- Table View
- List View
Projektmanagement mit Scrum: Tools zur Entwicklung von Software
by Eric A. NyamsiDas Buch stellt die Entwicklung der Automotive-Anwendungen auf Basis vom Open Source Java XDEV4 Framework mit Datenbank MySQL, Server Tomcat und Scrum-Vorgehensmodell dar, welches das Scrum-Projektmanagement bezüglich der Realisierung der Automotive-Anforderungen ermöglicht. Während des Verlaufs des Projektmanagements mit Scrum wird der Entwurf des Projekts auf das User-Story-Modell fokussiert. Das Projekt stellt die Drag-Drop-Entwicklung mit dem Open Source Java RapidClipse bezüglich der Webanwendung dar. Java-Oberflächen werden mit dem Java Framework RapidClipse erstellt. Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über das Konzept „Vom Modellieren zum Programmieren“ mit dem Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF).
Projektowanie interfejsów. Sprawdzone wzorce projektowe
by Jenifer TidwellNajwa?niejsze jest pierwsze wra?enie!Mimo istnienia ogromnej ilo?ci narz?dzi do tworzenia interfejsów u?ytkownika projektowanie dobrych interfejsów aplikacji wci?? nie jest ?atwe. Ta bestsellerowa ksi??ka jest jednym z niewielu wiarygodnych ?róde?, które pomog? Ci przej?? przez istny labirynt wariantów projektowych. "Projektowanie interfejsów" przedstawia najlepsze praktyki i gotowe do wdro?enia pomys?y w postaci wzorców UI oraz dostarcza rozwi?za? powszechnych problemów w dziedzinie projektowania. Rozwi?zania te mo?esz ?atwo dostosowa? do sytuacji, w jakiej si? znajdujesz.W niniejszym zaktualizowanym wydaniu znajdziesz wzorce do wykorzystania zarówno w aplikacjach mobilnych i mediach spo?eczno?ciowych, jak i w aplikacjach internetowych czy programach komputerowych. Ka?dy wzorzec zilustrowany jest przyk?adowymi projektami oraz opatrzony praktycznymi poradami, z których mo?esz natychmiast skorzysta?. Do?wiadczeni projektanci mog? u?ywa? tego przewodnika jako ?ród?a pomys?ów, za? pocz?tkuj?cy mog? go potraktowa? jak map? w drodze przez ?wiat projektowania interfejsów i interakcji.Twórz porywaj?ce i praktyczne interfejsy - pewnie, a nie po omackuPoznaj trudne do interpretacji koncepcje projektowania: afordancje, hierarchi? wizualn?, odleg?o?? nawigacyjn? oraz wykorzystanie kolorówZapoznaj si? z rekomendacjami poszczególnych wzorców UI, a tak?e z wzorcami zast?pczymi i poradami, kiedy pewnych wzorców nie nale?y u?ywa???cz i zestawiaj wzorce interfejsu wed?ug upodoba?Dopie?? wygl?d i dzia?anie interfejsów dzi?ki wykorzystaniu zasad projektowania graficznego oraz wzorcówU?ytkownicy wybieraj? atrakcyjne i praktyczne interfejsy!
