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Past and Future Presence: Approaches for Implementing XR Technology in Humanities and Art Education
by Lissa Crofton-Sleigh Brian BeamsWhile uses and studies of XR technology within STEM-based education have been plentiful in recent years, there has been lesser or even, at times, a lack of coverage for this novel learning tool in the arts and humanities.Past and Future Presence aims to bridge some of that gap by presenting research-based theory and case studies of successful application and implementation of XR technology into postsecondary educational settings, ranging in topics from ancient to modern languages, classical and contemporary art, and reenvisioned historical scenes and events presented in ways never seen before. The studies also contemplate how this novel medium can enhance and supplement learning in classrooms and other formal or informal learning environments. The volume as a whole is intended to demonstrate to educators, scholars, and researchers in higher education the potential value of integrating XR technology into their classrooms and to provide a strong argument for college and university administrators to invest in training and development of new research and content for classrooms inside and outside of STEM. The authors of these chapters come from a diverse range of backgrounds at different stages of their careers, providing a broad crosssection of scholastic work within the humanities and arts. Each chapter offers a different angle or approach to incorporating XR technology into teaching or research within different subject areas. As the volume suggests, this technology also places additional emphasis on the humanity within the humanities, by focusing on increasing connection between users and different cultures, time periods, and perspectives.
Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research: A Global Perspective
by Mikko Apiola Sonsoles López-Pernas Mohammed SaqrThis book presents a collection of meta-studies, reviews, and scientometric analyses that together reveal a fresh picture about the past, present, and future of computing education research (CER) as a field of science. The book begins with three chapters that discuss and summarise meta-research about the foundations of CER, its disciplinary identity, and use of research methodologies and theories. Based on this, the book proceeds with several scientometric analyses, which explore authors and their collaboration networks, dissemination practices, international collaboration, and shifts in research focus over the years. Analyses of dissemination are deepened in two chapters that focus on some of the most influential publication venues of CER. The book also contains a series of country-, or region-level analyses, including chapters that focus on the evolution of CER in the Baltic Region, Finland, Australasia, Israel, and in the UK & Ireland. Two chapters present case studies of influential CER initiatives in Sweden and Namibia. This book also includes chapters that focus on CER conducted at school level, and cover crucially important issues such as technology ethics, algorithmic bias, and their implications for CER.In all, this book contributes to building an understanding of the past, present and future of CER. This book also contributes new practical guidelines, highlights topical areas of research, shows who to connect with, where to publish, and gives ideas of innovative research niches. The book takes a unique methodological approach by presenting a combination of meta-studies, scientometric analyses of publication metadata, and large-scale studies about the evolution of CER in different geographical regions. This book is intended for educational practitioners, researchers, students, and anyone interested in CER. This book was written in collaboration with some of the leading experts of the field.
The Past, Present, and Future of JavaScript
by Axel RauschmayerWhat’s next for JavaScript? Its phenomenal rise from a simple client-side scripting tool to a versatile and flexible programming language exceeded everyone’s expectations. Now, hopes and expectations for JavaScript’s future are considerable.In this insightful report, Dr. Axel Rauschmayer explains how the combination of several technologies and opportunities in the past 15 years turned JavaScript’s fortunes. With that as a backdrop, he provides a detailed look at proposed new features and fixes in the next version, ECMAScript.next, and then presents his own JavaScript wish list—such as an integrated IDE.Understand the key role that XMLHttpRequest, JSON, jQuery, V8, Node.js, and other advances playedExamine proposed fixes for ECMAScript.next through code examplesDiscover how JavaScript is becoming a better target for compilersExplore the technologies that will help JavaScript provide support for concurrencyLearn how HTML5 is a compelling platform for JavaScript in web, mobile, and desktop applicationsDr. Rauschmayer is a consultant and trainer for JavaScript, web technologies, and information management.
Patent Challenges for Standard-Setting in the Global Economy
by Keith MaskusPatent Challenges for Standard-Setting in the Global Economy: Lessons from Information and Communication Technology examines how leading national and multinational standard-setting organizations (SSOs) address patent disclosures, licensing terms, transfers of patent ownership, and other issues that arise in connection with developing technical standards for consumer and other microelectronic products, associated software and components, and communications networks including the Internet. Attempting to balance the interests of patent holders, other participants in standard-setting, standards implementers, and consumers, the report calls on SSOs to develop more explicit policies to avoid patent holdup and royalty-stacking, ensure that licensing commitments carry over to new owners of the patents incorporated in standards, and limit injunctions for infringement of patents with those licensing commitments. The report recommends government measures to increase the transparency of patent ownership and use of standards information to improve patent quality and to reduce conflicts of laws across countries.
