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Peachtree For Dummies
by Elaine Marmel Diane KoersNot feeling too peachy about computerizing your accounting system? Relax! Peachtree For Dummies, 3rd Edition will show you how to set up your company in Peachtree and then use it to pay bills, invoice customers, pay employees, produce financial reports, and more. You'll quickly discover how Peachtree can save you time, effort, and money so that you no longer have to do your accounting by hand or pay someone else to do it for you.Publishing to coincide with the latest release of Peachtree, this third edition is revised to cover the newest updates and enhancements made to the most recent version of Peachtree. Veteran authors Elaine Marmel and Diane Koers break down the capabilities of Peachtree Premium Accounting, from building an effective chart of accounts, to customizing forms and modifying reports, to setting up default information that will save you time down the line. You'll also discover how to:Work with purchase ordersSell products and servicesGenerate invoicesTrack project costsProduce income statementsBack up and restore dataBalance accountsManage inventoryHandle customer prepaymentsPay for purchase orders with a credit cardKeep your account information safePacked with examples of everyday, real-life situations, Peachtree For Dummies, 3rd Edition is the reference you need so that you can put Peachtree to work for you and get the job done quickly and correctly.
The PEAR Installer Manifesto
by Gregory BeaverThis book is a comprehensive and well structured tutorial on using PEAR Installer, but it is also much more than that. As the creator of the latest versions of the PEAR Installer (1.4.0+) , the author is passionate about the benefits of a well managed development and deployment process. The book shows how the PEAR Installer works in detail, and then takes you through a comprehensive tour of how you can apply it all stages of the development lifecycle, with practical examples and advice throughout. It will build your technical skills and understanding, and also widen your perspective on managing an effective development process. The book is not just for PHP developers who want to understand how the PEAR Installer works, and what it can do for them, but more generally for PHP developers seeking a better way to deploy their applications and manage updates. It does assume that you have a good working knowledge of PHP development, and are dealing with projects of a sufficient scale and complexity to warrant an investment in a structure process.
Pearls of Discrete Mathematics (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
by null Martin EricksonMethods Used to Solve Discrete Math ProblemsInteresting examples highlight the interdisciplinary nature of this areaPearls of Discrete Mathematics presents methods for solving counting problems and other types of problems that involve discrete structures. Through intriguing examples, problems, theorems, and proofs, the book illustrates the relation
Pedagogy and Learning with ICT: Researching the Art of Innovation
by Bridget SomekhBridget Somekh draws on her experience of researching the introduction of ICT into education to look at ICT development over the last twenty years. The book provides a fascinating, in-depth analysis of the nature of learning, ICT pedagogies and the processes of change for teachers, schools and education systems. It covers the key issues relating to the innovation of ICT that have arisen over this period, including: the process of change educational vision for ICT teacher motivation and engagement the phenomenon of ‘fit’ to existing practices systemic constraints policy and evaluation of its implementation students’ motivation and engagement the penetration of ICT into the home online learning and the ‘disembodied’ teacher.
Pedagogy for Technology Education in Secondary Schools: Research Informed Perspectives for Classroom Teachers (Contemporary Issues in Technology Education)
by David Barlex P. John WilliamsThis book explores pedagogy appropriate for the secondary school technology education classroom. It covers the dimensions of pedagogy for technology with scholarly research, including information strongly related to practice. The book discusses the nature of technology courses in secondary schools across various jurisdictions and considers how they might be viewed with regard to different epistemological frameworks. The writing is informed by, but not limited to, research and strongly related to practice with acknowledged experts in the field of technology education contributing chapters supported by evidence from technology education research or other fields. The authors speculate on pedagogical possibilities in their areas of expertise in order to consider pedagogical possibilities and develop a view of where pedagogy for technology education should move and how teachers might respond in the way they develop their practice.
Pedagogy of Tele-Proximity for eLearning: Bridging the Distance with Social Physics (Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology)
by Chryssa ThemelisThis book examines networked science and the pedagogy of tele-proximity, a paradigm that integrates eLearning theories, information technology and visual media competencies. The book conceptualises the idea of tele-proximity as a means to foster diversity and human to human contact online. It uses the lens of social physics and considers how to bridge the distance in eLearning, examining social connections, collective intelligence and personal wellbeing. The book draws on qualitative and quantitative research in higher education to form fine-tuned eLearning networks that achieve demosophia, the core of democracy. It charts the progress of technology-enhanced learning approaches and shows the need for a sound pedagogical framework that is holistic and sustainable to promote mindful presence. Contributing to the literature on eLearning, this timely book will be of great interest to educational philosophers, policy makers, educators, researchers and students in the field of distance education.
