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Programação Java

by Marcio Domingues Troy Dimes

Aprenda uma das linguagens de programação mais usadas nos nossos dias. Java é uma das linguagens de programação mais poderosas e amplamente utilizadas hoje em dia. Depois de aprender a programar em Java poderá criar aplicações que podem ser executadas em servidores, computadores pessoais, tablets, telefones, reprodutores de Blu-ray, entre outros. Escreva uma vez, execute em todo o lado! Além disso, se quiser garantir que os seus programas se comportam sempre da mesma forma, independentemente do sistema operativo onde são executados, a filosofia Java "write once, run anywhere" (Escreva uma vez, execute em todo o lado) aplica-se perfeitamente a si. O Java foi desenhado para ser independente de plataforma permitindo criar aplicações que são executadas numa grande variedade de sistemas operativos, incluindo Windows, Mac, Solaris e Linux. Eis o que poderá aprender com este livro... Como preparar o seu computador para programar em Java. (imagens incluídas) Convenções para atribuição de nomes em Java. Como trabalhar com vários tipos de dados incluindo Inteiros, números de vírgula flutuante, caracteres e booleanos. Que variáveis existem e quando as usar. Como executar operações matemáticas em Java Tomar decisões baseadas em comparações Formas de controlar o fluxo dos programas Como manipular texto Tudo sobre matrizes - Como as criar, como as usar e mais Várias formas de executar as mesmas ações sem ter que repetir código 3 Tipos de ciclos Conceitos e técnicas da programação orientada aos objetos incluindo classes, métodos, herança e polimorfismo. Formas de lidar com erros que podem ocorrer quando alguém usa os seus programas Mais... Incluídos exercícios práticos para ajudar a tornar a programação em java um passo simples para si. Inclui um exercício no fim de cada ca

Programación C# para Principiantes

by Andrés Parraud Troy Dimes

Como agradecimiento por leer Programación C# para Principiantes, quiero darte una copia gratuita de "7 Little-Known C# Programming Tricks." ("7 Trucos de Programación C# Poco Conocidos"). Para descargar tu copia, visita:

Programación de Computadoras: De Principiante a Malvado—JavaScript, HTML, CSS, & SQL

by Zack Fleming Steven Webber

Internamente, encontrarás una introducción a JavaScript, HTML, CSS y SQL. Estos son lenguajes de programación. Algunos de ellos se conocen como lenguajes de scripting. A partir de JavaScript, le presentaré los lenguajes de programación mencionados. Con suerte, al final de este libro, tendrá las respuestas a las preguntas de lo qué es y de lo qué puedes hacer con estos lenguajes. JavaScript es un lenguaje de programación que permite la implementación de elementos complejos en páginas web estáticas. Cada vez que miras una página web que hace algo además de mostrar información estática, es una suposición bastante segura hacer que JavaScript esté involucrado. A menudo se le conoce como la tercera capa del pastel. HTML es un lenguaje de programación relativamente simple que, en su núcleo, consiste en elementos. Estos elementos le permiten distinguir diferentes secciones de texto como diferentes aspectos de su página. Ya sea un párrafo, un encabezado, una columna o lo que se necesite, esto se logra con el uso de dichos elementos. Este lenguaje es también donde se obtiene la posibilidad de crear hipervínculos. El uso de hipervínculos es muy importante, especialmente cuando desea poder dirigir a alguien a una parte específica de su texto o página. CSS es un lenguaje de programación que se utiliza para diseñar y estructurar el diseño de una página web. Si desea cambiar la fuente, el color y el fondo, puede hacerlo agregando una animación o diseñando un esquema específico. Este es el lenguaje que usarás para lograr esas cosas. CSS utiliza el modelo de cuadro: la mayoría de los elementos se representan como un cuadro con el contenido, el relleno y los bordes se construyen como capas en una cebolla. Se debe comprender el modelo de caja antes de poder comenzar a entender cómo crear diseños CSS. Mientras tanto, SQL es un lenguaje de programación que está diseñado para trabajar con con

Programación en C# para Principiantes

by Maria Jimenez Troy Dimes

Como un gesto de agradecimiento por leer "Programación en C# para Principiantes", me gustaría regalarle una copia de "7 pequeños trucos de programación en C#" Para descargar la copia, visita el siguiente sitio:

Programación Java - Una Guía para Principiantes para Aprender Java Paso a Paso

by Andrés Parraud Troy Dimes

Fecha de Publicación: 16 de Enero de 2015 Aprenda uno de los lenguajes de programación de computadoras más extensamente usado actualmente. Java es uno de los lenguajes de programación más extensamente usados actualmente. Una vez que aprendas cómo porgramar en Java, podrás crear programas de aplicación que funcionen en servidores, computadoras, tablets, teléfonos, reproductores Blu-Ray y más. ¡Escribe una vez, corre en todas partes! También, si quieres estar seguro que tu programa se comporta siempre igual independientemente del sistema operativo bajo el que esté corriendo, la filosofía Java "Escrito una vez, corre en todas partes" es para ti. Java fue diseñado para ser independiente de su plataforma, permitiéndote crear aplicaciones que corren en gran variedad de sistemas operativos, incluyendo Windows, Mac, Solaris y Linux. Esto es lo que aprenderás... Cómo preparar tu computadora para programar en Java (Fotos de pantalla incluidas). Convenciones de nombres de archivo Java. Cómo trabajar con varios tipos de datos, incluyendo enteros, de coma flotante, caracteres y booleanos. Qué variables hay y cuándo usarlas. Cómo efectuar operaciones matemáticas en Java. Tomar decisiones en tu programa en base a comparaciones. Otras formas de control de flujo de tu programa. Cómo manipular datos de texto. Todo sobre matrices - cómo crearlas, cuándo usarlas y más. Varias formas de efectuar las mismas acciones en tus programas sin repetirte. 3 tipos de bucles. Conceptos y técnicas de programación orientada a objetos, incluyendo clases, modificadores, métodos, herencia y polimorfismo. Formas de manejar con gracia errores que pueden ocurrir cuando alguien usa tus programas. Y más... Ejercicios prácticos incluidos que harán que Java haga "clic" en tu cabeza. Incluye un eje

La programación JavaScript

by Morena Calaón Preston Prescott

¿Estás cansado de intentar aprender a programar? ¿Estás listo para conseguirlo? Si ya has intentado aprender a programar, pero no has tenido mucho éxito, entonces dale una oportunidad a La programación JavaScript. Te enseñará exactamente todo lo que tienes que saber sobre cómo utilizar el lenguaje de programación más empleado en todo el mundo. Desde el comienzo, te enseñará lo básico y, a partir de allí, irás fortaleciendo tus conocimientos sobre la base de lo aprendido. Luego no pararás de utilizarlo… Incluso aunque JavaScript sea el lenguaje de programación del lado del cliente más popular de hoy día, también puede emplearse del lado del servidor. Node.js, Meteor, Wakanda, CouchDB, y MongoDB solo son unos pocos ejemplos de entornos donde encontrar y usar JavaScript del lado del servidor. El tiempo que inviertes en aprender JavaScript puede ser doblemente gratificante ya que JavaScript continúa avanzando en más y más áreas de la informática. Si estás buscando avanzar en tu carrera, JavaScript es una valiosa habilidad que puedes incorporar. Este tipo de conocimiento es muy demandado actualmente y esta necesidad no hará más que aumentar. Si deseas abrirte paso en el mercado laboral de la tecnología, ¿qué mejor habilidad para tener en tu currículum que algo que prácticamente puedes usar en cualquier lugar? ¿Quieres trabajar en la parte inicial de los sitios web? Aprende JavaScript. ¿Estás listo para encarar la programación de fondo de las aplicaciones web? Aprende JavaScript. ¿Quieres trabajar con la última tecnología de base de datos disponible? Entonces aprende JavaScript. Pero hazlo de la forma correcta, de una vez por todas. No importa si lo usas del lado del cliente en un navegador web o del lado del servidor. En cualquier caso, o en ambos, tendrás que aprender los fundamentos

