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PHP jQuery Cookbook
by Vijay JoshiWritten in Packt's cookbook style, this book presents numerous practical examples that you can use directly in your applications. The book covers most of the essential issues you will face while developing your web applications and gives solutions to them. Recipes in the book are written in a manner that will rapidly take you from a beginner to expert level.If you want to use PHP and jQuery together to create web applications this book is for you. It provides a large number of examples in each chapter that will take you from a basic developer to a pro by giving step-by-step instructions for each task in developing web applications using PHP and jQUery. All you need are JavaScript basics and you are on your way to building power web applications, with this book in hand.
PHP Master: Write Cutting Edge Code
by Davey Shafik Lorna Mitchell Matthew TurlandPHP Master is tailor-made for the PHP developer who's serious about taking their server-side applications to the next level and who wants to really keep ahead of the game by adhering to best practice, employing the most effective object-oriented programming techniques, wrapping projects in layers of security and ensuring their code is doing its job perfectly.Create professional, dynamic applications according to an object-oriented programming blueprintLearn advanced performance evaluation techniques for maximum site efficiencyBrush up on the best testing methods to refine your code and keep your applications watertightProtect your site against attacks and vulnerabilities with the latest security systemsPlug in to some serious functionality with PHP's APIs and libraries
PHP Microservices
by Carlos Perez Sanchez Pablo Solar VilarinoTransit from monolithic architectures to highly available, scalable, and fault-tolerant microservices About This Book • Build your own applications based on event-driven microservices and set them up on a production server. • Successfully transform any monolithic application into a microservice. • Monitor the health of your application, prevent downtime, and reduce costs. Who This Book Is For PHP developers who want to build scalable, highly available, and secure applications will find this book useful. No knowledge of microservices is assumed. What You Will Learn • Set up a development environment using the right strategies and tools. • Learn about application design and structure to start implementing your application. • Transform a monolithic application into microservices. • Explore the best way to start implementing your application using testing. • Understand how to monitor your microservices, handle errors, and debug the application. • Deploy your finished application into a production environment and learn how to solve common problems. • Know how to scale your application based on microservices once it is up–and-running. In Detail The world is moving away from bulky, unreliable, and high-maintenance PHP applications, to small, easy-to-maintain and highly available microservices and the pressing need is for PHP developers to understand the criticalities in building effective microservices that scale at large. This book will be a reliable resource, and one that will help you to develop your skills and teach you techniques for building reliable microservices in PHP. The book begins with an introduction to the world of microservices, and quickly shows you how to set up a development environment and build a basic platform using Docker and Vagrant. You will then get into the different design aspects to be considered while building microservices in your favorite framework and you will explore topics such as testing, securing, and deploying microservices. You will also understand how to migrate a monolithic application to the microservice architecture while keeping scalability and best practices in mind. Furthermore you will get into a few important DevOps techniques that will help you progress on to more complex domains such as native cloud development, as well as some interesting design patterns. By the end of this book you will be able to develop applications based on microservices in an organized and efficient way. You will also gain the knowledge to transform any monolithic applications into microservices. Style and approach Filled with code that you can start typing straightaway, this book will take you through building, testing, securing, and deploying microservices in the most practical way possible. The focus of the book is more inclined towards showing you how it's done, rather than with what to do, although you will get a good idea of those tools most widely used to build microservices.
PHP & MySQL: Get Up to Speed With PHP the Easy Way
by Tom Butler Kevin YankPHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja, 6th Edition is a hands-on guide to learning all the tools, principles, and techniques needed to build a fully functional application using PHP & MySQL. Comprehensively updated to cover PHP 7 and modern best practice, this practical and fun book covers everything from installing PHP and MySQL through to creating a complete online content management system. You'll learn how to: Install PHP & MySQL on Windows, Mac OS X, or LinuxGain a thorough understanding of PHP syntaxUse object oriented programming techniquesMaster database design principles and SQLDevelop robust websites that can handle high levels of trafficBuild a working content management system (CMS)And much more!
