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Privacy Technologies and Policy: 11th Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2023, Lyon, France, June 1–2, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13888)
by Kai Rannenberg Prokopios Drogkaris Cédric LauradouxThis book constitutes the refereed conference proceedings of the 11th Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2023 in Lyon, France in June 2023. The 8 full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 37 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: Emerging Technologies and Protection of Personal Data, Data Protection Principles and Data Subject Rights, Modelling Data Protection and Privacy, and Modelling Perceptions of Privacy.
Privacy Technologies and Policy: 12th Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2024, Karlstad, Sweden, September 4–5, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14831)
by Kai Rannenberg Meiko Jensen Cédric LauradouxThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th Annual Privacy Forum on Privacy Technologies and Policy, APF 2024, held in Karlstad, Sweden, during September 4–5, 2024. The 12 full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 60 submissions. This conference was established as an opportunity to bring together key communities, namely policy, academia, and industry, in the broader area of privacy and data protection while focusing on privacy-related application areas. Like in the previous edition, a large focus of the 2024 conference was on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the emerging legislation around the European Data Spaces and Arti cial Intelligence. Chapter 3, 9, 12 are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). For further details see license information in the chapter.
Privacy Technologies and Policy
by Stefan Schiffner Jetzabel Serna Demosthenes Ikonomou Kai RannenbergThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2014, held in Athens, Greece, in May 2014. The 12 revised papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 21 submissions. The topics include: the concept and implementation of "privacy by design", with applications to encrypted databases; the study of video surveillance architectures and new networking concepts and innovative solutions for identity management. The papers address the technical, legal, and economic aspects of these problems.
Privacy Technologies and Policy
by Erich Schweighofer Herbert Leitold Andreas Mitrakas Kai RannenbergThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 5th Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2017, held in Vienna, Austria, in June 2017. The 12 revised full papers were carefully selected from 41 submissions on the basis of significance, novelty, and scientific quality. These selected papers are organized in three different chapters corresponding to the conference sessions. The first chapter, "Data Protection Regulation", discusses topics concerning big genetic data, a privacy-preserving European identity ecosystem, the right to be forgotten und the re-use of privacy risk analysis. The second chapter, "Neutralisation and Anonymization", discusses neutralisation of threat actors, privacy by design data exchange between CSIRTs, differential privacy and database anonymization. Finally, the third chapter, "Privacy Policies in Practice", discusses privacy by design, privacy scores, privacy data management in healthcare and trade-offs between privacy and utility.
Privacy, Technology, and the Criminal Process (New Advances in Crime and Social Harm)
by Andrew Roberts, Joe Purshouse, and Jason BoslandThis collection considers the implications for privacy of the utilisation of new technologies in the criminal process. In most modern liberal democratic states, privacy is considered a basic right. Many national constitutions, and almost all international human rights instruments, include some guarantee of privacy. Yet privacy interests appear to have had relatively little influence on criminal justice policy making. The threat that technology poses to these interests demands critical re-evaluation of current law, policy, and practice. This is provided by the contributions to this volume. They offer legal, criminological, philosophical and comparative perspectives. The book will be of interest to legal and criminological scholars and postgraduate students. Its interdisciplinary methodology and focus on the intersection between law and technology make it also relevant for philosophers, and those interested in science and technology studies.
Privacy vs. Security
by Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon Joshua Phillips Mark D. RyanSecuring privacy in the current environment is one of the great challenges of today's democracies. Privacy vs. Security explores the issues of privacy and security and their complicated interplay, from a legal and a technical point of view. Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon provides a thorough account of the legal underpinnings of the European approach to privacy and examines their implementation through privacy, data protection and data retention laws. Joshua Philips and Mark D. Ryan focus on the technological aspects of privacy, in particular, on today's attacks on privacy by the simple use of today's technology, like web services and e-payment technologies and by State-level surveillance activities.
