booklist &“A definitive resource that is more than worthy of the title &‘Encyclopedia.&’ &” —Nintendo World Report
Nessus Network Auditing
by Jay Beale Renaud Deraison Haroon Meer Roelof Temmingh Charl Van Der WaltThis book focuses on installing, configuring and optimizing Nessus, which is a remote security scanner for Linux, BSD, Solaris, and other Unices. It is plug-in-based, has a GTK interface, and performs over 1200 remote security checks. It allows for reports to be generated in HTML, XML, LaTeX, and ASCII text, and suggests solutions for security problems. As with many open source programs, Nessus is incredibly popular, incredibly powerful, and incredibly under-documented. There are many Web sites (including nessus.org) where thousands of users congregate to share tips, tricks, and hints, yet no single, comprehensive resource exists. This book, written by Nessus lead developers, will document all facets of deploying Nessus on a production network.
.NET 4.0 Generics Beginner’s Guide
by Sudipta MukherjeeThis is a concise, practical guide that will help you learn Generics in .NET, with lots of real world and fun-to-build examples and clear explanations. It is packed with screenshots to aid your understanding of the process. This book is aimed at beginners in Generics. It assumes some working knowledge of C# , but it isn't mandatory. The following would get the most use out of the book: Newbie C# developers struggling with Generics. Experienced C++ and Java Programmers who are migrating to C# and looking for an alternative to other generic frameworks like STL and JCF would find this book handy. Managers who want to know what Generics is and how to put it to good use. Architects will find the benchmarking extremely useful, because it's the first of its kind across a framework of several collections.
.NET 4.0 Interview Questions
by Nagaraju B.Highly recommended for beginners, students, and professionals, this book covers the unknown or hidden areas of NET implementation, starting from the basic to the advanced level-from NET Framework to OOPS to remoting to web services, i.e. VBNET, C#NET, and ASP NET; from ADO NET to XML, XSL, and XSLT; from Remoting, which forms the basis for advanced BizTalk, to SharePoint; from smart devices to Web Services and NET Framework 3.0 that discusses WPF, WF, WCF, and WCS foundations, and much more. Contents:- Framework ? Programming Concepts ? OOPS ? Windows Forms Controls ? ADO NET ? eXtensible Markup Language (XML) ? Remoting ? ASP NET NET Compact Framework ? Web Services NET Framework 3.0
.NET 4.5 Parallel Extensions Cookbook
by Bryan FreemanThis book contains practical recipes on everything you will need to create task-based parallel programs using C#, .NET 4.5, and Visual Studio. The book is packed with illustrated code examples to create scalable programs.This book is intended to help experienced C# developers write applications that leverage the power of modern multicore processors. It provides the necessary knowledge for an experienced C# developer to work with .NET parallelism APIs. Previous experience of writing multithreaded applications is not necessary.
.NET 4 for Enterprise Architects and Developers
by Sudhanshu Hate Suchi PahariaPresenting cutting-edge insights from industry practitioners, .NET 4 for Enterprise Architects and Developers supplies in-depth coverage of the various server-side features of Microsoft .NET Framework 4 that can be leveraged in Enterprise Application development. It provides a fundamental understanding of the technical aspects of implementation and
.NET and XML
by Niel M. Bornstein.NET and XML provides an in-depth, concentrated tutorial for intermediate to advanced-level developers. Additionally, it includes a complete reference to the XML-related namespaces within the .NET Framework. XML is an extremely flexible technology, and Microsoft has implemented most of the tools programmers need to use it very extensively. .NET and XML aims to help you understand the intersection between the two technologies for maximum effectiveness.
.NET and XML
by Niel M. BornsteinIf you're seeking ways to build network-based applications or XML-based web services, Microsoft provides most of the tools you'll need. XML is integrated into the .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET, but if you want to get a grasp on how .NET and XML actually work together, that's a different story. With .NET and XML , you can get under the hood to see how the .NET Framework implements XML, giving you the skills to write understandable XML-based code that interoperates with code written with other tools, and even other languages. .NET and XML starts by introducing XML and the .NET Framework, and then teaches you how to read and write XML before moving on to complex methods for manipulating, navigating, transforming, and constraining it. To demonstrate the power of XML in .NET, author Niel Bornstein builds a simple hardware store inventory system throughout the book. As you move from chapter to chapter, you'll absorb increasingly complex information until you have enough knowledge to successfully program your own XML-based applications. This tutorial also contains a quick reference to the API, plus appendices present additional .NET assemblies that you can use to work with XML, and how to work with the .NET XML configuration file format. One study puts the potential market for new software based on XML at or near $100 billion over the next five years. The .NET Framework gives you a way to become a part of it. But to use XML and .NET effectively, you need to understand how these two technologies work together. This book gives you the insight to take full advantage of the power the two provide.