PHP & MySQL: The Missing Manual, Second Edition
by Brett McLaughlinIf you can build websites with CSS and JavaScript, this book takes you to the next level—creating dynamic, database-driven websites with PHP and MySQL. Learn how to build a database, manage your content, and interact with users. With step-by-step tutorials, this completely revised edition gets you started with expanded coverage of the basics and takes you deeper into the world of server-side programming.The important stuff you need to know:Get up to speed quickly. Learn how to install PHP and MySQL, and get them running on both your computer and a remote server.Gain new techniques. Take advantage of the all-new chapter on integrating PHP with HTML web pages.Manage your content. Use the file system to access user data, including images and other binary files.Make it dynamic. Create pages that change with each new viewing.Build a good database. Use MySQL to store user information and other data.Keep your site working. Master the tools for fixing things that go wrong.Control operations. Create an administrative interface to oversee your site.
PHP & MySQL For Dummies
by Janet ValadeHere's what Web designers need to know to create dynamic, database-driven Web sites To be on the cutting edge, Web sites need to serve up HTML, CSS, and products specific to the needs of different customers using different browsers. An effective e-commerce site gathers information about users and provides information they need to get the desired result. PHP scripting language with a MySQL back-end database offers an effective way to design sites that meet these requirements. This full updated 4th Edition of PHP & MySQL For Dummies gets you quickly up to speed, even if your experience is limited. Explains the easy way to install and set up PHP and MySQL using XAMPP, so it works the same on Linux, Mac, and Windows Shows you how to secure files on a Web host and how to write secure code Packed with useful and understandable code examples for Web site creators who are not professional programmers Fully updated to ensure your code will be compliant based on PHP 5. 3 and MySQL 5. 1. 31 Provides clear, accurate code examples PHP & MySQL For Dummies, 4th Edition provides what you need to know to create sites that get results. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
PHP, MySQL i JavaScript. Wprowadzenie. Wydanie IV
by Robert NixonPrzewodnik twórcy stron i aplikacji sieciowych!PHP wraz z baz? danych MySQL oraz j?zykiem JavaScript to pot??ne trio, dzi?ki któremu mo?esz zbudowa? aplikacj? internetow? dowolnej wielko?ci. Je?eli do tego do?o?ysz mo?liwo?ci najnowszej wersji j?zyka HTML (oznaczonej cyfr? 5), CSS3 oraz bibliotek? jQuery, nic nie b?dzie w stanie zatrzyma? Twojej kreatywno?ci.Je?eli chcesz opanowa? te narz?dzia i stworzy? atrakcyjn? oraz funkcjonaln? aplikacj? internetow?, trafi?e? na idealn? ksi??k?. Znajdziesz tu niezb?dn? wiedz? o j?zyku PHP, bazie danych MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScripcie i jQuery. Ju? od pierwszych stron zaczniesz poznawa? sk?adni? oraz konstrukcje j?zyka programowania PHP, techniki programowania obiektowego oraz praktyczne porady zwi?zane z u?ywaniem PHP. Nast?pnie uzupe?nisz wiedz? na temat bazy danych MySQL. Dowiesz si?, jak tworzy? zapytania SQL oraz w jaki sposób wykorzysta? dane zawarte w bazie z poziomu PHP. Po opanowaniu „strony serwerowej” przejdziesz do nauki technik tworzenia interaktywnych stron WWW. Zobaczysz, jak u?ywa? j?zyka JavaScript, jakie nowo?ci zawiera HTML5 oraz jak wielki potencja? kryj? w sobie CSS3 i jQuery. Ksi??ka ta jest ciekaw? lektur? dla pasjonatów chc?cych tworzy? w?asne, zaawansowane aplikacje. Dog??bnie opanuj j?zyk PHP, pocz?wszy od podstaw a? do metod programowania obiektowego. Zapoznaj si? z MySQL, od struktury bazy danych do skomplikowanych zapyta?. Naucz si? u?ywa? rozszerzenia MySQLi — udoskonalonego interfejsu PHP dla MySQL. Twórz dynamiczne strony PHP, które dostosowuj? si? do u?ytkownika. Zarz?dzaj ciasteczkami i sesjami, z zachowaniem wysokich standardów bezpiecze?stwa. Opanuj j?zyk JavaScript i wzboga? go z u?yciem jQuery. Wykorzystaj ??dania Ajax do komunikacji mi?dzy przegl?dark? a serwerem. U?yj CSS2 i CSS3 do opracowania profesjonalnej szaty graficznej stron WWW. Poznaj nowe funkcje HTML5, w tym geolokacj?, obs?ug? d?wi?ku i filmów oraz elementu canvas.Kompendium wiedzy dla twórcy stron i aplikacji sieciowych