Privacy Vulnerabilities and Data Security Challenges in the IoT (Internet of Everything (IoE))
by Shivani Agarwal, Sandhya Makkar, and Duc-Tan TranThis book discusses the evolution of security and privacy issues in the Internet of Things (IoT). The book focuses on assembling all security- and privacy-related technologies into a single source so that students, researchers, academics, and those in the industry can easily understand the IoT security and privacy issues. This edited book discusses the use of security engineering and privacy-by-design principles to design a secure IoT ecosystem and to implement cyber-security solutions. This book takes the readers on a journey that begins with understanding security issues in IoT-enabled technologies and how these can be applied in various sectors. It walks readers through engaging with security challenges and building a safe infrastructure for IoT devices. The book helps researchers and practitioners understand the security architecture of IoT and the state-of-the-art in IoT countermeasures. It also differentiates security threats in IoT-enabled infrastructure from traditional ad hoc or infrastructural networks, and provides a comprehensive discussion on the security challenges and solutions in RFID and WSNs in IoT. This book aims to highlight the concepts of related technologies and novel findings by researchers through its chapter organization. The primary audience comprises specialists, researchers, graduate students, designers, experts, and engineers undertaking research on security-related issues.
Privacy’s Blueprint: The Battle to Control the Design of New Technologies
by Woodrow HartzogEvery day, Internet users interact with technologies designed to undermine their privacy. Social media apps, surveillance technologies, and the Internet of Things are all built in ways that make it hard to guard personal information. And the law says this is okay because it is up to users to protect themselves—even when the odds are deliberately stacked against them. In Privacy’s Blueprint, Woodrow Hartzog pushes back against this state of affairs, arguing that the law should require software and hardware makers to respect privacy in the design of their products. Current legal doctrine treats technology as though it were value-neutral: only the user decides whether it functions for good or ill. But this is not so. As Hartzog explains, popular digital tools are designed to expose people and manipulate users into disclosing personal information. Against the often self-serving optimism of Silicon Valley and the inertia of tech evangelism, Hartzog contends that privacy gains will come from better rules for products, not users. The current model of regulating use fosters exploitation. Privacy’s Blueprint aims to correct this by developing the theoretical underpinnings of a new kind of privacy law responsive to the way people actually perceive and use digital technologies. The law can demand encryption. It can prohibit malicious interfaces that deceive users and leave them vulnerable. It can require safeguards against abuses of biometric surveillance. It can, in short, make the technology itself worthy of our trust.
Private Cloud mit Nextcloud für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Jan RehrBleiben Sie Herr über Ihre eigenen Daten Wie Sie mit Nextcloud Ihre eigene Cloud betreiben, das erfahren Sie in diesem Buch. Jan Rehr erklärt Ihnen die Grundlagen und klärt die Frage, ob eine vorinstallierte oder eine selbst aufgesetzte Lösung Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht. Bei Bedarf lernen Sie Schritt für Schritt, Nextcloud auf der besonders lange unterstützten Ubuntu-Version 24.04 LTS zu installieren. Ansonsten legen Sie direkt los, indem Sie Nextcloud an Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse anpassen, Nutzer anlegen, die Dateiverwaltung und Apps einrichten. Dabei steht die Sicherheit Ihrer Daten stets an erster Stelle! Und los! Sie erfahren Wo Ihnen eine eigene Nextcloud helfen kann Wie Sie Ihre Nextcloud installieren können Was es bei der Administration einer Nextcloud zu beachten gilt Wie Sie den Funktionsumfang Ihrer Nextcloud mit Apps erweitern
Private Copying (Routledge Research in Intellectual Property)
by Stavroula KarapapaThis book offers an original analysis of private copying and determines its actual scope as an area of end-user freedom. The basis of this examination is Article 5(2)(b) of the Copyright Directive. Despite the fact that copying for private and non-commercial use is permitted by virtue of this article and the national laws that implemented it, there is no mandate that this privilege should not be technologically or contractually restricted. Because the legal nature of private copying is not settled, users may consider that they have a ‘right’ to private copying, whereas rightholders are in position to prohibit the exercise of this ‘right’. With digital technology and the internet, this tension has become prominent: the conceptual contours of permissible private copying, namely the private and non-commercial character of the use, do not translate well, and tend to be less clear in the digital context. With the permissible limits of private copying being contested and without clarity as to the legal nature of the private coping limitation, the scope of user freedom is being challenged. Private use, however, has always remained free in copyright law. Not only is it synonymous with user autonomy via the exhaustion doctrine, but it also finds protection under privacy considerations which come into play at the stage of copyright enforcement. The author of this book argues that the rationale for a private copying limitation remains unaltered in the digital world and maintains there is nothing to prevent national judges from interpreting the legal nature of private copying as a ‘sacred’ privilege that can be enforced against possible restrictions. Private Copying will be of particular interest to academics, students and practitioners of intellectual property law.