Patent Law for Computer Scientists
by Jörg Machek Daniel Closa Alex Gardiner Falk GiemsaPatent laws are different in many countries, and inventors are sometimes at a loss to understand which basic requirements should be satisfied if an invention is to be granted a patent. This is particularly true for inventions implemented on a computer. While roughly a third of all applications (and granted patents) relate, in one way or another, to a computer, applications where the innovation mainly resides in software or in a business method are treated differently by the major patent offices in the US (USPTO), Japan (JPO), and Europe (EPO). The authors start with a thorough introduction into patent laws and practices, as well as in related intellectual property rights, which also explains the procedures at the USPTO, JPO and EPO and, in particular, the peculiarities in the treatment of applications centering on software or computers. Based on this theoretical description, next they present in a very structured way a huge set of case studies from different areas like business methods, databases, graphical user interfaces, digital rights management, and many more. Each set starts with a rather short description and claim of the "invention", then explains the arguments a legal examiner will probably have, and eventually refines the description step by step, until all the reservations are resolved. All of these case studies are based on real-world examples, and will thus give an inexperienced developer an idea about the required level of detail and description he will have to provide. Together, Closa, Gardiner, Giemsa and Machek have more than 70 years experience in the patent business. With their academic background in physics, electronic engineering, and computer science, they know about both the legal and the subject-based subtleties of computer-based inventions. With this book, they provide a guide to a patent examiner's way of thinking in a clear and systematic manner, helping to prepare the first steps towards a successful patent application.
Patently Mathematical: Picking Partners, Passwords, and Careers by the Numbers
by Jeff SuzukiUncovers the surprising ways math shapes our lives—from whom we date to what we learn.How do dating sites match compatible partners? What do cell phones and sea coasts have in common? And why do computer scientists keep ant colonies? Jeff Suzuki answers these questions and more in Patently Mathematical, which explores the mathematics behind some of the key inventions that have changed our world.In recent years, patents based on mathematics have been issued by the thousands—from search engines and image recognition technology to educational software and LEGO designs. Suzuki delves into the details of cutting-edge devices, programs, and products to show how even the simplest mathematical principles can be turned into patentable ideas worth billions of dollars. Readers will discover • whether secure credit cards are really secure• how improved data compression made streaming video services like Netflix a hit• the mathematics behind self-correcting golf balls• why Google is such an effective and popular search engine• how eHarmony and Match.com find the perfect partner for those seeking a mate• and much more!A gifted writer who combines quirky historical anecdotes with relatable, everyday examples, Suzuki makes math interesting for everyone who likes to ponder the world of numerical relationships. Praise for Jeff Suzuki's Constitutional Calculus"Presents an entertaining and insightful approach to the mathematics that underlies the American system of government. The book is neatly organized, breaking down the United States Constitution by article, section, and amendment. Within each piece, Suzuki reviews the mathematical principles that went into the underlying framework."—Mathematical Reviews"A breath of fresh air.... A reaffirmation that mathematics should be used more often to make general public policy."—MAA Reviews
The Path of Speech Technologies in Computer Assisted Language Learning: From Research Toward Practice (Routledge Studies in Computer Assisted Language Learning #Vol. 4)
by V. Melissa Holland F. Pete FisherThis collection examines the promise and limitations for computer-assisted language learning of emerging speech technologies: speech recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, and acoustic visualization. Using pioneering research from contributors based in the US and Europe, this volume illustrates the uses of each technology for learning languages, the problems entailed in their use, and the solutions evolving in both technology and instructional design. To illuminate where these technologies stand on the path from research toward practice, the book chapters are organized to reflect five stages in the maturation of learning technologies: basic research, analysis of learners’ needs, adaptation of technologies to meet needs, development of prototypes to incorporate adapted technologies, and evaluation of prototypes. The volume demonstrates the progress in employing each class of speech technology while pointing up the effort that remains for effective, reliable application to language learning.
