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Programming Languages and Systems: 17th Asian Symposium, APLAS 2019, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, December 1–4, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11893)

by Anthony Widjaja Lin

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 17th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, APLAS 2019, held in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, in December 2019. The 22 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 50 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: Invited Papers, Types, Program Analysis, Semantics, Language Design and Implementation, Concurrency, Verification, and Logic and Automata.

Programming Languages and Systems: 19th Asian Symposium, APLAS 2021, Chicago, IL, USA, October 17–18, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13008)

by Hakjoo Oh

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 19th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, APLAS 2021, held in Chicago, USA, in October 2021.* The 17 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 43 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: analysis and synthesis, compilation and transformation, language, and verification. * The conference was held in a hybrid format due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Programming Languages and Systems: 16th Asian Symposium, APLAS 2018, Wellington, New Zealand, December 2–6, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11275)

by Sukyoung Ryu

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, APLAS 2018, held in Wellington, New Zealand, in December 2018.The 22 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 51 submissions. They are organized in topical sections named: types; program analysis; tools; functional programs and probabilistic programs; verification; logic; and continuation and model checking.

Programming Languages and Systems: 20th Asian Symposium, APLAS 2022, Auckland, New Zealand, December 5, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13658)

by Ilya Sergey

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 20th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, APLAS 2022, held in Auckland, New Zealand, in December 2022.The 10 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 22 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Semantics and Analysis; Testing and Verification; Types.

Programming Languages and Systems

by Peter Thiemann

This bookconstitutes the proceedings of the 25th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP2016, which took place in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in April 2016, held asPart of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software,ETAPS 2016. The 29 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selectedfrom 98 submissions. Being devoted to fundamental issues in the specification,design, analysis, and implementation of programming languages and systems, ESOPfeatures contributions on all aspects of programming language research;theoretical and/or practical advances.

Programming Languages and Systems: 33rd European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2024, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2024, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, April 6–11, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14576)

by Stephanie Weirich

The two-volume open access book set LNCS 14576 + 14577 constitutes the proceedings of the 33rd European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2024, which was held during April 6-11, 2024, in Luxemburg, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2024.The 25 full papers and 1 fresh perspective paper presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 72 submissions. The papers were organized in topical sections as follows:Part I: Effects and modal types; bidirectional typing and session types; dependent types; Part II: Quantum programming and domain-specific languages; verification; program analysis; abstract interpretation.

Programming Languages and Systems: 33rd European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2024, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2024, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, April 6–11, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14577)

by Stephanie Weirich

The two-volume open access book set LNCS 14576 + 14577 constitutes the proceedings of the 33rd European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2024, which was held during April 6-11, 2024, in Luxemburg, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2024.The 25 full papers and 1 fresh perspective paper presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 72 submissions. The papers were organized in topical sections as follows:Part I: Effects and modal types; bidirectional typing and session types; dependent types; Part II: Quantum programming and domain-specific languages; verification; program analysis; abstract interpretation.

Programming Languages and Systems: 32nd European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2023, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2023, Paris, France, April 22–27, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13990)

by Thomas Wies

This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 32nd European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2023, which was held during April 22-27, 2023, in Paris, France, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2023.The 20 regular papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 55 submissions. They deal with fundamental issues in the specification, design, analysis, and implementation of programming languages and systems.

Programming Languages and Systems

by Hongseok Yang

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 26th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2017, which took place in Uppsala, Sweden in April 2017, held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2017. The 36 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 112 submissions. They cover traditional as well as emerging topics in programming languages. In detail they deal with semantic foundation and type system for probabilistic programming; techniqu3es for verifying concurrent or higher-order programs; programming languages for arrays or web data; program analysis and verification of non-standard program properties; foundation and application of interactive theorem proving; graph rewriting; separation logic; session type; type theory; and implicit computational complexity.

Programming Languages and Systems: 26th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2017, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2017, Uppsala, Sweden, April 22–29, 2017, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10201)

by Hongseok Yang

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 26th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2017, which took place in Uppsala, Sweden in April 2017, held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2017.The 36 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 112 submissions. They cover traditional as well as emerging topics in programming languages. In detail they deal with semantic foundation and type system for probabilistic programming; techniqu3es for verifying concurrent or higher-order programs; programming languages for arrays or web data; program analysis and verification of non-standard program properties; foundation and application of interactive theorem proving; graph rewriting; separation logic; session type; type theory; and implicit computational complexity.

