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Pokemon GO!: The Ultimate Unauthorized Guide
by Cara CoppermanThe essential guide book to the biggest mobile game in history, Pokémon Go!Pokémon GO! The Ultimate Unauthorized Guide is a must-read companion to the hit mobile game that has taken the world by storm. This essential guide will teach gamers all they need to know to become the ultimate Pokémon Master. Filled with tips, cheats, strategies, insights and even guides to Pokémon Go sites in a variety of cities, Pokémon GO! The Ultimate Unauthorized Guide is indispensable for anyone looking to fill their Pokédex. This guide includes:* Everything you need to know about Lures, PokéBalls, Eggs * How to catch the really hard Pokémon...Level 20 and above!* Level Up! XP, Medals, Achievements + more* How to find the best Gyms and Pokéstops in your hometown
Pokémon Go: Guía más 20 consejos y trucos que tienes que leer
by Game Guidez F L Translation Interpreting Services¡Conviértete en el mejor entrenador de Pokémon del mundo! Con esta guía, te vas encontrar con los mejores consejos y trucos para convertirte en un maestro en el menor tiempo posible. Te guiaremos a través de los consejos y trucos más buscados que los usuarios han encontrado en el juego. ¡Si quieres acelerar la diversión, este es el libro indicado para ti! Estos son algunos de los temas que trataremos: •Cómo empezar •Cómo encontrar más Pokémones •Cómo subir de nivel más rápido y con más eficiencia •Cómo encontrar Pokémones en equipo •Cómo hacer para que no se descargue la batería con estrategias avanzadas •Ítems •Consejos y trucos de realidad aumentada •Consejos especiales de Pokeparadas •Secretos y pistas También, encontrarás más consejos, trucos y secretos en esta guía. ¡Si no quieres perder el tiempo en detalles innecesarios y sólo deseas quedarte con aquello que te convertirá en el mejor jugador, entonces, este es tu libro! ¡Lee este libro ahora mismo y conviértete en el maestro que eres! Palabras clave: Guía de Pokémon Go, Consejos de Pokémon Go, Pokémon Go.
Pokémon Go: Économisez votre batterie !
by Game Guidez Gaëlle GuilleaumeJe vais vous apprendre à économiser votre batterie et bien plus encore ! Grâce à ce guide, vous apprendrez plusieurs trucs et astuces pour économiser la batterie de votre téléphone. Alors, si vous voulez vous amuser encore PLUS longtemps sur Pokémon Go, ce guide est pour vous ! Voici quelques thèmes abordés : - Couper le son - Éteindre les applications en arrière-plan - Comment doubler la durée de vie de batterie - Se débarrasser du Bluetooth - Profiter de ses données illimitées - Tirer parti des paramètres du jeu Alors, n’hésitez pas et commandez votre exemplaire dès maintenant !
Pokémon GO: 8 dicas e truques que você deve ler para poupar bateria
by Game Guidez Fernanda Ranieri SilvaEu posso ensinar-lhe como DOBRAR sua vida da sua bateria ou mais! Em nosso guia, vamos mergulhar direto nas dicas e truques que irão ajudá-lo a dominar a vida da sua bateria no menor tempo possível. Nós vamos guiá-lo de mãos dadas com algumas das dicas mais cobiçadas e truques descobertos em como poupar sua preciosa bateria. Se você quiser fazer o seu divertimento durar um longo tempo, este é o livro para você! Alguns dos tópicos que abordamos: Drenagem de som Aplicativos em segundo plano Como dobrar instantaneamente a duração da sua bateria! Abaixando a drenagem polegada por polegada Definições avançadas de bluetooth Manipulações do plano de dados Configurações mágicas no jogo Reprodução de baixa potência Se você não quiser ler nenhuma enrolação e apenas chegar diretamente ao que vai fazê-lo o melhor, este livro é para você! Leia a sua cópia hoje e torne-se o mestre que você é!