Private Data and Public Value
by Holly Jarman Luis F. Luna-ReyesThis book investigates the ways inwhich these systems can promote public value by encouraging the disclosure andreuse of privately-held data in ways that support collective values such asenvironmental sustainability. Supported by funding from the National ScienceFoundation, the authors' research team has been working on one such system,designed to enhance consumers ability to access information about thesustainability of the products that they buy and the supply chains that producethem. Pulled by rapidly developing technology and pushed by budget cuts,politicians and public managers are attempting to find ways to increase thepublic value of their actions. Policymakers are increasingly acknowledging thepotential that lies in publicly disclosing more of the data that they hold, aswell as incentivizing individuals and organizations to access, use, and combineit in new ways. Due to technological advances which include smarterphones, better ways to track objects and people as they travel, and moreefficient data processing, it is now possible to build systems which useshared, transparent data in creative ways. The book adds to thecurrent conversation among academics and practitioners about how to promotepublic value through data disclosure, focusing particularly on the roles thatgovernments, businesses and non-profit actors can play in this process, makingit of interest to both scholars and policy-makers.
Private Intelligence Services: Ein Leitfaden zum Umgang im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
by Stefan EmbacherDie Einführung des Buches legt den Grundstein für die nachfolgenden Kapitel, indem sie die Definitionen und Grundlagen der Wirtschaftskriminalität klärt und ein solides Verständnis für die Dimensionen und die Tragweite dieser Herausforderung schafft. Sie legt dar, wie Wirtschaftskriminalität nicht nur finanzielle Verluste verursacht, sondern auch das Vertrauen in Märkte und Institutionen untergräbt, was weitreichende soziale und wirtschaftliche Konsequenzen nach sich zieht. Im ersten Kapitel wird die Zusammenarbeit zwischen privaten Intelligence-Unternehmen und staatlichen Behörden beleuchtet. Es werden Fallstudien und Beispiele präsentiert, die demonstrieren, wie eine erfolgreiche Partnerschaft aussehen kann, und welche Herausforderungen und Spannungsfelder dabei auftreten können. Das Kapitel unterstreicht die Bedeutung von Vertrauen, Transparenz und gegenseitigem Respekt für den Erfolg dieser Kooperationen. Das zweite Kapitel widmet sich den spezifischen Herausforderungen und Anforderungen, die verschiedene Branchen und Sektoren an private Intelligence-Unternehmen stellen. Es wird detailliert aufgezeigt, wie unterschiedlich die Bedürfnisse von Unternehmen, je nach Größe, Branche und geografischer Lage sein können, und wie maßgeschneiderte Lösungen aussehen können. Es wird deutlich, dass eine tiefgehende Branchenkenntnis und Spezialisierung essentiell sind, um effektive Dienstleistungen zu bieten. Das dritte Kapitel ist in mehrere Unterkapitel gegliedert und deckt ein breites Spektrum an Themen ab, darunter die besonderen Anforderungen bestimmter Zielgruppen, Methoden und Techniken zur Sicherung von Vermögenswerten und Informationen, sowie praxisnahe Fallbeispiele und Best Practices. Hier wird auch aufgezeigt, wie Unternehmen wie Foreus als Dienstleister in der Praxis agieren und welche Rolle sie im Gesamtkontext spielen. Das vierte Kapitel setzt sich mit den rechtlichen und ethischen Aspekten von Private Intelligence auseinander. Es werden aktuelle Gesetzgebungen und Rechtsprechungen diskutiert, ethische Dilemmata beleuchtet und klare Empfehlungen und Richtlinien für verantwortungsvolles Handeln präsentiert. Das fünfte Kapitel blickt in die Zukunft und versucht eine Prognose über die nächsten 10 Jahre im Bereich Private Intelligence und Wirtschaftskriminalität abzugeben. Es werden technologische Entwicklungen, Ausbildungs- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten sowie potentielle Herausforderungen und Chancen diskutiert. Das abschließende sechste Kapitel fasst die zentralen Erkenntnisse zusammen, bietet konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen für verschiedene Fachleute und endet mit abschließenden Gedanken und einem Ausblick in die Zukunft.