Programming Languages: Concepts and Implementation

by Saverio Perugini

Programming Languages: Concepts and Implementation teaches language concepts from two complementary perspectives: implementation and paradigms. It covers the implementation of concepts through the incremental construction of a progressive series of interpreters in Python, and Racket Scheme, for purposes of its combined simplicity and power, and assessing the differences in the resulting languages.

Programming Languages for Business Problem Solving

by Shouhong Wang Hai Wang

It has become crucial for managers to be computer literate in today's business environment. It is also important that those entering the field acquire the fundamental theories of information systems, the essential practical skills in computer applications, and the desire for life-long learning in information technology.Programming Languages

Programming Languages for MIS: Concepts and Practice

by Hai Wang Shouhong Wang

Programming Languages for MIS: Concepts and Practice supplies a synopsis of the major computer programming languages, including C++, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, VB.NET, C#.NET, ASP.NET, PHP (with MySQL), XML (with XSLT, DTD, and XML Schema), and SQL. Ideal for undergraduate students in IS and IT programs, this textbook and its previous versions have bee

Programming Languages with Applications to Biology and Security

by Corrado Priami Gian-Luigi Ferrari Chiara Bodei

This Festschrift volume is published in honor of Pierpaolo Degano on the occasion of his 65th birthday and is the outcome of a colloquium held in Pisa, Italy, in June 2015. Pierpaolo Degano has worked on a large variety of topics including formal program semantics, concurrency theory, systems biology and security. The volume contains 22 refereed papers and one extended abstract, including personal memoirs and regular research papers by close collaborators and friends and a laudatio illustrating his distinguished career and his main scientific contributions. The papers deal with the main research topics explored by Pierpaolo Degano and those still under his investigation.

Programming LEGO® EV3 My Blocks: Teaching Concepts And Preparing For Fll® Competition

by Gene Harding

Program Lego® My Blocks to accurately perform navigation functions on competition mats, such as moving forward and backward quickly and precisely, turning, following walls, and following lines. This book features extensive illustrations help to bring each step and concept to life so that you can easily follow along. You'll start by moving your creations forward and backward accurate distances while maintaining directional accuracy. You'll then build My Blocks to turn left and right at precise angles. After that you’re creations will be ready to find, follow, and otherwise use lines on the mat to improve navigation accuracy. Finally, you'll delve into using game board border walls to navigate and advanced topics, such as handoffs at speed and accelerating/decelerating to enable higher speed while maintaining navigation accuracy.This book addresses EV3 programming in the specific context of FLL® competition. With Programming Lego® EV3 My Blocks, you will be game-ready to manage the season, prepare for competition, and compete!What You'll Learn Construct and use My Blocks to improve robot performance in the FLL® Robot Game Develop basic programming skills, including feedback, troubleshooting techniques, and unit conversion Comment programs appropriately to note errors and consistencyWho This Book Is For The book is targeted at the many FLL® coaches, mentors, and students who need help with programming the EV3, as well as the students they coach. A secondary audience is teachers who want to use the EV3 to teach programming concepts.

Programming Logic And Design: Introductory

by Joyce Farrell

This fully revised eighth edition of Joyce Farrell’s PROGRAMMING LOGIC AND DESIGN: INTRODUCTORY prepares student programmers for success by teaching them the fundamental principles of developing structured program logic. Widely used in foundational Programming courses, this popular text takes a unique, language-independent approach to programming, with a distinctive emphasis on modern conventions. Noted for its clear, concise writing style, the book eliminates highly technical jargon while introducing universal programming concepts and encouraging a strong programming style and logical thinking. Quick Reference boxes, a feature new to this edition, provide concise explanations of important programming concepts. Each chapter now also contains a Maintenance Exercise, in which the student is presented with working logic that can be improved. In addition to each chapter’s text-based Debugging Exercises, this edition now includes Flowchart Debugging Exercises as well.

