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Reliable and Intelligent Optimization in Multi-Layered Cloud Computing Architectures

by Punit Gupta Dinesh Kumar Saini Kashif Zia H. S. Madhusudhan Kumar T. Satish

One of the major developments in the computing field has been cloud computing, which enables users to do complicated computations that local devices are unable to handle. The computing power and flexibility that have made the cloud so popular do not come without challenges. It is particularly challenging to decide which resources to use, even when they have the same configuration but different levels of performance because of the variable structure of the available resources. Cloud data centers can host millions of virtual machines, and where to locate these machines in the cloud is a difficult problem. Additionally, fulfilling optimization needs is a complex problem.Reliable and Intelligent Optimization in Multi-Layered Cloud Computing Architectures examines ways to meet these challenges. It discusses virtual machine placement techniques and task scheduling techniques that optimize resource utilization and minimize energy consumption of cloud data centers. Placement techniques presented can provide an optimal solution to the optimization problem using multiple objectives. The book focuses on basic design principles and analysis of virtual machine placement techniques and task allocation techniques. It also looks at virtual machine placement techniques that can improve quality-of-service (QoS) in service-oriented architecture (SOA) computing. The aims of virtual machine placement include minimizing energy usage, network traffic, economical cost, maximizing performance, and maximizing resource utilization. Other highlights of the book include: Improving QoS and resource efficiency Fault-tolerant and reliable resource optimization models A reactive fault tolerance method using checkpointing restart Cost and network-aware metaheuristics. Virtual machine scheduling and placement Electricity consumption in cloud data centers Written by leading experts and researchers, this book provides insights and techniques to those dedicated to improving cloud computing and its services.

Reliable Computer Systems: Design and Evaluation, Third Edition

by null Daniel P. Siewiorek null Robert S. Swarz

This classic reference work is a comprehensive guide to the design, evaluation, and use of reliable computer systems. It includes case studies of reliable systems from manufacturers, such as Tandem, Stratus, IBM, and Digital. It covers special systems such as the Galileo Orbiter fault protection system and AT&T telephone switching system processors

Reliable Control and Filtering of Linear Systems with Adaptive Mechanisms (Automation and Control Engineering)

by null Guang-Hong Yang null Dan Ye

More and more, the advanced technological systems of today rely on sophisticated control systems designed to assure greater levels of safe operation while optimizing performance. Rather than assuming always perfect conditions, these systems require adaptive approaches capable of coping with inevitable system component faults. Conventional feedback control designs do not offer that capability and can result in unsatisfactory performance or even instability, which is totally unacceptable in complex systems such as aircraft, spacecraft, and nuclear power plants where safety is a paramount concern. Reliable Control and Filtering of Linear Systems with Adaptive Mechanisms presents recent research results that are advancing the field. It shows how adaptive mechanisms can be successfully introduced into the traditional reliable control/filtering, so that, based on the online estimation of eventual faults, the proposed adaptive reliable controller/filter parameters are updated automatically to compensate for any fault effects. Presenting a new method for fault-tolerant control (FTC) in the context of existing research, this uniquely cohesive volume, coauthored by two leading researchers — Focuses on the issues of reliable control/filtering in the framework of indirect adaptive method and LMI techniques Starts from the development and main research methods in FTC to offer a systematic presentation of new methods for adaptive reliable control/filtering of linear systems Explains the principles behind adaptive designs for closed-loop systems in normal operation as well as those that account for both actuator and sensor failures Presents rigorous mathematical analysis of control methods as well as easy-to-implement algorithms Includes practical case studies derived from the aerospace industry including simulation results for the F-16 The authors also extend the design idea from linear systems to linear time-delay systems via both memory and memory-less controllers. Moreover, some more recent results for the corresponding adaptive reliable control against actuator saturation are included. Ultimately, this remarkably practical resource, offers design approaches and guidelines that researchers can readily employ in the design of advanced FTC techniques offering improved reliability, maintainability, and survivability.

