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PHP Web Development with Laminas: Build a fully secured and functional e-commerce application with PHP using the Laminas framework
by Flavio Gomes Lisboa Enrico ZimuelLearn how to develop modern object-oriented applications with PHP using test-driven development (TDD) and behavior-driven development (BDD) aided by mature reusable componentsKey FeaturesCreate clean code based on components' reusability to create large-scale enterprise applicationsMake effective use of design patterns in an object-oriented softwareUnderstand the division of a PHP web application structure in layers to build customized websites and apps for various business needsBook DescriptionConsidered the next generation of the Zend framework, Laminas is a high-performance PHP framework for creating powerful web applications with an evolutive architecture.This book takes a hands-on approach to equip you with the knowledge of the Laminas framework necessary to start building web applications based on the reuse of loosely coupled components. You'll learn how to create the basic structure of a PHP web application divided into layers, understand Laminas' MVC components, and be able to take advantage of the Eclipse platform as a method for developing with Laminas. Step by step, you'll build an e-commerce application based on the technical requirements of a fictional business, and get to grips with implementing those requirements using Laminas components.By the end of this web development book, you'll be able to build a completely secured MVC application in PHP language using Laminas.What you will learnDiscover how object-relational mapping is implemented with laminas-dbUnderstand behavior-driven development concepts to sharpen your skillsCreate lean controllers and flexible viewsBuild complete models and reusable componentsExplore the Eclipse platform for developing with LaminasFind out how easy it is to generate HTML forms with laminas-formPractice test-driven development to write precise programsWho this book is forThis book is best suited for programming beginner or developers with some experience looking to create clean-coded object-oriented web applications. Knowledge of basic PHP syntax, specifically variables, control structures, and functions, will aid you in understanding the concepts covered.
PHP Web Services: APIs for the Modern Web
by Lorna Jane MitchellWhether you’re sharing data between two internal systems or building an API so that users can access their data, this practical guide has everything you need to build APIs with PHP. Author Lorna Jane Mitchell provides lots of hands-on code samples, real-world examples, and advice based on her extensive experience to guide you through the process—from the underlying theory to methods for making your service robust.You’ll learn how to use this language to work with JSON, XML, and other web service technologies. This updated second edition includes new tools and features that reflect PHP updates and changes on the Web.Explore HTTP, from the request/response cycle to its verbs, headers, and cookiesWork with and publish webhooks—user-defined HTTP callbacksDetermine whether JSON or XML is the best data format for your applicationGet advice for working with RPC, SOAP, and RESTful servicesUse several tools and techniques for debugging HTTP web servicesChoose the service that works best for your application, and learn how to make it robustDocument your API—and learn how to design it to handle errors
The PHP Workshop: A Practical, No-Nonsense Introduction to PHP Development
by David Carr Vijay Joshi Markus Gray Alexandru Busuioc Mark McCollum Bart McLeod M A TonuCut through the noise and get real results with a step-by-step approach to learning PHP programming Key Features Ideal for the PHP beginner who is getting started for the first time Complete step-by-step exercises and open-ended activities to help build and reinforce key skills Structured to let you progress at your own pace, on your own terms Use your physical copy to redeem free access to the online interactive edition Book Description You already know you want to learn PHP 7, and a smarter way to learn PHP development is to learn by doing. The PHP Workshop focuses on building up your practical skills so that you can develop cutting-edge, high-performance web applications. It’s ideal if you’re looking to work with an existing application, or even develop your own side project with a PHP framework like Laravel. You'll learn from real examples that lead to real results. Throughout The PHP Workshop, you'll take an engaging step-by-step approach to understanding PHP development. You won't have to sit through any unnecessary theory. If you're short on time you can jump into a single exercise each day or spend an entire weekend learning about third-party libraries. It's your choice. Learning on your terms, you'll build up and reinforce key skills in a way that feels rewarding. Every physical copy of The PHP Workshop unlocks access to the interactive edition. With videos detailing all exercises and activities, you'll always have a guided solution. You can also benchmark yourself against assessments, track progress, and receive content updates. It's a premium learning experience that's included with your printed copy. To redeem, follow the instructions located at the start of your PHP guide. Fast-paced and direct, The PHP Workshop is the ideal companion for PHP beginners. You'll build and iterate on your code like a software developer, learning along the way. This process means that you'll find that your new skills stick, embedded as best practice. A solid foundation for the years ahead. What you will learn Get to grips with fundamental concepts and conventions of PHP 7 Work with PHP MySQL databases and build dynamic applications Learn how to compile logical errors and handle exceptions in your programs Explore how PHP unit testing can help create a bug-free development process Integrate third-party packages into your applications Connect external web services to your applications with tools like Guzzle Who this book is for Workshops are ideal for foundational, entry-level developers who are learning something new.
