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Showing 42,851 through 42,875 of 59,660 results

Parallel Programming with Microsoft® .NET

by Ralph Johnson Colin Campbell Ade Miller Stephen Toub

The CPU meter shows the problem. One core is running at 100 percent, but all the other cores are idle. Your application is CPU-bound, but you are using only a fraction of the computing power of your multicore system. What next? The answer, in a nutshell, is parallel programming. Where you once would have written the kind of sequential code that is familiar to all programmers, you now find that this no longer meets your performance goals. To use your system's CPU resources efficiently, you need to split your application into pieces that can run at the same time. This is easier said than done. Parallel programming has a reputation for being the domain of experts and a minefield of subtle, hard-to-reproduce software defects. Everyone seems to have a favorite story about a parallel program that did not behave as expected because of a mysterious bug. These stories should inspire a healthy respect for the difficulty of the problems you face in writing your own parallel programs. Fortunately, help has arrived. Microsoft Visual Studio® 2010 introduces a new programming model for parallelism that significantly simplifies the job. Behind the scenes are supporting libraries with sophisticated algorithms that dynamically distribute computations on multicore architectures. Proven design patterns are another source of help. A Guide to Parallel Programming introduces you to the most important and frequently used patterns of parallel programming and gives executable code samples for them, using the Task Parallel Library (TPL) and Parallel LINQ (PLINQ).

Parallel Programming with Microsoft® Visual C++®

by Colin Campbell Ade Miller

Your CPU meter shows a problem. One core is running at 100 percent, but all the other cores are idle. Your application is CPU-bound, but you are using only a fraction of the computing power of your multicore system. Is there a way to get better performance? The answer, in a nutshell, is parallel programming. Where you once would have written the kind of sequential code that is familiar to all programmers, you now find that this no longer meets your performance goals. To use your system's CPU resources efficiently, you need to split your application into pieces that can run at the same time. Of course, this is easier said than done. Parallel programming has a reputation for being the domain of experts and a minefield of subtle, hard-to-reproduce software defects. Everyone seems to have a favorite story about a parallel program that did not behave as expected because of a mysterious bug. These stories should inspire a healthy respect for the difficulty of the problems you will face in writing your own parallel programs. Fortunately, help has arrived. The Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) and the Asynchronous Agents Library introduce a new programming model for parallelism that significantly simplifies the job. Behind the scenes are sophisticated algorithms that dynamically distribute computations on multicore architectures. In addition, Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 development system includes debugging and analysis tools to support the new parallel programming model. Proven design patterns are another source of help. This guide introduces you to the most important and frequently used patterns of parallel programming and provides executable code samples for them, using PPL. When thinking about where to begin, a good place to start is to review the patterns in this book. See if your problem has any attributes that match the six patterns presented in the following chapters. If it does, delve more deeply into the relevant pattern or patterns and study the sample code.

Parallel Programming with Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 Step by Step

by Donis Marshall

Your hands-on, step-by-step guide to the fundamentals of parallel programming Teach yourself how to help improve application performance by using parallel programming techniques in Visual Studio 2010--one step at a time. Ideal for experienced programmers with little or no parallel programming experience, this tutorial provides practical, learn-by-doing exercises for creating applications that optimize the use of multicore processors. Discover how to: Apply techniques to help increase your application's speed and efficiency Simplify the process of adding parallelism with the Task Parallel Library (TPL) Execute several tasks concurrently with various scheduling techniques Perform data queries in parallel with PLINQ Use concurrent collections in Microsoft .NET Framework 4 for data items Extend classes in the TPL to meet the specific requirements of your application Perform live debugging of an application with parallel code

Parallel Programming with Python

by Jan Palach

A fast, easy-to-follow and clear tutorial to help you develop Parallel computing systems using Python. Along with explaining the fundamentals, the book will also introduce you to slightly advanced concepts and will help you in implementing these techniques in the real world. If you are an experienced Python programmer and are willing to utilize the available computing resources by parallelizing applications in a simple way, then this book is for you. You are required to have a basic knowledge of Python development to get the most of this book.