Programando em JavaScript

by Preston Prescott Mayara Ávila

Descrição: Cansado de tentar aprender a programar? Pronto para REALMENTE aprender a programar? Se você já tentou aprender a programar no passado mas não teve muito sucesso, dê uma chance ao livro "Programando em JavaScript". Ele lhe ensinará exatamente o que você precisa saber sobre programação na linguagem de script mais amplamente utilizada no mundo atualmente. Vai lhe instruir partindo do princípio e permitir seu desenvolvimento baseado naquilo que você aprendeu ao longo do caminho. Aprenda JavaScript uma vez, use muitas e muitas vezes! Apesar do JavaScript ser de longe a linguagem do lado cliente mais popular em uso atualmente, também pode e é usado do lado servidor. Node.js, Meteor, Wakanda, CouchDB e MongoDB são apenas alguns exemplos de onde você encontrará e poderá utilizar o JavaScript no lado servidor. O tempo que você investir aprendendo a utilizar o JavaScript pode ser duplamente recompensador, já que o JavaScript continua adentrando em outras áreas da computação. Se você está buscando alavancar sua carreira, JavaScript é uma inestimável habilidade para se ter. Há uma alta demanda por habilidades em JavaScript e a necessidade por pessoas que possam programar em JavaScript aumentará cada vez mais. Se você está buscando a inserção no mercado de trabalho, qual melhor habilidade para ter em seu currículo do que algo que pode ser utilizado praticamente em todo lugar? Quer trabalhar no "front-end" de sites? Aprenda JavaScript. Pronto para lidar com programação back-end para aplicativos web de rede intensiva? Aprenda JavaScript. Quer trabalhar com as mais recentes tecnologias em base de dados disponíveis atualmente? Então, aprenda JavaScript. Aprenda JavaScript da maneira certa - de uma vez por todas... Não importa se você planeja utilizar o JavaScript no lado cliente em um navegador, ou no lado servidor, ou mesmo em ambos; você

Programmable Logic Controllers

by Dag H. Hanssen

Widely used across industrial and manufacturing automation, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) perform a broad range of electromechanical tasks with multiple input and output arrangements, designed specifically to cope in severe environmental conditions such as automotive and chemical plants. Programmable Logic Controllers: A Practical Approach using CoDeSys is a hands-on guide to rapidly gain proficiency in the development and operation of PLCs based on the IEC 61131-3 standard. Using the freely-available* software tool CoDeSys, which is widely used in industrial design automation projects, the author takes a highly practical approach to PLC design using real-world examples. The design tool, CoDeSys, also features a built in simulator/soft PLC enabling the reader to undertake exercises and test the examples. Key features: * Introduces to programming techniques using IEC 61131-3 guidelines in the five PLC-recognised programming languages. * Focuses on a methodical approach to programming, based on Boolean algebra, flowcharts, sequence diagrams and state-diagrams. * Contains a useful methodology to solve problems, develop a structured code and document the programming code. * Covers I/O like typical sensors, signals, signal formats, noise and cabling. * Features Power Point slides covering all topics, example programs and solutions to end-of-chapter exercises via companion website. No prior knowledge of programming PLCs is assumed making this text ideally suited to electronics engineering students pursuing a career in electronic design automation. Experienced PLC users in all fields of manufacturing will discover new possibilities and gain useful tips for more efficient and structured programming. * Register at www. codesys. com www. wiley. com/go/hanssen/logiccontrollers

Programmable Logic Controllers (Fourth Edition)

by Frank D. Petruzella

This fourth edition of Programmable Logic Controllers continues to provide an up-to-date introduction to all aspects of PLC programming, installation, and maintaining procedures.

Programmatic Advertising

by Oliver Busch

Thisfundamental guide on programmatic advertising explains in detail how automated, data-driven advertisingreally works in practice and how the right adoption leads to a competitive advantage foradvertisers, agencies and media. The new way of planning, steering and measuring marketing maystill appear complex and threatening but promising at once to most decision makers. Thiscollaborative compendium combines proven experience and best practice in 22 articleswritten by 45 renowned experts from all around the globe. Among them Dr. Florian Heinemann/Project-A,Peter Würtenberger/Axel-Springer, Deirdre McGlashan/MediaCom, Dr. MarcGrether/Xaxis, Michael Lamb/MediaMath, Carolin Owen/IPG, Stefan Bardega/Zenith,Arun Kumar/Cadreon, Dr. Ralf Strauss/Marketingverband,Jonathan Becher/SAP and many more great minds.

