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Rails 4 Test Prescriptions: Build a Healthy Codebase

by Noel Rappin

Does your Rails code suffer from bloat, brittleness, or inaccuracy? Cure these problems with a regular dose of test-driven development. Rails 4 Test Prescriptions is a comprehensive guide to how tests can help you design and write better Rails applications. In this completely revised edition, you'll learn why testing works and how to test effectively using Rails 4, Minitest 5, and RSpec 3, as well as popular testing libraries such as factory_girl and Cucumber. Do what the doctor ordered to make your applications feel all better. Side effects may include better code, fewer bugs, and happier developers.Your Ruby on Rails application is sick. Deadlines are looming, but every time you make the slightest change to the code, something else breaks. Nobody remembers what that tricky piece of code was supposed to do, and nobody can tell what it actually does. Plus, it has bugs. You need test-driven development, a process for improving the design, maintainability, and long-term viability of software.Containing both practical code examples and discussion of why testing works, this book starts with the most basic features delivered as part of core Ruby on Rails. Once you've integrated those features into your coding practice, you'll learn how to use popular third-party testing tools such as RSpec, Mocha, Cucumber, and factory_girl. You'll test the component parts of a Rails application, including the back-end model logic and the front-end display logic. Using Rails examples, you'll learn how to use testing to enable your code to respond better to future change. Plus, you'll see how to handle real-world testing situations.This completely revised edition contains a new tutorial, as well as new examples throughout the book. Many chapters, including the JavaScript chapter, have undergone major changes to reflect new tools and new practices. And there are brand new chapters on testing for security, and testing external services.What You Need:Ruby 2.1, Rails 4

Rails 5 Revealed

by Alan Bradburne

This short early adopter book details both how you'll upgrade existing web and other applications from Rails 4. 2 to 5 and how to create new applications in Rails 5. The headline features, Rails API and ActionCable, are each looked at in detail, building small example projects to demonstrate how to build a JSON API, add real-time notifications to a page and how to create a single-page application. All the breaking changes are shown, along with how to fix your app to work with the new API, and the improvements to ActiveRecord and the testing framework are fully detailed. After reading and using Rails 5 Revealed, you'll be poised to move forward with building your apps with the new Rails 5 as it stands now and when it finalizes. What you'll learn What are the new changes to Rails 5 and how to upgrade from Rails 4. 2 How to use the new Ruby Persistence tool/framework, ActiveRecord How to handle test framework changes What are the latest Rails API and how to employ them What is and how to use the new ActionCable Who this book is for This short book is aimed at existing Rails developers who are looking to quickly get up to speed with the changes in the new Rails 5 framework.

Rails 5 Test Prescriptions: Build a Healthy Codebase

by Noel Rappin

Does your Rails code suffer from bloat, brittleness, or inaccuracy? Cure these problems with the regular application of test-driven development. You'll use Rails 5.1, Minitest 5, and RSpec 3.6, as well as popular testing libraries such as factory_girl and Cucumber. Updates include Rails 5.1 system tests and Webpack integration. Do what the doctor ordered to make your applications feel all better. Side effects may include better code, fewer bugs, and happier developers. Your Ruby on Rails application is sick. Deadlines are looming, but every time you make the slightest change to the code, something else breaks. Nobody remembers what that tricky piece of code was supposed to do, and nobody can tell what it actually does. Plus, it has bugs. You need test-driven development: a process for improving the design, maintainability, and long-term viability of software. With both practical code examples and discussion of why testing works, this book starts with the most basic features delivered as part of core Ruby on Rails. Once you've integrated those features into your coding practice, work with popular third-party testing tools such as RSpec, Jasmine, Cucumber, and factory_girl. Test the component parts of a Rails application, including the back-end model logic and the front-end display logic. With Rails examples, use testing to enable your code to respond better to future change. Plus, see how to handle real-world testing situations. This new edition has been updated to Rails 5.1 and RSpec 3.6 and contains full coverage of new Rails features, including system tests and the Webpack-based JavaScript setup. What You Need: Ruby 2.4, Rails 5.1