Parallel R: Data Analysis in the Distributed World

by Q. Ethan McCallum Stephen Weston

It’s tough to argue with R as a high-quality, cross-platform, open source statistical software product—unless you’re in the business of crunching Big Data. This concise book introduces you to several strategies for using R to analyze large datasets, including three chapters on using R and Hadoop together. You’ll learn the basics of Snow, Multicore, Parallel, Segue, RHIPE, and Hadoop Streaming, including how to find them, how to use them, when they work well, and when they don’t.With these packages, you can overcome R’s single-threaded nature by spreading work across multiple CPUs, or offloading work to multiple machines to address R’s memory barrier.Snow: works well in a traditional cluster environmentMulticore: popular for multiprocessor and multicore computersParallel: part of the upcoming R 2.14.0 releaseR+Hadoop: provides low-level access to a popular form of cluster computingRHIPE: uses Hadoop’s power with R’s language and interactive shellSegue: lets you use Elastic MapReduce as a backend for lapply-style operations

Parallel Scientific Computing

by Guillaume Houzeaux François-Xavier Roux Frédéric Magoules

Scientific computing has become an indispensable tool in numerous fields, such as physics, mechanics, biology,finance and industry. For example, it enables us, thanks to efficient algorithms adapted to current computers, tosimulate, without the help of models or experimentations, the deflection of beams in bending, the sound level in a theater room or a fluid flowing around an aircraft wing.This book presents the scientific computing techniques applied to parallel computing for the numerical simulation of large-scale problems; these problems result from systems modeled by partial differential equations. Computing concepts will be tackled via examples.Implementation and programming techniques resulting from the finite element method will be presented for direct solvers, iterative solvers and domain decomposition methods, along with an introduction to MPI and OpenMP.

Parallel Scientific Computing

by Roman Trobec Gregor Kosec

This book is concentrated on the synergy between computer science and numerical analysis. It is written to provide a firm understanding of the described approaches to computer scientists, engineers or other experts who have to solve real problems. The meshless solution approach is described in more detail, with a description of the required algorithms and the methods that are needed for the design of an efficient computer program. Most of the details are demonstrated on solutions of practical problems, from basic to more complicated ones. This book will be a useful tool for any reader interested in solving complex problems in real computational domains.

Parallel Scientific Computing in C++ and MPI

by George Em Karniadakis

Numerical algorithms, modern programming techniques, and parallel computing are often taught serially across different courses and different textbooks. The need to integrate concepts and tools usually comes only in employment or in research - after the courses are concluded - forcing the student to synthesise what is perceived to be three independent subfields into one. This book provides a seamless approach to stimulate the student simultaneously through the eyes of multiple disciplines, leading to enhanced understanding of scientific computing as a whole. The book includes both basic as well as advanced topics and places equal emphasis on the discretization of partial differential equations and on solvers. Some of the advanced topics include wavelets, high-order methods, non-symmetric systems, and parallelization of sparse systems. The material covered is suited to students from engineering, computer science, physics and mathematics.

Parallel Services: Intelligent Systems of Digital Twins and Metaverses for Services Science (SpringerBriefs in Service Science)

by Lefei Li Fei-Yue Wang

By incorporating the latest advancement in complex system modeling and simulation into the service system research, this book makes a valuable contribution to this field that will lead service innovation and service management toward the digital twin and metaverse. It covers important topics such as computational experiments and parallel execution of a parallel service system, the modeling of artificial service systems, semi-parallel service systems, parallel service, and digital twin/metaverse. It also provides a unified framework for realizing a parallel service system that demonstrates the capabilities or potentials of adopting digital twin and metaverse. In addition, the book contains numerous solutions to real-world problems, through which both academic readers and practitioners will gain new perspectives on service systems, and learn how to model a parallel service system or how to use the model to analyze and understand the behaviors of the system. For academic readers, it sheds light on a new research direction within the service science/engineering domain made possible by the latest technologies. For practitioners, with the help of methods such as Agent-based Modeling and Simulation, the book will enable them to enhance their skills in designing or analyzing a service system.

Parallel Supercomputing in MIMD Architectures

by R.Michael Hord

Parallel Supercomputing in MIMD Architectures is devoted to supercomputing on a wide variety of Multiple-Instruction-Multiple-Data (MIMD)-class parallel machines. This book describes architectural concepts, commercial and research hardware implementations, major programming concepts, algorithmic methods, representative applications, and benefits and drawbacks. Commercial machines described include Connection Machine 5, NCUBE, Butterfly, Meiko, Intel iPSC, iPSC/2 and iWarp, DSP3, Multimax, Sequent, and Teradata. Research machines covered include the J-Machine, PAX, Concert, and ASP. Operating systems, languages, translating sequential programs to parallel, and semiautomatic parallelizing are aspects of MIMD software addressed in Parallel Supercomputing in MIMD Architectures. MIMD issues such as scalability, partitioning, processor utilization, and heterogenous networks are discussed as well.This book is packed with important information and richly illustrated with diagrams and tables, Parallel Supercomputing in MIMD Architectures is an essential reference for computer professionals, program managers, applications system designers, scientists, engineers, and students in the computer sciences.