Programmazione in JavaScript

by Simona Leggero Preston Prescott

Stanco/a di provare ad imparare come programmare? Pronto/a ad imparare DAVVERO come programmare? Se avete tentato di imparare come programmare in passato, ma non avete avuto molto successo allora date una possibilità a "Programmazione in JavaScript". Vi insegnerà davvero cosa vi serve sapere relativamente al linguaggio di script di programmazione più largamente utilizzato nel mondo ad oggi. Inizieremo dal principio e vi aiuteremo a costruire ciò che avete imparato durante il percorso. Imparare JavaScript una volta ed usarlo ancora ed ancora. Anche pensando che JavaScript è il più popolare linguaggio di programmazione lato clienti oggi, può essere usato anche dal lato server. . Node.js, Meteor, Wakanda, CouchDB, e MongoDB sono solo alcuni esempi di dove troverete e e sarete capaci di usare JavaScript dal lato server. Il tempo che investirete nell'apprendere JavaScript può essere rivisto doppiamente come tenere in movimento JavaScript in più e più aree dell'elaborazione. Se state cercando di avanzare nella vostra carriera, JavaScript è un'inestimabile conoscenza che dovete avere. Le competenze di JavaScript hanno un'alta domanda ed è necessaria per le persone che desiderano programmare in JavaScript. Se state cercando di interrompere un lavoro tecnico, quale competenza migliore nel vostro CV di qualcosa che può essere usato in modo pratico ovunque? Volete lavorare nel parte anteriore dei siti internet? Imparate JavaScript. Pronti ad affrontare la parte posteriore di programmazione per le reti intensive delle applicazioni internet? Imparate JavaScript. Volete lavorare alle ultime tecnologie in fatto di database disponibili oggi? Allora, imparate JavaScript. Imparate JavaScript nel modo giusto . una volta e per sempre. Nessun problema se pianificherete di usare JavaScript dal lato cliente in un browser, o dal lato server o entrambi, avrete bisogni di imparare il linguaggio. Questo è ciò c

Programmazione Python Per Principianti

by Eugenia Franzoni Jason Cannon

Se volete imparare a programmare in Python ma non sapete da dove iniziare, continuate a leggere.Sapere dove iniziare quando si impara qualcosa di nuovo può essere un problema, soprattutto se l'argomento sembra così vasto. Ci possono essere così tante informazioni a disposizione che non si riesce nemmeno a decidere da dove iniziare, o peggio, si comincia ad imparare e si scoprono velocemente così tanti concetti, esempi di programmazione e dettagli che non vengono spiegati. Questo tipo di esperienza è frustrante e lascia con più domande che risposte.Programmazione Python per principianti non dà per scontato niente su quello che già conoscete della programmazione o del linguaggio Python. Non serve sapere niente per trarre beneficio da questo libro. Verrete guidati passo dopo passo usando un approccio logico e sistematico. A mano a mano che incontrerete nuovi concetti, codice e termini, questi verranno spiegati in linguaggio chiaro, rendendo semplice comprenderli per chiunque.Ecco cosa imparerete leggendo questo libro:Quando usare Python 2 e quando Python 3.Come installare Python su Windows, Mac e Linux, con gli screenshots.Come preparare il computer per programmare in Python.I vari modi di eseguire programmi Python su Windows, Mac e Linux.I migliori editor di testo e ambienti di sviluppo integrati per scrivere codice.Come lavorare con vari tipi di dato: stringhe, liste, tuple, dizionari, booleani ed altri.Cosa sono le variabili e quando usarle.Come fare operazioni matematiche in Python.Come prendere l'input utente.Come controllare il flusso dei programmi.L'importanza degli spazi in Python.Come organizzare i programmi, cosa va dove.Cosa sono i moduli, quando usarli e come crearne di vostri.Come definire e usare le funzioni.Importare le funzioni Python che si usano di frequente.Come leggere e s

Programmed for Disaster

by Milian France

Science fiction for younger readers.

