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Quadrature Frequency Generation for Wideband Wireless Applications
by Mohammad Elbadry Ramesh HarjaniThis book describes design techniques for wideband quadrature LO generation for software defined radio transceivers, with frequencies spanning 4GHz to around 80GHz. The authors discuss several techniques that can be used to reduce the cost and/or power consumption of one of the key component of the RF front-end, the quadrature local oscillator. The discussion includes simple and useful insights into quadrature VCOs, along with numerous examples of practical techniques.
Qualitative Analysis and Control of Complex Neural Networks with Delays
by Zhanshan Wang Zhenwei Liu Chengde ZhengThis book focuses on the stability of the dynamical neural system, synchronization of the coupling neural system and their applications in automation control and electrical engineering. The redefined concept of stability, synchronization and consensus are adopted to provide a better explanation of the complex neural network. Researchers in the fields of dynamical systems, computer science, electrical engineering and mathematics will benefit from the discussions on complex systems. The book will also help readers to better understand the theory behind the control technique and its design.
Qualitative and Quantitative Models in Socio-Economic Systems and Social Work (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #208)
by José Luis Sarasola Sánchez-Serrano Fabrizio Maturo Šárka Hošková-MayerováThe main purpose of this book is not only to present recent studies and advances in the field of social science research, but also to stimulate discussion on related practical issues concerning statistics, mathematics, and economics. Accordingly, a broad range of tools and techniques that can be used to solve problems on these topics are presented in detail in this book, which offers an ideal reference work for all researchers interested in effective quantitative and qualitative tools. The content is divided into three major sections. The first, which is titled “Social work”, collects papers on problems related to the social sciences, e.g. social cohesion, health, and digital technologies. Papers in the second part, “Education and teaching issues,” address qualitative aspects, education, learning, violence, diversity, disability, and ageing, while the book’s final part, “Recent trends in qualitative and quantitative models for socio-economic systems and social work”, features contributions on both qualitative and quantitative issues. The book is based on a scientific collaboration, in the social sciences, mathematics, statistics, and economics, among experts from the “Pablo de Olavide” University of Seville (Spain), the “University of Defence” of Brno (Czech Republic), the “G. D’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy) and “Alexandru Ioan Cuza University” of Iaşi (Romania). The contributions, which have been selected using a peer-review process, examine a wide variety of topics related to the social sciences in general, while also highlighting new and intriguing empirical research conducted in various countries. Given its scope, the book will appeal, in equal measure, to sociologists, mathematicians, statisticians and philosophers, and more generally to scholars and specialists in related fields.
Qualitative Computing: Using Software for Qualitative Data Analysis (Cardiff Papers in Qualitative Research)
by Mike FisherAs qualitative researchers incorporate computer assistance into their analytic approaches, important questions arise about the adoption of new technology. Is it worth learning computer-assisted methods? Will the pay-off be sufficient to justify the investment? Which programs are worth learning? What are the effects on the analysis process? This book complements the existing literature by giving a detailed account of the use of four major programs in analyzing the same data. Priority is given to the tasks of qualitative analysis rather than to program capability and the programs are treated as tools rather than as a discipline to be acquired. The key is not what the programs allow researcher to do, but whether the tasks that researchers need to undertake are facilitated by the software. Thus the study develops a user-centred approach to the adoption of computer-assisted qualitative data analysis. The author emphasises qualitative analysis as a creative craft, but one which must increasingly be subject to rigorous methodological scrutiny. The adoption of computer-aided methods offers opportunities, but also dangers and ultimately this book is about the scientific qualitative research. Written in a distinctive and succinct style, this book will be valuable to social science researchers and students interested in qualitative research and in the potential for computer-assisted analysis.
Qualitative GIS: A Mixed Methods Approach
by Sarah Elwood Meghan CopeGeographic Information Systems are an essential tool for analyzing and representing quantitative spatial data. Qualitative GIS explains the recent integration of qualitative research with Geographical Information Systems With a detailed contextualising introduction, the text is organised in three sections: Representation: examines how researchers are using GIS to create new types of representations; working with spatial data, maps, and othervisualizations to incorporate multiple meanings and to provide texture and context. Analysis: discusses the new techniques of analysis that are emerging at the margins between qualitative research and GIS, this in the wider context of a critical review of mixed-methods in geographical research Theory: questions how knowledge is produced, showing how ideas of 'science' and 'truth' inform research, and demonstrates how qualitative GIS can be used to interrogate discussions of power, community, and social action Making reference to representation, analysis, and theory throughout, the text shows how to frame questions, collect data, analyze results, and represent findings in a truly integrated way. An important addition to the mixed methods literature, Qualitative GIS will be the standard reference for upper-level students and researchers using qualitative methods and Geographic Information Systems.
