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Physik begreifen – besser konstruieren: 8 Rezepte für besseres Konstruieren dank Physics Driven Design

by Michael Brand Christof Gebhardt Kevin Baur Severin Brunner

Neue Produkte zu entwerfen und funktional zu gestalten, ist eine höchst kreative und verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe. Wenn Sie die Physik hinter Ihrem Design beherrschen gelingt es Ihnen ganz selbstverständlich, besser, nämlich entlang der gewünschten Funktion, zu konstruieren.Die vorliegenden 8 Rezepte sind nicht einfach Konstruktionsvorschriften, sondern aus jahrelanger Erfahrung abgeleitete Empfehlungen, die alle einen erklärbaren physikalischen Hintergrund haben. Warum funktioniert es besser, eine Konstruktion zugdominant statt biegedominant zu gestalten? Wie verteilt man die Steifigkeiten am besten, um einen optimalen Kraftfluss zu erhalten? Was passiert an Stellen, an denen man eine Strömung umlenkt und wie kann man das mit geringsten Verlusten steuern?Die Autoren führen Sie durch die 8 Rezepte und erklären Ihnen, worauf Sie achten müssen und warum es funktioniert. Anhand konkreter Beispiele aus dem Konstruktionsalltag werden die Rezepte ausprobiert und viele Varianten durchgetestet. Bei diesem spielerischen Ausprobieren von verschiedenen Szenarien schauen Sie den Autoren über die Schulter und können erleben, wie das Verständnis um die physikalische Wirkung die Evolution des Designs steuert. Alle Beispiele wurden mit ANSYS Discovery Live aufbereitet und stehen zum Download bereit, sodass Sie selbst die Rezepte ausprobieren und auf Ihre Anwendungen übertragen können.

Physik und Finanzen

by Volker Ziemann

Dieses Buch führt Physikstudenten in die Konzepte und Methoden der Finanzwissenschaft ein. Obwohl die Finanzwissenschaft als recht weit von der Physik entfernt wahrgenommen wird, teilt sie eine Reihe gemeinsamer Methoden und Ideen, die in der Regel mit Rauschen und Unsicherheiten zu tun haben. Durch die Gegenüberstellung der wichtigsten Methoden mit Anwendungen in der Physik und im Finanzwesen werden sowohl die Unterschiede als auch die Gemeinsamkeiten deutlich, was den Studierenden ein tieferes Verständnis der zugrunde liegenden Ideen vermittelt. Darüber hinaus lernen sie eine Reihe nützlicher mathematischer und rechnerischer Werkzeuge kennen, wie stochastische Differentialgleichungen, Pfadintegrale, Monte-Carlo-Methoden und grundlegende Kryptologie. Jedes Kapitel endet mit einer Reihe sorgfältig ausgearbeiteter Übungen, mit denen die Leser ihr Verständnis überprüfen können.

Physiological Computing Systems: International Conferences, PhyCS 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, July 27–28, 2016, PhyCS 2017, Madrid, Spain, July 27–28, 2017, PhyCS 2018, Seville, Spain, September 19–21, 2018, Revised and Extended Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10057)

by Andreas Holzinger Alan Pope Hugo Plácido da Silva

This book constitutes the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems, PhyCS 2016, held in Lisbon, Portugal, in July 2016.The 12 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. They contribute to the understanding of relevant trends of current research on physiological computing systems, including brain-computer interfaces, virtual reality, psychophysiological load assessment in unconstrained scenarios, body tracking and movement pattern recognition, emotion recognition, machine learning applied to diabetes and hypertension, tangible biofeedback technologies, multimodal sensor data fusion, and deep learning for hand gesture recognition.

Physiological Computing Systems

by Hugo Plácido da Silva Andreas Holzinger Stephen Fairclough Dennis Majoe

This book constitutes the proceedings of the First International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems, PhyCS 2014, held in Lisbon, Portugal, in January 2014. The 10 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 52 submissions. They are organized in topical sections named: methodologies and methods; devices; applications; and human factors.

