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Network Intelligence Meets User Centered Social Media Networks (Lecture Notes in Social Networks)

by Reda Alhajj H. Ulrich Hoppe Tobias Hecking Piotr Bródka Przemyslaw Kazienko

This edited volume presents advances in modeling and computational analysis techniques related to networks and online communities. It contains the best papers of notable scientists from the 4th European Network Intelligence Conference (ENIC 2017) that have been peer reviewed and expanded into the present format. The aim of this text is to share knowledge and experience as well as to present recent advances in the field. The book is a nice mix of basic research topics such as data-based centrality measures along with intriguing applied topics, for example, interaction decay patterns in online social communities. This book will appeal to students, professors, and researchers working in the fields of data science, computational social science, and social network analysis.

Network Intrusion Detection using Deep Learning: A Feature Learning Approach (SpringerBriefs on Cyber Security Systems and Networks)

by Kwangjo Kim Muhamad Erza Aminanto Harry Chandra Tanuwidjaja

This book presents recent advances in intrusion detection systems (IDSs) using state-of-the-art deep learning methods. It also provides a systematic overview of classical machine learning and the latest developments in deep learning. In particular, it discusses deep learning applications in IDSs in different classes: generative, discriminative, and adversarial networks. Moreover, it compares various deep learning-based IDSs based on benchmarking datasets. The book also proposes two novel feature learning models: deep feature extraction and selection (D-FES) and fully unsupervised IDS. Further challenges and research directions are presented at the end of the book. Offering a comprehensive overview of deep learning-based IDS, the book is a valuable reerence resource for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as researchers and practitioners interested in deep learning and intrusion detection. Further, the comparison of various deep-learning applications helps readers gain a basic understanding of machine learning, and inspires applications in IDS and other related areas in cybersecurity.

The Network is Your Customer: Five Strategies to Thrive in a Digital Age

by David L. Rogers

"An incredibly useful and valuable guidebook to the new consumer economy. Buy it. Learn from it. Succeed with it. "--Jeff Jarvis, author ofWhat Would Google Do "This is the stuff that every business and nonprofit needs to embrace if they're going to succeed in a changing world. "--Vivian Schiller, CEO of NPR With clear analysis and practical frameworks, this book provides a strategic guide that any business or nonprofit can use to succeed in the digital age. Marketing expert David Rogers examines how digital technologies--from smartphones to social networks--connect us in frameworks that transform our relationships to business and each other. To thrive today, organizations need new strategies--strategies designed for customer networks. Rogers offers five strategies that any business can use to create new value: ACCESS--be faster, be easier, be everywhere, be always on ENGAGE--become a source of valued content CUSTOMIZE--make your offering adaptable to your customer's needs CONNECT--become a part of your customers' conversations COLLABORATE--involve your customers at every stage of your enterprise Rogers explains these five strategies with over 100 cases from every type and size of business--from shoes to news, and software to healthcare. InThe Network Is Your Customer, he shows: How Apple harnessed a host of collaborators to write apps for its iPhone How IBM designed a videogame to help sell its enterprise software How Ford Motors inspired an online community to build brand awareness for its new Fiesta . . . and countless other cases from consumer, b2b, and nonprofit categories. The book outlines a process for planning and implementing a customer network strategy to matchyourcustomers,yourbusiness, andyourobjectives--whether you need to drive sales, to enhance innovation, to reduce costs, to gain customer insight, or to build breakthrough products and services. Because today, whatever your goals and whatever your business, the network is your customer.

Network Know-How: An Essential Guide for the Accidental Admin

by John Ross

Are the machines in your office living isolated lives? Do you have a few computers at home that you want to connect to each other and the Internet? The best way to share files on a group of computers is to create a network. But how do you do that?Network Know-How is your guide to connecting your machines, filled with practical advice that will show you how to get things done. You'll learn the nitty-gritty of network setup, design, and maintenance, from running cables and placing wireless access points to configuring file sharing and printing. This practical and comprehensive guide will teach you how to implement security, create intranets, and more. You'll learn how to:–Connect Windows, Macintosh, and Linux computers–Implement network addressing–Configure your network adapters, hubs, switches, and router–Share music, photos, and documents–Automate household appliances and stream digital audio and video to your home entertainment center–Troubleshoot network slowdowns and failuresNo matter which operating system you use, and even if you’ve never installed or run a network before, you’ll get what you need to know in Network Know-How.