Projektowanie nawigacji strony WWW. Optymalizacja funkcjonalno?ci witryny
by James KalbachSekrety sukcesu witryn WWWW jaki sposób u?ytkownicy przegl?daj? witryny WWW?Jak wykorzysta? ró?ne typy mechanizmów nawigacyjnych?W jaki sposób dobra? kolorystyk? i liternictwo elementów nawigacyjnych?Dynamiczny rozwój internetu i technologii sieciowych sprawi?, ?e korzystanie z sieci sta?o si? równie powszechne jak ogl?danie telewizji i czytanie gazet. Poprzez witryny WWW zdobywamy niezb?dne informacje, zamawiamy towary, p?acimy rachunki i kontaktujemy si? z przyjació?mi. Co sprawia, ?e w?ród setek tysi?cy serwisów internetowych posiadaj?cych podobne mo?liwo?ci jedne ciesz? si? popularno?ci? u?ytkowników, a inne nie? Na pewno na atrakcyjno?? strony WWW wp?ywa grafika i tre??, ale przede wszystkim jej funkcjonalno??. Natomiast o wygodzie korzystania ze niej decyduje nawigacja, czyli sposób, w jaki uzyskujemy potrzebne informacje, przechodzimy pomi?dzy stronami i wybieramy interesuj?ce tematy. Wspó?czesne techniki tworzenia witryn WWW - Flash, AJAX i inne - pozwalaj? na kreowanie niezwykle atrakcyjnych interfejsów u?ytkownika, ale kluczem do sukcesu jest w?a?nie odpowiedni projekt struktury nawigacyjnej. Ksi??ka "Projektowanie nawigacji strony WWW. Optymalizacja ergonomii witryny " to podr?cznik, który u?atwi poznanie i zastosowanie w praktyce zasad projektowania ergonomicznych i efektownych mechanizmów nawigacyjnych na stronach WWW. Czytaj?c go, dowiesz si?, czego oczekuj? u?ytkownicy stron WWW, jakie schematy nawigacji stosuje si? najcz??ciej i jak dobra? typ nawigacji do przeznaczenia i tre?ci witryny. Nauczysz si? analizowa? cele witryny, tworzy? prototypy i scenariusze nawigacji, okre?la? ?cie?ki nawigacji i budowa? elementy menu. Przeczytasz tak?e o projektowaniu interfejsów u?ytkownika dla aplikacji sieciowych oraz ??czeniu mechanizmów nawigacyjnych z wyszukiwawczymi. Podstawowe cele mechanizmów nawigacji w witrynie WWWTeoretyczne modele wyszukiwaniaTypy mechanizmów nawigacyjnychMetody analizy i oceny projektu nawigacjiTworzenie prototypów i ?cie?ek nawigacjiDobór kolorów, czcionek i stylów dla elementów nawigacyjnychMechanizmy wyszukiwawczeZnakowanie tre?ci w portalach spo?eczno?ciowychInterfejsy u?ytkownika w aplikacjach internetowychTwórz przejrzyste i wygodne mechanizmy nawigacyjne.
Projektowanie stron internetowych. Przewodnik dla pocz?tkuj?cych webmasterów po HTML5, CSS3 i grafice. Wydanie IV
by Jennifer Niederst RobbinsTy te? mo?esz mie? swoj? stron? WWW!Marzy Ci si? w?asna strona internetowa lub profesjonalna witryna dla Twojej firmy? Je?eli brak Ci odpowiednich umiej?tno?ci, to zadanie mo?e by? poza Twoim zasi?giem. Ale do czasu! Ta ksi??ka zawiera dawk? wiedzy, która nawet kompletnemu laikowi pozwoli zaprojektowa? i zbudowa? witryn? WWW. Dzi?ki licznym przyk?adom przebrniesz przez kolejne etapy tworzenia strony internetowej oraz odkryjesz w sobie pasj? webmastera!Kolejne wydanie tej cenionej ksi??ki zosta?o gruntownie przeredagowane i uzupe?nione o nowe informacje tak, aby prezentowa?o obecnie wykorzystywane narz?dzia i panuj?ce trendy w projektowaniu stron internetowych. W trakcie lektury poznasz sk?adni? j?zyka HTML, wykorzystywane znaczniki oraz nowo?ci zawarte w HTML5. Ponadto zaznajomisz si? z kaskadowymi arkuszami stylów (CSS) oraz przekonasz si?, jaki potencja? kryje j?zyk JavaScript. Nauczysz si? tak?e przygotowywa? odpowiedni? grafik? na potrzeby strony WWW. Ksi??ka ta jest doskona?ym przewodnikiem wprowadzaj?cym w ?wiat projektowania!Dowiedz si?:jak wykorzysta? arkusze stylów CSSdlaczego nale?y odpowiednio przygotowa? grafik? na stron? WWWdo czego wykorzysta? j?zyk JavaScriptjak zbudowa? pierwsz? stron? WWWPrzewodnik dla pocz?tkuj?cych projektantów WWW!
