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Showing 45,976 through 46,000 of 59,535 results

Proceedings of Workshop on Interdisciplinary Sciences 2023: Interdisciplinary Sciences: Applied Mathematics, AI, and Statistics (Mathematics for Industry #38)

by Ton Viet Ta Linh Thi Hoai Nguyen

This volume features a selection of technical papers presented at the workshop “The Fifth Workshop on Interdisciplinary Sciences (WIS 2023)". Contributions from esteemed researchers and academics in applied mathematics, AI, and statistics offer valuable insights into their latest research. The papers also delve into interdisciplinary applications, spanning fields such as agriculture and economics, with strong emphasis on data analysis techniques. We hope this proceedings volume will serve as a valuable resource for scholars, researchers, and practitioners interested in the recent advancements and emerging trends in interdisciplinary sciences.

Proceedings of World Conference on Artificial Intelligence: WCAIAA 2023 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)

by Ashish Kumar Tripathi Darpan Anand Atulya K. Nagar

This book is a collection of outstanding research papers presented at the World Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Applications (WCAIAA 2023), organized by Sir Padampat Singhania University, India and is technically sponsored by Soft Computing Research Society during March 18–19, 2023. The topics covered are agent-based systems, evolutionary algorithms, approximate reasoning, bioinformatics and computational biology, artificial intelligence in modeling and simulation, natural language processing, brain-machine interfaces, collective intelligence, computer vision and speech understanding, data mining, swarm intelligence, machine learning, human-computer interaction, intelligent sensor, devices and applications, and intelligent database systems.

Proceedings of World Conference on Artificial Intelligence: WCAIAA 2024 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)

by Ashish Kumar Tripathi Darpan Anand Atulya K. Nagar

This book is a collection of outstanding research papers presented at the World Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Applications (WCAIAA 2024), organized by Sir Padampat Singhania University, India, and is technically sponsored by Soft Computing Research Society during February 22–23, 2024. The topics covered are agent-based systems, evolutionary algorithms, approximate reasoning, bioinformatics and computational biology, artificial intelligence in modeling and simulation, natural language processing, brain–machine interfaces, collective intelligence, computer vision and speech understanding, data mining, swarm intelligence, machine learning, human–computer interaction, intelligent sensor, devices and applications, and intelligent database systems.

Proceedings of World Conference on Information Systems for Business Management: ISBM 2023, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #834)

by Andres Iglesias Jungpil Shin Bharat Patel Amit Joshi

This book includes selected papers presented at World Conference on Information Systems for Business Management (ISBM 2023), held in Bangkok, Thailand, during September 7–8, 2023. It covers up-to-date cutting-edge research on data science, information systems, infrastructure and computational systems, engineering systems, business information systems, and smart secure systems.

Proceedings of World Conference on Information Systems for Business Management: ISBM 2023, Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #833)

by Andres Iglesias Jungpil Shin Bharat Patel Amit Joshi

This book includes selected papers presented at World Conference on Information Systems for Business Management (ISBM 2023), held in Bangkok, Thailand, during September 7–8, 2023. It covers up-to-date cutting-edge research on data science, information systems, infrastructure and computational systems, engineering systems, business information systems, and smart secure systems.

Proceedings on 25th International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management – IJCIEOM: The Next Generation of Production and Service Systems (Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering)

by Zoran Anisic Bojan Lalic Danijela Gracanin

This book presents the conference proceedings of the 25th edition of the International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. The conference is organized by 6 institutions (from different countries and continents) that gather a large number of members in the field of operational management, industrial engineering and engineering management. This edition of the conference had the title: THE NEXT GENERATION OF PRODUCTION AND SERVICE SYSTEMS in order to emphasis unpredictable and very changeable future. This conference is aimed to enhance connection between academia and industry and to gather researchers and practitioners specializing in operation management, industrial engineering, engineering management and other related disciplines from around the world.

Proceedings on International Conference on Data Analytics and Computing: ICDAC 2022 (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies #175)

by Anupam Yadav Gaurav Gupta Puneet Rana Joong Hoon Kim

This book features selected papers presented at International Conference on Data Analytics and Computing (ICDAC 2022), organized by Department of Mathematics, College of Science and Technology, Wenzhou-Kean University, Wenzhou, China, held during May 28–29, 2022. This book includes state-of-the-art current trends in data science, data analytics optimization, soft computing and related areas. Its primary readers are postgraduate students, researchers and academic professionals.

