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Reddito Passivo Online: 5 modi altamente remunerativi per fare soldi online

by Jonathan S. Walker

Impara i segreti per fare reddito passivo online oggi e inizia a fare soldi! Reddito passivo online: 5 modi altamente redditizi per fare soldi online Impara i segreti per fare reddito passivo online oggi e inizia a fare soldi! Sei stanco di lavorare come un cane, correndo come un pazzo come tutti gli altri là fuori? Scambi tempo per guadagnare soldi giorno dopo giorno, sacrificando tempo di qualità con amici e familiari e non avendo mai abbastanza da spendere con i vostri cari? Cosa succede se ti dico che esiste un modo per costruire un impero del reddito passivo on-line senza dover lasciare il lavoro di tutti i giorni? Il reddito passivo online è la soluzione definitiva. Per essere IL ragazzo di cui tutti sono invidiosi, è necessario iniziare a costruire un reddito passivo online OGGI. Ci vuole tempo per far crescere un'azienda da zero e questo libro ti fornirà i passi esatti che dovrai fare per iniziare quel viaggio. In questo libro imparerai: 5 Fonti redditizie per la creazione di flussi di reddito passivi online Strategie specifiche su come far crescere le aziende Costruire blog redditizi Costruire un impero commerciale e vendere con l'FBA Come creare un sito membership Come fare soldi vendendo Ebook su Amazon Kindle Store Come impostare un canale Youtube redditizio Risultati della creazione di reddito passivo online: Essere in grado di viaggiare per il mondo Realizzare i tuoi sogni Avere sicurezza finanziaria Essere finanziariamente senza stress Acquistare tutto quello che vuoi in qualsiasi momento Stai per ottenere queste strategie e grazie a tutta questa conoscenza a portata di mano farai il salto di qualità e diventerai finanziariamente libero, con un reddito passivo disponibile ogni giorno. Qualcuno che è in pensione prima dei 40 anni e ha il tempo e la libertà di vivere la vita al massimo con i loro cari. Affretta

Redeem All: How Digital Life Is Changing Evangelical Culture

by Corrina Laughlin

Redeem All examines the surprising intersection of American evangelicalism and tech innovation. Corrina Laughlin looks at the evangelical Christians who are invested in imagining, using, hacking, adapting, and creating new media technologies for religious purposes. She finds that entrepreneurs, pastors, missionaries, and social media celebrities interpret the promises born in Silicon Valley through the framework of evangelical culture and believe that digital media can help them (to paraphrase Steve Jobs) put their own dent in the universe. Laughlin introduces readers to "startup churches" hoping to reach a global population, entrepreneurs coding for a deeper purpose, digital missionaries networking with mobile phones, and Christian influencers and podcasters seeking new forms of community engagement. Redeem All reveals how evangelicalism has changed as it eagerly adopts the norms of the digital age.

Redefining Cross-Border Financial Flows: Transforming Remittances with AI and Other Technologies

by Hari Prasad Josyula

Analyse how AI and other cutting-edge technologies affect the complex web of international financial transactions. The global remittance sector and artificial intelligence (AI) work together in a way that is testament to the revolutionary force of innovation in the always changing financial and technology landscape. As we stand at the threshold of a new age, this book aims to explore the layers of complexity underlying the confluence of AI and remittances. Your investigation will go beyond the current state of affairs and into the future, whereby predictive analytics and autonomous financial transactions will fundamentally alter the way that we send and receive money internationally. This process's incorporation of AI technology represents a revolution rather than a simple progression, one that might improve millions of people's lives by streamlining, securing, and lowering the cost of financial transactions. This book breaks down the complex workings of AI prediction models, reveals how blockchain integration may be used to facilitate safe and transparent transactions, and examines how biometric authentication can strengthen the security of financial transactions. It dives into the complexities of regulatory compliance, understanding the difficult balance between innovation and conformity to existing standards. When machines carry out transactions based on complex algorithms and current market circumstances, what does it entail for people and economies? What effect does this change have on how people make financial decisions? This book is an invitation to imagine a future in which financial systems are not just efficient but also naturally intelligent. It is a call to reflect on the moral ramifications, the effects on society, and the obligations that accompany the dawn of a new era of financial opportunity. Remittances are about to undergo a revolution, and you have a crucial role to play in determining how this will play out. What You’ll Learn Understand the integration of AI and other technology in remittances to enhance efficiency, security, and cost-effectiveness of cross-border financial transactions. Examine the impact of AI-driven cross border flows on global economic development, particularly in communities heavily reliant on remittances. Investigate the social benefits and potential challenges posed by AI in maintaining or altering familial and community ties through remittance flows Critically evaluate regulatory and ethical challenges while fostering innovation and adhering to existing financial laws and standards. Explore future scenarios where AI governs autonomous financial transactions and the role of humans in an AI-driven financial ecosystem. Debate how such changes might redefine personal and communal financial interactions. Who This Book Is For FinTech practitioners, Finance students, professionals in working in Payments and/or Remittances

