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Access 97 Expert Solutions
by Stan LeszynskiQue's Access 97 Expert Solutions is more than a unique tutorial--it's truly a handbook, covering important topics you won't find in any other book. Beyond creating queries, forms, and reports, discover how to combine Access objects into an expert solution. This book shows you how Access application experts work--their standards, philosophies, and techniques--and how you can apply this knowledge to your own development efforts.
ACCESS: Accessible Course Construction for Every Student’s Success
by Cat Mahaffey Ashlyn C. WaldenACCESS: Accessible Course Construction for Every Student’s Success is a practical guide to digital course design that incorporates and exceeds current accessibility practices for disabled and non-disabled students in higher education. Today’s rapid proliferation of online, blended, and hybrid learning systems has alerted college and university staff to unforeseen yet urgent lapses in accommodating students’ various learning needs and preferences. This book offers a wealth of learning design and delivery strategies that meaningfully address the notions of accessibility that move beyond compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Each chapter explores accessibility in a situated context, making this an ideal resource for instructional design students and professionals, learning scientists, disability support personnel, and faculty developing their own digital courses.
Access. Analiza danych. Receptury
by Ken Bluttman Wayne S. FreezeKorzystaj z bazy danych Access jak profesjonalista!Jak stosowa? wska?niki statystyczne do analizy danych biznesowych?Jak rozszerza? funkcjonalno?? zapyta? SQL, stosuj?c skrypty VBA? Jak przetwarza? dane i przenosi? je mi?dzy bazami Access?Access to znane ju? narz?dzie s?u??ce do wszechstronnego przetwarzania i analizy danych. Posiada sporo ukrytych mechanizmów, pozwalaj?cych efektywnie wykonywa? zadania, które pocz?tkowo mog? wydawa? si? skomplikowane. Ksi??ka przedstawia przyk?ady kwerend, metody przenoszenia danych pomi?dzy bazami Access, obliczania wielu wska?ników finansowo-biznesowych i sporo innych zagadnie? - wszystko pod k?tem analizy i przetwarzania danych. Ka?da zaprezentowana receptura jest opatrzona kompletnym opisem rozwi?zania problemu wraz ze szczegó?owym omówieniem metody post?powania oraz analiz? kodu. Access. Analiza danych. Receptury to uniwersalny podr?cznik przeznaczony zarówno dla pocz?tkuj?cych u?ytkowników bazy danych Access, jak i do?wiadczonych. Dzi?ki przejrzystemu j?zykowi i mnogo?ci poruszonych zagadnie? ka?dy, niezale?nie od stopnia zaawansowania, mo?e poszerzy? swoj? wiedz?. Zawiera mnóstwo ciekawych wskazówek i technik u?atwiaj?cych codzienn? prac? z bazami danych, co czyni j? atrakcyjn? nawet dla osób doskonale pos?uguj?cych si? baz? Access. Jest to tak?e kompendium wiedzy niezb?dnej ka?demu, kto chce wyci?ga? ze zbiorów danych naprawd? cenne informacje. Tworzenie kwerend ró?nych typówWstawianie, aktualizacja i usuwanie danychPrzetwarzanie tekstu i liczb zapisanych w formie ?a?cucha znakówZastosowanie tabel, modyfikacja zawarto?ci systemu Windows, szyfrowanie danych Wykorzystanie obiektu FileSystemObject, przetwarzanie danych XML oraz XSLT, komunikacja z bazami SQLRozwi?zywanie problemów biznesowychObliczanie wska?ników statystycznychBaza danych to fundament biznesu - zobacz, jak efektywnie ni? zarz?dza?!
Access By Design: A Guide To Universal Usability For Web Designers
by Sarah HortonBestselling author Sarah Horton argues that simply meeting the official standards and guidelines for Web accessibility is not enough. Her goal is universal usability, and in Access by Design: A Guide to Universal Usability for Web Designers, Sarah describes a design methodology that addresses accessibility requirements but then goes beyond. As a result, designers learn how to optimize page designs to work more effectively for more users, disabled or not. Working through each of the main functional features of Web sites, she provides clear principles for using HTML and CSS to deal with elements such as text, forms, images, and tables, illustrating each with an example drawn from the real world. Through these guidelines, Sarah makes a convincing case that good design principles benefit all users of the Web.
