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Neuro-Fuzzy Equalizers for Mobile Cellular Channels
by K.C. RaveendranathanEqualizers are present in all forms of communication systems. Neuro-Fuzzy Equalizers for Mobile Cellular Channels details the modeling of a mobile broadband communication channel and designing of a neuro-fuzzy adaptive equalizer for it. This book focuses on the concept of the simulation of wireless channel equalizers using the adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The book highlights a study of currently existing equalizers for wireless channels. It discusses several techniques for channel equalization, including the type-2 fuzzy adaptive filter (type-2 FAF), compensatory neuro-fuzzy filter (CNFF), and radial basis function (RBF) neural network. Neuro-Fuzzy Equalizers for Mobile Cellular Channels starts with a brief introduction to channel equalizers, and the nature of mobile cellular channels with regard to the frequency reuse and the resulting CCI. It considers the many channel models available for mobile cellular channels, establishes the mobile indoor channel as a Rayleigh fading channel, presents the channel equalization problem, and focuses on various equalizers for mobile cellular channels. The book discusses conventional equalizers like LE and DFE using a simple LMS algorithm and transversal equalizers. It also covers channel equalization with neural networks and fuzzy logic, and classifies various equalizers. This being a fairly new branch of study, the book considers in detail the concept of fuzzy logic controllers in noise cancellation problems and provides the fundamental concepts of neuro-fuzzy. The final chapter offers a recap and explores venues for further research. This book also establishes a common mathematical framework of the equalizers using the RBF model and develops a mathematical model for ultra-wide band (UWB) channels using the channel co-variance matrix (CCM). Introduces the novel concept of the application of adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) in the design of wireless channel equalizers Provides model ultra-wide band (UWB) channels using channel co-variance matrix Offers a formulation of a unified radial basis function (RBF) framework for ANFIS-based and fuzzy adaptive filter (FAF) Type II, as well as compensatory neuro-fuzzy equalizers Includes extensive use of MATLAB® as the simulation tool in all the above cases
Neuro-fuzzy Modeling of Multi-field Surface Neuroprostheses for Hand Grasping (Springer Theses)
by Eukene Imatz OjangurenThis thesis presents a novel neuro-fuzzy modeling approach for grasp neuroprostheses. At first, it offers a detailed study of discomfort due to the application of Functional Electrical Stimulation to the upper limb. Then, it discusses briefly previous methods to model hand movements induced by FES with the purpose of introducing the new modeling approach based on intelligent systems. This approach is thoroughly described in the book, together with the proposed application to induce hand and finger movements by means of a surface FES system based on multi-field electrodes. The validation tests, carried out on both healthy and neurologically impaired subjects, demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed modeling method. All in all, the book proposes an innovative system based on fuzzy neural networks that is expected to improve the design and validation of advanced control systems for non-invasive grasp neuroprostheses.
Neuro-inspired Computing Using Resistive Synaptic Devices
by Shimeng YuThis book summarizes the recent breakthroughs in hardware implementation of neuro-inspired computing using resistive synaptic devices. The authors describe how two-terminal solid-state resistive memories can emulate synaptic weights in a neural network. Readers will benefit from state-of-the-art summaries of resistive synaptic devices, from the individual cell characteristics to the large-scale array integration. This book also discusses peripheral neuron circuits design challenges and design strategies. Finally, the authors describe the impact of device non-ideal properties (e.g. noise, variation, yield) and their impact on the learning performance at the system-level, using a device-algorithm co-design methodology.
Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence: Bridging Logic and Learning (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1176)
by Bikram Pratim Bhuyan Amar Ramdane-Cherif Thipendra P. Singh Ravi TomarThis book highlights and attempts to fill a crucial gap in the existing literature by providing a comprehensive exploration of the emerging field of neuro-symbolic AI. It introduces the concept of neuro-symbolic AI, highlighting its fusion of symbolic reasoning and machine learning. The book covers symbolic AI and knowledge representation, neural networks and deep learning, neuro-symbolic integration approaches, reasoning and inference techniques, applications in healthcare and robotics, as well as challenges and future directions. By combining the power of symbolic logic and knowledge representation with the flexibility of neural networks, neuro-symbolic AI offers the potential for more interpretable and trustworthy AI systems. This book is a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and students interested in understanding and applying neuro-symbolic AI.