Pi?kny kod. Tajemnice mistrzów programowania

by Andy Oram Greg Wilson

Poznaj techniki pracy guru programowania!Jak tworzy? czytelny i pozbawiony b??dów kod?W jaki sposób projektowa? architektur? systemów?Jak zbudowa? uniwersalne interfejsy u?ytkownika?Wbrew pozorom programowanie to nie tylko nauka ?cis?a, to tak?e sztuka! Trudna sztuka! Napisanie kodu poprawnie dzia?aj?cego czy kodu spe?niaj?cego oczekiwania u?ytkowników programu to niew?tpliwie wyzwanie! Wymaga bowiem doskona?ego zaplanowania architektury, skutecznej optymalizacji kodu ?ród?owego oraz umiej?tno?ci przewidywania potencjalnych problemów i ich odpowiednio wczesnej eliminacji. W?a?nie w tej ksi??ce prawdziwi mistrzowie programowania podziel? si? z Tob? swoimi do?wiadczeniami, przemy?leniami i spostrze?eniami dotycz?cymi tworzenia profesjonalnych rozwi?za?. Znajdziesz tu wiele praktycznych porad dotycz?cych pisania kodu, rozwi?zywania problemów programistycznych, projektowania architektury, tworzenia interfejsów u?ytkownika i pracy w zespole projektowym. Dowiesz si?, kiedy nale?y post?powa? dok?adnie wed?ug wskaza? metodologii, a kiedy "pój?cie na skróty" mo?e okaza? si? najlepszym rozwi?zaniem. Poznasz sposób my?lenia i zasady pracy najlepszych programistów ?wiata, dzi?ki czemu u?ytkownikom Twoich aplikacji zapewnisz maksymalny komfort.Korzystanie z wyra?e? regularnychDobór odpowiedniego poziomu abstrakcjiOcena jako?ci kodu ?ród?owegoTestowanie Techniki analizy sk?adniZabezpieczanie komunikacji sieciowejDostosowywanie architektury systemu do architektury komputerówPraca zespo?owaProjektowanie systemów w oparciu o komponenty OpenSourceUsuwanie b??dów U?atwianie pracy osobom niepe?nosprawnym Do??cz do grona mistrzów programowania!

Piano and Laylee and the Cyberbully

by Carmela N. Curatola Knowles Emily Lewellen

Piano and Laylee encounter the neighborhood bully Lady while outside riding their scooter and a cyberbully inside, while playing a game online. Piano's dad, Mr. Dachshund, explains that they should deal with bullies online just like they do any other time-tell a trusted adult. ISTE is excited to announce our first books for early readers The titles in the Piano and Laylee Learning Adventures Series are invaluable resources for educators and parents wanting to introduce digital citizenship concepts to children aged 5-9. Designed to be read to and shared with early readers, the books follow the adventures of two adorable puppies who learn how to be safe and responsible when using technology. These books are perfect for classroom lessons on digital citizenship or for starting conversations at home.

Piano and Laylee Go Online

by Carmela N. Curatola Knowles Emily Lewellen

Two puppies, Piano and Laylee, meet and become fast friends. While playing an online computer game at Laylee's house, Piano and Laylee learn, with the help of their moms, that staying safe online is just like staying safe in their community. ISTE is excited to announce our first books for early readers The titles in the Piano and Laylee Learning Adventures Series are invaluable resources for educators and parents wanting to introduce digital citizenship concepts to children aged 5-9. Designed to be read to and shared with early readers, the books follow the adventures of two adorable puppies who learn how to be safe and responsible when using technology. These books are perfect for classroom lessons on digital citizenship or for starting conversations at home.

Piano and Laylee Text Message

by Carmela N. Curatola Knowles

A parent's guide for children to help their children learn about the importance of cell phones and their appropriate use.

