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Photoshop Elements 9 in Easy Steps

by Nick Vandome

The latest version of the top-selling image-editing software has an impressively enhanced range of tools and functions to edit, display, and share images.This book covers all of the essential techniques and also looks at some of the new features in Elements 9, such as creating photo effects and styles and removing unwanted items from photos. Also covered are animated slideshows, dynamic online galleries, photo emails, and flip-books.Organizing images can be a chore, but this book shows how Elements 9 simplifies the process through the use of tags, collections, people recognition, and an Auto-Analyzer that automatically tags the best photos.

Photoshop Filter Effects Encyclopedia

by Roger Pring

Adobe Photoshop has become the tool of choice for professional photographers, designers, and amateur enthusiasts. But it's a complex application with many features-and scant information on how to use them to best advantage. A case in point: there are 100 built-in filters in Photoshop, designed to enable the user to easily make subtle or dramatic image adjustments, and there is very little online help available with the application, and no printed manual. Users can spend hours trying to use filters effectively-an inefficient and often frustrating way to work. In Photoshop Filter Effects Encyclopedia , author and educator Roger Pring explains and decodes the settings of every filter that Photoshop CS2 has to offer, from Artistic filters such as Colored Pencil, Cutout, and Watercolor to Stylize filters like Bevel, Emboss, and Extrude. And, unlike many reference books that give you a lot of information you'll never need, it is filled with easy-to-follow, step-by-step, practical recipes for creating truly amazing effects, such as: Creating selective focus Simulating motion blur Adding special lens and filter effects Working with tone and color Creating dramatic solarized and posterized images Working with artificial lighting Simulating textures Creating multi-layered images and photomontages Reproducing graphic arts effects and much more. The best part is that you don't have to be a Photoshop expert to create sophisticated, professional-looking results-the recipes take the guesswork out of the process, so you can work quickly and efficiently. Packed with hundreds of full-color photographs, clearly written instructions, and practical tips, this book is the ultimate, no-nonsense Photoshop CS2 Filters reference for creative photographers, designers, and artists.

Photoshop Fine Arts Effects Cookbook

by John Beardsworth

How would you like to create your own impressionist landscape, a van Gogh still life, or a surrealist Salvador Dali dream world? Or perhaps a classic Ansel Adams photograph of Yosemite or an authentic-looking 19th century Daguerrotype? You can do all of that and more with Photoshop Fine Art Effects Cookbook . The book tells you all you need to know to turn your original digital photographs into images that mimic the styles of great photographers and painters. From advice on how to develop an eye for appropriate subject matter to 62 detailed recipes that demonstrate exactly how to create an "original" van Gogh, Vermeer, Edward Weston, or Andy Warhol (among others), this book is an authentic guide to understanding and simulating the work of great artists-and a whole lot of fun. Analyzing the styles of great artists: format, composition, angles of view, color palettes, and image textures Shooting for digital manipulation, working non-destructively, making your own brushes and patterns Creating Daguerrotypes, cyanotypes, stop-motion photographs, cross-processed images, Polaroid transfers, and infrared effects Mimicking photographic styles from the pre-Raphaelites and the Naturalists to Jerry Uelsmann and David Hockney Exploring painting and printmaking techniques from Rembrandt to Warhol: Dutch portraits, 18th century landscape painting, Japanese woodblocks, Impressionism, Pointillism, Fauvism, Art Nouveau, Cubism, Futurism, Surrealism, and Pop Art Packed with step-by-step instructions, an inspirational selection of full-color digital imagery, and authoritative information and advice, Photoshop Fine Art Effects Cookbook is the ultimate guide to creating convincing digital masterpieces in the styles of many of the world's greatest artists.

Photoshop for Artists: A Complete Guide for Fine Artists, Photographers, and Printmakers

by Sylvie Covey

ENRICH, ENHANCE, AND TRANSFORM YOUR ART WITH THE MAGIC OF PHOTOSHOP® For artists, Adobe® Photoshopâ offers an exciting entry into a new world of limitless color, textures, and effects that can be applied with just the touch of a keyboard or click of a mouse. Intended for serious artists -- painters, photographers, and printmakers -- Photoshop for Artists provides a comprehensive series of detailed tutorials, cataloging the various tools, techniques, and methods for producing an infinite variety of creative imagery with Photoshop. With thirty tutorials divided into sections for fine artists, photographers, and printmakers, this book contains easy-to-follow step-by-step examples that include all the information serious professional artists need to master the digital art techniques of Photoshop. Each tutorial features screenshots and detailed directions, so artists can see exactly how the specific effects are achieved and applied to artwork. Featuring stunning and dramatic imagery produced by the author and other accomplished artists, Photoshop for Artists is essential reading for artists looking to take their work to the next digital level.