Neuro Symbolic Reasoning and Learning (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
by Paulo Shakarian Chitta Baral Gerardo I. Simari Bowen Xi Lahari PokalaThis book provides a broad overview of the key results and frameworks for various NSAI tasks as well as discussing important application areas. This book also covers neuro symbolic reasoning frameworks such as LNN, LTN, and NeurASP and learning frameworks. This would include differential inductive logic programming, constraint learning and deep symbolic policy learning. Additionally, application areas such a visual question answering and natural language processing are discussed as well as topics such as verification of neural networks and symbol grounding. Detailed algorithmic descriptions, example logic programs, and an online supplement that includes instructional videos and slides provide thorough but concise coverage of this important area of AI. Neuro symbolic artificial intelligence (NSAI) encompasses the combination of deep neural networks with symbolic logic for reasoning and learning tasks. NSAI frameworks are now capable of embedding prior knowledge in deep learning architectures, guiding the learning process with logical constraints, providing symbolic explainability, and using gradient-based approaches to learn logical statements. Several approaches are seeing usage in various application areas. This book is designed for researchers and advanced-level students trying to understand the current landscape of NSAI research as well as those looking to apply NSAI research in areas such as natural language processing and visual question answering. Practitioners who specialize in employing machine learning and AI systems for operational use will find this book useful as well.
neuroAI: Winning the Minds of Consumers with Neuroscience Powered GenAI
by A. K. Pradeep Anirudh Acharya Rajat Chakravarty Ratnakar DevIt is the most powerful revolution of this century. Neuroscience-powered GenAi enables massive impact on everything from medicine to marketing, entertainment to education, flavors to fragrances, and much more. Simply by blending cutting edge neuroscience with bleeding edge GenAi. Put humanity back at the center of GenAi. neuroAi: Winning the Minds of Consumers with Neuroscience Powered GenAi is the master guide for everyone seeking to understand this breakthrough technology; what it is, how it works, and most especially how to put it to work for competitive advantage in the marketplace. neuroAi combines learnings from advanced neuroscience with deep GenAi expertise and practical how-to's. This is a 'force multiplier,' enabling readers to gain the fullest understanding of how to apply neuroscience-powered GenAi to appeal most effectively to the hidden driver of 95% of consumer behavior: the non-conscious mind. Innovators, creatives, and corporate executives now have a blueprint of how to unleash neuroAi at scale in the enterprise. The focus is on “Top Line Growth”—build and grow revenues while exciting and winning consumers. Written by Dr. A. K. Pradeep and his team of experts at Sensori.ai, the world's only firm combining advanced neuroscience learnings with GenAi, neuroAi features a primer on neuroscience, GenAi, and the core memory structures and functions of the human brain. Dr. Pradeep's original book, The Buying Brain, broke new ground by bringing neuroscience into marketing. neuroAi takes continues this innovative journey even farther now by combining advanced neuroscience with GenAi. The book explores key topics including: How the non-conscious mind interacts with GenAi to trigger the most relevant and impactful consumer responses What are key learnings from teen brains, boomer brains, mommy brains, middle age brains that GenAi must be aware of How activating desireGPT, the brain's desire framework, strongly drives purchase intent and brand loyalty How TV shows, movies, and music can achieve higher Ratings by applying neuroscience powered GenAi to writing Scripts and Dialogs How to create Fragrance, and Flavors using neuroAi How a wide range of consumer product categories worldwide are applying neuroscience powered GenAi to foster innovation, spur sales, and build brands How to build scalable capability in neuroAi within the enterprise For business leaders and all who seek expert insight and practical guidance on how to harness this astounding technology with maximum effect for business and personal success, neuroAi serves as an inspiring and accessible resource for successful marketing in the Age of the Machine.
