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Showing 43,601 through 43,625 of 59,476 results

Physical Layer Approaches for Securing Wireless Communication Systems

by Hong Wen

This book surveys the outstanding work of physical-layer (PHY) security, including the recent achievements of confidentiality and authentication for wireless communication systems by channel identification. A practical approach to building unconditional confidentiality for Wireless Communication security by feedback and error correcting code is introduced and a framework of PHY security based on space time block code (STBC) MIMO system is demonstrated. Also discussed is a scheme which combines cryptographic techniques implemented in the higher layer with the physical layer security approach using redundant antennas of MIMO systems to provide stronger security for wireless networks. The channel responses between communication peers have been explored as a form of fingerprint with spatial and temporal uniqueness. Finally, the book develops a new lightweight method of channel identification for Sybil attack and node clone detection in wireless sensor networks (WSNs).

Physical Layer Multi-Core Prototyping

by Slaheddine Aridhi Jean-François Nezan Maxime Pelcat Jonathan Piat

Base stations developed according to the 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard require unprecedented processing power. 3GPP LTE enables data rates beyond hundreds of Mbits/s by using advanced technologies, necessitating a highly complex LTE physical layer. The operating power of base stations is a significant cost for operators, and is currently optimized using state-of-the-art hardware solutions, such as heterogeneous distributed systems. The traditional system design method of porting algorithms to heterogeneous distributed systems based on test-and-refine methods is a manual, thus time-expensive, task. Physical Layer Multi-Core Prototyping: A Dataflow-Based Approach provides a clear introduction to the 3GPP LTE physical layer and to dataflow-based prototyping and programming. The difficulties in the process of 3GPP LTE physical layer porting are outlined, with particular focus on automatic partitioning and scheduling, load balancing and computation latency reduction, specifically in systems based on heterogeneous multi-core Digital Signal Processors. Multi-core prototyping methods based on algorithm dataflow modeling and architecture system-level modeling are assessed with the goal of automating and optimizing algorithm porting. With its analysis of physical layer processing and proposals of parallel programming methods, which include automatic partitioning and scheduling, Physical Layer Multi-Core Prototyping: A Dataflow-Based Approach is a key resource for researchers and students. This study of LTE algorithms which require dynamic or static assignment and dynamic or static scheduling, allows readers to reassess and expand their knowledge of this vital component of LTE base station design.

Physical Layer Security

by Khoa N. Le

This book studies the vulnerability of wireless communications under line-of-sight (LoS) and non-LoS correlated fading environments. The authors theoretically and practically provide physical layer security analyses for several technologies and networks such as Fifth-Generation (5G) networks, Internet of Things (IoT) applications, and Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA). The authors have provided these under various practical scenarios, and developed theoretical aspects to validate their proposed applications. Presents physical layer security (PLS) under correlated fading environments, 5G wireless networks, and NOMA networks;Provides end-to-end analyses, combination of channel correlation and outdated CSI and their effects on PL;Includes contributions of PLS research written by global experts in academia and industry.

Physical-Layer Security and Quantum Key Distribution

by Ivan B. Djordjevic

This textbook integrates the most advanced topics of physical-layer security, cryptography, covert/stealth communications, quantum key distribution (QKD), and cyber security to tackle complex security issues. After introducing the reader to various concepts and practices, the author addresses how these can work together to target problems, rather than treating them as separate disciplines. This book offers students an in-depth exposition on: cryptography, information-theoretic approach to cryptography, physical-layer security, covert/stealth/low-probability of detection communications, quantum information theory, QKD, and cyber security; to mention few. The goal is to provide a unified description of the most advanced topics related to: (i) modern cryptography, (ii) physical-layer security, (iii) QKD, (iv) covert communications, and (v) cyber security. Each chapter is followed by a set of problems. Also, for readers to better understand the book, an appendix covers all needed background. Homework problems and lecture notes are available online. The book does not require any prior knowledge or prerequisite material.

