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Profiling Cop-Killers

by Ann R. Bumbak

Drawing heavily on original research designed to train police officers to survive deadly encounters, Profiling Cop-Killers examines the sociological history, psychology, and motives of 50 murderers of police officers in 2011. The book identifies the commonalities and differences between groups of offenders by age, examining the previously hidden co

Profiling Humans from their Voice

by Rita Singh

This book is about recent research in the area of profiling humans from their voice, which seeks to deduce and describe the speaker's entire persona and their surroundings from voice alone. It covers several key aspects of this technology, describing how the human voice is unique in its ability to both capture and influence the human persona -- how, in some ways, voice is more potent and valuable then DNA and fingerprints as a metric, since it not only carries information about the speaker, but also about their current state and their surroundings at the time of speaking. It provides a comprehensive review of advances made in multiple scientific fields that now contribute to its foundations. It describes how artificial intelligence enables mechanisms of discovery that were not possible before in this context, driving the field forward in unprecedented ways. It also touches upon related and relevant challenges posed by voice disguise and other mechanisms of voice manipulation. The book acts as a good resource for academic researchers, and for professional agencies in many areas such as law enforcement, healthcare, social services, entertainment etc.

Profinite Semigroups and Symbolic Dynamics (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2274)

by Jorge Almeida Alfredo Costa Revekka Kyriakoglou Dominique Perrin

This book describes the relation between profinite semigroups and symbolic dynamics. Profinite semigroups are topological semigroups which are compact and residually finite. In particular, free profinite semigroups can be seen as the completion of free semigroups with respect to the profinite metric. In this metric, two words are close if one needs a morphism on a large finite monoid to distinguish them. The main focus is on a natural correspondence between minimal shift spaces (closed shift-invariant sets of two-sided infinite words) and maximal J-classes (certain subsets of free profinite semigroups). This correspondence sheds light on many aspects of both profinite semigroups and symbolic dynamics. For example, the return words to a given word in a shift space can be related to the generators of the group of the corresponding J-class. The book is aimed at researchers and graduate students in mathematics or theoretical computer science.

Profit and Prejudice: The Luddites of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

by Paul Donovan

Avoiding prejudice will be critical to economic success in the fourth industrial revolution. It is not the new and innovative technology that will matter in the next decade, but what we do with it. Using technology properly, with diverse decision making, is the difference between success and failure in a changing world. This will require putting the right person in the right job at the right time. Prejudice stops that happening. Profit and Prejudice takes us through the relationship between economic success and prejudice in labour markets. It starts with the major changes that occur in periods of economic upheaval. These changes tend to be unpopular and complex – and complexity encourages people to turn to the simplistic arguments of ‘scapegoat economics’ and prejudice. Some of the changes of the fourth industrial revolution will help fight prejudice, but some will make it far worse. The more prejudice there is, the harder it will be for companies and countries to profit from the changes ahead. Profit is not the main argument against prejudice, but can certainly help fight it. This book tells a story of the damage that prejudice can do. Using economics without jargon, students, investors and the public will be able to follow the narrative and see how prejudice can be opposed. Prejudice is bad for business and the economy. Profit and Prejudice explains why.

Profit From Your Forecasting Software: A Best Practice Guide for Sales Forecasters (Wiley and SAS Business Series)

by Paul Goodwin

Go beyond technique to master the difficult judgement calls of forecasting A variety of software can be used effectively to achieve accurate forecasting, but no software can replace the essential human component. You may be new to forecasting, or you may have mastered the statistical theory behind the software’s predictions, and even more advanced “power user” techniques for the software itself—but your forecasts will never reach peak accuracy unless you master the complex judgement calls that the software cannot make. Profit From Your Forecasting Software addresses the issues that arise regularly, and shows you how to make the correct decisions to get the most out of your software. Taking a non-mathematical approach to the various forecasting models, the discussion covers common everyday decisions such as model choice, forecast adjustment, product hierarchies, safety stock levels, model fit, testing, and much more. Clear explanations help you better understand seasonal indices, smoothing coefficients, mean absolute percentage error, and r-squared, and an exploration of psychological biases provides insight into the decision to override the software’s forecast. With a focus on choice, interpretation, and judgement, this book goes beyond the technical manuals to help you truly grasp the more intangible skills that lead to better accuracy. Explore the advantages and disadvantages of alternative forecasting methods in different situations Master the interpretation and evaluation of your software’s output Learn the subconscious biases that could affect your judgement toward intervention Find expert guidance on testing, planning, and configuration to help you get the most out of your software Relevant to sales forecasters, demand planners, and analysts across industries, Profit From Your Forecasting Software is the much sought-after “missing piece” in forecasting reference.