PHP. Wzorce projektowe
by William SandersCi?g?y rozwój j?zyka PHP sprawia, ?e za jego pomoc? mo?na ju? tworzy? bardzo zaawansowane aplikacje. Wszyscy programi?ci wiedz?, ?e wraz ze wzrostem skomplikowania tworzonego oprogramowania konieczne staje si? zastosowanie sprawdzonych, przemy?lanych i przetestowanych rozwi?za?. Takim zbiorem najlepszych metod rozwi?zywania typowych problemów s? wzorce projektowe. Zawita?y one równie? do ?wiata PHP!Na rynku znajdziesz wiele ksi??ek po?wi?conych wzorcom projektowym, jednak dotycz? one zazwyczaj j?zyków Java lub C. Ta wyj?tkowa ksi??ka zajmuje si? wzorcami w j?zyku PHP. W trakcie lektury poznasz podstawowe za?o?enia programowania obiektowego, wzorce czynno?ciowe, kreacyjne i strukturalne. Przekonasz si? te?, jak bardzo wzro?nie jako?? Twojego kodu, je?eli do komunikacji z baz? danych MySQL zastosujesz wzorzec Proxy. Ksi??ka ta jest obowi?zkow? lektur? ka?dego programisty pisz?cego w j?zyku PHP. Zobacz, jak dobry mo?e by? Twój kod!Wzorce projektowe w PHP to:najlepsze rozwi?zania typowych problemówsposób na popraw? jako?ci Twojego kodu?atwiejsza komunikacja z baz? danych MySQLmniej b??dów w Twoich aplikacjach Przekonaj si?, jak tworzy? kod wysokiej jako?ci!
phpBB: A User Guide
by Jeremy Rogers Stoyan StefanovThis book takes a practical, hands-on approach to phpBB. Packed with sections stepping you through tasks, this book is the ideal guide to learning phpBB. This book is ideal if you are just starting with online communities and want a powerful and free tool. No experience of web programming is required.
PHPEclipse: A User Guide
by Shu-Wai ChowWritten in a concise and friendly style, packed with tips and a practical project, this book will instruct you on using PHPEclipse to make your PHP application development more efficient, and cut development time. This book is written for PHP developers who want an open source development environment for creating web applications. You do not need any knowledge of Java or prior experience of Eclipse to use this book.
phpList 2 E-mail Campaign Manager
by David YoungThis is a step-by-step comprehensive tutorial with plenty of screenshots for easier and quicker learning and real-world examples for good pickup.This book is aimed at content creators and distributors who want to up their game to a full e-mail distribution engine.Further, it will certainly appeal to you if you are technically inclined and would rather roll your own system than use an off-the-shelf product.You are assumed to be familiar with the basic concepts of e-mail, editing text files, and managing remote files with FTP / SFTP.Advanced topics will teach you to get your hands dirty in some of phpList's open-source code.
by Marc DelisleIf you are new to phpMyAdmin this e-book is the perfect companion for getting you off to a flying start. No previous experience with phpMyAdmin is required as you will be guided through downloading phpMyAdmin and installing it on your system. The amount of things that you can do with phpMyAdmin is overwhelming so the quick start guide will show you how to create your very first tables. The list of resources in this e-book will help you to become familiar with the phpMyAdmin community, which is a valuable part of any Open Source project. Finally, you will see how to use five key features of phpMyAdmin - including browsing, searching, and changing data, exporting to Excel, and creating relations - which will allow you to perform simple tasks to learn the basics and set off on your own.