PHP, MySQL, & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies
by Richard BlumExplore the engine that drives the internet It takes a powerful suite of technologies to drive the most-visited websites in the world. PHP, mySQL, JavaScript, and other web-building languages serve as the foundation for application development and programming projects at all levels of the web. Dig into this all-in-one book to get a grasp on these in-demand skills, and figure out how to apply them to become a professional web builder. You’ll get valuable information from seven handy books covering the pieces of web programming, HTML5 & CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, creating object-oriented programs, and using PHP frameworks. Helps you grasp the technologies that power web applications Covers PHP version 7.2 Includes coverage of the latest updates in web development Perfect for developers to use to solve problems This book is ideal for the inexperienced programmer interested in adding these skills to their toolbox. New coders who've made it through an online course or boot camp will also find great value in how this book builds on what you already know.
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
by Steve Suehring Janet ValadeGet the basics on four key web programming tools in one great book! PHP, JavaScript, and HTML5 are essential programming languages for creating dynamic websites that work with the MySQL database. PHP and MySQL provide a robust, easy-to-learn, open-source solution for creating superb e-commerce sites and content management. JavaScript and HTML5 add support for the most current multimedia effects. This one-stop guide gives you what you need to know about all four! Seven self-contained minibooks cover web technologies, HTML5 and CSS3, PHP programming, MySQL databases, JavaScript, PHP with templates, and web applications. Addresses how PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and HTML5 are vital tools for creating dynamic, database-driven websites and are especially important for e-commerce sites Serves as essential reading for web designers who are new to these technologies, offering a crash course covering all of these powerful technologies in this handy volume of seven self-contained minibooks Covers how to program in PHP and how to create and administer a MySQL database as well as how to manipulate MySQL data via a web interface Shows how to create a secure website and how to code popular e-business applications such as login programs and shopping carts With seven books in one, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies will turn your website into the center of attention in no time at all.
PHP & MySQL Web Development All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
by Bill Ballad Janet Valade Tricia BalladIf you want to build dynamic Web sites that encourage users to interact with them, PHP and MySQL are among the best tools you'll find. PHP is a scripting language designed specifically for use on the Web, while MySQL is a database management system that works with it perfectly. Best of all, they're free. It's hard to beat that combination!PHP & MySQL Web Development All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies is kind of one-stop shopping for the information you need to get up and running with these tools and put them to good use. It's divided into six handy minibooks that cover setting up your environment, PHP programming, using MySQL, security, PHP extensions, and PHP Web applications. They make it easy to create a Web site where visitors can sign on, use shopping carts, complete forms, and do business with your business.It's easy to find what you need in this handy guide. You'll discover how to:Find and acquire all the tools you need and set up your development environmentBuild PHP scripts to make your Web site workCreate a MySQL database that visitors can accessSummarize and sort data resultsDesign and implement user access controlBuild a shopping cart applicationCreate extensions that make your site more usefulWith PHP & MySQL Web Development All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies by your side, you'll be a Web site guru before you know it!
PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice
by Matt ZandstraThis book takes you beyond the PHP basics to the enterprise development practices used by professional programmers. Updated for PHP 5. 3 with new sections on closures, namespaces, and continuous integration, this edition will teach you about object features such as abstract classes, reflection, interfaces, and error handling. You'll also discover object tools to help you learn more about your classes, objects, and methods. Then you'll move into design patterns and the principles that make patterns powerful. You'll learn both classic design patterns and enterprise and database patterns with easy-to-follow examples. Finally, you'll discover how to put it all into practice to help turn great code into successful projects. You'll learn how to manage multiple developers with Subversion, and how to build and install using Phing and PEAR. You'll also learn strategies for automated testing and building, including continuous integration. Taken together, these three elements - object fundamentals, design principles, and best practices - will help you develop elegant and rock-solid systems. What you'll learn * Learn to work with object fundamentals: writing classes and methods, instantiating objects, and creating powerful class hierarchies using inheritance. * Master advanced object-oriented features, including static methods and properties. * Learn how to manage error conditions with exceptions, and create abstract classes and interfaces. * Understand and use design principles to deploy objects and classes effectively in your projects. * Learn about design patterns, their purpose and structure, and the underlying principles that govern them. * Discover a set of powerful patterns that you can deploy in your own projects. * Learn about the tools and practices that can guarantee a successful project including unit testing; version control; build, installation, and package management; and continuous integration. Who this book is for This book is suitable for anyone with at least a basic knowledge of PHP who wants to use its object-oriented features in their projects. Those who already know their interfaces from their abstracts may well still find it hard to use these features in their projects. These users will benefit from the book's emphasis on design. They will learn how to choose and combine the participants of a system, how to read design patterns, and how to use them in their code. Finally, this book is for PHP coders who want to learn about the practices and tools (version control, testing, continuous integration, etc. ) that can make projects safe, elegant, and stable. Table of Contents * PHP: Design and Management * PHP and Objects * Object Basics * Advanced Features * Object Tools * Objects and Design * What Are Design Patterns? Why Use Them? * Some Pattern Principles * Generating Objects * Patterns for Flexible Object Programming * Performing and Representing Tasks * Enterprise Patterns * Database Patterns * Good (and Bad) Practice * An Introduction to PEAR and Pyrus * Generating Documentation with phpDocumentor * Version Control with Subversion * Testing with PHPUnit * Automated Build with Phing * Continuous Integration * Objects, Patterns, Practice
PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice
by Matt ZandstraThis book takes you beyond the PHP basics to the enterprise development practices used by professional programmers. Updated for PHP 5. 3 with new sections on closures, namespaces, and continuous integration, this edition will teach you about object features such as abstract classes, reflection, interfaces, and error handling. You'll also discover object tools to help you learn more about your classes, objects, and methods. Then you'll move into design patterns and the principles that make patterns powerful. You'll learn both classic design patterns and enterprise and database patterns with easy-to-follow examples. Finally, you'll discover how to put it all into practice to help turn great code into successful projects. You'll learn how to manage multiple developers with Subversion, and how to build and install using Phing and PEAR. You'll also learn strategies for automated testing and building, including continuous integration. Taken together, these three elements - object fundamentals, design principles, and best practices - will help you develop elegant and rock-solid systems. What you'll learn * Learn to work with object fundamentals: writing classes and methods, instantiating objects, and creating powerful class hierarchies using inheritance. * Master advanced object-oriented features, including static methods and properties. * Learn how to manage error conditions with exceptions, and create abstract classes and interfaces. * Understand and use design principles to deploy objects and classes effectively in your projects. * Learn about design patterns, their purpose and structure, and the underlying principles that govern them. * Discover a set of powerful patterns that you can deploy in your own projects. * Learn about the tools and practices that can guarantee a successful project including unit testing; version control; build, installation, and package management; and continuous integration. Who this book is for This book is suitable for anyone with at least a basic knowledge of PHP who wants to use its object-oriented features in their projects. Those who already know their interfaces from their abstracts may well still find it hard to use these features in their projects. These users will benefit from the book's emphasis on design. They will learn how to choose and combine the participants of a system, how to read design patterns, and how to use them in their code. Finally, this book is for PHP coders who want to learn about the practices and tools (version control, testing, continuous integration, etc. ) that can make projects safe, elegant, and stable. Table of Contents * PHP: Design and Management * PHP and Objects * Object Basics * Advanced Features * Object Tools * Objects and Design * What Are Design Patterns? Why Use Them? * Some Pattern Principles * Generating Objects * Patterns for Flexible Object Programming * Performing and Representing Tasks * Enterprise Patterns * Database Patterns * Good (and Bad) Practice * An Introduction to PEAR and Pyrus * Generating Documentation with phpDocumentor * Version Control with Subversion * Testing with PHPUnit * Automated Build with Phing * Continuous Integration * Objects, Patterns, Practice
PHP Oracle Web Development: Data processing, Security, Caching, XML, Web Services, and Ajax
by Yuli VasilievThrough numerous examples, this book shows you how to build simple and efficient PHP applications on top of Oracle, efficiently distributing data processing between the Web/PHP server and Oracle Database server. Although this book covers only the most popular and up-to-date topic areas on the use of PHP in conjunction with Oracle, the author does not make any assumption about the skill level of the reader. Packed with information in an easy-to-read format, the book is ideal for any PHP developer who deals with Oracle.