Profit from Your Podcast: Proven Strategies to Turn Listeners into a Livelihood

by Dave Jackson

Methods and Advice for Making the Most of Your Podcast—Pricing, Sponsors, Crowdfunding, and More Pick up any book on podcast monetization, and you will find 90 percent of it only covers how to launch a podcast. If you already have a podcast, you have that information; you&’re ready for the next step. Profit from Your Podcast provides top strategies and real-life examples of podcast monetization. This book is more than what to do. It also tells you how to do it. Chapters cover such topics as: How to Grow Your AudienceHow to Set Your PricingUnderstanding Advertising JargonHow to Find SponsorsBest Strategies for Making Money as an AffiliateMaster Strategies for CrowdfundingHarnessing the Power of Webinars and EventsThe Top Tools to Make Your Job Easy Built on the author&’s fifteen years of experience in podcasting, this action-packed guide will benefit new and veteran podcasters. Get clear on who your audience is and what they want, deliver value, and build an engaged audience that wants to give you money. Leverage your relationships and the integrity you have built through your podcast to create multiple streams of income. Profit from Your Podcast gives you the tools to do it all.

Profitable Photography in the Digital Age: Strategies for Success

by Dan Heller

This groundbreaking resource demonstrates how to use digital imaging and the Internet as the cornerstone of a successful photography business. Topics covered include setting business goals, marketing, setting prices, selling prints, running a Web-based photography business, working with stock agencies, legally protecting images, and more. Both serious amateurs considering a start-up and established businesses looking for fresh approaches need this timely, relevant book.

Profitable Podcasting: Grow Your Business, Expand Your Platform, and Build a Nation of True Fans

by Stephen Woessner

<p>The word is out: content marketing is king. But when nearly every business has a blog, it's tough to stand out. The real secret is that there's a much better tool for spreading influence and generating revenue—one with far less competition. <p>Podcasting offers rich opportunities, especially if you get in early and do it right. Based on the author's experience building a $2 million venture from scratch, <i>Profitable Podcasting</i> lays out the precise formula for creating, launching, marketing and monetizing podcasts in any industry. Packed with priceless production help, software recommendations, web and social strategies, schedules, checklists, and examples, this indispensable guide explains exactly how to: <p> <li>Plan your podcast strategy <li>Choose the ideal format for your show <li>Be a great host <li>Get the best guests <li>Mastermind interview questions <li>Record and edit interviews like a pro <li>Navigate Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, and Sound Cloud with ease <li>Maximize buzz for the launch <li>Secure generous sponsorship <li>Achieve top rankings fast <li>Win fans <li>And more</li> <p> <p>It's true podcasting may take more technical knowledge than other marketing and sales efforts, but lucrative rewards await once you conquer the learning curve. <i>Profitable Podcasting</i> gets you to the payoff quickly and painlessly.</p>


by Peter Mertens Susanne Rässler

Mit diesem Buch liegen kompakte Beschreibungen von Prognoseverfahren vor, die vor allem in Systemen der betrieblichen Informationsverarbeitung eingesetzt werden. Praktiker mit langjähriger Prognoseerfahrung zeigen außerdem, wie die einzelnen Methoden in der Unternehmung Verwendung finden und wo die Probleme beim Einsatz liegen. Das Buch wendet sich gleichermaßen an Wissenschaft und Praxis. Das Spektrum reicht von einfachen Verfahren der Vorhersage über neuere Ansätze der künstlichen Intelligenz und Zeitreihenanalyse bis hin zur Prognose von Softwarezuverlässigkeit und zur kooperativen Vorhersage in Liefernetzen. In der siebenten, wesentlich überarbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage werden neue Vergleiche von Prognosemethoden, GARCH-Modelle zur Finanzmarktprognose, "Predictive Analytics" als Variante der "Business Intelligence" und die Kombination von Vorhersagen mit Elementen der Chaostheorie berücksichtigt.