Projektowanie stron internetowych. Przewodnik dla pocz?tkuj?cych webmasterów po (X)HTML, CSS i grafice
by Jennifer Niederst RobbinsJak zacz?? pisa? strony internetowe?Jak wybra? odpowiednie narz?dzia do tworzenia witryn?Jak budowa? arkusze stylów i optymalizowa? ?ród?o strony HTML?Od czego mam zacz??? Czy ja si? do tego nadaj?? Nie mam na to czasu...Wielu z nas w?a?nie z takim nastawianiem zabiera si? do pisania swojej pierwszej strony internetowej. Takie i podobne w?tpliwo?ci rozwiewa w?a?nie ta ksi??ka, przeznaczona dla osób niemaj?cych ?adnej wiedzy na temat tworzenia stron internetowych, a które chcia?yby tak? stron? wykreowa?.Czytaj?c j? i pracuj?c nad wieloma przyk?adami, nauczysz si?, jak opracowa? swoj? pierwsz? stron? internetow? i stopniowo odkryjesz w sobie pasj? webmastera!Jennifer Niederst Robbina, bazuj?c na swoim kilkunastoletnim do?wiadczeniu w dziedzinie tworzenia stron internetowych, udowadnia, ?e pisa? strony mo?e ka?dy, nale?y mu tylko wskaza? drog?.Ksi??ka "Projektowanie stron internetowych" jest trzeci? edycj? przewodnika dla pocz?tkuj?cych, lecz napisana zosta?a ca?kowicie od pocz?tku, z uwzgl?dnieniem najnowszych technologii i trendów w tej dziedzinie.Dodatkowym atutem ksi??ki jest przejrzysto?? i ?atwo przyswajalny j?zyk oraz liczne przyk?ady i ?wiczenia, które pozwalaj? lepiej zrozumie? i przyswoi? materia?. Struktura i znaczniki HTMLElementy struktury (X)HTML Tabele, obrazki, odno?niki, animacje i inne elementy stronFormatowanie tekstu Formularze i pola edycjiP?ywanie oraz pozycjonowanie elementów stronArkusze stylów CSSUk?ad strony oparty na arkuszach stylów CSS Techniki CSSGrafika stron internetowych i jej optymalizacjaUmieszczanie stron w InterneciePoznaj techniki tworzenia, napisz i umie?? w?asn? stron? internetow? w sieci!
Projektübergreifendes Applikationsmanagement - Der strategische Applikationslebenszyklus am Beispiel des BMW Q-Cockpit: HMD Best Paper Award 2014 (essentials)
by Falk Uebernickel Walter Brenner Andreas Györy Anne Cleven Günter SeeserIn diesem essential werden die übergeordneten Zielsetzungen der Applikationsentwicklungund einführung auf vier Evolutionsphasen verteilt, um unterschiedlichenAnforderungen gerecht zu werden. Durch den daraus resultierenden strategischenApplikationslebenszyklus (SALZ) können innovative Neuentwicklungen in frühenPhasen von technischen und architekturbezogenen Vorgaben befreit und agilentwickelt werden, während für operative Kernsysteme weiterhin ein ausführlichesÄnderungsmanagement betrieben wird. Damit bietet der SALZ auch die Grundlage,um in Unternehmen IT-Entwicklungsprojekte adaptiv mit unterschiedlichenGeschwindigkeiten zu realisieren. Alle Erkenntnisse werden am erfolgreichen Praxisbeispiel desQ-Cockpit-Projekts demonstriert.