PHP Persistence
by Michael RomerTake the pain out of dealing with relational databases in an object-oriented programming world. With this short book, you can save time and money by simply coding less while accomplishing more with the Doctrine persistence framework, a leading persistence solution for PHP programmers and web developers. PHP Persistence teaches you about PHP persistence and how to use it effectively for your database-driven applications. Bestselling author Michael Romer leverages his own vast experience to show you what you need to know about Doctrine 2 and how to use it in your own projects. Along the way you'll learn about powerful persistence techniques, such as object-relational mapping (ORM) in PHP. What You'll Learn Define entities and references between entities Manage entities Master the Doctrine Query Language Use appropriate command-line tools for PHP persistence Program for caching Who This Book Is For Experienced PHP programmers and web developers with some exposure to PHP.
PHP Pocket Reference
by Rasmus LerdorfSimple, to the point, and compact--in fact, exactly what you've come to expect in an O'Reilly Pocket Reference--the second edition of PHP Pocket Reference is thoroughly updated to include the specifics of PHP 4. Written by the founder of the PHP Project, Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP Pocket Reference is both a handy introduction to PHP syntax and structure, and a quick reference to the vast array of functions provided by PHP. The quick reference section organizes all the core functions of PHP alphabetically so you can find what you need easily; the slim size means you can keep it handy beside your keyboard for those times when you want to look up a function quickly without closing what you're doing. This valuable little book provides an authoritative overview of PHP packed into a pocket-sized guide that's easy to take anywhere. It is also the ideal companion for O'Reilly's comprehensive book on PHP, Programming PHP. The PHP Pocket Reference an indispensable (and inexpensive) tool for any serious PHP coder.
PHP Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition
by Rasmus LerdorfSimple, to the point, and compact, the second edition of PHP Pocket Referenceis thoroughly updated to include the specifics of PHP 4, the language's latest version. It is both a handy introduction to PHP syntax and structure, and a quick reference to the vast array of functions provided by PHP. The quick reference section organizes all the core functions of PHP alphabetically so you can find what you need easily.
PHP Programming with MySQL
by Don GosselinAs the first true academic textbook in the market to combine PHP with MySQL, PHP Programming with MySQL, by Don Gosselin covers one of the fastest growing technology combinations for developing interactive Web sites.
PHP Programming with MySQL
by Don GosselinAs the first true academic textbook in the market to combine PHP with MySQL, PHP Programming with MySQL, by Don Gosselin covers one of the fastest growing technology combinations for developing interactive Web sites.
PHP Programming with PEAR
by Carsten Lucke Stoyan StefanovPacked with code examples, every topic is explained in a clear, practical way. This book is for PHP developers who want to maximize their productivity through the use of proven, high-quality, reusable PEAR components. Some experience of working with PEAR classes will prove helpful, and developers who've used PEAR before can find something new to delight them.
