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Principles of Information Systems

by Ralph M. Stair George W. Reynolds Joey Bryant Mark Frydenberg Hollis Greenberg George Schell

Develop an understanding of the core principles of information systems (IS) and how these principles make a difference in today's business environment with Stair/Reynolds' PRINCIPLES OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 14E. Completely reorganized for clarity and focus, this fresh new edition provides engaging new chapter opening cases and a new chapter on AI and automation. You explore the challenges and risks of cybercrime, hacking, internet of things, and artificial intelligence as you examine the latest IS research and learn from memorable examples. You can even maximize your employability as you learn how to use IS to increase profits and reduce costs in organizations. You study the latest in big data, business intelligence, cloud computing, e-commerce, enterprise systems, mobile computing, strategic planning, and systems development.

Principles of Information Systems (Twelfth Edition)

by Ralph Stair George Reynolds

Equipping you with a solid understanding of the core principles of IS and how it is practiced, PRINCIPLES OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 12E covers the latest research and developments from the field and their impact on the rapidly changing role of today's IS professional. The book includes expansive coverage of mobile solutions, energy and environmental concerns, cloud computing, IS careers, virtual communities, global IS work solutions, and social networking. You learn firsthand how information systems can increase profits and reduce costs as you explore new information on e-commerce and enterprise systems, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, green computing, and other issues reshaping the industry. The book also introduces the challenges and risks of computer crimes, hacking, and cyberterrorism. A long-running example illustrates how technology was used in the design, development, and production of this book. No matter where your career path may lead, PRINCIPLES OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 12E can help you maximize your success as an employee, a decision maker, and a business leader.

Principles of Information Technology

by Kathleen M. Austin Lorraine N. Bergkvist

Principles of Information Technology presents basic principles and concepts about information technology to help students become more valuable employees, better citizens, and knowledgeable consumers. Written specifically for high school students, this text maps to the IC3 Digital Literacy Certification standards. By studying this text, students can prepare for taking the Certiport IC3 Digital Literacy Certification exams. IC3 Digital Literacy Certification is a well-respected and internationally recognized credential.

Principles of Information Technology: Preparing for IC3 Certification

by Suzanne Weixel

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Principles of Innovative Design Thinking: Synergy of Extenics with Axiomatic Design Theory

by Wenjuan Li Zhenghe Song C. Steve Suh

The book presents a comprehensive treatment on a novel design theory that fosters innovative thinking and creativity essential for addressing wicked problems. Wicked problems are ill-defined, ambiguous in both aims and solutions, and complex with interconnected and intertwined (coupled) factors. While being ubiquitous and difficult, however, wicked problems share characteristics common to science and design in three regards, namely agent finitude, system complexity, and problem normativity. These fundamental attributes allow a core cognitive process common to design and science to be identified and a strategic problem-solving conception of methodology be formulated as a result. The theory facilitates new opportunities for synergetic cross-disciplinary research and practice by incorporating the essences of Extenics to axiomatic design. Innovative thinking is enabled by exploring Extenics for problem reframing, paradigm shift, and abductive reasoning and by engaging axiomatic design in the co-evolution (iteration) of the need and viable design concept. The theory is unique in that it is a framework for quantifying imprecise and vague design information available during the conceptual design stage as mathematical expression and algorithm early in the design effort and enables the objective evaluation and emergence of an optimal design concept from among multitude of viable ones. The book is conceived for students and real-world practitioners in engineering, natural and social sciences, business, and fine arts who seek to develop powerful design thinking for solving problems in a creative and innovative way.