Programming Logic And Design, Introductory

by Joyce Farrell

Prepare for programming success by learning the fundamental principles of developing structured program logic with Farrell’s PROGRAMMING LOGIC AND DESIGN: INTRODUCTORY, 9E. Widely used in foundational programming courses, this popular book takes a unique, language-independent approach to programming with a distinctive emphasis on modern conventions. <P><P> Noted for its clear, concise writing style, the book eliminates highly technical jargon while introducing universal programming concepts and encouraging a strong programming style and logical thinking. Frequent side notes and Quick Reference boxes provide concise explanations of important programming concepts. Each chapter also begins with a list of objectives and provides a concise summary and a list of key terms. End-of-chapter practice offers multiple-choice review questions, programming and gaming exercises, debugging exercises, and a maintenance exercise that challenges you to improve the working logic presented.

Programming Machine Ethics

by Luís Moniz Pereira Ari Saptawijaya

This book addresses the fundamentals of machineethics. It discusses abilities required for ethical machine reasoning and theprogramming features that enable them. It connects ethics, psychologicalethical processes, and machine implemented procedures. From a technical pointof view, the book uses logic programming and evolutionary game theory to modeland link the individual and collective moral realms. It also reports on theresults of experiments performed using several model implementations. Opening specific and promising inroads into the terra incognita of machine ethics, theauthors define here new tools and describe a variety of program-tested moralapplications and implemented systems. In addition, they provide alternativereadings paths, allowing readers to best focus on their specific interests andto explore the concepts at different levels of detail. Mainly written for researchers in cognitivescience, artificial intelligence, robotics, philosophy of technology andengineering of ethics, the book willalso be of general interest to otheracademics, undergraduates in search of research topics, science journalists aswell as science and society forums, legislators and military organizationsconcerned with machine ethics.

Programming Machine Learning: From Coding to Deep Learning

by Paolo Perrotta

You've decided to tackle machine learning - because you're job hunting, embarking on a new project, or just think self-driving cars are cool. But where to start? It's easy to be intimidated, even as a software developer. The good news is that it doesn't have to be that hard. Master machine learning by writing code one line at a time, from simple learning programs all the way to a true deep learning system. Tackle the hard topics by breaking them down so they're easier to understand, and build your confidence by getting your hands dirty. Peel away the obscurities of machine learning, starting from scratch and going all the way to deep learning. Machine learning can be intimidating, with its reliance on math and algorithms that most programmers don't encounter in their regular work. Take a hands-on approach, writing the Python code yourself, without any libraries to obscure what's really going on. Iterate on your design, and add layers of complexity as you go. Build an image recognition application from scratch with supervised learning. Predict the future with linear regression. Dive into gradient descent, a fundamental algorithm that drives most of machine learning. Create perceptrons to classify data. Build neural networks to tackle more complex and sophisticated data sets. Train and refine those networks with backpropagation and batching. Layer the neural networks, eliminate overfitting, and add convolution to transform your neural network into a true deep learning system. Start from the beginning and code your way to machine learning mastery. What You Need: The examples in this book are written in Python, but don't worry if you don't know this language: you'll pick up all the Python you need very quickly. Apart from that, you'll only need your computer, and your code-adept brain.

Programming Many-Core Chips

by András Vajda

This book presents new concepts, techniques and promising programming models for designing software for chips with "many" (hundreds to thousands) processor cores. Given the scale of parallelism inherent to these chips, software designers face new challenges in terms of operating systems, middleware and applications. This will serve as an invaluable, single-source reference to the state-of-the-art in programming many-core chips. Coverage includes many-core architectures, operating systems, middleware, and programming models.

Programming MapPoint in .NET

by Chandu Thota

Interactive web maps generated by MapPoint-Microsoft's popular mapping technology are crucial for businesses in a number of fields, including real estate, package delivery, and commercial air travel. In a word, MapPoint provides businesses with "location." Specifically, it provides an integrated set of products, servers, and services to enable a business to track the precise location of remote assets, thereby reducing operational costs and improving productivity. Whether the asset is a truck, a taxi, or even a field rep, MapPoint can tell you exactly where it is at any time. Programming MapPoint in .NET from O'Reilly shows you how to use MapPoint to build custom applications for the desktop, the web, and mobile devices. The book also explains how to analyze and share data generated from a wide range of maps, including those that show demographic trends, population density, and sales potential. Chandu Thota, one of Microsoft's main MapPoint developers and the book's author, has organized the material into four major sections, each dedicated to a different MapPoint technology: MapPoint 2004 - calculating routes, rendering data maps, integrating with Global Positioning System (GPS) for obtaining real-time location MapPoint Web Service - techniques for finding points of interest, creating applications using the Find APIs and Route APIs, rendering LineDrive maps and polygonsMapPoint Location Server - deployment scenarios, getting real-time location using mobile phones, managing contacts and privacy settings MSN Virtual Earth - the basics of programming with new MSN Virtual Earth APIs The book provides a jumpstart for working with these technologies, including in-depth discussions about the core concepts and sample code provided in C#. It's ideal for anyone who wants to develop locations-based applications with MapPoint technologies. The next time you follow online directions to the airport, you can chalk up an assist to MapPoint's state-of-the-art interactive mapping abilities. Better yet, you'll know how to create that same type of map yourself.