Network Management in Cloud and Edge Computing

by Ke Xu Yuchao Zhang

Traditional cloud computing and the emerging edge computing have greatly promoted the development of Internet applications. But what are the key issues in these two trends and what are the differences between them?This book systematically introduces several key procedures in both cloud computing and edge computing scenarios, with each chapter providing a detailed description of novel design. In addition, the book also discusses a series of important findings from industry collaborations, which greatly enhance our understanding of the real system of industry. This book is not only a valuable reference resource for researchers, but also provides large-scale deployment cases for real systems in industry.In order to gain the most benefit from this book, readers should have some the basic knowledge of computer networks.

The Network Manager's Handbook: 1999 (Auerbach Best Practices In It Ser.)

by John Lusa

This essential handbook for the data communications/network manager and planner covers a variety of data communication and IS topics. The Network Manager's Handbook addresses technical issues associated with local and wide area networking, purchasing communications services, supporting the network's users, understanding the telecommunications regulatory environment, personnel issues, and more.

The Network Manager's Handbook, Third Edition: 1999

by John M. Lusa

The Network Manager's Handbook is a one-of-a-kind resource featuring critical network technology assessments and career development advice from some of the most highly respected consultants and network managers in the field. This answer-filled compendium provides a rich blend of precise knowledge and real-world experience, the result of many thousands of hours of actual hands-on work in the field. The book gives you proven, successful, economical solutions to real-world problems associated with the host of new network technologies.

Network Modeling, Simulation and Analysis in MATLAB: Theory and Practices

by Dac-Nhuong Le Abhishek Kumar Pandey Sairam Tadepalli Pramod Singh Rathore Jyotir Moy Chatterjee

The purpose of this book is first to study MATLAB programming concepts, then the basic concepts of modeling and simulation analysis, particularly focus on digital communication simulation. The book will cover the topics practically to describe network routing simulation using MATLAB tool. It will cover the dimensions’ like Wireless network and WSN simulation using MATLAB, then depict the modeling and simulation of vehicles power network in detail along with considering different case studies. Key features of the book include: Discusses different basics and advanced methodology with their fundamental concepts of exploration and exploitation in NETWORK SIMULATION. Elaborates practice questions and simulations in MATLAB Student-friendly and Concise Useful for UG and PG level research scholar Aimed at Practical approach for network simulation with more programs with step by step comments. Based on the Latest technologies, coverage of wireless simulation and WSN concepts and implementations

Network Models in Finance: Expanding the Tools for Portfolio and Risk Management (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)

by Gueorgui S. Konstantinov Frank J. Fabozzi

Expansive overview of theory and practical implementation of networks in investment management Guided by graph theory, Network Models in Finance: Expanding the Tools for Portfolio and Risk Management provides a comprehensive overview of networks in investment management, delivering strong knowledge of various types of networks, important characteristics, estimation, and their implementation in portfolio and risk management. With insights into the complexities of financial markets with respect to how individual entities interact within the financial system, this book enables readers to construct diversified portfolios by understanding the link between price/return movements of different asset classes and factors, perform better risk management through understanding systematic, systemic risk and counterparty risk, and monitor changes in the financial system that indicate a potential financial crisis. With a practitioner-oriented approach, this book includes coverage of: Practical examples of broad financial data to show the vast possibilities to visualize, describe, and investigate markets in a completely new way Interactions, Causal relationships and optimization within a network-based framework and direct applications of networks compared to traditional methods in finance Various types of algorithms enhanced by programming language codes that readers can implement and use for their own data Network Models in Finance: Expanding the Tools for Portfolio and Risk Management is an essential read for asset managers and investors seeking to make use of networks in research, trading, and portfolio management.

Network Neutrality and Digital Dialogic Communication: How Public, Private and Government Forces Shape Internet Policy (Routledge Studies in Media Law and Policy)

by Alison N. Novak Melinda Sebastian

In the months after the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) 2017 decision to repeal network neutrality as US policy, it is easy to forget the decades of public, organizational, media and governmental struggle to control digital policy and open access to the internet. Using dialogic communication tactics, the public, governmental actors and organizations impacted the ruling through YouTube comments, the FCC online system and social network communities. Network neutrality, which requires that all digital sites can be accessed with equal speed and ability, is an important example of how dialogic communication facilitates public engagement in policy debates. However, the practice and ability of the public, organizations and media to engage in dialogic communication are also greatly impacted by the FCC’s decision. This book reflects on decades of global engagement in the network neutrality debate and the evolution of dialogic communication techniques used to shape one of the most relevant and critical digital policies in history.