Private Investigation and Homeland Security
by Daniel J. BennyThe threat against the homeland continues and the private investigator plays a critical part in this effort. This includes in providing criminal, civil and background investigation, protective service, security consulting and electronic sweeps. The text will provide an overview of the role of private investigation in protection of the homeland and show how such skill can be utilized by business and government in this effort.
The Private Is Political: Networked Privacy and Social Media
by Alice E. MarwickA compelling firsthand investigation of how social media and big data have amplified the close relationship between privacy and inequality Online privacy is under constant attack by social media and big data technologies. But we cannot rely on individual actions to remedy this—it is a matter of social justice. Alice E. Marwick offers a new way of understanding how privacy is jeopardized, particularly for marginalized and disadvantaged communities—including immigrants, the poor, people of color, LGBTQ+ populations, and victims of online harassment. Marwick shows that few resources or regulations for preventing personal information from spreading on the internet. Through a new theory of “networked privacy,” she reveals how current legal and technological frameworks are woefully inadequate in addressing issues of privacy—often by design. Drawing from interviews and focus groups encompassing a diverse group of Americans, Marwick shows that even heavy social media users care deeply about privacy and engage in extensive “privacy work” to protect it. But people are up against the violation machine of the modern internet. Safeguarding privacy must happen at the collective level.
Private Security: An Introduction to Principles and Practice
by Charles P. NemethThere are few textbooks available that outline the foundation of security principles while reflecting the modern practices of private security as an industry. Private Security: An Introduction to Principles and Practice takes a new approach to the subject of private sector security that will be welcome addition to the field. The book focuses on the recent history of the industry and the growing dynamic between private sector security and public safety and law enforcement. Coverage will include history and security theory, but emphasis is on current practice, reflecting the technology-driven, fast-paced, global security environment. Such topics covered include a history of the security industry, security law, risk management, physical security, Human Resources and personnel, investigations, institutional and industry-specific security, crisis and emergency planning, critical infrastructure protection, IT and computer security, and more. Rather than being reduced to single chapter coverage, homeland security and terrorism concepts are referenced throughout the book, as appropriate. Currently, it vital that private security entities work with public sector authorities seamlessly—at the state and federal levels—to share information and understand emerging risks and threats. This modern era of security requires an ongoing, holistic focus on the impact and implications of global terror incidents; as such, the book’s coverage of topics consciously takes this approach throughout. Highlights include: Details the myriad changes in security principles, and the practice of private security, particularly since 9/11 Focuses on both foundational theory but also examines current best practices—providing sample forms, documents, job descriptions, and functions—that security professionals must understand to perform and succeed Outlines the distinct, but growing, roles of private sector security companies versus the expansion of federal and state law enforcement security responsibilities Includes key terms, learning objectives, end of chapter questions, Web exercises, and numerous references—throughout the book—to enhance student learning Presents the full range of career options available for those looking entering the field of private security Includes nearly 400 full-color figures, illustrations, and photographs. Private Security: An Introduction to Principles and Practice provides the most comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of modern security issues and practices on the market. Professors will appreciate the new, fresh approach, while students get the most "bang for their buck," insofar as the real-world knowledge and tools needed to tackle their career in the ever-growing field of private industry security. An instructor’s manual with Exam questions, lesson plans, and chapter PowerPoint® slides are available upon qualified course adoption.