PhpStorm Cookbook
by Ankur Kumar Mukund ChaudharyIf you are a competent PHP developer who knows the basics of PHPStorm and intends to gain better knowledge of PHPStorm by learning and implementing pro-level practices, techniques, and solutions, then this book is for you. It is assumed that you already have a working installation of the software setup.
PHPUnit Essentials
by Zdenek MachekThis book is a practical guide featuring a step-by-step approach that aims to help PHP developers who want to learn or improve their software testing skills. It also takes you through many reallife examples encountered by PHP developers to help you avoid common pitfalls. This book is a practical guide featuring a step-by-step approach that aims to help PHP developers who want to learn or improve their software testing skills. It also takes you through many reallife examples encountered by PHP developers to help you avoid common pitfalls.
PHPUnit Pocket Guide: Test-Driven Development in PHP
by Sebastian BergmannSmart web developers will tell you that the sooner you detect your code mistakes, the quicker you can fix them, and the less the project will cost in the long run. Well, the most efficient way to detect your mistakes in PHP is with PHPUnit, an open source framework that automates unit testing by running a battery of tests as you go. The benefits of PHPUnit are significant:a reduction in the effort required to frequently test codefewer overall defectsadded confidence in your codeimproved relations with your open source teammates The only problem with this popular testing tool was its lack of documentation-until now, that is. For this, O'Reilly went right to the source, as Sebastian Bergmann, the author of PHPUnit Pocket Guide, also happens to be PHPUnit's creator. This little book brings together hard-to-remember information, syntax, and rules for working with PHPUnit. It also delivers the insight and sage advice that can only come from the technology's creator. Coverage of testing under agile methodologies and Extreme Programming (XP) is also included. The latest in O'Reilly's series of handy Pocket Guides, this quick-reference book puts all the answers are right at your fingertips. It's an invaluable companion for anyone interested in testing the PHP code they write for web applications.
PHR and SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification Complete Practice Tests: 2018 Exams
by Sandra M. Reed1,000 challenging practice questions to prepare for the PHR and SPHR exams! PHR/SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification Practice Tests is the ideal complement to the PHR/SPHR Study Guide, Fifth Edition, PHR/SPHR Deluxe Study Guide, Second Edition, and Review Guide. These self-study guides are intended for HR professionals seeking to validate their skills and knowledge acquired through years of practical experience, or for relative newcomers to the HR field looking to strengthen their resume. These Practice Tests were developed to help certification candidates prepare for these challenging exams, especially for those needing more practice to review or refresh their knowledge right before exam day. The book aligns with A Guide to the Human Resource Body of Knowledge™ (HRBoK™), which details the responsibilities of and knowledge needed by today's HR professionals. Practice Tests reflect the critical HR topics that you need to understand as you prepare for the PHR and SPHRexams. • Business Management and Strategy • Workforce Planning and Employment • Human Resource Development • Risk Management and more Plus, you’ll get a year of FREE access to the interactive online learning environment and test bank, which includes full-length tests and practice exams—1,000 practice questions total!
PHR and SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification Complete Review Guide: 2018 Exams
by James J. Galluzzo IIIEssential review for the PHR/SPHR exams, aligned with the updated HRBoK™ PHR/SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification Review Guide is the ideal companion to the PHR/SPHR Study Guide, Fifth Edition, and PHR/SPHR Deluxe Study Guide, Second Edition. These self-study guides are intended for HR professionals seeking to validate their skills and knowledge acquired through years of practical experience, or for relative newcomers to the HR field looking to strengthen their resume. Organized by those areas of knowledge and practices specific and necessary to human resource management (HRM), this handy review guide covers tasks, processes, and strategies as detailed in the updated A Guide to the Human Resource Body of Knowledge™ (HRBoK™), giving you clear guidance on what you need to know for the exams. You also get a year of FREE access to the Sybex online interactive learning environment and study tools, which feature flashcards, chapter tests, two bonus practice exams, and more. The review guide aligns with the HRCI test specifications, which detail the responsibilities and knowledge needed by today's HR professionals. Covers key functional areas in greater depth: HR students and professionals studying for the PHR/SPHR certification need a trusted resource to aid in their preparation—this review guide does that and more.