Photoshop Lightroom 2 For Dummies

by Rob Sylvan

Take your digital photography to the next level by learning how to use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 with Photoshop Lightroom 2 for Dummies! From how to install Lightroom and navigate the Lightroom interface to playing with advanced options like creating slideshows and sharing photos with friends and family, this easy-to-understand guide will walk you through every step. You'll find out all about the Lightroom modules and their functions while understanding the role of the Lightroom catalog, how to care for it, and work with its functions. You will learn everything about working with digital photographs, from distinguishing among various file formats to managing and importing photos. You'll find out how to view, find, organize and develop photos in the library and utilize the digital darkroom. You'll even find out how to work with external editors. After reading this book, you will know how to: Install and get started with Lightroom Recognize the role and function of the Lightroom catalog Manage and save files View, find, organize, and develop photos in the library Unleash your creativity with photo editing options Share and export files to share them with friends and family Create copies, slideshows, and web galleries Complete with lists of ten resources, ten common problems and solutions, and ten favorite tips and tricks, Photoshop Lightroom 2 For Dummies is your one-stop guide to setting up, working with, and making the most of Photoshop Lightroom for all your digital photography needs.

Photoshop Photo Effects Cookbook

by Tim Shelbourne

Adobe Photoshop CS2 offers professional and amateur photographers, artists, and designers unprecedented opportunities to manipulate images on their personal computers, but it's a complex application that can take years to master. With Photoshop Photo Effects Cookbook , you don't have to be a Photoshop expert to create sophisticated effects. The 61 easy-to-follow, fully illustrated recipes in the book show you how to use Photoshop CS2 to simulate classic camera and darkroom techniques and special effects-without making you first learn Photoshop inside and out. Author and digital artist Tim Shelbourne has assembled a collection of real-world techniques that you'll be able to apply immediately to your own images, whether you're working on photographs or digital illustrations. Digital files of the examples in the book are available for download, so you can easily follow along as Tim takes you through each recipe. The book covers: Creating graphic art effects: posterization, watercolor, pen and ink, woodcut Working with lighting effects: neon glows, lens flares, fire and flame effects Simulating natural phenomena: rain, clouds, rainbows, lightning, snow Adapting traditional techniques: film grain, contrast masks, hand-tinting Adding motion blurs and other special effects Simulating textures: stone, metal, glass, plastic Making mattes, vignettes, frames, borders, signatures Assembling multi-layered images and photomontages Packed with hundreds of full-color photographs, step-by-step instructions, and at-a-glance panels with many practical tips, Photoshop Photo Effects Cookbook is all you need to quickly and easily create professional graphic art effects from almost any image source.

Photoshop Retouching Cookbook for Digital Photographers

by Barry Huggins

With the introduction of affordable and easy-to use digital cameras, people are taking photographs like never before. While the digital medium greatly simplifies the photographic process, it also offers photographers unprecedented opportunities to manipulate their images on their personal computers. Photoshop Retouching Cookbook for Digital Photographers tells you everything you need to know to use Adobe Photoshop CS2 to adjust, correct, retouch, and manipulate your photographs-without making you first learn everything there is to know about the application. These straightforward, easy-to-follow recipes give you specific directions so you can quickly and easily: Fix exposure, focus, and color problems Add special effects like motion blurs, lens effects, and surface textures Improve portraits by removing red eye, wrinkles, and blemishes Add and remove objects from photos seamlessly Use lighting effects to create more dramatic images Restore faded and damaged photos Give new shots a vintage, old-fashioned look Create posterized and hand-tinted images Assemble and fine-tune composite photos Correct perspectives The book tackles each real-life project in full color, with a hands-on approach. The fully illustrated recipes produce reliable and immediate results, and include "at a glance" panels and tip boxes that cover key techniques in detail. Barry Huggins, the author of Photoshop Retouching Cookbook for Digital Photographers , has created the only recipe-format manual on photographic retouching targeted specifically to digital photographers. Founder of a highly successful multimedia training and consulting company, Huggins is uniquely qualified to deliver step-by-step instruction in digital retouching methodology, with easy-to-follow recipes that address specific problems and teach "best practices" techniques. This is his fifth book on digital imaging and graphics software.