Parallel System Interconnections and Communications

by null Miltos D. Grammatikakis null D. Frank Hsu null Miroslav Kraetzl

This introduction to networking large scale parallel computer systems acts as a primary resource for a wide readership, including network systems engineers, electronics engineers, systems designers, computer scientists involved in systems design and implementation of parallel algorithms development, graduate students in systems architecture, design, or engineering.

Parallele Programmierung

by Gudula Rünger Thomas Rauber

Multiprozessor-Desktoprechner, Cluster von PCs und Innovationen wie Hyperthreading oder Multicore-Prozessoren machen parallele Rechenressourcen allgegenwärtig. Die Ausnutzung dieser Rechenleistung ist jedoch nur durch parallele Programmiertechniken möglich. Das Buch stellt diese Techniken für herkömmliche Parallelrechner und für neuartige Plattformen umfassend dar. Neben den Grundlagen der parallelen Programmierung werden Programmierumgebungen wie Pthreads, Java-Threads, OpenMP, MPI oder PVM sowie die zugehörigen Programmiermodelle behandelt.

Parallelism in Matrix Computations

by Efstratios Gallopoulos Bernard Philippe Ahmed H. Sameh

This book is primarily intended as a research monograph that could also be used in graduate courses for the design of parallel algorithms in matrix computations. It assumes general but not extensive knowledge of numerical linear algebra, parallel architectures, and parallel programming paradigms. The book consists of four parts: (I) Basics; (II) Dense and Special Matrix Computations; (III) Sparse Matrix Computations; and (IV) Matrix functions and characteristics. Part I deals with parallel programming paradigms and fundamental kernels, including reordering schemes for sparse matrices. Part II is devoted to dense matrix computations such as parallel algorithms for solving linear systems, linear least squares, the symmetric algebraic eigenvalue problem, and the singular-value decomposition. It also deals with the development of parallel algorithms for special linear systems such as banded ,Vandermonde ,Toeplitz ,and block Toeplitz systems. Part III addresses sparse matrix computations: (a) the development of parallel iterative linear system solvers with emphasis on scalable preconditioners, (b) parallel schemes for obtaining a few of the extreme eigenpairs or those contained in a given interval in the spectrum of a standard or generalized symmetric eigenvalue problem, and (c) parallel methods for computing a few of the extreme singular triplets. Part IV focuses on the development of parallel algorithms for matrix functions and special characteristics such as the matrix pseudospectrum and the determinant. The book also reviews the theoretical and practical background necessary when designing these algorithms and includes an extensive bibliography that will be useful to researchers and students alike. The book brings together many existing algorithms for the fundamental matrix computations that have a proven track record of efficient implementation in terms of data locality and data transfer on state-of-the-art systems, as well as several algorithms that are presented for the first time, focusing on the opportunities for parallelism and algorithm robustness.

Parallels and Responses to Curricular Innovation: The Possibilities of Posthumanistic Education (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education #36)

by Brad Petitfils

This volume explores two radical shifts in history and subsequent responses in curricular spaces: the move from oral to print culture during the transition between the 15th and 16th centuries and the rise of the Jesuits, and the move from print to digital culture during the transition between the 20th and 21st centuries and the rise of what the philosopher Jean Baudrillard called "hyperreality." The curricular innovation that accompanied the first shift is considered through the rise of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits). These men created the first "global network" of education, and developed a humanistic curriculum designed to help students navigate a complicated era of the known (human-centered) and unknown (God-centered) universe. The curricular innovation that is proposed for the current shift is guided by the question: What should be the role of undergraduate education become in the 21st century? Today, the tension between the known and unknown universe is concentrated on the interrelationships between our embodied spaces and our digitally mediated ones. As a result, today’s undergraduate students should be challenged to understand how—in the objectively focused, commodified, STEM-centric landscape of higher education—the human subject is decentered by the forces of hyperreality, and in turn, how the human subject might be recentered to balance our humanness with the new realities of digital living. Therein, one finds the possibility of posthumanistic education.