Rails, Angular, Postgres, and Bootstrap: Powerful, Effective, Efficient, Full-Stack Web Development

by David B. Copeland

Achieve awesome user experiences and performance with simple, maintainable code! Embrace the full stack of web development, from styling with Bootstrap, building an interactive user interface with Angular 4, to storing data quickly and reliably in PostgreSQL. With this fully revised new edition, take a holistic view of full-stack development to create usable, high-performing applications with Rails 5.1. Rails is a great tool for building web applications, but it's not the best at everything. Embrace the features built into your database. Learn how to use front-end frameworks. Seize the power of the application stack through Angular 4, Bootstrap, and PostgreSQL. When used together, these powerful and easy-to-use tools will open you to a new world of possibilities. This second edition is updated to cover Angular - a completely reworked front-end framework - and dives into new Postgres 9.6 features such as UPSERT. Also new is Webpack coverage, to develop the front-end code for your Rails application. Create a usable and attractive login form using Bootstrap's styles, while ensuring the database table backing it is secure using Postgres' check constraints. See how creating an advanced Postgres index for a case-insensitive search speeds up your back end - enabling you to create a dynamic user experience using Angular 4. Create reusable components that bring Bootstrap and Angular together and effectively use materialized views for caching within Postgres. Get your front end working with Webpack, use Postgres' features from migrations, and write unit tests for all of it. All of this within Rails 5.1. You'll gain the confidence to work at every level of the application stack, bringing the right solution to every problem. What You Need:This book covers Postgres 9.5, Rails 5, and Ruby 2.3. You should have some experience with basic Rails concepts and a cursory understanding of JavaScript, CSS, and SQL, but by no means need to be an expert. You'll learn how to install Postgres on your computer or use a free version of it in the cloud.

Rails Cookbook

by Rob Orsini

Rails Cookbook is packed with the solutions you need to be a proficient developer with Rails, the leading framework for building the new generation of Web 2.0 applications. Recipes range from the basics, like installing Rails and setting up your development environment, to the latest techniques, such as developing RESTful web services. With applications that are code light, feature-full and built to scale quickly, Rails has revolutionized web development. The Rails Cookbook addresses scores of real-world challenges; each one includes a tested solution, plus a discussion of how and why it works, so that you can adapt the techniques to similar situations. Topics include: Modeling data with the ActiveRecord library Setting up views with ActionView and RHTML templates Building your application's logic into ActionController Testing and debugging your Rails application Building responsive web applications using JavaScript and Ajax Ensuring that your application is security and performs well Deploying your application with Mongrel and Apache Using Capistrano to automate deployment Using the many Rails plugins Working with graphics Whether you're new to Rails or an experienced developer, you'll discover ways to test, debug and secure your applications, incorporate Ajax, use caching to improve performance, and put your application into production. Want to get ahead of the Web 2.0 curve? This valuable cookbook will save you hundreds of hours when developing applications with Rails.

Rails Crash Course: A No-Nonsense Guide to Rails Development

by Anthony Lewis

Rails is a robust, flexible development platform that lets you build complex websites quickly. Major websites like GitHub, Hulu, and Twitter have run Rails under the hood, and if you know just enough HTML and CSS to be dangerous, Rails Crash Course will teach you to harness Rails for your own projects and create web applications that are fast, stable, and secure.In Part I, you’ll learn Ruby and Rails fundamentals and then dive straight into models, controllers, views, and deployment. As you work through the basics, you’ll learn how to:–Craft persistent models with Active Record–Build view templates with Embedded Ruby–Use Git to roll back to previous versions of your code base–Deploy applications to HerokuIn Part II, you’ll take your skills to the next level as you build a social networking app with more advanced Ruby tools, such as modules and metaprogramming, and advanced data modeling techniques within Rails’s Active Record. You’ll learn how to:–Implement an authentication system to identify authorized users–Write your own automated tests and refactor your code with confidence–Maximize performance with the asset pipeline and turbolinks–Secure your app against SQL injection and cross-site scripting–Set up a server and deploy applications with CapistranoEach chapter is packed with hands-on examples and exercises to reinforce what you’ve learned. Whether you’re completely new to Ruby or you’ve been mucking around for a bit, Rails Crash Course will take you from the basics to shipping your first Rails application, fast.