The Path to an Intelligent Enterprise: The Art and Practice of Business Intelligence Strategy (Future of Business and Finance)
by Reinhold Exner Alexander ZunicBusiness Intelligence (BI) and data-driven decision-making have long been atop the priority list for companies. However, many companies continue to struggle to keep up. The collision between rising management expectations, rapid technological advancements, and organizational rigidity, along with traditional ways of working, often hampers progress. This book aims to contextualize innovations like Big Data, the Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence, which have predominantly been discussed from a technology-centric standpoint, within a business framework. It presents compelling evidence that companies without a well-organized and leveraged business intelligence strategy are prone to squandering money and resources on hasty and improvised BI initiatives. The book delves into effective business intelligence application, equipping practitioners with a solid understanding of successful practices and how to implement them. Practical tips and accelerators, including a template for documenting a BI strategy for organizations, are provided. The book is intended for business professionals and decision-makers responsible for strategic BI initiatives, as well as practitioners and users of business intelligence systems.
Pathological Brain Detection (Brain Informatics and Health)
by Shui-Hua Wang Yu-Dong Zhang Zhengchao Dong Preetha PhillipsThis book provides detailed practical guidelines on how to develop an efficient pathological brain detection system, reflecting the latest advances in the computer-aided diagnosis of structural magnetic resonance brain images. Matlab codes are provided for most of the functions described. In addition, the book equips readers to easily develop the pathological brain detection system further on their own and apply the technologies to other research fields, such as Alzheimer’s detection, multiple sclerosis detection, etc.
Pathological Voice Analysis
by David Zhang Kebin WuWhile voice is widely used in speech recognition and speaker identification, its application in biomedical fields is much less common. This book systematically introduces the authors’ research on voice analysis for biomedical applications, particularly pathological voice analysis. Firstly, it reviews the field to highlight the biomedical value of voice. It then offers a comprehensive overview of the workflow and aspects of pathological voice analysis, including voice acquisition systems, voice pitch estimation methods, glottal closure instant detection, feature extraction and learning, and the multi-audio fusion approaches. Lastly, it discusses the experimental results that have shown the superiority of these techniques. This book is useful to researchers, professionals and postgraduate students working in fields such as speech signal processing, pattern recognition, and biomedical engineering. It is also a valuable resource for those involved in interdisciplinary research.
Pathology of Learning in Cyber Space: Concepts, Structures And Processes (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #156)
by Sayed Hadi SadeghiThis book is divided into seven chapters, beginning with discussions of the main concepts of cyberspace, the relationship between cyberspace and real space, learning and education. It describes the relationship between cyberspace and real space, and presents capacities, judiciary, and concepts related to cyberspace. Cyber curricular education forms are then described in terms of teaching and learning resources in cyberspace. The discussion presented in this book consists of two main sections: The first section, outlines the objectives of training in cyberspace at different levels, while the second section describes the injuries caused by learning and training in cyberspace at different levels, and then highlights how cyber training is handled and receives feedback. Lastly, the authors provide a summary of the topics presented. Most other discussions are general and present the overall benefits of e-learning and e-teaching that is formally carried out in universities and schools through cyberspace. But, unfortunately, none of them fully explores the learning, education and cyber-training resources which should be used by individuals, groups, organizations, governments, and others in pursuing to achieve their goals. In addition to this, they do not pay much attention to the challenges and injuries caused by learning and teaching in cyberspace. This has led the authors to investigate these and other issues related to learning and training in cyberspace more widely and comprehensively, and also consider them beyond official formal learning and education. Most importantly they address issues such as the injuries and challenges that, in different ways and at different levels result from learning and education in this space. As such this book goes beyond simple and repetitive issues that have been raised concerning cyberspace, and underlines the challenges it poses. Although intended for scholars and students from the fields of science education, information technology, sociology and educational technology as well as interested parties and related authorities, this book is also helpful for people wishing to better understand new topics, such as cyberspace, learning and training in cyberspace, and related issues. It is of interest to a wide range of enthusiasts, with different educational, specialist and executive backgrounds, including academics, policymakers, managers and planners from educational and cultural institutions
Pathways Between Social Science and Computational Social Science: Theories, Methods, and Interpretations (Computational Social Sciences)
by Tamás Rudas Gábor PéliThis volume shows that the emergence of computational social science (CSS) is an endogenous response to problems from within the social sciences and not exogeneous. The three parts of the volume address various pathways along which CSS has been developing from and interacting with existing research frameworks. The first part exemplifies how new theoretical models and approaches on which CSS research is based arise from theories of social science. The second part is about methodological advances facilitated by CSS-related techniques. The third part illustrates the contribution of CSS to traditional social science topics, further attesting to the embedded nature of CSS. The expected readership of the volume includes researchers with a traditional social science background who wish to approach CSS, experts in CSS looking for substantive links to more traditional social science theories, methods and topics, and finally, students working in both fields.