Qualitative Investment Decision-Making Methods under Hesitant Fuzzy Environments (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing #376)
by Wei Zhou Zeshui XuThis book describes five qualitative investment decision-making methods based on the hesitant fuzzy information. They are: (1) the investment decision-making method based on the asymmetric hesitant fuzzy sigmoid preference relations, (2) the investment decision-making method based on the hesitant fuzzy trade-off and portfolio selection, (3) the investment decision-making method based on the hesitant fuzzy preference envelopment analysis, (4) the investment decision-making method based on the hesitant fuzzy peer-evaluation and strategy fusion, and (5) the investment decision-making method based on the EHVaR measurement and tail analysis.
Qualitative Representations: How People Reason and Learn about the Continuous World
by Kenneth D. ForbusAn argument that qualitative representations—symbolic representations that carve continuous phenomena into meaningful units—are central to human cognition.In this book, Kenneth Forbus proposes that qualitative representations hold the key to one of the deepest mysteries of cognitive science: how we reason and learn about the continuous phenomena surrounding us. Forbus argues that qualitative representations—symbolic representations that carve continuous phenomena into meaningful units—are central to human cognition. Qualitative representations provide a basis for commonsense reasoning, because they enable practical reasoning with very little data; this makes qualitative representations a useful component of natural language semantics. Qualitative representations also provide a foundation for expert reasoning in science and engineering by making explicit the broad categories of things that might happen and enabling causal models that help guide the application of more quantitative knowledge as needed. Qualitative representations are important for creating more human-like artificial intelligence systems with capabilities for spatial reasoning, vision, question answering, and understanding natural language.Forbus discusses, among other topics, basic ideas of knowledge representation and reasoning; qualitative process theory; qualitative simulation and reasoning about change; compositional modeling; qualitative spatial reasoning; and learning and conceptual change. His argument is notable both for presenting an approach to qualitative reasoning in which analogical reasoning and learning play crucial roles and for marshaling a wide variety of evidence, including the performance of AI systems. Cognitive scientists will find Forbus's account of qualitative representations illuminating; AI scientists will value Forbus's new approach to qualitative representations and the overview he offers.
Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
by Gérard LigozatStarting with an updated description of Allen's calculus, the book proceeds with a description of the main qualitative calculi which have been developed over the last two decades. It describes the connection of complexity issues to geometric properties. Models of the formalisms are described using the algebraic notion of weak representations of the associated algebras. The book also includes a presentation of fuzzy extensions of qualitative calculi, and a description of the study of complexity in terms of clones of operations.
Qualitätsmanagement in agilen IT-Projekten – quo vadis?: HMD Best Paper Award 2016 (essentials)
by Michael Heller Christian BrandesChristian Brandes und Michael Heller diskutieren Missverständnisse zur Koexistenz von Agilität und Qualitätsmanagement in IT-Projekten. Diese sind nach ihrer Ansicht oft Ursache von Irritationen oder gar Frustrationen bei QM-Verantwortlichen, die Transitionen von „klassischen“ zu agilen Vorgehensweisen vollziehen müssen. Die Autoren lösen diese Missverständnisse auf und präsentieren Erfolgsfaktoren aus der Praxis für hochqualitative agile Softwareentwicklung. Abschließend stellen sie aktuelle Trends aus der agilen Community vor und bewerten diese aus Qualitätssicht.