Rails. Leksykon kieszonkowy

by Eric Berry

Ca?a wiedza o Rails, której potrzebujesz! Jak zainstalowa? i skonfigurowa? Rails?Jak wykorzysta? mo?liwo?ci technologii ActiveRecord?Jak stworzy? dynamicznš aplikacj?, korzystajšc z technologii AJAX?Ruby on Rails przebojem wdar? si? na rynek szkieletów aplikacji internetowych. Stworzony w architekturze MVC, zosta? niezmiernie dobrze przyj?ty przez programistów z ca?ego ?wiata. Niewštpliwie wp?yw na ten fakt mia?y za?o?enia poczynione przez autora projektu - ?atwo?? i przyjemno?? tworzenia kodu. Powszechnie wiadomo, ?e te atuty majš niebagatelny wp?yw na szybko?? tworzenia aplikacji internetowych. Dzi?ki popularno?ci Ruby on Rails równie? znajomo?? j?zyka Ruby, pochodzšcego przecie? z Dalekiego Wschodu, staje si? powszechniejsza.W tej niezwyk?ej ksiš?ce znajdziesz odpowiedzi na wszystkie pytania, które mogš pojawi? si? w trakcie kodowania nowej aplikacji. Dowiesz si?, jak skonfigurowa? Rails, testowa? napisany kod, wykorzysta? technologi? ActiveRecord oraz przygotowa? widoki. Ponadto zdob?dziesz wiedz? na temat u?ywania technologii AJAX i REST, nauczysz si? wykorzystywa? us?ugi sieciowe oraz logowa? wa?ne informacje w trakcie pracy Twojej aplikacji. Z wiedzy tu zawartej mo?esz skorzysta? szybko i w ka?dej chwili, a co najwa?niejsze, nie b?dziesz musia? przedziera? si? przez setki niepotrzebnych stron. Tu znajdziesz tylko wiedz? niezb?dnš w Twojej pracy! Instalacja Rails Struktura plików Konfiguracja Rails Wykorzystanie skryptów Konfiguracja ?rodowiska Sposoby przeprowadzania testów w Rails U?ywanie technologii ActiveRecord Zarzšdzanie danymi w bazie Zastosowanie ActionController Tworzenie widoków Sposoby u?ycia technologii AJAX i REST w Rails Wykorzystanie us?ug sieciowych Logowanie informacji w trakcie pracy aplikacji Stosowanie metod pomocniczych Wykorzystaj Rails w Twoim projekcie szybko i przyjemnie!

Rails Pocket Reference: A Quick Guide to Rails

by Eric Berry

Rails 2.1 brings a new level of stability and power to this acclaimed web development framework, but keeping track of its numerous moving parts is still a chore. Rails Pocket Reference offers you a painless alternative to hunting for resources online, with brief yet thorough explanations of the most frequently used methods and structures supported by Rails 2.1, along with key concepts you need to work through the framework's most tangled corners.Organized to help you quickly find what you need, this book will not only get you up to speed on how Rails works, it also provides a handy reference you can use anywhere, anytime. Inside, you'll find essential information on how to:Install Rails with RubyGemsBuild, compile, and process files with RakeTest Rails applications using assertions and fixturesUse Rails with AjaxConnect objects to a database using ActiveRecordMake web requests with the Action Controller frameworkUse REST web service APIsAnd much more. Save yourself hours of frustration: If you use Rails daily and just want the facts -- fast -- this is your book.

Rails. Projektowanie systemów klasy enterprise

by Dan Chak

Poznaj najbardziej zaawansowane tajniki Rails! Jak zorganizowa? kod, wykorzystujšc system wtyczek lub modu?y?Jakie zalety posiada architektura SOA?Jak zwi?kszy? wydajno?? Rails? Rynek szkieletów aplikacji internetowych jest niezwykle urozmaicony. W?ród wielu dost?pnych opcji mo?na znale?? tu rozwišzania przeznaczone dla projektów o ró?nej skali z?o?ono?ci, zarówno te mniej, jak i bardziej popularne. Warto jednak si?gnš? po rozwišzanie absolutnie unikatowe i wyjštkowe — Rails. Szkielet ten ?wietnie sprawdza si? zarówno w projektach ma?ych, jak i tych klasy enterprise, a ponadto znany jest ze swoich mo?liwo?ci, wydajno?ci oraz elastyczno?ci. Warto tak?e podkre?li?, ?e w pakiecie razem z nim dostaniemy licznš, ch?tnš do pomocy spo?eczno?? u?ytkowników! Autor ksiš?ki porusza interesujšce kwestie zwišzane z budowš zaawansowanych systemów informatycznych opartych o Rails. W trakcie lektury dowiesz si?, jak wykorzysta? system wtyczek jako ?rodek organizujšcy Twój kod oraz jak w tej roli sprawdzš si? modu?y. Kolejne rozdzia?y przyniosš solidny zastrzyk wiedzy na temat tworzenia rozbudowanego i bezpiecznego modelu danych, dziedziczenia wielotabelarycznego oraz wykorzystania wyzwalaczy jako narz?dzia kontroli skomplikowanych zale?no?ci w danych. Dan Chak du?y nacisk k?adzie na zagadnienia zwišzane z SOA (skrót od ang. Service Oriented Architecture) oraz wydajno?ciš. Jest to genialna pozycja dla wszystkich programistów i projektantów uczestniczšcych w projekcie wytwarzanym z wykorzystaniem Rails.Komponenty aplikacjiOrganizacja kodu z wykorzystaniem wtyczekRola modu?ów w porzšdkowaniu koduBudowa solidnego modelu danychNormalizacja modeluObs?uga danych dziedzinowychWykorzystanie wyzwalaczy w celu kontroli zale?no?ci w danychDziedziczenie jedno- i wielotabelaryczneZastosowanie modeli widokowychArchitektura SOADostarczanie us?ug typu XML-RPCUs?ugi typu RESTZwi?kszenie wydajno?ci Rails Obowišzkowa pozycja dla wszystkich programistów i projektantów korzystajšcych z Rails!

