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Organizational Crisis Management: The Human Factor
by Gerald LewisOrganizational Crisis Management: The Human Factor offers theoretical background and practical strategies for responding to workplace crises. Responding to a paradigm that focuses on the operational aspects of continuity to the detriment of human factors, this volume provides a comprehensive understanding of the unavoidable yet often complex reacti
Organizational Design for Knowledge Management
by Mona Ben ChouikhaInformation and communication technologies have increased their share of services in contemporary economic exchanges. We are witnessing a transformation of modern economies characterized by a predominant role of information and knowledge in the production of wealth. In order to make this intangible resource bear fruit, organizations are looking for ways, methods, procedures, processes and technical solutions to efficiently manage knowledge Within a framework of research into synergies and resource interdependence, organizations also rely on strategic alliances (joint venture), mergers or other legal forms of association that have an impact on knowledge management. This book explores the range of knowledge management techniques.
The Organizational Engineering Approach to Project Management: The Revolution in Building and Managing Effective Teams
by Ralph L. Kliem PMP Harris B. AndersonDespite the advent of new methodologies and powerful tools, many projects continue to fail even when applying the well-accepted criteria of successful projects. These dismal results beg the question: If new methodologies and tools don't really impact project results, what does? Studies from major think tanks agree: people problems are the number-on
Organizational Innovation and Change
by Cecilia Rossignoli Mauro Gatti Rocco AgrifoglioThis book explores a range of critical issues and emerging topics relevant to the linkages between information technologies and organizational systems. It encourages debate and opens up new avenues of inquiry in the fields of Information Systems, organization and management studies by investigating selected themes of growing research interest from multiple disciplinary perspectives such as organizational innovation and impact, information technology, innovation transfer, and knowledge management. The volume is divided into two sections, each of which focuses on a specific theme: ICT, organizational innovation and change; and ICT and knowledge management. The content of each section is based on a selection of the best papers (original double-blind peer-reviewed contributions) presented at the annual conference of the Italian chapter of the AIS, held in Genoa, Italy in November 2014.
Organizational Innovation in the Digital Age
by Carolina Machado J. Paulo DavimThis book focuses on how businesses manage organizational innovation processes. It explores the innovative policies and practices that organizations need to develop to allow them to be successful in this digital age. These policies will be based on key resources such as research and development and human resources and need to enable companies to respond to challenges they may face due to the digital economy. It explains how organizational innovation can be used to improve business’s development, performance, conduct and outcomes. Contributing to stimulate the growth and development of each individual in a dynamic, competitive and global economy, the present book can be used by a diverse range of readers, including academics, researchers, managers and engineers interested in matters related with Organizational Innovation in the Digital Age.
Organizational Interoperability in E-Government: Lessons from 77 European Good-Practice Cases
by Hans Jochen Scholl Herbert Kubicek Ralf CimanderIn the e-government research community as well as in many national e-government programs, interoperability is widely seen as a key factor in developing effective and attractive e-services. There is also agreement that interoperability encompasses not only mere technical standards and interfaces, but also includes organizational, legal, and cultural aspects. Several interoperability frameworks have been introduced on national and international levels, and recommendations have been made for the adaptation of enterprise architectures in the public sector. Common to all these approaches is their top-down deductive procedure, which does not connect very well to the real world of e-government projects. In contrast, in this volume, which is based on empirical research, the authors introduce a bottom-up inductive approach to deal with the challenges of interoperability-related governance. Based on so-called "good-practice" cases of interoperability in e-government, they derive concepts and classifications that help to uncover and assess similarities and differences between the cases. As a result, they present an empirically based conceptual framework that details the options for IT governance of interoperability in government. In addition, their findings also make it possible to critically assess and improve other existing frameworks. With this work, which combines different thematic foci as well as a European and a US background the authors situate empirical results in the broader context of theoretical and political reflection. Thus they provide insights into strategic choices for CIOs in e-government at a national or regional level, experiences and lessons learned for managers and developers in e-government projects, and a huge set of empirical data for administrative and political scientists.