Photovoltaic Sources

by Gianpaolo Vitale Maria Carmela Di Piazza

Modeling of photovoltaic sources and their emulation by means of power electronic converters are challenging issues. The former is tied to the knowledge of the electrical behavior of the PV generator; the latter consists in its realization by a suitable power amplifier. This extensive introduction to the modeling of PV generators and their emulation by means of power electronic converters will aid in understanding and improving design and set up of new PV plants. The main benefit of reading Photovoltaic Sources is the ability to face the emulation of photovoltaic generators obtained by the design of a suitable equipment in which voltage and current are the same as in a real source. This is achieved according to the following steps: the source electrical behavior modeling, the power converter design, including its control, for the laboratory emulator. This approach allows the reader to cope with the creation of an indoor virtual photovoltaic plant, in which the environmental conditions can be imposed by the user, for testing real operation including maximum power point tracking, partial shading, control for the grid or load interfacing, etc. Photovoltaic Sources is intended to meet the demands of postgraduate level students, and should prove useful to professional engineers and researchers dealing with the problems associated with modeling and emulation of photovoltaic sources.

PHP: The Ultimate Guide

by Sufyan bin Uzayr

There is no shortage of websites that use the PHP programming language in some or other capacity. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side scripting language that allows you to create dynamically-generated web pages. Rasmus Lerdorf created PHP in 1994. PHP works in the backend of a website because it is a server-side technology. This is the part of a website that no one sees. This means that PHP is frequently used to run server-side programs such as data collection and processing and database management. The fact that PHP is a simple language is one of the key reasons why learning it is a wise investment. PHP was created with the goal of speeding up web development; therefore, it features a basic syntax that is ideal for beginners. Furthermore, because PHP is a dynamically typed language, there are less restrictions to follow while creating features. The PHP programming language offers a wide range of applications and features, such as authentication, payments, user administration, and other "dynamic" aspects of a website. Efficiency, syntax compatibility, platform independence, error detection, and encryption are just a few of the interesting properties of PHP. Why Should You Learn PHP? PHP developers work with the PHP programming language to create websites, applications, and programs. As a PHP developer, you’ll usually be working in IT companies (all over the world), but there are also a lot of opportunities in design and business. A PHP developer, like any other programming/scripting language developer, should be able to work with many languages and ideally have some knowledge of database, web design, or some page formatting language. This Book Offers: • A step-by-step approach to problem solving and skill development • A quick run-through of the basic concepts, in the form of a "Crash Course" • Advanced, hands-on core concepts, with a focus on real-world problems • Industry-level coding paradigms and a practice-oriented explanatory approach • Special emphasis on writing clean and optimized code, with additional chapters focused on coding methodology


by Consalvo Cattuto Troy Dimes

PHP è uno dei più diffusi linguaggi di programmazione open source lato server. Volete imparare a programmare in PHP e volete farlo rapidamente ? Siete nuovi alla programmazione o volete rispolverare un po' di nozioni ? Se è così questo libro è una fantastica risorsa per voi. PHP è uno dei più diffusi linguaggi di programmazione open source lato server, se siete interessati a cominciare a programmare e siete alla ricerca di qualche nozione base sul linguaggio, allora questo libro fa per voi! Siti web famosi come Facebook e Yahoo poggiano su PHP, in questo senso PHP può essere considerato il linguaggio del mondo! Sono inclusi concetti base, esempi ed esercizi. Il libro copre concetti chiave partendo dalle basi e arrivando ad argomenti avanzati come la programmazione ad oggetti in PHP spiegando e dimostrando tutto durante a lettura. Sarete in grado di iniziare a programmare in PHP in poco tempo. Ottimo per i principianti o per quelli che hanno qualche esperienza di programmazione. Questo è un libro scritto da un esperto per persone come voi. Potreste conoscere già qualcosa di programmazione ma voler imparare ancora di più. Troverete questo libro così semplice da assimilare, e poiché vengono forniti aiuti passo-passo non avrete problemi durante la lettura. Ecco alcune delle cose che imparerete: *Cosa è PHP, perché dovreste usarlo e come funziona esattamente *Come preparare il vostro computer per poter programmare in PHP (screenshot inclusi) *Come creare facilmente e velocemente le vostre applicazioni PHP *Molti utili trucchi e scorciatoie su come programmare facilmente in PHP *Molto altro ...


by Caroline L. Troy Dimes

El Preprocesador Hipertexto, comúnmente llamado PHP, es uno de los lenguajes de programación cliente-servidor de códigos abiertos más ampliamente usados. Sitios web famosos incluyendo Facebook, Yahoo, Friendster, WorldPress y Flickr son arrancados por PHP. Este libro proporciona una breve introducción de programación en PHP. En éste, a usted se le enseñarán conceptos importantes de PHP, comenzando con lo básico y moviéndose a un PHP orientado a objetos más avanzados.

