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Showing 46,776 through 46,800 of 59,407 results

Prozessmanagement für Experten: Impulse für aktuelle und wiederkehrende Themen

by Franz Bayer Harald Kühn

Das Prozessmanagement mit seinen vielfältigen Aspekten ist mittlerweile in vielen Unternehmen ein fester Bestandteil der Organisationsgestaltung. Das vorliegende Buch liefert nicht nur Erläuterungen, "was" in den vorgestellten Facetten des Prozessmanagements getan werden soll, sondern auch konkrete Schritte, Empfehlungen und Beispiele, "wie" es effektiv und effizient umgesetzt werden kann. Im Buch sind Erfahrungen aus vielen Praxisjahren festgehalten, die es zu einem nützlichen Hilfsmittel und Impulsgeber machen. Die Autoren liefern Antworten auf Fragen, wie bspw. "Wie erstelle ich eine gute Prozesslandkarte?", "Wie identifiziere und etabliere ich die Prozessverantwortung für einen Prozess?", "Wie integriere ich Compliance-Anforderungen in das Prozessmanagement?" oder "Wie ermittle ich den Personalbedarf für einen bestimmten Prozess?". Über diese Gestaltungsfragen hinaus ist das Prozessmanagement heute in den Führungsebenen als Managementansatz angekommen. Auch in diesem Umfeld liefert das Werk einen hilfreichen Beitrag. Es zeigt, wie das Prozessmanagement mit anderen etablierten Managementansätzen zu einem sinnvollen Ganzen für eine umsichtige Planung, Umsetzung und Steuerung integriert werden kann. Die vorgestellten Themen sind insbesondere für Unternehmen bzw. Organisationen interessant, die in Bezug auf ihren umgesetzten Prozessmanagement-Ansatz einen mittleren bis höheren Reifegrad besitzen. Das Buch wurde mit der Zielsetzung zum Einsatz in der unternehmerischen Praxis geschrieben. Es kann darüber hinaus auch in der anwendungsorientierten Ausbildung zum Thema Prozessmanagement eingesetzt werden.

Prozessmodellierung mit ARIS®: Eine beispielorientierte Einführung für Studium und Praxis in ARIS 10

by Heinrich Seidlmeier

Dieses Buch bietet eine praktische Einführung in die Software ARIS Der ARIS Architect 10 der Software AG ist eines der weltweit führenden Prozessmodellierungstools. Dieses Buch bietet eine umfangreiche Einführung in das ARIS-Konzept und das praktische Arbeiten mit der Software. Ziel ist es, das tägliche Arbeiten und einfache Projekte mit ARIS selbstständig zu erledigen. Im Vordergrund stehen die Modellierung und Modellauswertung. Der ARIS-Versionswechsel von 9 auf 10 machte eine Überarbeitung dieses Buchs unumgänglich, die der Autor in der vorliegenden fünften Auflage umgesetzt hat. Dafür hat er die komplette Funktionalität überprüft und angepasst. Das neue Kapitel 2 beschreibt in kurzen Zügen die innovative „ARIS Cloud“ für das orts- und zeitunabhängige Teamwork. Zahlreiche Aufgaben und zwei umfangreiche Fallstudien (jeweils mit Lösungen) bieten eigenständige Übungsmöglichkeiten. Das Buch ist als ARIS-Einführung auch für das Selbststudium bestens geeignet. Abbildungen und Modelle stehen zum Download zur Verfügung und veranschaulichen das Gelernte. Der Autor bringt Ihnen den Umgang mit der Software bei Nach einer kurzen Einführung in das Prozessmanagement beschäftigt sich der Autor unter anderem mit den folgenden Thematiken:· ARIS Cloud· Geschäftsprozessmodellierung und -optimierung· Systemverwaltung· Modellgestützte Prozessanalyse· BPMN 2.0 mit ARIS Mit seinem Buch schafft Heinrich Seidlmeier eine Einführung in ARIS für Studierende, aber auch für Praktiker in Beruf und Weiterbildung.