Access Contested
by John Palfrey Rafal Rohozinski Ronald Deibert Jonathan ZittrainA daily battle for rights and freedoms in cyberspace is being waged in Asia. At the epicenter of this contest is China--home to the world's largest Internet population and what is perhaps the world's most advanced Internet censorship and surveillance regime in cyberspace. Resistance to China's Internet controls comes from both grassroots activists and corporate giants such as Google. Meanwhile, similar struggles play out across the rest of the region, from India and Singapore to Thailand and Burma, although each national dynamic is unique. Access Contested, the third volume from the OpenNet Initiative (a collaborative partnership of the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs, the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and the SecDev Group in Ottawa), examines the interplay of national security, social and ethnic identity, and resistance in Asian cyberspace, offering in-depth accounts of national struggles against Internet controls as well as updated country reports by ONI researchers. The contributors examine such topics as Internet censorship in Thailand, the Malaysian blogosphere, surveillance and censorship around gender and sexuality in Malaysia, Internet governance in China, corporate social responsibility and freedom of expression in South Korea and India, cyber attacks on independent Burmese media, and distributed-denial-of-service attacks and other digital control measures across Asia.The hardcover edition does not include a dust jacket.
Access Contested: Security, Identity, and Resistance in Asian Cyberspace
by John Palfrey Rafal Rohozinski Jonathan L. Zittrain Ronald DeibertA daily battle for rights and freedoms in cyberspace is being waged in Asia. At the epicenter of this contest is China--home to the world's largest Internet population and what is perhaps the world's most advanced Internet censorship and surveillance regime in cyberspace. Resistance to China's Internet controls comes from both grassroots activists and corporate giants such as Google. Meanwhile, similar struggles play out across the rest of the region, from India and Singapore to Thailand and Burma, although each national dynamic is unique. Access Contested, the third volume from the OpenNet Initiative (a collaborative partnership of the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs, the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and the SecDev Group in Ottawa), examines the interplay of national security, social and ethnic identity, and resistance in Asian cyberspace, offering in-depth accounts of national struggles against Internet controls as well as updated country reports by ONI researchers. The contributors examine such topics as Internet censorship in Thailand, the Malaysian blogosphere, surveillance and censorship around gender and sexuality in Malaysia, Internet governance in China, corporate social responsibility and freedom of expression in South Korea and India, cyber attacks on independent Burmese media, and distributed-denial-of-service attacks and other digital control measures across Asia.
Access Contested: Security, Identity, and Resistance in Asian Cyberspace (Information Revolution and Global Politics)
by John Palfrey Rafal Rohozinski Jonathan L. Zittrain Ronald Deibert edited by Ronald DeibertExperts examine censorship, surveillance, and resistance across Asia, from China and India to Malaysia and the Philippines. A daily battle for rights and freedoms in cyberspace is being waged in Asia. At the epicenter of this contest is China—home to the world's largest Internet population and what is perhaps the world's most advanced Internet censorship and surveillance regime in cyberspace. Resistance to China's Internet controls comes from both grassroots activists and corporate giants such as Google. Meanwhile, similar struggles play out across the rest of the region, from India and Singapore to Thailand and Burma, although each national dynamic is unique. Access Contested, the third volume from the OpenNet Initiative (a collaborative partnership of the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs, the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and the SecDev Group in Ottawa), examines the interplay of national security, social and ethnic identity, and resistance in Asian cyberspace, offering in-depth accounts of national struggles against Internet controls as well as updated country reports by ONI researchers.The contributors examine such topics as Internet censorship in Thailand, the Malaysian blogosphere, surveillance and censorship around gender and sexuality in Malaysia, Internet governance in China, corporate social responsibility and freedom of expression in South Korea and India, cyber attacks on independent Burmese media, and distributed-denial-of-service attacks and other digital control measures across Asia.
Access Control and Identity Management
by Mike ChappleRevised and updated with the latest data from this fast paced field, Access Control, Authentication, and Public Key Infrastructure defines the components of access control, provides a business framework for implementation, and discusses legal requirements that impact access control programs.