Physical-Layer Security for Cooperative Relay Networks

by Yulong Zou Jia Zhu

This book presents physical-layer security as a promising paradigm for achieving the information-theoretic secrecy required for wireless networks. It explains how wireless networks are extremely vulnerable to eavesdropping attacks and discusses a range of security techniques including information-theoretic security, artificial noise aided security, security-oriented beamforming, and diversity assisted security approaches. It also provides an overview of the cooperative relaying methods for wireless networks such as orthogonal relaying, non-orthogonal relaying, and relay selection. Chapters explore the relay-selection designs for improving wireless secrecy against eavesdropping in time-varying fading environments and a joint relay and jammer selection for wireless physical-layer security, where a relay is used to assist the transmission from the source to destination and a friendly jammer is employed to transmit an artificial noise for confusing the eavesdropper. Additionally, the security-reliability tradeoff (SRT) is mathematically characterized for wireless communications and two main relay-selection schemes, the single-relay and multi-relay selection, are devised for the wireless SRT improvement. In the single-relay selection, only the single best relay is chosen for assisting the wireless transmission, while the multi-relay selection invokes multiple relays for simultaneously forwarding the source transmission to the destination. Physical-Layer Security for Cooperative Relay Networks is designed for researchers and professionals working with networking or wireless security. Advanced-level students interested in networks, wireless, or privacy will also find this book a useful resource.

Physical Layer Security in Power Line Communications: Fundamentals, Models and Applications (Advances in Information Security #108)

by Roberto Di Pietro Javier Hernandez Fernandez Aymen Omri

This book emerges as a seminal work, addressing the critical need for robust security for power line communications (PLC), during an era where digital interconnectivity is paramount yet vulnerable. This comprehensive volume offers a deep dive into the realm of PLC, a technology increasingly central to our interconnected power grid infrastructure and explores its potential as a cornerstone for various applications. This book opens with a clear and informative introduction to PLC, shedding light on its present status and importance. The authors then delve into the heart of the matter: the application of physical layer security (PLS) in PLC networks. PLS, an emerging field in its own right, is presented as a vital complement or alternative to traditional communications security methods, especially relevant for securing networks of low-complexity devices that are pivotal in PLC applications. This exhaustive treatment of PLS in PLC is unprecedented, both in its scope and depth. This book not only clarifies the fundamental principles of PLS in PLC, but also provides actionable insights for mitigating risks and enhancing resilience. Targeted towards engineers, researchers, graduate students and practitioners grappling with the multifaceted aspects of cybersecurity in energy infrastructure, this book stands out for its clarity, rigor, and the practical applicability of its content. The authors share the results of their extensive research journey and practice, presenting compelling use cases that underscore the practicality of their findings, as well as insights to be prepared for the next challenges in the security of the grid infrastructure.

Physical Layer Security in Random Cellular Networks

by Hui-Ming Wang Tong-Xing Zheng

This book investigates key security issues in connection with the physical layer for random wireless cellular networks. It first introduces readers to the fundamentals of information theoretic security in the physical layer. By examining recently introduced security techniques for wireless point-to-point communications, the book proposes new solutions to physical layer security based on stochastic geometric frameworks for random cellular networks. It subsequently elaborates on physical-layer security in multi-tier heterogeneous networks. With the new modeled settings, the authors also verify the security performance with the impact of the full-duplex transceivers. The specific model design presented here offers a valuable point of reference for readers in related areas. In addition, the book highlights promising topics and proposes potential future research directions.

Physical Layer Security in Wireless Communications (Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications #20)

by Lingyang Song Yan Zhang Xiangyun Zhou

Physical layer security has recently become an emerging technique to complement and significantly improve the communication security of wireless networks. Compared to cryptographic approaches, physical layer security is a fundamentally different paradigm where secrecy is achieved by exploiting the physical layer properties of the communication syst

Physical Perspectives on Computation, Computational Perspectives on Physics

by Michael E. Cuffaro Samuel C. Fletcher

Although computation and the science of physical systems would appear to be unrelated, there are a number of ways in which computational and physical concepts can be brought together in ways that illuminate both. <P><P>This volume examines fundamental questions which connect scholars from both disciplines: is the universe a computer? Can a universal computing machine simulate every physical process? What is the source of the computational power of quantum computers? Are computational approaches to solving physical problems and paradoxes always fruitful? Contributors from multiple perspectives reflecting the diversity of thought regarding these interconnections address many of the most important developments and debates within this exciting area of research. Both a reference to the state of the art and a valuable and accessible entry to interdisciplinary work, the volume will interest researchers and students working in physics, computer science, and philosophy of science and mathematics.<P> Fills the gap in the book-length treatments of the interrelations between computation and physics, especially within philosophy.<P> Provides a reference point for the state of the art in important topics and research questions in this area.<P> Brings together scholars from a wide range of perspectives and disciplines.