Qualitätssicherung durch Softwaretests: Vorgehensweisen und Werkzeuge zum Testen von Java-Programmen
by Stephan KleukerSoftwaretests bekommen bei immer komplexer werdenden Programmen eine immer größere Bedeutung für den Projekterfolg. Obwohl Testkonzepte etabliert sind, werden sie häufig nur in geringem Maße in Unternehmen genutzt, da sie angeblich zu aufwändig und zu teuer sind. Neben einer intuitiven Einführung in Testtechniken zeigt dieses Buch den einfachen Einstieg in das Testen von Java-Programmen mit Hilfe von einfach nutzbaren Open-Source-Werkzeugen. Dabei werden neben klassischen Programmen auch Vorgehensweisen und Werkzeuge für Client-Server-Systeme, Web-Applikationen und Systeme mit Datenbankintegration betrachtet. Die Werkzeuge decken dabei funktionale Tests, Testüberdeckungen, Tests von Oberflächen, Performance- und Lasttests, sowie die Automatisierung von Testausführungen ab. Alle Beispiele stehen als Download zur Verfügung.
Quality and Operations Management Revised Edition: Revised Edition (Management Extra Ser.)
by ElearnManagement Extra brings all the best management thinking together in one package. The series fuses key ideas with applied activities to help managers examine and improve how they work in practice. Management Extra is an exciting, new approach to management development. The books provide the basis for self-paced learning at level 4/5. The flexible learning structure allows busy participants to study at their own convenience, minimising time away from the job. The programme allows trainers to quickly plan and deliver high quality, business-led courses. Trainers can select materials to meet the needs of their delegates, clients, and budget. Each book is divided into themes of ideal length for delivering in a training session. Each theme has a range of activities for delegates to complete, putting the training into context and relating it to their own situation and business. The books’ lively style will stimulate further interest in the subjects covered. Guides for further reading and valuable web references provide a lead-in to further research. Management Extra is based on the NVQ framework to ease the creation of Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma or NVQ programmes for managers. It is accredited with all leading awarding bodies.
Quality Assessment and Security in Industrial Internet of Things
by Sudan Jha Sarbagya Ratna Shakya Sultan Ahmad Zhaoxian ZhouThis book highlights authentication and trust evaluation models in the Industrial Internet of Things. It further discusses data breaches and security issues in various Artificial Intelligence-enabled systems and uses Blockchain to resolve the challenges faced by the Industrial Internet of Things. The text showcases performance quality assessment for the Industrial Internet of Things’ applications.This book: Discusses and evaluates different quality assessment systems and authentication of smart devices Addresses data handling, data security, confidentiality, and integrity of data in the Industrial Internet of Things Focuses on developing framework and standardization of quality assessment for diverse Internet of Things-enabled devices Explains the designing, developing, and framing of smart machines, that are equipped with tools for tracking and logging data to provide advanced security features Presents the convergence of the Internet of Things toward Industry 4.0 through quality assessment via analyzing data security and identifying vulnerabilities It is primarily written for graduate students and academic researchers in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics, and communications engineering, industrial and production engineering, computer science, and engineering.
Quality Assessment of Visual Content (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)
by Ke Gu Hongyan Liu Chengxu ZhouThis book provides readers with a comprehensive review of image quality assessment technology, particularly applications on screen content images, 3D-synthesized images, sonar images, enhanced images, light-field images, VR images, and super-resolution images. It covers topics containing structural variation analysis, sparse reference information, multiscale natural scene statistical analysis, task and visual perception, contour degradation measurement, spatial angular measurement, local and global assessment metrics, and more. All of the image quality assessment algorithms of this book have a high efficiency with better performance compared to other image quality assessment algorithms, and the performance of these approaches mentioned above can be demonstrated by the results of experiments on real-world images. On the basis of this, those interested in relevant fields can use the results obtained through these quality assessment algorithms for further image processing. The goal of this book is to facilitate the use of these image quality assessment algorithms by engineers and scientists from various disciplines, such as optics, electronics, math, photography techniques and computation techniques. The book can serve as a reference for graduate students who are interested in image quality assessment techniques, for front-line researchers practicing these methods, and for domain experts working in this area or conducting related application development.
Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Distance Education and e-Learning: Models, Policies and Research (Open and Flexible Learning Series)
by Insung Jung Colin LatchemQuality assurance (QA) in open and distance learning (ODL) can be a contentious issue. Some argue that it should be judged by the same criteria and methods as face-to-face education, while others claim that it is so different in its organization, enrolments and operations that conventional QA mechanisms cannot apply. Some advocate the use of specific guidelines and standards for e-learning; others believe that, regardless of the technology, the basic principles of quality teaching and learning should apply. Providers who have enjoyed freedom from external scrutiny may resist attempts at external regulation and auditing and look upon QA as yet another imposition of corporatization and bureaucracy on education. Others see it as a means of establishing a culture of quality, self-reflection and self-improvement. There is little research-based literature to guide policy-makers, managers and practitioners in applying QA in education and training to ensure the right balance is found between accountability and autonomy, as well as assuring quality for the time and costs involved. In this respect, Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Distance Education and e-Learning is a book that is long overdue. It explains what is involved in QA and accreditation in education. It describes and analyzes applications of these practices in open, distance, dual-mode and conventional universities throughout Europe, North America, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific, looking at open schooling, e-learning in conventional schools, non-formal adult and community education, and corporate and small-to-medium enterprises. Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Distance Education and e-Learning is edited and authored by experts with extensive international experience in ODL, e-learning and QA who give careful consideration to the possibilities and challenges involved. The book will be an invaluable guide for all policy-makers, managers, practitioners and researchers in the field.
Quality Assurance for Dynamics AX-Based ERP Solutions
by Anil Kumar GuptaThis book deals with quality awareness as well as quality assurance. It discusses the quality expectations from the ERP solution, talks about the best practices for meeting the quality expectations, and then suggests the strategies to test the customized Dynamics AX ERP application. Microsoft Business Solution partners will benefit greatly from this book. This book targets functional experts and Dynamics AX developers. A basic knowledge of the X++ language and the basics of Axapta architecture are needed to follow the book, but no prior knowledge of testing is required. The following will find this book useful: MBS Partners who are dealing in Dynamics AX: To educate their employees for achieving their quality goals. Project Managers / Quality Managers: To update themselves about the standards related to Design, Development, Testing, etc., which are a part of Microsoft IBI Specifications for Dynamics AX 4.0. Dynamics AX Developers: To update themselves about coding standards that apply to Dynamics AX and to know the principles behind various recommended best practices. Functional Consultants: To update themselves about Solution Design / GUI Specifications. Chief Technology Officers / Technical Solution Designers: To gain awareness about best practices for trustworthy computing and how these can be implemented at organization / project level. Dynamics AX Customers: To know about applicable standards for Dynamics AX customization projects and hence be able to effectively monitor their projects or set expectations from vendors about quality goals.
Quality Assurance in Distance Education and E-learning
by Tat Meng Wong Insung Jung Tian BelawatiQuality Assurance in Distance Education and E-Learning: Challenges and Solutions from Asia documents the existing regulatory framework covering quality assurance (QA) systems in distance education (DE) in a number of Asian countries. It draws on the knowledge and experience of 16 selected DE/e-learning institutions of Asia and reveals the respective development of QA systems and procedures within these providers/programmes. The endeavour towards developing QA systems through various stages of testing and development is in response to the growing public concern for the quality of DE as well as staff aspirations for quality. This book, through the selection of cases from the aforementioned institutions, covers a wide range of QA systems and perspectives of quality in DE. These cases present good practices in QA for DE/e-learning, analyse challenges in assuring the quality of DE products and services, offer possible solutions to meet those challenges, and present lessons for other DE providers.
Quality Assurance of Agent-Based and Self-Managed Systems
by Reiner Dumke Steffen Mencke Cornelius WilleThe challenges in implementing intelligent and autonomous software systems remain the development of self-adapting systems, self-healing applications, corporate global creation, and collaborated robotic teams. With software agent technology widely recognized as a key approach in implementing such global infrastructure, the importance of the role of
Quality-aware Scheduling for Key-value Data Stores
by Chen Xu Aoying ZhouThis book comprehensively illustrates quality-ware scheduling in key-value stores. In addition, it provides scheduling strategies and a prototype framework of quality-aware scheduler as well as a demonstration of online applications. The book offers a rich blend of theory and practice which is suitable for students, researchers and practitioners interested in distributed systems, NoSQL key-value stores and scheduling.
Quality Management in Reverse Logistics
by Yiannis NikolaidisQuality Management in Reverse Logistics intends to develop, collect, examine and evaluate a number of quality management (QM) tools and techniques, which can be applied in practice in order to understand, review and improve any closed-loop supply chain process. In other words, the book aims to examine the existing relationship between various well-developed and thoroughly studied quality issues, such as QM, quality assurance, standardization of processes and statistical quality control and the emerging research area of reverse logistics. Quality Management in Reverse Logistics contains modeling and quantitative methods that could be used by practitioners and academics in the reverse logistics industry, as well as a thorough description of QM tools and techniques. The book leads the potential reader to broaden their scope of thinking and acting in the new, promising area of reverse logistics, where QM can be applied.