Rails. Receptury

by Rob Orsini

Zbiór gotowych rozwišza? dla twórców aplikacji internetowych Instalacja i uruchomienie ?rodowiska Rails Przetwarzanie grafiki Korzystanie z technologii AJAX Dynamiczny rozwój sieci sprawia, ?e tradycyjne programy sš stopniowo wypierane przez aplikacje sieciowe dost?pne z poziomu przeglšdarki internetowej -- wygodne, niezale?ne od systemu operacyjnego i ?atwe w aktualizowaniu. Nadal jednak kluczowe znaczenie ma szybko?? ich przygotowywania i modyfikowania. Dzi?ki zbiorom bibliotek zwanym "frameworks" proces tworzenia takich produktów znacznie si? skróci? -- umo?liwia to programistom skoncentrowanie si? na faktycznej funkcjonalno?ci tworzonego narz?dzia, poniewa? biblioteki te przejmujš wiele typowych i wspólnych dla wszystkich aplikacji zada?. W?ród dost?pnych w sieci narz?dzi tego typu coraz wi?kszš popularno?? zyskuje Ruby on Rails, powoli stajšcy si? "ikonš" nurtu Web 2.0. Tworzone za jego pomocš systemy sš zwarte i ?atwe do skalowania, a ich kod ?ród?owy jest przejrzysty i czytelny. "Rails. Receptury" to zestaw porad i rozwišza? problemów, przed którymi stajš programi?ci stosujšcy ten zbiór bibliotek w swojej pracy. Omówione tu zagadnienia przydadzš si? zarówno poczštkujšcym, jak i do?wiadczonym twórcom aplikacji sieciowych. Przeczytasz tu o instalowaniu, konfigurowaniu i uruchamianiu ?rodowiska Rails, po?šczeniach z bazami danych za pomocš ActiveRecord, generowaniu kodu HTML, zabezpieczaniu programów i tworzeniu kontrolerów odpowiadajšcych za funkcjonalno?? systemu. Dowiesz si?, jak wdra?a? aplikacje Rails i korzysta? w nich z mo?liwo?ci oferowanych przez mechanizmy AJAX. Instalacja i uruchomienie ?rodowiska Komunikacja z bazami danych Wy?wietlanie danych w przeglšdarce Wykorzystywanie szablonów RHTML Generowanie kodu XML i RSS Przetwarzanie danych z formularzy Personalizacja narz?dzi Korzystanie z JavaScript i AJAX Zabezpieczanie aplikacji Rails Optymalizacja aplikacji Wdra?anie i utrzymywanie systemów na serwerach Przetwarzanie obrazów Skorzystaj ze sprawdzonych receptur i do?šcz do twórców Web 2.0!

Rails. Zaawansowane programowanie

by Brad Ediger

Twórz zaawansowane projekty w Rails!Jak zadba? o bezpiecze?stwo?Jak zapewni? wydajno?? Twojej aplikacji?Jak stworzy? i utrzyma? du?y projekt w Rails?Ruby on Rails przebojem wdar? si? na rynek szkieletów aplikacji internetowych. Stworzony w architekturze MVC z wykorzystaniem popularnego j?zyka Ruby, zosta? entuzjastycznie przyj?ty przez spo?eczno?? programistów. G?ówne za?o?enia autora tego projektu, Davida Heinemeiera Hanssona, to szybko??, ?atwo?? i przyjemno?? tworzenia kodu. Ruby on Rails jest dojrza?ym rozwišzaniem, wykorzystywanym przez wiele firm w aplikacjach internetowych, tworzonych pod kštem ich specyficznych potrzeb. Liczba aplikacji, które powsta?y z wykorzystaniem tego szkieletu, ?wiadczy o jego wysokiej jako?ci oraz niewštpliwie ma wp?yw na wzrost popularno?ci samego j?zyka Ruby."Rails. Zaawansowane programowanie" porusza te tematy, które Wy, programi?ci, lubicie najbardziej! Dzi?ki tej ksiš?ce dowiesz si?, w jaki sposób wykorzysta? gotowe wtyczki oraz jak stworzy? nowe. Nauczysz si? stosowa? zaawansowane funkcje bazy danych oraz pod?šcza? si? jednocze?nie do wielu baz. Po lekturze tego podr?cznika bez problemu zapewnisz swojej aplikacji najwy?szy poziom bezpiecze?stwa, optymalnš wydajno?? i skalowalno??. Autor wskazuje tutaj równie? niezwykle interesujšce kwestie, dotyczšce projektowania du?ych aplikacji, wykorzystania systemów kontroli wersji oraz utrzymywania w?a?ciwej struktury projektu.Przypomnienie i omówienie podstawowych elementów Ruby i RailsStosowanie ActiveSupport oraz RailTiesZastosowanie i projektowanie wtyczekZaawansowane wykorzystanie baz danychUwierzytelnianie za pomocš LDAPBezpieczne szyfrowanie hase?Bezpieczne przetwarzanie formularzy i danych u?ytkownika Zapewnienie wydajno?ciSkalowanie architekturyWykorzystywanie us?ug WebTworzenie wieloj?zycznych aplikacjiZarzšdzanie du?ymi projektamiU?ywanie systemów kontroli wersjiPoznaj wszystkie funkcje Ruby on Rails!