Pokemon Go 20 trucs et astuces à connaître + Conseils pour Économisez votre batterie Ensemble de livre 2
by Game Guidez Gaëlle GuilleaumeDevenez le plus grand dresseur de Pokémons et économisez votre batterie grâce à ce lot réunissant nos deux guides à un prix très avantageux ! Guide Pokémon Go : 20 trucs et astuces à connaître ! Devenez le meilleur dresseur de Pokémons ! Ce guide, bourré de trucs et astuces, vous apprendra rapidement à devenir un expert dans le dressage de Pokémons. Si vous désirez évoluer rapidement dans le jeu tout en vous amusant, ce livre est pour vous ! Voici certains des thèmes abordés : - Comment se lancer dans le jeu - Comment trouver davantage de Pokémons - Gagner des niveaux rapidement et efficacement - Comment économiser sa batterie - Les objets du jeu - Comment utiliser la réalité augmentée à bon escient - Comment se servir des Pokéstops Et encore pleins d’autres trucs et astuces ! Alors, n’hésitez pas et commandez votre exemplaire dès maintenant ! Pokémon Go : Économisez votre batterie Je vais vous apprendre à économiser votre batterie et bien plus encore ! Grâce à ce guide, vous apprendrez plusieurs trucs et astuces pour économiser la batterie de votre téléphone. Alors, si vous voulez vous amuser encore PLUS longtemps sur Pokémon Go, ce guide est pour vous ! Voici quelques thèmes abordés : - Couper le son - Éteindre les applications en arrière-plan - Comment doubler la durée de vie de batterie - Se débarrasser du Bluetooth - Profiter de ses données illimitées - Tirer parti des paramètres du jeu Alors, n’hésitez pas et commandez votre exemplaire dès maintenant !
by Game Guidez Vincenzo LantinoPosso insegnarvi a RADDOPPIARE la vita della vostra batteria o anche di più! Nella nostra guida ci dedichiamo subito ai consigli ed ai trucchetti che vi aiuteranno ad allungare la vita della vostra batteria nel minor tempo possibile. Vi guidiamo passo-passo con alcuni dei trucchi più ambiti che abbiamo scoperto sul risparmio della vostra preziosa batteria. Se volete divertirvi di più, MOLTO DI PIÙ, questo è il libro che fa per voi! Tratteremo vari argomenti come: il drenaggio della batteria ad opera del sonoro, applicazioni in background, come raddoppiare instantaneamente la durata della vostra batteria, diminuire il consumo di batteria passo-passo, opzioni avanzate del bluetooth, manipolazione del piano dei dati d'internet, opzioni magiche del gioco e giocare a basso costo energetico. Se non avete voglia di leggere fandonie e volete andare al sodo, questo è il miglior libro che potreste desiderare! Prendete oggi la vostra copia e diventate il maestro di Pokémon che sapete di essere!
Pokemon GO Guía No Oficial
by I. Fernández Joshua AbbottGuía con consejos avanzados y estrategia. Es la guía más completa y detallada que encontrarás en la red. Disponible en descarga instantánea en tu teléfono móvil, dispositivo para ebooks o en papel. Tras el éxito de mis otros cientos de guías y estrategias, he vuelto a escribir otra guía profesional y avanzada para jugadores nuevos y veteranos. Encontrarás estrategias específicas y consejos sobre cómo ir avanzando en el juego, vencer a tus adversarios conseguir más dinero y mucho más. Esto es lo que obtendrás al comprar esta guía profesional, avanzada y detallada. *Consejos y estrategias profesionales. *Trucos *Secretos, consejos y trucos que utilizan los jugadores pro. *Cómo conseguir muchísimas monedas. *¡Y mucho más! Todas las versiones de esta guía tienen capturas de pantalla para ayudarte a entender mejor el juego. No hay otra guía que sea tan completa y avanzada como esta. Te alegrarás de haber comprado esta guía y te beneficiarás excepcionalmente en comparación con otras guías menos eficientes que hay en el mercado. ¡Cómprala ya y destroza a tus adversarios! ¡Conviértete en un jugador pro hoy mismo! Si necesitas ayuda o más información sobre nuestros productos visita www.hiddenstuffentertainment.com/ Descargo de responsabilidad Este producto no está asociado, afiliado, promocionado, certificado o financiado por el propietario original del copyright. Todas las marcas y marcas registradas que aparecen en este libro son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios.