Organizational Learning in the Age of Data (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)
by Andrew BanasiewiczThis book discusses the impact of advanced information technologies, such as data processing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, on organizational decision-making processes and practices. One of the book’s central themes is the interplay between human reasoning and machine logic in the context of organizational functioning, specifically, the fairly common situations in which subjective beliefs are pitted against objective evidence giving rise to conflict rather than enhancing the quality of organizational sensemaking. Aiming to not only raise the awareness of the potential challenges but also to offer solutions, the book delineates and discusses the core impediments to effective human-information technology interactions, and outlines strategies for overcoming those obstacles on the way to enhancing the efficacy of organizational decision-making.
Organizational Video-Ethnography Revisited: Making Visible Material, Embodied and Sensory Practices
by Sylvie Grosjean Frédérik MatteThis book explores the undeveloped potential of video-ethnography to study the material, embodied and sensory dimensions of workplace practices. With the growing interest in sociomateriality and the development of research on the embodied and sensory dimensions of organizational practices, some methodological challenges of this type of research need to be addressed. The main purpose of this book is to present various forms of video-ethnography that make organizational phenomena visible and help better appreciate the organizing properties of bodies, affects, senses and spaces in workplace practices. To do so, illustrative cases based on video-ethnography was discussed to understand how experiential and unspoken ways of knowing produced through a video-based approach can be made meaningful and relevant to study the material, embodied and sensory dimension of work practices. This book is addressed to researchers and students in social sciences and organizational studies and offers a methodological reflection on how to study the material, embodied, and sensory dimensions of organizational life.
Organizations and Technology for Sustainability
by Elisabetta Magnaghi Eleonora VegliantiThis book presents insights on digital transformation with a multidisciplinary lens. Collecting chapters from several management perspectives, it provides perspectives on the role of various concepts and elements that are needed by our organizations to win in today’s competition. This book is a contribution to the organizational, to the information and communication technology (ICT) as well as to the sustainability discussion. Here, the readers can find heterogenous inputs to better understand the organizational and technological aspects considering a sustainable business approach. This book is for academicians, students and practitioners interested in the interplay among IT-based solutions, organizational entities and sustainability issues.
Organize Your Digital Life
by Aimee BaldridgeNow that digital cameras and music players have become so incredibly widespread, a forest of sound and imagery is blossoming in our homes. We've got digital pictures in the camera, scans on the computer, JPEGS attached to e-mails, and tunes on tiny players. But there's also the old-fashioned stuff: photos in shoeboxes, videos in the attic, documents in desk drawers, songs on tape and vinyl. How do you transform all of these different elements into a convenient archive you can store in your computer, easily reach, and actually enjoy? This book delivers basic step-by-step instruction on streamlining and organizing your "digital life" so you can find what you need instantly and create presentations your friends and family will love. In addition, you'll be amazed at the decrease in household clutter and paper waste. For everyone -from teenagers who thrive on the technical to families with overflowing photo albums and seniors who'd love to collate decades' worth of letters and pictures -this reader-friendly source has all the answers. These easy-to-follow solutions can truly enhance and simplify the hectic, over-saturated lives so many of us find ourselves leading today.
Organized Chaos: Reimagining the Internet
by Mark Raymond and Gordon SmithThe Internet is constantly evolving, and has economic, political and social importance as a public good. A coherent strategy for Internet governance is needed to ensure that difficult tradeoffs between competing interests, as well as between distinct public values, are managed in a consistent, transparent and accountable manner that accurately reflects public priorities. In Organized Chaos: Reimagining the Internet, edited by Mark Raymond and Gordon Smith, leading experts address a range of pressing challenges, including cyber security issues and civil society hacktivism by groups such as Anonymous, and consider the international political implications of some of the most likely Internet governance scenarios in the 2015–2020 time frame. Together, the chapters in this volume provide a clear sense of the critical problems facing efforts to update and redefine Internet governance, the appropriate modalities for doing so, and the costs and benefits associated with the most plausible outcomes. This foundation provides the basis for the development of the research-based, high-level strategic vision required to successfully navigate a complex, shifting and uncertain governance environment.