PHP Reactive Programming
by Martin SikoraLeverage the power of Reactive Programming in PHP About This Book • Develop an interesting multiplayer browser game written in RxJS and re-implement it using RxPHP • Enhance existing reactive applications by building a CLI tool combining Symfony Console • Implement Gearman and Rabbit MQ for asynchronous communication Who This Book Is For This book is aimed at people with a solid knowledge of PHP and programming languages in general. We also assume they have at least a little experience with other technologies such as JavaScript, Node.js, and others. What You Will Learn • How to work with the RxPHP library and see what it offers via many examples • Use the RxPHP library in combination with Symfony Console • The different approaches to using Symfony3's Event Dispatcher component • Test your reactive PHP code using PHPUnit • Analyze PHP source code and apply a custom set of rules by building a CLI tool In Detail Reactive Programming helps us write code that is concise, clear, and readable. Combining the power of reactive programming and PHP, one of the most widely used languages, will enable you to create web applications more pragmatically. PHP Reactive Programming will teach you the benefits of reactive programming via real-world examples with a hands-on approach. You will create multiple projects showing RxPHP in action alone and in combination with other libraries. The book starts with a brief introduction to reactive programming, clearly explaining the importance of building reactive applications. You will use the RxPHP library, built a reddit CLI using it, and also re-implement the Symfony3 Event Dispatcher with RxPHP. You will learn how to test your RxPHP code by writing unit tests. Moving on to more interesting aspects, you will implement a web socket backend by developing a browser game. You will learn to implement quite complex reactive systems while avoiding pitfalls such as circular dependencies by moving the RxJS logic from the frontend to the backend. The book will then focus on writing extendable RxPHP code by developing a code testing tool and also cover Using RxPHP on both the server and client side of the application. With a concluding chapter on reactive programming practices in other languages, this book will serve as a complete guide for you to start writing reactive applications in PHP. Style and approach This book will teach readers how to build reactive applications in a step-by-step manner. It will also present several examples of reactive applications implemented with different frameworks.
PHP. Receptury. Wydanie II
by Adam Trachtenberg David SklarPodr?czny s?ownik 250 sprawdzonych i skutecznych rozwišza? z zakresu j?zyka PHP Praca z typami danych i blokami programów PHP Obs?uga formularzy, baz danych i sesji Tworzenie wydajnych i bezpiecznych witryn internetowych PHP to najpopularniejszy j?zyk skryptowy na ?wiecie, wykorzystywany w milionach witryny internetowych. Szeroki wachlarz mo?liwo?ci, ?atwa sk?adnia oraz wspó?praca z wieloma systemami operacyjnymi sprawiajš, ?e jest to idealne narz?dzie do tworzenia dynamicznych aplikacji WWW. Od wersji PHP 5 j?zyk ten obs?uguje programowanie obiektowe oraz udost?pnia usprawniony mechanizm wspó?pracy z bazami danych, co w znacznym stopniu u?atwia kreowanie rozbudowanych programów sieciowych. Drugie wydanie ksiš?ki "PHP. Receptury" zawiera jeszcze wi?cej gotowych rozwišza?, które zosta?y dostosowane do nowej wersji j?zyka, czyli PHP 5. Dodatkowo ulepszona forma umo?liwia ?atwiejsze znalezienie potrzebnych receptur. Pozwolš Ci one szybko rozwišza? cz?sto spotykane problemy. Czytajšc t? ksiš?k? dowiesz si? mi?dzy innymi, jak wykonywa? operacje na ró?nych typach danych, jakie elementy sk?adajš si? na programy PHP i jak z nich korzysta?, a tak?e jak obs?ugiwa? formularze czy wspó?pracowa? z bazami danych. Nauczysz si? stosowa? techniki zarzšdzania sesjami. Poznasz zasady korzystania z XML, wspó?pracy z kodem w j?zyku JavaScript, a tak?e rozwišzania wielu innych praktycznych problemów. Praca z typami danych Korzystanie z ró?nych bloków aplikacji PHP Obs?uga formularzy Praca z bazami danych Przetwarzanie dokumentów XML Us?ugi Web Services Zarzšdzanie sesjš Generowanie grafiki na stronach internetowych Zabezpieczanie witryn Obs?uga b??dów Optymalizacja kodu Praca z systemem plików i katalogów Wykorzystaj gotowy kod do b?yskawicznego tworzenia dynamicznych witryn internetowych.