Access Control Management in Cloud Environments
by Hua Wang Jinli Cao Yanchun ZhangThis textbook introduces new business concepts on cloud environments such as secure, scalable anonymity and practical payment protocols for the Internet of things and Blockchain technology. The protocol uses electronic cash for payment transactions. In this new protocol, from the viewpoint of banks, consumers can improve anonymity if they are worried about disclosure of their identities in the cloud. Currently, there is not a book available that has reported the techniques covering the protocols with anonymizations and Blockchain technology. Thus this will be a useful book for universities to purchase. This textbook provides new direction for access control management and online business, with new challenges within Blockchain technology that may arise in cloud environments. One is related to the authorization granting process. For example, when a role is granted to a user, this role may conflict with other roles of the user or together with this role; the user may have or derive a high level of authority. Another is related to authorization revocation. For instance, when a role is revoked from a user, the user may still have the role. Experts will get benefits from these challenges through the developed methodology for authorization granting algorithm, and weak revocation and strong revocation algorithms.
Access Control Models and Architectures For IoT and Cyber Physical Systems
by Ravi Sandhu Maanak Gupta Smriti Bhatt Asma Hassan AlshehriThis book presents cybersecurity aspects of ubiquitous and growing IoT and Cyber Physical Systems. It also introduces a range of conceptual, theoretical, and foundational access control solutions. This was developed by the authors to provide an overall broader perspective and grounded approach to solve access control problems in IoT and CPS.The authors discuss different architectures, frameworks, access control models, implementation scenarios, and a broad set of use-cases in different IoT and CPS domains. This provides readers an intuitive and easy to read set of chapters. The authors also discuss IoT and CPS access control solutions provided by key industry players including Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It provides extensions of the authors proposed fine grained solutions with these widely used cloud and edge supported platforms.This book is designed to serve the computer science and the cybersecurity community including researchers, academicians and students. Practitioners who have a wider interest in IoT, CPS, privacy and security aspects will also find this book useful. Thanks to the holistic planning and thoughtful organization of this book, the readers are expected to gain in-depth knowledge of the state-of-the-art access control architectures and security models for resilient IoT and CPS.
Access Control, Security, and Trust: A Logical Approach
by Shiu-Kai Chin Susan Beth OlderDeveloped from the authors' courses at Syracuse University and the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, Access Control, Security, and Trust: A Logical Approach equips readers with an access control logic they can use to specify and verify their security designs. Throughout the text, the authors use a single access control logic based on a simple pro
Access Controlled: The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace (Information Revolution and Global Politics)
by John Palfrey Rafal Rohozinski Ronald Deibert Jonathan ZittrainReports on a new generation of Internet controls that establish a new normative terrain in which surveillance and censorship are routine.Internet filtering, censorship of Web content, and online surveillance are increasing in scale, scope, and sophistication around the world, in democratic countries as well as in authoritarian states. The first generation of Internet controls consisted largely of building firewalls at key Internet gateways; China's famous “Great Firewall of China” is one of the first national Internet filtering systems. Today the new tools for Internet controls that are emerging go beyond mere denial of information. These new techniques, which aim to normalize (or even legalize) Internet control, include targeted viruses and the strategically timed deployment of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, surveillance at key points of the Internet's infrastructure, take-down notices, stringent terms of usage policies, and national information shaping strategies. Access Controlled reports on this new normative terrain. The book, a project from the OpenNet Initiative (ONI), a collaboration of the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto's Munk Centre for International Studies, Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society, and the SecDev Group, offers six substantial chapters that analyze Internet control in both Western and Eastern Europe and a section of shorter regional reports and country profiles drawn from material gathered by the ONI around the world through a combination of technical interrogation and field research methods.