Redefining Geek: Bias and the Five Hidden Habits of Tech-Savvy Teens

by Cassidy Puckett

A surprising and deeply researched look at how everyone can develop tech fluency by focusing on five easily developed learning habits.Picture a typical computer geek. Likely white, male, and someone you’d say has a “natural instinct” for technology. Yet, after six years teaching technology classes to first-generation, low-income middle school students in Oakland, California, Cassidy Puckett has seen firsthand that being good with technology is not something people are born with—it’s something they learn. In Redefining Geek, she overturns the stereotypes around the digitally savvy and identifies the habits that can help everyone cultivate their inner geek.Drawing on observations and interviews with a diverse group of students around the country, Puckett zeroes in on five technology learning habits that enable tech-savvy teens to learn new technologies: a willingness to try and fail, management of frustration and boredom, use of models, and the abilities to use design logic and identify efficiencies. In Redefining Geek, she shows how to measure and build these habits, and she demonstrates how many teens historically marginalized in STEM are already using these habits and would benefit from recognition for their talent, access to further learning opportunities, and support in career pathways. She argues that if we can develop, recognize, and reward these technological learning habits in all kids—especially girls and historically marginalized racial and ethnic groups—we can address many educational inequities and disparities in STEM.Revealing how being good with technology is not about natural ability but habit and persistence, Redefining Geek speaks to the ongoing conversation on equity in technology education and argues for a more inclusive technology learning experience for all students.

Redefining Information Warfare Boundaries For An Army In A Wireless World

by Isaac R. Porche III Christopher Paul Michael York Chad C. Serena Jerry M. Sollinger Elliot Axelband Endy Y. Min Bruce J. Held

The U. S. Army is studying ways to apply its cyber power and is reconsidering doctrinally defined areas that are integral to cyberspace operations. An examination of network operations, information operations, and several other, more focused areas across the U. S. military found significant overlap and potential boundary progression that could inform the development of future Army doctrine.

Redefining Virtual Teaching Learning Pedagogy

by Rohit Bansal Ram Singh Amandeep Singh Kuldeep Chaudhary Tareq Rasul

Redefining Virtual Teaching Learning Pedagogy Online education is now a growing and critical piece of modern-day infrastructure and this book details how virtual teaching and learning can continue to be transformed through leveraging digital platforms. In the current technology-driven era, education systems are undergoing major changes by adopting advanced digital education strategies. Schools, colleges, and universities around the world have swiftly switched to online delivery modes. Students are learning via new platforms and the use of narrated lectures, podcasts, online quizzes, and other e-learning materials has increased. Virtual learning improves the educational experience, transforms teaching and learning, and provides rich, diverse, and flexible learning opportunities for the digital generation. It also makes students able to gain, share and verify knowledge through different sources such as social media communities, blogging, web-based content writing, video-based learning, etc. The main focus of “Redefining Virtual Teaching Learning Pedagogy” is to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and results on all aspects of virtual learning and teaching. The chapters mainly focus on 6 critical areas of virtual teaching and learning: Curriculum and learning objectives Learning materials Pedagogic processes Classroom assessment frameworks Teacher support in the classrooms School leadership and management development. Audience Educators, researchers, academicians, entrepreneurs, and corporate professionals will gain knowledge and be updated about the role & future of virtual teaching and learning and the latest digital tools used for that purpose.