Projektübergreifendes Applikationsmanagement - Der strategische Applikationslebenszyklus am Beispiel des BMW Q-Cockpit: HMD Best Paper Award 2014 (essentials)
by Falk Uebernickel Walter Brenner Andreas Györy Anne Cleven Günter SeeserIn diesem essential werden die übergeordneten Zielsetzungen der Applikationsentwicklung und einführung auf vier Evolutionsphasen verteilt, um unterschiedlichen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Durch den daraus resultierenden strategischen Applikationslebenszyklus (SALZ) können innovative Neuentwicklungen in frühen Phasen von technischen und architekturbezogenen Vorgaben befreit und agil entwickelt werden, während für operative Kernsysteme weiterhin ein ausführliches Änderungsmanagement betrieben wird. Damit bietet der SALZ auch die Grundlage, um in Unternehmen IT-Entwicklungsprojekte adaptiv mit unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten zu realisieren. Alle Erkenntnisse werden am erfolgreichen Praxisbeispiel des Q-Cockpit-Projekts demonstriert.
Projektwissen spielend einfach managen mit der ProjectWorld: HMD Best Paper Award 2015 (essentials)
by Silvia Schacht Anton Reindl Stefan Morana Alexander MädcheDie Autoren zeigen einen neuen Weg auf, gamifizierte Wissensmanagementsysteme mit der Anwendung spielerischer Elemente zu gestalten, und beschreiben die Anforderungserhebung, die Gestaltung und Evaluation des Systems. Hierbei gehen sie auf die theoretischen Grundlagen sowie die Umsetzung und Nutzung in einem Unternehmen ein. Mithilfe von Gamification-Mechanismen sollen Projektteams dazu motiviert werden, ihr Wissen und ihre Erfahrungen zu dokumentieren und in anderen Projekten wiederzuverwenden. Damit erh#65533;lt der Leser einen umfassenden Einblick in die Theorie und Praxis des modernen Wissensmanagements in Projekten.
Projekty elektroniczne na iPhone i iPad. Niekonwencjonalne gad?ety z technologi? Arduino i techBASIC
by Mike WesterfieldPodstawowe funkcje telefonu, czyli dzwonienie i wysy?anie SMS-ów, nikomu ju? dzi? nie wystarczaj?. Wspó?czesne smartfony wykorzystywane s? na mnóstwo innych sposobów. Gry, przegl?danie ulubionych stron w Internecie, aktywny udzia? w ?yciu portali spo?eczno?ciowych — to tylko niektóre z nich.Przy odrobinie umiej?tno?ci mo?esz u?y? Twojego telefonu tak?e do niekonwencjonalnych dzia?a?: na przyk?ad jako wykrywacza metali, barometru lub ?yroskopu. To urz?dzenia, które mo?esz zbudowa? na podstawie Twojego iPada lub iPhone’a oraz kilku niedrogich urz?dze? dodatkowych. Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce jest to naprawd? proste! W trakcie lektury poznasz j?zyk techBasic, który pomo?e Ci zbudowa? dzia?aj?cy higrometr oraz przy?pieszeniomierz. Ponadto zdob?dziesz wiedz? na temat technologii Bluetooth Low Energy oraz nauczysz si? sterowa? zdalnie samochodem za pomoc? urz?dzenia typu BLE i platformy Arduino. Ksi??ka ta jest doskona?? lektur? dla wszystkich pasjonatów elektroniki, którzy chcieliby maksymalnie wykorzysta? potencja? swoich smartfonów i tabletów. Zaskocz swoich znajomych niesamowitym zastosowaniem telefonu!Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce:
Prolog: The Next 50 Years (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13900)
by David S. Warren Veronica Dahl Thomas Eiter Manuel V. Hermenegildo Robert Kowalski Francesca RossiThis volume was motivated by the Year of Prolog initiative, launched to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the emergence of Prolog through the work of Alain Colmerauer’s team in Marseille. The volume editors, authors, and scientific advisors and reviewers have been the leading researchers and programmers in this field over decades, and the book represents an excellent overview of the field, its successes, and its future.After a first chapter that gently introduces the Prolog programming language using examples, the next 7 papers discuss general views of the language, possible extensions for the future, and how Prolog can generally be used to solve problems; the next 5 papers explore ideas and experiences of teaching Prolog programming and then 2 papers discuss technology that has been developed for help in that teaching; the next 3 papers describe new languages based on Prolog which show future directions for logic programming; the next 5 chapters explain the applications that were the finalists for the 2022 Alain Colmerauer Prize; and the final 8 papers describe applications developed using the Prolog language, demonstrating the language’s range.