Access Cookbook, 2nd Edition
by Andy Baron Paul Litwin Ken GetzNot a reference book, and not a tutorial either, the new second edition of the highly regarded Access Cookbook is an uncommonly useful collection of solutions to problems that Access users and developers are likely to face as they attempt to build increasingly complex applications.<P> Although using any single "recipe" in the book will more than pay back the cost of the book in terms of both hours saved and frustration thwarted, Access Cookbook, Second Edition is much more than a handy assortment of cut-and-paste code.<P> Each of the "recipes" examine a particular problem--problems that commonly occur when you push the upper limits of Access, or ones that are likely to trip up a developer attempting to design a more elegant Access application--even some things you never knew Access could do. The authors then, in a clear, accessible, step-by-step style, present the problems' solution. Following each "recipe" are insights on how Access works, potential pitfalls, interesting programming techniques that are used in the solution, and how and why the solution works, so you can adapt the problem-solving techniques to other similar situations. <P> Fully updated for Access 2003, Access Cookbook, Second Edition is also one of the first books to thoroughly explore new support for .NET managed code and XML. All of the practical, real-world examples have been tested for compatibility with Access 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. This updated new edition also covers Access and SharePoint, Access and SmartTags, Access and .NET; and Access and XML. <P> Access power users and programmers at all levels, from the relatively inexperienced to the most sophisticated, will rely on the Access Cookbook for quick solutions to gnarly problems. With a dog-eared copy of Access Cookbook at your side, you can spend your time and energy where it matters most: working on the interesting facets of your Access application, not just the time-consuming ones.
Access Data Analysis Cookbook
by Ken Bluttman Wayne S. FreezeIf you have large quantities of data in a Microsoft Access database, and need to study that data in depth, this book is a data cruncher's dream. Access Data Analysis Cookbook offers practical recipes to solve a variety of common problems that users have with extracting Access data and performing calculations on it. Each recipe includes a discussion on how and why the solution works.<P> Whether you use Access 2007 or an earlier version, this book will teach you new methods to query data, different ways to move data in and out of Access, how to calculate answers to financial and investment issues, and more. Learn how to apply statistics to summarize business information, how to jump beyond SQL by manipulating data with VBA, how to process dates and times, and even how to reach into the Excel data analysis toolkit. Recipes demonstrate ways to:<P> * Develop basic and sophisticated queries <P> * Apply aggregate functions, custom functions, regular expressions, and crosstabs <P> * Apply queries to perform non-passive activities such as inserting, updating, and deleting data <P> * Create and manipulate tables and queries programmatically <P> * Manage text-based data, including methods to isolate parts of a string and ways to work with numbers that are stored as text <P> * Use arrays, read and write to the Windows registry, encrypt data, and use transaction processing <P> * Use the FileSystemObject, use XML with XSLT, communicate with SQL Server, and exchange data with other Office products <P> * Find answers from time-based data, such as how to add time, count elapsed time, work with leap years, and how to manage time zones in your calculations <P> * Deal with business and finance problems, including methods for calculating depreciation, loan paybacks, and Return on Investment (ROI) <P> * Explore statistical techniques, such as frequency, variance, kurtosis, linear regression, combinations and permutations<P> Access Data Analysis Cookbook is a one-stop-shop for extracting nuggets of valuable information from your database, and anyone with Access experience will benefit from these tips and techniques, including seasoned developers. If you want to use your data, and not just store it, you'll find this guide indispensable.
Access Database Design & Programming: Creating Programmable Database Applications with Access 97, 2000, 2002 & 2003 (Nutshell Handbooks)
by Steven RomanAccess Database Design & Programming takes you behind the details of the Access interface, focusing on the general knowledge necessary for Access power users or developers to create effective database applications. When using software products with graphical interfaces, we frequently focus so much on the interface that we forget about the general concepts that allow us to understand and use the software effectively. In particular, this book focuses on three areas:Database design. The book provides an enjoyable, informative overview of database design that carefully shows you how to normalize tables to eliminate redundancy without losing data. Queries. The book examines multi-table queries (i.e.,various types of joins) and shows how to implement them indirectly by using the Access interface or directly by using Access SQL. Programming. The book examines the VBA integrated development environment (IDE). It then goes on to provide an excellent introduction to Data Access Objects (DAO), ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), and ADO Extensions for Data Definition and Security (ADOX). These sections serve as a handy introduction and primer for basic database operations,such as modifying a table under program control, dynamically adding and deleting a record, and repositioning a record pointer. The concluding chapter focuses on common programming problems, such as computing running sums and comparing two sets. Unlike other Access books that take the long, detailed approach to every topic of concern to Access programmers, Access Database Design &Programming instead focuses on the core concepts, enabling programmers to develop solid, effective database applications. This book also serves as a 'second course' in Access that provides a relatively experienced Access user who is new to programming with the frequently overlooked techniques necessary to develop successfully in the Microsoft Access environment. Anyone interested in learning Access in depth, rather than just scraping the surface, will enjoy and benefit immensely from reading this book.