Parameter Advising for Multiple Sequence Alignment

by Dan DeBlasio John Kececioglu

This book develops a new approach called parameter advising for finding a parameter setting for a sequence aligner that yields a quality alignment of a given set of input sequences. In this framework, a parameter advisor is a procedure that automatically chooses a parameter setting for the input, and has two main ingredients: (a) the set of parameter choices considered by the advisor, and (b) an estimator of alignment accuracy used to rank alignments produced by the aligner. On coupling a parameter advisor with an aligner, once the advisor is trained in a learning phase, the user simply inputs sequences to align, and receives an output alignment from the aligner, where the advisor has automatically selected the parameter setting. The chapters first lay out the foundations of parameter advising, and then cover applications and extensions of advising. The content * examines formulations of parameter advising and their computational complexity, * develops methods for learning good accuracy estimators, * presents approximation algorithms for finding good sets of parameter choices, and * assesses software implementations of advising that perform well on real biological data. Also explored are applications of parameter advising to * adaptive local realignment, where advising is performed on local regions of the sequences to automatically adapt to varying mutation rates, and * ensemble alignment, where advising is applied to an ensemble of aligners to effectively yield a new aligner of higher quality than the individual aligners in the ensemble. The book concludes by offering future directions in advising research.

Parameterized and Exact Computation

by Marek Cygan Pinar Heggernes

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation, IPEC 2014, in Wroclaw, Poland, in September 2014. The 27 revised full papers presented together with one invited paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 42 submissions. The topics addressed cover research in all aspects of parameterized/exact algorithms and complexity including but are not limited to new techniques for the design and analysis of parameterized and exact algorithms, fixed-parameter tractability results; parameterized complexity theory, relationship between parameterized complexity and traditional complexity classifications; applications of parameterized and exact exponential-time computation; and implementation issues of parameterized and exact exponential-time algorithms.

Parametric and Nonparametric Statistics for Sample Surveys and Customer Satisfaction Data (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)

by Rosa Arboretti Arne Bathke Stefano Bonnini Paolo Bordignon Eleonora Carrozzo Livio Corain Luigi Salmaso

This book deals with problems related to the evaluation of customer satisfaction in very different contexts and ways. Often satisfaction about a product or service is investigated through suitable surveys which try to capture the satisfaction about several partial aspects which characterize the perceived quality of that product or service. This book presents a series of statistical techniques adopted to analyze data from real situations where customer satisfaction surveys were performed.The aim is to give a simple guide of the variety of analysis that can be performed when analyzing data from sample surveys: starting from latent variable models to heterogeneity in satisfaction and also introducing some testing methods for comparing different customers. The book also discusses the construction of composite indicators including different benchmarks of satisfaction. Finally, some rank-based procedures for analyzing survey data are also shown.

Parametric Interval Algebraic Systems (Studies in Computational Intelligence #766)

by Iwona Skalna

This self-contained book presents a framework for solving a general class of linear systems with coefficients being continuous functions of parameters varying within prescribed intervals. It also provides a comprehensive overview of the theory related to solving parametric interval linear systems and the basic properties of parametric interval matrices. In particular, it develops several new algorithms delivering sharp rigorous bounds for the solutions of such systems with full mathematical rigor. The framework employs the arithmetic of revised affine forms that enables the readers to handle dependent data. The book is intended not only for researchers interested in developing rigorous methods of numerical linear algebra, but also for engineers dealing with problems involving uncertain data. The theory discussed is also useful in various other fields of numerical analysis, in computer graphics, economics, computational geometry, computer-aided design, computer-assisted proofs, computer graphics, control theory, solving constraint satisfaction problems, and global optimization.

Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Inventor 2014

by Randy H. Shih

Parametric Modeling with Auto desk Inventor 2014 contains a series of sixteen tutorial style lessons designed to introduce Auto desk Inventor, solid modeling, and parametric modeling. It uses a hands-on, exercise-intensive approach to all the import parametric modeling techniques and concepts.

Parametric Modeling With Siemens NX

by Randy Shih

The primary goal of Parametric Modeling with Siemens NX is to introduce the aspects of designing with Solid Modeling and Parametric Modeling. This text is intended to be used as a practical training guide for students and professionals. This text uses Siemens NX as the modeling tool, and the chapters proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing basic solid models to building intelligent mechanical designs, creating multi-view drawings and assembly models. This text takes a hands-on, exercise-intensive approach to all the important Parametric Modeling techniques and concepts.