Neurocognitive Music Therapy: Intersecting Music, Medicine and Technology for Health and Well-Being
by Rafael Ramírez-MeléndezFor thousands of years, music has acted as a powerful medium for evoking emotions, facilitating communication, and nurturing overall well-being. With the advent of new sophisticated neuroimaging technology, human responses to music and music therapy are being viewed through a new lens. As a consequence, new knowledge is being obtained about how music can produce significant improvements in cognitive, social, overt and agitated behaviours. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of neurocognitive music therapy, its impact and implications in the practice of evidence-based music interventions. The book seeks to provide researchers, psychologists, music therapists, musicians and physicians interested in the therapeutic applications of music, with a source of information about current techniques and novel music interventions. It is structured into several chapters, each of them presenting peer-reviewed research and evidence-based procedures carried out in a specific clinical context. Topics covered in the book include: Musical engagement for individuals with motor disabilities Enhancing emotional processing in autism through music Stroke rehabilitation via musical interventions Musical neurofeedback for emotional disorders Emotional modulation with music therapy in palliative care AI-driven personalisation in music interventionsThe book highlights the profound capacity of music-based interventions to facilitate cognitive and emotional processing, enhance communication, and promote motor rehabilitation. At the same time, the book demonstrates how modern technologies offer new opportunities to evaluate, validate, and potentiate music-based interventions, allowing new and innovative possibilities and more personalised interventions. This book aims to contribute to the growing body of knowledge in this field and inspire further research and innovation in the practice of music therapy.
Neurocomputing for Design Automation (Computer Aided Engineering)
by null Hyo Seon ParkNeurocomputing for Design Automation provides innovative design theories and computational models with two broad objectives: automation and optimization.This singular book:Presents an introduction to the automation and optimization of engineering design of complex engineering systems using neural network computing Outlines new computational models and paradigms for automating the complex process of design for unique engineering systems, such as steel highrise building structures Applies design theories and models to the solution of structural design problems Integrates three computing paradigms: mathematical optimization, neural network computing, and parallel processingThe applications described are general enough to be applied directly or by extension to other engineering design problems, such as aerospace or mechanical design. Also, the computational models are shown to be stable and robust - particularly suitable for design automation of large systems, such as a 144-story steel super-highrise building structure with more than 20,000 members.The book provides an exceptional framework for the automation and optimization of engineering design, focusing on a new computing paradigm - neural networks computing. It presents the automation of complex systems at a new and higher level never achieved before.
Neuroergonomics: Principles and Practice (Cognitive Science and Technology)
by Chang S. NamThis book sums up key research findings, and theoretical and technological advances having a direct bearing on neuroergonomics. Neuroergonomics is an emerging area whose Neuroergonomics is an emerging area that is collectively defined as the study of human brain function and behaviour in relation to behavioural performance in natural environments and everyday settings. It helps readers to understand neural mechanisms of human cognition in the context of human interaction with complex systems, as well as understanding the change of perception, decision-making and training in humans. The authors give new insights into augmenting human performance, reflecting upon the opportunities provided through neuroergonomics research and development. Computer systems acting on data from behavioural-output, physiological, and neurological sensing technologies are used to determine the user’s cognitive state and adapt the systems to change, support, and monitor human cognition. Various domains and case studies delve into the field of neuroergonomics in detail. These include, but are not limited to:an evaluation of technologies in health, workplace, and education settings, to show the different impacts of neuroergonomics in everyday lives;assessment of real-time cognitive measures;dynamic casual interactions between inhibition and updating functions, through analysis of behavioral, neurophysiological and effective connectivity metrics; and applications in human performance modelling and assessment of mental workload, showing the reader how to train and improve working memory capacity.Neuroergonomics: Principles and Practice provides academic practitioners and graduate students with a single go-to handbook that will be of significant assistance in research associated with human factors and ergonomics, human-computer interaction, human-systems engineering and cognitive neuroscience.
Neuromorphic and Brain-Based Robots
by Jeffrey L. Krichmar Hiroaki WagatsumaNeuromorphic and brain-based robotics have enormous potential for furthering our understanding of the brain. By embodying models of the brain on robotic platforms, researchers can investigate the roots of biological intelligence and work towards the development of truly intelligent machines. This book provides a broad introduction to this groundbreaking area for researchers from a wide range of fields, from engineering to neuroscience. Case studies explore how robots are being used in current research, including a whisker system that allows a robot to sense its environment and neurally inspired navigation systems that show impressive mapping results. Looking to the future, several chapters consider the development of cognitive, or even conscious robots that display the adaptability and intelligence of biological organisms. Finally, the ethical implications of intelligent robots are explored, from morality and Asimov's three laws to the question of whether robots have rights.