Access Database Design & Programming, 3rd Edition
by Steven RomanAccess Database Design and Programming takes you behind the details of the Access interface, focusing on the general knowledge necessary for Access power users or developers to create effective database applications. When using software products with graphical interfaces, we frequently focus so much on the interface that we forget about the general concepts that allow us to understand and use the software effectively. In particular, this book focuses on three areas: Database design. The book provides an enjoyable, informative overview of database design that carefully shows you how to normalize tables to eliminate redundancy without losing data. Queries. The book examines multi-table queries (i.e.,various types of joins) and shows how to implement them indirectly by using the Access interface or directly by using Access SQL. Programming. The book examines the VBA integrated development environment (IDE). It then goes on to provide an excellent introduction to Data Access Objects (DAO), ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), and ADO Extensions for Data Definition and Security (ADOX). These sections serve as a handy introduction and primer for basic database operations, such as modifying a table under program control, dynamically adding and deleting a record, and repositioning a record pointer. The concluding chapter focuses on common programming problems, such as computing running sums and comparing two sets. Unlike other Access books that take the long, detailed approach to every topic of concern to Access programmers, Access Database Design and Programming instead focuses on the core concepts, enabling programmers to develop solid, effective database applications. This book also serves as a 'second course' in Access that provides a relatively experienced Access user who is new to programming with the frequently overlooked techniques necessary to develop successfully in the Microsoft Access environment. Anyone interested in learning Access in depth, rather than just scraping the surface, will enjoy and benefit immensely from reading this book.
Access Denied (Turing Hopper #3)
by Donna AndrewsWhen Turing Hopper, Artificial Intelligence Personality extraordinaire, learns that criminal Nestor Garcia's once-dormant credit card has been doing a lot of shopping lately, she begins to do some sleuthing -- and finds out the loot's shown up at an empty bungalow. So Turing gets her human friends to stake out the vicinity. But when one of them sees something he wishes he hadn't -- and gets charged with murder -- everyone will have to pull together to clear his name. The only way to do it is to find the guilty party -- by luring him to attack them. But doing so might very well get them "accidentally" deleted...
Access, Equity and Engagement in Online Learning in TESOL: Insights on the Transition to Remote Learning (Global South Perspectives on TESOL)
by Adi Badiozaman, Ida Fatimawati Jonathan Newton Hugh John LeongThis volume explores difficulties facing TESOL education’s transition to online learning in the Global South and Southeast Asia/Asia Pacific region, highlighting innovations of educators in engaging learners, thereby exploring the key themes of access, engagement, and equity in the field.Discussing themes such as academic burnout, cultural competence, and emotional regulation strategies in challenging educational contexts, this novel volume gives voice to field experiences encountered in countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Oman, Vietnam, China, and Iran. Chapters demonstrate how a lack of access to reliable internet connectivity and a shortage of digital devices, especially in rural areas, compound limited opportunities for students already facing educational inequalities, presenting the innovative and creative ways English educators are responding to these situations. Across interviews and qualitative studies, the book demonstrates that issues surrounding engagement with, access to, and equity within, the remote and online educational context are wider and longer lasting than the recent pandemic period itself and are at the forefront of challenges facing these regions today.Highlighting English educators’ resilience, perseverance, and creativity in challenging circumstances, the book will be of interest to researchers, scholars, and postgraduate students in open and distance education, eLearning, bilingualism/ESL, and distribution of technology in educational settings.