Pathways to Personalization: A Framework for School Change
by Shawn C. Rubin Cathy SanfordPathways to Personalization offers an innovative five-step framework to help school leaders and teacher teams design and implement blended and personalized learning initiatives based on local needs and interests. The book draws on principles of improvement science and change management, as well as work in nearly five hundred classrooms, to help educators define their own rationale for personalized learning; it guides them as they establish small pilot initiatives, determine criteria for success, evaluate their efforts, and create a path for replication and scale. Filled with activities and templates for organizing information and student feedback, the book also includes many examples of how district leaders, school principals, and teachers have successfully navigated the change process to create more student-centered classrooms. Shifting a school or district to offer more personalized learning requires a great deal of commitment, passion, and energy, but it also demands a strategic process. Pathways to Personalization meets this need by providing a field-tested road map for educators seeking ways to meet the academic and emotional needs of all students, and to empower them to take charge of their own learning.
The Patient Revolution
by Krisa TailorIn The Patient Revolution, author Krisa Tailor--a noted expert in health care innovation and management--explores, through the lens of design thinking, how information technology will take health care into the experience economy. In the experience economy, patients will shift to being empowered consumers who are active participants in their own care. Tailor explores this shift by creating a vision for a newly designed health care system that's focused on both sickness and wellness, and is driven by data and analytics. The new system seamlessly integrates health into our daily lives, and delivers care so uniquely personalized that no two people are provided identical treatments. Connected through data, everyone across the health care ecosystem, including clinicians, insurers, and researchers, will be able to meet individuals wherever they are in their health journey to reach the ultimate goal of keeping people healthy. The patient revolution has just begun and an exciting journey awaits us. Praise for the patient revolution "A full 50% of the US population has at least one chronic disease that requires ongoing monitoring and treatment. Our current health care system is woefully inadequate in providing these individuals with the treatment and support they need. This disparity can only be addressed through empowering patients to better care for themselves and giving providers better tools to care for their patients. Both of those solutions will require the development and application of novel technologies. In Krisa Tailor's book The Patient Revolution, a blueprint is articulated for how this could be achieved, culminating in a vision for a learning health system within 10 years." --Ricky Bloomfield, MD, Director, Mobile Technology Strategy; Assistant Professor, Duke Medicine "In The Patient Revolution, Krisa Tailor astutely points out that 80% of health is impacted by factors outside of the health care system. Amazon unfortunately knows more about our patients than we do. The prescriptive analytics she describes will allow health care providers to use big data to optimize interventions at the level of the individual patient. The use of analytics will allow providers to improve quality, shape care coordination, and contain costs. Advanced analytics will lead to personalized care and ultimately empowered patients!" --Linda Butler, MD, Vice President of Medical Affairs/Chief Medical Officer/Chief Medical Information Officer, Rex Healthcare "The Patient Revolution provides a practical roadmap on how the industry can capture value by making health and care more personalized, anticipatory, and intuitive to patient needs." --Ash Damle, CEO, Lumiata "Excellent read. For me, health care represents a unique economy--one focused on technology, but requiring a deep understanding of humanity. Ms. Tailor begins the exploration of how we provide care via the concepts of design thinking, asking how we might redesign care with an eye toward changing the experience. She does an excellent job deconstructing this from the patient experience. I look forward to a hopeful follow-up directed at changing the provider culture." --Alan Pitt, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Avizia "Whether you're a health care provider looking to gain an understanding of the health care landscape, a health data scientist, or a seasoned business pro, you'll come away with a deeper, nuanced understanding of today's evolving health care system with this book. Krisa Tailor ties together--in a comprehensive, unique way--the worlds of health care administration, clinical practice, design thinking, and business strategy and innovation." --Steven Chan, MD, MBA, University of California, Davis