Pediatric Biomedical Informatics
by John J. HuttonAdvances in the biomedical sciences, especially genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, taken together with the expanding use of electronic health records, are radically changing the IT infrastructure and software applications needed to support the transfer of knowledge from bench to bedside. Pediatric Biomedical Informatics: Computer Applications in Pediatric Research describes the core resources in informatics necessary to support biomedical research programs and how these can best be integrated with hospital systems to receive clinical information that is necessary to conduct translational research.The focus is on the authors' recent practical experiences in establishing an informatics infrastructure in a large research-intensive children's hospital. This book is intended for translational researchers and informaticians in pediatrics, but can also serve as a guide to all institutions facing the challenges of developing and strengthening informatics support for biomedical research. The first section of the book discusses important technical challenges underlying computer-based pediatric research, while subsequent sections discuss informatics applications that support biobanking and a broad range of research programs. Pediatric Biomedical Informatics provides practical insights into the design, implementation, and utilization of informatics infrastructures to optimize care and research to benefit children. Dr. John Hutton is the Vice President and Director of Biomedical Informatics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA. He is also Professor of Pediatrics and Associate Dean for Information Services at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.
Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology
by Michael C. Brodsky"Due to the generous representation of the afferent visual system within the brain, neurological disease may disrupt vision as a presenting symptom or as a secondary effect of the disease. Conversely, early developmental disturbances of vision often disrupt ocular motor control systems, giving rise to complex disorders such as nystagmus, strabismus, and torticollis. The signs and symptoms of neurological disease are elusive by their very nature, presenting a confounding diagnostic challenge. Neurological medications and neurosurgical treatments can produce neuro-ophthalmological dysfunction that can be difficult to distinguish from disease progression. Affected patients may experience substantial delays in diagnosis, and are often subjected to extensive (and expensive) diagnostic testing. Scientific articles pertaining to specific disorders are scattered throughout medical subspecialty journals. These children continue to "fall through the cracks" of our medical education system. The increasing recognition that pediatric neuro-ophthalmology comprises a distinct set of diseases from those seen in adults has led to its emergence as a dedicated field of study. "Since the original publication of Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology nearly fourteen years ago, interest in the field has burgeoned. Pediatric ophthalmology and pediatric neurology subspecialty conferences often include symposia dedicated to recent advances in pediatric neuro-ophthalmology. Technical advances in neuroimaging have given rise to a more integrated mechanistic classification of neuro-ophthalmological disease in children. Our understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders of the visual system has expanded, longstanding monoliths have been dissembled into component parts, basic molecular mechanisms have taken center stage, and genetic underpinnings have become definitional. Evolutionary alterations can now be observed at the level of the gene, adding a new dimension to our understanding of disease pathogenesis. New classifications now encompass clinically disparate conditions. Descriptive definitions have been supplanted by mechanistic ones, and clinical definitions superseded by genetic ones. Our concept of disease pathogenesis has been revised and in some cases overturned. Bearing witness to these remarkable advancements has compelled me to enhance and expand the first edition of Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology into this new and revised one. "In the first edition of this book, our goal was to present the clinical characteristics, diagnostic evaluation, and therapeutic options for the common neuro-ophthalmologic disorders of childhood. In so doing, we designed the book to be provide a narrative journey through the thought processes involved in the clinical management of these disorders. In this edition, I have retained the basic narrative format of original book, while expanding the exploration of these complex visual disorders in the context of the many new scientific advancements and discoveries that have come to light. These conditions are fun to diagnose, fascinating to understand, and gratifying to manage." --from the Preface to the 2nd Edition.