Reliable JavaScript: How to Code Safely in the World's Most Dangerous Language

by Seth Richards Lawrence Spencer

Create more robust applications with a test-first approach to JavaScript <P><P> Reliable JavaScript, How to Code Safely in the World's Most Dangerous Language demonstrates how to create test-driven development for large-scale JavaScript applications that will stand the test of time and stay accurate through long-term use and maintenance. Taking a test-first approach to software architecture, this book walks you through several patterns and practices and explains what they are supposed to do by having you write unit tests. Write the code to pass the unit tests, so you not only develop your technique for structuring large-scale applications, but you also learn how to test your work. You'll come away with hands-on practice that results in code that is correct from the start, and has the test coverage to ensure that it stays correct during subsequent maintenance. All code is provided both in the text and on the web, so you can immediately get started designing more complete, robust applications.<P> JavaScript has graduated from field-validation scripts to full-scale applications, but many developers still approach their work as if they were writing simple scripts. If you're one of those developers, this book is the solution you need to whip your code into shape and create JavaScript applications that work.<P> * Write more concise and elegant code by thinking in JavaScript<P> * Test the implementation and use of common design patterns<P> * Master the use of advanced JavaScript features<P> * Ensure your code's conformance to your organization's standards<P> If you're ready to step up your code and develop more complete software solutions, Reliable JavaScript is your essential resource.

Reliable Machine Learning: Applying SRE Principles to ML in Production

by Cathy Chen Niall Richard Murphy Kranti Parisa D. Sculley Todd Underwood

Whether you're part of a small startup or a multinational corporation, this practical book shows data scientists, software and site reliability engineers, product managers, and business owners how to run and establish ML reliably, effectively, and accountably within your organization. You'll gain insight into everything from how to do model monitoring in production to how to run a well-tuned model development team in a product organization. By applying an SRE mindset to machine learning, authors and engineering professionals Cathy Chen, Kranti Parisa, Niall Richard Murphy, D. Sculley, Todd Underwood, and featured guest authors show you how to run an efficient and reliable ML system. Whether you want to increase revenue, optimize decision making, solve problems, or understand and influence customer behavior, you'll learn how to perform day-to-day ML tasks while keeping the bigger picture in mind. You'll examine:What ML is: how it functions and what it relies onConceptual frameworks for understanding how ML "loops" workHow effective productionization can make your ML systems easily monitorable, deployable, and operableWhy ML systems make production troubleshooting more difficult, and how to compensate accordinglyHow ML, product, and production teams can communicate effectively

Reliable Post Disaster Services over Smartphone Based DTN: An End-to-End Framework (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #137)

by Souvik Basu Siuli Roy Sipra Das Bit

This book proposes a framework and strategies for reliable end-to-end post-disaster services using smartphone-based delay-tolerant networks, which can operate even in the absence of conventional network connectivity. It explores various aspects of this challenge, ranging from accurate need assessment, to timely need accumulation, efficient resource allocation, and reliable data dissemination. The book offers insightful reading for all technologists and researchers working in the domain of ICT-based disaster management in developing countries, and will help them grasp the challenges involved in providing post-disaster services in an extremely difficult network scenario, while also offering possible solutions. The book will also benefit disaster management authorities, government agencies, NGOs and other stakeholders, helping them enhance their preparedness through the intelligent use of wireless technologies coupled with smart devices.

Reliable Reasoning: Induction and Statistical Learning Theory

by Gilbert Harman Sanjeev Kulkarni

In Reliable Reasoning, Gilbert Harman and Sanjeev Kulkarni, a philosopher and an engineer, argue that philosophy and cognitive science can benefit from statistical learning theory (SLT), the theory that lies behind recent advances in machine learning.

Reliable Software for Unreliable Hardware

by Semeen Rehman Muhammad Shafique Jörg Henkel

This book describesnovel software concepts to increase reliability under user-defined constraints. The authors' approach bridges, for the firsttime, the reliability gap between hardware and software. Readers will learn howto achieve increased soft error resilience on unreliable hardware, whileexploiting the inherent error masking characteristics and error (stemming from softerrors, aging, and process variations) mitigations potential at differentsoftware layers.

Reliable Software Technologies – Ada-Europe 2018: 23rd Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal, June 18-22, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10873)

by António Casimiro Pedro M. Ferreira

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2018, held in Lisbon, Portugal, in June 2018. The 10 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 27 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: safety and security; Ada 202X; handling implicit overhead; real-time scheduling; and new application domains.

Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2016

by Marko Bertogna Luis Miguel Pinho Eduardo Quiñones

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2016, held in Pisa, Italy, in June 2016. The revised 12 full papers presented together with one invited paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 28 submissions. They are organized in topical sections on concurrency and parallelism, testing and verification, program correctness and robustness, and real-time systems.