PHR and SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification Complete Study Guide: 2018 Exams
by Sandra M. ReedThe #1 book for the leading HR certifications, aligned with the updated HRBoK™ PHR and SPHR certifications, offered by Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI), have become the industry standard for determining competence in the field of human resources. Developed by working professionals, the PHR and SPHR credentials demonstrate that recipients are fully competent HR practitioners based on a standard set by workforce peers. Offering insights into those areas of knowledge and practices specific and necessary to human resource management (HRM), this study guide covers tasks, processes, and strategies as detailed in the updated A Guide to the Human Resource Body of Knowledge™ (HRBoK™). The study guide breaks down the critical HR topics that you need to understand as you prepare for the exams. PHR/SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification Study Guide, Fifth Edition, is the ideal resource for HR professionals seeking to validate their skills and knowledge acquired through years of practical experience, as well as for a relative newcomer to the HR field looking to strengthen their resume. In this edition of the top-selling PHR/SPHR study guide, you’ll find a practical review of all topics covered on the exams, as well as study tools designed to reinforce understanding of key functional areas. Strengthen the skills you learn with a year of FREE access to the Sybex online learning environment, complete with flash cards and practice quizzes to prepare you for exam day. • Business Management and Strategy • Workforce Planning and Employment • Compensation and Benefits • Human Resource Development and more If you’re preparing for these challenging exams, this is the trusted study guide that’ll help you perform your best.
PHR, PHRi and SPHR, SPHRi Human Resources Certification Complete Study Guide: 2024 Exams (Sybex Study Guide)
by Sandra M. ReedPrepare for the updated 2024 PHR, PHRi and SPHR, SPHRi certification exams smarter and faster with this Sybex Study Guide The newly revised sixth edition of the PHR, PHRi and SPHR, SPHRi Human Resources Certification Complete Study Guide: 2024 Exams is the ideal resource for HR professionals seeking to validate their skills and knowledge acquired through years of practical experience or for a relative newcomer to the HR field looking to strengthen their resume. The new edition of the bestselling PHR and SPHR Study Guide reflects the recently updated A Guide to the Human Resource Body of Knowledge—HRBoK—and is written to help you prepare for these challenging exams. The Study Guide walks you through the seven key functional areas of the PHR/PHRi and five key functional areas of the SPHR/SPHRi that are covered in the exams, including business management and strategy, leadership, workforce planning, talent acquisition and talent management, learning and development, total rewards, employee engagement, employee and labor relations, and the most recently added, HR information management. You'll also find: Up-to-date and incisive guidance on topics you'll use every day in your existing or next HR role Updates reflecting the latest additions to both the US and International versions of the exams, including the incorporation of DE&I concepts and cybersecurity needs Complimentary access to Sybex's outstanding online learning environment and test bank, including hundreds of practice test questions, electronic flashcards, and a glossary of key terms Perfect for aspiring and established human resources professionals preparing for the 2024 PHR, PHRi and SPHR, SPHRi certification exams, this Study Guide is also an essential volume for practicing HR professionals seeking to brush up on key, on-the-job skills they'll use each day.
PHR / SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification Study Guide
by Anne M. BogardusMore than 80,000 HR professionals having earned the Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) or Professional in Human Resources (PHR) certification, and another 20,000 are expected to take the exam in 2009. This complete update of the bestselling guide to HR certification contains additional coverage of new HR policies and standards, as well as updated practice exam questions and real world scenarios. Key topics include strategic management, workforce planning and employment, compensation and benefits, employee and labor relations, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. The CD-ROM contains two bonus exams (one each for PHR and SPHR) as well as flashcards and an electronic book.Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
PHR / SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification Study Guide
by Sandra M. Reed Anne M. BogardusUpdated edition of best-selling guide for PHR and SPHR candidates The demand for qualified human resources professionals is on the rise. The new Professional in Human Resources (PHR) and Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) exams from the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI) reflect the evolving industry standards for determining competence in the field of HR. This new edition of the leading PHR/SPHR Study Guide reflects those changes. Serving as an ideal resource for HR professionals who are seeking to validate their skills and knowledge, this updated edition helps those professionals prepare for these challenging exams. Features study tools that are designed to reinforce understanding of key functional areas Provides access to bonus materials, including a practice exam for the PHR as well as one for the SPHR. Also includes flashcards and ancillary PDFs Addresses key topics such as strategic management, workforce planning and employment, compensation and benefits, employee and labor relations, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations This new edition is must-have preparation for those looking to take the PHR or SPHR certification exams in order to strengthen their resume.