Rainbows End

by Vernor Vinge

Four time Hugo Award winner Vernor Vinge has taken readers to the depths of space and into the far future in his bestselling novels A Fire Upon the Deep and A Deepness in the Sky. Now, he has written a science-fiction thriller set in a place and time as exciting and strange as any far-future world: San Diego, California, 2025.<P><P> Robert Gu is a recovering Alzheimer's patient. The world that he remembers was much as we know it today. Now, as he regains his faculties through a cure developed during the years of his near-fatal decline, he discovers that the world has changed and so has his place in it. He was a world-renowned poet. Now he is seventy-five years old, though by a medical miracle he looks much younger, and he's starting over, for the first time unsure of his poetic gifts. Living with his son's family, he has no choice but to learn how to cope with a new information age in which the virtual and the real are a seamless continuum, layers of reality built on digital views seen by a single person or millions, depending on your choice. But the consensus reality of the digital world is available only if, like his thirteen-year-old granddaughter Miri, you know how to wear your wireless access -- through nodes designed into smart clothes -- and to see the digital context -- through smart contact lenses.<P> With knowledge comes risk. When Robert begins to re-train at Fairmont High, learning with other older people what is second nature to Miri and other teens at school, he unwittingly becomes part of a wide-ranging conspiracy to use technology as a tool for world domination.<P> In a world where every computer chip has Homeland Security built-in, this conspiracy is something that baffles even the most sophisticated security analysts, including Robert's son and daughter-in law, two top people in the U.S. military. And even Miri, in her attempts to protect her grandfather, may be entangled in the plot.<P> As Robert becomes more deeply involved in conspiracy, he is shocked to learn of a radical change planned for the UCSD Geisel Library; all the books there, and worldwide, would cease to physically exist. He and his fellow re-trainees feel compelled to join protests against the change. With forces around the world converging on San Diego, both the conspiracy and the protest climax in a spectacular moment as unique and satisfying as it is unexpected. This is science fiction at its very best, by a master storyteller at his peak.<P> Hugo Award winner.

Raising a Screen-Smart Kid: Embrace the Good and Avoid the Bad in the Digital Age

by Julianna Miner

For parents who didn't grow up with smartphones but can't let go of them now, expert advice on raising kids in our constantly connected worldMost kids get their first smartphone at the same time that they're experiencing major developmental changes. Making mistakes has always been a part of growing up, but how do parents help their kids navigate childhood and adolescence at a time when social media has the potential to magnify the consequences of those mistakes? Rather than spend all their time worrying about the worst-case scenario, readers get a bigger-picture understanding of their kids' digital landscape. Drawing on research and interviews with educators, psychologists, and kids themselves, Raising a Screen-Smart Kid offers practical advice on how parents can help their kids avoid the pitfalls and reap the benefits of the digital age by: * using social media to enhance connection with friends and family, instead of following strangers and celebrities, which is a predictor of loneliness and depression * finding online support and community for conditions such as depression and eating disorders, while avoiding potential triggers such as #Thinspiration Pinterest boards * learning and developing life skills through technology--for example, by problem-solving in online games--while avoiding inappropriate contentWritten by a public health expert and the creator of the popular blog Rants from Mommyland, this book shows parents how to help their kids navigate friendships, bullying, dating, self-esteem, and more online.