Neuromorphic Computing: Transforming Disaster Management and Resilience in Civil Engineering (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Ali Akbar Firoozi Ali Asghar FirooziThis book delves into the transformative potential of neuromorphic computing within the field of civil engineering, specifically focusing on its application to disaster management. With the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters, traditional disaster management systems face significant challenges in prediction accuracy, response time, and effective resource allocation. Neuromorphic computing, inspired by the neural processes of the human brain, offers a revolutionary approach to addressing these challenges. Through an in-depth exploration, this book outlines the theoretical foundations of neuromorphic computing, its integration into smart infrastructure, and the development of advanced predictive models for natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and urban fires. Additionally, it examines the technical, ethical, and social considerations inherent in deploying these technologies, alongside a vision for their future development. The convergence of neuromorphic computing and civil engineering heralds a new era of enhanced resilience, where more informed, rapid, and effective disaster management strategies are not just a possibility but a reality. The book contributes to the discourse on leveraging cutting-edge computing technologies to foster safer, more resilient communities in the face of natural calamities.
Neuromorphic Computing and Beyond: Parallel, Approximation, Near Memory, and Quantum
by Khaled Salah MohamedThis book discusses and compares several new trends that can be used to overcome Moore’s law limitations, including Neuromorphic, Approximate, Parallel, In Memory, and Quantum Computing. The author shows how these paradigms are used to enhance computing capability as developers face the practical and physical limitations of scaling, while the demand for computing power keeps increasing. The discussion includes a state-of-the-art overview and the essential details of each of these paradigms.
Neuromorphic Computing Principles and Organization
by Abderazek Ben Abdallah Khanh N. DangThis book focuses on neuromorphic computing principles and organization and how to build fault-tolerant scalable hardware for large and medium scale spiking neural networks with learning capabilities. In addition, the book describes in a comprehensive way the organization and how to design a spike-based neuromorphic system to perform network of spiking neurons communication, computing, and adaptive learning for emerging AI applications. The book begins with an overview of neuromorphic computing systems and explores the fundamental concepts of artificial neural networks. Next, we discuss artificial neurons and how they have evolved in their representation of biological neuronal dynamics. Afterward, we discuss implementing these neural networks in neuron models, storage technologies, inter-neuron communication networks, learning, and various design approaches. Then, comes the fundamental design principle to build an efficient neuromorphic system in hardware. The challenges that need to be solved toward building a spiking neural network architecture with many synapses are discussed. Learning in neuromorphic computing systems and the major emerging memory technologies that promise neuromorphic computing are then given.A particular chapter of this book is dedicated to the circuits and architectures used for communication in neuromorphic systems. In particular, the Network-on-Chip fabric is introduced for receiving and transmitting spikes following the Address Event Representation (AER) protocol and the memory accessing method. In addition, the interconnect design principle is covered to help understand the overall concept of on-chip and off-chip communication. Advanced on-chip interconnect technologies, including si-photonic three-dimensional interconnects and fault-tolerant routing algorithms, are also given. The book also covers the main threats of reliability and discusses several recovery methods for multicore neuromorphic systems. This is important for reliable processing in several embedded neuromorphic applications. A reconfigurable design approach that supports multiple target applications via dynamic reconfigurability, network topology independence, and network expandability is also described in the subsequent chapters. The book ends with a case study about a real hardware-software design of a reliable three-dimensional digital neuromorphic processor geared explicitly toward the 3D-ICs biological brain’s three-dimensional structure. The platform enables high integration density and slight spike delay of spiking networks and features a scalable design. We present methods for fault detection and recovery in a neuromorphic system as well.Neuromorphic Computing Principles and Organization is an excellent resource for researchers, scientists, graduate students, and hardware-software engineers dealing with the ever-increasing demands on fault-tolerance, scalability, and low power consumption. It is also an excellent resource for teaching advanced undergraduate and graduate students about the fundamentals concepts, organization, and actual hardware-software design of reliable neuromorphic systems with learning and fault-tolerance capabilities.