Phygital Intelligence: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2023) (Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication)
by Chao Yan Hua Chai Tongyue Sun Philip F. YuanThis open access book is a compilation of selected papers from 2023 DigitalFUTURES — The 5nd International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2023). The work focuses on novel techniques for computational design and robotic fabrication. The contents make valuable contributions to academic researchers, designers, and engineers in the industry. As well, readers will encounter new ideas about understanding intelligence in architecture.
Phylogenomics: A Primer
by Rob DeSalle Michael Tessler Jeffrey RosenfeldPhylogenomics: A Primer, Second Edition is for advanced undergraduate and graduate biology students studying molecular biology, comparative biology, evolution, genomics, and biodiversity. This book explains the essential concepts underlying the storage and manipulation of genomics level data, construction of phylogenetic trees, population genetics, natural selection, the tree of life, DNA barcoding, and metagenomics. The inclusion of problem-solving exercises in each chapter provides students with a solid grasp of the important molecular and evolutionary questions facing modern biologists as well as the tools needed to answer them.
Physical and Data-Link Security Techniques for Future Communication Systems
by Marco Baldi Stefano TomasinThis book focuses on techniques that can be applied at the physical and data-link layers of communication systems in order to secure transmissions against eavesdroppers. Topics ranging from information theory-based security to coding for security and cryptography are discussed, with presentation of cutting-edge research and innovative results from leading researchers. The characteristic feature of all the contributions is their relevance for practical embodiments: detailed consideration is given to applications of security principles to a variety of widely used communication techniques such as multiantenna systems, ultra-wide band communication systems, power line communications, and quantum key distribution techniques. A further distinctive aspect is the attention paid to both unconditional and computational security techniques, providing a bridge between two usually distinct worlds. The book comprises extended versions of contributions delivered at the Workshop on Communication Security, held in Ancona, Italy, in September 2014 within the framework of the research project "Enhancing Communication Security by Cross-layer Physical and Data-link Techniques", funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research.
A Physical Approach to Color Image Understanding
by Gudrun J. KlinkerThe author presents a vision model that uses color information to interpret the effects of shading and highlights on a scene. Transcending more traditional approaches, this method may lead to more reliable and useful techniques for image understanding.
Physical Assurance: For Electronic Devices and Systems
by Navid Asadizanjani Mir Tanjidur Rahman Mark TehranipoorThis book provides readers with a comprehensive introduction to physical inspection-based approaches for electronics security. The authors explain the principles of physical inspection techniques including invasive, non-invasive and semi-invasive approaches and how they can be used for hardware assurance, from IC to PCB level. Coverage includes a wide variety of topics, from failure analysis and imaging, to testing, machine learning and automation, reverse engineering and attacks, and countermeasures.
Physical Database Design Using Oracle (Foundations Of Database Design Ser.)
by Donald K. BurlesonThe evolution of Oracle has led to a revolution in design practices. For Oracle 10g, database physical structures have become more complex than ever before and database designers face multiple ways to implement their logical models. IS students studying database design and administration need to be able to implement management systems in a way that
Physical Geodesy: A Theoretical Introduction (Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment)
by Jun-Yi GuoThis textbook introduces physical geodesy. It treats the boundary-value theories of the discipline comprehensively, and provides insights to the theory of gravity reduction based on a spherical Earth model. This book is for students who wish to thoroughly understand the material and to expand their knowledge and skills in mathematics for more advanced study and research in this discipline. The details of mathematical derivations included are a useful asset for instructors and researchers.
Physical Implementation of Quantum Walks
by Kia Manouchehri Jingbo WangGiven the extensive application of random walks in virtually every science related discipline, we may be at the threshold of yet another problem solving paradigm with the advent of quantum walks. Over the past decade, quantum walks have been explored for their non-intuitive dynamics, which may hold the key to radically new quantum algorithms. This growing interest has been paralleled by a flurry of research into how one can implement quantum walks in laboratories. This book presents numerous proposals as well as actual experiments for such a physical realization, underpinned by a wide range of quantum, classical and hybrid technologies.