The Peep Diaries
by Hal Niedzviecki"Take a peek at The Peep Diaries, an erudite (but not too erudite) look at the culture that Facebook, Twitter, et al. have spawned."--Real Simple "It's a great read; it mixes frank interviews with people pushing the boundaries of voyeurism and exhibitionism, alongside a bracing critique of the social context that got us into peep culture and the forces that now exploit our participation in it."--The Globe and Mail We have entered the age of "peep culture": a tell-all, show-all, know-all digital phenomenon that is dramatically altering notions of privacy, individuality, security, and even humanity. Peep culture is reality TV, YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, over-the-counter spy gear, blogs, chat rooms, amateur porn, surveillance technology, Dr. Phil, Borat, cell phone photos of your drunk friend making out with her ex-boyfriend, and more. In the age of peep, core values and rights we once took for granted are rapidly being renegotiated, often without our even noticing. With hilarious, exasperated acuity, social critic Hal Niedzviecki dives into peep, starting his own video blog, joining every social network that will have him, monitoring the movements of his toddler, selling his secrets on Craigslist, hiring a private detective to investigate him, spying on his neighbors, trying out for reality TV shows, and stripping for the pleasure of a web audience he isn't even sure exists. Part travelogue, part diary, part meditation and social history, The Peep Diaries explores a rapidly emerging digital phenomenon that is radically changing not just the entertainment landscape, but also the firmaments of our culture and society. The Peep Diaries introduces the arrival of the age of peep culture and explores its implications for entertainment, society, sex, politics, and everyday life. Mixing first-rate reporting with sociological observations culled from the latest research, this book captures the shift from pop to peep and the way technology is turning gossip into documentary and Peeping Toms into entertainment journalists. Packed with stranger-than-fiction true-life characters and scenarios, The Peep Diaries reflects the aspirations and confusions of the growing number of people willing to trade the details of their private lives for catharsis, attention, and notoriety. Hal Niedzviecki is the editor of Broken Pencil magazine and has published numerous works of social commentary and fiction, including Hello I'm Special: How Individuality Became the New Conformity.
Peer Pedagogies on Digital Platforms: Learning with Minecraft Let's Play Videos (Learning in Large-Scale Environments)
by Michael DezuanniHow a popular entertainment genre on YouTube--Let's Play videos created by Minecraft players--offers opportunities for children to learn from their peers.Every day millions of children around the world watch video gameplay on YouTube in the form of a popular entertainment genre known as Let's Play videos. These videos, which present a player's gameplay and commentary, offer children opportunities for interaction and learning not available in traditional television viewing or solo video gameplay. In this book, Michael Dezuanni examines why Let's Play videos are so appealing to children, looking in particular at videos of Minecraft gameplay. He finds that a significant aspect of the popularity of these videos is the opportunity for knowledge and skill exchange.
Peer to Peer
by David Anderson Nimisha Asthagiri Dan Brickley Dan Bricklin Alan Brown Avinash Chugh Lorrie Cranor Roger Dingledine Rael Dornfest Michael Freedman Marc Hedlund Theodore Hong Gene Kan Adam Langley Richard Lethin Jeremie Miller Nelson Minar David Molnar Tim O'Reilly Aviel Rubin Clay Shirky Walter Tuvell Jon Udell Marc Waldman Brandon WileyThis book presents the goals that drive the developers of the best-known peer-to-peer systems, the problems they've faced, and the technical solutions they've found. The contributors are leading developers of well-known peer-to-peer systems, such as Gnutella, Freenet, Jabber, Popular Power, SETI@Home, Red Rover, Publius, Free Haven, Groove Networks, and Reputation Technologies. Topics include metadata, performance, trust, resource allocation, reputation, security, and gateways between systems.
Peer-To-Peer: Harnessing the Benefits of a Disruptive Technology (First Edition)
by Andy OramThis book is about the goals of peer-to-peer computer networking, its problems and solutions.