Neuromorphic Engineering: The Scientist’s, Algorithms Designer’s and Computer Architect’s Perspectives on Brain-Inspired Computing
by Elishai Ezra TsurThe brain is not a glorified digital computer. It does not store information in registers, and it does not mathematically transform mental representations to establish perception or behavior. The brain cannot be downloaded to a computer to provide immortality, nor can it destroy the world by having its emerged consciousness traveling in cyberspace. However, studying the brain's core computation architecture can inspire scientists, computer architects, and algorithm designers to think fundamentally differently about their craft. Neuromorphic engineers have the ultimate goal of realizing machines with some aspects of cognitive intelligence. They aspire to design computing architectures that could surpass existing digital von Neumann-based computing architectures' performance. In that sense, brain research bears the promise of a new computing paradigm. As part of a complete cognitive hardware and software ecosystem, neuromorphic engineering opens new frontiers for neuro-robotics, artificial intelligence, and supercomputing applications. This book will present neuromorphic engineering from three perspectives: the scientist, the computer architect, and the algorithm designer. We will zoom in and out of the different disciplines, allowing readers with diverse backgrounds to understand and appreciate the field. Overall, the book will cover the basics of neuronal modeling, neuromorphic circuits, neural architectures, event-based communication, and the neural engineering framework. Readers will have the opportunity to understand the different views over the inherently multidisciplinary field of neuromorphic engineering.
Neuromorphic Intelligence: Learning, Architectures and Large-Scale Systems (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)
by Badong Chen Shuangming YangThis book provides a valuable resource on the design of neuromorphic intelligence, which serves as a computational foundation for building compact and low-power brain-inspired intelligent systems. The book introduces novel spiking neural network learning algorithms, including spike-based learning based on the multi-compartment model and spike-based learning with information theory. These offer important insights and academic value for readers to grasp the latest advances in neural-inspired learning. Additionally, the book presents insights and approaches to the design of scalable neuromorphic architectures, which are crucial foundations for achieving highly cognitive and energy-efficient computing systems. Furthermore, the book introduces representative large-scale neuromorphic systems and reviews several recently implemented large-scale digital neuromorphic systems by the authors, providing corresponding application scenarios.
Neuromorphic Solutions for Sensor Fusion and Continual Learning Systems: Applications in Drone Navigation and Radar Sensing
by Francky Catthoor Georges Gielen Ali Safa Lars KeuninckxThis book provides novel theoretical foundations and experimental demonstrations of Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) in tasks such as radar gesture recognition for IoT devices and autonomous drone navigation using a fusion of retina-inspired event-based camera and radar sensing. The authors describe important new findings about the Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP) learning rule, which is widely believed to be one of the key learning mechanisms taking place in the brain. Readers will be enabled to create novel classes of edge AI and robotics applications, using highly energy- and area-efficient SNNs
Neuronale Modellierung der Sprachverarbeitung und des Sprachlernens: Eine Einführung
by Bernd J. KrögerDieses Buch erläutert die Thematik der Produktion und Wahrnehmung gesprochener Sprache aus neurowissenschaftlicher Sicht. Nach der Darstellung der Grundlagen der Sprachverarbeitung und des Spracherwerbs wird dem Leser ein neurobiologisch basiertes und computerimplementiertes neuronales Simulationsmodell vorgestellt. Diese Einführung in die quantitative und computerimplementierbare Modellierung der Sprachverarbeitung und des Sprachlernens basiert auf einem naturwissenschaftlich orientierten Ansatz zur Beschreibung gesprochener Sprache. Dennoch wird weitgehend auf mathematische Beschreibungen verzichtet.Das Buch spricht Studierende und Wissenschaftler der Bereiche Neurowissenschaften, Informatik, Medizin, Psychologie und Linguistik an, die sich in das Gebiet der Sprachverarbeitung und des Spracherwerbs aus neurowissenschaftlicher Sicht einarbeiten möchten. Es richtet sich aber auch an Anwender, die sich mit der Entwicklung von Software zur Sprachverarbeitung befassen.