Religion and Cyberspace

by Margit Warburg Morten T. Højsgaard

In the twenty-first century, religious life is increasingly moving from churches, mosques and temples onto the Internet. Today, anyone can go online and seek a new form of religious expression without ever encountering a physical place of worship, or an ordained teacher or priest. The digital age offers virtual worship, cyber-prayers and talk-boards for all of the major world faiths, as well as for pagan organisations and new religious movements. It also abounds with misinformation, religious bigotry and information terrorism. Scholars of religion need to understand the emerging forum that the web offers to religion, and the kinds of religious and social interaction that it enables.Religion and Cyberspace explores how religious individuals and groups are responding to the opportunities and challenges that cyberspace brings. It asks how religious experience is generated and enacted online, and how faith is shaped by factors such as limitless choice, lack of religious authority, and the conflict between recognised and non-recognised forms of worship. Combining case studies with the latest theory, its twelve chapters examine topics including the history of online worship, virtuality versus reality in cyberspace, religious conflict in digital contexts, and the construction of religious identity online. Focusing on key themes in this groundbreaking area, it is an ideal introduction to the fascinating questions that religion on the Internet presents.

Religion and the Technological Future: An Introduction to Biohacking, Artificial Intelligence, and Transhumanism

by Calvin Mercer Tracy J. Trothen

We live in an age of rapid technological advancement. Never before has humankind wielded so much power over our own biology. Biohacking, the attempt at human enhancement of physical, cognitive, affective, moral, and spiritual traits, has become a global phenomenon. This textbook introduces religious and ethical implications of biohacking, artificial intelligence, and other technological changes, offering perspectives from monotheistic and karmic religions and applied ethics. These technological breakthroughs are transforming our societies and ourselves fundamentally via genetic modification, tissue engineering, artificial intelligence, robotics, the merging of computer technology with human biology, extended reality, brain stimulation, and nanotechnology. The book also considers the extreme possibilities of mind uploading, cryonics, and superintelligence. Chapters explore some of the political, economic, sociological, and psychological dimensions of these advances, with bibliographies for further study and questions for discussion. The technological future is here – and it is up to us to decide its moral and religious shape.

Religion and Violence: An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict from Antiquity to the Present

by Jeffrey Ian Ross

First Published in 2015. Daily newspaper headlines, talk radio and cable television broadcasts, and Internet news web sites continuously highlight the relationship between religion and violence. These media contain stories about such diverse incidents as suicide attacks by Islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Pakistan, and elsewhere, and assassinations of doctors who perform abortions by white American Christian true believers in the United States. How does one make sense of the role of religion in violence, and of perpetrators of violence who cite religion as a motivation? This encyclopedia includes a wide range of entries: biographies of key figures, historical events, religious groups, countries and regions where religion and violence have intersected, and practices, rituals, and processes of religious violence.

Relive: Media Art Histories (Leonardo)

by Sean Cubitt Paul Thomas

Leading historians of the media arts define a new materialist media art history, discussing temporality, geography, ephemerality, and the future.In Relive, leading historians of the media arts grapple with this dilemma: how can we speak of “new media” and at the same time write the histories of these arts? These scholars and practitioners redefine the nature of the field, focusing on the materials of history—the materials through which the past is mediated. Drawing on the tools of media archaeology and the history and philosophy of media, they propose a new materialist media art history. The contributors consider the idea of history and the artwork's moment in time; the intersection of geography and history in regional practice, illustrated by examples from eastern Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; the contradictory scales of evolution, life cycles, and bodily rhythms in bio art; and the history of the future—how the future has been imagined, planned for, and established as a vector throughout the history of new media arts. These essays, written from widely diverse critical perspectives, capture a dynamic field at a moment of productive ferment.ContributorsSusan Ballard, Brogan Bunt, Andrés Burbano, Jon Cates, John Conomos, Martin Constable, Sean Cubitt, Francesca Franco, Darko Fritz, Zhang Ga, Monika Gorska-Olesinska, Ross Harley, Jens Hauser, Stephen Jones, Douglas Kahn, Ryszard W. Kluszczynski, Caroline Seck Langill, Leon Marvell, Rudy Rucker, Edward A. Shanken, Stelarc, Adele Tan, Paul Thomas, Darren Tofts, Joanna Walewska

Relive: Media Art Histories

by Sean Cubitt Paul Thomas

In "Relive," leading historians of the media arts grapple with this dilemma: how can we speak of "new media" and at the same time write the histories of these arts? These scholars and practitioners redefine the nature of the field, focusing on the materials of history -- the materials through which the past is mediated. Drawing on the tools of media archaeology and the history and philosophy of media, they propose a new materialist media art history. The contributors consider the idea of history and the artwork's moment in time; the intersection of geography and history in regional practice, illustrated by examples from eastern Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; the contradictory scales of evolution, life cycles, and bodily rhythms in bio art; and the history of the future -- how the future has been imagined, planned for, and established as a vector throughout the history of new media arts. These essays, written from widely diverse critical perspectives, capture a dynamic field at a moment of productive ferment. ContributorsSusan Ballard, Brogan Bunt, Andr's Burbano, Jon Cates, John Conomos, Martin Constable, Sean Cubitt, Francesca Franco, Darko Fritz, Zhang Ga, Monika Gorska-Olesinska, Ross Harley, Jens Hauser, Stephen Jones, Douglas Kahn, Ryszard W. Kluszczynski, Caroline Seck Langill, Leon Marvell, Rudy Rucker, Edward A. Shanken, Stelarc, Adele Tan, Paul Thomas, Darren Tofts, Joanna Walewska