Proceedings TEEM 2022: Salamanca, Spain, October 19–21, 2022 (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)

by Francisco José García-Peñalvo Alicia García-Holgado

This TEEM 2022 Conference (International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality) Proceedings reflects the most outstanding advances, with a multidisciplinary perspective, in the technological ecosystems that support the Knowledge Society building and development. With its learning technology-based focus using a transversal approach, TEEM is divided into thematic and highly cohesive tracks, each of which is oriented to a specific community of interest, including researchers, professionals and students. Informatics and Education are the central issues in the conference tracks, including broad-scope research areas, such as Educational Assessment and Orientation, Human-Computer Interaction, eLearning, Computers in Education, Communication Media and Education, Medicine and Education, Learning Analytics, Engineering Education, Robotics in Education, Diversity in Education, Gamification and Games for Learning.

Procesamient o de Lenguaje Natural con Python: Simplemente en profundidad

by Ajit Singh

Este libro tiene como objetivo presentar las técnicas fundamentales del procesamiento del lenguaje natural, desarrollar una comprensión de los límites de esas técnicas y de los temas de investigación actuales, y evaluar algunas aplicaciones actuales y potenciales. ● 1. Introducción. Breve historia de la investigación de la PNL, aplicaciones actuales, arquitectura genérica del sistema de la PNL, enfoques basados ​​en el conocimiento versus enfoques probabilísticos. ●2. Técnicas de estados finitos. En morfología seccional y derivacional, autómatas de estado finito en PNL, transductores de estado finito. ●3. Predicción y etiquetado de partes del discurso. Corpora, DIY Corpus, Corpus Análisis, N-gramas simples, predicción de palabras, etiquetado estocástico y evaluación del rendimiento del sistema. ●4. Análisis y generación. Gramática generativa, gramáticas libres de contexto, parsing y generación con gramáticas libres de contexto, pesos y probabilidades. Gramática basada en restricciones, unificación, semántica compositiva simple. Relaciones semánticas. ●5. PNL con Python

Process Algebra for Parallel and Distributed Processing

by Michael Alexander William Gardner

Collects the Latest Research Involving the Application of Process Algebra to ComputingExploring state-of-the-art applications, Process Algebra for Parallel and Distributed Processing shows how one formal method of reasoning-process algebra-has become a powerful tool for solving design and implementation challenges of concurrent systems. Parallel Pr

A Process Algebraic Approach to Software Architecture Design

by Alessandro Aldini Flavio Corradini Marco Bernardo

The design and the verification of modern software applications requires the analysis of several different aspects, such as software correctness, quality of service, and security, and of the possible inter-relations among them. Process algebraic architectural languages and the related analysis techniques provide a formal paradigm that allows for the modeling and analysis of such systems and of the related properties during the early stages of the design process. The book presents such a paradigm in a novel way that privileges the discussion of its foundational characteristics and then introduces a number of guidelines, integrated with ad-hoc methodologies and exemplifying case studies, to support the practical benefits of using such a paradigm. The book can be of help for both researchers and graduate students who intend to approach the process algebraic formal paradigm and for the practitioners who intend to apply the related approach to software design and verification.

Process Analytics

by Seyed-Mehdi-Reza Beheshti Boualem Benatallah Sherif Sakr Daniela Grigori Hamid Reza Motahari-Nezhad Moshe Chai Barukh Ahmed Gater Seung Hwan Ryu

This book starts with an introduction to process modeling and process paradigms, then explains how to query and analyze process models, and how to analyze the process execution data. In this way, readers receive a comprehensive overview of what is needed to identify, understand and improve business processes. The book chiefly focuses on concepts, techniques and methods. It covers a large body of knowledge on process analytics - including process data querying, analysis, matching and correlating process data and models - to help practitioners and researchers understand the underlying concepts, problems, methods, tools and techniques involved in modern process analytics. Following an introduction to basic business process and process analytics concepts, it describes the state of the art in this area before examining different analytics techniques in detail. In this regard, the book covers analytics over different levels of process abstractions, from process execution data and methods for linking and correlating process execution data, to inferring process models, querying process execution data and process models, and scalable process data analytics methods. In addition, it provides a review of commercial process analytics tools and their practical applications. The book is intended for a broad readership interested in business process management and process analytics. It provides researchers with an introduction to these fields by comprehensively classifying the current state of research, by describing in-depth techniques and methods, and by highlighting future research directions. Lecturers will find a wealth of material to choose from for a variety of courses, ranging from undergraduate courses in business process management to graduate courses in business process analytics. Lastly, it offers professionals a reference guide to the state of the art in commercial tools and techniques, complemented by many real-world use case scenarios.

Process-Aware Systems

by Jian Cao Xiao Liu Kaijun Ren

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Process-Aware Systems, PAS 2015, held in Hangzhou, China, in October 2015. The four revised full papers and two short papers, presented together with five demo papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 16 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on process modeling and comparison; process data analysis; Cloud workflow applications.