Network of Things Engineering (NoTE) Lab

by Admela Jukan Xavi Masip-Bruin Jasenka Dizdarević Francisco Carpio

This book provides a hands-on experience in software and hardware engineering of IoT devices in edge and cloud computing systems, by putting in practice state-of-the-art concepts of hardware devices, networking and computing software. It proposes a Network of Things Engineering (NoTE) Lab, with seven hands-on lab modules covering topics ranging from “Interfacing sensors and actuators” and “Connecting IoT and Edge with MQTT" to “Data pipelining in cloud computing”. All tools and software used in the NoTE Lab are free and open source, and available to the readers. Specifically, Arduino-based boards that support a variety of low-cost sensors and actuators are used in IoT context. In edge computing, NoTE Lab implements off-the-shelf single board computers, Raspberry Pis with corresponding software and hardware. For cloud, well-known and widely used cloud computing open-source tools (e.g., Kubernetes) are deployed, where readers can learn the basics of monitoring and managing containers in cloud computing. Three communication protocols are used in the end-to-end setup, including MQTT, AMQP and HTTP. This lab book is a "must experiment with" for anybody in academia and industry participating in the fascinating IoT-edge-cloud continuum development.

Network-on-Chip: The Next Generation of System-on-Chip Integration

by Santanu Kundu Santanu Chattopadhyay

Addresses the Challenges Associated with System-on-Chip Integration Network-on-Chip: The Next Generation of System-on-Chip Integration examines the current issues restricting chip-on-chip communication efficiency, and explores Network-on-chip (NoC), a promising alternative that equips designers with the capability to produce a scalable, reusable, and high-performance communication backbone by allowing for the integration of a large number of cores on a single system-on-chip (SoC). This book provides a basic overview of topics associated with NoC-based design: communication infrastructure design, communication methodology, evaluation framework, and mapping of applications onto NoC. It details the design and evaluation of different proposed NoC structures, low-power techniques, signal integrity and reliability issues, application mapping, testing, and future trends. Utilizing examples of chips that have been implemented in industry and academia, this text presents the full architectural design of components verified through implementation in industrial CAD tools. It describes NoC research and developments, incorporates theoretical proofs strengthening the analysis procedures, and includes algorithms used in NoC design and synthesis. In addition, it considers other upcoming NoC issues, such as low-power NoC design, signal integrity issues, NoC testing, reconfiguration, synthesis, and 3-D NoC design. This text comprises 12 chapters and covers: The evolution of NoC from SoC—its research and developmental challenges NoC protocols, elaborating flow control, available network topologies, routing mechanisms, fault tolerance, quality-of-service support, and the design of network interfaces The router design strategies followed in NoCs The evaluation mechanism of NoC architectures The application mapping strategies followed in NoCs Low-power design techniques specifically followed in NoCs The signal integrity and reliability issues of NoC The details of NoC testing strategies reported so far The problem of synthesizing application-specific NoCs Reconfigurable NoC design issues Direction of future research and development in the field of NoC Network-on-Chip: The Next Generation of System-on-Chip Integration covers the basic topics, technology, and future trends relevant to NoC-based design, and can be used by engineers, students, and researchers and other industry professionals interested in computer architecture, embedded systems, and parallel/distributed systems.

Network-on-Chip Architectures

by Chita R. Das Vijaykrishnan Narayanan Chrysostomos Nicopoulos

The continuing reduction of feature sizes into the nanoscale regime has led to dramatic increases in transistor densities. Integration at these levels has highlighted the criticality of the on-chip interconnects. Network-on-Chip (NoC) architectures are viewed as a possible solution to burgeoning global wiring delays in many-core chips, and have recently crystallized into a significant research domain. On-chip networks instill a new flavor to communication research due to their inherently resource-constrained nature. Despite the lightweight character demanded of the NoC components, modern designs require ultra-low communication latencies in order to cope with inflating data bandwidths. The work presented in Network-on-Chip Architectures addresses these issues through a comprehensive exploration of the design space. The design aspects of the NoC are viewed through a penta-faceted prism encompassing five major issues: (1) performance, (2) silicon area consumption, (3) power/energy efficiency, (4) reliability, and (5) variability. These five aspects serve as the fundamental design drivers and critical evaluation metrics in the quest for efficient NoC implementations. The research exploration employs a two-pronged approach: (a) MICRO-architectural innovations within the major NoC components, and (b) MACRO-architectural choices aiming to seamlessly merge the interconnection backbone with the remaining system modules. These two research threads and the aforementioned five key metrics mount a holistic and in-depth attack on most issues surrounding the design of NoCs in multi-core architectures.