Prozessorientierung im Controlling: Eine empirische Studie zum Einsatz von Process Mining in der Energiewirtschaft

by Simon Wahrstötter

Die zunehmende Prozessorientierung in Unternehmen geht mit signifikanten Veränderungen im Controlling einher. Um das Prozessmanagement zu unterstützen und die Anforderungen an ein effektives Process Performance Measurement zu erfüllen, wird Process Mining als innovative Technologie eingesetzt. Auf Basis von 33 Experteninterviews identifiziert die vorliegende empirische Studie Potentiale und Herausforderungen für Unternehmen und Controlling‐Bereiche, die aus der Prozessorientierung und dem Einsatz von Process Mining resultieren. Darauf aufbauend wird ein fünfstufiges Reifegradmodell entwickelt, das konkrete und evidenzbasierte Lösungsvorschläge und Handlungsempfehlungen für die optimale Ausgestaltung eines Process Mining-gestützten Prozesscontrollings bereithält.

Prüfungsvorbereitung für IT-Berufe

by Manfred Wünsche

Dieses Buch ist für angehende Fachinformatiker, IT-System-Elektroniker, IT-Systemkaufleute und Informatikkaufleute geschrieben, die kurz vor der Prüfung stehen. Es bietet eine klare, kompakte Anleitung zur Prüfungsvorbereitung: - Detaillierte Informationen über die Prüfungsanforderungen in IHK-IT-Berufen, für alle vier Berufsbilder, insbesondere auch für Fachinformatiker (beide Richtungen) - Anforderungsgerechte Übungsaufgaben zu den Themen, die für die Prüfung besonders wichtig sind, mit kommentierten Musterlösungen, sowie weitere Recherche-Hinweise zur Vertiefung. - Praxisorientierte Hinweise zur Bewältigung der Klausur-Situation und zur Vorbereitung der mündlichen Prüfung (Projektarbeit, Präsentation, Fachgespräch). Für den Leser gibt es online einen kostenlosen Aktualisierungsservice.

Przywództwo z Synercube: Dynamiczna kultura przywództwa w dążeniu do doskonałości

by Anatoly Zankovsky Christiane von der Heiden

Opis teorii przywództwa Synercube z praktycznymi przykładami. W książce omówionych zostało 10 stylów przywódczych opartych na trzech wymiarach: ludzie, zadania i wartości. Czytelnik ma okazję poznać różne rodzaje interakcji zachodzących w środowisku organi-zacji oraz dowiedzieć się, jak dzięki sile organizacji i za pomocą dostępnych zasobów uzyskiwać doskonałe wyniki, budując tym samym trwałą kulturę organizacyjną. Teoria Sy-nercube jest przewodnikiem na drodze do zmian. Model Synercube odnosi się do szeregu efektów psychologicznych oraz behawioralnych. Wprowadzanie zmian w oparciu o model Synercube staje się skuteczne, a efekty trwałe. Menadżerowie zarówno małych, jak i dużych organizacji z pewnością skorzystają na lekturze tej książki.

Pseudology: The Science of Lying

by Marcel Danesi

In an age where fake news, conspiracy theories, and outright lies by political and cultural leaders are commonplace, we may be becoming accustomed to lying, or worse, even immune to it. Pseudology unravels the reasons for this by describing a “science of lying” that looks at various aspects of this trait, from how it affects the brain to how it distorts perception.Interest in lying goes back to antiquity and writing and debate has only increased in the present day, but what is missing is a treatment that synthesizes the work from linguists, political scientists, anthropologists, psychologists, neuroscientists, and sociologists, tying them to the philosophical and literary views of lying throughout history. Such a treatment can be called "pseudology": an interdisciplinary science for classifying, collating, and assessing ideas about lying. This book is a comprehensive treatment of pseudology, emphasising the importance of studying lying in our current climate. Pseudology addresses questions such as:• What is a lie?• Why do we lie?• Why are we so susceptible to lying?• How does lying activate false beliefs and generate hatred of others?• How has lying shaped the course of history (at least to some extent)?• How has lying been adopted as a basic thematic element in literature and the arts?Synthesising research from a broad range of disciplines and from the perspective of a leading cognitive linguist, this text weaves ideas and theories about lying cohesively into an overall interdisciplinary science. This landmark book is vital for students and scholars of language as well as anyone interested in politics, sociology, or psychology.