PHP: Delivering the Best of PHP

by Peter MacIntyre

Get past all the hype about PHP and dig into the real power of this language. This book explores the most useful features of PHP and how they can speed up the web development process, and explains why the most commonly used PHP elements are often misused or misapplied. You'll learn which parts add strength to object-oriented programming, and how to use certain features to integrate your application with databases.Written by a longtime member of the PHP community, PHP: The Good Parts is ideal for new PHP programmers, as well as web developers switching from other languages.Become familiar with PHP's basic syntax, variables, and datatypesLearn how to integrate the language with web pagesUnderstand how to use strings, arrays, and PHP's built-in functionsDiscover the advantages of using PHP as an object-oriented languageExplore how PHP interacts with databases, such as SQLite and MySQLLearn input- and output-handling best practices to prevent security breaches

PHP: Aprenda programação PHP rápida e facilmente.

by Paulo Alexandre Fernandes Martins Torres Troy Dimes

Quer aprender a habilidade em demanda de programação PHP... E fazê-lo rápido? Você é novo na programação de computadores ou apenas quer melhorar em algumas habilidades? Se assim for, este livro é um recurso maravilhoso para você. PHP é uma das mais amplamente utilizadas linguagens de programação open source, do lado do servidor. Se você está interessado em começar com programação e deseja obter algum conhecimento básico da línguagem PHP, então este livro é para você! Sites de famosos, incluindo Facebook e Yahoo são sustentados pelo PHP. É, em certo sentido, a línguagem do mundo! Conceitos básicos PHP, exemplos e exercícios incluídos. O livro aborda conceitos básicos PHP, começando do básico e movendo-se para PHP avançado, orientado aos objetos. Explica e demonstra tudo pelo caminho. Você estará a programar em PHP num instante. Ótimo para iniciantes ou aqueles que têm alguma experiência de codificação. Este é um livro profundo, escrito por um perito para pessoas como você. Você pode saber algumas coisas sobre programação ou codificação de computadores, mas ainda quer aprender mais. Você encontrará que este livro é tão simples de digerir e fornece instruções passo a passo para que você não tenha nenhum problema a acompanhar. Aqui está apenas algo do que você vai aprender: *O que é o PHP, por que você deve usá-lo, e exatamente como ele funciona. *Como preparar seu computador para a programação em PHP. (Imagens incluídas) *Como criar rapidamente e facilmente as suas próprias aplicações web baseadas em PHP. *Muitas dicas úteis e truques sobre como programar em PHP com facilidade. *Muito mais...

PHP 5 CMS Framework Development - 2nd Edition

by Martin Brampton

The book includes extensive discussion of the design issues, and how to overcome them in the framework. Each chapter of the book focuses on a particular requirement of the framework. The book will not present the total code for a framework, which requires many thousands of lines. But it does show the parts that raise critical design or implementation issues. For these, detailed explanation is given, leaving the less problematic parts to the code download itself. If you are a professional PHP developer who wants to know more about web oriented frameworks and content management systems, this book is for you. Whether you already use an in-house developed framework or are developing one, or if you are simply interested in the issues involved in this demanding area, you will find discussion ranging from design issues to detailed coding solutions in this book. You are expected to have experience working with PHP 5 object-oriented programming. Examples in the book will run on any recent version of PHP 5, including 5.3.

PHP 5 e-commerce Development

by Michael Peacock

This is a fast-paced tutorial focusing on creating a framework and using it to build an online store through an ongoing case study. Later chapters include examples to illustrate how easily the framework can be adapted for different situations. The framework and code are enhanced and built upon with each chapter, adding more and more functionality. If you are a web developer, or anyone looking to increase your understanding of e-commerce site development, this book is for you. Primarily aimed at PHP developers, it is suitable for any web developer interested in enhancing their e-commerce knowledge, or developers looking to move towards PHP. Intermediate knowledge of PHP development and object-oriented programming is assumed, and basic knowledge of e-commerce principles will be of benefit too.