Prognostic Models in Healthcare: AI and Statistical Approaches (Studies in Big Data #109)

by Sudipta Roy Tanzila Saba Amjad Rehman

This book focuses on contemporary technologies and research in computational intelligence that has reached the practical level and is now accessible in preclinical and clinical settings. This book's principal objective is to thoroughly understand significant technological breakthroughs and research results in predictive modeling in healthcare imaging and data analysis. Machine learning and deep learning could be used to fully automate the diagnosis and prognosis of patients in medical fields. The healthcare industry's emphasis has evolved from a clinical-centric to a patient-centric model. However, it is still facing several technical, computational, and ethical challenges. Big data analytics in health care is becoming a revolution in technical as well as societal well-being viewpoints. Moreover, in this age of big data, there is increased access to massive amounts of regularly gathered data from the healthcare industry that has necessitated the development of predictive models and automated solutions for the early identification of critical and chronic illnesses. The book contains high-quality, original work that will assist readers in realizing novel applications and contexts for deep learning architectures and algorithms, making it an indispensable reference guide for academic researchers, professionals, industrial software engineers, and innovative model developers in healthcare industry.

Program Arcade Games

by Paul Vincent Craven

Learn and use Python and PyGame to design and build cool arcade games. In Program Arcade Games: With Python and PyGame, Fourth Edition, Dr. Paul Vincent Craven teaches you how to create fun and simple quiz games; integrate and start using graphics; animate graphics; integrate and use game controllers; add sound and bit-mapped graphics; and build grid-based games. After reading and using this book, you'll be able to learn to program and build simple arcade game applications using one of today's most popular programming languages, Python. You can even deploy onto Steam and other Linux-based game systems as well as Android, one of today's most popular mobile and tablet platforms. What you'll learn How to create quiz games How to integrate and start using graphics How to animate graphics How to integrate and use game controllers How to add sound and bit-mapped graphics How to build grid-based games Who this book is for This book assumes no prior programming knowledge. Table of Contents 0. Before Getting Started 1. Create a Custom Calculator 2. What is a Computer Language? 3. Quiz Games and If Statements 4. Guessing Games with Random Numbers and Loops 5. Introduction to Graphics 6. Back to Looping 7. Introduction to Lists 8. Introduction to Animation 9. Functions 10. Controllers and Graphics 11. Bitmapped Graphics and Sound 12. Introduction to Classes 13. Introduction to Sprites 14. Libraries and Modules 15. Searching 16. Array-Backed Grids 17. Sorting 18. Exceptions 19. Recursion 20. Formatting 21. Labs 22. Appendix A. Example code and programs 23. Appendix B: Sample Tests 24. Appendix C: Worksheets 25. Appendix D: Version Control 26. Appendix E: Wait, What Else Can We Do?

Program Governance

by Muhammad Ehsan Khan

Although program management has received much attention in recent books, program governance remains a relatively new subject. While selected books and standards touch on this important topic, few are devoted to program governance as a subject. This book fills that need.Program Governance provides a thorough understanding of governance while reviewi

Program Management: A Life Cycle Approach (Best Practices In Portfolio, Program, And Project Management Ser.)

by Ginger Levin Pmp PgMP

Program management is a rapidly emerging offshoot of project management. So much so that AT&T, IBM, and other organizations, both large and small in all sectors, have initiated a push to certify program managers. And, although universities offer courses in program management, there are few books available to guide program managers through this

Program Management Complexity: A Competency Model (ESI International Project Management Series)

by Ginger Levin J. LeRoy Ward

Although complexity is a phenomenon that confounds and challenges program managers across industry sectors, there is little information available that identifies the set of competencies managers need to complete their program successfully and deliver the benefits desired by stakeholders. Program Management Complexity: A Competency Model fills this

Program Management for Open Source Projects

by Ben Cotton

Every organization develops a bureaucracy, and open source projects are no exception. When your structure is intentional and serves the project, it can lead to a successful and predictable conclusion. But project management alone won't get you there. Take the next step to full program management. Become an expert at facilitating communication between teams, managing schedules and project lifecycle, coordinating a process for changes, and keeping meetings productive. Make decisions that get buy-in from all concerned. Learn how to guide your community-driven open source project with just the right amount of structure. Bureaucratic processes naturally develop in large organizations, and open source projects are no different. The trick is to keep the processes intentional and in service of the project. That's program management and you have probably been doing it even if you don't have that title. Make your open source projects successful, predictable, and enjoyable by applying the principles and skills of program management in this book. See how program management differs from project management. Build trust and credibility by building relationships, sharing information, and communicating effectively. Construct efficient decision-making and governance structures, with openness and clear responsibilities. Conduct more effective and enjoyable meetings. Hold the right kind of meeting for the matters to be discussed: text, phone, video, or face-to-face. Develop release lifecycles, including release planning, schedules, and go/no-go decisions, and keep on schedule. Create and manage an effective changes process. Use your bug tracker to better understand and manage the bugs and feature requests of your project. Make decisions that get buy-in from all concerned. Develop processes that serve your open source project instead of making the project serve the process.

