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Showing 48,551 through 48,575 of 59,465 results

Reinventing the Classroom Experience: Learning Anywhere, Anytime

by Nancy Sulla

Learn how to design versatile learning environments in which instruction is as effective virtually as it is in person. Bestselling author and consultant Nancy Sulla shows how you can reinvent the classroom experience and provide high-quality instruction that works as well at home as it does in school. You will discover how to help students build strong work habits and empower them to take responsibility for their learning; five key types of instructional activities; the power of PBL to increase student engagement and motivation; and five types of synchronous engagement between teachers and students. You will also gain strategies for building social and emotional learning, positioning the teacher as the facilitator of learning and parents as partners, and keeping equity at the forefront. No matter what grade level you teach or whether you are teaching fully in school, remotely, or a combination of both, this essential book will help you understand the key structures and strategies that work so students are positioned to learn anywhere, anytime.

Reinventing the IT Department (Computer Weekly Professional Ser.)

by Terry White

'Reinventing the Information Technology Department' is both anecdotal and informal but deals with a subject which is of vital interest to Chief Information Officers and IT Managers, addressing questions such as:* How does the IT department keep pace with business change?* How do we provide stable and responsive IT platforms?* How do we add recognised value to the organisation?* How do I reinvent my department?* How do I get onto the board? It offers an alternative view of the new roles of the in-house IT function and proposes a rethink about IT services within companies, suggesting a self-help approach to redefining/reinventing in-house IT for CIOs.The author explains that new modes of business thinking and operation are essential if a company is to succeed in the near future and in light of this covers topics such as self-organising systems, knowledge management, multi-stakeholder perspectives, and empowerment initiatives in relation to the overall business and in particular the IT function.Each chapter contains implementation templates for the readers to take themselves through the repositioning or reengineering of the IT function and their own departments.

Reinventing Writing: The 9 Tools That Are Changing Writing, Teaching, and Learning Forever

by Vicki Davis

In this much-anticipated book from acclaimed blogger Vicki Davis (Cool Cat Teacher), you’ll learn the key shifts in writing instruction necessary to move students forward in today’s world. Vicki describes how the elements of traditional writing are being reinvented with cloud-based tools. Instead of paper, note taking, filing cabinets, word processors, and group reports, we now have tools like ePaper, eBooks, social bookmarking, cloud syncing, infographics, and more. Vicki shows you how to select the right tool, set it up quickly, and prevent common mistakes. She also helps you teach digital citizenship and offers exciting ways to build writing communities where students love to learn. Special Features:• Essential questions at the start of each chapter to get you thinking about the big ideas• A chapter on each of the nine essential cloud-based tools--ePaper and eBooks; digital notebooks; social bookmarking; cloud syncing; cloud writing apps; blogging and microblogging; wikis and website builders; online graphic organizers and mind maps; and cartoons and infographics• A wide variety of practical ways to use each tool in the classroom• Alignments to the Common Core State Standards in writing • Level Up Learning--a special section at the end of each chapter to help you review, reflect on, and apply what you’ve learned• Writing tips to help you make the best use of the tools and avoid common pitfalls• A glossary of key terms discussed in the book• Useful appendices, including reproducible material for your classroom No matter what grade level you teach or how much tech experience you have, you will benefit from Vicki’s compelling and practical ideas. As she emphasizes throughout this essential book, teaching with cloud-based tools has never been easier, more convenient, or more important than right now.

Reinvention of Health Applications with IoT: Challenges and Solutions (Demystifying Technologies for Computational Excellence)

by Dr A. Ambikapathy

This book discusses IoT in healthcare and how it enables interoperability, machine-to-machine communication, information exchange, and data movement. It also covers how healthcare service delivery automates patient care with the help of mobility solutions, new technologies, and next-gen healthcare facilities with challenges faced and suggested solutions prescribed. Reinvention of Health Applications with IoT: Challenges and Solutions presents the latest applications of IoT in healthcare along with challenges and solutions. It looks at a comparison of advanced technologies such as Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and AI and explores the ways they can be applied to sensed data to improve prediction and decision-making in smart health services. It focuses on society 5.0 technologies and illustrates how they can improve society and the transformation of IoT in healthcare facilities to support patient independence. Case studies are included for applications such as smart eyewear, smart jackets, and smart beds. The book will also go into detail on wearable technologies and how they can communicate patient information to doctors in medical emergencies. The target audiences for this edited volume is researchers, practitioners, students, as well as key stakeholders involved in and working on healthcare engineering solutions.