Peer-to-Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies
by Andy OramThe term "peer-to-peer" has come to be applied to networks that expect end users to contribute their own files, computing time, or other resources to some shared project. Even more interesting than the systems' technical underpinnings are their socially disruptive potential: in various ways they return content, choice, and control to ordinary users.While this book is mostly about the technical promise of peer-to-peer, we also talk about its exciting social promise. Communities have been forming on the Internet for a long time, but they have been limited by the flat interactive qualities of email and Network newsgroups. People can exchange recommendations and ideas over these media, but have great difficulty commenting on each other's postings, structuring information, performing searches, or creating summaries. If tools provided ways to organize information intelligently, and if each person could serve up his or her own data and retrieve others' data, the possibilities for collaboration would take off. Peer-to-peer technologies along with metadata could enhance almost any group of people who share an interest--technical, cultural, political, medical, you name it.This book presents the goals that drive the developers of the best-known peer-to-peer systems, the problems they've faced, and the technical solutions they've found. Learn here the essentials of peer-to-peer from leaders of the field:Nelson Minar and Marc Hedlund of target="new">Popular Power, on a history of peer-to-peerClay Shirky of acceleratorgroup, on where peer-to-peer is likely to be headedTim O'Reilly of O'Reilly & Associates, on redefining the public's perceptionsDan Bricklin, cocreator of Visicalc, on harvesting information from end-usersDavid Anderson of SETI@home, on how SETI@Home created the world's largest computerJeremie Miller of Jabber, on the Internet as a collection of conversationsGene Kan of Gnutella and GoneSilent.com, on lessons from Gnutella for peer-to-peer technologiesAdam Langley of Freenet, on Freenet's present and upcoming architectureAlan Brown of Red Rover, on a deliberately low-tech content distribution systemMarc Waldman, Lorrie Cranor, and Avi Rubin of AT&T Labs, on the Publius project and trust in distributed systemsRoger Dingledine, Michael J. Freedman, andDavid Molnar of Free Haven, on resource allocation and accountability in distributed systemsRael Dornfest of O'Reilly Network and Dan Brickley of ILRT/RDF Web, on metadataTheodore Hong of Freenet, on performanceRichard Lethin of Reputation Technologies, on how reputation can be built onlineJon Udell ofBYTE and
Peer-to-Peer Computing: Applications, Architecture, Protocols, and Challenges (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science)
by Yu-Kwong Ricky KwokWhile people are now using peer-to-peer (P2P) applications for various processes, such as file sharing and video streaming, many research and engineering issues still need to be tackled in order to further advance P2P technologies. Peer-to-Peer Computing: Applications, Architecture, Protocols, and Challenges provides comprehensive theoretical and p
PEM Fuel Cells with Bio-Ethanol Processor Systems
by Rachid Outbib Diego Feroldi Marta S. BasualdoAn apparently appropriate control scheme for PEM fuel cells may actually lead to an inoperable plant when it is connected to other unit operations in a process with recycle streams and energy integration. PEM Fuel Cells with Bio-Ethanol Processor Systems presents a control system design that provides basic regulation of the hydrogen production process with PEM fuel cells. It then goes on to construct a fault diagnosis system to improve plant safety above this control structure. PEM Fuel Cells with Bio-Ethanol Processor Systems is divided into two parts: the first covers fuel cells and the second discusses plants for hydrogen production from bio-ethanol to feed PEM fuel cells. Both parts give detailed analyses of modeling, simulation, advanced control, and fault diagnosis. They give an extensive, in-depth discussion of the problems that can occur in fuel cell systems and propose a way to control these systems through advanced control algorithms. A significant part of the book is also given over to computer-aided engineering software tools that can be used to evaluate the dynamic performance of the overall plant. PEM Fuel Cells with Bio-Ethanol Processor Systems is intended for use by researchers and advanced students on chemical, electrical-electronic and mechanical engineering courses in which dynamics and control are incorporated with the traditional steady-state coverage of flowsheet synthesis, engineering economics and optimization.
Pen Testing from Contract to Report
by Alfred Basta Nadine Basta Waqar AnwarPen Testing from Contractto Report Protect your system or web application with this accessible guide Penetration tests, also known as ‘pen tests’, are a means of assessing the security of a computer system by simulating a cyber-attack. These tests can be an essential tool in detecting exploitable vulnerabilities in a computer system or web application, averting potential user data breaches, privacy violations, losses of system function, and more. With system security an increasingly fundamental part of a connected world, it has never been more important that cyber professionals understand the pen test and its potential applications. Pen Testing from Contract to Report offers a step-by-step overview of the subject. Built around a new concept called the Penetration Testing Life Cycle, it breaks the process into phases, guiding the reader through each phase and its potential to expose and address system vulnerabilities. The result is an essential tool in the ongoing fight against harmful system intrusions. In Pen Testing from Contract to Report readers will also find: Content mapped to certification exams such as the CompTIA PenTest+Detailed techniques for evading intrusion detection systems, firewalls, honeypots, and moreAccompanying software designed to enable the reader to practice the concepts outlined, as well as end-of-chapter questions and case studies Pen Testing from Contract to Report is ideal for any cyber security professional or advanced student of cyber security.