Program Management Leadership: Creating Successful Team Dynamics (Best Practices in Portfolio, Program, and Project Management #9)

by Mark C. Bojeun

This is not another how-to guide for program managers or another reiteration of the Project Management Institute's standards for program management. Instead, Program Management Leadership: Creating Successful Team Dynamics examines various leadership approaches and illustrates the value of effective leadership styles in Program Management for

Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age

by Douglas Rushkoff

The author recognizes programming as the new literacy of the digital age and argues that the important question is, do we direct technology, or do we let ourselves be directed by it and those who have mastered it?

Program Proofs

by K. Rustan Leino

This comprehensive and highly readable textbook teaches how to formally reason about computer programs using an incremental approach and the verification-aware programming language Dafny.Program Proofs shows students what it means to write specifications for programs, what it means for programs to satisfy those specifications, and how to write proofs that connect specifications and programs. Writing with clarity and humor, K. Rustan M. Leino first provides an overview of the basic theory behind reasoning about programs. He then gradually builds up to complex concepts and applications, until students are facing real programs using objects, data structures, and non-trivial recursion. To emphasize the practical nature of program proofs, all material and examples use the verification-aware programming language Dafny, but no previous knowledge of Dafny is assumed.Written in a highly readable and student-friendly styleBuilds up to complex concepts in an incremental manner Comprehensively covers how to write proofs and how to specify and verify both functional programs and imperative programsUses real program text from a real programming language, not psuedo codeFeatures engaging illustrations and hands-on learning exercises

Program the Internet of Things with Swift for iOS: Learn How to Program Apps for the Internet of Things

by Ahmed Bakir

Learn how to build apps using Apple’s native APIs for the Internet of Things, including the Apple Watch, HomeKit, and Apple Pay. You'll also see how to interface with popular third-party hardware such as the Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and the FitBit family of devices.Program the Internet of Things with Swift and iOS is an update to the previous version and includes all new Swift 4 code. This book is a detailed tutorial that provides a detailed "how" and "why" for each topic, explaining Apple-specific design patterns as they come up and pulling lessons from other popular apps. To help you getting up and running quickly, each chapter is framed within a working project, allowing you to use the sample code directly in your apps.The Internet of Things is not limited to Apple devices alone, so this book also explains how to interface with popular third-party hardware devices, such as the Fitbit and Raspberry Pi, and generic interfaces, like Restful API’s and HTTPS. You'll also review new API's like Face ID and new design considerations, and look more closely at SSL and how to make IoT connected apps more resistant to hackers. The coverage of Apple Watch has been expanded as well. The Internet of Things is waiting — be a part of it!What You'll LearnUse Apple's native IoT Frameworks, such as HealthKit, HomeKit, and FaceIDInteract with popular third-party hardware, such as the Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and FitBitWork with real projects to develop skills based in experienceMake a smarter IoT with SiriKit and CoreMLWho This Book Is For The primary audience for this book are readers who have a grasp of the basics of iOS development and are looking to improve their Internet of Things-specific skills. Intermediate to Advanced level. The secondary audience would be business decision makers (managers, business analysts, executives) who are looking to gain a rough understanding of what is involved in Internet of Things development for iOS.