Raising Digital Families For Dummies

by Amy Lupold Bair

Get on the same online playing field as your children with this helpful resourceThe youngest generation will never know life without iPhones, iPods, and Facebook, and while their parents have witnessed the evolution of technology, it is still a challenge to keep up with the pace at which things change. This easy-to-understand guide helps you get up to speed on everything you need to know NOW in order to keep up with your children's online and gadget activity. The book offers invaluable guidance for managing mobile devices, social media, and the Internet before it manages you! Also featured are tips and advice for establishing family rules for technology use and how to best handle situations when rules are broken. Covers monitoring software for computers and mobile devicesOffers advice for handling cyberbullies and introduces safe social networks for childrenAddresses how to guide children who want to blog or podcastProvides information on helpful sites that you may want to explore for more issues on various issues that relate to the future of technologyWhether you want to control mobile device usage or monitor social network activity, Raising Digital Families For Dummies will guide you through acquiring a better handle on this important part of your children's lives.

Raising Humans in a Digital World: Helping Kids Build a Healthy Relationship with Technology

by Diana Graber

The Internet can be a scary, dangerous place especially for children. This book shows parents how to help digital kids navigate this environment.Sexting, cyberbullying, revenge porn, online predators…all of these potential threats can tempt parents to snatch the smartphone or tablet out of their children&’s hands. While avoidance might eliminate the dangers, that approach also means your child misses out on technology&’s many benefits and opportunities.In Raising Humans in a Digital World, digital literacy educator Diana Graber shows how children must learn to handle the digital space through:developing social-emotional skillsbalancing virtual and real lifebuilding safe and healthy relationshipsavoiding cyberbullies and online predatorsprotecting personal informationidentifying and avoiding fake news and questionable contentbecoming positive role models and leadersRaising Humans in a Digital World is packed with at-home discussion topics and enjoyable activities that any busy family can slip into their daily routine.Full of practical tips grounded in academic research and hands-on experience, today&’s parents finally have what they&’ve been waiting for—a guide to raising digital kids who will become the positive and successful leaders our world desperately needs.

Raising the Curtain: Technology Success Stories from Performing Arts Leaders and Artists

by Brett Ashley Crawford Paul Hansen

Learn how emerging technologies benefit artists and performing arts organizations Raising the Curtain: Technology Success Stories from Performing Arts Leaders and Artists focuses on empowering artists and performing arts organizations in theater, dance, and music to grow audiences and to increase impact through smart and strategic uses of technology. This book will help you effectively increase your artistic and administrative reach in order to expand your outreach to diverse audiences, without breaking the bank. In fact, you’ll be more efficient by choosing multi-function technologies that work for you. You’ll also see how advanced software can extend your donor reach—and ensure that you’re contacting donors at the right time. You can also maximize your organization’s brand by incorporating social media, AI tools, media streaming platforms, and more. Inside, you’ll learn about the most useful tech tools out there, including a wide breadth of technology, from Tessitura to A.I., from the success stories of artists such as Emmet Cohen and Jane Monheit, and organizations such as Attack Theatre and The Kennedy Center. Even more importantly, you’ll gain the confidence you need to incorporate technology into all areas of your organization in order to define your path to greater success. Discover software platforms, online tools, and other interactive technologies useful to designers, artists, and arts organizations Save money, expand your reach, and future-proof your performing arts organization or career Lead conversations about technologies and digital opportunities with staff, board members, or donors Get an overview of technology that addresses the unique opportunities and challenges facing the performing arts industry This book is a great resource for performing arts administrators and artists to learn new ideas about technology solutions. Administrators, leaders, and performers alike will appreciate the opportunity to bring art to audiences using today’s latest innovations.

Raising the Stakes: E-Sports and the Professionalization of Computer Gaming

by T. L. Taylor

How a form of play becomes a sport: players, agents, referees, leagues, tournaments, sponsorships, and spectators, and the culture of professional computer game play.Competitive video and computer game play is nothing new: the documentary King of Kong memorably portrays a Donkey Kong player's attempts to achieve the all-time highest score; the television show Starcade (1982–1984) featured competitions among arcade game players; and first-person shooter games of the 1990s became multiplayer through network play. A new development in the world of digital gaming, however, is the emergence of professional computer game play, complete with star players, team owners, tournaments, sponsorships, and spectators. In Raising the Stakes, T. L. Taylor explores the emerging scene of professional computer gaming and the accompanying efforts to make a sport out of this form of play.In the course of her explorations, Taylor travels to tournaments, including the World Cyber Games Grand Finals (which considers itself the computer gaming equivalent of the Olympics), and interviews participants from players to broadcasters. She examines pro-gaming, with its highly paid players, play-by-play broadcasts, and mass audience; discusses whether or not e-sports should even be considered sports; traces the player's path from amateur to professional (and how a hobby becomes work); and describes the importance of leagues, teams, owners, organizers, referees, sponsors, and fans in shaping the structure and culture of pro-gaming.Taylor connects professional computer gaming to broader issues: our notions of play, work, and sport; the nature of spectatorship; the influence of money on sports. And she examines the ongoing struggle over the gendered construction of play through the lens of male-dominated pro-gaming. Ultimately, the evolution of professional computer gaming illuminates the contemporary struggle to convert playful passions into serious play.