Neuronale Netze kompakt: Vom Perceptron zum Deep Learning (IT kompakt)
by Daniel SonnetDaten sind das neue Gold - und neuronale Netze haben bereits einigen Unternehmen geholfen, diesen Schatz auszugraben. Verschaffen Sie sich mit diesem Buch innerhalb kürzester Zeit einen soliden Überblick über neuronale Netze. Nach der Lektüre dieses Buches kennen Sie den historischen Werdegang dieser leistungsfähigen Approximatoren und Sie sind vertraut mit den aktuell wichtigsten Begriffen. Des Weiteren kennen Sie die Möglichkeiten sowie die Grenzen neuronaler Netze. Dieses Buch richtet sich in erster Linie an Praktiker, die einen schnellen Einstieg in das Thema suchen, ohne parallel einen Hochschulkurs in Mathematik und Statistik zu machen.
Neuroprosthetics and Brain-Computer Interfaces in Spinal Cord Injury: A Guide for Clinicians and End Users
by Gernot Müller-Putz Rüdiger RuppThis book provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of the art of practical applications of neuroprosthesis based on functional electrical stimulation for restoration of motor functions lost by spinal cord injury and discusses the use of brain-computer interfaces for their control.The book covers numerous topics starting with basics about spinal cord injury, electrical stimulation, electrical brain signals and brain-computer interfaces. It continues with an overview of neuroprosthetic solutions for different purposes and non-invasive and invasive brain-computer interface implementations and presents clinical use cases and practical applications of BCIs. Finally, the authors give an outlook on cutting edge research with a high potential for clinical translation in the near future.All authors committed themselves to use easy-to-understand language and to avoid very specific information, focusing instead on the essential aspects. This makes this book an ideal choice not only for researchers and clinicians at all stages of their education interested in the topic of brain-computer interface-controlled neuroprostheses, but also for end users and their caregivers who want to inform themselves about the current technological possibilities to improve paralyzed motor functions.
Neurorobotics: Connecting the Brain, Body, and Environment (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents series)
by Tiffany J. Hwu Jeffrey L. KrichmarAn introduction to neurorobotics that presents approaches and design principles for developing intelligent autonomous systems grounded in biology and neuroscience.Neurorobotics is an interdisciplinary field that draws on artificial intelligence, cognitive sciences, computer science, engineering, psychology, neuroscience, and robotics. Because the brain is closely coupled to the body and situated in the environment, neurorobots—autonomous systems modeled after some aspect of the brain—offer a powerful tool for studying neural function and may also be a means for developing autonomous systems with intelligence that rivals that of biological organisms. This textbook introduces approaches and design principles for developing intelligent autonomous systems grounded in biology and neuroscience. It is written for anyone interested in learning about this topic and can be used in cognitive robotics courses for students in psychology, cognitive science, and computer science.Neurorobotics covers the background and foundations of the field, with information on early neurorobots, relevant principles of neuroscience, learning rules and mechanisms, and reinforcement learning and prediction; neurorobot design principles grounded in neuroscience and principles of neuroscience research; and examples of neurorobots for navigation, developmental robotics, and social robots, presented with the cognitive science and neuroscience background that inspired them. A supplementary website offers videos, robot simulations, and links to software repositories with neurorobot examples.
Neuroscience, Robotics and Virtual Reality: Internalized Vs Externalized Mind/brain (Cognitive Computation Trends #1)
by Irini GiannopuluThis is the first volume in the Cognitive Computation Trends book series, summarising our understanding on the neural correlate of memory, perception-representation, action, language, emotion and consciousness and their mutual interactions. Integrating research in the field of the Neuroscience, Robotics and Virtual Reality, this book is an original and attainable resource that has not been developed in any other writing. In 5 chapters, the author considers that representations are based on allegorical traces and are consciously and/or unconsciously embrained, and that the creation of robots is the expression of the mind. Whole-body virtual motion is thought of as the archetypal expression of virtual reality. Therefore, visual reality is analysed in a context of visuo-vestibular and somesthetic conflict while mixed and augmented reality are scrutinised in a context of visuo-vestibular and somesthetic interaction. This monograph is an indispensable handbook for students and investigators engaged in history of science, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, engineering and those interested in there interconnections. The ambition of the book is to give students and investigators ideas on which they can build their future research in this new blooming area.