Pick Three: You Can Have It All (Just Not Every Day)

by Randi Zuckerberg

A New York Times bestseller!In this motivational handbook—both a business how-to and self-help guide—the New York Times bestselling author of Dot Complicated takes on the fallacy of the "well-balanced" life, arguing that the key to success is learning to be well-lopsided.Work. Sleep. Fitness. Family. Friends. Pick Three.In an increasingly demanding world, we’ve been told that we can do everything—maintain friendships, devote ourselves to work, spend time with family, stay fit, and get enough sleep. We just need to learn to balance it all. Randi Zuckerberg doesn’t believe in being well-balanced. We can’t do it all every day, she contends, and trying to do so only leaves us frustrated and feeling inadequate. But we can succeed if we Pick Three.Randi first introduced the concept of Pick Three in a tweet—"The Entrepreneur’s Dilemma"—that went viral. Now, in this book, she expands on her philosophy and inspires others to follow her lead. From entrepreneurs to professionals, busy parents to students, Randi can help everyone learn to reject the unrealistic burden of balance and enjoy success in their own lives—by picking the most important areas to focus on in any given day.This practical handbook includes stories from Randi’s career learning that there’s no such thing as a perfect balance—as well as insights and examples from other professionals at the top of the biggest businesses in Silicon Valley, new moms searching for permission to focus on family, and recent graduates convinced they should have it all under control, including Arianna Huffington, Reshma Saujani, Laurie Hernandez, and Brad Takei. We can’t have it all every day, and that’s okay, Randi reminds us. Pick Three is her much-needed guide to learning to embrace the well-lopsided life.

The Picture Book of Quantum Mechanics

by Hans Dieter Dahmen Siegmund Brandt

The aim of this book is to explain the basic concepts and phenomena of quantum mechanics by means of visualization. Computer-generated illustrations in color are used extensively throughout the text, helping to establish the relation between quantum mechanics--wave functions, interference, atomic structure, and so forth--and classical physics--point mechanics, statistical mechanics, and wave optics. Even more important, by studying the pictures in parallel with the text, readers develop an intuition for such notoriously abstract phenomena as the tunnel effect excitation and decay of metastable states wave-packet motion within a well systems of distinguishable and indistinguishable particles free wave packets and scattering in 3 dimensions angular-momentum decomposition stationary bound states in various 3-dimensional potentials hybrid states Kepler motion of wave packets in the Coulomb field spin and magnetic resonance Illustrations from experiments in a variety of fields, including chemistry, and molecular, atomic, nuclear, and particle physics, underline the basic as well as the practical importance of quantum mechanics. In the present, fourth edition all computer graphics are presented in full color. It also contains additional physics topics such as hybridization. Praise for Previous Editions "The book is highly recommended as a complement to any standard textbook in quantum mechanics, but it will also be valuable to all of us who studied quantum mechanics without the pictures." -- International Journal of Quantum Chemistry "This book would be an excellent basis for the study of special topics in a quantum physics course. Most serious students of physics and all of their teachers will want to consider having this orderly and graphic outline of introductory quantum theory at their fingertips." -- American Journal of Physics "Their aim is the presentation of the 'principal ideas of wave mechanics' in such a way that students can build a quantum intuition out of their graphics." -- Scientific American "This is a unique book. It does not provide a complete course in quantum theory, but as a companion work of reference it should be quite useful to students in providing insights into the dynamical structure of the theory." -- Nature

Picture Research: The Work of Intermediation from Pre-Photography to Post-Digitization

by Nina Lager Vestberg

An intimate foray into the invisible work that made it possible for pictures to circulate in print and online from the 1830s to the 2010s.Picture Research focuses on how pictures were saved, stored, and searched for in a time before scanners, servers, and search engines, and describes the dramatic difference it made when images became scannable, searchable, and distributable via the internet. While the camera, the darkroom, and the printed page are well-known sites of photographic production that have been replaced by cell phones, imaging software, and websites, the cultural intermediaries of mass-circulation photography—picture librarians and researchers, editors, and archivists—are less familiar. In this book, Nina Lager Vestberg artfully details the range of research skills, reproduction machinery, and communication infrastructures that was needed to make pictures available to a public before digitization.Drawing on documents and representations across a range of cultural expressions, Picture Research reveals the intermediation that has been performed by skilled workers in a variety of roles, making use of pre-photographic, photographic, and digital machineries of capture, accumulation, extraction, and transmission. Tracing a history of the modern pictorial economy from the pre-photographic 1830s to the post-digitized 2010s, it makes visible and explicit the invisible labor that has built—and still sustains—the visual commodity culture of everyday life.