Programmed Inequality: How Britain Discarded Women Technologists and Lost Its Edge in Computing (History of Computing)

by Mar Hicks

How Britain lost its early dominance in computing by systematically discriminating against its most qualified workers: women.In 1944, Britain led the world in electronic computing. By 1974, the British computer industry was all but extinct. What happened in the intervening thirty years holds lessons for all postindustrial superpowers. As Britain struggled to use technology to retain its global power, the nation's inability to manage its technical labor force hobbled its transition into the information age. In Programmed Inequality, Mar Hicks explores the story of labor feminization and gendered technocracy that undercut British efforts to computerize. That failure sprang from the government's systematic neglect of its largest trained technical workforce simply because they were women. Women were a hidden engine of growth in high technology from World War II to the 1960s. As computing experienced a gender flip, becoming male-identified in the 1960s and 1970s, labor problems grew into structural ones and gender discrimination caused the nation's largest computer user—the civil service and sprawling public sector—to make decisions that were disastrous for the British computer industry and the nation as a whole.Drawing on recently opened government files, personal interviews, and the archives of major British computer companies, Programmed Inequality takes aim at the fiction of technological meritocracy. Hicks explains why, even today, possessing technical skill is not enough to ensure that women will rise to the top in science and technology fields. Programmed Inequality shows how the disappearance of women from the field had grave macroeconomic consequences for Britain, and why the United States risks repeating those errors in the twenty-first century.

Programmed Inequality: How Britain Discarded Women Technologists and Lost Its Edge in Computing

by Marie Hicks

In 1944, Britain led the world in electronic computing. By 1974, the British computer industry was all but extinct. What happened in the intervening thirty years holds lessons for all postindustrial superpowers. As Britain struggled to use technology to retain its global power, the nation's inability to manage its technical labor force hobbled its transition into the information age. In Programmed Inequality, Marie Hicks explores the story of labor feminization and gendered technocracy that undercut British efforts to computerize. That failure sprang from the government's systematic neglect of its largest trained technical workforce simply because they were women. Women were a hidden engine of growth in high technology from World War II to the 1960s. As computing experienced a gender flip, becoming male-identified in the 1960s and 1970s, labor problems grew into structural ones and gender discrimination caused the nation's largest computer user -- the civil service and sprawling public sector -- to make decisions that were disastrous for the British computer industry and the nation as a whole.Drawing on recently opened government files, personal interviews, and the archives of major British computer companies, Programmed Inequality takes aim at the fiction of technological meritocracy. Hicks explains why, even today, possessing technical skill is not enough to ensure that women will rise to the top in science and technology fields. Programmed Inequality shows how the disappearance of women from the field had grave macroeconomic consequences for Britain, and why the United States risks repeating those errors in the twenty-first century.

Programmed Learning in Perspective: A Guide to Program Writing

by I.K. Davies

The method of programming outlined in this book represents a major contribution to the growing body of literature in programmed learning. It is the first book in the field to present a carefully designed, complete and integrated system for analyzing, organizing and structuring learning materials in programmed form.Application of the system is illustrated through the step-by-step construction of two short programs. Starting with the analysis of the syllabus and course content, the authors take the reader through each phase of the programming process gathering and organizing the content material, construction of the program matrix and flow diagram and finally, the writing of frames.Every teacher and trainer can benefit from the application of this method to lesson plan preparation and to classroom teaching techniques. Such a method is essential, for all those who are writing programmed materials. In a new computer age classroom environment, programmed learning can be especially beneficial.C. A. Thomas, I. K. Davies, D. Openshaw, and J. B. Bird are instructors or directors at the British Royal Air Force School of Education. They are pioneers in the application of programmed learning in Britain and are highly regarded as forward looking and creative educational research workers. Their accomplishments include, in addition to this ingenious book, the design and development of the Empirical Tutor, one of Britain's major teaching machines, and the publication of a number of technical papers in the field of programmed learning.Lawrence M. Stolurow is professor emeritus of psychological & quantitative foundations at the University of Iowa.