Programming MapReduce with Scalding

by Antonios Chalkiopoulos

This book is an easy-to-understand, practical guide to designing, testing, and implementing complex MapReduce applications in Scala using the Scalding framework. It is packed with examples featuring log-processing, ad-targeting, and machine learning. This book is for developers who are willing to discover how to effectively develop MapReduce applications. Prior knowledge of Hadoop or Scala is not required; however, investing some time on those topics would certainly be beneficial.

Programming Media Art Using Processing: A Beginner's Guide

by Margaret Noble

Programming Media Art Using Processing: A Beginner's Guide provides an entry-level exploration into visual design through computer programming using the open source and artist-friendly language, Processing. Used by hundreds of students, this learning system breaks lessons down into strategic steps towards fun and creative media art projects. This book provides a linear series of lessons with step-by-step examples that lead to beginning media art projects, including abstract designs, pixel landscapes, rollover animations, and simple video games. Computer programming can be overwhelming for the first-time learner, but this book makes the learning of code more digestible and fun through a full color, well-diagrammed, and deeply explained text presentation. Lessons are rhythmically broken down into digestible parts with code annotations and illustrations that help learners focus on the details one step at a time. The content is legible, flexible, and fun to work with because of its project-based nature. By following the lessons and producing the projects sequentially in this book, readers will develop the beginning foundational skills needed to understand computer programming basics across many languages and also explore the art of graphic design. Ultimately, this is a hands-on, practical guide.

Programming Microcontrollers with Python: Experience the Power of Embedded Python

by Armstrong Subero

For the first time microcontrollers are powerful enough to be programmed in Python. The landscape of embedded systems development is changing, microcontrollers are becoming more powerful, and the rise of the internet of things is leading more developers to get into hardware. This book provides the solid foundation to start your journey of embedded systems development and microcontroller programming with Python. You’ll quickly realize the value of using Python. The theme of the book is simplicity and the cleanness and elegance of Python makes that possible. Featuring a step-by-step approach, this single source guide balances complexity and clarity with insightful explanations that you’ll easily grasp. Python is quickly becoming the language of choice for applications such as machine learning and computer vision on embedded devices. What would previously be daunting and exceedingly difficult to do in C or C++ is now possible with Python because of its level of abstraction. Programming Microcontrollers with Python is your path to bringing your existing skills to the embedded space. What You’ll Learn Review microcontroller basics and the hardware and software requirements Understand an embedded system’s general architectureFollow the steps needed to carry a product to market Take a crash course in Python programming Program a microcontrollerInterface with a microcontroller using LCD and Circuit PythonUse and control sensors Who This Book Is For Those getting started with microcontrollers, those new to C, C++, and Arduino programming, web developers looking to get into IoT, or Python programmers who wish to control hardware devices.

Programming Microsoft® ADO.NET 2.0 Applications: Advanced Topics

by Glenn Johnson

Dive in for reference where you need it--and learn the intricacies of developing sleeker, more robust, security-enhanced applications in ADO.NET 2.0. Featuring code samples in Microsoft Visual C# and Visual Basic, this reference goes beyond the fundamentals to help professional developers solve sophisticated enterprise development problems. Discover how to: Examine advanced connectivity options and best practices--including connection pooling, clustered connections, and asynchronous access Use tracing to diagnose application flow and performance issues Resolve concurrency conflicts and implement a data access layer Implement seamless application failover from one Microsoft SQL Server database to another Use managed code and the SQLCLR to create stored procedures, user-defined functions and types, aggregates, and triggers Write effective data-caching code to improve application performance Use the Systems.Transactions namespace to work with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Implement streaming techniques to "chunk" data Apply various methods to extract and modify XML data PLUS--Get code samples on the Web

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