Relating Software Requirements and Architectures

by Paris Avgeriou John Grundy Jon G. Hall Patricia Lago Ivan Mistrík

Why have a book about the relation between requirements and software architecture? Understanding the relation between requirements and architecture is important because the requirements, be they explicit or implicit, represent the function, whereas the architecture determines the form. While changes to a set of requirements may impact on the realization of the architecture, choices made for an architectural solution may impact on requirements, e.g., in terms of revising functional or non-functional requirements that cannot actually be met.Although research in both requirements engineering and software architecture is quite active, it is in their combination that understanding is most needed and actively sought. Presenting the current state of the art is the purpose of this book. The editors have divided the contributions into four parts: Part 1 “Theoretical Underpinnings and Reviews” addresses the issue of requirements change management in architectural design through traceability and reasoning. Part 2 “Tools and Techniques” presents approaches, tools, and techniques for bridging the gap between software requirements and architecture. Part 3 “Industrial Case Studies” then reports industrial experiences, while part 4 on “Emerging Issues” details advanced topics such as synthesizing architecture from requirements or the role of middleware in architecting for non-functional requirements. The final chapter is a conclusions chapter identifying key contributions and outstanding areas for future research and improvement of practice.The book is targeted at academic and industrial researchers in requirements engineering or software architecture. Graduate students specializing in these areas as well as advanced professionals in software development will also benefit from the results and experiences presented in this volume.

Relating Software Requirements and Architectures

by John Grundy Jon G. Hall Patricia Lago Ivan Mistrík Paris Avgeriou

Why have a book about the relation between requirements and software architecture? Understanding the relation between requirements and architecture is important because the requirements, be they explicit or implicit, represent the function, whereas the architecture determines the form. While changes to a set of requirements may impact on the realization of the architecture, choices made for an architectural solution may impact on requirements, e.g., in terms of revising functional or non-functional requirements that cannot actually be met. Although research in both requirements engineering and software architecture is quite active, it is in their combination that understanding is most needed and actively sought. Presenting the current state of the art is the purpose of this book. The editors have divided the contributions into four parts: Part 1 "Theoretical Underpinnings and Reviews" addresses the issue of requirements change management in architectural design through traceability and reasoning. Part 2 "Tools and Techniques" presents approaches, tools, and techniques for bridging the gap between software requirements and architecture. Part 3 "Industrial Case Studies" then reports industrial experiences, while part 4 on "Emerging Issues" details advanced topics such as synthesizing architecture from requirements or the role of middleware in architecting for non-functional requirements. The final chapter is a conclusions chapter identifying key contributions and outstanding areas for future research and improvement of practice. The book is targeted at academic and industrial researchers in requirements engineering or software architecture. Graduate students specializing in these areas as well as advanced professionals in software development will also benefit from the results and experiences presented in this volume.

Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science: 17th International Conference, RAMiCS 2018, Groningen, The Netherlands, October 29 – November 1, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11194)

by Jules Desharnais Walter Guttmann Stef Joosten

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, RAMiCS 2018, held in Groningen, The Netherlands, in October/November 2018. The 21 full papers and 1 invited paper presented together with 2 invited abstracts and 1 abstract of a tutorial were carefully selected from 31 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topics: Theoretical foundations; reasoning about computations and programs; and applications and tools.

Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science: 21st International Conference, RAMiCS 2024, Prague, Czech Republic, August 19–22, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14787)

by Uli Fahrenberg Roland Glück Wesley Fussner

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st International Conference, RAMiCS 2024, held in Prague, Czech Republic, during August 19–22, 2024. The 15 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 21 submissions. They focus on mathematical foundations to applications as conceptual and methodological tools in computer science and beyond.

Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science: 18th International Conference, RAMiCS 2020, Palaiseau, France, October 26–29, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12062)

by Uli Fahrenberg Peter Jipsen Michael Winter

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, RAMiCS 2020, which was due to be held in Palaiseau, France, in April 2020. The conference was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 20 full papers presented together with 3 invited abstracts were carefully selected from 29 submissions. Topics covered range from mathematical foundations to applications as conceptual and methodological tools in computer science and beyond.

Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science: 20th International Conference, RAMiCS 2023, Augsburg, Germany, April 3–6, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13896)

by Roland Glück Luigi Santocanale Michael Winter

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, RAMiCS 2023, which took place in Augsburg, Germany, during April 3–6, 2023. The 17 papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 26 submissions. They deal with the development and dissemination of relation algebras, Kleene algebras, and similar algebraic formalisms. Topics covered range from mathematical foundations to applications as conceptual and methodological tools in computer science and beyond. Apart from the submitted articles, this volume features the abstracts of the presentations of the three invited speakers.

Relational Calculus for Actionable Knowledge (Information Fusion and Data Science)

by Éloi Bossé Michel Barès

This book focuses on one of the major challenges of the newly created scientific domain known as data science: turning data into actionable knowledge in order to exploit increasing data volumes and deal with their inherent complexity. Actionable knowledge has been qualitatively and intensively studied in management, business, and the social sciences but in computer science and engineering, its connection has only recently been established to data mining and its evolution, ‘Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining’ (KDD). Data mining seeks to extract interesting patterns from data, but, until now, the patterns discovered from data have not always been ‘actionable’ for decision-makers in Socio-Technical Organizations (STO). With the evolution of the Internet and connectivity, STOs have evolved into Cyber-Physical and Social Systems (CPSS) that are known to describe our world today. In such complex and dynamic environments, the conventional KDD process is insufficient, and additional processes are required to transform complex data into actionable knowledge. Readers are presented with advanced knowledge concepts and the analytics and information fusion (AIF) processes aimed at delivering actionable knowledge. The authors provide an understanding of the concept of ‘relation’ and its exploitation, relational calculus, as well as the formalization of specific dimensions of knowledge that achieve a semantic growth along the AIF processes. This book serves as an important technical presentation of relational calculus and its application to processing chains in order to generate actionable knowledge. It is ideal for graduate students, researchers, or industry professionals interested in decision science and knowledge engineering.

Relational Data Clustering: Models, Algorithms, and Applications

by Bo Long Zhongfei Zhang Philip S. Yu

A culmination of the authors' years of extensive research on this topic, Relational Data Clustering: Models, Algorithms, and Applications addresses the fundamentals and applications of relational data clustering. It describes theoretic models and algorithms and, through examples, shows how to apply these models and algorithms to solve real-world problems.After defining the field, the book introduces different types of model formulations for relational data clustering, presents various algorithms for the corresponding models, and demonstrates applications of the models and algorithms through extensive experimental results. The authors cover six topics of relational data clustering:Clustering on bi-type heterogeneous relational dataMulti-type heterogeneous relational data Homogeneous relational data clusteringClustering on the most general case of relational dataIndividual relational clustering frameworkRecent research on evolutionary clusteringThis book focuses on both practical algorithm derivation and theoretical framework construction for relational data clustering. It provides a complete, self-contained introduction to advances in the field.

The Relational Database Dictionary: A Comprehensive Glossary of Relational Terms and Concepts, with Illustrative Examples

by C. J. Date

Avoid misunderstandings that can affect the design, programming, and use of database systems. Whether you're using Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, or PostgreSQL, The Relational Database Dictionary will prevent confusion about the precise meaning of database-related terms (e.g., attribute, 3NF, one-to-many correspondence, predicate, repeating group, join dependency), helping to ensure the success of your database projects. Carefully reviewed for clarity, accuracy, and completeness, this authoritative and comprehensive quick-reference contains more than 600 terms, many with examples, covering issues and concepts arising from the relational model of data. This one-of-a-kind dictionary provides a single, compact source where DBAs, database designers, DBMS implementers, application developers, and database professors and students can find the accurate definitions they need on a daily basis, information that isn't readily available anywhere else. If you're working with or learning about relational databases, you need this pocket-sized quick-reference.