Principles of Intelligent Automobiles

by Muhammad Mansoor Khan Xiubin Zhang

This book discusses the principle of automotive intelligent technology from the point of view of modern sensing and intelligent control. Based on the latest research in the field, it explores safe driving with intelligent vision; intelligent monitoring of dangerous driving; intelligent detection of automobile power and transmission systems; intelligent vehicle navigation and transportation systems; and vehicle-assisted intelligent technology. It draws on the author’s research in the field of automotive intelligent technology to explain the fundamentals of vehicle intelligent technology, from the information sensing principle to mathematical models and the algorithm basis, enabling readers to grasp the concepts of automotive intelligent technology. Opening up new scientific horizons and fostering innovative thinking, the book is a valuable resource for researchers as well as undergraduate and graduate students.

Principles of Intelligent Rail Transit (Advances in High-speed Rail Technology)

by Xiubin Zhang Muhammad Mansoor Khan Yeerjiang Halimu

This book systematically expounds on the scientific principles and technologies of Rail Transit Intelligent Technology based on the high development of artificial intelligence theory and technology. The contents include technical principles, theoretical algorithms and practical engineering technologies of intelligent monitoring of rail transit system, intelligent sensing and identification of train power system, intelligent technology in rail transit system operation, intelligent maintenance of carriage environment, etc. It can be used as a textbook or teaching reference book for related fields in universities, including rail transit system, communication, automation, intelligent equipment design and manufacturing, artificial intelligence, computer science and technology, electrical engineering and automation, etc. It is used as an academic reference for professionals in rail transit system design, operation, and maintenance.

Principles of Internet of Things (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #174)

by Sheng-Lung Peng Souvik Pal Lianfen Huang

This book discusses the evolution of future-generation technologies through the Internet of things, bringing together all the related technologies on a single platform to offer valuable insights for undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers, academics and industry practitioners. The book uses data, network engineering and intelligent decision- support system-by-design principles to design a reliable IoT-enabled ecosystem and to implement cyber-physical pervasive infrastructure solutions. It takes readers on a journey that begins with understanding the insight paradigm of IoT-enabled technologies and how it can be applied. It walks readers through engaging with real-time challenges and building a safe infrastructure for IoT-based, future-generation technologies. The book helps researchers and practitioners to understand the design architecture through IoT and the state of the art in IoT countermeasures. It also highlights the differences between heterogeneous platforms in IoT-enabled infrastructure and traditional ad hoc or infrastructural networks, and provides a comprehensive discussion on functional frameworks for IoT, object identification, IoT domain model, RFID technology, wearable sensors, WBAN, IoT semantics, knowledge extraction, and security and privacy issues in IoT-based ecosystems. Written by leading international experts, it explores IoT-enabled insight paradigms, which are utilized for the future benefit of humans. It also includes references to numerous works. Divided into stand-alone chapters, this highly readable book is intended for specialists, researchers, graduate students, designers, experts, and engineers involved in research on healthcare-related issues.

Principles of Machine Learning: The Three Perspectives

by Wenmin Wang

Conducting an in-depth analysis of machine learning, this book proposes three perspectives for studying machine learning: the learning frameworks, learning paradigms, and learning tasks. With this categorization, the learning frameworks reside within the theoretical perspective, the learning paradigms pertain to the methodological perspective, and the learning tasks are situated within the problematic perspective. Throughout the book, a systematic explication of machine learning principles from these three perspectives is provided, interspersed with some examples. The book is structured into four parts, encompassing a total of fifteen chapters. The inaugural part, titled “Perspectives,” comprises two chapters: an introductory exposition and an exploration of the conceptual foundations. The second part, “Frameworks”: subdivided into five chapters, each dedicated to the discussion of five seminal frameworks: probability, statistics, connectionism, symbolism, and behaviorism. Continuing further, the third part, “Paradigms,” encompasses four chapters that explain the three paradigms of supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning, and narrating several quasi-paradigms emerged in machine learning. Finally, the fourth part, “Tasks”: comprises four chapters, delving into the prevalent learning tasks of classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction. This book provides a multi-dimensional and systematic interpretation of machine learning, rendering it suitable as a textbook reference for senior undergraduates or graduate students pursuing studies in artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, computer science, and related disciplines. Additionally, it serves as a valuable reference for those engaged in scientific research and technical endeavors within the realm of machine learning. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