.NET Bibliography
by Safari Content TeamWhen Microsoft released the first beta of the .NET Framework in 2000 it quickly became the default way of developing software for Windows. Rising from the technological legacy of COM, with the C# language, Common Language Runtime (CLR), Intermediate Language (IL) and Just-in-time (JIT) compilation, it was a modern platform that made it easy for Java and C++ developers to develop for Windows. At the same time, Visual Basic .NET provided a natural transition path for Visual Basic developers. Since then, .NET has evolved and branched through 7 major releases of the framework to the current day, and with Windows 8, Microsoft has surprised developers with a completely new UI stack. In this highly competitive world of technology, Microsoft makes the operating system that is running on over a billion computers, yet they continue innovating with unique features of programming languages, and breakthroughs such as Kinect or PixelSense. .NET offers an environment that is a pleasure to develop on and a consistent platform where you will feel at home moving from one technology stack to another. Should you decide to explore the exciting world of .NET development, be sure to use this bibliography to access Safari Books Online resources that will help you understand and master .NET programming.
.NET Compact Framework 3.5 Data Driven Applications
by Edmund TanThe book walks you through three different real-world mobile applications from head to toe to provide a practical, hands-on experience on how to use .NET CF. It provides you with code snippets (in both VB.NET and C#) from real-world business scenarios. A summary at the end of each chapter explains how these code snippets work together as a part of the larger whole. It also makes use of diagrams to explain core concepts and helps you decide on which design patterns to use in different enterprise application scenarios. This book is written for developers who are acquainted with the basics of .NET Compact Framework and want to create enterprise-level mobile applications. It is for developers who have worked with the .NET CF Framework before but would like to learn how to utilize its advanced features and deploy leaner and faster business applications.
.NET Core 2.0 By Example: Learn to program in C# and .NET Core by building a series of practical, cross-platform projects
by Neha Shrivastava Rishabh VermaBuild cross-platform solutions with .NET Core 2.0 through real-life scenariosKey Features Bridges the gap between learning and doing and improves your software development skills Covers the best practices of .NET development to improve your productivity Example-based approach to get you started quickly with software programmingBook DescriptionWith the rise in the number of tools and technologies available today, developers and architects are always exploring ways to create better and smarter solutions. Before, the differences between target platforms was a major roadblock, but that's not the case now. .NET Core 2.0 By Example will take you on an exciting journey to building better software.This book provides fresh and relevant content to .NET Core 2.0 in a succinct format that’s enjoyable to read. It also delivers concepts, along with the implications, design decisions, and potential pitfalls you might face when targeting Linux and Windows systems, in a logical and simple way.With the .NET framework at its center, the book comprises of five varied projects: a multiplayer Tic-tac-toe game; a real-time chat application, Let'sChat; a chatbot; a microservice-based buying-selling application; and a movie booking application. You will start each chapter with a high-level overview of the content, followed by the above example applications described in detail. By the end of each chapter, you will not only be proficient with the concepts, but you’ll also have created a tangible component in the application.By the end of the book, you will have built five solid projects using all the tools and support provided by the .NET Core 2.0 framework.What you will learn Build cross-platform applications with ASP.NET Core 2.0 and its tools Integrate, host, and deploy web apps with the cloud (Microsoft Azure) Leverage the ncurses native library to extend console capabilities in .NET Core on Linux and interop with native coden .NET Core on Linux and learn how to interop with existing native code Reuse existing .NET Framework and Mono assemblies from .NET Core 2.0 applications Develop real-time web applications using ASP.NET Core Learn the differences between SOA and microservices and get started with microservice development using ASP.NET Core 2.0 Walk through functional programming with F# and .NET Core from scratchWho this book is forIf you are a developer or architect and want to learn how to build cross-platform solutions using Microsoft .NET Core, this book is for you. It is assumed that you have some knowledge of the .NET Framework, OOP, and C# (or a similar programming language).