Prometheus: Infrastructure and Application Performance Monitoring
by Brian BrazilGet up to speed with Prometheus, the metrics-based monitoring system used by tens of thousands of organizations in production. This practical guide provides application developers, sysadmins, and DevOps practitioners with a hands-on introduction to the most important aspects of Prometheus, including infrastructure and application monitoring, dashboarding and alerting, direct code instrumentation, and metric collection from third-party systems with exporters. <P><P>This open source system has gained popularity over the past few years for good reason. With its simple yet powerful data model and query language, Prometheus does one thing, and it does it well. Author and Prometheus developer Brian Brazil guides you through Prometheus setup, the Node exporter, and the Alertmanager, then demonstrates how to use them for application and infrastructure monitoring. <P><P>Know where and how much to apply instrumentation to your application code <br>Identify metrics with labels using unique key-value pairs <br>Get an introduction to Grafana, a popular tool for building dashboards <br>Learn how to use the Node Exporter to monitor your infrastructure <br>Use service discovery to provide different views of your machines and services <br>Use Prometheus with Kubernetes and examine exporters you can use with containers <br>Convert data from other monitoring systems into the Prometheus format
Prometheus: Infrastructure and Application Performance Monitoring
by Julien Pivotto Brian BrazilGet up to speed with Prometheus, the metrics-based monitoring system used in production by tens of thousands of organizations. This updated second edition provides site reliability engineers, Kubernetes administrators, and software developers with a hands-on introduction to the most important aspects of Prometheus, including dashboarding and alerting, direct code instrumentation, and metric collection from third-party systems with exporters.Prometheus server maintainer Julien Pivotto and core developer Brian Brazil demonstrate how you can use Prometheus for application and infrastructure monitoring. This book guides you through Prometheus setup, the Node Exporter, and the Alertmanager, and then shows you how to use these tools for application and infrastructure monitoring. You'll understand why this open source system has continued to gain popularity in recent years.You will:Know where and how much instrumentation to apply to your application codeMonitor your infrastructure with Node Exporter and use new collectors for network system pressure metricsGet an introduction to Grafana, a popular tool for building dashboardsUse service discovery and the new HTTP SD monitoring system to provide different views of your machines and servicesUse Prometheus with Kubernetes and examine exporters you can use with containersDiscover Prom's new improvements and features, including trigonometry functionsLearn how Prometheus supports important security features including TLS and basic authentication
The Promiscuity of Network Culture: Queer Theory and Digital Media (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture)
by Robert PayneLiking, sharing, friending, going viral: what would it mean to recognize these current modes of media interaction as promiscuous? In a contemporary network culture characterized by a proliferation of new forms of intimate mediated sociality, this book argues that promiscuity is a new standard of user engagement. Intimate relations among media users and between users and their media are increasingly structured by an entrepreneurial logic and put to work for the economic interests of media corporations. But these multiple intimacies can also be understood as technologies of promiscuous desire serving both to liberalize mediated social connection and to contain it within normative frames of value. Payne brings crucial questions of gender, sexuality, intimacy, and attention back into conversation with recent thinking on network culture and social media, identifying the queer undercurrents of these current media dynamics.