Redesigning AI (Boston Review / Forum)

by Daron Acemoglu

A look at how new technologies can be put to use in the creation of a more just society.Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not likely to make humans redundant. Nor will it create superintelligence anytime soon. But it will make huge advances in the next two decades, revolutionize medicine, entertainment, and transport, transform jobs and markets, and vastly increase the amount of information that governments and companies have about individuals. AI for Good leads off with economist and best-selling author Daron Acemoglu, who argues that there are reasons to be concerned about these developments. AI research today pays too much attention to the technological hurtles ahead without enough attention to its disruptive effects on the fabric of society: displacing workers while failing to create new opportunities for them and threatening to undermine democratic governance itself. But the direction of AI development is not preordained. Acemoglu argues for its potential to create shared prosperity and bolster democratic freedoms. But directing it to that task will take great effort: It will require new funding and regulation, new norms and priorities for developers themselves, and regulations over new technologies and their applications.At the intersection of technology and economic justice, this book will bring together experts--economists, legal scholars, policy makers, and developers--to debate these challenges and consider what steps tech companies can do take to ensure the advancement of AI does not further diminish economic prospects of the most vulnerable groups of population.

Redesigning Animation: United Productions of America (The Focus Animation Series)

by Cinzia Bottini

The animation studio United Productions of America (UPA) was able to challenge Disney supremacy in the 1950s entertainment market by creating cutting-edge animated cartoons. UPA films express a simplified audiovisual language consisting of stylized layout designs, asymmetrical compositions, colors applied flatly and in contrast with each other, limited animation and a minimalist use of sound effects. UPA artists developed this innovative style by assimilating those aesthetic features already expressed by Modern painters, graphic designers and advertisers. This book considers UPA films as Modern animations, because they synthesize a common minimalist tendency that was occurring in US animation during the 1940s and 1950s. It examines the conditions under which UPA studio flourished and the figure of its executive producer Stephen Bosustow; the influence of Modernist stylistic features of painting, graphic design and poster advertising on UPA animations; and UPA animated cartoons as case studies of a simplified audiovisual language that influenced 1950s-1960s international productions. Key Features Looks at UPA's origins during the 1940s and postwar American stage, and how this influences later Modern movements and styles Learn about the production methods of UPA and its lasting graphic contribution to animation history Discover how UPA audiovisual styles were born from the assimilation of Modern paintings, graphic art, and poster advertising Explores how UPA influenced animation in other parts of the world, including Romania, Russia, and Japan Highlights the impact UPA had on styles with famous international legends like Dušan Vukotić, Fyodor Khitruk, and Osamu Tezuka

Redesigning Learning Spaces (Corwin Connected Educators Series)

by Dr Robert W. Dillon Benjamin D. Gilpin A. J. Juliani Erin M. Klein

Bring hope, joy, and positive energy back into the daily work of the classroom. In this book, learn to design brain-friendly learning environments that foster engagement, productivity, and achievement while allowing for seamless integration of educational technology. Discover how flexible, welcoming, and comfortable learning spaces can prepare students for the future. In this book you’ll: Find resources for redesigning spaces on a sustainable budget Support technology integration through blended and virtual learning Hear from teachers and schools whose successfully transformed spaces have increased student achievement

Redesigning Learning Spaces (Corwin Connected Educators Series)

by Dr Robert W. Dillon Benjamin D. Gilpin A. J. Juliani Erin M. Klein

Bring hope, joy, and positive energy back into the daily work of the classroom. In this book, learn to design brain-friendly learning environments that foster engagement, productivity, and achievement while allowing for seamless integration of educational technology. Discover how flexible, welcoming, and comfortable learning spaces can prepare students for the future. In this book you’ll: Find resources for redesigning spaces on a sustainable budget Support technology integration through blended and virtual learning Hear from teachers and schools whose successfully transformed spaces have increased student achievement

Redesigning Organizations: Concepts for the Connected Society

by Denise Feldner

This book offers readers a deeper understanding of the Cyberspace, of how institutions and industries are reinventing themselves, helping them excel in the transition to a fully digitally connected global economy. Though technology plays a key part in this regard, societal acceptance is the most important underlying condition, as it poses pressing challenges that cut across companies, developers, governments and workers. The book explores the challenges and opportunities involved, current and potential future concepts, critical reflections and best practices. It addresses connected societies, new opportunities for governments, the role of trust in digital networks, and future education networks. In turn, a number of representative case studies demonstrate the current state of development in practice.