Programmer en Java

by Victor Thivillier Troy Dimes

Le Java est un des langages de programmation informatique les plus largement utilisés et les plus puissants en existence aujourd'hui. Une fois que vous aurez appris à programmer en Java, vous pourrez créer des applications logicielles qui s'exécutent sur des serveurs, des ordinateurs de bureau, des tablettes, des téléphones, des lecteurs Blu-ray, et plus encore. Écrire une fois, utiliser partout! De plus, si vous souhaitez vous assurer que votre logiciel se comporte de la même manière quel que soit le système d'exploitation sur lequel il s'exécute, la philosophie de Java « Écrire une fois, utiliser partout » est pour vous. Le Java a été conçu de manière à être indépendant de la plateforme, ce qui permet de créer des applications qui s'exécutent sur divers systèmes d'exploitation, dont Windows, Mac, Solaris et Linux. Voici ce que vous apprendrez dans ce livre : *Comment préparer votre ordinateur pour la programmation en Java. (Captures d'écran inclues) *Les conventions de nommage de fichiers Java. *Comment travailler avec différents types de données, y compris les nombres entiers, les nombres flottants, les caractères et les booléens. *Que sont les variables et quand les utiliser. *Comment effectuer des opérations mathématiques en Java. *Prendre des décisions dans vos programmes, basées sur des comparaisons. *D'autres façons de contrôler le flux de vos programmes. *Comment manipuler les textes et chaînes de caractères. *Tout sur les tableaux - comment les créer, quand les utiliser, et plus encore. *Différentes façons d'effectuer plusieurs fois les mêmes actions dans vos programmes sans vous répéter. *Trois types de boucles. *Les concepts et techniques de la programmation orientée objet, y compris les classes, les modificateurs, l

Programmer en JavaScript

by Preston Prescott Victor Thivillier

Fatigué d'essayer d'apprendre à programmer? Prêt à vraiment apprendre comment programmer? Si vous avez essayé d'apprendre à programmer par le passé, mais n'avez pas eu beaucoup de succès, tentez le coup avec le livre « Programmer en JavaScript ». Il vous apprendra exactement ce que vous devez savoir sur le langage de script le plus largement utilisé dans le monde aujourd'hui. Vous commencerez par le début et le livre vous permettra de progresser en vous basant sur ce que vous aurez acquis au fur et à mesure. Apprenez le JavaScript une fois, utilisez-le encore et encore... Même si le JavaScript est de loin le langage de programmation côté client le plus populaire en usage aujourd'hui, il peut aussi être utilisé côté serveur. Node.js, Meteor, Wakanda, CouchDB et MongoDB ne sont que quelques exemples de frameworks avec lesquels vous serez en mesure d'utiliser JavaScript côté serveur. Le temps que vous à apprendre le JavaScript peut être doublement payant du fait que le JavaScript continue d’évoluer dans de plus en plus de domaines de l'informatique. Si vous cherchez à améliorer votre CV pour votre carrière, la maîtrise du JavaScript est une compétence inestimable. Les compétences JavaScript sont très fortement demandées et le besoin de personnes sachant programmer en JavaScript est en constante augmentation. Si vous cherchez à percer dans un domaine technique, quoi de mieux à ajouter sur votre CV que quelque chose qui peut être utilisé pratiquement partout? Vous voulez travailler sur le front-end (l’interface) de sites Web? Apprenez le JavaScript. Prêt à attaquer la programmation back-end pour les applications Web et réseau? Apprenez le JavaScript. Vous souhaitez travailler sur les technologies de bases de données les plus récentes? Apprenez le JavaScript. Apprenez le JavaScript de la bonne manière - une fois pour toutes... Peu importe si

Programmer Passport: Elixir

by Bruce Tate

Elixir is a functional language that crosses many boundaries. With a syntax borrowing heavily from Ruby, a runtime that is on the Erlang BEAM, a macro system like that in Lisp, and a streaming library like you might find in Haskell, Elixir takes the best features from many environments. Elixir borrows from Erlang's "Let It Crash" philosophy, and adds significant improvements with structs, first-class hygienic macros, and abstractions such as protocols. Many of these ideas were borrowed from other communities, and they make a big difference in language adoption. This book gives you a quick guided tour through the fascinating world of Elixir! Explore Elixir with the author of Seven Languages in Seven Weeks. In this fast-paced book - first published with Groxio's Programmer Passport - you'll discover how Elixir's fantastic documentation, clear error messages, and excellent tooling make it approachable and easy to work with. Learn about techniques other books skip, like writing your own Mix task, and discover several blind spots that beginning and intermediate Elixir developers encounter. Effective Elixir depends on getting the most out of the most common datatypes - explore the most important ones before using them to write modules and different kinds of functions. Learn when to choose tuples, maps, or lists in your programs, and the most effective ways to access lists. Understand the differences between maps and keyword lists. Learn the primitives Elixir uses to start multiple processes and send messages between them. You'll finish the book by dabbling with the advanced techniques of streams, sigils, and macros. Find out what Groxio customers already know. The assistance of an experienced guide will help you learn Elixir more quickly than you could without one. What You Need: You'll need Elixir version 1.12 or greater.