Relational Database Programming

by Stefan Ardeleanu

Learn the best way of writing code to run inside a relational database. This book shows how a holistic and set-oriented approach to database programming can far exceed the performance of the row-by-row model that is too often used by developers who haven’t been shown a better way. <P><P> Two styles of programming are encountered in the database world. Classical programming as taught in many universities leads to an atomic, row-oriented, and procedural style inspired by the structured models of programming. In short, many application developers write in the relational database exactly like in the user interface. The other style of programming is holistic, data set oriented, and coded mainly in SQL. This is the style of the database developer.<P> The set based and holistic style of development is not promoted enough in universities, and many application developers are not fully aware of it. There are many performance issues all over the world in relational databases due to the use of the atomic and inappropriate style of programming. This book compares the two styles, and promotes the holistic style of development as the most suitable one. Examples are given to demonstrate the superiority of a set-based and holistic approach.<P> * Compares the two styles of development<P> * Shows the performance advantages of set-based development<P> * Solves example problems using both approaches<P> Who This Book Is For<P> Two Styles of Database Development is aimed at application developers willing to adapt their programming styles in return for better-performing applications. It’s for students and new developers wanting to position themselves as having database expertise and build a reputation for developing highly-performant database applications.

Relational Management and Display of Site Environmental Data

by David Rich

When your environmental project reaches the point where the amount of data seems overwhelming, you will need a robust tool to help you manage it. Written by a recognized expert and software author with over 25 years of industry experience, Relational Management and Display of Site Environmental Data begins with an overview of site data management c

Relational Theory for Computer Professionals: What Relational Databases Are Really All About

by C. J. Date

All of today’s mainstream database products support the SQL language, and relational theory is what SQL is supposed to be based on. But are those products truly relational? Sadly, the answer is no. This book shows you what a real relational product would be like, and how and why it would be so much better than what’s currently available.With this unique book, you will:Learn how to see database systems as programming systemsGet a careful, precise, and detailed definition of the relational modelExplore a detailed analysis of SQL from a relational point of viewThere are literally hundreds of books on relational theory or the SQL language or both. But this one is different. First, nobody is more qualified than Chris Date to write such a book. He and Ted Codd, inventor of the relational model, were colleagues for many years, and Chris’s involvement with the technology goes back to the time of Codd’s first papers in 1969 and 1970. Second, most books try to use SQL as a vehicle for teaching relational theory, but this book deliberately takes the opposite approach. Its primary aim is to teach relational theory as such. Then it uses that theory as a vehicle for teaching SQL, showing in particular how that theory can help with the practical problem of using SQL correctly and productively.Any computer professional who wants to understand what relational systems are all about can benefit from this book. No prior knowledge of databases is assumed.

Relationale Datenbanken: Von den theoretischen Grundlagen zu Anwendungen mit PostgreSQL (Examen. Press Ser.)

by Thomas Studer

Dieses Buch erläutert Theorie und Praxis zu relationalen Datenbanken Was sind relationale Datenbanken? Die Antwort darauf geben die theoretischen Grundlagen und Praxisbeispiele in diesem Buch. Zunächst erläutert Thomas Studer die mathematisch präzise Darstellung des relationalen Modells und die relationale Algebra. Daneben widmet er sich der Datenbanksprache SQL und schafft damit den Praxisbezug. Die zahlreichen Beispiele auf Basis der open-source Datenbank PostgreSQL erleichtern die Anwendung. Dieses Buch erklärt die grundlegenden Prinzipien des Schemaentwurfs und Normalformen fundiert und praxisnah und verbindet die relationale Datenbanktheorie mit Datenbankdesign. Studer hat aktuelle Entwicklungen im Blick Die vorliegende Auflage ist umfassend aktualisiert und dem aktuellen Kenntnisstand angepasst. Studer widmet sich in diesem Buch den folgenden Teilaspekten relationaler Datenbanken: Logische und physische Query-Optimierung Isolation von serializable Snapshots Zerlegung der dritten Normalform in die Boyce-Codd Normalform Rollen und Berechtigungen SQL als Sprache zur Datendefinition und Datenmanipulation Sicherheitsrichtlinien auf Zeilenebene Durch die nachhaltige Verbindung von Theorie und Praxis eignet sich das Buch „Relationale Datenbanken“ für: Studierende aus den Bereichen (Wirtschafts-)Informatik Praktiker wie Softwareentwickler, Systemadministratoren oder Fachinformatiker Besuchen Sie uns online und entdecken Sie die zahlreichen Begleitmaterialien zu diesem Buch, die alle frei zugänglich sind.