Penetration Tester werden für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Robert ShimonskiPentests sind für Unternehmen unverzichtbar geworden, denn nur wer die Schwachstellen kennt, kann auch dagegen vorgehen. Robert Shimonski erklärt Ihnen in diesem Buch alles, was Sie brauchen, um selbst Pentests durchzuführen. Von den nötigen Vorbereitungen über Risikoanalyse und rechtliche Belange bis hin zur eigentlichen Durchführung und späteren Auswertung ist alles dabei. Versetzen Sie sich in Hacker hinein und lernen Sie, wo Unternehmen angreifbar sind. Werden Sie selbst zum Penetration Tester.
Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit
by Jeremy Faircloth<p>Continuing a tradition of excellent training on open source tools, Penetration Tester’s Open Source Toolkit, Fourth Edition is a great reference to the open source tools available today and teaches you how to use them by demonstrating them in real-world examples. This book expands upon existing documentation so that a professional can get the most accurate and in-depth test results possible. Real-life scenarios are a major focus so that the reader knows which tool to use and how to use it for a variety of situations. This updated edition covers the latest technologies and attack vectors, including industry specific case studies and complete laboratory setup. <p>Great commercial penetration testing tools can be very expensive and sometimes hard to use or of questionable accuracy. This book helps solve both of these problems. The open source, no-cost penetration testing tools presented work as well or better than commercial tools and can be modified by the user for each situation if needed. Many tools, even ones that cost thousands of dollars, do not come with any type of instruction on how and in which situations the penetration tester can best use them. Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkil, Fourth Edition bridges this gap providing the critical information that you need.</p>
Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit
by Chris Hurley Aaron Bayles Keith Butler Adair Collins Haroon Meer Eoin Miller Gareth Phillips Jeremy FairclothPenetration testing a network requires a delicate balance of art and science. A penetration tester must be creative enough to think outside of the box to determine the best attack vector into his own network, and also be expert in using the literally hundreds of tools required to execute the plan. <P><P>This second volume adds over 300 new pentesting applications included with BackTrack 2 to the pen tester's toolkit. It includes the latest information on Snort, Nessus, Wireshark, Metasploit, Kismet and all of the other major Open Source platforms.
Penetration Testing: A Survival Guide
by Wolf Halton Srinivasa Rao Kotipalli Mohammed A. Imran Juned Ahmed Ansari Bo WeaverA complete pentesting guide facilitating smooth backtracking for working hackers About This Book • Conduct network testing, surveillance, pen testing and forensics on MS Windows using Kali Linux • Gain a deep understanding of the flaws in web applications and exploit them in a practical manner • Pentest Android apps and perform various attacks in the real world using real case studies Who This Book Is For This course is for anyone who wants to learn about security. Basic knowledge of Android programming would be a plus. What You Will Learn • Exploit several common Windows network vulnerabilities • Recover lost files, investigate successful hacks, and discover hidden data in innocent-looking files • Expose vulnerabilities present in web servers and their applications using server-side attacks • Use SQL and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks • Check for XSS flaws using the burp suite proxy • Acquaint yourself with the fundamental building blocks of Android Apps in the right way • Take a look at how your personal data can be stolen by malicious attackers • See how developers make mistakes that allow attackers to steal data from phones In Detail The need for penetration testers has grown well over what the IT industry ever anticipated. Running just a vulnerability scanner is no longer an effective method to determine whether a business is truly secure. This learning path will help you develop the most effective penetration testing skills to protect your Windows, web applications, and Android devices. The first module focuses on the Windows platform, which is one of the most common OSes, and managing its security spawned the discipline of IT security. Kali Linux is the premier platform for testing and maintaining Windows security. Employs the most advanced tools and techniques to reproduce the methods used by sophisticated hackers. In this module first,you'll be introduced to Kali's top ten tools and other useful reporting tools. Then, you will find your way around your target network and determine known vulnerabilities so you can exploit a system remotely. You'll not only learn to penetrate in the machine, but will also learn to work with Windows privilege escalations. The second module will help you get to grips with the tools used in Kali Linux 2.0 that relate to web application hacking. You will get to know about scripting and input validation flaws, AJAX, and security issues related to AJAX. You will also use an automated technique called fuzzing so you can identify flaws in a web application. Finally, you'll understand the web application vulnerabilities and the ways they can be exploited. In the last module, you'll get started with Android security. Android, being the platform with the largest consumer base, is the obvious primary target for attackers. You'll begin this journey with the absolute basics and will then slowly gear up to the concepts of Android rooting, application security assessments, malware, infecting APK files, and fuzzing. You'll gain the skills necessary to perform Android application vulnerability assessments and to create an Android pentesting lab. This Learning Path is a blend of content from the following Packt products: • Kali Linux 2: Windows Penetration Testing by Wolf Halton and Bo Weaver • Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux, Second Edition by Juned Ahmed Ansari • Hacking Android by Srinivasa Rao Kotipalli and Mohammed A. Imran Style and approach This course uses easy-to-understand yet professional language for explaining concepts to test your network's security.