Physical Security and Safety: A Field Guide for the Practitioner (Occupational Safety & Health Guide Series #17)

by Truett A. Ricks Bobby E. Ricks Jeff Dingle

How-To Guide Written By Practicing ProfessionalsPhysical Security and Safety: A Field Guide for the Practitioner introduces the basic principles of safety in the workplace, and effectively addresses the needs of the responsible security practitioner. This book provides essential knowledge on the procedures and processes needed for loss reduction, p

Physically Based Rendering, fourth edition: From Theory to Implementation

by Matt Pharr Wenzel Jakob Greg Humphreys

A comprehensive update of the leading-edge computer graphics textbook that sets the standard for physically-based rendering in the industry and the field, with new material on GPU ray tracing.Photorealistic computer graphics are ubiquitous in today&’s world, widely used in movies and video games as well as product design and architecture. Physically-based approaches to rendering, where an accurate modeling of the physics of light scattering is at the heart of image synthesis, offer both visual realism and predictability. Now in a comprehensively updated new edition, this best-selling computer graphics textbook sets the standard for physically-based rendering in the industry and the field. Physically Based Rendering describes both the mathematical theory behind a modern photorealistic rendering system as well as its practical implementation. A method known as literate programming combines human-readable documentation and source code into a single reference that is specifically designed to aid comprehension. The book&’s leading-edge algorithms, software, and ideas—including new material on GPU ray tracing—equip the reader to design and employ a full-featured rendering system capable of creating stunning imagery. This essential text represents the future of real-time graphics. Detailed and rigorous but accessible approach guides readers all the way from theory to practical software implementationFourth edition features new chapter on GPU ray tracing essential for game developersThe premier reference for professionals learning about and working in the fieldWon its authors a 2014 Academy Award for Scientific and Technical Achievement Includes a companion site complete with source code

Physically Unclonable Functions: From Basic Design Principles To Advanced Hardware Security Applications

by Basel Halak

This book discusses the design principles of physically unclonable functions (PUFs) and how these can be employed in hardware-based security applications, in particular, the book provides readers with a comprehensive overview of security threats and existing countermeasures.This book has many features that make it a unique source for students, engineers and educators, including more than 80 problems and worked exercises, in addition to, approximately 200 references, which give extensive direction for further reading.

Physically Unclonable Functions

by Roel Maes

Physically unclonable functions (PUFs) are innovative physical security primitives that produce unclonable and inherent instance-specific measurements of physical objects; in many ways they are the inanimate equivalent of biometrics for human beings. Since they are able to securely generate and store secrets, they allow us to bootstrap the physical implementation of an information security system. In this book the author discusses PUFs in all their facets: the multitude of their physical constructions, the algorithmic and physical properties which describe them, and the techniques required to deploy them in security applications. The author first presents an extensive overview and classification of PUF constructions, with a focus on so-called intrinsic PUFs. He identifies subclasses, implementation properties, and design techniques used to amplify submicroscopic physical distinctions into observable digital response vectors. He lists the useful qualities attributed to PUFs and captures them in descriptive definitions, identifying the truly PUF-defining properties in the process, and he also presents the details of a formal framework for deploying PUFs and similar physical primitives in cryptographic reductions. The author then describes a silicon test platform carrying different intrinsic PUF structures which was used to objectively compare their reliability, uniqueness, and unpredictability based on experimental data. In the final chapters, the author explains techniques for PUF-based entity identification, entity authentication, and secure key generation. He proposes practical schemes that implement these techniques, and derives and calculates measures for assessing different PUF constructions in these applications based on the quality of their response statistics. Finally, he presents a fully functional prototype implementation of a PUF-based cryptographic key generator, demonstrating the full benefit of using PUFs and the efficiency of the processing techniques described. This is a suitable introduction and reference for security researchers and engineers, and graduate students in information security and cryptography.

Physician Integration & Alignment: IPA, PHO, ACOs, and Beyond

by Maria K. Todd

Today, with physician and hospital reimbursement being cut and tied to quality incentives, physicians and health plans are revisiting the concept of integration. Payers are demanding that the industry do more with less without sacrificing quality of care. As a result, physicians again find themselves integrating and aligning with hospitals that hav

Physics and Finance (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)

by Volker Ziemann

This book introduces physics students to concepts and methods of finance. Despite being perceived as quite distant from physics, finance shares a number of common methods and ideas, usually related to noise and uncertainties. Juxtaposing the key methods to applications in both physics and finance articulates both differences and common features, this gives students a deeper understanding of the underlying ideas. Moreover, they acquire a number of useful mathematical and computational tools, such as stochastic differential equations, path integrals, Monte-Carlo methods, and basic cryptology. Each chapter ends with a set of carefully designed exercises enabling readers to test their comprehension.