Principles of Mobile Computing and Communications

by Mazliza Othman

Mobile computing technology has come a long way in recent years-providing anytime, anywhere communication and access to information. Bringing students up to date on important technological and industry developments, Principles of Mobile Computing and Communications examines mobile networks and relevant standards, highlighting issues unique to the m

Principles of Modeling: Essays Dedicated to Edward A. Lee on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10760)

by Marten Lohstroh Patricia Derler Marjan Sirjani

This Festschrift is published in honor of Edward A. Lee, Robert S. Pepper Distinguished Professor Emeritus and Professor in the Graduate School in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, on the occasion of his 60th birthday.The title of this Festschrift is “Principles of Modeling" because Edward A. Lee has long been devoted to research that centers on the role of models in science and engineering. He has been examining the use and limitations of models, their formal properties, their role in cognition and interplay with creativity, and their ability to represent reality and physics. The Festschrift contains 29 papers that feature the broad range of Edward A. Lee’s research topics; such as embedded systems; real-time computing; computer architecture; modeling and simulation, and systems design.

Principles of Noology

by Seng-Beng Ho

The idea of this book is to establish a new scientific discipline, "noology," under which a set of fundamental principles are proposed for the characterization of both naturally occurring and artificial intelligent systems. The methodology adopted in Principles of Noology for the characterization of intelligent systems, or "noological systems," is a computational one, much like that of AI. Many AI devices such as predicate logic representations, search mechanisms, heuristics, and computational learning mechanisms are employed but they are recast in a totally new framework for the characterization of noological systems. The computational approach in this book provides a quantitative and high resolution understanding of noological processes, and at the same time the principles and methodologies formulated are directly implementable in AI systems. In contrast to traditional AI that ignores motivational and affective processes, under the paradigm of noology, motivational and affective processes are central to the functioning of noological systems and their roles in noological processes are elucidated in detailed computational terms. In addition, a number of novel representational and learning mechanisms are proposed, and ample examples and computer simulations are provided to show their applications. These include rapid effective causal learning (a novel learning mechanism that allows an AI/noological system to learn causality with a small number of training instances), learning of scripts that enables knowledge chunking and rapid problem solving, and learning of heuristics that further accelerates problem solving. Semantic grounding allows an AI/noological system to "truly understand" the meaning of the knowledge it encodes. This issue is extensively explored. This is a highly informative book providing novel and deep insights into intelligent systems which is particularly relevant to both researchers and students of AI and the cognitive sciences.

The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript

by Nicholas C. Zakas

<p>If you've used a more traditional object-oriented language, such as C++ or Java, JavaScript probably doesn't seem object-oriented at all. <p>It has no concept of classes, and you don't even need to define any objects in order to write code. But don't be fooled—JavaScript is an incredibly powerful and expressive object-oriented language that puts many design decisions right into your hands.In The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript, Nicholas C. Zakas thoroughly explores JavaScript's object-oriented nature, revealing the language's unique implementation of inheritance and other key characteristics. <p>You'll learn:–The difference between primitive and reference values–What makes JavaScript functions so unique–The various ways to create objects–How to define your own constructors–How to work with and understand prototypes–Inheritance patterns for types and objectsThe Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript will leave even experienced developers with a deeper understanding of JavaScript. <p>Unlock the secrets behind how objects work in JavaScript so you can write clearer, more flexible, and more efficient code.

Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 3.3

by Peter Fritzson

Fritzson covers the Modelica language in impressive depth from the basic concepts such as cyber-physical, equation-base, object-oriented, system, model, and simulation, while also incorporating over a hundred exercises and their solutions for a tutorial, easy-to-read experience.The only book with complete Modelica 3.3 coverageOver one hundred exercises and solutionsExamines basic concepts such as cyber-physical, equation-based, object-oriented, system, model, and simulation

Principles of Package Design: Creating Reusable Software Components

by Matthias Noback

Apply design principles to your classes, preparing them for reuse. You will use package design principles to create packages that are just right in terms of cohesion and coupling, and are user- and maintainer-friendly at the same time.The first part of this book walks you through the five SOLID principles that will help you improve the design of your classes. The second part introduces you to the best practices of package design, and covers both package cohesion principles and package coupling principles. Cohesion principles show you which classes should be put together in a package, when to split packages, and if a combination of classes may be considered a "package" in the first place. Package coupling principles help you choose the right dependencies and prevent wrong directions in the dependency graph of your packages.What You'll LearnApply the SOLID principles of class designDetermine if classes belong in the same packageKnow whether it is safe for packages to depend on each otherWho This Book Is ForSoftware developers with a broad range of experience in the field, who are looking for ways to reuse,share, and distribute their code

Principles of Parallel Scientific Computing: A First Guide to Numerical Concepts and Programming Methods (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)

by Tobias Weinzierl

New insight in many scientific and engineering fields is unthinkable without the use of numerical simulations running efficiently on modern computers. The faster we get new results, the bigger and accurate are the problems that we can solve. It is the combination of mathematical ideas plus efficient programming that drives the progress in many disciplines. Future champions in the area thus will have to be qualified in their application domain, they will need a profound understanding of some mathematical ideas, and they need the skills to deliver fast code. The present textbook targets students which have programming skills already and do not shy away from mathematics, though they might be educated in computer science or an application domain. It introduces the basic concepts and ideas behind applied mathematics and parallel programming that we need to write numerical simulations for today’s multicore workstations. Our intention is not to dive into one particular application domain or to introduce a new programming language – we lay the generic foundations for future courses and projects in the area. The text is written in an accessible style which is easy to digest for students without years and years of mathematics education. It values clarity and intuition over formalism, and uses a simple N-body simulation setup to illustrate basic ideas that are of relevance in various different subdomains of scientific computing. Its primary goal is to make theoretical and paradigmatic ideas accessible to undergraduate students and to bring the fascination of the field across.

The Principles of Project Management (SitePoint (SitePoint (SitePoint (SitePoint: Project Management): Project Management)

by Meri Williams

The Principles of Project Management lays out clear steps that anyone can follow to get projects done right, and delivered on time.This full color book covers:Why Project Management is importantThe 6 fundamental truths of project managementGetting started: Discovering, Initiating, Planning and Resourcing a projectGetting the Job Done: Executing and controllingKeeping it Smooth: Communication, collaboration and managing changeFollowing through: Ongoing support and maintenance, measuring operational successResources: Review of various tools, recommended reading, professional resources for project managementShort, and to the point, this book aims to do to provide a solid foundation for anyone who finds themselves responsible for executing projects.From the Back CoverEvery project you manage will be unique. Scope, budgets, team dynamics, and timeframes will differ. As a project manager, the most important factor in achieving project success will be your understanding of The Principles Of Project Management. This book will show you that project management isn't rocket science: using the information contained in this book, you'll deliver projects on time and on budget, again and again.With The Principles Of Project Management you'll:Learn how to start every project on the right foot.Master the planning, execution, and control of your projects.Discover the secrets of effective communication and change management.Identify project warning signals and learn to keep your projects on track.Understand the benefits of using the right tools, resources, and people.Learn how to give a superstar project handover.And much, much more

Principles of Radio Navigation for Ground and Ship-Based Aircrafts (Springer Aerospace Technology)

by Sauta O.I. Shatrakov A.Y. Shatrakov Y.G. Zavalishin O.I.

This book systematically presents the operating principles and technical characteristics of the main radio navigating systems (RNSs) that make it possible to adequately evaluate the corresponding scratch indexes and levels of air safety for air vehicles, the chief concern of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The book discusses how RNS systems substantially determine navigation accuracy and reliability, and therefore air safety; in addition, it presents practical solutions to problems arising in the operation and development of RNS systems.