Penetration Testing
by Kevin M. HenryPenetration testing is the simulation of an unethical attack of a computer system or other facility in order to prove the vulnerability of that system in the event of a real attack. The Certified Penetration Testing Engineer (CPTE) examination is a widely recognized certification for penetration testers. Penetration Testing: Protecting networks and systems is a preparation guide for the CPTE examination. It describes the range of techniques employed by professional pen testers, and also includes advice on the preparation and delivery of the test report. The author's in-the-field experiences, combined with other real-world examples, are used to illustrate common pitfalls that can be encountered during testing and reporting. Special attention is also paid to new technologies that improve business operations, but which can create new vulnerabilities, such as employee remote access, wireless communications and public-facing web applications. This book will give you a better understanding of how to conduct a penetration test, and also how to deliver a client-focused report that assesses the security of the system and whether the level of risk to the organization is within acceptable levels. Kevin Henry has 35 years' experience working on computer systems, initially as a computer operator, and then in various programmer and analyst roles, before moving into audit and security. Kevin currently provides security auditing, training and educational programs for major clients and governments around the world and is a frequent speaker on the security conference circuit. A business-aligned approach to penetration testing!
Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking
by Georgia WeidmanPenetration testers simulate cyber attacks to find security weaknesses in networks, operating systems, and applications. Information security experts worldwide use penetration techniques to evaluate enterprise defenses.In Penetration Testing, security expert, researcher, and trainer Georgia Weidman introduces you to the core skills and techniques that every pentester needs. Using a virtual machine–based lab that includes Kali Linux and vulnerable operating systems, you’ll run through a series of practical lessons with tools like Wireshark, Nmap, and Burp Suite. As you follow along with the labs and launch attacks, you’ll experience the key stages of an actual assessment—including information gathering, finding exploitable vulnerabilities, gaining access to systems, post exploitation, and more.Learn how to:–Crack passwords and wireless network keys with brute-forcing and wordlists–Test web applications for vulnerabilities–Use the Metasploit Framework to launch exploits and write your own Metasploit modules–Automate social-engineering attacks–Bypass antivirus software–Turn access to one machine into total control of the enterprise in the post exploitation phaseYou’ll even explore writing your own exploits. Then it’s on to mobile hacking—Weidman’s particular area of research—with her tool, the Smartphone Pentest Framework.With its collection of hands-on lessons that cover key tools and strategies, Penetration Testing is the introduction that every aspiring hacker needs.