Network-on-Chip Security and Privacy

by Prabhat Mishra Subodha Charles

This book provides comprehensive coverage of Network-on-Chip (NoC) security vulnerabilities and state-of-the-art countermeasures, with contributions from System-on-Chip (SoC) designers, academic researchers and hardware security experts. Readers will gain a clear understanding of the existing security solutions for on-chip communication architectures and how they can be utilized effectively to design secure and trustworthy systems.

Network Optimization in Intelligent Internet of Things Applications: Principles and Challenges

by Sudeep Tanwar Pawan Singh Mehra Payal Khurana Batra

Network Optimization in Intelligent Internet of Things Applications: Principles and Challenges sheds light on the optimization methods that form the basis of effective communication between networked devices. It is an excellent resource as it provides readers with a thorough understanding of the methods, ideas, and tactics essential to attaining seamless connectivity and improving performance.This book presents the fundamental ideas that govern network optimization, from maximizing throughput and lowering latency to handling a variety of communication protocols and minimizing energy use. It also addresses scalability issues, security flaws, and constantly changing IoT environments along with optimization techniques.This book uses cutting-edge research and real-world examples to give readers the knowledge and skills to address the complex problems associated with network optimization in intelligent IoT applications. It also examines machine learning-driven predictive analytics, robust security protocols, flexible routing algorithms, and the integration of edge computing - all crucial instruments for overcoming obstacles and attaining peak performance.This book provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles, challenges, and cutting-edge solutions in IoT network optimization for all kinds of readers, whether it is students, academicians, researchers, or industry professionals. This book unleashes the potential of networked smart devices, which can be unleashed in various sectors.

Network-Oriented Modeling for Adaptive Networks: Designing Higher-Order Adaptive Biological, Mental and Social Network Models (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #251)

by Jan Treur

This book addresses the challenging topic of modeling adaptive networks, which often manifest inherently complex behavior. Networks by themselves can usually be modeled using a neat, declarative, and conceptually transparent Network-Oriented Modeling approach. In contrast, adaptive networks are networks that change their structure; for example, connections in Mental Networks usually change due to learning, while connections in Social Networks change due to various social dynamics. For adaptive networks, separate procedural specifications are often added for the adaptation process. Accordingly, modelers have to deal with a less transparent, hybrid specification, part of which is often more at a programming level than at a modeling level. This book presents an overall Network-Oriented Modeling approach that makes designing adaptive network models much easier, because the adaptation process, too, is modeled in a neat, declarative, and conceptually transparent Network-Oriented Modeling manner, like the network itself. Thanks to this approach, no procedural, algorithmic, or programming skills are needed to design complex adaptive network models. A dedicated software environment is available to run these adaptive network models from their high-level specifications. Moreover, because adaptive networks are described in a network format as well, the approach can simply be applied iteratively, so that higher-order adaptive networks in which network adaptation itself is adaptive (second-order adaptation), too can be modeled just as easily. For example, this can be applied to model metaplasticity in cognitive neuroscience, or second-order adaptation in biological and social contexts. The book illustrates the usefulness of this approach via numerous examples of complex (higher-order) adaptive network models for a wide variety of biological, mental, and social processes. The book is suitable for multidisciplinary Master’s and Ph.D. students without assuming much prior knowledge, although also some elementary mathematical analysis is involved. Given the detailed information provided, it can be used as an introduction to Network-Oriented Modeling for adaptive networks. The material is ideally suited for teaching undergraduate and graduate students with multidisciplinary backgrounds or interests. Lecturers will find additional material such as slides, assignments, and software.