Program the Internet of Things with Swift for iOS

by Ahmed Bakir Gheorghe Chesler Manny Torriente

Program the Internet of Things with Swift and iOS is a detailed tutorial that will teach you how to build apps using Apple's native APIs for the Internet of Things, including the Apple Watch, HomeKit, and Apple Pay. This is the second book by Ahmed Bakir (author of Beginning iOS Media App Development) and his team at devAtelier LLC, who have been involved in developing over 20 mobile projects. Written like a code review, this book presents a detailed "how" and "why" for each topic, explaining Apple-specific design patterns as they come up and pulling lessons from other popular apps. To help you getting up and running quickly, each chapter is framed within a working project, allowing you to use the sample code directly in your apps. The Internet of Things is not limited to Apple devices alone, so this book also explains how to interface with popular third-party hardware devices, such as the Fitbit and Raspberry Pi, and generic interfaces, like Restful API's and HTTPS. The Internet of Things is waiting -- be a part of it! What you'll learn How to use HealthKit to log and retrieve fitness information in your apps. How to use Core Motion to access the iPhone's built-in motion sensors. How to use WatchKit to build a watch face. How to use WatchKit to build an interactive watch app. How to take advantage of the advanced sensors on the Apple Watch. How to communicate with Bluetooth LE devices. How to communicate with iBeacons. How to communicate with a Raspberry Pi. How to use Keychain Services to encrypt data within your apps. How to use Touch ID to add fingerprint-based authentication to your apps. How to use Apple Pay to accept payments within your apps. Who this book is for Intermediate-level developers who have experience building iOS apps, but are looking to integrate Internet of Things API's into their apps. This book provides a tutorial-based approach that introduces advanced iOS topics as they come up and pulls in lessons from other popular apps. Table of Contents Part 1: Getting Started Chapter 1: Welcome to the Internet of Things Chapter 2: Introduction to the Swift Programming Language Chapter 3: Live Debugging with Xcode Part 2: Health Chapter 4: Logging and retrieving health information using HealthKit Chapter 5: Tracking activity using the iPhone's internal sensors Chapter 6: Integrating third-party fitness trackers using the Fitbit API Part 3: WatchKit Chapter 7: Building a static watch face Chapter 8: Building an interactive watch app Chapter 9: Advanced sensors and controls on the Apple Watch Part 4: Communicating with External Hardware Chapter 10: Connecting to a Bluetooth LE device Chapter 11: Building location awareness with iBeacons Chapter 12: Home automation using HomeKit Chapter 13: Building an app that talks to a Raspberry Pi Part 5: An Internet of Secure Things Chapter 14: Using Keychain Services to secure data Chapter 15: Using Touch ID for authentication Chapter 16: Using Apple Pay to accept payments

Programa o serás programado: Diez mandamientos para la era digital

by Douglas Rushkoff

Diez mandamientos para la era digital. El debate sobre si la red es buena o mala es irrelevante: la red está aquí para quedarse y si bien somos cada vez más conscientes de los muchos problemas que ha engendrado la era digital, lo que se requiere ahora es una respuesta humana a la evolución de estas tecnologías. Para Rushkoff es imprescindible empezar a codificar los cambios por los que estamos pasando y desarrollar un nuevo patrón ético, comportamental y comercial para guiarnos. Estamos viviendo un cambio de paradigma real y sin embargo tenemos escasa comprensión de lo que nos ocurre y de cómo superarlo. La verdadera pregunta que debemos plantearnos es, ¿dirigimos la tecnología, o nos dejamos dirigir por ella y aquellos que la han dominado? En el paisaje altamente programado en el que vivimos podemos crear el software o podemos ser el software; programar o ser programados. Hasta ahora, nos hemos limito a ser programados. Eneste pequeño y valioso libro Rushkoff ofrece tanto a los entusiastas cibernéticos como a los tecnófobos las pautas para navegar en este nuevo universo digital y recuperar el control de nuestras vidas.

Programa tus proyectos con Scratch 3.0: Una guía visual para programar animaciones, juegos, ilusiones ópticas, música (DK Help Your Kids)

by Jon Woodcock

Los jóvenes más apasionados por la tecnología podrán empezar a familiarizarse con Scratch 3.0 gracias a esta guía de programación para principiantes.Aunque el mundo de la codificación está lleno de conceptos complicados, estos se volverán más sencillos y divertidos de aprender a medida que los programadores del futuro construyan sus propios proyectos usando Scratch 3.0, la última versión del lenguaje de programación más popular entre principiantes. Diseña un dinosaurio virtual o tu propia tarjeta de felicitación electrónica. Inventa tu propio juego o simulación, y crea gráficos alucinantes mientras descubres todas las cosas increíbles que un programador informático puede llegar a hacer con Scratch 3.0. Programa tus proyectos muestra cada paso visualmente para dividir la complejidad de la programación y convertirla en algo manejable, fácil de comprender, para que los proyectos más impresionantes puedan llegar a hacerse realidad. Perfecto para completos principiantes, este libro dará a los lectores más jóvenes un sólido conocimiento del mundo de la programación, preparándolos para crear sus propios proyectos desde cero e incluso llevándolos a otros lenguajes de programación más complejos como Python.