Penetration Testing Azure for Ethical Hackers: Develop practical skills to perform pentesting and risk assessment of Microsoft Azure environments
by David Okeyode Karl Fosaaen Charles HortonSimulate real-world attacks using tactics, techniques, and procedures that adversaries use during cloud breachesKey FeaturesUnderstand the different Azure attack techniques and methodologies used by hackersFind out how you can ensure end-to-end cybersecurity in the Azure ecosystemDiscover various tools and techniques to perform successful penetration tests on your Azure infrastructureBook DescriptionSecurity professionals working with Azure will be able to put their knowledge to work with this practical guide to penetration testing. The book provides a hands-on approach to exploring Azure penetration testing methodologies that will help you get up and running in no time with the help of a variety of real-world examples, scripts, and ready-to-use source code. As you learn about the Microsoft Azure platform and understand how hackers can attack resources hosted in the Azure cloud, you'll find out how to protect your environment by identifying vulnerabilities, along with extending your pentesting tools and capabilities. This book starts by taking you through the prerequisites for pentesting Azure and shows you how to set up a pentesting lab. You'll then simulate attacks on Azure assets such as web applications and virtual machines from anonymous and authenticated perspectives. Finally, you'll learn about the opportunities for privilege escalation in Azure tenants and ways in which an attacker can create persistent access to an environment. By the end of this book, you'll be able to leverage your ethical hacking skills to identify and implement different tools and techniques to perform successful penetration tests on your own Azure infrastructure.What you will learnIdentify how administrators misconfigure Azure services, leaving them open to exploitationUnderstand how to detect cloud infrastructure, service, and application misconfigurationsExplore processes and techniques for exploiting common Azure security issuesUse on-premises networks to pivot and escalate access within AzureDiagnose gaps and weaknesses in Azure security implementationsUnderstand how attackers can escalate privileges in Azure ADWho this book is forThis book is for new and experienced infosec enthusiasts who want to learn how to simulate real-world Azure attacks using tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that adversaries use in cloud breaches. Any technology professional working with the Azure platform (including Azure administrators, developers, and DevOps engineers) interested in learning how attackers exploit vulnerabilities in Azure hosted infrastructure, applications, and services will find this book useful.
Penetration Testing Bootcamp
by Jason BeltrameSharpen your pentesting skill in a bootcamp About This Book • Get practical demonstrations with in-depth explanations of complex security-related problems • Familiarize yourself with the most common web vulnerabilities • Get step-by-step guidance on managing testing results and reporting Who This Book Is For This book is for IT security enthusiasts and administrators who want to understand penetration testing quickly. What You Will Learn • Perform different attacks such as MiTM, and bypassing SSL encryption • Crack passwords and wireless network keys with brute-forcing and wordlists • Test web applications for vulnerabilities • Use the Metasploit Framework to launch exploits and write your own Metasploit modules • Recover lost files, investigate successful hacks, and discover hidden data • Write organized and effective penetration testing reports In Detail Penetration Testing Bootcamp delivers practical, learning modules in manageable chunks. Each chapter is delivered in a day, and each day builds your competency in Penetration Testing. This book will begin by taking you through the basics and show you how to set up and maintain the C&C Server. You will also understand how to scan for vulnerabilities and Metasploit, learn how to setup connectivity to a C&C server and maintain that connectivity for your intelligence gathering as well as offsite processing. Using TCPDump filters, you will gain understanding of the sniffing and spoofing traffic. This book will also teach you the importance of clearing up the tracks you leave behind after the penetration test and will show you how to build a report from all the data obtained from the penetration test. In totality, this book will equip you with instructions through rigorous tasks, practical callouts, and assignments to reinforce your understanding of penetration testing. Style and approach This book is delivered in the form of a 10-day boot camp style book. The day-by-day approach will help you get to know everything about penetration testing, from the use of network reconnaissance tools, to the writing of custom zero-day buffer overflow exploits.
Penetration Testing Essentials
by Sean-Philip OriyanoPenetration Testing Essentials provides a starting place for professionals and beginners looking to learn more about penetration testing for cybersecurity. Certification eligibility requires work experience—but before you get that experience, you need a basic understanding of the technical and behavioral ways attackers compromise security, and the tools and techniques you'll use to discover the weak spots before others do. You'll learn information gathering techniques, scanning and enumeration, how to target wireless networks, and much more as you build your pen tester skill set. You'll learn how to break in, look around, get out, and cover your tracks, all without ever being noticed. Pen testers are tremendously important to data security, so they need to be sharp and well-versed in technique, but they also need to work smarter than the average hacker. This book set you on the right path, with expert instruction from a veteran IT security expert with multiple security certifications. IT Security certifications have stringent requirements and demand a complex body of knowledge. This book lays the groundwork for any IT professional hoping to move into a cybersecurity career by developing a robust pen tester skill set.