The Promise of Access: Technology, Inequality, and the Political Economy of Hope
by Daniel GreeneWhy simple technological solutions to complex social issues continue to appeal to politicians and professionals who should (and often do) know better.Why do we keep trying to solve poverty with technology? What makes us feel that we need to learn to code--or else? In The Promise of Access, Daniel Greene argues that the problem of poverty became a problem of technology in order to manage the contradictions of a changing economy. Greene shows how the digital divide emerged as a policy problem and why simple technological solutions to complex social issues continue to appeal to politicians and professionals who should (and often do) know better.
The Promise of Artificial Intelligence: Reckoning and Judgment
by Brian Cantwell SmithAn argument that—despite dramatic advances in the field—artificial intelligence is nowhere near developing systems that are genuinely intelligent.In this provocative book, Brian Cantwell Smith argues that artificial intelligence is nowhere near developing systems that are genuinely intelligent. Second wave AI, machine learning, even visions of third-wave AI: none will lead to human-level intelligence and judgment, which have been honed over millennia. Recent advances in AI may be of epochal significance, but human intelligence is of a different order than even the most powerful calculative ability enabled by new computational capacities. Smith calls this AI ability “reckoning,” and argues that it does not lead to full human judgment—dispassionate, deliberative thought grounded in ethical commitment and responsible action.Taking judgment as the ultimate goal of intelligence, Smith examines the history of AI from its first-wave origins (“good old-fashioned AI,” or GOFAI) to such celebrated second-wave approaches as machine learning, paying particular attention to recent advances that have led to excitement, anxiety, and debate. He considers each AI technology's underlying assumptions, the conceptions of intelligence targeted at each stage, and the successes achieved so far. Smith unpacks the notion of intelligence itself—what sort humans have, and what sort AI aims at. Smith worries that, impressed by AI's reckoning prowess, we will shift our expectations of human intelligence. What we should do, he argues, is learn to use AI for the reckoning tasks at which it excels while we strengthen our commitment to judgment, ethics, and the world.
Prompt Engineering: Empowering Communication
by Ajantha Devi Vairamani Anand NayyarPrompt engineering engages as a transformative approach to enhancing interaction, creativity, and innovation. From business and healthcare to education, law, and beyond, prompt engineering is a versatile toolkit for navigating complex challenges and driving meaningful change.This book delves into the intricacies of prompt engineering, providing insights, techniques, and practical examples for leveraging prompts effectively. It explores the evolution of prompt engineering, from its early antecedents to its contemporary applications with advanced language models like ChatGPT. Readers will discover how prompts can enhance communication, foster creativity, facilitate problem-solving, and empower professionals across diverse domains.This book is your gateway to unlocking the full potential of prompt engineering. Join the journey of discovery and innovation as the book harnesses the power of prompts to shape a brighter future.
Prompt Engineering for Generative AI
by James Phoenix Mike TaylorLarge language models (LLMs) and diffusion models such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion have unprecedented potential. Because they have been trained on all the public text and images on the internet, they can make useful contributions to a wide variety of tasks. And with the barrier to entry greatly reduced today, practically any developer can harness LLMs and diffusion models to tackle problems previously unsuitable for automation.With this book, you'll gain a solid foundation in generative AI, including how to apply these models in practice. When first integrating LLMs and diffusion models into their workflows, most developers struggle to coax reliable enough results from them to use in automated systems. Authors James Phoenix and Mike Taylor show you how a set of principles called prompt engineering can enable you to work effectively with AI.Learn how to empower AI to work for you. This book explains:The structure of the interaction chain of your program's AI model and the fine-grained steps in betweenHow AI model requests arise from transforming the application problem into a document completion problem in the model training domainThe influence of LLM and diffusion model architecture—and how to best interact with itHow these principles apply in practice in the domains of natural language processing, text and image generation, and code
Prompt Engineering for LLMs: The Art and Science of Building Large Language Model–Based Applications