PSP Hacks: Tips & Tools for Your Mobile Gaming and Entertainment Handheld

by C. K. Sample III

Sure, it's just what you've been clamoring for: an ultra slick, portable version of the most popular console gaming system in the world. But Sony's new PlayStation Portable (PSP) isn't just a handheld gaming device. Beyond its killer graphics and spectacular widescreen LCD for unparalleled game play, it also sports wireless connectivity and a variety of multimedia features, including video, music, and digital photography. Your wildly versatile, endlessly powerful PSP practically begs you to hack and repurpose it to your liking.To save you the trouble and show you how to make the PSP do more than you ever imagined--and more than Sony ever intended--PSP Hacks is one succinct volume of 50 of the coolest, most useful, up-to-the-minute hacks for this amazing device. You'll learn how to open your PSP's hardware and what to safely plug into it. You'll explore and put to good use every hidden feature of the device. You'll be able to move all sorts of multimedia onto your PSP and find ways to extend its wireless capabilities. And you'll find out how to get the very best experience out of online game play.With PSP Hacks, you can accomplish a whole lot more than good gaming on the PSP. You'll quickly learn to surf the Web with a PSP, chat in IRC, and use the PSP to read web comics, ebooks, and RSS feeds. Other expert tips and tools allow you to sync an address book to your PSP, watch UMD movies, fool iTunes into thinking the PSP is an iPod Shuffle, and much more.The innovative hacks, tweaks, and how-tos in this essential guide make it easy to customize your PSP, take full advantage of features, capabilities, and functionality far beyond what's listed in the PSP user manual, and make your PSP perform countless tricks that only an all-in-one portable entertainment unit as remarkable and revolutionary as this one could.

Psybersecurity: Human Factors of Cyber Defence

by Mohiuddin Ahmed Craig Speelman Oliver Guidetti

Psybersecurity: Human Factors of Cyber Defence is a clarion call to action in the face of a stark reality: over 90% of cyberattacks exploit human vulnerabilities, as highlighted by the 2022 Global Risks Report from the World Economic Forum. This gap between the rapid advancement of cyber security technologies and the slower pace of development in human-centric defences poses a formidable challenge to national security and personal safety. Amidst the dazzling progress of AI technologies like ChatGPT and Microsoft Security Co-Pilot, the human element of cyber security remains critically underdeveloped.Set against the backdrop of the Australian government's ambitious goal to become the world's most cybersecure nation by 2030, this book embarks on a mission to address the overlooked human factors in cyber defence. It advocates for a balanced approach that not only relies on technological advancements but also significantly enhances the human aspects of cyber security.Through an interdisciplinary exploration, Psybersecurity delves into how cyberthreats exploit human vulnerabilities and offers innovative solutions for building resilience against these vulnerabilities. It examines the necessity for cyber security strategies that encompass psychological insights, systemic resilience, and the mitigation of human errors, particularly within critical infrastructures and cyber-physical systems (CPS).Furthermore, this work critiques existing cyber security education frameworks, proposing a comprehensive curriculum that equips individuals with technical skills and the behavioural competencies needed to navigate the cyber landscape ethically and effectively. It also addresses AI's ethical dilemmas and psychological impacts, offering a forward-looking perspective on combating AI-driven harassment and endorsing a new field of study: "Psybersecurity."Psybersecurity: Human Factors of Cyber Defence aims to bridge the gap between cyber security and human sciences, ignite a transformation in understanding, and fortify our digital world. It is an essential read for academics, professionals, and anyone committed to building a safer, more resilient cyber future in alignment with Australia's 2030 vision.