Private Security and the Law (5th Edition)
by Charles P. Nemeth<p>Private Security and the Law, Fifth Edition, is a singular resource that provides the most comprehensive analysis of practices in the security industry with respect to law, regulation, licensure, and constitutional questions of case and statutory authority. <p>The book begins with a historical background of the security industry, laws and regulations that walks step-by-step through the analysis of the development of case law over the years as it applies to situations commonly faced by security practitioners. It describes the legal requirements faced by security firms and emphasizes the liability problems common to security operations, including negligence and tortious liability, civil actions frequently litigated, and strategies to avoid legal actions that affect business efficiency. <p>In addition, chapters examine the constitutional and due-process dimensions of private security both domestically and internationally, including recent cases and trends that are likely to intensify in the future. Updated coverage new to this edition includes developments in statutory authority, changes to state and federal processes of oversight and licensure, and special analysis of public-private cooperative relationships in law enforcement.</p>
Private Thoughts
by Lawrence E. DaviesIn 1941 as war with Japan appeared more and more likely, The New York Times opened its first bureau west of the Mississippi in San Francisco. It would be Lawrence E Davies’ office’ for 29 years in what many of his peers considered the best reporting assignment in the world. His beat included northern California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska and Hawaii. The report of his death in the New York Times indicated that the files at The Times had over four thousand articles reported with his by- line and additionally, an estimated four thousand unsigned articles. He was held in such high regard, The Times reported, that he was "called by the National Geographic Society a few years ago, a San Francisco landmark along with the Golden Gate Bridge." He had a vast acquaintance among people in all walks of life throughout the West. His private thoughts were kept quiet, even from his family. He typed each thought and placed the typed sheet in a cardboard container. Several years after his death, the container and the fascinating thoughts of the man, so well placed and sensitive to information regarding life in the U.S. during World War II, were discovered by his son Gilbert.
Privately and Publicly Verifiable Computing Techniques
by Denise Demirel Lucas Schabhüser Johannes BuchmannThis book presents the first comprehensive overview of various verifiable computing techniques, which allow the computation of a function on outsourced data to be delegated to a server. It provides a brief description of all the approaches and highlights the properties each solution achieves. Further, it analyzes the level of security provided, how efficient the verification process is, who can act as a verifier and check the correctness of the result, which function class the verifiable computing scheme supports, and whether privacy with respect to t he input and/or output data is provided. On the basis of this analysis the authors then compare the different approaches and outline possible directions for future work. The book is of interest to anyone wanting to understand the state of the art of this research field.
The Privatization of Space Exploration: Business, Technology, Law and Policy (The\privatization Of Space Exploration Ser.)
by Lewis D. SolomonSpace was at the center of America's imagination in the 1960s. President John F. Kennedy's visionary statement captured the mood of the day: "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." The Apollo mission's success in July 1969 made almost anything seem possible, but the Cold War made space flight the province of governmental agencies in the United States. When the Apollo program ended in 1972, space lost its hold on the public interest, as the great achievements wound down. Entrepreneurs are beginning to pick up the slack-looking for safer, more reliable, and more cost effective ways of exploring space. Entrepreneurial activity may make create a renaissance in human spaceflight. The private sector can energize the quest for space exploration and shape the race for the final frontier. Space entrepreneurs and private sector firms are making significant innovations in space travel. They have plans for future tourism in space and safer shuttles. Solomon details current US and international laws dealing with space use, settlement, and exploration, and offers policy recommendations to facilitate privatization. As private enterprise takes hold, it threatens to change the space landscape forever. Individuals are designing spacecraft, start-up companies are testing prototypes, and reservations are being taken for suborbital space flights. With for-profit enterprises carving out a new realm, it is entirely possible that space will one day be a sea of hotels and/or a repository of resources for big business. It is important that regulations are in place for this eventuality. These new developments have great importance, huge implications, and urgency for everyone.