Relationale Datenbanken und SQL in Theorie und Praxis

by Günter Matthiessen Michael Unterstein

Neben den grundlegenden Konzepten der relationalen Datenbanktechnologie werden in dem Band auch die Entwicklung und Anwendung praxistauglicher Informationssysteme mit der standardisierten Sprache SQL beschrieben. Methoden zum Ablegen und Wiederfinden von Daten sind dabei ebenso Thema wie logische Zusammenhänge, die berücksichtig werden müssen, damit Daten aussagefähig bleiben. Eine Fallstudie sowie zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben helfen Lesern dabei, Konzepte eigenständig zu erarbeiten und sie bei der Gestaltung einer Datenbank anzuwenden.

Relationships Between Teaching Faculty and Teaching Librarians

by Linda S Katz

Every librarian who teaches in an academic library setting understands the complexities involved in partnering with teaching faculty. Relationships Between Teaching Faculty and Teaching Librarians recounts the efforts of librarians and faculty working together in disciplines across the board to create and sustain connections crucial to the success of library instruction. This unique collection of essays examines various types of partnerships between librarians and faculty (networking, coordination, and collaboration) and addresses the big issues involved, including teaching within an academic discipline, the intricacies of assigning grades, faculty perceptions of library instruction, and the changing role of the reference librarian. Education is the main focus of reference service in today's academic libraries and librarians teach a variety of single-session, course-related, course-integrated, or credit-bearing courses in nearly every discipline. Relationships Between Teaching Faculty and Teaching Librarians reflects the experiences of librarians, teaching faculty, and library directors, whose perspectives range from cynicism to cautious optimism to idealism when it comes to working with teaching faculty. The book includes case studies, surveys, sample questionnaires, statistics, and a toolkit for establishing an effective library liaison program, and examines the teaching and learning environment, course growth and maintenance, and the "professor librarian" model. Relationships Between Teaching Faculty and Teaching Librarians presents lessons learned from seeking a common ground including: a successful faculty/librarian collaboration for educational psychology and counseling a library research project for freshman engineering students a semester-by-semester look at a collaboratively taught graduate research and writing course a survey that determines how librarians and library directors feel about teaching outside the library an analysis of librarians&’ attitudes toward faculty an analysis of attitudes that influence faculty collaboration in library instruction a look at innovative methods of increasing the teaching roles of librarians and much more! The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSA/CHE) has mandated that information literacy be included as part of a general education requirement. If your faculty wasn't calling for library instruction before the mandate, it probably is now. Relationships Between Teaching Faculty and Teaching Librarians will help librarians establish communication with faculty that provides a solid foundation for coursework in all disciplines.

RELAX NG: A Simpler Schema Language for XML

by Eric van der Vlist

As developers know, the beauty of XML is that it is extensible, even to the point that you can invent new elements and attributes as you write XML documents. Then, however, you need to define your changes so that applications will be able to make sense of them and this is where XML schema languages come into play. RELAX NG (pronounced relaxing), the Regular Language Description for XML Core--New Generation is quickly gaining momentum as an alternative to other schema languages. Designed to solve a variety of common problems raised in the creation and sharing of XML vocabularies, RELAX NG is less complex than The W3C's XML Schema Recommendation and much more powerful and flexible than DTDs.RELAX NG is a grammar-based schema language that's both easy to learn for schema creators and easy to implement for software developers In RELAX NG, developers are introduced to this unique language and will learn a no-nonsense method for creating XML schemas. This book offers a clear-cut explanation of RELAX NG that enables intermediate and advanced XML developers to focus on XML document structures and content rather than battle the intricacies of yet another convoluted standard.RELAX NG covers the following topics in depth:Introduction to RELAX NGBuilding RELAX NG schemas using XML syntaxBuilding RELAX NG schemas using compact syntax, an alternative non-XML syntaxFlattening schemas to limit depth and provide reusabilityUsing external datatype libraries with RELAX NGW3C XML Schema regular expressionsWriting extensible schemasAnnotating schemasGenerating schemas form different sourcesDeterminism and datatype assignmentand much more.If you're looking for a schema language that's easy to use and won't leave you in a labyrinth of obscure limitations, RELAX NG is the language you should be using. And only O'Reilly's RELAX NG gives you the straightforward information and everything else you'll need to take advantage of this powerful and intelligible language.

Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software

by Michael T. Nygard

A single dramatic software failure can cost a company millions of dollars - but can be avoided with simple changes to design and architecture. This new edition of the best-selling industry standard shows you how to create systems that run longer, with fewer failures, and recover better when bad things happen. New coverage includes DevOps, microservices, and cloud-native architecture. Stability antipatterns have grown to include systemic problems in large-scale systems. This is a must-have pragmatic guide to engineering for production systems. If you're a software developer, and you don't want to get alerts every night for the rest of your life, help is here. With a combination of case studies about huge losses - lost revenue, lost reputation, lost time, lost opportunity - and practical, down-to-earth advice that was all gained through painful experience, this book helps you avoid the pitfalls that cost companies millions of dollars in downtime and reputation. Eighty percent of project life-cycle cost is in production, yet few books address this topic. This updated edition deals with the production of today's systems - larger, more complex, and heavily virtualized - and includes information on chaos engineering, the discipline of applying randomness and deliberate stress to reveal systematic problems. Build systems that survive the real world, avoid downtime, implement zero-downtime upgrades and continuous delivery, and make cloud-native applications resilient. Examine ways to architect, design, and build software - particularly distributed systems - that stands up to the typhoon winds of a flash mob, a Slashdotting, or a link on Reddit. Take a hard look at software that failed the test and find ways to make sure your software survives. To skip the pain and get the experience...get this book.

Release Me: The first irresistibly sexy novel in the iconic Stark series (Stark Series #1)

by J. Kenner

'In a class of its own . . . An outstanding book and a definite page turner for any Fifty Shades fan!' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐Irresistible. Erotic. Emotionally charged. The unforgettable multi-million copy selling series, which started with an unforgettable indecent proposal . . .'Damien Stark is definitely up there on my list of sex gods!!' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'If you are addicted to hot alpha males then this is a trilogy to add to your list' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Oh wow!! I think I've discovered another black knight in shining armour, Damien is awesome, loving and so so HOT' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Move over Christian Gray there is a new HOT HOT guy on the block' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'This is even better then FSOG' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I am a massive fan of Sylvia Day and E. L. James and didn't think that anything else could top those authors . . . I was definitely wrong!! . . . I couldn't put it down . . . BRILLIANT' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐..............................................He was the one man I couldn't avoid. And the one man I couldn't resist.Damien Stark could have his way with any woman. He was sexy, confident, and commanding: anything he wanted, he got. And what he wanted was me.Our attraction was unmistakable, almost beyond control, but as much as I ached to be his, I feared the pressures of his demands. Submitting to Damien meant I had to bare the darkest truth about my past - and risk breaking us apart.But Damien was haunted, too. And as our passion came to obsess us both, his secrets threatened to destroy him - and us - for ever...............................................Spellbinding romance. Electrifying passion. Why not indulge in J. Kenner . . . The Stark Saga (full-length novels)Release MeClaim MeComplete MeAnchor MeLost With MeDamienEnchant MeStark Ever After (novellas)Take MeHave MePlay My GameSeduce MeUnwrap MeDeepest KissEntice MeHold MePlease MeIndulge MeDelight MeCherish MeEmbrace MeVisit J. Kenner's website for full reading order with spin-off stories!