Pokemon Go Guida non Ufficiale
by Sonia Dal Cason Joshua Abbott*GUIDA NON UFFICIALE* Guida di Suggerimenti Avanzati e Strategie. Questa è la guida più completa e dettagliata che troverai online. Disponibile al download immediato sullo Smartphone, su lettori eBook o in formato cartaceo. Dopo il successo delle mie centinaia di altre guide e delle strategie, ho scritto un'altra guida professionale avanzata per giocatori principianti e veterani che fornisce strategie specifiche e suggerimenti su come progredire nel gioco, battere gli avversari, avere più monete e valuta e molto altro! - Suggerimenti Professionali e Strategie. - Trucchi e Hack. - Segreti, Dritte, Trucchi, Sbloccabili e Inganni Usati dai Giocatori Pro! - Come avere Tonnellate di Contanti/Monete - E MOLTO ALTRO! Tutte le versioni di questa guida hanno degli screenshot per aiutarti a capire meglio il gioco. Non esiste nessun'altra guida completa e avanzata come questa. Dichiarazione di Responsabilità: Questo prodotto non è associato, affiliato, sostenuto, certificato o sponsorizzato dal Proprietario del Copyright Originale.
Pokemon X e Y - Guida al gioco
by Federica Carrus Joshua AbbottBatti i tuoi avversari! Con la mia guida al gioco imparerai esattamente ciò di cui hai bisogno per diventare un giocatore esperto, catturare tutti i Pokémon e battere i tuoi avversari! Questa è una guida completa che contiene tutto ciò che devi sapere sul gioco. - Introduzione e informazioni base. - Consigli e strategie. - Basi del gioco. - Come allenare il tuo Pokémon. - Come catturare Pokémon rari. - Come battere gli avversari. - E TANTO ALTRO ANCORA! Compralo subito e diventa un ottimo giocatore! Diventa un giocatore professionista ora!
Pokémon X & Y: Guide du jeu
by Judith Samson Joshua AbbottAvec mon guide du jeu, vous pourrez apprendre exactement ce dont vous avez besoin afin de devenir un joueur hors pair, afin d'attraper tous les Pokémon et afin de battre tous vos ennemis ! C'est un guide complet avec tout ce dont vous avez besoin de savoir sur cet opus de la série Pokémon. -Vue d'ensemble et informations de base -Trucs et stratégies professionnelles -Les bases du jeu -Comment entraîner vos Pokémon -Comment attraper de rares Pokémon -Comment battre vos adversaires -ET BEAUCOUP PLUS! Achetez ce guide maintenant et devenez le meilleur joueur! Devenez un joueur pro dès aujourd'hui ! Clause de non-responsabilité : Ce produit n'est pas associé, affilié, endossé, certifié ou commandité par Nintendo. Ce guide doit être utilisé comme référence. Il ne modifie le jeu d'aucune façon. Ceci est un guide écrit et n'est pas un logiciel.
Pokémon X & Y Guía de Juego
by María José Manzanelli Joshua Abbott¡Con Mi Guía de Juego aprenderás exactamente lo que necesitas saber para convertirte en un jugado experimentado, coleccionar todos los Pokémon y vencer a tus oponentes! Esta es una guía completa con todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el juego. - Descripción e Información Básica -Consejos y estategias profesionales. - Principios del juego. - Cómo entrenar a tu Pokémon. - Cómo conseguir Pokémon raros. - Cómo derrotar a tus oponentes. - ¡Y MUCHO MÁS!
Polar Codes: A Non-Trivial Approach to Channel Coding (Springer Topics in Signal Processing #15)
by Orhan GaziThis book explains the philosophy of the polar encoding and decoding technique. Polar codes are one of the most recently discovered capacity-achieving channel codes. What sets them apart from other channel codes is the fact that polar codes are designed mathematically and their performance is mathematically proven. The book develops related fundamental concepts from information theory, such as entropy, mutual information, and channel capacity. It then explains the successive cancellation decoding logic and provides the necessary formulas, moving on to demonstrate the successive cancellation decoding operation with a tree structure. It also demonstrates the calculation of split channel capacities when polar codes are employed for binary erasure channels, and explains the mathematical formulation of successive cancellation decoding for polar codes. In closing, the book presents and proves the channel polarization theorem, before mathematically analyzing the performance of polar codes.