Access For Dummies
by Laurie A. Ulrich Ken CookBecome a database boss —and have fun doing it—with this accessible and easy-to-follow guide to Microsoft Access Databases hold the key to organizing and accessing all your data in one convenient place. And you don’t have to be a data science wizard to build, populate, and organize your own. With Microsoft Access For Dummies, you’ll learn to use the latest version of Microsoft’s Access software to power your database needs. Need to understand the essentials before diving in? Check out our Basic Training in Part 1 where we teach you how to navigate the Access workspace and explore the foundations of databases. Ready for more advanced tutorials? Skip right to the sections on Data Management, Queries, or Reporting where we walk you through Access’s more sophisticated capabilities. Not sure if you have Access via Office 2021 or Office 365? No worries – this book covers Access now matter how you access it. The book also shows you how to: Handle the most common problems that Access users encounter Import, export, and automatically edit data to populate your next database Write powerful and accurate queries to find exactly what you’re looking for, exactly when you need it Microsoft Access For Dummies is the perfect resource for anyone expected to understand, use, or administer Access databases at the workplace, classroom, or any other data-driven destination.
Access for Starters: The Missing Manual
by Kate J Chase Scott PalmerMaybe you got Access as part of Microsoft Office and wonder what it can do for you and your household; maybe you're a small business manager and don't have a techie on staff to train the office in Microsoft Access. Regardless, you want to quickly get your feet wet--but not get in over your head--and Access 2003 for Starters: The Missing Manual is the book to make it happen. Far more than a skimpy introduction but much less daunting than a weighty tech book, Access 2003 for Starters: The Missing Manual demystifies databases and explains how to design and create them with ease. It delivers everything you need--and nothing you don't--to use Access right away. It's your expert guide to the Access features that are most vital and most useful, and it's your trusted advisor on the more in-depth features that are best saved for developers and programmers. Access is sophisticated and powerful enough for professional developers but easy and practical enough for everyday users like you. This Missing Manual explains all the major features of Access 2003, including designing and creating databases, organizing and filtering information, and generating effective forms and reports. Bestselling authors, database designers, and programmers Scott Palmer, Ph.D., and Kate Chase are your guides for putting the world's most popular desktop data management program to work. Their clear explanations, step-by-step instructions, plenty of illustrations, and timesaving advice help you get up to speed quickly and painlessly. Whether you're just starting out or you know you've been avoiding aspects of the program and missing out on much of what it can do, this friendly, witty book will gently immerse you in Microsoft Access. Keep it handy, as you'll undoubtedly refer to it again and again.
Access Hacks
by Ken BluttmanAs part of the Microsoft Office suite, Access has become the industry's leading desktop database management program for organizing, accessing, and sharing information. But taking advantage of this product to build increasingly complex Access applications requires something more than your typical how-to book. What it calls for is Access Hacks from O'Reilly. This valuable guide provides direct, hands-on solutions that can help relieve the frustrations felt by users struggling to master the program's various complexities. For experienced users, Access Hacks offers a unique collection of proven techniques and tools that enable them to take their database skills and productivity to the next level. For Access beginners, it helps them acquire a firm grasp of the program's most productive features. A smart collection of insider tips and tricks, Access Hacks covers all of the program's finer points. Among the multitude of topics addressed, it shows users how to: work with Access in multi-user environments utilize SQL queries work with external data and programs integrate Access with third-party products Just imagine: a learning process without the angst. Well, Access Hacks delivers it with ease, thanks to these down-and-dirty techniques not collected together anywhere else. Part of O'Reilly's best-selling Hacks series, Access Hacks is based on author Ken Bluttman's two decades of real-world experience in database programming and business application building. It's because of his vast experiences that the book is able to offer such a deep understanding of the program's expanding possibilities.
Access Hacks
by Ken BluttmanAs part of the Microsoft Office suite, Access has become the industry's leading desktop database management program for organizing, accessing, and sharing information. But taking advantage of this product to build increasingly complex Access applications requires something more than your typical how-to book. What it calls for is Access Hacks from O'Reilly. This valuable guide provides direct, hands-on solutions that can help relieve the frustrations felt by users struggling to master the program's various complexities. For experienced users, Access Hacks offers a unique collection of proven techniques and tools that enable them to take their database skills and productivity to the next level. For Access beginners, it helps them acquire a firm grasp of the program's most productive features. A smart collection of insider tips and tricks, Access Hacks covers all of the program's finer points. Among the multitude of topics addressed, it shows users how to: work with Access in multi-user environments utilize SQL queries work with external data and programs integrate Access with third-party products Just imagine: a learning process without the angst. Well, Access Hacks delivers it with ease, thanks to these down-and-dirty techniques not collected together anywhere else. Part of O'Reilly's best-selling Hacks series, Access Hacks is based on author Ken Bluttman's two decades of real-world experience in database programming and business application building. It's because of his vast experiences that the book is able to offer such a deep understanding of the program's expanding possibilities.