Organized Chaos: Reimagining the Internet
by Mark Raymond Gordon SmithThe Internet is constantly evolving, and has economic, political and social importance as a public good. A coherent strategy for Internet governance is needed to ensure that difficult tradeoffs between competing interests, as well as between distinct public values, are managed in a consistent, transparent and accountable manner that accurately reflects public priorities. In Organized Chaos: Reimagining the Internet, edited by Mark Raymond and Gordon Smith, leading experts address a range of pressing challenges, including cyber security issues and civil society hacktivism by groups such as Anonymous, and consider the international political implications of some of the most likely Internet governance scenarios in the 2015-2020 time frame. Together, the chapters in this volume provide a clear sense of the critical problems facing efforts to update and redefine Internet governance, the appropriate modalities for doing so, and the costs and benefits associated with the most plausible outcomes. This foundation provides the basis for the development of the research-based, high-level strategic vision required to successfully navigate a complex, shifting and uncertain governance environment.
Organized Skepticism in the Age of Misinformation: Surviving the Kingdom of Gossip
by null Brett Bourbon null Renita MurimiDrawing from philosophy, information theory, and network science, Organized Skepticism in the Age of Misinformation: Surviving the Kingdom of Gossip offers a novel conceptual framework that views information as a form of gossip.This book challenges the idea that truthfulness is a necessary, or even a relevant condition, of information. Instead, this book develops a conceptual framework in which information is understood as gossip, which fits within a more general account of information and knowledge as constrained but contingent social practices. Using this framework, this book provides a nuanced understanding of the “grammar” of gossip that permeates both online and real‑orld environments and sheds light on the often overused and confused terms of our time: information, misinformation and knowledge.This book offers a fundamental reconfiguration of the evolving virtual interdependence of humans and information technology. It is a key resource for students and scholars in areas relating to social media, information diffusion, human/computer interface, and computational social science.
Organizing for Digital Innovation: At the Interface Between Social Media, Human Behavior and Inclusion (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation #27)
by Alessandra Lazazzara Raoul C.D. Nacamulli Cecilia Rossignoli Stefano ZaThis book presents a collection of research papers exploring the human side of digital innovation management, with a specific focus on what people say and share on social media, how they respond to the introduction of specific IT tools, and how digital innovations are impacting sustainability and inclusion. Given the plurality of views that it offers, the book is particularly relevant for digital technology users, companies, scientists and governments. The overall spread of digital and technological advances is enhanced or hampered by people’s skills, behaviors and attitudes. The challenge of balancing the digital dimension with humans situated in specific contexts, relations and networks has sparked a growing interest in how people use and respond to digital innovations. The content of the book is based on a selection of the best papers – original double-blind peer-reviewed contributions – presented at the annual conference of the Italian chapter of the AIS, which was held in Milan, Italy, in October 2017.
Organizing for Generative AI and the Productivity Revolution: Reshaping Organizational Roles in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
by Arthur J. O’ConnorAs leaders plan to make significant investments to harness the power of foundational models such as ChatGPT, they need to understand the changes in organizational behaviors required for the successful implementation of such systems. The size, complexity and nature of this new wave of technologies requires a refresh in roles and responsibilities in conventional IT organizations. This book reveals practical and no-nonsense guidance on how to leverage generative AI to transform your business processes and organizational structures to achieve breakthroughs in efficiency, effectiveness and competitive advantage. Written in a lively, engaging, and often humorous style, this work provides practical insights and timely survival skills for leaders with anonymous but real-world experiences and case studies. If you’re looking to understand how large language foundation models such as ChatGPT are reshaping managerial roles and organizational structures, and how they can leverage this knowledge to survive and thrive in this brave new world then Organizing for Generative AI and the Productivity Revolution is the book for you. What You Will Learn Review the key changes in current state roles and responsibilities that are required to successfully deploy generative AI systems Examine the organizational reporting structures and associated incentives that form a strong generative AI system Understand the financial, regulatory, and operational risks created by organizational behavioral issues that arise when organizations build and deploy large language models Compare the strategic differences in emerging versus traditional organizational behaviors, incentives, roles and responsibilities Who This Book Is For Executives and team leaders at enterprises large and small.