Redesigning Wiretapping: The Digitization of Communications Interception (History of Information Security)

by Joseph Fitsanakis

This book tells the story of government-sponsored wiretapping in Britain and the United States from the rise of telephony in the 1870s until the terrorist attacks of 9/11.It pays particular attention to the 1990s, which marked one of the most dramatic turns in the history of telecommunications interception. During that time, fiber optic and satellite networks rapidly replaced the copper-based analogue telephone system that had remained virtually unchanged since the 1870s. That remarkable technological advance facilitated the rise of the networked home computer, cellular telephony, and the Internet, and users hailed the dawn of the digital information age. However, security agencies such as the FBI and MI5 were concerned. Since the emergence of telegraphy in the 1830s, security services could intercept private messages using wiretaps, and this was facilitated by some of the world's largest telecommunications monopolies such as AT&T in the US and British Telecom in the UK. The new, digital networks were incompatible with traditional wiretap technology. To make things more complicated for the security services, these monopolies had been privatized and broken up into smaller companies during the 1980s, and in the new deregulated landscape the agencies had to seek assistance from thousands of startup companies that were often unwilling to help. So for the first time in history, technological and institutional changes posed a threat to the security services’ wiretapping activities, and government officials in Washington and London acted quickly to protect their ability to spy, they sought to force the industry to change the very architecture of the digital telecommunications network.This book describes in detail the tense negotiations between governments, the telecommunications industry, and civil liberties groups during an unprecedented moment in history when the above security agencies were unable to wiretap. It reveals for the first time the thoughts of some of the protagonists in these crucial negotiations, and explains why their outcome may have forever altered the trajectory of our information society.

Redis 4.x Cookbook: Over 80 hand-picked recipes for effective Redis development and administration

by Pengcheng Huang Zuofei Wang

Leverage the power of Redis 4.x to develop, optimize and administer your Redis solutions with ease Key Features Build, deploy and administer high performance and scalable applications in Redis Covers a range of important tasks - including development and administration of Redis A practical guide that takes your understanding of Redis to the next level Book Description Redis is considered the world's most popular key-value store database. Its versatility and the wide variety of use cases it enables have made it a popular choice of database for many enterprises. Based on the latest version of Redis, this book provides both step-by-step recipes and relevant the background information required to utilize its features to the fullest. It covers everything from a basic understanding of Redis data types to advanced aspects of Redis high availability, clustering, administration, and troubleshooting. This book will be your great companion to master all aspects of Redis. The book starts off by installing and configuring Redis for you to get started with ease. Moving on, all the data types and features of Redis are introduced in detail. Next, you will learn how to develop applications with Redis in Java, Python, and the Spring Boot web framework. You will also learn replication tasks, which will help you to troubleshoot replication issues. Furthermore, you will learn the steps that need to be undertaken to ensure high availability on your cluster and during production deployment. Toward the end of the book, you will learn the topmost tasks that will help you to troubleshoot your ecosystem efficiently, along with extending Redis by using different modules. What you will learn Install and configure your Redis instance Explore various data types and commands in Redis Build client-side applications as well as a Big Data framework with Redis Manage data replication and persistence in Redis Implement high availability and data sharding in Redis Extend Redis with Redis Module Benchmark, debug, fine-tune and troubleshoot various issues in RedisWho this book is for This book is for database administrators, developers and architects who want to tackle the common and not so common problems associated with the different development and administration-related tasks in Redis. A fundamental understanding of Redis is expected to get the best out of this book.

Redis Applied Design Patterns

by Arun Chinnachamy

With new data stores making their way onto the market, it's necessary for businesses to understand the features and techniques to use data stores most effectively. Redis Applied Design Patterns is designed to guide you into the world of Redis and will help you understand how business problems can be solved using Redis in your application stack. This book introduces you to the NoSQL way of thinking and how it is different from SQL. It helps you understand various functionality of Redis through a series of use cases designed for you to learn the more complex and less well-known features of Redis in an incremental way. By the time you've read this book, you will be capable of designing a system using Redis. This book will guide you through various use cases along with code samples, easy-to-understand diagrams, and tips to help you take advantage of Redis. The book explains the benefits of adding Redis to the application stack and discusses various practical use cases for Redis such as the caching system, commenting system, and social networking.