Pictures of a Gone City: Tech and the Dark Side of Prosperity in the San Francisco Bay Area (Spectre)

by Richard A. Walker

This exploration begins by tracing the concentration of IT in Greater Silicon Valley and the resulting growth in start-ups, jobs, and wealth. This is followed by a look at the new working class of color and the millions earning poverty wages. The middle chapters survey the urban scene, including the housing bubble and the newly exploded metropolis, and the final chapters take on the political questions raised by the environmental impact of the boom, the fantastical ideology of TechWorld, and the tech-led transformation of the region.

Picturing Casablanca: Portraits of Power in a Modern City

by Susan Ossman

In Picturing Casablanca, Susan Ossman probes the shape and texture of mass images in Casablanca, from posters, films, and videotapes to elections, staged political spectacles, and changing rituals. In a fluid style that blends ethnographic narrative, cultural reportage, and the author's firsthand experiences, Ossman sketches a radically new vision of Casablanca as a place where social practices, traditions, and structures of power are in flux.Ossman guides the reader through the labyrinthine byways of the city, where state bureaucracy and state power, the media and its portrayal of the outside world, and people's everyday lives are all on view. She demonstrates how images not only reflect but inform and alter daily experience. In the Arab League Park, teenagers use fashion and flirting to attract potential mates, defying traditional rules of conduct. Wedding ceremonies are transformed by the ubiquitous video camera, which becomes the event's most important spectator. Political leaders are molded by the state's adept manipulation of visual media.From Madonna videos and the TV's transformation of social time, to changing gender roles and new ways of producing and disseminating information, the Morocco that Ossman reveals is a telling commentary on the consequences of colonial planning, the influence of modern media, and the rituals of power and representation enacted by the state.

PICTURING QUANTUM PROCESSES: A First Course in Quantum Theory and Diagrammatic Reasoning

by Bob Coecke Aleks Kissinger

The unique features of the quantum world are explained in this book through the language of diagrams, setting out an innovative visual method for presenting complex theories. Requiring only basic mathematical literacy, this book employs a unique formalism that builds an intuitive understanding of quantum features while eliminating the need for complex calculations. This entirely diagrammatic presentation of quantum theory represents the culmination of ten years of research, uniting classical techniques in linear algebra and Hilbert spaces with cutting-edge developments in quantum computation and foundations. Written in an entertaining and user-friendly style and including more than one hundred exercises, this book is an ideal first course in quantum theory, foundations, and computation for students from undergraduate to PhD level, as well as an opportunity for researchers from a broad range of fields, from physics to biology, linguistics, and cognitive science, to discover a new set of tools for studying processes and interaction.

Piezoelectric Materials and Devices: Applications in Engineering and Medical Sciences

by M. S. Vijaya

Starting from the fundamentals, this book provides a concise yet complete treatment of piezoelectric materials, an important class of smart materials which are useful as both actuators and sensors. Including case studies, the text introduces different types of dielectric materials, describes the preparation and properties of various piezoelectric materials used in device applications, and presents various engineering and medical applications of piezoelectric materials. It also discusses in detail the design and virtual prototyping of piezoelectric devices using commercially available software tools like ANSYS and PAFEC.