Organizing for the Digital World: It For Individuals, Communities And Societies (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation #28)
by Federico Cabitza Carlo Batini Massimo MagniThis book argues that “organizing” is a broader term than managing, as it entails understanding how people and machines interact with each other; how resources, data, goods are exchanged in complex and intertwined value chains; and how lines of action and activities can be articulated using flexible protocols and often ad-hoc processes in situated practices of use and production. The book presents a collection of research papers shedding new light on these phenomena and related practices from both academic and professional perspectives. Given the plurality of views that it offers, the book makes a relevant contribution to the understanding and appreciation of the complexity of the digital world at various levels of granularity. It focuses on how individuals, communities and the coopetitive societies of our new, global and hyperconnected world produce value and pursue their objectives and ideals in mutually dependent ways. The content of the book is based on a selection of the best papers - original double-blind peer-reviewed contributions - presented at the annual conference of the Italian chapter of the AIS, which was held in Milan, Italy in October 2017.
Organizing in a Digitized World: Individual, Managerial and Societal Issues (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation #50)
by Stefano Za Augusta Consorti Francesco ViriliIn a digitized world, organizations and individuals have to deal with several challenges. Both public and private organizations must revise their processes and create new ones to take advantage of new opportunities and respond to emerging threats. At the same time, people need to redesign their personal and professional lives to create situations or conditions conducive to achieving their goals in an ever-expanding digital environment. This book contains a collection of research contributions that address the issues that individuals, organizations, and society face when operating in a digitized world. The plurality of views offered makes this book particularly relevant to academics, businesses, and public sector organizations. It gathers a selection of the best papers (double-blind peer-reviewed) presented at the Annual Conference of the Italian Section of AIS in October 2020 in Pescara, Italy
Organizing Nonprint Materials, Second Edition
by Jay E. DailyThis book surveys the various methods and problems of organizing nonprint materials and describes the use of microcomputers both for storing nonprint items and keeping track of them. It is useful for library school instructors and administrators, media center specialists, information scientists etc.
Organizing Smart Buildings and Cities: Promoting Innovation and Participation (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation #36)
by Daniela Mancini Elisabetta Magnaghi Véronique Flambard Julie Jacques Nicolas GouvyThe United Nations included sustainable cities and communities in its 2030 SDGs. Cities and, on a smaller scale, neighborhoods, building managers and firms are now adopting technologies and information systems to help achieve the energy, economic, social and environmental transition. This volume gathers contributions on the key organizational success factors for this transition.To do so, it analyzes the role of information systems, use of data, and technological assistance solutions from multiple perspectives. The goal is to develop a framework that can successfully apply information systems to organizational and environmental issues for smart cities and smart buildings. Accordingly, the book addresses living-lab experiment evaluation techniques, and provides critical analyses of the role of the environment, context and users’ behavioral responses. In addition, it discusses key questions on the efficient management of resources, need for appropriate IT solutions, and employing co-creation with users to improve planning and organization.
Origins of Mind
by Liz SwanThe big question of how and why mindedness evolved necessitates collaborative, multidisciplinary investigation. Biosemiotics provides a new conceptual space that attracts a multitude of thinkers in the biological and cognitive sciences and the humanities who recognize continuity in the biosphere from the simplest to the most complex organisms, and who are united in the project of trying to account for even language and human consciousness in this comprehensive picture of life. The young interdiscipline of biosemiotics has so far by and large focused on codes, signs and sign processes in the microworld--a fact that reflects the field's strong representation in microbiology and embryology. What philosophers of mind and cognitive scientists can contribute to the growing interdiscipline are insights into how the biosemiotic weltanschauung applies to complex organisms like humans where such signs and sign processes constitute human society and culture.