Physics-Based Vision: Color, Volume 2

by Glenn E. Healey Steven A. Shafer Lawrence B. Wolff

Commentaries by the editors to this comprehensive anthology in the area of physics-based vision put the papers in perspective and guide the reader to a thorough understanding of the basics of the field. Paper Topics Include: - Color Image Formation - Color Reflection Models - Color Image Segmentation - Color Constancy - Color Highlight Analysis - C

Physics-Based Vision: Radiometry, Volume 1

by Lawrence B. Wolff Steven A. Shafer Glenn E. Healey

Commentaries by the editors to this comprehensive anthology in the area of physics-based vision put the papers in perspective and guide the reader to a thorough understanding of the basics of the field. Paper Topics Include: - Intensity Reflection Models - Polarization and Refraction - Camera Calibration - Quantization and Sampling - Depth from Opt

Physics-Based Vision: Shape Recovery, Volume 3

by Lawrence B. Wolff Steven A. Shafer Glenn E. Healey

Commentaries by the editors to this comprehensive anthology in the area of physics-based vision put the papers in perspective and guide the reader to a thorough understanding of the basics of the field. Paper Topics Include: - Shape from Shading - Photometric Stereo - Shape Recovery from Specular Reflection - Shape Recovery from Interreflection - Shape Recovery from Shadows - Radiometric Analysis of Stereo and Motion - Physics-Based Sensor Fusion.

Physics Experiments with Arduino and Smartphones (Undergraduate Texts in Physics)

by Giovanni Organtini

This book on the use of Arduino and Smartphones in physics experiments, with a focus on mechanics, introduces various techniques by way of examples. The main aim is to teach students how to take meaningful measurements and how to interpret them. Each topic is introduced by an experiment. Those at the beginning of the book are rather simple to build and analyze. As the lessons proceed, the experiments become more refined and new techniques are introduced. Rather than providing recipes to be adopted while taking measurements, the need for new concepts is raised by observing the results of an experiment. A formal justification is given only after a concept has been introduced experimentally. The discussion extends beyond the taking of measurements to their meaning in terms of physics, the importance of what is learned from the laws that are derived, and their limits. Stress is placed on the importance of careful design of experiments as to reduce systematic errors and on good practices to avoid common mistakes. Data are always analyzed using computer software. C-like structures are introduced in teaching how to program Arduino, while data collection and analysis is done using Python. Several methods of graphical representation of data are used.

Physics for Animators

by Michele Bousquet

Achieving believable motion in animation requires an understanding of physics that most of us missed out on in art school. Although animators often break the laws of physics for comedic or dramatic effect, you need to know which laws you’re breaking in order to make it work. And while large studios might be able to spend a lot of time and money testing different approaches or hiring a physics consultant, smaller studios and independent animators have no such luxury. This book takes the mystery out of physics tasks like character motion, light and shadow placement, explosions, ocean movement, and outer space scenes, making it easy to apply realistic physics to your work. <li>Physics concepts are explained in animator’s terms, relating concepts specifically to animation movement and appearance. <li>Complex mathematical concepts are broken down into clear steps you can follow to solve animation problems quickly and effectively. <li>Bonus companion website at offers additional resources, including examples in movies and games, links to resources, and tips on using physics in your work. <P><P>Uniting theory and practice, author Michele Bousquet teaches animators how to swiftly and efficiently create scientifically accurate scenes and fix problem spots, and how and when to break the laws of physics. Ideal for everything from classical 2D animation to advanced CG special effects, this book provides animators with solutions that are simple, quick, and powerful.