Patient-Specific Modeling of the Cardiovascular System
by Roy C.P. KerckhoffsThe main purpose of the book is to demonstrate the design of a variety of patient-specific models within the cardiovascular system in computational biology. The maturation of computational biology could lead to a new approach to medicine. During the last five to ten years, there have been many improvements in diagnostic medical technologies such as multi-slice cardiac CT imaging, 3-D electroanatomic mapping, and many types of applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (i.e. magnetic resonance tagging and diffusion tensor imaging). Combined with more powerful computing resources and more accurate predictive computational models it is feasible to begin developing mechanistic patient-specific models that may help diagnosis, guide therapy or surgery, and predict outcomes of the latter. Many questions need to be answered before computational modeling can be fully integrated with standard care, such as what is the minimal data set needed from the patient in order to build a reliable predictive model? What accuracy is needed? How will the initial baseline model be validated? What are reasonable computation times? Is some type of perturbation of the patient's physiology necessary? How could they be integrated with current practices? Are physicians willing to accept these models? These questions will also serve as guidelines throughout the chapters. The book will try to cover, such as cardiac electrophysiology, cardiac (muscle) mechanics, circulation dynamics, arterial and venous flow, angiogenesis, remodeling, metabolism, or combinations between these such as cardiac electromechanics or fluid-solid interactions.
Patientenorientierte Digitalisierung im Krankenhaus: IT-Architekturmanagement am Behandlungspfad
by Markus Mangiapane Matthias BenderDieses Buch dient Ihnen als Leitfaden für die Digitalisierung im KrankenhausGesundheitsbetriebe wie Spitäler stehen in einem Spannungsfeld zwischen steigenden Qualitätsansprüchen und Kosteneffizienz. Deshalb geben Ihnen die Autoren dieses Buchs einen aktuellen Überblick zu den Herausforderungen und den Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung im Umfeld von Krankenhäusern. Anhand eines fiktiven Beispieles verdeutlichen Ihnen die Verfasser sowohl die Möglichkeiten als auch die Schwierigkeiten dieses Prozesses. Ziel dieses Werks ist es, die Grundlagen der Digitalisierung einer Klinik verständlich für alle Beteiligten darzustellen. Dazu führen die Autoren ein Modell ein, das den Patienten ins Zentrum rückt und das IT-Architekturmanagement mit dem Weg des Patienten durch die Behandlung verknüpft. Zudem erfahren Sie in diesem Buch, wie eine optimale IT-Struktur als Entscheidungs- und Erklärungsgrundlage in einem Krankenhaus dienen kann, um so den Kulturwandel herbeizuführen, der mit einer umfassenden Digitalisierung einhergeht.So schaffen Sie die optimale Basis für zukünftige ProzesseZu Beginn dieses Buchs erläutern die Autoren, was Digitalisierung überhaupt ist und welche Rolle sie in Krankenhäusern spielt. Markus Mangiapane und Matthias Bender klären Sie über die Fähigkeiten und Voraussetzungen auf, die Sie im Zuge einer erfolgreichen digitalen Transformation benötigen. Die anschließenden Kapitel stellen schwerpunktmäßig folgende Aspekte in den Mittelpunkt:Die vier Pfeiler der digitalen TransformationRechtliche RahmenbedingungenProzessmanagement und -sicherheitEMR Adoption Model (EMRAM)Praktische Umsetzung des Enterprise Architektur Management (EAM)Informationssicherheit und -archivierung Zusätzliche Beispiele aus dem Alltag der Krankenhausinformation schlagen Brücken von der Theorie zur praktischen Anwendung und verdeutlichen die Schwierigkeiten bei der realen Umsetzung der Digitalisierung im Krankenhaus. Mit diesem Werk als Leitfaden sind Sie in der Lage, eine gemeinsame Wissensbasis für die erfolgreiche digitale Transformation von Geschäftsprozessen zu bilden. Das Buch „Patientenorientierte Digitalisierung im Krankenhaus“ ist daher eine Leseempfehlung für:Direktoren und Entscheidungsträger aus den Bereichen CIO, IT oder dem KrankenhausmanagementMedizininformatiker, Ärzte und medizinisches PersonalStudierende der Informatik, Medizininformatik und angrenzender Fächer
Pattern Analysis, Intelligent Security and the Internet of Things
by Ajith Abraham Azah Kamilah Muda Yun-Huoy ChooThis Volume presents the selected papers from the 5 Parallel Symposiums of the 2014 Fourth World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT 2014) held in Malacca, Malaysia. The theme of WICT 2014 'Innovating ICT for Social Revolutions'. WICT 2014 is Co-Organized by Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs), USA and Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia. WICT 2014 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society Malaysia and Spain Chapters and Technically Supported by IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society, Technical Committee on Soft Computing.