PHP 5 Social Networking

by Michael Peacock

This book is a fast-paced tutorial focusing on creating a Social Networking framework through an ongoing case study. It presents a lot of real-world code, with comprehensive explanation and discussion. With each chapter, the Social Networking framework is extended, with more functionality being added as we progress through the book.This book is primarily aimed at PHP developers, but is suitable for any web developers looking to expand their knowledge and understanding of Social Networking concepts. Intermediate knowledge of PHP and object-oriented programming is assumed, along with a basic knowledge of MySQL.

PHP 7: Real World Application Development

by Altaf Hussain Doug Bierer Branko Ajzele

Use new features of PHP 7 to solve practical, real-world problems faced by PHP developers like yourself every day. About This Book * This course covers the new features of version 7.x, best practices for server-side programming, and MVC frameworks * Leverage the potential of PHP for server-side programming, memory management, and Object-Oriented Programming to improve your programming productivity * This course also illustrates the development of a complete modular application using PHP 7 in detail Who This Book Is For If you are an aspiring web developer, mobile developer, or back-end programmer, who has basic experience in PHP programming and wants to develop performance-critical applications, then this course is for you. It will take your PHP programming skills to next level. What You Will Learn * Solve practical real-world programming problems using PHP 7 * Discover where and when PHP 5 code needs to be re-written to avoid backwards-compatibility breaks * Use advanced PHP 7 features such as the Abstract Syntax Tree, Uniform Variable Syntax, Scalar Type Hints, Generator Delegation, Anonymous Classes, and the Context Sensitive Lexer * Set up a high performance development and production environment for PHP 7 * Discover new OOP features in PHP 7 to achieve high performance * Discover the new features of PHP 7 that are relevant to modular application development * Explore the ins and outs of the Symfony framework * Build a set of modules based on the Symfony framework that comprise a simple web shop app In Detail PHP is a great language for developing web applications. It is essentially a server-side scripting language. PHP 7 is the latest version, providing major backward-compatibility breaks and focusing on improved performance and speed. This course follows a learning path which is divided into three modules. Each module is a mini course in its own right, taking your basic PHP programing skills to the next level by showing you intermediate to advanced PHP techniques with a focus on PHP 7. This way, get you equipped with the tools and skills required to develop professional and efficient applications for your websites and enterprises. The first module of the book is a programming cookbook that consists over 80 recipes! Each recipe is designed to solve practical, real-world problems faced by PHP developers like yourself every day. This course also covers new ways of writing PHP code made possible only in version 7. The second module of the course is designed to improve the performance and productivity of your application. We'll introduce you to the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP 7, then shed some light on how to improve the performance of your PHP 7 applications and database. Throughout this module you will be introduced to benchmarking tools. With all important concepts of PHP covered up you will move on to third module. In this module you will gain a deep insight into the modular programming paradigm and how to achieve modularity in your PHP code. Modular design techniques help you build readable, manageable, reusable, and more efficient codes. PHP 7, which is a popular open source scripting language, is used to build modular functions for your software. This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products: * PHP 7 Programming Cookbook, Doug Bierer * Learning PHP 7 High Performance, Altaf Hussain * Modular Programming with PHP 7, Branko Ajzele Style and approach This book takes a practical, step-by-step approach with real-world examples that serve as building blocks for your application development and guide you through improving the quality of your code.