Network Performance and Fault Analytics for LTE Wireless Service Providers

by Deepak Kakadia Jin Yang Alexander Gilgur

This book is intended to describe how to leverage emerging technologies big data analytics and SDN, to address challenges specific to LTE and IP network performance and fault management data in order to more efficiently manage and operate an LTE wireless networks. The proposed integrated solutions permit the LTE network service provider to operate entire integrated network, from RAN to Core , from UE to application service, as one unified system and correspondingly collect and align disparate key metrics and data, using an integrated and holistic approach to network analysis. The LTE wireless network performance and fault involves the network performance and management of network elements in EUTRAN, EPC and IP transport components, not only as individual components, but also as nuances of inter-working of these components. The key metrics for EUTRAN include radio access network accessibility, retainability, integrity, availability and mobility. The key metrics for EPC include MME accessibility, mobility and capacity, SGW, PGW capacity and connectivity. In the first parts of the book, the authors describe fundamental analytics techniques, and various key network partitions - RAN, Backhaul, Metro and Core of a typical LTE Wireless Service Provider Network. The second part of the book develops more advanced analytic techniques that can be used to solve complex wireless network problems. The second part of this book also describes practical and novel solutions for LTE service network performance and fault management systems using big data engineering. Self-organizing network (SON) architecture is presented as a way to utilize network performance and fault analytics to enable network automation. SON can significantly improve operational efficiencies and speed up network deployment. This book provides various ways to leverage data science to more intelligently and reliably to automate and manage a wireless network. The contents of the book should be useful to professional engineers and networking experts involved in LTE network operations and management. The content will also be of interest to researchers, academic and corporate, interested in the developments in fault analytics in LTE networks.

Network Performance Modeling and Simulation

by Jean Walrand Kallol Bagchi George W. Zobrist

This book makes the argument that performance modeling and simulation have become central issues in computer science and engineering, in part due to applications to the structures comprising the Internet. Dealing primarily with theory, tools and techniques as related to communications systems, the volume provides tutorials and surveys and relates new important research results. Each chapter presents background information, describes and analyzes important work done in the field and provides direction to the reader on future work and further readings. The topics covered include traffic models for A TM networks, simulation environments, analytical methods, interprocessor communications, and an evaluation of process architectures.

Network Perimeter Security: Building Defense In-Depth

by Cliff Riggs

Today's network administrators are fully aware of the importance of security; unfortunately, they have neither the time nor the resources to be full-time InfoSec experts. Oftentimes quick, temporary security fixes are the most that can be expected. The majority of security books on the market are also of little help. They are either targeted toward

Network Programmability and Automation: Skills for the Next-Generation Network Engineer

by Jason Edelman Scott S. Lowe Matt Oswalt

Like sysadmins before them, network engineers are finding that they cannot do their work manually anymore. As the field faces new protocols, technologies, delivery models, and a pressing need for businesses to be more agile and flexible, network automation is becoming essential. This practical guide shows network engineers how to use a range of technologies and tools—including Linux, Python, JSON, and XML—to automate their systems through code.Network programming and automation will help you simplify tasks involved in configuring, managing, and operating network equipment, topologies, services, and connectivity. Through the course of the book, you’ll learn the basic skills and tools you need to make this critical transition.This book covers:Python programming basics: data types, conditionals, loops, functions, classes, and modulesLinux fundamentals to provide the foundation you need on your network automation journeyData formats and models: JSON, XML, YAML, and YANG for networkingJinja templating and its applicability for creating network device configurationsThe role of application programming interfaces (APIs) in network automationSource control with Git to manage code changes during the automation processHow Ansible, Salt, and StackStorm open source automation tools can be used to automate network devicesKey tools and technologies required for a Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline in network operations

Network Programmability and Automation: Skills for the Next-Generation Network Engineer

by Matt Oswalt Christian Adell Scott S. Lowe Jason Edelman

Network engineers are finding it harder than ever to rely solely on manual processes to get their jobs done. New protocols, technologies, delivery models, and the need for businesses to become more agile and flexible have made network automation essential. The updated second edition of this practical guide shows network engineers how to use a range of technologies and tools, including Linux, Python, APIs, and Git, to automate systems through code. This edition also includes brand new topics such as network development environments, cloud, programming with Go, and a reference network automation architecture.Network Programmability and Automation will help you automate tasks involved in configuring, managing, and operating network equipment, topologies, services, and connectivity. Through the course of the book, you'll learn the basic skills and tools you need to make this critical transition.You'll learn:Programming skills with Python and Go: data types, conditionals, loops, functions, and moreNew Linux-based networking technologies and cloud native environments, and how to use them to bootstrap development environments for your network projectsData formats and models: JSON, XML, YAML, Protobuf, and YANGJinja templating for creating network device configurationsA holistic approach to architecting network automation servicesThe role of application programming interfaces (APIs) in network automationSource control with Git to manage code changes during the automation processCloud-native technologies like Docker and KubernetesHow to automate network devices and services using Ansible, Nornir, and TerraformTools and technologies for developing and continuously integrating network automation