Neurotechnology, Electronics, and Informatics
by Ana Rita Londral Pedro Encarnação José Luis Pons RoviraThe International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics, and Informatics (NEUROTECHNIX) took place in Algarve, Portugal in September of 2013. The congress provided a meeting point of academics and clinical and engineering professionals, promoting translational discussions on how research and technology can meet the needs of clinical practitioners and patients. NEUROTECHNIX emphasized research and application of neurotechnologies to various neurological disorders, including neuromuscular diseases, Parkinson's disease, developmental disorders, dementia, epilepsy, sleep disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, neuroinfections, brain tumors, stroke, traumatic brain injuries, Cerebral Palsy, spinal cord injury and vision and hearing disorders. Authors were invited to submit innovative research work that highlighted new advancements of neurotechnology. Papers describing case studies, advanced prototypes, systems, tools and techniques and general survey papers indicating future directions were encouraged. This book contains a limited selection of extended and revised versions of the best papers presented at the congress, by regular and keynote speakers.
The Neurotic Turn
by Charles JohnsTaking their cue from the work of Charles Johns, who has argued that, far from being an ailment, neurosis is in fact the dominant condition of our society today, an array of thinkers have gathered in The Neurotic Turn to address the question: what can ‘neurosis’ tell us about our current social impasse?What emerges in The Neurotic Turn is the awareness that the medicalization of neurosis was merely provisional. Today, to understand our increasingly synthetic, digitized world, we cannot retreat from neurosis, or pretend to offer its cure. Instead, we must confront it — dispensing with the conventional idea of ‘reality’ in order to redefine it.
Never Look Back: She was the most brutal serial killer of our time. And she may have been my mother.
by A.L. Gaylin'Aflame with tension. An intricate, powerful thriller - rivals the very best of Harlan Coben and Lisa Gardner' AJ Finn, author of THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW*****************She was the most brutal killer of our time. And she may have been my mother...When website columnist Robin Diamond is contacted by true crime podcast producer Quentin Garrison, she assumes it's a business matter. It's not. Quentin's podcast, Closure, focuses on a series of murders in the 1970s, committed by teen couple April Cooper and Gabriel LeRoy. It seems that Quentin has reason to believe Robin's own mother may be intimately connected with the killings.Robin thinks Quentin's claim is absurd. But is it? The more she researches the Cooper/LeRoy murders herself, the more disturbed she becomes by what she finds. Living just a few blocks from her, Robin's beloved parents are the one absolute she's always been able to rely upon, especially now amid rising doubts about her husband and frequent threats from internet trolls. Robin knows her mother better than anyone.But then her parents are brutally attacked, and Robin realises she doesn't know the truth at all...*****************'Completely absorbing with a knock-out twist' Harlan Coben'Gaylin is an expert at acute emotional observation combined with seamless plotting' Alex Marwood'AL Gaylin is at the top of her game, crafting exhilarating and audacious crime novels that are both rich in character and rivetingly told. They are, quite simply, not to be missed' Megan Abbott'AL Gaylin is a storyteller guaranteed to keep you up at night' Laura Lippman'AL Gaylin is a great storyteller' Mark Billingham'A fiendishly well-told thriller that deepens its grip the faster you read - I loved it' Louise CandlishIf you love Serial, S-Town, Clare Mackintosh, Cara Hunter, KL Slater or Lisa Jewell, you will be utterly gripped by this psychological thriller with a twist you'll never see coming...
Never Look Back: She was the most brutal serial killer of our time. And she may have been my mother.
by A.L. GaylinShe was the most brutal killer of our time. And she may have been my mother...When website columnist Robin Diamond is contacted by true crime podcast producer Quentin Garrison, she assumes it's a business matter. It's not. Quentin's podcast, Closure, focuses on a series of murders in the 1970s, committed by teen couple April Cooper and Gabriel LeRoy. It seems that Quentin has reason to believe Robin's own mother may be intimately connected with the killings.Robin thinks Quentin's claim is absurd. But is it? The more she researches the Cooper/LeRoy murders herself, the more disturbed she becomes by what she finds. Living just a few blocks from her, Robin's beloved parents are the one absolute she's always been able to rely upon, especially now amid rising doubts about her husband and frequent threats from internet trolls. Robin knows her mother better than anyone.But then her parents are brutally attacked, and Robin realises she doesn't know the truth at all...