Release Me: Stark Series Book 1 (Stark Series #3)

by J. Kenner

The first in an irresistible, erotic, emotionally charged romance series for fans of Fifty Shades of Grey and Bared To You of a powerful man who's never heard 'no', a fiery woman who says 'yes' on her own terms and an unforgettable indecent proposal...He was the one man I couldn't avoid. And the one man I couldn't resist. Damien Stark could have his way with any woman. He was sexy, confident, and commanding: anything he wanted, he got. And what he wanted was me.Our attraction was unmistakable, almost beyond control, but as much as I ached to be his, I feared the pressures of his demands. Submitting to Damien meant I had to bare the darkest truth about my past - and risk breaking us apart.But Damien was haunted, too. And as our passion came to obsess us both, his secrets threatened to destroy him - and us - for ever.Spellbinding romance. Electrifying passion. Why not indulge in J. Kenner...Discover the whole story of Damien and Nikki's epic romance in J. Kenner's hot and addictive bestselling Stark series: Release Me, Claim Me, Complete Me, Take Me, Have Me, Play My Game, Seduce Me, Unwrap Me, Deepest Kiss, Entice Me and Anchor Me.(P)2013 Headline Digital

Releasing HTML5 Games for Windows 8: From the Web to Windows 8 with Ease

by Jesse Freeman

Windows 8 presents an incredible opportunity for distributing and monetizing HTML5 games, and this guide shows how you can profit from it. You’ll learn everything you need to know about porting your original web-based JavaScript game to the new "touch-first" version of Windows, as well as several options for selling your game in Windows Store.Windows 8 is a big leap forward for developers because it treats HTML5 as a first-class citizen, alongside C# and C++. Interactive development expert Jesse Freeman explains how Windows 8 works, gets you started with Visual Studio Express (it’s free!), and uses a case study to show you how to port an HTML5 game with ease.Learn which games and JavaScript libraries work best on Windows 8Adjust artwork for different screen resolutions and Windows 8 featuresAccommodate mouse, keyboard, touch, and other game controlsOptimize your game to run well on any Windows 8 deviceUnderstand the steps for publishing your game to Windows StoreExplore fixed price, trial mode, ad support, and in-app purchase optionsUse a web-first workflow to ensure your game runs on many other platforms

The Relevance of the Time Domain to Neural Network Models

by Guillermo A. Cecchi A. Ravishankar Rao

A significant amount of effort in neural modeling is directed towards understanding the representation of information in various parts of the brain, such as cortical maps [6], and the paths along which sensory information is processed. Though the time domain is integral an integral aspect of the functioning of biological systems, it has proven very challenging to incorporate the time domain effectively in neural network models. A promising path that is being explored is to study the importance of synchronization in biological systems. Synchronization plays a critical role in the interactions between neurons in the brain, giving rise to perceptual phenomena, and explaining multiple effects such as visual contour integration, and the separation of superposed inputs. The purpose of this book is to provide a unified view of how the time domain can be effectively employed in neural network models. A first direction to consider is to deploy oscillators that model temporal firing patterns of a neuron or a group of neurons. There is a growing body of research on the use of oscillatory neural networks, and their ability to synchronize under the right conditions. Such networks of synchronizing elements have been shown to be effective in image processing and segmentation tasks, and also in solving the binding problem, which is of great significance in the field of neuroscience. The oscillatory neural models can be employed at multiple scales of abstraction, ranging from individual neurons, to groups of neurons using Wilson-Cowan modeling techniques and eventually to the behavior of entire brain regions as revealed in oscillations observed in EEG recordings. A second interesting direction to consider is to understand the effect of different neural network topologies on their ability to create the desired synchronization. A third direction of interest is the extraction of temporal signaling patterns from brain imaging data such as EEG and fMRI. Hence this Special Session is of emerging interest in the brain sciences, as imaging techniques are able to resolve sufficient temporal detail to provide an insight into how the time domain is deployed in cognitive function. The following broad topics will be covered in the book: Synchronization, phase-locking behavior, image processing, image segmentation, temporal pattern analysis, EEG analysis, fMRI analyis, network topology and synchronizability, cortical interactions involving synchronization, and oscillatory neural networks. This book will benefit readers interested in the topics of computational neuroscience, applying neural network models to understand brain function, extracting temporal information from brain imaging data, and emerging techniques for image segmentation using oscillatory networks

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