Access Is Capture: How Edtech Reproduces Racial Inequality
by Roderic N CrooksRacially and economically segregated schools across the United States have hosted many interventions from commercial digital education technology (edtech) companies who promise their products will rectify the failures of public education. Edtech's benefits are not only trumpeted by industry promoters and evangelists but also vigorously pursued by experts, educators, students, and teachers. Why, then, has edtech yet to make good on its promises? In Access Is Capture, Roderic N. Crooks investigates how edtech functions in Los Angeles public schools that exclusively serve Latinx and Black communities. These so-called urban schools are sites of intense, ongoing technological transformation, where the tantalizing possibilities of access to computing meet the realities of structural inequality. Crooks shows how data-intensive edtech delivers value to privileged individuals and commercial organizations but never to the communities that hope to share in the benefits. He persuasively argues that data-drivenness ultimately enjoins the public to participate in a racial project marked by the extraction of capital from minoritized communities to enrich the tech sector.
Access, Resource Sharing and Collection Development
by Sul H LeeAccess, Resource Sharing, and Collection Development explores the role of libraries in acquiring, storing, and disseminating information in different formats to help you better use technology to share scarce resources and connect library users with collections. With an expressed goal of encouraging continued debate and further investigation, this book provides you with developing strategies and procedures to meet the challenges you face as a collection development librarian during this dynamic time. Among the vital concerns addressed are the competition for limited resources, trends in document delivery, the evaluation of document delivery products, and libraries’options for the future.The chapters collected in Access, Resource Sharing, and Collection Development represent the proceedings of the annual conference held by the University of Oklahoma Libraries and the University of Oklahoma Foundation. The book provides insight into your peers’findings and ideas on: access vs. ownership the future role of the bibliographer changes in collection management managing restrained resource budgets an emphasis on the library user as customer the growth and acceptance of document delivery as a component of collection development and ILL electronic publishing and copyright issues commercial document delivery services Access, Resource Sharing, and Collection Development also shows you how to discover and evaluate "free" resources on the Internet, as standards for production, promotion, and maintenance are nonexistent. The challenge of using these materials is being met by developing criteria for selection, looking at cataloging options, and working in cooperation with other institutions. You’ll also learn the different options for document delivery and how to evaluate document delivery products. Among the book’s advice: you should consider the types of document delivery available, examine the benefits of combining outside services with in-house systems, review the criteria for selecting technologies and suppliers, and explore examples of institutions creating customized systems.
Access Rules: Freeing Data from Big Tech for a Better Future
by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger Thomas RamgeA powerful and urgent call to action: to improve our lives and our societies, we must demand open access to data for all. Information is power, and the time is now for digital liberation. Access Rules mounts a strong and hopeful argument for how informational tools at present in the hands of a few could instead become empowering machines for everyone. By forcing data-hoarding companies to open access to their data, we can reinvigorate both our economy and our society. Authors Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Thomas Ramge contend that if we disrupt monopoly power and create a level playing field, digital innovations can emerge to benefit us all. Over the past twenty years, Big Tech has managed to centralize the most relevant data on their servers, as data has become the most important raw material for innovation. However, dominant oligopolists like Facebook, Amazon, and Google, in contrast with their reputation as digital pioneers, are actually slowing down innovation and progress by withholding data for the benefit of their shareholders––at the expense of customers, the economy, and society. As Access Rules compellingly argues, ultimately it is up to us to force information giants, wherever they are located, to open their treasure troves of data to others. In order for us to limit global warming, contain a virus like COVID-19, or successfully fight poverty, everyone—including citizens and scientists, start-ups and established companies, as well as the public sector and NGOs—must have access to data. When everyone has access to the informational riches of the data age, the nature of digital power will change. Information technology will find its way back to its original purpose: empowering all of us to use information so we can thrive as individuals and as societies.