by John Berryman Albert ZieglerLarge language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing the world, promising to automate tasks and solve complex problems. A new generation of software applications are using these models as building blocks to unlock new potential in almost every domain, but reliably accessing these capabilities requires new skills. This book will teach you the art and science of prompt engineering-the key to unlocking the true potential of LLMs. Industry experts John Berryman and Albert Ziegler share how to communicate effectively with AI, transforming your ideas into a language model-friendly format. By learning both the philosophical foundation and practical techniques, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to build the next generation of LLM-powered applications.Understand LLM architecture and learn how to best interact with itDesign a complete prompt-crafting strategy for an applicationGather, triage, and present context elements to make an efficient promptMaster specific prompt-crafting techniques like few-shot learning, chain-of-thought prompting, and RAG
Proof of Work: Blockchain Provocations 20112021 (Urbanomic / Art Editions)
by Rhea MyersA beautifully produced anthology of crypto-artist, writer, and hacker Rhea Myers's pioneering blockchain art, along with a selection of her essays, reviews, and fictions.DAO? BTC? NFT? ETH? ART? WTF? HODL as OG crypto-artist, writer, and hacker Rhea Myers searches for faces in cryptographic hashes, follows a day in the life of a young shibe in the year 2032, and patiently explains why all art should be destructively uploaded to the blockchain. Now an acknowledged pioneer whose work has graced the auction room at Sotheby&’s, Myers embarked on her first art projects focusing on blockchain tech in 2011, making her one of the first artists to engage in creative, speculative, and conceptual engagements with "the new internet." Proof of Work brings together annotated presentations of Myers&’s blockchain artworks along with her essays, reviews, and fictions—a sustained critical encounter between the cultures and histories of the artworld and crypto-utopianism, technically accomplished but always generously demystifying and often mischievous. Her deep understanding of the technical history and debates around blockchain technology is complemented by a broader sense of the crypto movement and the artistic and political sensibilities that accompanied its ascendancy. Remodeling the tropes of conceptual art and net.art to explore what blockchain technology reveals about our concepts of value, culture, and currency, Myers&’s work has become required viewing for anyone interested in the future of art, consensus, law, and collectivity.
Proof Technology in Mathematics Research and Teaching (Mathematics Education in the Digital Era #14)
by Gila Hanna David A. Reid Michael De VilliersThis book presents chapters exploring the most recent developments in the role of technology in proving. The full range of topics related to this theme are explored, including computer proving, digital collaboration among mathematicians, mathematics teaching in schools and universities, and the use of the internet as a site of proof learning. Proving is sometimes thought to be the aspect of mathematical activity most resistant to the influence of technological change. While computational methods are well known to have a huge importance in applied mathematics, there is a perception that mathematicians seeking to derive new mathematical results are unaffected by the digital era. The reality is quite different. Digital technologies have transformed how mathematicians work together, how proof is taught in schools and universities, and even the nature of proof itself. Checking billions of cases in extremely large but finite sets, impossible a few decades ago, has now become a standard method of proof. Distributed proving, by teams of mathematicians working independently on sections of a problem, has become very much easier as digital communication facilitates the sharing and comparison of results. Proof assistants and dynamic proof environments have influenced the verification or refutation of conjectures, and ultimately how and why proof is taught in schools. And techniques from computer science for checking the validity of programs are being used to verify mathematical proofs. Chapters in this book include not only research reports and case studies, but also theoretical essays, reviews of the state of the art in selected areas, and historical studies. The authors are experts in the field.
A Proof Theory for Description Logics (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
by Alexandre RademakerDescription Logics (DLs) is a family of formalisms used to represent knowledge of a domain. They are equipped with a formal logic-based semantics. Knowledge representation systems based on description logics provide various inference capabilities that deduce implicit knowledge from the explicitly represented knowledge. A Proof Theory for Description Logics introduces Sequent Calculi and Natural Deduction for some DLs (ALC, ALCQ). Cut-elimination and Normalization are proved for the calculi. The author argues that such systems can improve the extraction of computational content from DLs proofs for explanation purposes.