Origins of Terrorism: The Rise of the World’s Most Formidable Terrorist Groups
by Godfrey Garner Maeghin Alarid-HughesOrigins of Terrorism: The Rise of the World’s Most Formidable Terrorist Groups examines the roots of Islamic terrorism, it’s history, and some of the foundational figures in prominent terrorist organizations. Throughout, the book also addresses the use of terrorism, the "hows" and "whys" of terrorists’ goals, and their modus operandi.Historically, insurgency operations have formed the basis of a number of terrorist groups—resistance to western powers, particularly the United States, and what is viewed as their unwanted interference in regional affairs. Sections are devoted to individual terror organizations, including some of the most well-known and resilient global movements—Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, and Boko Haram, among others. Coverage details where and how they originated, who the principal organizers were, how these individuals worked—or didn’t work—together. In this, the authors look at the circumstances that allowed for these leaders, and their groups’, development and success. In this, the authors expose interesting, little-known stories and facts about the specific upbringing, family life, and personal narrative around these organizations’ founders, as well as ties to other terrorist founders and organizations. For example, the relationship between individuals such as Osama bin Laden and Musab al Zarkawi (aka Ahmad al-Khalayleh)—the founder of ‘Al Qaeda in Iraq’ (AQI), which became ISIS—is examined in detail, providing readers with some of the "stories behind the stories" to understand the prominent figures and underpinnings of major terrorist organizations’ philosophies, formation, and elements that have led to their staying power.Origins of Terrorism will be a valuable resource for security and intelligence professionals, terrorism researchers, and students, providing a unique perspective to understand terrorism and terror movements in considering counterterror efforts.
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access Fundamentals and Applications
by Tao Jiang Lingyang Song Yan ZhangSupported by the expert-level advice of pioneering researchers, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access Fundamentals and Applications provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the foundations and applications of one of the most promising access technologies for current and future wireless networks. It includes authoritative cove
Orthogonal Image Moments for Human-Centric Visual Pattern Recognition (Cognitive Intelligence and Robotics)
by S. M. Rahman Tamanna Howlader Dimitrios HatzinakosInstead of focusing on the mathematical properties of moments, this book is a compendium of research that demonstrates the effectiveness of orthogonal moment-based features in face recognition, expression recognition, fingerprint recognition and iris recognition. The usefulness of moments and their invariants in pattern recognition is well known. What is less well known is how orthogonal moments may be applied to specific problems in human-centric visual pattern recognition. Unlike previous books, this work highlights the fundamental issues involved in moment-based pattern recognition, from the selection of discriminative features in a high-dimensional setting, to addressing the question of how to classify a large number of patterns based on small training samples. In addition to offering new concepts that illustrate the use of statistical methods in addressing some of these issues, the book presents recent results and provides guidance on implementing the methods. Accordingly, it will be of interest to researchers and graduate students working in the broad areas of computer vision and visual pattern recognition.
OS X App Development with CloudKit and Swift
by Bruce WadeOS X App Development with CloudKit and Swift is your step-by-step guide to learning OS X app development using CloudKit and Swift. You will use CloudKit to create data-driven apps using only Apple technologies. Using this book, you will learn how to define the data for your app and build a prototype using Sketch 3 and Keynote. You will use CloudKit to store your OS X application data, separate public and private data, and control what data a user can or can not change in your public data store. All the development will be done using Apple's Swift 2 programming language, which you should have an understanding of already. This book takes you from prototyping your app with Sketch 3 all the way through building a data-driven app using CloudKit, and everything in between - add it to your library today. What you'll learn Learn how to prototype an OS X app using Sketch 3 Use CloudKit to build dynamic data-driven apps Use Swift 2 Apple's new programming language Who this book is for OS X App Development with CloudKit and Swift is for the iOS or OS X developer who is struggling to get to grips with CloudKit. If you're looking for a solid example from start to finish using CloudKit with Swift 2 this book's for you. You should have an understanding of the Swift language, e. g. the differences between var/let, how to work with control statements, closures etc. , to work confidently with this book.
OS X El Capitan: The Missing Manual
by David PogueWith El Capitan, Apple brings never-before-seen features to OS X—like a split-screen desktop, improved window controls, and amazing graphics. The new edition of David Pogue's #1 bestselling Mac book shows you how to use key new features such as swiping gestures, Notes, a new Spotlight search system, the Safari pinning feature, and Split View.Missing Manuals creator David Pogue is one of the most widely recognized technology authors in the world. A former New York Times technology columnist, he founded and now produces videos for Yahoo Tech.