Process-Based Software Project Management

by F. Alan Goodman

Not connecting software project management (SPM) to actual, real-world development processes can lead to a complete divorcing of SPM to software engineering that can undermine any successful software project. By explaining how a layered process architectural model improves operational efficiency, Process-Based Software Project Management out

Process-Centric Architecture for Enterprise Software Systems

by Parameswaran Seshan

The increasing adoption of Business Process Management (BPM) has inspired pioneering software architects and developers to effectively leverage BPM-based software and process-centric architecture (PCA) to create software systems that enable essential business processes. Reflecting this emerging trend and evolving field, Process-Centric Architecture for Enterprise Software Systems provides a complete and accessible introduction explaining this architecture. The text presents, in detail, the analysis and design principles used in process-centric architecture. Illustrative examples demonstrate how to architect and design enterprise systems based on the business processes central to your organization. It covers the architectural aspects of business process management, the evolution of IT systems in enterprises, the importance of a business process focus, the role of workflows, business rules, enterprise application integration, and business process modeling languages such as WS-BPEL and BPML. It also investigates: Fundamental concepts of process-centric architecture style The PCA approach to architecting enterprise IT systems Business process driven applications and integration Two case studies that illustrate how to architect and design enterprise applications based on PCA SOA in the context of process-centric architecture Standards, technologies, and infrastructure behind PCA Explaining how to architect enterprise systems using a BPMS technology platform, J2EE components, and Web services, this forward-looking book will empower you to create systems centered on business processes and make today's enterprise processes successful and agile.

Process Control Techniques for High-Volume Production

by M. Kemal Atesmen

This book details most common statistical process control tools with many examples for high-volume production. It aims to make elements of high-volume production process control simple and easy to understand. It lets you thoroughly understand process controls instead of blindly trusting software tools that operate as black boxes. If you are dealing with high-volume production as an operator, line supervisor, inspector, process engineer, quality engineer, manufacturing manager, plant manager, or president of the company, you have to understand the statistical process control basics explained in this book in order to be successful.

Process-Driven Applications with BPMN

by Volker Stiehl

How can we optimize differentiating business processes and exploit their full potential? Here Volker Stiehl provides answers, utilizing the various options that the BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) standard offers for planning, implementing and monitoring processes. The book presents an approach for implementing an architecture for applications that strives to find a balance between development and maintenance costs, sustainability, scalability and fault tolerance; that meets flexibility requirements without becoming inordinately complex itself; and that keeps the end application as abstract as possible from the system landscape in which it operates. Based on the semantic enhancements found in version 2. 0 of the BPMN standard, which have made it possible to execute process models, his approach exploits BPMN to create and run complete application architectures. In this context, BPMN is not just used to model the business processes of the application, as the "B" in BPMN might suggest; but also to model and execute the integration processes between the systems. Throughout the book, the software package SAP Process Orchestration is used to illustrate the implementation of the proposed architecture, yet all recommendations are intentionally kept generic so that they can be implemented on any other comparable platform as well. Software architects, IT managers, software developers and project managers, as well as students of information and business technology will find the book a valuable resource. The proposed application architecture offers them a detailed blueprint, the principles of which they can use to plan and implement process-driven distributed applications.

Process-Driven SOA: Patterns for Aligning Business and IT

by Carsten Hentrich Uwe Zdun

Process-Driven SOA: Patterns for Aligning Business and IT supplies detailed guidance on how to design and build software architectures that follow the principles of business-IT alignment. It illustrates the design process using proven patterns that address complex business/technical scenarios, where integrated concepts of service-oriented architecture (SOA), Business Process Management (BPM), and Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) are required. The book demonstrates that SOA is not limited to technical issues but instead, is a holistic challenge where aspects of SOA, EDA, and BPM must be addressed together. An ideal guide for SOA solution architects, designers, developers, managers, and students about to enter the field, the book: Provides an accessible introduction to basic and more advanced concepts in process-driven SOA Illustrates how to manage the complexities of business aligned IT architectures with detailed examples and industry cases Outlines a step-by-step design process using proven patterns to address complex business/ technical scenarios Integrates SOA, BPM, and EDA into practical patterns promoting SOA 2.0 Describing how to synchronize parallel enterprise processes, the authors explain how to cope with the architectural and design decisions you are likely to encounter when designing and implementing process-driven SOA systems. The decisions are described in the form of software patterns to provide you with a practical guideline for addressing key problems using time-tested solutions.