Proofs and Algorithms
by Gilles DowekLogic is a branch of philosophy, mathematics and computer science. It studies the required methods to determine whether a statement is true, such as reasoning and computation. Proofs and Algorithms: Introduction to Logic and Computability is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of contemporary logic - those of a proof, a computable function, a model and a set. It presents a series of results, both positive and negative, - Church's undecidability theorem, Gödel's incompleteness theorem, the theorem asserting the semi-decidability of provability - that have profoundly changed our vision of reasoning, computation, and finally truth itself. Designed for undergraduate students, this book presents all that philosophers, mathematicians and computer scientists should know about logic.
The Prop Trader's Chronicles
by Francis J. ChanA practical guide to profiting from the strategies of professional proprietary tradersToday's technology allows traders to make faster, more price-sensitive trades and to better read the flow of market information and transactions--opening the way to a wider variety of short-term trading strategies. The Prop Trader's Chronicles unveils these strategies and techniques, which have long been the province of proprietary trading firms and other professional stock traders.This reliable guide describes author Francis Chan's experience as a prop trader in an engaging narrative, but at the same time provides an in-depth explanation of strategies employed by proprietary traders utilizing direct access technologies, Level II quotes, time and sales feeds, and electronic communication networks. Along the way, you'll be introduced to a variety of strategies involved in the rapid day trading of stocks, including: scalping, rebate trading, and advanced reading of time and sales transactions to detect short-term swings. Chang also reveals how to use time and sales data as the modern-day equivalent of 'reading the tape.'Shows active independent traders how they can perform at a higher level by replicating the professional strategies of prop tradersOffers valuable insights on how traders can 'read the tape' and better detect short term market swingsDescribes a variety of prop trading strategies, from electronic scalping to statistical arbitrageThe Prop Trader's Chronicles provides a solid foundation for traders looking to improve their performance. With this book as your guide, you'll quickly discover what it really takes to make it in today's competitive markets.
Propaganda: From Disinformation and Influence to Operations and Information Warfare
by Lukasz OlejnikThe book is a modern primer on propaganda—aspects like disinformation, trolls, bots, information influence, psychological operations, information operations, and information warfare. Propaganda: From Disinformation and Influence to Operations and Information Warfare offers a contemporary model for thinking about the subject.The first two decades of the 21st century have brought qualitative and quantitative technological and societal changes, and the subject of information influence needs to be re-ordered. Now is the time.The book explains the origins of the meaning and phenomenon of propaganda—where it came from and how it has changed over the centuries. The book also covers modern methods, including artificial intelligence (AI) and advertising technologies. Legal, political, diplomatic, and military considerations ensure that the material is covered in depth.The book is recommended for security and cybersecurity professionals (both technical and non-technical), government officials, politicians, corporate executives, academics, and students of technical and social sciences. Adepts with an interest in the subject will read it with interest.
The Propagandists' Playbook: How Conservative Elites Manipulate Search and Threaten Democracy
by Francesca Bolla TripodiAn examination of what algorithmic polarization means for society and how conservative elites use media literacy tactics to spread propagandaThe Propagandists&’ Playbook peels back the layers of the right-wing media manipulation machine to reveal why its strategies are so effective and pervasive, while also humanizing the people whose worldviews and media practices conservatism embodies. Based on interviews and ethnographic observations of two Republican groups over the course of the 2017 Virginia gubernatorial race—including the author&’s firsthand experience of the 2017 Unite the Right rally—the book considers how Google algorithms, YouTube playlists, pundits, and politicians can manipulate audiences, reaffirm beliefs, and expose audiences to more extremist ideas, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. Francesca Tripodi argues that conservatives who embody the Christian worldview give authoritative weight to original texts and interrogate the media using the same tools taught to them in Bible study—for example, using Google to &“fact check&” the news. The result of this practice, tied to conservative marketing tactics, is more than a reaffirmation of existing beliefs: it is a radicalization of content and a changing of narratives adopted by the media. Tripodi also demonstrates the pervasiveness of white supremacy in the conservative media ecosystem, as well as its mainstream appeal, scope, and spread.