Polarized Beam Dynamics and Instrumentation in Particle Accelerators: USPAS Summer 2021 Spin Class Lectures (Particle Acceleration and Detection)
by François Méot Haixin Huang Vadim Ptitsyn Fanglei LinThis Open Access book is drawn from lectures dispensed at the U.S. Particle Accelerator School (USPAS) Summer 2021 Spin Class, by experts in the field. It is an introduction to the dynamics of spin in charged particle accelerators, and to the accelerator components and spin manipulation techniques, including helical snakes and spin rotators, which enable and allow preserving beam polarization. It is aimed at graduate students or upper division undergraduate students with an interest in this multi-disciplinary field, which includes the future electron-ion collider at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, high energy lepton and proton collider projects, and other electric dipole moment search storage rings. It is also aimed at physicists or engineers working in accelerator-related fields who wish to familiarize themselves with spin dynamics and polarized beam concepts, tools, components, and purposes.This is an open access book.
Police Corruption: Preventing Misconduct and Maintaining Integrity (Advances in Police Theory and Practice)
by Tim PrenzlerWhile many police officers undertake their work conforming to the highest ethical standards, the fact remains that unethical police conduct continues to be a recurring problem around the world. With examples from a range of jurisdictions, Police Corruption: Preventing Misconduct and Maintaining Integrity examines the causes of police misconduct and
Police Corruption and Police Reforms in Developing Societies
by Kempe Ronald Hope Sr.Much of the literature on police corruption and police reforms is dominated by case studies of societies classified as developed. However, under the influence of globalization, developing societies have become a focal point of scholarly interest and examination. Police Corruption and Police Reforms in Developing Societies provides critical analyses
Police Corruption in the NYPD: From Knapp to Mollen
by Steven V. Gilbert Barbara A. GilbertPolice Corruption in the NYPD: From Knapp to Mollen explores how the New York Police Department experienced two major investigations within a quarter of a century. It compares the states of corruption within the NYPD during the Knapp and Mollen commissions, examining why corruption continued and why the revealed ethical breaches became more serious
Police Investigative Interviews and Interpreting: Context, Challenges, and Strategies (Advances in Police Theory and Practice)
by Sedat Mulayim Miranda Lai Caroline NormaPolice interviews with suspects and witnesses provide some of the most significant evidence in criminal investigations. Frequently challenging, they require special training and skills. This interaction process is further complicated when the suspect or witness does not speak the same language as the interviewer. A professional reference that can b
Police Leadership in a Democracy: Conversations with America's Police Chiefs (Modern Police Administration)
by James IsenbergEvery day the media floods the airwaves with their often-contradictory version of the role and behavior of the police force. Based on this, you might think that police officers either brutally enforce their own interpretation of the nation‘s laws or use all the modern tools available to carefully and persistently uncover the special clues that lead
Police Misconduct: A Global Perspective
by Cliff RobersonThis book explores the different types of police misconduct including the use of excessive force. It also explores what types of officers become involved in illegal misconduct, steps jurisdictions may take to prevent such problems, and discusses who should police the police. Also included is a historical analysis of police misconduct, discussions on the legal restrictions designed to prevent police misconduct, and steps that the jurisdiction may take to limit their liability. Ancillary material is available with course adoption.
Police Reform in China (Advances in Police Theory and Practice)
by Kam C. WongSweeping changes have altered the cultural landscape of China. This volume provides an insightful glimpse of policing in the midst of such change. Beginning with a historical account of police reform in the region since 2000, it discusses the difficulties encountered in trying to understand Chinese policing. Demonstrating how old ideologies are increasingly in conflict with the values and lifestyles of a new mentality, the book discusses steps that can be taken to improve professionalism. The final chapters highlight the importance of understanding the Chinese people, culture, values, and interests in order to truly effectuate successful police reform.
Police Reserves and Volunteers: Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness and Public Trust
by James F. AlbrechtReductions in police department funding have raised the importance of volunteers in enhancing organizational performance, improving community trust and confidence, and at times accomplishing basic tasks to maintain public safety and security. During a period when police administrators are asked to do more with less, and to engage in smarter, community-oriented policing, citizen volunteers are an invaluable resource. Police Reserves and Volunteers is an invaluable primer for those looking to understand the benefits and challenges involved in the use of the volunteers within global law enforcement agencies. Using cases from a range of specialists and precincts, this edited volume provides a rare window into police administration from the state legislation that regulates police reserves in California to the local models observed in many counties and cities across the United States. Police Reserves and Volunteers offers volunteers, local elected officials, and law enforcement straightforward guidelines to enhance police goals and build public trust in local communities.