Privilege Escalation Techniques: Learn the art of exploiting Windows and Linux systems
by Alexis AhmedEnumerate and exploit Linux or Windows systems and escalate your privileges to the highest levelKey FeaturesDiscover a range of techniques to escalate privileges on Windows and Linux systemsUnderstand the key differences between Windows and Linux privilege escalationExplore unique exploitation challenges in each chapter provided in the form of pre-built VMsBook DescriptionPrivilege escalation is a crucial step in the exploitation life cycle of a penetration tester. It helps penetration testers to set up persistence and facilitates lateral movement. This book is one of a kind, covering a range of privilege escalation techniques and tools for both Windows and Linux systems. The book uses virtual environments that you can download to test and run tools and techniques. Each chapter will feature an exploitation challenge in the form of pre-built virtual machines (VMs). As you progress, you will learn how to enumerate and exploit a target Linux or Windows system. This privilege escalation book then demonstrates how you can escalate your privileges to the highest level. By the end of this book, you will have gained the skills you need to be able to perform local kernel exploits, escalate privileges through vulnerabilities in services, maintain persistence, and enumerate information from the target such as passwords and password hashes.What you will learnUnderstand the privilege escalation process and set up a pentesting labGain an initial foothold on the systemPerform local enumeration on target systemsExploit kernel vulnerabilities on Windows and Linux systemsPerform privilege escalation through password looting and finding stored credentialsGet to grips with performing impersonation attacksExploit Windows services such as the secondary logon handle service to escalate Windows privilegesEscalate Linux privileges by exploiting scheduled tasks and SUID binariesWho this book is forThis Windows and Linux privilege escalation book is for intermediate-level cybersecurity students and pentesters who are interested in learning how to perform various privilege escalation techniques on Windows and Linux systems, which includes exploiting bugs, design flaws, and more. An intermediate-level understanding of Windows and Linux systems along with fundamental cybersecurity knowledge is expected.
Privileged Attack Vectors: Building Effective Cyber-Defense Strategies to Protect Organizations
by Morey J. HaberSee how privileges, insecure passwords, administrative rights, and remote access can be combined as an attack vector to breach any organization. Cyber attacks continue to increase in volume and sophistication. It is not a matter of if, but when, your organization will be breached. Threat actors target the path of least resistance: users and their privileges. In decades past, an entire enterprise might be sufficiently managed through just a handful of credentials. Today’s environmental complexity has seen an explosion of privileged credentials for many different account types such as domain and local administrators, operating systems (Windows, Unix, Linux, macOS, etc.), directory services, databases, applications, cloud instances, networking hardware, Internet of Things (IoT), social media, and so many more. When unmanaged, these privileged credentials pose a significant threat from external hackers and insider threats. We are experiencing an expanding universe of privileged accounts almost everywhere.There is no one solution or strategy to provide the protection you need against all vectors and stages of an attack. And while some new and innovative products will help protect against or detect against a privilege attack, they are not guaranteed to stop 100% of malicious activity. The volume and frequency of privilege-based attacks continues to increase and test the limits of existing security controls and solution implementations. Privileged Attack Vectors details the risks associated with poor privilege management, the techniques that threat actors leverage, and the defensive measures that organizations should adopt to protect against an incident, protect against lateral movement, and improve the ability to detect malicious activity due to the inappropriate usage of privileged credentials. This revised and expanded second edition covers new attack vectors, has updated definitions for privileged access management (PAM), new strategies for defense, tested empirical steps for a successful implementation, and includes new disciplines for least privilege endpoint management and privileged remote access. What You Will LearnKnow how identities, accounts, credentials, passwords, and exploits can be leveraged to escalate privileges during an attack Implement defensive and monitoring strategies to mitigate privilege threats and risk Understand a 10-step universal privilege management implementation plan to guide you through a successful privilege access management journeyDevelop a comprehensive model for documenting risk, compliance, and reporting based on privilege session activity Who This Book Is For Security management professionals, new security professionals, and auditors looking to understand and solve privilege access management problems