Raising the Stakes

by T. L. Taylor

Competitive video and computer game play is nothing new: the documentary King of Kong memorably portrays a Donkey Kong player's attempts to achieve the all-time highest score; the television show Starcade (1982--1984) featured competitions among arcade game players; and first-person shooter games of the 1990s became multiplayer through network play. A new development in the world of digital gaming, however, is the emergence of professional computer game play, complete with star players, team owners, tournaments, sponsorships, and spectators. In Raising the Stakes, T. L. Taylor explores the emerging scene of professional computer gaming and the accompanying efforts to make a sport out of this form of play. In the course of her explorations, Taylor travels to tournaments, including the World Cyber Games Grand Finals (which considers itself the computer gaming equivalent of the Olympics), and interviews participants from players to broadcasters. She examines pro-gaming, with its highly paid players, play-by-play broadcasts, and mass audience; discusses whether or not e-sports should even be considered sports; traces the player's path from amateur to professional (and how a hobby becomes work); and describes the importance of leagues, teams, agents, organizers, referees, sponsors, and fans in shaping the structure and culture of pro-gaming. Taylor connects professional computer gaming to broader issues: our notions of play, work, and sport; the nature of spectatorship; the influence of money on sports. And she examines the ongoing struggle over the gendered construction of play through the lens of male-dominated pro-gaming. Ultimately, the evolution of professional computer gaming illuminates the contemporary struggle to convert playful passions into serious play.

Rake Task Management Essentials

by Andrey Koleshko

A step-by-step and interactive approach explaining the Rake essentials along with code examples and advanced features. If you are a developer who is acquainted with the Ruby language and want to speed up writing the code concerned with files, then this book is for you. To start reading this book, basic Ruby knowledge is required; however, a huge amount of experience with the language is not necessary.

Raku Fundamentals: A Primer with Examples, Projects, and Case Studies

by Moritz Lenz

Gain the skills to begin developing Raku applications from the ground up in this hands-on compact book, which includes a foreword from Larry Wall, creator of Perl. You’ll learn enough to get started building with Raku, using Raku's gradual typing, handy object orientated features, powerful parsing capabilities, and human-usable concurrency. This book has been updated to include the latest version of Raku based upon the Perl 6.d major version which includes over 3,400 new commits in its specification. After a short introduction, each chapter develops a small example project, explaining the Raku features used. When the example is done, you’ll explore another aspect, such as optimizing further for readability or testing the code. Along the way you’ll see Raku basics, such as variables and scoping; subroutines; classes and objects; regexes; and code testing. When you’ve mastered the basics, Raku Fundamentals moves onto more advanced topics to give you a deeper understanding of the language. You’ll learn, amongst other things, how to work with persistent storage, how to generate good error messages, and how to write tricky applications such as a file and directory usage graph and a Unicode search tool. What You Will Learn Get coding with latest version of Raku Work on several hands-on examples and projects Integrate Python libraries into your Raku-based programs Parse INI files using regexes and grammars Build a date-time converter Carry out refactoring and other automated tests Who This Book Is For If you already know one or more programming languages, and want to learn about Raku, then this book is for you.

Raku Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

by J.J. Merelo

Explore Raku problems and solutions using the latest version of the Raku programming language. In Raku Recipes, the emphasis is on applying Raku code to various important tasks and applications including data science, analytics, microservices, and desktop/console applications. There are also fun one-liner script recipes and instructions on how to create mini-languages of your very own. All in all, over 70 recipes cover a broad range of the tasks and problems encountered by a modern Raku developer. You’ll be able to solve problems starting from basics such as input/output and math, to more complex domains such as microservices web sockets, web hooks, and mini-bots. What You Will LearnPut Raku to use in a real world environmentWork with Raku modules, including design classes, roles, and more Query a GeoIP database and extract information from the web Carry out text processing such as creating a dictionary with fast searches over it and scraping markdown documents Work with MongoDB, WikiData, and other data sourcesBuild data science and analytics applications using RakuIntegrate with Python, C, and other languages and librariesCreate mini-languages and shell scripting languages Who This Book Is For While some prior experience in Raku may be useful, it is not required. Prior programming experience using earlier versions of Perl is recommended, however.