Pattern and Security Requirements
by Kristian BeckersSecurity threats are a significant problem for information technology companies today. This book focuses on how to mitigate these threats by using security standards and provides ways to address associated problems faced by engineers caused by ambiguities in the standards. The security standards are analysed, fundamental concepts of the security standards presented, and the relations to the elementary concepts of security requirements engineering (SRE) methods explored. Using this knowledge, engineers can build customised methods that support the establishment of security standards. Standards such as Common Criteria or ISO 27001 are explored and several extensions are provided to well-known SRE methods such as Si*, CORAS, and UML4PF to support the establishment of these security standards. Through careful analysis of the activities demanded by the standards, for example the activities to establish an Information Security Management System (ISMS) in compliance with the ISO 27001 standard, methods are proposed which incorporate existing security requirement approaches and patterns. Understanding Pattern and Security Requirements engineering methods is important for software engineers, security analysts and other professionals that are tasked with establishing a security standard, as well as researchers who aim to investigate the problems with establishing security standards. The examples and explanations in this book are designed to be understandable by all these readers.
Pattern Discovery in Bioinformatics: Theory & Algorithms
by null Laxmi ParidaThe computational methods of bioinformatics are being used more and more to process the large volume of current biological data. Promoting an understanding of the underlying biology that produces this data, Pattern Discovery in Bioinformatics: Theory and Algorithms provides the tools to study regularities in biological data.Taking a systema
Pattern Formation in Morphogenesis
by Annick Harel-Bellan Misha Gromov Linda Louise Pritchard Nadya Morozova Vincenzo CapassoPattern Formation in Morphogenesis is a rich source of interesting and challenging mathematical problems. The volume aims at showing how a combination of new discoveries in developmental biology and associated modelling and computational techniques has stimulated or may stimulate relevant advances in the field. Finally it aims at facilitating the process of unfolding a mutual recognition between Biologists and Mathematicians of their complementary skills, to the point where the resulting synergy generates new and novel discoveries. It offers an interdisciplinary interaction space between biologists from embryology, genetics and molecular biology who present their own work in the perspective of the advancement of their specific fields, and mathematicians who propose solutions based on the knowledge grasped from biologists.
Pattern Language for Game Design (ERROR)
by Christopher BarneyChris Barney’s Pattern Language for Game Design builds on the revolutionary work of architect Christopher Alexander to show students, teachers, and game development professionals how to derive best practices in all aspects of game design. Using a series of practical, rigorous exercises, designers can observe and analyze the failures and successes of the games they know and love to find the deep patterns that underlie good design. From an in-depth look at Alexander’s work, to a critique of pattern theory in various fields, to a new approach that will challenge your knowledge and put it to work, this book seeks to transform how we look at building the interactive experiences that shape us. Key Features: Background on the architectural concepts of patterns and a Pattern Language as defined in the work of Christopher Alexander, including his later work on the Fifteen Properties of Wholeness and Generative Codes. Analysis of other uses of Alexander’s work in computer science and game design, and the limitations of those efforts. A comprehensive set of example exercises to help the reader develop their own patterns that can be used in practical day-to-day game design tasks. Exercises that are useful to designers at all levels of experience and can be completed in any order, allowing students to select exercises that match their coursework and allowing professionals to select exercises that address their real-world challenges. Discussion of common pitfalls and difficulties with the pattern derivation process. A guide for game design teachers, studio leaders, and university departments for curating and maintaining institutional Pattern Languages. An Interactive Pattern Language website where you can share patterns with developers throughout the world (patternlanguageforgamedesign.com). Comprehensive games reference for all games discussed in this book. Author Chris Barney is an industry veteran with more than a decade of experience designing and engineering games such as Poptropica and teaching at Northeastern University. He has spoken at conferences, including GDC, DevCom, and PAX, on topics from core game design to social justice. Seeking degrees in game design before formal game design programs existed, Barney built his own undergraduate and graduate curricula out of offerings in sociology, computer science, and independent study. In pursuit of a broad understanding of games, he has worked on projects spanning interactive theater, live-action role-playing game (LARP) design, board games, and tabletop role-playing games (RPGs). An extensive collection of his essays of game design topics can be found on his development blog at perspectivesingamedesign.com.