Redis Cookbook: Practical Techniques for Fast Data Manipulation

by Tiago Macedo Fred Oliveira

Two years since its initial release, Redis already has an impressive list of adopters, including Engine Yard, GitHub, Craigslist, and Digg. This open source data structure server is built for speed and flexibility, making it ideal for many applications. If you're using Redis, or considering it, this concise cookbook provides recipes for a variety of issues you're likely to face.Each recipe solves a specific problem, and provides an in-depth discussion of how the solution works. You’ll discover that Redis, while simple in nature, offers extensive functionality for manipulating and storing data.Learn when it makes sense to use RedisExplore several methods for installing RedisConnect to Redis in a number of ways, ranging from the command line to popular languages such as Python and RubySolve a range of needs, from linked datasets to analyticsHandle backups, sharding, datasets larger than available memory, and many other tasks

Redis Essentials

by Hugo Lopes Tavares Maxwell Dayvson Silva

Harness the power of Redis to integrate and manage your projects efficiently About This Book * Learn how to use Redis's data types efficiently to manage large data sets * Scale Redis to multiple servers with Twemproxy, Redis Sentinel, and Redis Cluster * A fast-paced guide, full of real-world examples to help you get the best out of the features offered by Redis Who This Book Is For If you are a competent developer with experience of working with data structure servers and want to boost your project's performance by learning about features of Redis, then this book is for you. What You Will Learn * Build analytics applications using Bitmaps and Hyperloglogs * Enhance scalability with Twemproxy, Redis Sentinel, and Redis Cluster * Build a Time Series implementation in Node.js and Redis * Create your own Redis commands by extending Redis with Lua * Get to know security techniques to protect your data (SSL encryption, firewall rules, basic authorization) * Persist data to disk and learn the trade-offs of AOF and RDB * Understand how to use Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby clients for Redis * Avoid common pitfalls when designing your next solution In Detail Redis is the most popular in-memory key-value data store. It's very lightweight and its data types give it an edge over the other competitors. If you need an in-memory database or a high-performance cache system that is simple to use and highly scalable, Redis is what you need. Redis Essentials is a fast-paced guide that teaches the fundamentals on data types, explains how to manage data through commands, and shares experiences from big players in the industry. We start off by explaining the basics of Redis followed by the various data types such as Strings, hashes, lists, and more. Next, Common pitfalls for various scenarios are described, followed by solutions to ensure you do not fall into common traps. After this, major differences between client implementations in PHP, Python, and Ruby are presented. Next, you will learn how to extend Redis with Lua, get to know security techniques such as basic authorization, firewall rules, and SSL encryption, and discover how to use Twemproxy, Redis Sentinel, and Redis Cluster to scale infrastructures horizontally. At the end of this book, you will be able to utilize all the essential features of Redis to optimize your project's performance. Style and approach A practical guide that offers the foundation upon which you can begin to understand the capabilities of Redis using a step-by-step approach. This book is full of real-world problems and in-depth knowledge of the concepts and features of Redis, with plenty of examples.

Redis in Action

by Josiah Carlson

SummaryRedis in Action introduces Redis and walks you through examples that demonstrate how to use it effectively. You'll begin by getting Redis set up properly and then exploring the key-value model. Then, you'll dive into real use cases including simple caching, distributed ad targeting, and more. You'll learn how to scale Redis from small jobs to massive datasets. Experienced developers will appreciate chapters on clustering and internal scripting to make Redis easier to use.About the TechnologyWhen you need near-real-time access to a fast-moving data stream, key-value stores like Redis are the way to go. Redis expands on the key-value pattern by accepting a wide variety of data types, including hashes, strings, lists, and other structures. It provides lightning-fast operations on in-memory datasets, and also makes it easy to persist to disk on the fly. Plus, it's free and open source.About this bookRedis in Action introduces Redis and the key-value model. You'll quickly dive into real use cases including simple caching, distributed ad targeting, and more. You'll learn how to scale Redis from small jobs to massive datasets and discover how to integrate with traditional RDBMS or other NoSQL stores. Experienced developers will appreciate the in-depth chapters on clustering and internal scripting.Written for developers familiar with database concepts. No prior exposure to NoSQL database concepts nor to Redis itself is required. Appropriate for systems administrators comfortable with programming.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.What's InsideRedis from the ground upPreprocessing real-time dataManaging in-memory datasetsPub/sub and configurationPersisting to diskAbout the AuthorDr. Josiah L. Carlson is a seasoned database professional and an active contributor to the Redis community.Table of ContentsPART 1 GETTING STARTEDGetting to know RedisAnatomy of a Redis web applicationPART 2 CORE CONCEPTSCommands in RedisKeeping data safe and ensuring performanceUsing Redis for application supportApplication components in RedisSearch-based applicationsBuilding a simple social networkPART 3 NEXT STEPSReducing memory useScaling RedisScripting Redis with Lua