Programação em C# para iniciantes

by Troy Dimes Henrique Henning

Como um agradecimento pela aquisição de Programação de C# Para Iniciantes, eu gostaria de oferecer uma cópia gratuita de "7 Little-Known C# Programming Tricks." Para baixar sua cópia, visite:

Programação em C# Para Iniciantes

by Roger Senna Rosa Troy Dimes

O C# é simples e poderoso! O C# é uma linguagem orientada a objetos de propósito geral. Combine sua versatilidade com sua extensa biblioteca padrão, é fácil ver por que essa é uma linguagem de programação tão popular e respeitada. Crie aplicações gráficas, aplicativos para web, e mais. Quando você aprender a programar em C#, você poderá desenvolver aplicações web ou aplicações gráficas para desktop. Uma das melhores características do C# é a facilidade para ser aprendido... especialmente com esse livro. Essa é uma pequena lista com algumas das coisas que você aprende aqui... O que é um IDE e qual eu devo usar para desenvolver aplicações em C#. Como criar seu primeiro programa. Os vários tipos de dados do C#. Operadores... aritméticos, relacionais e lógicos. Como iterar um conjunto de itens, usando quatro tipos de loop diferentes. Formas de tomar decisões no seu código. Sobre a programação orientada a objetos. O que são objetos e classes. Tudo sobre métodos e modificadores de acesso. Tópicos avançados, como herança e polimorfismo. Como criar aplicações multi-thread, para tirar vantagem das CPU's com vários núcleos. E mais... Exercícios práticos inclusos, para ajudar no seu aprendizado do C#. Inclui exercícios ao final de cada capítulo (junto com a solução) para você praticar o que aprendeu. É ótimo para programadores iniciantes, e até para aqueles que já conhecem outras linguagens. Se você nunca programou antes, não se preocupe. Esse livro irá te guiar passo-a-passo em como criar sua primeira aplicação. Se você já tem alguma experiência em programação, então esse livro vai te ensinar alguns detalhes inerentes ao C#. Volte ao início da página e clique em "Comprar" e comece a aprender C# ainda hoje!

Programação em JavaScript. Um Guia da Linguagem de Programação JavaScript para Iniciantes

by Preston Prescott Fernando Souza

Descrição: Você está cansado de tentar aprender a programar? Está pronto para aprender realmente a programar? Se você já tentou aprender a programar no passado, mas não teve muito sucesso, então, dê uma chance ao livro "Programação JavaScript". Ele vai te ensinar exatamente o que você precisa saber sobre a linguagem de script de programação mais utilizada do mundo hoje. Ele vai começar pela base e permitir que você construa o seu conhecimento sobre o que você aprendeu ao longo do caminho. Aprenda JavaScript de uma vez e use-a muitas vezes ... Apesar do JavaScript ser, de longe, a mais popular linguagem de programação do lado do cliente em uso hoje, ela também pode e é usada no lado do servidor. Node.js, Meteoro, Wakanda, CouchDB e MongoDB são apenas alguns exemplos de onde você vai encontrar e ser capaz de usar JavaScript no lado do servidor. O tempo que você investir no aprendizado do JavaScript pode ser duplamente gratificante pois o JavaScript continua abrindo caminhos em mais e mais áreas da computação. Se você estiver buscando como subir de nível a sua carreira, o JavaScript é uma habilidade de valor inestimável para você dominar. As habilidades em JavaScript estão em alta demanda e a demanda por pessoas que possam programar em JavaScript só vai aumentar. Se você está procurando um trabalho técnico, então, que melhor habilidade para ter em seu currículo do que algo que pode ser usado em praticamente qualquer lugar? Quer trabalhar no "front-end" de sites? Então, aprenda JavaScript. Pronto para enfrentar a programação back-end para intensivas aplicações web de rede? Aprenda JavaScript. Quer trabalhar nas mais recentes tecnologias de banco de dados disponíveis atualmente? Então, aprenda JavaScript. Saiba JavaScript da maneira certa, de uma vez por todas ... Não importa se você planeja usar o JavaScript no lado do cliente em um na

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