Psychoanalysis and Digital Culture: Audiences, Social Media, and Big Data (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture)

by Jacob Johanssen

Psychoanalysis and Digital Culture offers a comprehensive account of our contemporary media environment—digital culture and audiences in particular—by drawing on psychoanalysis and media studies frameworks. It provides an introduction to the psychoanalytic affect theories of Sigmund Freud and Didier Anzieu and applies them theoretically and methodologically in a number of case studies. Johanssen argues that digital media fundamentally shape our subjectivities on affective and unconscious levels, and he critically analyses phenomena such as television viewing, Twitter use, affective labour on social media, and data-mining. How does watching television involve the body? Why are we so drawn to reality television? Why do we share certain things on social media and not others? How are bodies represented on social media? How do big data and data mining influence our identities? Can algorithms help us make better decisions? These questions amongst others are addressed in the chapters of this wide-ranging book. Johanssen shows in a number of case studies how a psychoanalytic angle can bring new insights to audience studies and digital media research more generally. From audience research with viewers of the reality television show Embarrassing Bodies and how they unconsciously used it to work through feelings about their own bodies, to a critical engagement with Hardt and Negri's notion of affective labour and how individuals with bodily differences used social media for their own affective-digital labour, the book suggests that an understanding of affect based on Freud and Anzieu is helpful when thinking about media use. The monograph also discusses the perverse implications of algorithms, big data and data mining for subjectivities. In drawing on empirical data and examples throughout, Johanssen presents a compelling analysis of our contemporary media environment.

The Psychoanalysis of Artificial Intelligence (The Palgrave Lacan Series)

by Isabel Millar

This book examines the crucial role of psychoanalysis in understanding what AI means for us as speaking, sexed subjects. Drawing on Lacanian theory and recent clinical developments it explores what philosophy and critical theory of AI has hitherto neglected: enjoyment. Through the reconceptualization of Intelligence, the Artificial Object and the Sexual Abyss the book outlines the Sexbot as a figure who exists on the boundary of psychoanalysis and AI. Through this figure and the medium of film, the author subverts Kant’s three Enlightenment questions and guides readers to transition from asking 'Does it think?' to 'Can it enjoy?' The book will appeal in particular to students and scholars of psychoanalysis, philosophy, film and media studies, critical theory, feminist theory and AI research.

Psychological Analysis: How to Make Money, Outsmart the Market, and Join the Smart Money Circle (Wiley Trading)

by Adam Sarhan

Beat the market by using Psychological Analysis for investing and trading under any conditions Conventional wisdom tells us that people are rational and make rational decisions with their money. But that’s simply not true considering most people fail to beat the market. Conventional wisdom also tells us that there are two primary ways to approach the market: technical and fundamental analysis. Again, that is not true because if it were—everyone would be rich. Think about it, how many times have you seen stocks with poor fundamentals go up, or stocks with great technicals go down? It’s obvious that something is missing. Author Adam Sarhan, Founder and CEO of 50 Park Investments, developed a new approach, titled, Psychological Analysis (PA). Coined by the author, the term teaches you how to make rational, not emotional, decisions with your money and shows you how to analyze both the individual and collective market mindset at a particular time based on the behavior and decision-making of people in the real-world. Psychological Analysis is designed to tip the odds of success in your favor. After studying every major economic and market cycle going back to the 3rd century, the author explains that human nature is the one constant and tells you what actually drives markets. Psychological Analysis is responsible for major and minor market moves today, tomorrow, and all throughout history. Adam shows you that there are more factors that influence price than just fundamental or technical analysis and how to bring out the smart money superhero inside you. This invaluable guide helps you: Make rational, not emotional, decisions with your money—especially when you are under pressure Understand the psyche of the market so you can learn how to join the Smart Money Circle and consistently take money out Generate above average returns in all market environments Incorporate Psychological Analysis into your overall trading and investing strategy so you can make smarter decisions on and off Wall Street Psychological Analysis: How to Outsmart the Market One Trade at a Time is a must-have resource for traders, investors, finance professionals, and anyone who wants to profit regardless of market conditions.