Pro Active Directory Certificate Services: Creating and Managing Digital Certificates for Use in Microsoft Networks
by Lawrence E. HughesIn order to deploy and use Microsoft Certificate Services, you need to understand the fundamentals of cryptography, digital signatures, encryption, TLS, and S/MIME. It is also important to understand the concepts behind public key infrastructure (PKI). This book teaches you all the required background knowledge you need. Then it takes you deeper, step by step, teaching you how to deploy Certificate Services and configure it to issue various digital certificate types, complete with examples of using these certificates with IIS, Outlook, and Windows.Microsoft-based networks—on-premises, hybrid, and cloud-based networks—are used in companies of all sizes. Within them, there are many applications of digital certificates that can be created and managed by Microsoft Certificate Services. As security is more important than ever, and cryptography and PKI are fundamental to so many of these defenses, understanding Microsoft Certificate Services is becoming an increasingly more desirable skill. Most IT workers don’t realize the many uses and purposes of Certificate Services, especially within a corporate or government agency network, and how tightly integrated they are with the Microsoft Windows Domain style of networks and Active Directory (on-premises or cloud-based, including Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud Services). This book will teach you the gamut. You will appreciate the learning approach presented in the book, beginning with the basics (cryptographic primitives such as encryption and message digests), getting into combinations of primitives to accomplish specific things (such as digital signatures and envelopes), and then trying real-word systems based on digital certificates and PKI (such as TLS, S/MIME secure email, cryptographic authentication, and more). The book wraps it all up and teaches you how to deploy Certificate Services and issue the various types of certificates, including how they are used. What You Will Learn Understand basic cryptography (symmetric and asymmetric key encryption, message digests, and digital signatures and envelopes)Know how TLS, S/MIME, and cryptographic authentication workDiscover applications of cryptography related to secure servers with TLS and cryptographic (passwordless) authentication to online services including Windows and secure emailGet to know the common types of digital certificates, how to create and manage them, and examples of their use with IIS, Outlook, etc. Who This Book Is ForMicrosoft system and network engineers, security engineers, and CISOs. Readers should have familiarity with Windows Server 2019 (or more recent) and Active Directory.
Pro-active Dynamic Vehicle Routing
by Francesco FerrucciThis book deals with transportation processes denoted as the Real-time Distribution of Perishable Goods (RDOPG). The book presents three contributions that are made to the field of transportation. First, a model considering the minimization of customer inconvenience is formulated. Second, a pro-active real-time control approach is proposed. Stochastic knowledge is generated from past request information by a new forecasting approach and is used in the pro-active approach to guide vehicles to request-likely areas before real requests arrive there. Various computational results are presented to show that in many cases the pro-active approach is able to achieve significantly improved results. Moreover, a measure for determining the structural quality of request data sets is also proposed. The third contribution of this book is a method that is presented for considering driver inconvenience aspects which arise from vehicle en-route diversion activities. Specifically, this method makes it possible to restrict the number of performed vehicle en-route diversion activities.