PHP 7 Data Structures and Algorithms

by Mizanur Rahman

Increase your productivity by implementing data structures About This Book • Gain a complete understanding of data structures using a simple approach • Analyze algorithms and learn when you should apply each solution • Explore the true potential of functional data structures Who This Book Is For This book is for those who want to learn data structures and algorithms with PHP for better control over application-solution, efficiency, and optimization. A basic understanding of PHP data types, control structures, and other basic features is required What You Will Learn • Gain a better understanding of PHP arrays as a basic data structure and their hidden power • Grasp how to analyze algorithms and the Big O Notation • Implement linked lists, double linked lists, stack, queues, and priority queues using PHP • Work with sorting, searching, and recursive algorithms • Make use of greedy, dynamic, and pattern matching algorithms • Implement tree, heaps, and graph algorithms • Apply PHP functional data structures and built-in data structures and algorithms In Detail PHP has always been the the go-to language for web based application development, but there are materials and resources you can refer to to see how it works. Data structures and algorithms help you to code and execute them effectively, cutting down on processing time significantly. If you want to explore data structures and algorithms in a practical way with real-life projects, then this book is for you. The book begins by introducing you to data structures and algorithms and how to solve a problem from beginning to end using them. Once you are well aware of the basics, it covers the core aspects like arrays, listed lists, stacks and queues. It will take you through several methods of finding efficient algorithms and show you which ones you should implement in each scenario. In addition to this, you will explore the possibilities of functional data structures using PHP and go through advanced algorithms and graphs as well as dynamic programming. By the end, you will be confident enough to tackle both basic and advanced data structures, understand how they work, and know when to use them in your day-to-day work Style and approach An easy-to-follow guide full of examples of implementation of data structures and real world examples to solve the problems faced. Each topic is first explained in general terms and then implemented using step by step explanation so that developers can understand each part of the discussion without any problem.

PHP 7 Programming Blueprints

by Jose Palala Martin Helmich

Learn how to exploit the impressive power of PHP 7 with this collection of practical project blueprints - begin building better applications for the web today! About This Book * Don't just learn PHP 7 - follow a diverse range of practical knowledge to get started quickly * Take advantage of PHP 7's newest features - and find out how to use them to solve real development challenges * Put PHP to work for performance and scalability - we'll show you how, you do it! Who This Book Is For The book is for web developers, PHP consultants, and anyone who is working on multiple projects with PHP. Basic knowledge of PHP programming is assumed. What You Will Learn * Build versatile projects using the newest features PHP 7 has to offer * Learn how to use PHP 7's event-driven asynchronous features * Find out how to improve the performance of your code with effective techniques and design patterns * Get to grips with backend development and find out how to optimize session handling * Learn how to use the PHP 7 Abstract Syntax Tree to improve the quality of your code and make it more maintainable * Find out how to build a RESTful web service * Build your own asynchronous microservice In Detail When it comes to modern web development, performance is everything. The latest version of PHP has been improvised and updated to make it easier to build for performance, improved engine execution, better memory usage, and a new and extended set of tools. If you're a web developer, what's not to love? This guide will show you how to make full use of PHP 7 with a range of practical projects that will not only teach you the principles, but also show you how to put them into practice. It will push and extend your skills, helping you to become a more confident and fluent PHP developer. You'll find out how to build a social newsletter service, a simple blog with a search capability using Elasticsearch, as well as a chat application. We'll also show you how to create a RESTful web service, a database class to manage a shopping cart on an e-commerce site and how to build an asynchronous microservice architecture. With further guidance on using reactive extensions in PHP, we're sure that you'll find everything you need to take full advantage of PHP 7. So dive in now! Style and approach This product focuses on helping developers build projects from scratch. But more than that, each project will help the reader to learn a new facet or feature of PHP 7 - it means the reader really will 'learn by doing.'

PHP 7 Programming Cookbook

by Doug Bierer

Over 80 recipes that will take your PHP 7 web development skills to the next level! About This Book * This is the most up-to-date book in the market on PHP * It covers the new features of version 7.x, best practices for server-side programming, and MVC frameworks * The recipe-based approach will allow you to explore the unique capabilities that PHP offers to web programmers Who This Book Is For If you are an aspiring web developer, mobile developer, or backend programmer, then this book is for you as it will take your PHP programming skills to next level. Basic knowledge of PHP programming is assumed. What You Will Learn * Use advanced PHP 7 features, such as the Abstract Syntax Tree, Uniform Variable Syntax, Scalar Type Hints, Generator Delegation, Anonymous Classes, and the Context Sensitive Lexer * Discover where and when PHP 5 code needs to be re-written to avoid backwards-compatibility breaks * Improve the overall application security and error handling by taking advantage of classes that implement the new throwable interface * Solve practical real-world programming problems using PHP 7 * Develop middle-wareclasses that allow PHP developers to gluedifferent open source libraries together seamlessly * Define and Implement PSR-7 classes * Create custom middleware using PSR-7 compliant classes * Test and debug your code, and get to know the best practices In Detail PHP 7 comes with a myriad of new features and great tools to optimize your code and make your code perform faster than in previous versions. Most importantly, it allows you to maintain high traffic on your websites with low-cost hardware and servers through a multithreading web server. This book demonstrates intermediate to advanced PHP techniques with a focus on PHP 7. Each recipe is designed to solve practical, real-world problems faced by PHP developers like yourself every day. We also cover new ways of writing PHP code made possible only in version 7. In addition, we discuss backward-compatibility breaks and give you plenty of guidance on when and where PHP 5 code needs to be changed to produce the correct results when running under PHP 7. This book also incorporates the latest PHP 7.x features. By the end of the book, you will be equipped with the tools and skills required to deliver efficient applications for your websites and enterprises. Style and approach This book takes a recipe-based approach, with real-world examples that can serve as building blocks for a larger application. Each recipe is self-contained with no external dependencies. This book follows a problem-solution strategy so you understand how to deal with various scenarios you may encounter while using PHP 7 in your daily activities.