Psychological Insights on the Role and Impact of the Media During the Pandemic: Lessons from COVID-19

by Barrie Gunter

This volume places the spotlight on the role different media and communications systems played in informing the public about the pandemic, shaping their views about what was happening and contributing to behavioural compliances with pandemic-related restrictions. Throughout the pandemic, media coverage has played an important role in drawing attention to specific messages, influencing public risk perceptions and fear responses. Mainstream media and other electronic communication systems such as Facebook and WhatsApp have been pivotal in getting pandemic information out to the public, thereby influencing their beliefs, attitudes and behaviour and engaging them generally in the pandemic as stakeholders. In this timely volume, author Barrie Gunter considers how people reacted to this coverage and its contribution to their understanding of what was going on, including the influence of fake news and misinformation on public beliefs about the pandemic, from anti-lockdown protests to the "anti-vaxx" movement. In addition, looking at how government messaging was not always consistent or clear and how different authorities were found not always to be in harmony or compliance with the messages they put out, Gunter examines the harm done by presenting different publics with ambiguous or conflicting narratives. Drawing out important communications strategy lessons to be learned for the future, this is essential reading for students and researchers in psychology, public health and medical sciences and for policymakers who assess government strategies, responses and performance.

Psychologie des Geschichtenerzählens

by Tobias C. Breiner

In diesem Buch geht es um die Psychologie guter Geschichten und deren Handlungsfiguren. Es beantwortet Fragen wie:Warum rühren uns manche Filme zu Tränen und andere lassen uns kalt?Warum fesseln uns manche Romane so, dass wir bis tief in die Nacht weiterlesen? Warum quälen wir uns dagegen durch manche Pflichtlektüre hindurch?Warum zocken wir manches Adventure-Game bis zum letzten Level während wir bei anderen schnell die Lust verlieren? Das Werk ist für all diejenigen verfasst, die sich in irgendeiner Weise mit der Erzeugung und Bewertung von Handlungen befassen. Sowohl Charakter- und Game-Designer profitieren durch neue archetypische Modelle und Psychologen können mit der hier präsentierten dodekazyklischen Heldenreise innovative therapeutische Methoden entwickeln. Roman- und Drehbuchautoren bekommen eine Blaupause für erfolgsversprechende Geschichten, die sich auch auf das Interactive Storytelling übertragen lässt und Regisseure sowie Film-, Computerspiel- und Literaturkritiker erhalten durch den Inhalt des Werkes gezielte Bewertungskriterien.

Psychologie in Studium und Beruf: Welche Berufsfelder es zu entdecken gibt und was für eine erfüllte Karriere wichtig ist

by Maximilian Mendius Simon Werther

Dieses Buch nimmt Sie mit auf eine faszinierende Reise durch die vielfältigen Tätigkeitsfelder von Psycholog:innen. Dabei lernen Sie neben den etablierten Anwendungsgebieten wie klinische Psychologie und Wirtschaftspsychologie auch vermeintlich exotische Arbeitsfelder wie Polizei- oder Verkehrspsychologie oder Data Science kennen. Finden Sie für sich heraus, ob und für welche Tätigkeit in der Psychologie Ihr Herz schlägt und wie Sie diesen Wunsch verwirklichen können. Alle Kapitel sind von erfahrenen Expert:innen aus der Praxis verfasst. Sie vermitteln Ihnen einen sowohl authentischen als auch realistischen Einblick in den jeweiligen Berufsalltag und räumen auf mit gängigen Vorurteilen. Darüber hinaus eröffnen eingeflochtene Interviews mit praktisch tätigen Psycholog:innen und Expert:innen aus der Wissenschaft bereichernde Perspektiven. In dieser Neuauflage von Faszination Psychologie – Berufsfelder und Karrierewege haben wir zudem exklusive Webinhalte ergänzt, wo Sie in spannenden Formaten weitere relevante Einblicke gewinnen können.