Pro Android 5
by Dave Maclean Satya Komatineni Grant AllenCovers everything from the fundamentals of building apps for smartphones, tablets, and embedded devices to advanced concepts such as custom components, multi-tasking, sensors/augmented reality, better accessories support and much more. Learn to use key Android features such as Fragments, the ActionBar, Android's location-based services, network-based services, and security. Using the tutorials and expert advice, you'll quickly be able to build cool mobile apps and run them on dozens of Android-based smartphones. You'll explore and use the Android APIs, including those for media and sensors. And you'll check out what's new in Android, including the improved user interface across all Android platforms, integration with services, and more. By reading this definitive tutorial and reference, you'll gain the knowledge and experience to create stunning, cutting-edge Android apps that can make you money, while keeping you agile enough to respond to changes in the future. What you'll learn How to use Android to build Java-based mobile apps for Android smartphones and tablets How to build irresistible user interfaces (UIs) and user experiences (UXs) across Android devices How to populate your application with data from data sources, using Content Providers How to build multimedia and game apps using Android's media APIs How to use Android's location-based services, network-based services, and security How to use key Android features, such as Fragments and the ActionBar Who this book is for This book is for professional software engineers and programmers looking to move their ideas and applications into the mobile space with Android. It assumes a passable understanding of Java, including how to write classes and handle basic inheritance structures. Table of Contents 1 Hello, World 2 Introduction to Android Applications 3 Basic User Interface Controls 4 Adapters and List Controls 5 Making Advanced UI Layouts 6 Adding Menus and ActionBar 7 Styles and Themes 8 Fragments 9 Responding to Configuration Changes 10 Dialogs: Regular and Fragment 11 Working with Preferences and Saving State 12 Compatibility Library 13 Exploring Packages, Processes, Components, Threads and Handlers 14 Working with Services 15 Advanced Async Task & Progress Dialogs 16 Exploring Broadcast Receivers and Long Running Services 17 Exploring the Alarm Manager 18 Unveiling 2D Animation 19 Exploring Maps and Location Services 20 Understanding the Media Frameworks 21 Home Screen Widgets 22 Touchscreens 23 Drag and Drop 24 Using Sensors 25 Understanding Content Providers 26 Understanding the Contacts API 27 Loaders 28 Security and Permissions 29 Google Cloud messaging and services 30 Deploying Your Application: Google Play Store and Beyond
Pro Android Games
by Massimo Nardone Vladimir SilvaCombining actionable, real-world source code with graphics, Pro Android Games, Third Edition shows you how to build more sophisticated and addictive Android game apps with minimum effort. Harness the power of the latest Android 5. 0 SDK to bring countless legendary, action-packed PC games to the Android platform. With actionable real-world source code, this one of a kind book shows you how to build more sophisticated and addictive Android game apps, by leveraging the power of the recent advancements found in the new Android 5. 0 software development kit as well as those you've counted on in earlier releases. Multi-touch code gives these games and their players dynamic input and exchange ability, for a more realistic arcade game experience. Faster and better performance offers Android game players a more seamless, fun arcade experience like never before. There is also improved native C/C++ integration with Android's NDK as well, which makes coding, compiling, and converting both productive and efficient with gains in app performance. Pro Android Games, Third Edition features the following improvements: Updates to the latest version of the Android SDK, NDK, plus the latest Android Studio and Eclipse IDEsGreater focus on tablets, ever changing device resolutions, and hardware specsNative game development and hardware accelerated graphicsBigger and better real world engines, such as Quake I and II plus an oldie from the previous edition: DoomCoverage of the new Android TV SDK APIs, UI, UX, multi-touch and multi-tasking features available with the Android 5. 0 releaseAdvanced techniques for improving your game playing experience including better multi-tasking, improved performance optimization, battery management and moreA 'Quake 3D'-like game app case studyYou'll definitely have fun, and perhaps you'll even make some money. Enjoy In the last few years, Android has progressed with the debut of better fonts, new User Interface and Experience (UI/UX) APIs, tablet considerations, multi-touch capabilities, multi-tasking, faster performance, improved battery management techniques, and now the new Android TV SDK Apps for the Android game app developer repertoire.