PHP 7 Quick Scripting Reference

by Mikael Olsson

This pocket reference guide has been updated with the new PHP 7. 0 release. It is a condensed, code-rich scripting and syntax handbook for the PHP scripting language. PHP 7 Quick Scripting Reference presents the essential PHP syntax in a well-organized format. You won't find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history lessons or witty stories in this book. What you will find is a Web scripting language reference that is concise, to the point and highly accessible. The book is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any PHP programmer or Web developer. In it, you will find a concise reference to the PHP 7 scripting language syntax. It includes short, simple and focused code examples and a well laid out table of contents and a comprehensive index allowing easy review. What you'll learn What is new in PHP 7 and how to get started with it What are variables, operators, strings, arrays, conditionals, loops and other language constructs How to group and reuse code with functions, methods and namespaces How to use object-oriented features such as classes, inheritance, abstract classes and interfaces How to import files and retrieve user data What are type declarations and type conversions How to test variables, create references and use overloading methods How to store user data with cookies and sessions How to deal with errors through error handling, exception handling and assertions Who this book is for This book is a handy, pocket quick scripting syntax reference for experienced PHP as well as perhaps other programmers and Web developers even new to PHP.

PHP 7 Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy

by David Powers

Make your websites more dynamic by adding a feedback form, creating a private area where members can upload images that are automatically resized, or perhaps storing all your content in a database. David Powers has updated his definitive book to incorporate the latest techniques and changes to PHP, including the arrival of PHP 7. New features include the spaceship and null coalesce operators, generators, using array shorthand syntax for list(), array dereferencing, and array unpacking with the splat operator.The problem is, you're not a programmer and the thought of writing code sends a chill up your spine. Or maybe you've dabbled a bit in PHP and MySQL, but you can't get past baby steps. If this describes you, then you've just found the right book. PHP and the MySQL database are deservedly the most popular combination for creating dynamic websites. They're free, easy to use, and provided by many web hosting companies in their standard packages. This book also covers MariaDB, a seamless replacement for MySQL that has been adopted on many web servers.Unfortunately, most PHP books either expect you to be an expert already or force you to go through endless exercises of little practical value. In contrast, this book gives you real value right away through a series of practical examples that you can incorporate directly into your sites, optimizing performance and adding functionality such as file uploading, email feedback forms, image galleries, content management systems, and much more. Each solution is created with not only functionality in mind, but also visual design.But this book doesn't just provide a collection of ready-made scripts: each PHP solution builds on what's gone before, teaching you the basics of PHP and database design quickly and painlessly. By the end of the book, you'll have the confidence to start writing your own scripts or—if you prefer to leave that task to others—to adapt existing scripts to your own requirements. Right from the start, you're shown how easy it is to protect your sites by adopting secure coding practices.What You Will LearnDesign and build dynamic PHP-based web sites and applications Get started right away through practical examples that you can reuseIncorporate PHP 7 elements including new ways of handling arrays Work with the latest PHP 7 techniques, innovations, and best practicesWho This Book Is ForReaders should have at least some prior exposure to web development using PHP.

PHP 8 Basics: For Programming and Web Development

by Gunnard Engebreth Satej Kumar Sahu

Take advantage of PHP 8's powerful features to create basic web applications, solve code tests (required for most job interviews nowadays), and begin moving towards more advanced PHP concepts. This book provides an introduction to PHP 8, including modules, attributes, JIT compiler, and union types, as well as related frameworks such as Symfony.You will explore fundamental PHP concepts through both practical and hands-on examples. You'll not only gain a solid understanding of PHP fundamentals, but will also be prepared to handle new concepts and technologies as they emerge.After working through the book and its associated demo code, you will be able to build your first basic web application.What You Will LearnDevelop web applications with PHP 8Use Vagrant, Docker, JSON API and moreWork with data, form data, arrays, objections, exceptions, regex, and moreUtilize PHP frameworks like Laravel and SymfonyWho This Book Is ForThose new to PHP 8 or PHP in general. Some prior experience in web development and DB handling is recommended.