Network Programming and Automation Essentials: Get started in the realm of network automation using Python and Go

by Claus Topke

Unleash the power of automation by mastering network programming fundamentals using Python and Go best practicesPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookKey FeaturesUnderstand the fundamentals of network programming and automationLearn tips and tricks to transition from traditional networking to automated networksSolve everyday problems with automation frameworks in Python and GoBook DescriptionNetwork programming and automation, unlike traditional networking, is a modern-day skill that helps in configuring, managing, and operating networks and network devices. This book will guide you with important information, helping you set up and start working with network programming and automation.With Network Programming and Automation Essentials, you'll learn the basics of networking in brief. You'll explore the network programming and automation ecosystem, learn about the leading programmable interfaces, and go through the protocols, tools, techniques, and technologies associated with network programming. You'll also master network automation using Python and Go with hands-on labs and real network emulation in this comprehensive guide.By the end of this book, you'll be well equipped to program and automate networks efficiently.What you will learnUnderstand the foundation of network programmingExplore software-defined networks and related familiesRecognize the differences between Go and Python through comparisonLeverage the best practices of Go and PythonCreate your own network automation testing framework using network emulationAcquire skills in using automation frameworks and strategies for automationWho this book is forThis book is for network architects, network engineers, and software professionals looking to integrate programming into networks. Network engineers following traditional techniques can use this book to transition into modern-day network automation and programming. Familiarity with networking concepts is a prerequisite.

Network Programming with Go: Code Secure and Reliable Network Services from Scratch

by Adam Woodbeck

Network Programming with Go teaches you how to write clean, secure network software with the programming language designed to make it seem easy.Build simple, reliable, network software Combining the best parts of many other programming languages, Go is fast, scalable, and designed for high-performance networking and multiprocessing. In other words, it&’s perfect for network programming. Network Programming with Go will help you leverage Go to write secure, readable, production-ready network code. In the early chapters, you&’ll learn the basics of networking and traffic routing. Then you&’ll put that knowledge to use as the book guides you through writing programs that communicate using TCP, UDP, and Unix sockets to ensure reliable data transmission. As you progress, you&’ll explore higher-level network protocols like HTTP and HTTP/2 and build applications that securely interact with servers, clients, and APIs over a network using TLS. You'll also learn:Internet Protocol basics, such as the structure of IPv4 and IPv6, multicasting, DNS, and network address translationMethods of ensuring reliability in socket-level communicationsWays to use handlers, middleware, and multiplexers to build capable HTTP applications with minimal codeTools for incorporating authentication and encryption into your applications using TLSMethods to serialize data for storage or transmission in Go-friendly formats like JSON, Gob, XML, and protocol buffersWays of instrumenting your code to provide metrics about requests, errors, and moreApproaches for setting up your application to run in the cloud (and reasons why you might want to) Network Programming with Go is all you&’ll need to take advantage of Go&’s built-in concurrency, rapid compiling, and rich standard library. Covers Go 1.15 (Backward compatible with Go 1.12 and higher)

Network Programming with Go Language: Essential Skills for Programming, Using and Securing Networks with Open Source Google Golang

by Jan Newmarch Ronald Petty

Dive into key topics in network architecture implemented with the Google-backed open source Go programming language. Networking topics such as data serialization, application level protocols, character sets and encodings are discussed and demonstrated in Go. This book has been updated to the Go version 1.18 which includes modules, generics, and fuzzing along with updated and additional examples. Beyond the fundamentals, Network Programming with Go, Second Edition covers key networking and security issues such as HTTP protocol changes, validation and templates, remote procedure call (RPC) and REST comparison, and more. Additionally, authors Ronald Petty and Jan Newmarch guide you in building and connecting to a complete web server based on Go. Along the way, use of a Go web toolkit (Gorilla) will be employed. This book can serve as both an essential learning guide and reference on networking concepts and implementation in Go. Free source code is available on Github for this book under Creative Commons open source license.What You Will Learn Perform network programming with Go (including JSON and RPC) Understand Gorilla, the Golang web toolkit, and how to use it Implement a microservice architecture with Go Leverage Go features such as generics, fuzzing Master syscalls and how to employ them with Go Who This Book Is For Anyone interested in learning networking concepts implemented in modern Go. Basic knowledge in Go is assumed, however, the content and examples in this book are approachable with modest development experience in other languages.

Network Programming with Rust: Build Fast And Resilient Network Servers And Clients By Leveraging Rust's Memory-safety And Concurrency Features

by Abhishek Chanda

Rust has steadily become one of the most important new programming languages in recent years. One the one hand, it is low-level enough to provide fine-grained control over memory while providing memory-safety through compile-time validation. Rust also guarantees data race-free parallelism. All these features make it uniquely suitable for writing low-level networking applications. This book will help developers get started on writing such applications in Rust.

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