Psychologie von Risiko und Vertrauen: Wahrnehmung, Verhalten und Kommunikation

by Jörn Basel Philipp Henrizi

Psychologie von Risiko und Vertrauen Unsicherheit und Unplanbarkeit nehmen zu, globale Krisen, Fake News und Skepsis erodieren bestehendes Vertrauen. Zusätzlich wird diese Dynamik durch technologische Entwicklungen befeuert, deren Akzeptanz maßgeblich von einer subjektiven Bewertung der Chancen und Risiken abhängt. Risikokompetenz, Risikomündigkeit oder auch Vertrauensaufbau sind hierbei zentrale Schlagwörter, welche exemplarisch für einen fundierten Umgang mit Risiko und Vertrauen stehen. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen in 11 Kapiteln eine praxisorientierte Einführung in die Psychologie von Risiko und Vertrauen. Sie vertiefen Ihre Kenntnisse über Risikokommunikation im Krisenfall, den Umgang mit Misstrauen und auch wie es gelingt Vertrauen als entscheidendes Bindeglied zu etablieren, um Innovation und Fortschritt zu ermöglichen.Die didaktisch eingängig strukturierten Inhalte mit Lernzielen und Kontrollfragen stützen sich auf bewährte psychologische und aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse. Vielfältige Praxisbeispiele, wie z.B. von einer Extremsportlerin, einem Flight Safety Officer und einem katholischen Missbrauchsaufklärer, vermitteln einen persönlichen Bezug und zeigen Ihnen, wie vielschichtig sich der Umgang mit Risiko und Vertrauen gestalten kann. Dazu erhalten Sie hilfreiche Zusatzmaterialien über die Begleitwebseite. Kapitel 4 ist unter einer Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License über frei verfügbar (Open Access).Zielgruppen Studierende der Wirtschaftspsychologie und anderer Studiengänge im Bereich Wirtschaft, Entscheidungsträger, Führungskräfte und alle, die sich für den Umgang mit Risiko und Vertrauen interessieren.Zu den Herausgebern Prof. Dr. Jörn Basel – Professor für Wirtschaftspsychologie an der Hochschule Luzern (HSLU). Mitglied des First International Network on Trust (FINT). Seine Forschung beschäftigt sich unter anderem damit, wie Organisationen verlorenes Vertrauen wiederaufbauen können. Prof. Dr. Philipp Henrizi – Professor und Programmleiter Governance, Risk and Compliance der Hochschule Luzern (HSLU). Diverse Forschungsprojekte und Publikationen im Bereich Risk Management und Compliance Management. Mitglied im European Risk Research Network (ERRN).

Psychology and Law in Europe: When West Meets East

by Pär Anders Granhag, Ray Bull, Alla Shaboltas and Elena Dozortseva

Offering carefully curated articles from the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), this book features chapters from a truly international group of scholars. This text is the first of its kind to offer insights into current developments in psychology and law in Russia. The field of psychology and law has a very long and strong tradition in Russia, but very little is known, as Russian scholars rarely publish their works in English. The volume also contains state-of-the-art chapters on topics at the very core of psychology and law, including offender profiling, lie detection, crime linking, false memories, and witness interviewing. Features Provides rare insight into Russian history of forensic and criminal psychology Covers core topics in the discipline Offers international scope from a diverse array of contributors Psychology and Law in Europe: When West Meets East is a text of interest for students of psychology, law, or criminal justice, as well as scholars and practitioners in the field. This text offers a window into global advances in psychology and law.