Quality of Experience
by Sebastian Möller Alexander RaakeThis pioneering book develops definitions and concepts related to Quality of Experience in the context of multimedia- and telecommunications-related applications, systems and services and applies these to various fields of communication and media technologies. The editors bring together numerous key-protagonists of the new discipline "Quality of Experience" and combine the state-of-the-art knowledge in one single volume.
Quality of Experience and Learning in Information Systems: Incorporating Learning and Ethics into Characterizations of Quality of Experience (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)
by Josephina AntoniouThe book shows how researchers, practitioners, and designers can improve user experiences with technology by understanding various user learning styles and characteristics when they interact with new and challenging applications and interfaces. Quality of experience in this new technological environment is affected by the learning curve involved in being able to use the new interfaces in a satisfactory way. The author explores the variations in quality of experience when considering learning and ethics when interacting with new, emerging technologies. The author shows how results can be applied to technologies such as big data, AI, 5G, and Internet of Things (IoT). Taken into account are also safety and security requirements, context, environment, etc. The book explores the idea of learning, ethics, and the idea that there exists a “recipe” for a satisfactory interaction with technology if such relevant parameters are taken into consideration.Analyzes user habits to improve quality of experience when interacting with technology;Shows how to apply quality of service techniques to 5G, IoT, big data and AI;Uses behavior models to analyze interactions to improve the user quality of experience.
Quality of Experience Modeling for Cloud Gaming Services (T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services)
by Saman ZadtootaghajThis book presents the development of a gaming quality model to predict the gaming Quality of Experience (QoE) of players that could be used for planning the network service or quality monitoring of cloud gaming services. The author presents a model that is developed following a modular structure approach that keeps the different types of impairments separately. The book shows how such a modular structure allows developing a sustainable model as each component can be updated by advances in that specific research area or technology. The presented gaming quality model takes into account two modules of video quality and input quality. The latter considers the interactivity aspects of gaming. The video quality module offers a series of models that differ depending on the level of access to the video stream information, allowing high flexibility for service providers regarding the positions of measuring points within their system. In summary, the present book focuses on (1) creation of multiple image/video and cloud gaming quality datasets, (2) development of a gaming video classification, and (3) development of a series of gaming QoE models to predict the gaming QoE depending on the level of access to the video stream information.
Quality of Information and Communications Technology: 17th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, QUATIC 2024, Pisa, Italy, September 11–13, 2024, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2178)
by Antonia Bertolino João Pascoal Faria Patricia Lago Laura SeminiThis book constitutes the proceedings of the 17th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, QUATIC 2024, held in Pisa, Italy, during September 11–13, 2024. The 34 full and short papers of QUATIC 2024 included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 49 submissions. QUATIC is a forum for disseminating advanced methods, techniques and tools to support quality approaches to ICT engineering and management. Practitioners and researchers are encouraged to exchange ideas and approaches on how to adopt a quality culture in ICT process and product improvement and to provide practical studies in varying contexts.
Quality of Information and Communications Technology: 14th International Conference, QUATIC 2021, Algarve, Portugal, September 8–11, 2021, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1439)
by Ana Rosa Cavalli Ricardo Pérez-Castillo Ana C. R. Paiva Paula Ventura MartinsThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, QUATIC 2021, held in Algarve, Portugal*, in September 2021.The 30 full papers and 9 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 98 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections: ICT verification and validation; software evolution; process modeling, improvement and assessment; quality aspects in quantum computing; safety, security, and privacy; quality aspects in machine learning, AI and data analytics; evidence-based software quality engineering; quality in cyber-physical systems; software quality education and training.*The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Quality of Information and Communications Technology: 16th International Conference, QUATIC 2023, Aveiro, Portugal, September 11–13, 2023, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1871)
by José Maria Fernandes Guilherme H. Travassos Valentina Lenarduzzi Xiaozhou LiThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Quality of Information and Communications Technology, QUATIC 2023, held in Aveiro, Portugal, during September 11–13, 2023.The 17 full papers and 4 short papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 37 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Disseminating Advanced Methods, Techniques, and Tools for Supporting Quality ICT Engineering and Management Approaches.