The Pattern On The Stone: The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work (SCIENCE MASTERS)
by Daniel HillisWill computers become thinking machines? A scientist at the cutting-edge of current research gives his provocative analysis.The world was shocked when a computer, Deep Blue defeated Gary Kasparov, arguably the greatest human chess player ever to have lived. This remarkable victory, and other, more day-to-day innovations, beg serious questions: what are the limits of what computers can do? Can they think? Do they learn?Discussions of these questions tend to get muddled because most people have only the vaguest idea of how computers actually work. This book explains the inner workings of computers in a way that does not require a profound knowledge of mathematics nor an understanding of electrical engineering. Starting with an account of how computers are built and why they work, W. Daniel Hillis describes what they can and cannot do - at the present time - before explaining how a computer can surpass its programmer and, finally, where humanity has reached in its quest for a true Thinking Machine.
The Pattern On The Stone: The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work
by W. Daniel HillisMost people are baffled by how computers work and assume that they will never understand them. What they don’t realize--and what Daniel Hillis’s short book brilliantly demonstrates--is that computers’ seemingly complex operations can be broken down into a few simple parts that perform the same simple procedures over and over again. Computer wizard Hillis offers an easy-to-follow explanation of how data is processed that makes the operations of a computer seem as straightforward as those of a bicycle. Avoiding technobabble or discussions of advanced hardware, the lucid explanations and colorful anecdotes in The Pattern on the Stone go straight to the heart of what computers really do. Hillis proceeds from an outline of basic logic to clear descriptions of programming languages, algorithms, and memory. He then takes readers in simple steps up to the most exciting developments in computing today--quantum computing, parallel computing, neural networks, and self-organizing systems. Written clearly and succinctly by one of the world’s leading computer scientists, The Pattern on the Stone is an indispensable guide to understanding the workings of that most ubiquitous and important of machines: the computer.
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture For Dummies
by Robert HanmerImplement programming best practices from the ground upImagine how much easier it would be to solve a programming problem, if you had access to the best practices from all the top experts in the field, and you could follow the best design patterns that have evolved through the years. Well, now you can. This unique book offers development solutions ranging from high-level architectural patterns, to design patterns that apply to specific problems encountered after the overall structure has been designed, to idioms in specific programming languages--all in one, accessible, guide. Not only will you improve your understanding of software design, you'll also improve the programs you create and successfully take your development ideas to the next level.Pulls together the best design patterns and best practices for software design into one accessible guide to help you improve your programming projects Helps you avoid re-creating the wheel and also meet the ever-increasing pace of rev cycles, as well as the ever-increasing number of new platforms and technologies for mobile, web, and enterprise computing Fills a gap in the entry-level POSA market, as well as a need for guidance in implementing best practices from the ground upSave time and avoid headaches with your software development projects with Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture For Dummies.
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects: A System Of Patterns (Wiley Software Patterns Series #1)
by Douglas C. Schmidt Michael Stal Hans Rohnert Frank BuschmannDesigning application and middleware software to run in concurrent and networked environments is a significant challenge to software developers. The patterns catalogued in this second volume of Pattern-Oriented Software Architectures (POSA) form the basis of a pattern language that addresses issues associated with concurrency and networking. The book presents 17 interrelated patterns ranging from idioms through architectural designs. They cover core elements of building concurrent and network systems: service access and configuration, event handling, synchronization, and concurrency. All patterns present extensive examples and known uses in multiple programming languages, including C++, C, and Java. The book can be used to tackle specific software development problems or read from cover to cover to provide a fundamental understanding of the best practices for constructing concurrent and networked applications and middleware. About the AuthorsThis book has been written by the award winning team responsible for the first POSA volume "A System of Patterns", joined in this volume by Douglas C. Schmidt from University of California, Irvine (UCI), USA.Visit our Web Page