Rediscovering Heritage Through Technology: A Collection of Innovative Research Case Studies That Are Reworking The Way We Experience Heritage (Studies in Computational Intelligence #859)

by Dylan Seychell Alexiei Dingli

With the proliferation of technology, science became a medium used to create and interpret heritage in a way that redefines human achievements. The recent advances in technology are providing us with a variety of tools aimed at exploring, experiencing and interacting with heritage in a completely new way, which was unimaginable up until a few decades ago. Suddenly, heritage has become accessible and exciting to those who might not have previously considered it interesting. This book presents a selection of approaches in various topics such as artificial intelligence, gamification, and virtual and augmented reality, and uses practical examples to show how they can be deployed in real-world scenarios. As such, it inspires a wide variety of stakeholders and helps them experience our common heritage through a new lens.

Rediscovering JavaScript: Master ES6, ES7, and ES8

by Venkat Subramaniam

JavaScript is no longer to be feared or loathed - the world's most popular and ubiquitous language has evolved into a respectable language. Whether you're writing frontend applications or server side code, the phenomenal features from ES6 and beyond - like the rest operator, generators, destructuring, object literals, arrow functions, modern classes, promises, async, and metaprogramming capabilities - will get you excited and eager to program with JavaScript. You've found the right book to get started quickly and dive deep into the essence of modern JavaScript. Learn practical tips to apply the elegant parts of the language and the gotchas to avoid. JavaScript is a black swan that no one, including the author of the language, thought would become a popular and ubiquitous language. Not long ago, it was the most hated and feared language you could use to program the web. JavaScript ES6 and beyond has gone through a significant makeover. Troublesome features have been replaced with better, elegant, more reliable alternatives. This book includes many practical examples and exercises to help you learn in depth. It will not bore you with idiosyncrasies and arcane details intended for bad interview questions. Instead, it takes you into key features that you can readily use in your day-to-day projects. Whether you program the frontend or the server side, you can now write concise, elegant, and expressive JavaScript with newer features like default parameters, template literals, rest and spread operators, destructuring, arrow functions, and generators. Take it up a notch with features like infinite series, promises, async, and metaprogramming to create flexible, powerful, and extensible libraries. While the evolved features of the language will draw you in, the hundreds of examples in this book will pin the concepts down, for you to use on your projects. Take command of modern JavaScript and unlock your potential to create powerful applications. What You Need: To try out the examples in the book you will need a computer with Node.js, a text editor, and a browser like Chrome installed in it.

Rediscovering the World

by Benjamin Hennig

'We need new maps' is the central claim made in this book. In a world increasingly influenced by human action and interaction, we still rely heavily on mapping techniques that were invented to discover unknown places and explore our physical environment. Although the traditional concept of a map is currently being revived in digital environments, the underlying mapping approaches are not capable of making the complexity of human-environment relationships fully comprehensible. Starting from how people can be put on the map in new ways, this book outlines the development of a novel technique that stretches a map according to quantitative data, such as population. The new maps are called gridded cartograms as the method is based on a grid onto which a density-equalising cartogram technique is applied. The underlying grid ensures the preservation of an accurate geographic reference to the real world. It allows the gridded cartograms to be used as basemaps onto which other information can be mapped. This applies to any geographic information from the human and physical environment. As demonstrated through the examples presented in this book, the new maps are not limited to showing population as a defining element for the transformation, but can show any quantitative geospatial data, such as wealth, rainfall, or even the environmental conditions of the oceans. The new maps also work at various scales, from a global perspective down to the scale of urban environments. The gridded cartogram technique is proposed as a new global and local map projection that is a viable and versatile alternative to other conventional map projections. The maps based on this technique open up a wide range of potential new applications to rediscover the diverse geographies of the world. They have the potential to allow us to gain new perspectives through detailed cartographic depictions.