Rancher Deep Dive: Manage enterprise Kubernetes seamlessly with Rancher

by Matthew Mattox

Effectively build, manage, and secure your Kubernetes workloads to implement CI/CDKey FeaturesGain a complete understanding of how Rancher worksDiscover how to design and deploy Kubernetes clusters using RancherUnderstand how to extend Kubernetes and Rancher's capabilities to take your apps to the next levelBook DescriptionKnowing how to use Rancher enables you to manage multiple clusters and applications without being locked into a vendor's platform. This book will guide you through Rancher's capabilities while deepening your understanding of Kubernetes and helping you to take your applications to a new level.The book begins by introducing you to Rancher and Kubernetes, helping you to learn and implement best practices. As you progress through the chapters, you'll understand the strengths and limitations of Rancher and Kubernetes and discover all the different ways to deploy Rancher. You'll also find out how to design and deploy Kubernetes clusters to match your requirements. The concluding chapters will show you how to set up a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline for deploying applications into a Rancher cluster, along with covering supporting services such as image registries and Helm charts.By the end of this Kubernetes book, you'll be able to confidently deploy your mission-critical production workloads on Rancher-managed Kubernetes clusters.What you will learnDeploy Rancher in a production-ready configurationArchitect an application cluster to support mission-critical workloadsBuild the type of Kubernetes cluster that makes sense for your environmentDiscover the tools and services needed to make a new, ready-to-deploy clusterPrepare your applications to be deployed into Rancher for KubernetesExpand your Kubernetes cluster by providing additional services such as Longhorn, OPA, and monitoringWho this book is forThis book is for DevOps engineers looking to deploy Kubernetes in a fast and easy way. A basic understanding of Linux administration and containerization is needed to get the most out of this book.

RAND and the Information Evolution: A History in Essays and Vignettes

by Richard Warnes Peter Chalk Aidan Kirby Winn Sheila Nataraj Kirby Willis H. Ware Lindsay Clutterbuck

This professional memoir describes RAND's contributions to the evolution of computer science, particularly during the first decades following World War II, when digital computers succeeded slide rules, mechanical desk calculators, electric accounting machines, and analog computers. The memoir includes photographs and vignettes that reveal the collegial, creative, and often playful spirit in which the groundbreaking research was conducted at RAND.

Random Contractions in Global Risk Governance (Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems #27)

by Panagiotis T. Artikis Constantinos T. Artikis

This book contributes to the area of ongoing global risks and the area of forthcoming global risks, particularly necessary for the implementation of very important interdisciplinary research activities. Global risks are defined in this study as having a global geographical scope, an inter-industrial presence, and exceptionally critical stages of economic and social participation that necessitate a major multi-stakeholder input. In addition, global risks demand an extremely extensive priority in decision-making allowance. The theoretical and practical results of this work are strongly connected to several quite useful factors. The present work mainly concentrates on the contribution of probability theory in the advancement of the practical applicability of global risk governance. More precisely, the work introduces structural stochastic concepts and fundamental stochastic results for the formulation of stochastic models of various global risk governance operations particularly valuable in proactive treatment of several groups of global risks.

Random Forests with R (Use R!)

by Robin Genuer Jean-Michel Poggi

This book offers an application-oriented guide to random forests: a statistical learning method extensively used in many fields of application, thanks to its excellent predictive performance, but also to its flexibility, which places few restrictions on the nature of the data used. Indeed, random forests can be adapted to both supervised classification problems and regression problems. In addition, they allow us to consider qualitative and quantitative explanatory variables together, without pre-processing. Moreover, they can be used to process standard data for which the number of observations is higher than the number of variables, while also performing very well in the high dimensional case, where the number of variables is quite large in comparison to the number of observations. Consequently, they are now among the preferred methods in the toolbox of statisticians and data scientists. The book is primarily intended for students in academic fields such as statistical education, but also for practitioners in statistics and machine learning. A scientific undergraduate degree is quite sufficient to take full advantage of the concepts, methods, and tools discussed. In terms of computer science skills, little background knowledge is required, though an introduction to the R language is recommended. Random forests are part of the family of tree-based methods; accordingly, after an introductory chapter, Chapter 2 presents CART trees. The next three chapters are devoted to random forests. They focus on their presentation (Chapter 3), on the variable importance tool (Chapter 4), and on the variable selection problem (Chapter 5), respectively. After discussing the concepts and methods, we illustrate their implementation on a running example. Then, various complements are provided before examining additional examples. Throughout the book, each result is given together with the code (in R) that can be used to reproduce it. Thus, the book offers readers essential information and concepts, together with examples and the software tools needed to analyse data using random forests.

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