Psychology, Learning, Technology: First International Conference, PLT 2022, Foggia, Italy, January 19–21, 2022, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1606)

by Pierpaolo Limone Raffaele Di Fuccio Giusi Antonia Toto

This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Psychology, Learning, Technology, PLT 2022, Foggia, Italy, during January 2022. The 8 full papers presented here were carefully reviewed and selected from 23 submissions. In addition, one invited paper is also included. Psychology, Learning, ad Technology Conference (PLT2022) aims to explore learning paths that incorporate digital technologies in innovative and transformative ways and the improvement of the psychological and relational life. The conference includes topics about the methodology of application of the ICT tools in psychology and education: from blended learning to the application of artificial intelligence in education; from the teaching, learning, and assessment strategies and practices to the new frontiers on Human-Computer Interaction.

Psychology of Agile: Exploring the Human Element at Work

by Bhuvan Unhelkar

Agile is a mindset and a culture that has evolved beyond software development to encompass all forms of project management, business organizations, defense, and society. In today’s fast- paced and ever- changing world, adopting an Agile approach is essential for organizations to thrive and maintain competitiveness. This book aims to extend the concept of Agility beyond the four declarations of the Manifesto and apply it to various projects, organizations, and even society. The book delves into the intricacies of Agile and highlights its significance in modern workplaces. It emphasizes that Agile is more than just a set of tools and techniques; it is a way of thinking and a culture that requires a deep understanding of psychology and sociology. Key topics discussed: Agility as a leadership characteristic and the meta- mind of Agile • Agile mind- map beyond the manifesto and methods Psychological frameworks (Maslow, TA, MBTI, Left- Right, Slow- Fast) relevant to Agile work and psychosocial games at work Psychological development and Composite Agile Method and Strategy (CAMS) Agile organizational structures and behaviors Agile Transformations in the Digital Age This book is valuable for Agile coaches, mentors, and Scrum Masters looking for more comprehensive answers than what an Agile framework can provide. It is also helpful for business leaders, stakeholders, and product owners who need to deal with ambiguous or unclear issues, as well as project managers and team leaders who already have experience in Agile but feel like something is missing. Additionally, HR professionals and trainers involved in Agile transformation can benefit from this book.

The Psychology of Artificial Intelligence (The Psychology of Everything)

by Tony Prescott

What is Artificial Intelligence? How will AI impact society? Is AI more powerful than human intelligence?The Psychology of AI explores all aspects of the psychology–AI relationship, asking how closely AI can resemble humans, and whether this means they could have some form of self-awareness. It considers how AI systems have been modelled on human intelligence and the similarities between brains and computers, along with the current limitations of AI and how these could be overcome in the future. It also looks at how people interact with AI in their everyday lives, exploring some of the ethical and societal risks, such as bias in AI algorithms, and the consequences for our long-term future if AIs do surpass humans in important ways.As AI continues to break new milestones, The Psychology of AI answers key questions about what it really means to be human, and how AI will impact our lives in every way, now and into the future.

The Psychology of Artificial Superintelligence (Cognitive Systems Monographs #42)

by Joachim Diederich

This book explores the psychological impact of advanced forms of artificial intelligence. How will it be to live with a superior intelligence? How will the exposure to highly developed artificial intelligence (AI) systems change human well-being? With a review of recent advancements in brain–computer interfaces, military AI, Explainable AI (XAI) and digital clones as a foundation, the experience of living with a hyperintelligence is discussed from the viewpoint of a clinical psychologist. The theory of universal solicitation is introduced, i.e. the demand character of a technology that wants to be used in all aspects of life. With a focus on human experience, and to a lesser extent on technology, the book is written for a general readership with an interest in psychology, technology and the future of our human condition. With its unique focus on psychological topics, the book offers contributions to a discussion on the future of human life beyond purely technological considerations.

The Psychology of Digital Learning

by Stephan Schwan Ulrike Cress

This book provides an overview of the state-of-the art of psychological research on learning and knowledge exchange with digital media, based on a comprehensive research program that was realized at the Leibniz-Institut f#65533;r Wissensmedien(IWM) during the last decade. The dramatic rise of new tools and technologies, including both hardware devices like smartphones, tablets, multitouch-tables, or stereoscopic screens as well as software environments like Google, Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter or MOOCs - has fundamentally reshaped teaching, learning, and knowledge exchange. The authors describe an area of digital learning in light of these recent technological developments, specify the relevant theoretical approaches, summarize the main research results from the lab, and discuss their theoretical and practical implications.