Parametric Modeling with SOLIDWORKS 2016

by Randy H. Shih Paul J. Schilling

<p>Parametric Modeling with SOLIDWORKS 2016 contains a series of sixteen tutorial style lessons designed to introduce SOLIDWORKS 2016, solid modeling and parametric modeling techniques and concepts. This book introduces SOLIDWORKS 2016 on a step-by-step basis, starting with constructing basic shapes, all the way through to the creation of assembly drawings and motion analysis. <p>This book takes a hands on, exercise intensive approach to all the important Parametric Modeling techniques and concepts. Each lesson introduces a new set of commands and concepts, building on previous lessons. The lessons guide the user from constructing basic shapes to building intelligent solid models, assemblies and creating multi-view drawings. <p>This book also covers some of the more advanced features of SOLIDWORKS 2016, including how to use the SOLIDWORKS Design Library, basic motion analysis, collision detection and analysis with SimulationXpress. <p>The exercises in this book cover the performance tasks that are included on the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) Examination. Reference guides located at the front of the book and in each chapter show where these performance tasks are covered.</p>

Parametric Packet-based Audiovisual Quality Model for IPTV services

by Marie-Neige Garcia

This volume presents a parametric, packet-based, comprehensive model to measure and predict the audiovisual quality of Internet Protocol Television services as it is likely to be perceived by the user. The comprehensive model is divided into three sub-models referred to as the audio model, the video model, and the audiovisual model. The audio and video models take as input a parametric description of the audiovisual processing path, and deliver distinct estimates for both the audio and video quality. These distinct estimates are eventually used as input data for the audiovisual model. This model provides an overall estimate of the perceived audiovisual quality in total. The parametric description can be used as diagnostic information. The quality estimates and diagnostic information can be practically applied to enhance network deployment and operations. Two applications come to mind in particular: Network planning and network service quality monitoring. The audio model can be used indifferently for both applications. However, two variants of the video model have been developed in order to address particular needs of the applications mentioned above. The comprehensive model covers effects due to resolution, coding, and IP-packet loss in case of RTP-type transport. The model applied to quality monitoring is standardized under the ITU-T Recommendations P. 1201 and P. 1201. 2.

Parametrized, Deformed and General Neural Networks (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1116)

by George A. Anastassiou

In this book, we introduce the parametrized, deformed and general activation function of neural networks. The parametrized activation function kills much less neurons than the original one. The asymmetry of the brain is best expressed by deformed activation functions. Along with a great variety of activation functions, general activation functions are also engaged. Thus, in this book, all presented is original work by the author given at a very general level to cover a maximum number of different kinds of neural networks: giving ordinary, fractional, fuzzy and stochastic approximations. It presents here univariate, fractional and multivariate approximations. Iterated sequential multi-layer approximations are also studied. The functions under approximation and neural networks are Banach space valued.

Parenting Cyber-Risk: Opportunities and Challenges Raising Children with Digital Environments (Routledge Studies in Crime, Justice and the Family)

by Michael Adorjan Rosemary Ricciardelli

On the back of their last book, Cyber-risk and Youth, and building on a new research project, Adorjan and Ricciardelli marshal current research to explore parenting in the digital age.Utilizing 70 original interviews from rural and urban area Canadian parents, the book provides an overview of research on “digital parenting” and illuminates the modern parental experience of managing children’s access to internet-connected technologies. The book explores parents’ experiences with cyberbullying and nonconsensual sexting, as well as concerns over breaches of privacy, screen time and internet addiction. It also investigates parents’ views regarding effective and ineffective strategies in mediation of technology and cyber-risk, including new directions such as restorative practices intended as a response to online conflict and harm. While framing their discussions among sociological theories, Adorjan and Ricciardelli also deliberately emphasize the gendered nature of the book’s discourses and encourage critical reflection of various online surveillance technologies, often marketed to mothers, to keep children safe.As such, Parenting Cyber-Risk is a standout research monograph which not only offers broad insight into 21st-century parenting challenges but also offers solutions. The book will be of interest to advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students studying criminology, sociology and any other related fields.

Parenting in the Age of Attention Snatchers: A Step-by-Step Guide to Balancing Child's Use of Technology

by Lucy Jo Palladino

Are your kids glued to their screens? Here is a practical, step-by-step guide that gives parents the tools to teach children, from toddlers to teens, how to gain control of their technology use. As children spend more of their time on tablets and smartphones, using apps specially engineered to capture their attention, parents are becoming concerned about the effects of so much technology use--and they feel powerless to intervene. They want their kids to be competent and competitive in their use of technology, but they also want to prevent the attention and behavioral problems that can develop from overuse.In this guide, Lucy Jo Palladino doesn't demonize technology; instead she gives parents the tools to help children understand and control their attention--and to recognize and resist when their attention is being "snatched." Palladino's straightforward, evidence-based approach applies to kids of all ages. Parents will also learn the critical difference between voluntary and involuntary attention, new findings about brain development, and what puts children at risk for attention disorders.

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