Redmine Cookbook

by Aleksandar Pavic

Over 80 hands-on recipes to improve your skills in project management, team management, process improvement, and Redmine administration About This Book * Efficiently install and customize Redmine for your own infrastructure, whether that be Microsoft or open source * Manage multiple projects with multiple teams across the globe in a standardized and effective way * Customize Redmine to fit your organisation's specific and unique needs Who This Book Is For This book is for those who working in management or administrator positions who are already using Redmine or are willing to start using it for project management, tracking, collaboration, or process management. Additionally, individual developers or teams can benefit from recipes related to code repositories, bug tracking, and software project management. What You Will Learn * Make Redmine run on Microsoft SQL Server with IIS * Enjoy the benefits of updating the code on a real-time basis and maintaining consistency * Manage multiple projects and teams simultaneously * Leverage Redmine features to enhance team's performance * Use Redmine for SCRUM and Agile methodologies * Deploy Redmine for Service Desk * Customize the user experience by manually tracking the ongoing projects * Extend Redmine through various plugins In Detail In a variety of online project management tools, Redmine markets itself as offering flexibility. Choosing the right management tool can mean the difference between the success and failure of a project. Flexible project management tools bend themselves to fit your needs, whether that's communication regarding a simple project, or collaboration, or more complex project methodology such as SCRUM, or an issue-code relationship, or the need of different methodology for your project. Whether you are project manager or system administrator, this book provides valuable recipes to get the best possible performance out of your team, organization, infrastructure, and Redmine itself. Through a series of carefully crafted recipes covering the nitty-gritty of Redmine, you'll be guided through the installation of Redmine, as well as how to fine-tune and customize your Redmine installation. Finally, we walk you through integrating Redmine with other softwares and databases like Tortoise SVN and Visual Studio and troubleshooting Redmine. Style and approach This book follows a step-by-step recipe-based approach. Detailed prerequisites make each recipe easy to follow and apply in practice in any kind of live environment.

Redmine Plugin Extension and Development

by Alex Bevilacqua

This book provides a thorough look at the tools available within Redmine to facilitate the development of plugins and extensions. Full of tips and tricks, a recurring case study is also used to help guide you through the various content area extensions and plugin helpers and to provide context and real-world examples of the concepts being covered. This book is intended for those who want to build custom functionality into the Redmine project management platform. If you're already comfortable with Ruby, Rails, and Redmine, but you aren't quite sure what to do next, this book will walk you through the basics of getting a plugin written and integrated into various key areas of Redmine.

Reduced Order Methods for Modeling and Computational Reduction

by Alfio Quarteroni Gianluigi Rozza

This monograph addresses the state of the art of reduced order methods for modeling and computational reduction of complex parametrized systems, governed by ordinary and/or partial differential equations, with a special emphasis on real time computing techniques and applications in computational mechanics, bioengineering and computer graphics. Several topics are covered, including: design, optimization, and control theory in real-time with applications in engineering; data assimilation, geometry registration, and parameter estimation with special attention to real-time computing in biomedical engineering and computational physics; real-time visualization of physics-based simulations in computer science; the treatment of high-dimensional problems in state space, physical space, or parameter space; the interactions between different model reduction and dimensionality reduction approaches; the development of general error estimation frameworks which take into account both model and discretization effects. This book is primarily addressed to computational scientists interested in computational reduction techniques for large scale differential problems.

Reduced-Order Modeling (ROM) for Simulation and Optimization

by Winfried Keiper Anja Milde Stefan Volkwein

This edited monograph collects research contributions and addresses the advancement of efficient numerical procedures in the area of model order reduction (MOR) for simulation, optimization and control. The topical scope includes, but is not limited to, new out-of-the-box algorithmic solutions for scientific computing, e.g. reduced basis methods for industrial problems and MOR approaches for electrochemical processes. The target audience comprises research experts and practitioners in the field of simulation, optimization and control, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students alike.

Reducing Process Costs with Lean, Six Sigma, and Value Engineering Techniques

by Kim H. Pries Jon M. Quigley

A company with effective cost reduction activities in place will be better positioned to adapt to shifting economic conditions. In fact, it can make the difference between organizations that thrive and those that simply survive during times of economic uncertainty. Reducing Process Costs with Lean, Six Sigma, and Value Engineering Techniques covers

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