Programmer Passport: OTP

by Bruce Tate

OTP is the heart of the rapidly growing Elixir, the functional language at the heart of Phoenix and LiveView. OTP enables exciting concurrent applications with among the best reliability properties in the world. With this book, you'll learn to code systems that can detect failure and recover from it automatically using the same techniques behind the world's telecommunication systems. By plugging into OTP, your own libraries will handle concurrent requests robustly, and seamlessly integrate with other supervised Elixir and Erlang applications. If you're looking to take your next step as an Elixir developer, look no further than OTP.OTP is a library for building fault tolerant systems with self-healing properties; its services power many of the world's reliable telecom infrastructure. It also powers many of Elixir's most powerful capabilities. In this fast-paced book - first published with Groxio's Programmer Passport - you'll learn about the most important abstractions that power OTP. This approachable guide will give you a high-level understanding before diving into individual details. This understanding will tell you how the core APIs work so you'll know why Elixir programmers write code the way they do.To start, this guide will walk you through building your own basic service that works in the same way as OTP's foundational GenServer. This quick exercise will gently ease you into the way GenServers work. You'll build your own GenServer, and then quickly move on to adding the supervision services to enable the reliability and self-healing properties that make Elixir famous. Once you've done so, you'll add features like a dynamic supervisor, and use a process registry to make your program more flexible and dynamic.What You Need:You'll need Elixir version 1.12 or greater. Find out what Groxio customers already know. The assistance of an experienced guide will help you learn how to use OTP to build reliable, highly concurrent systems more quickly than you could without one.

The Programmer's Brain: What every programmer needs to know about cognition

by Felienne Hermans

Your brain responds in a predictable way when it encounters new or difficult tasks. This unique book teaches you concrete techniques rooted in cognitive science that will improve the way you learn and think about code.Summary In The Programmer&’s Brain: What every programmer needs to know about cognition you will learn: Fast and effective ways to master new programming languages Speed reading skills to quickly comprehend new code Techniques to unravel the meaning of complex code Ways to learn new syntax and keep it memorized Writing code that is easy for others to read Picking the right names for your variables Making your codebase more understandable to newcomers Onboarding new developers to your team Learn how to optimize your brain&’s natural cognitive processes to read code more easily, write code faster, and pick up new languages in much less time. This book will help you through the confusion you feel when faced with strange and complex code, and explain a codebase in ways that can make a new team member productive in days! Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the technology Take advantage of your brain&’s natural processes to be a better programmer. Techniques based in cognitive science make it possible to learn new languages faster, improve productivity, reduce the need for code rewrites, and more. This unique book will help you achieve these gains. About the book The Programmer&’s Brain unlocks the way we think about code. It offers scientifically sound techniques that can radically improve the way you master new technology, comprehend code, and memorize syntax. You&’ll learn how to benefit from productive struggle and turn confusion into a learning tool. Along the way, you&’ll discover how to create study resources as you become an expert at teaching yourself and bringing new colleagues up to speed. What's inside Understand how your brain sees code Speed reading skills to learn code quickly Techniques to unravel complex code Tips for making codebases understandable About the reader For programmers who have experience working in more than one language. About the author Dr. Felienne Hermans is an associate professor at Leiden University in the Netherlands. She has spent the last decade researching programming, how to learn and how to teach it. Table of Contents PART 1 ON READING CODE BETTER 1 Decoding your confusion while coding 2 Speed reading for code 3 How to learn programming syntax quickly 4 How to read complex code PART 2 ON THINKING ABOUT CODE 5 Reaching a deeper understanding of code 6 Getting better at solving programming problems 7 Misconceptions: Bugs in thinking PART 3 ON WRITING BETTER CODE 8 How to get better at naming things 9 Avoiding bad code and cognitive load: Two frameworks 10 Getting better at solving complex problems PART 4 ON COLLABORATING ON CODE 11 The act of writing code 12 Designing and improving larger systems 13 How to onboard new developers