Pig Design Patterns

by Pradeep Pasupuleti

A comprehensive practical guide that walks you through the multiple stages of data management in enterprise and gives you numerous design patterns with appropriate code examples to solve frequent problems in each of these stages. The chapters are organized to mimick the sequential data flow evidenced in Analytics platforms, but they can also be read independently to solve a particular group of problems in the Big Data life cycle. If you are an experienced developer who is already familiar with Pig and is looking for a use case standpoint where they can relate to the problems of data ingestion, profiling, cleansing, transforming, and egressing data encountered in the enterprises. Knowledge of Hadoop and Pig is necessary for readers to grasp the intricacies of Pig design patterns better.

Pillars of Computing

by Gerard O'Regan

This accessible compendium examines a collection of significant technology firms that have helped to shape the field of computing and its impact on society. Each company is introduced with a brief account of its history, followed by a concise account of its key contributions. The selection covers a diverse range of historical and contemporary organizations from pioneers of e-commerce to influential social media companies. Features: presents information on early computer manufacturers; reviews important mainframe and minicomputer companies; examines the contributions to the field of semiconductors made by certain companies; describes companies that have been active in developing home and personal computers; surveys notable research centers; discusses the impact of telecommunications companies and those involved in the area of enterprise software and business computing; considers the achievements of e-commerce companies; provides a review of social media companies.

Pillars of Eternity Guidebook: Volume Two-The Deadfire Archipelago

by Obsidian Entertainment

Step into the role of the Watcher and explore the world of Eora with this beautiful hardcover featuring fantastic full-color art!Thanks to a successful crowdfunding campaign, the long-awaited sequel to Pillars of Eternity is ready to transport players back to the history-rich world of Eora. Dark Horse Books and Obsidian Entertainment proudly present Volume Two of the Pillars of Eternity Guidebook, which offers a detailed accounting of the explosive conflicts, determined factions, and horrifying creatures of the Deadfire Archipelago. This 120-page tome contains never before seen concept art, in-depth writing from the minds of the design team, and expands on the rich lore of this highly-anticipated game.

Pilot to Profit: Navigating Modern Entrepreneurship to Build Your Business Using Online Marketing, Social Media, Content Marketing and Sales

by Lisa Larter

Ready to generate sales, build brand buzz, and watch your cash flow soar? Entrepreneurs, prepare for takeoff! Pilot to Profit clears up the confusion of modern entrepreneurship—so you can build a smart, successful, and sustainable business with sky-high returns. If you find yourself overwhelmed with questions—Do I really need to be on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter? How do these other people command such high fees (and how can I)? How do I double my profits this year without doubling the work?—this book can provide answers to help you get unstuck, as well as proven strategies to help your business get found and turn connections into paying customers, whether you&’re an established enterprise or just starting out. Learn how to: Gain a stronger money mindset and stop sabotaging your ability to be paid what you&’re worth for the work you doSet your money-making &“radar&” on high alertCreate a clearly defined business model that maximizes what comes in, with less effort put outFind the right channels to grow your business so you can reach more peopleCreate content that raises your credibility and puts you on the map (because without great content, your business might never be found)Use email and social media to grow your fan base Lastly, you&’ll walk away understanding how to sell what you do, whom to sell it to, and precisely how to find and connect with those people. This book takes you step-by-step on your journey to building a successful, profitable business you love. With Pilot to Profit, you&’re officially cleared for takeoff.

Pinhole Photography: From Historic Technique to Digital Application (Alternative Process Photography)

by Eric Renner

A respected guide for creatives, artists and photographers alike, Pinhole Photography is packed with all the information you need to understand and get underway with this wonderfully quirky, creative technique. Covering pinhole photography from its historical roots, pinhole expert Eric Renner, founder of, fully explores the theory and practical application of pinhole in this beautiful resource.Packed with inspiring images, instructional tips and information on a variety of pinhole cameras for beginner and advanced photographers, this classic text now offers a new chapter on digital imaging and more in depth how-to coverage for beginners, as well as revised exposure guides and optimal pinhole charts. With an expanded gallery of full-color photographs displaying the creative results of pinhole cameras, along with listings of workshops, pinhole photographer's websites, pinhole books and suppliers of pinhole equipment, this is the one guide you need to learn the craft and navigate the industry.