Psychology of Entertainment: The Psychology Of Its Appeal (Routledge Communication Series)

by Jennings Bryant Peter Vorderer

As entertainment becomes a trillion-dollar-a-year industry worldwide, as our modern era increasingly lives up to its label of the "entertainment age," and as economists begin to recognize that entertainment has become the driving force of the new world economy, it is safe to say that scholars are beginning to take entertainment seriously. The scholarly spin on entertainment has been manifested in traditional ways, as well as innovative ones. Representing the current state of theory and research, Psychology of Entertainment promises to be the most comprehensive and up-to-date volume on entertainment. It serves to define the new area of study and provides a theoretical spin for future work in the area.Divided into three basic parts, this book:*addresses the fundamental mechanisms and processes involved in orienting to and selecting entertainment fare, as well as receiving and processing it;*explores the mechanisms and processes by which we are entertained by the media messages we select and receive; and*provides an opportunity for the application of well-established as well as emerging psychological and psychobiological theories to be applied to the study of entertainment in ways that seldom have been utilized previously.Psychology of Entertainment will appeal to scholars, researchers, and graduate students in media studies and mass communication, psychology, marketing, and other areas contributing to the entertainment studies area.

The Psychology of Everyday Things

by Donald A. Norman

Even the smartest among us can feel inept as we fail to figure our which light switch or oven burner to turn on, or whether to push, pull, or slide a door. The fault, argues this fascinating, ingenious—even liberating—book, lies not in ourselves, but in product design that ignores the needs of users and the principles of cognitive psychology. The problems range from ambiguous and hidden controls to arbitrary relationships between controls and functions, coupled with a lack of feedback or other assistance and unreasonable demands on memorization. The book presents examples aplenty—among them, the VCR, computer, and office telephone, all models of how not to design for people.But good, usable design is possible. The rules are simple: make things visible, exploit natural relationships that couple function and control, and make intelligent use of constraints. The goal: guide the user effortlessly to the right action on the right control at the right time. But the designer must care.

The Psychology of Evolving Technology: How Social Media, Influencer Culture and New Technologies are Altering Society

by Rhoda Okunev

Technological innovations have advanced at an incredible speed since the introduction of the computer that it has altered the fabric of our society. The possession of computers, smart-devices, along with social media, texting and video games, is now an intimate part of the structure of our culture. This book is a framework to start a conversation on how technology is changing our lifestyles and transforming our world. There is now an entire generation that has been using technology through the most delicate developmental time in their lives. This book presents how to look at the cognitive and psychosocial developmental stages and what are the age-appropriate milestones and factsheet of behaviors at different ages. It provides insight into the strength and vulnerable characteristics at each stage and the prevalence of some negative conditions in our society. You will gain a perspective of the encouraging and challenging aspects of computer learning, smart devices, and how to start and keep the conversation going from infancy to adulthood in order to keep and maintain your virtues and ways to circumvent unfavorable consequences. In short, The Psychology of Evolving Technology looks at how cutting-edge and revolutionary high technologies have disrupted our society through its many luxuries and conveniences and how it has altered the outlook of our values, privileges, and expectations. What You'll LearnDetermine what adjustments should be made to regulate new innovations to allow them to succeed See how development stages in a child now interact with technologyReview how social media and influencer culture are changing the way we see ourselves in society Who This Book Is For All readers curious about the effect of technology on individuals, growing children, and the fabric of society

The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction

by Stuart K. Card, Thomas P. Moran and Allen Newell

Defines the psychology of human-computer interaction, showing how to span the gap between science & application. Studies the behavior of users in interacting with computer systems.

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