Principles of Security and Trust: 7th International Conference, Post 2018, Held As Part Of The European Joint Conferences On Theory And Practice Of Software, Etaps 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 14-20, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10804)

by Lujo Bauer Ralf Küsters

This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Principles of Security and Trust, POST 2018, which took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, in April 2018, held as part of the European Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2018. The 13 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 45 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections named: information flow and non-intereference; leakage, information flow, and protocols; smart contracts and privacy; firewalls and attack-defense trees.

Principles of Security and Trust

by Mark Ryan Matteo Maffei

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Principles of Security and Trust, POST 2017, which took place in Uppsala, Sweden in April 2017, held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2017. The 14 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 40 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: information flow; security protocols; security policies; and information leakage.

Principles of Security and Trust

by Luca Viganò Frank Piessens

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Principles of Security and Trust, POST 2016, which took place in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in April 2016, held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2016. The 12 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 35 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: information flow; models and applications; protocols.

Principles of Signals and Systems

by Orhan Gazi

The textbook presents basic concepts of signals and systems in a clear manner, based on the author’s 15+ years of teaching the undergraduate course for engineering students. To attain full benefit from the content, readers should have a strong knowledge of calculus and be familiar with integration, differentiation, and summation operations. The book starts with an introduction to signals and systems and continues with coverage of basic signal functions and their manipulations; energy, power, convolution, and systems; Fourier analysis of continuous time signals and digital signals; Laplace transform; and Z transforms. Practical applications are included throughout. The book is also packed with solved examples, self-study exercises, and end of chapter problems.

Principles of Social Networking: The New Horizon and Emerging Challenges (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #246)

by Anupam Biswas Ripon Patgiri Bhaskar Biswas

This book presents new and innovative current discoveries in social networking which contribute enough knowledge to the research community. The book includes chapters presenting research advances in social network analysis and issues emerged with diverse social media data. The book also presents applications of the theoretical algorithms and network models to analyze real-world large-scale social networks and the data emanating from them as well as characterize the topology and behavior of these networks. Furthermore, the book covers extremely debated topics, surveys, future trends, issues, and challenges.

Principles of Soft Computing Using Python Programming: Learn How to Deploy Soft Computing Models in Real World Applications

by Gypsy Nandi

Principles of Soft Computing Using Python Programming An accessible guide to the revolutionary techniques of soft computing Soft computing is a computing approach designed to replicate the human mind’s unique capacity to integrate uncertainty and imprecision into its reasoning. It is uniquely suited to computing operations where rigid analytical models will fail to account for the variety and ambiguity of possible solutions. As machine learning and artificial intelligence become more and more prominent in the computing landscape, the potential for soft computing techniques to revolutionize computing has never been greater. Principles of Soft Computing Using Python Programming provides readers with the knowledge required to apply soft computing models and techniques to real computational problems. Beginning with a foundational discussion of soft or fuzzy computing and its differences from hard computing, it describes different models for soft computing and their many applications, both demonstrated and theoretical. The result is a set of tools with the potential to produce new solutions to the thorniest computing problems. Readers of Principles of Soft Computing Using Python Programming will also find: Each chapter accompanied with Python codes and step-by-step comments to illustrate applicationsDetailed discussion of topics including artificial neural networks, rough set theory, genetic algorithms, and moreExercises at the end of each chapter including both short- and long-answer questions to reinforce learning Principles of Soft Computing Using Python Programming is ideal for researchers and engineers in a variety of fields looking for new solutions to computing problems, as well as for advanced students in programming or the computer sciences.

Principles of Speech Coding

by null Tokunbo Ogunfunmi null Madihally Narasimha

It is becoming increasingly apparent that all forms of communication-including voice-will be transmitted through packet-switched networks based on the Internet Protocol (IP). Therefore, the design of modern devices that rely on speech interfaces, such as cell phones and PDAs, requires a complete and up-to-date understanding of the basics of speech

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