Physics for Game Developers: Science, math, and code for realistic effects

by David M Bourg Bryan Bywalec

If you want to enrich your game’s experience with physics-based realism, the expanded edition of this classic book details physics principles applicable to game development. You’ll learn about collisions, explosions, sound, projectiles, and other effects used in games on Wii, PlayStation, Xbox, smartphones, and tablets. You’ll also get a handle on how to take advantage of various sensors such as accelerometers and optical tracking devices.Authors David Bourg and Bryan Bywalec show you how to develop your own solutions to a variety of problems by providing technical background, formulas, and a few code examples. This updated book is indispensable whether you work alone or as part of a team.Refresh your knowledge of classical mechanics, including kinematics, force, kinetics, and collision responseExplore rigid body dynamics, using real-time 2D and 3D simulations to handle rotation and inertiaApply concepts to real-world problems: model the behavior of boats, airplanes, cars, and sports ballsEnhance your games with digital physics, using accelerometers, touch screens, GPS, optical tracking devices, and 3D displaysCapture 3D sound effects with the OpenAL audio API

Physics for JavaScript Games, Animation, and Simulations

by Dev Ramtal Adrian Dobre

Have you ever wanted to include believable physical behaviors in your games and projects to give them that extra edge? Physics for JavaScript Games, Animation, and Simulations teaches you how to incorporate real physics, such as gravity, friction, and buoyancy, into your HTML5 games, animations, and simulations. It also includes more advanced topics, such as particle systems, which are essential for creating effects such as sparks or smoke. The book also addresses the key issue of balancing accuracy and simplicity in your games and simulations, and the final chapters provide you with the information and the code to make the right choice for your project. Physics for JavaScript Games, Animation, and Simulations assumes you have a basic knowledge of JavaScript and HTML5. However, no previous knowledge of physics is required--only some very basic math skills. The authors present everything from basic principles to advanced concepts in an approachable way, so you'll be able to follow the logic and easily adapt the principles to your own applications. The book is packed full of practical examples of how you can apply physics to your own games and applications. Spring behaviors can be used for anything from tweaking lowrider suspension to creating cloth simulation; flotation mechanics enable the simulation of submersibles or dirigibles; you can even create your own solar system with accurate orbits and gravity. It doesn't matter if you're modeling the Lorentz force in an electromagnetic field or you're modeling the lift force in a flight simulator, Physics for JavaScript Games, Animation, and Simulations enables you to fill your games and applications with accurate and realistic effects.

Physics, Nature and Society: A Guide to Order and Complexity in Our World (The Frontiers Collection)

by Joaquín Marro

This wide-ranging and accessible book serves as a fascinating guide to the strategies and concepts that help us understand the boundaries between physics, on the one hand, and sociology, economics, and biology on the other. From cooperation and criticality to flock dynamics and fractals, the author addresses many of the topics belonging to the broad theme of complexity. He chooses excellent examples (requiring no prior mathematical knowledge) to illuminate these ideas and their implications. The lively style and clear description of the relevant models will appeal both to novices and those with an existing knowledge of the field.

The Physics of Computing

by Luca Gammaitoni

This book presents a self-contained introduction to the physics of computing, by addressing the fundamental underlying principles that involve the act of computing, regardless of the actual machine that is used to compute. Questions like “what is the minimum energy required to perform a computation?”, “what is the ultimate computational speed that a computer can achieve?” or “how long can a memory last”, are addressed here, starting from basic physics principles. The book is intended for physicists, engineers, and computer scientists, and it is designed for self-study by researchers who want to enter the field or as the main text for a one semester course at advanced undergraduate or graduate level. The theoretical concepts presented in this book are systematically developed from the very beginning, which only requires basic knowledge in physics and mathematics.

Physics of Data Science and Machine Learning

by Ijaz A. Rauf

Physics of Data Science and Machine Learning links fundamental concepts of physics to data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence for physicists looking to integrate these techniques into their work. This book is written explicitly for physicists, marrying quantum and statistical mechanics with modern data mining, data science, and machine learning. It also explains how to integrate these techniques into the design of experiments, whilst exploring neural networks and machine learning building on fundamental concepts of statistical and quantum mechanics. This book is a self-learning tool for physicists looking to learn how to utilize data science and machine learning in their research. It will also be of interest to computer scientists and applied mathematicians, alongside graduate students looking to understand the basic concepts and foundations of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Although specifically written for physicists, it will also help provide non-physicists with an opportunity to understand the fundamental concepts from a physics perspective to aid the development of new and innovative machine learning and artificial intelligence tools. Key features: Introduces the design of experiments and digital twin concepts in simple lay terms for physicists to understand, adopt, and adapt. Free from endless derivations, instead equations are presented and explained strategically and explain why it is imperative to use them and how they will help in the task at hand. Illustrations and simple explanations help readers visualize and absorb the difficult to understand concepts. Ijaz A. Rauf is Adjunct Professor at the School of Graduate Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada. He is also an Associate Researcher at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada and President of the Eminent-Tech Corporation, Bradford, ON, Canada.

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