Process Improvement and CMMI for Systems and Software

by Ron S. Kenett Emanuel Baker

Process Improvement and CMMI for Systems and Software provides a workable approach for achieving cost-effective process improvements for systems and software. Focusing on planning, implementation, and management in system and software processes, it supplies a brief overview of basic strategic planning models and covers fundamental concepts and appr

Process Improvement Essentials: CMMI, Six Sigma, and ISO 9001

by James R. Persse

Today, technology has become too much a part of overall corporate success for its effectiveness to be left to chance. The stakes are too high. Fortunately, the idea of 'quality management' is being reinvigorated. In the last decade process programs have become more and more prevalent. And, out of all the available options, three have moved to the top of the chain. These three are: The 9001:2000 Quality Management Standard from the International Standards Organization;The Capability Maturity Model Integration from the Software Engineering Institute; andSix Sigma, a methodology for improvement shaped by companies such as Motorola, Honeywell, and General Electric. These recognized and proven quality programs are rising in popularity as more technology managers are looking for ways to help remove degrees of risk and uncertainty from their business equations, and to introduce methods of predictability that better ensure success. Process Improvement Essentials combines the foundation needed to understand process improvement theory with the best practices to help individuals implement process improvement initiatives in their organization. The three leading programs: ISO 9001:2000, CMMI, and Six Sigma--amidst the buzz and hype--tend to get lumped together under a common label. This book delivers a combined guide to all three programs, compares their applicability, and then sets the foundation for further exploration. It's a one-stop-shop designed to give you a working orientation to what the field is all about.

Process Improvement with CMMI v1.2 and ISO Standards

by Boris Mutafelija Harvey Stromberg

In this age of globalization, process improvement practitioners must be able to comprehend and work with the different standards and frameworks used around the world. While many systems and software engineering organizations rely on a single standard as the primary driver of process improvement efforts (CMMI-based process improvement in the U.S. an

Process-Mining: Geschäftsprozesse: smart, schnell und einfach (essentials)

by Ralf Peters Markus Nauroth

Die Autoren geben einen praxisorientierten Einstieg in Process-Mining mit unternehmensbezogenen Anwendungsfällen und einer Marktübersicht der Software, die hilft, Geschäftsprozesse schnell, smart und einfach zu gestalten. Auf Basis von Log-Daten der Geschäftsvorgänge erstellt Process-Mining automatisch Modelle der Ist-Abläufe, kann diese mit Soll-Abläufen vergleichen und helfen, Geschäftsprozesse zu optimieren. Weitere Anwendungen von Process-Mining sind u.a. Governance, Risk und Compliance Management, IT-Migration und -Implementierung sowie Entwicklung digitaler Geschäftsmodelle. Process-Mining ist gerade auch für kleinere und mittelgroße Unternehmen von großer Bedeutung für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.Die Autoren Ralf Peters ist selbstständiger Unternehmensberater und Interimsmanager. Er unterstützt Unternehmen in Transformationsphasen, bei Post-Merger-Integrationen, IT-Implementierungen sowie dem Einsatz von Process-Mining. Prof. Dr. Markus Nauroth lehrt Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Hochschule Mainz und verantwortet u.a. als Studiengangleiter den Bachelor-Studiengang Angewandte Informatik. Zuvor war er als Unternehmensberater in London und New York tätig.

Process Mining

by Wil M. van der Aalst

The first to cover this missing link between data mining and process modeling, this book provides real-world techniques for monitoring and analyzing processes in real time. It is a powerful new tool destined to play a key role in business process management.

Process Mining Handbook (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #448)

by Wil M. P. van der Aalst Josep Carmona

This is an open access book. This book comprises all the single courses given as part of the First Summer School on Process Mining, PMSS 2022, which was held in Aachen, Germany, during July 4-8, 2022. This volume contains 17 chapters organized into the following topical sections: Introduction; process discovery; conformance checking; data preprocessing; process enhancement and monitoring; assorted process mining topics; industrial perspective and applications; and closing.

Process Mining Techniques for Managing and Improving Healthcare Systems

by Maha Zayoud

This book discusses a new process mining method along with a detailed comparison between different techniques that provide a complete vision of the process of data acquisition, data analysis, and data prediction. Process Mining Techniques for Managing and Improving Healthcare Systems offers a new framework for process learning which is probabilistic and enables the process to be learned in an accumulative manner. The steps of prediction modeling and building the required knowledge are highlighted throughout the book, along with a strong emphasis on the correlation between the healthcare domain and technology including the different aspects, such as: managing records, information, and procedures; early detection of diseases; and the improvement of accuracy in choosing the right treatment procedures. This reference provides a wealth of knowledge for practitioners, researchers, and students at the basic and intermediary levels working within the healthcare system, computer science, electronics and communications, as well as medical providers and also hospital management entities.

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