Pinning Control of Complex Networked Systems

by Housheng Su Xiaofan Wang

Synchronization, consensus and flocking are ubiquitous requirements in networked systems. Pinning Control of Complex Networked Systems investigates these requirements by using the pinning control strategy, which aims to control the whole dynamical network with huge numbers of nodes by imposing controllers for only a fraction of the nodes. As the direct control of every node in a dynamical network with huge numbers of nodes might be impossible or unnecessary, it's then very important to use the pinning control strategy for the synchronization of complex dynamical networks. The research on pinning control strategy in consensus and flocking of multi-agent systems can not only help us to better understand the mechanisms of natural collective phenomena, but also benefit applications in mobile sensor/robot networks. This book offers a valuable resource for researchers and engineers working in the fields of control theory and control engineering. Housheng Su is an Associate Professor at the Department of Control Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China; Xiaofan Wang is a Professor at the Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

Pinterest®: How Ben Silbermann & Evan Sharp Changed the Way We Share What We Love

by Rosa Waters

In the last few years, Pinterest has become one of the world's most popular social networking sites, allowing users to share the things they love with others by "pinning" pictures to an interactive online bulletin board. You may have heard of Pinterest, you may use it yourself--but do you know the story behind the success? Discover the story of how two friends, Ben Silbermann and Evan Sharp, changed social networking with Pinterest. Find out what it took for the two young men to start their own company--and learn what they have planned for the future of Pinterest.

Pinterest For Dummies

by Kelby Carr

Organize your life, your likes, and more with Pinterest and this fun how-to guide Now you can organize your digital life with Pinterest, a hot new site that lets you create visual bookmarks of your favorite things and "pin" them on virtual pinboards. Want to save something from a blog? Have a favorite retail website? Want to pin a quick photo you took with your phone? Organize them all with Pinterest and this fast, friendly guide that shows you just how to do it. You'll see how to set up an account and your boards, how to pin and re-pin, where to use hashtags, find ways to share pins with your other social networks, and more. Helps you get the most out of Pinterest, a visual collection of bookmarks that you can organize into virtual pinboards Shows you how to set up an account and boards, how to pin and re-pin, use hashtags and like pins, and even share pins with your other social networks Also discusses Power Pinners, using search, and finding people to follow Offers tips, trick, and techniques to make the process easy and enjoyable Pinterest is fun and easy, and even more so with Pinterest for Dummies!

Pinterest For Dummies

by Kelby Carr

Organize your life, your likes, and more with Pinterest and this fun how-to guideNow you can organize your digital life with Pinterest, a hot new site that lets you create visual bookmarks of your favorite things and "pin" them on virtual pinboards. Want to save something from a blog? Have a favorite retail website? Want to pin a quick photo you took with your phone? Organize them all with Pinterest and this fast, friendly guide that shows you just how to do it. You'll see how to set up an account and your boards, how to pin and re-pin, where to use hashtags, find ways to share pins with your other social networks, and more.Helps you get the most out of Pinterest, a visual collection of bookmarks that you can organize into virtual pinboards Shows you how to set up an account and boards, how to pin and re-pin, use hashtags and like pins, and even share pins with your other social networks Also discusses Power Pinners, using search, and finding people to follow Offers tips, trick, and techniques to make the process easy and enjoyablePinterest is fun and easy, and even more so with Pinterest for Dummies!

Pinterest For Dummies, Pocket Edition

by Kelby Carr

All the steps you need to jump into Pinterest and thrive Don't miss the boat on one of the fastest growing social network sites. Get on board and learn all about Pinterest, a virtual pin-board to share images and ideas. The platform is simple to use and navigate once you get the hang of it, and this book will walk you through all of the steps to join, use, socialize, and flourish! Open the book and find: All about starting your virtual pinboard Steps for following boards and sharing pins Ways to stay connected by going mobile Tips for creating a quality pin Techniques to build large followings

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