PHP 8 for Absolute Beginners: Basic Website and Web Application Development

by Jason Lengstorf Thomas Blom Hansen Steve Prettyman

Embark on a practical journey of building dynamic sites aided by multiple projects that can be easily adapted to real-world scenarios. This third edition will show you how to become a confident PHP developer, ready to take the next steps to being a Full Stack Developer and/or successful website or web application programmer. You won't be swamped with every detail of the full PHP language up front – instead, you’ll be introduced to a small, versatile subset of PHP by learning to use it creatively to develop dynamic projects. You will see how to use variables, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming. Secure programming techniques are used throughout the book to demonstrate the proper way to defend against hackers. You will learn how to plan and create MySQL/MariaDB databases and access them using PHP. During this process, you will be introduced to data objects, UI design concepts, and design patterns. Model-View-Controller (MVC) methodology will be used to keep a consistent logical design for each project. Four main projects will be introduced: an image gallery, a blogging system, a data management dashboard, and an interactive game. Initially, a general discussion of how operating systems make programming easier, more reliable, and efficient will be provided. A brief example will follow to demonstrate installation of the latest versions of Apache, PHP, and MySQL/MariaDB. Basic PHP logic will be used during the development of the first project, an image gallery. Once these concepts have been absorbed, a further review of additional concepts of PHP 8 will be discussed, followed by an extensive blogging system will use MVC to reinforce and introduce additional PHP techniques. You’ll also discover the use of Google Charts to create a data management dashboard. Finally, you’ll explore arrays in more depth by developing logic for a checkers game. Along the way, exercises and projects are provided to reinforce what has been learned. What You'll Learn Explore the basics of PHP syntax, structures, functions, modules and more Design and develop of interactive UIs Build dynamic UIs using SQL to access MySQL/MariaDB Databases Understand the development of secure and efficient Object-Oriented classes and objects Apply the knowledge learned when creating four real-world PHP projects Who This Book Is For Aspiring web developers and designers who are new to web development and/or PHP; programmers who are new to PHP and even programming itself.

PHP 8 Objects, Patterns, and Practice: Mastering OO Enhancements, Design Patterns, and Essential Development Tools

by Matt Zandstra

Learn how to develop elegant and rock-solid systems using PHP, aided by three key elements: object fundamentals, design principles, and best practices. The 6th edition of this popular book has been fully updated for PHP 8, including attributes, constructor property promotion, new argument and return pseudo-types, and more. It also covers many features new since the last edition including typed properties, the null coalescing operator, and void return types. This book provides a solid grounding in PHP's support for objects, it builds on this foundation to instill core principles of software design and then covers the tools and practices needed to develop, test, and deploy robust code. PHP 8 Objects, Patterns, and Practice begins by covering PHP's object-oriented features. It introduces key topics including class declarations, inheritance, and reflection. The next section is devoted to design patterns. It explains the principles that make patterns powerful. You’ll cover many of the classic design patterns including enterprise and database patterns. The last segment of the book covers the tools and practices that can help turn great code into a successful project. The section shows how to manage multiple developers and releases with git, and how to manage builds and dependencies with Composer. It also explores strategies for automated testing and continuous integration. After reading and using this book, you will have mastered object-oriented enhancements, design patterns, and the essential development tools available for PHP 8. What You Will Learn Work with object fundamentals: write classes and methods, instantiate objects, and create powerful class hierarchies using inheritance Master advanced object-oriented features, including static methods and properties, managing error conditions with exceptions, and creating abstract classes and interfaces Understand and use design principles to deploy objects and classes effectively in your projects Discover a set of powerful patterns that you can implement in your own projects Guarantee a successful project including unit testing; version control and build, installation, and package management; and continuous integration Who This Book Is For Anyone with at least a basic knowledge of PHP who wants to use its object-oriented features in their projects. It is also for PHP coders who want to learn about the practices and tools (version control, testing, continuous integration, etc) that can make projects safe, elegant and stable.

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