A Programmer's Companion to Algorithm Analysis

by Ernst L. Leiss

Until now, no other book examined the gap between the theory of algorithms and the production of software programs. Focusing on practical issues, A Programmer's Companion to Algorithm Analysis carefully details the transition from the design and analysis of an algorithm to the resulting software program. Consisting of two main complementary

Programmer's Guide to Apache Thrift

by William Abernethy

SummaryProgrammer's Guide to Apache Thrift provides comprehensive coverage of the Apache Thrift framework along with a developer's-eye view of modern distributed application architecture.Foreword by Jens Geyer.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.About the TechnologyThrift-based distributed software systems are built out of communicating components that use different languages, protocols, and message types. Sitting between them is Thrift, which handles data serialization, transport, and service implementation. Thrift supports many client and server environments and a host of languages ranging from PHP to JavaScript, and from C++ to Go.About the BookProgrammer's Guide to Apache Thrift provides comprehensive coverage of distributed application communication using the Thrift framework. Packed with code examples and useful insight, this book presents best practices for multi-language distributed development. You'll take a guided tour through transports, protocols, IDL, and servers as you explore programs in C++, Java, and Python. You'll also learn how to work with platforms ranging from browser-based clients to enterprise servers. What's insideComplete coverage of Thrift's IDLBuilding and serializing complex user-defined typesPlug-in protocols, transports, and data compressionCreating cross-language services with RPC and messaging systemsAbout the ReaderReaders should be comfortable with a language like Python, Java, or C++ and the basics of service-oriented or microservice architectures.About the AuthorRandy Abernethy is an Apache Thrift Project Management Committee member and a partner at RX-M.Table of ContentsPART 1 - APACHE THRIFT OVERVIEWIntroduction to Apache ThriftApache Thrift architectureBuilding, testing, and debuggingPART 2 - PROGRAMMING APACHE THRIFTMoving bytes with transportsSerializing data with protocolsApache Thrift IDLUser-defined typesImplementing servicesHandling exceptionsServersPART 3 - APACHE THRIFT LANGUAGESBuilding clients and servers with C++Building clients and servers with JavaBuilding C# clients and servers with .NET Core and WindowsBuilding Node.js clients and serversApache Thrift and JavaScriptScripting Apache ThriftThrift in the enterprise

Programmer's Guide to Drupal: Principles, Practices, and Pitfalls

by Jennifer Hodgdon

If you’re a web programmer, your experiences have taught you certain lessons—and only some of them apply well to Drupal. Drupal has its own set of programming principles that require a different approach, and many programmers make mistakes when relying on skills they’ve used for other projects. This book will show you which programming techniques you can use—and which you should avoid—when building web applications with this popular content management framework. Updated to cover both Drupal 7 and Drupal 8, the guidelines in this book demonstrate which programming practices conform to the "Drupal way" and which don’t. The book also serves as an excellent guide for Drupal 7 programmers looking to make the transition to Drupal 8. Get an overview of Drupal, including Drupal core and add-on modules and themesLearn Drupal’s basic programming principles, such as the ability to customize behavior and output with hooksCompare Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 programming methods, APIs, and conceptsDiscover common Drupal programming mistakes—and why hacking is one of themExplore specific areas where you can put your programming skills to workLearn about the new object-oriented Drupal 8 API, including plugins and services

Programmieren für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler

by Sebastian Dörn

Ziel des Buches ist es, Studierenden der Ingenieur- oder Naturwissenschaften die Programmierung als Schlüsselqualifikation mit zahlreichen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten vorzustellen. Großer Wert wird auf eine praxisorientierte und verständliche Darstellung gelegt. Der Autor behandelt die Anwendungsbereiche des Operations Research, der Medizinischen Informatik und der Automatisierungstechnik. Neben der Darstellung objektorientierter Entwurfsmuster werden zentrale Programmierkonzepte und fortgeschrittene Datenstrukturen vorgestellt. Suchalgorithmen, Graphen, Automaten und reguläre Sprachen werden dem Leser praxisnah vermittelt. Die Grundlagen zur Bildverarbeitung im Bereich der Bildfilterung, Registrierung und Segmentierung runden das Buch ab.

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