PHP Solutions
by David PowersThis is the third edition of David Powers' highly-respected PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy. This new edition has been updated by David to incorporate changes to PHP since the second edition and to offer the latest techniques--a classic guide modernized for 21st century PHP techniques, innovations, and best practices. You want to make your websites more dynamic by adding a feedback form, creating a private area where members can upload images that are automatically resized, or perhaps storing all your content in a database. The problem is, you're not a programmer and the thought of writing code sends a chill up your spine. Or maybe you've dabbled a bit in PHP and MySQL, but you can't get past baby steps. If this describes you, then you've just found the right book. PHP and the MySQL database are deservedly the most popular combination for creating dynamic websites. They're free, easy to use, and provided by many web hosting companies in their standard packages. Unfortunately, most PHP books either expect you to be an expert already or force you to go through endless exercises of little practical value. In contrast, this book gives you real value right away through a series of practical examples that you can incorporate directly into your sites, optimizing performance and adding functionality such as file uploading, email feedback forms, image galleries, content management systems, and much more. Each solution is created with not only functionality in mind, but also visual design. But this book doesn't just provide a collection of ready-made scripts: each PHP Solution builds on what's gone before, teaching you the basics of PHP and database design quickly and painlessly. By the end of the book, you'll have the confidence to start writing your own scripts or--if you prefer to leave that task to others--to adapt existing scripts to your own requirements. Right from the start, you're shown how easy it is to protect your sites by adopting secure coding practices.
PHP Team Development
by Samisa AbeysingheThis book looks into PHP projects mainly from an enterprise view. The author's experience enables him to give you an overall picture of PHP projects and discuss factors that contribute to project success in a clear and precise manner. Each chapter focuses specifically on how the techniques covered will make team work easier. Examples (rather than abstract best practices) are used to illustrate the practical benefits. This book is for PHP developers who work in teams on complex PHP projects. With this book in hand, it is easy to discover the secrets of successful PHP projects that meet today's complex enterprise demands. This book can also be useful for project managers who are looking to be successful with PHP projects. Those who are stakeholders in PHP projects, such as clients, or those who want to sponsor PHP projects, can also learn what to expect and how to deal with a PHP project team with this book.
PHP und MySQL: Der Web-Baukasten für Einsteiger und Individualisten
by Giesbert DamaschkeSie haben schon eigene Webseiten gebaut und möchten diese nun mit Funktionen ausstatten, für die Sie PHP und MySQL benötigen? Giesbert Damaschke zeigt Ihnen in diesem Buch, wie Sie das schaffen. Schritt für Schritt erlernen Sie die benötigten Programmier- und Datenbankgrundlagen - immer im Rahmen von typischen dynamischen Anwendungen. So erheben und speichern Sie zum Beispiel mit Formularen Kontaktdaten, prüfen Benutzereingaben, erstellen Menüs, richten einen Besucherzähler ein, verschicken E-Mails mit PHP oder entwickeln sogar einen eigenen Blog. Alle Codebeispiele werden ausführlich erklärt, sodass Sie sich schnell zurechtfinden werden, wenn Sie ein wenig HTML und CSS beherrschen. Programmier- oder Datenbankkenntnisse werden nicht vorausgesetzt. Jedes Kapitel bietet Ihnen Übungsaufgaben, an denen Sie Ihr neu gewonnenes PHP- und MySQL-Wissen praktisch testen können. Die lauffähigen Musterlösungen können Sie zusammen mit den Beispieldateien herunterladen, um sich daran zu orientieren oder auch gleich in Ihre Website einzubauen. So gelingt Ihnen der Einstieg in PHP und MySQL mit Sicherheit!
PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects
by Shu-Wai ChowThis book is a practical tutorial with five detailed and carefully explained case studies to build new and effective mashup applications. If you feel confident with your PHP programming, familiar with the basics of HTML and CSS, unafraid of XML, and interested in mashing things up, this is the book for you! There are a lot of formats and protocols, web services and web APIs encountered in this book â " you do not need to know anything about them or about AJAX; you will find all you need in the book.