Police Suicide: Is Police Culture Killing Our Officers?
by Ronald A. RufoThere is no question that more police officers die from suicide than those killed in the line of duty. The suicide and attempted suicide of police officers is a mental health concern that has been neglected for far too long.Police Suicide: Is Police Culture Killing Our Officers? provides realistic insight into the life of a police officer through a
Police Use of Force: Important Issues Facing the Police and the Communities They Serve
by Michael J. PalmiottoStarting with a historical introduction, Police Use of Force presents readers with critical and timely issues facing police and the communities they serve when police encounters turn violent. Dr. Palmiotto offers in-depth coverage of the use of force, deadly force, non-lethal weapons, militarization of policing, racism and profiling, legal cases, psychology, perception and training, and violence prevention. Police Use of Force also investigates many case studies, both famous (Rodney King) and contemporary (Ferguson, MO). Essential reading for both criminal justice professionals and academics, this text places police conflict within a complex, modern context, inviting cogent conversation in the classroom and the precinct.
@policía: las historias de un éxito
by Carlos Fernández GuerraDescubre el perfil de la Policía Nacional en Twitter, la cuenta oficial de seguridad más seguida del mundo. Gracias a su originalidad y sentido del humor, el Twitter de la Policía española ya cuenta con más de 1.000.000 de seguidores. Un millón de historias en una sola, una demostración del nuevo papel que tienen las instituciones y los ciudadanos en el siglo XXI. Con @policia, descubre una Policía comunicadora, revolucionaria y muy eficaz que busca que el ciudadano la conozca y participe de sus éxitos. Entérate de los retos, las campañas, las mejores anécdotas y los logros que se han llevado a cabo gracias a la ciudadanía usando la cuenta de @policia. Conoce a los héroes y villanos de Internet y las conmovedoras historias de cómo la sociedad actúa en situaciones límite ante la llamada de auxilio de @policia. Mira qué hay tras las bambalinas: un equipo de personas con sus fakes, sus historias, sus aspiraciones y muchas ganas de tuitear.Por su lenguaje cercano, orientado a impactar y simpatizar con el ciudadano, así como su visión crítica y humorística de la actualidad, es ya el modelo a seguir para otras muchas instituciones y entidades privadas de todos los ámbitos, que han optado también por este tono informal de comunicación en las redes. Se partícipe de los grandes aciertos y también de los polémicos errores o fakes de esta cuenta. Desde la exitosa petición de donantes de sangre para el accidente de tren de Santiago de 2013 hasta la puesta en marcha de nuevas formas de colaboración ciudadana como la #Tweetredada, con la que se ha conseguido atrapar a cientos de traficantes de droga en nuestro país. Todo esto aderezado con las pequeñas «cagadas», los momentos de tensión y los tuits más torpes de @policia. En este libro no solo encontrarás el relato del éxito de @policia, sino todas las historias humanas que lo han hecho posible. Un millón de historias en una sola, una demostración del nuevo papel que tienen las instituciones y los ciudadanos en el siglo XXI.
Policies and Challenges of the Broadband Ecosystem in Japan (Advances in Information and Communication Research #4)
by Hitoshi Mitomo Toshiya JitsuzumiThis book shows how telecom, broadcast, and Internet researchers as well as experts from Japan's leading mobile operators interpret, analyze, and evaluate the emerging phenomenon of the Japanese broadband ecosystem. The broadband ecosystem, as it rapidly changes against the backdrop of swift technological progress, is forcing major changes in the existing socioeconomic framework and generating many policy issues that require discussion.The book aims to provide a theoretical and practical framework for policymakers to address these issues from a broader perspective than has been available in the past. The topics addressed in this book cover sharing of 5G infrastructure, online platform regulation, diffusion of autonomous driving, content industry, trends and use cases of 5G, capacity development for AI, ride-hailing service, smartphone games, the right to be forgotten, and the economic value of personal information.Although this book cannot provide definitive answers to all these recently emerging and rapidly changing issues, it does provide important guidance for evidence-based discussion involving policymakers and researchers working on these issues. It is also recommended for graduate students who want to enter this challenging field of policy discussion.