Reloading Data Protection

by Serge Gutwirth Ronald Leenes Paul De Hert

This volume brings together papers that offer conceptual analyses, highlight issues, propose solutions, and discuss practices regarding privacy and data protection. The first section of the book provides an overview of developments in data protection in different parts of the world. The second section focuses on one of the most captivating innovations of the data protection package: how to forget, and the right to be forgotten in a digital world. The third section presents studies on a recurring, and still important and much disputed, theme of the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) conferences : the surveillance, control and steering of individuals and groups of people and the increasing number of performing tools (data mining, profiling, convergence) to achieve those objectives. This part is illustrated by examples from the domain of law enforcement and smart surveillance. The book concludes with five chapters that advance our understanding of the changing nature of privacy (concerns) and data protection.

Remaining Relevant in Your Tech Career: Navigating Over A Lifetime Of Constant Change

by Robert Stackowiak

Remain relevant in the face of constant change during your career in technology. This book shows you how to proactively plan in anticipation of future changes. Many people find technology careers enticing because of the number of job opportunities, the high compensation, or simply because of fascination with technology itself. Once in those careers, however, there are many challenges to remaining relevant and at one’s peak in the face of constantly shifting competitive and technology landscapes. Incumbents face a constant stream of new skills to learn that are often already known by more recent graduates entering the market at lower compensation rates. There also are time-to-market challenges and the need to keep up with the introduction of automation.This book was written based on the author’s experience gained over 40 years working with and in technology-related fields and companies. It provides practical guidance on remaining relevant as changes are expected to occur in technology at ever faster rates in coming decades.What You'll LearnKnow what companies really wantRealize the importance of alignment with company cultureUnderstand the political landscape and how to use it to advantageDiscover why creating, maintaining, and operating in a diverse environment is beneficialMaster strategies for skills developmentFuture-proof your careerWho This Book Is ForTechnology professionals who want to remain relevant and happy while navigating their current career and university students who are pursuing a STEM career and actively planning their future

Remapping Cold War Media: Institutions, Infrastructures, Translations

by Alice Lovejoy and Mari Pajala

Why were Hollywood producers eager to film on the other side of the Iron Curtain? How did Western computer games become popular in socialist Czechoslovakia's youth paramilitary clubs? What did Finnish commercial television hope to gain from broadcasting Soviet drama?Cold War media cultures are typically remembered in terms of an East-West binary, emphasizing conflict and propaganda. Remapping Cold War Media, however, offers a different perspective on the period, illuminating the extensive connections between media industries and cultures in Europe's Cold War East and their counterparts in the West and Global South. These connections were forged by pragmatic, technological, economic, political, and aesthetic forces; they had multiple, at times conflicting, functions and meanings. And they helped shape the ways in which media circulates today—from film festivals, to satellite networks, to coproductions.Considering film, literature, radio, photography, computer games, and television, Remapping Cold War Media offers a transnational history of postwar media that spans Eastern and Western Europe, the Nordic countries, Cuba, the United States, and beyond. Contributors draw on extensive archival research to reveal how media traveled across geopolitical boundaries; the processes of translation, interpretation, and reception on which these travels depended; and the significance of media form, content, industries, and infrastructures then and now.

Remember Me

by Romily Bernard

If you like The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo or Michelle Gagnon's Don't Turn Around trilogy, you'll love Remember Me by Romily Bernard.In this edge-of-your-seat thrilling sequel to Find Me, Wick Tate, sarcastic teen hacker, is back. Wick had thought her troubles were over. But she should've known better. Now Wick is once again dealing with criminals and corrupt cops . . . and a brooding new love interest. The pressure might be too much, as secrets--including Wick's own--climb to the surface. Will Wick persevere like she has before?


by Lawrence Lessig

The reigning authority on intellectual property in the Internet age, Lawrence Lessig spotlights the newest and possibly the most harmful culture war?a war waged against those who create and consume art. America?s copyright laws have ceased to perform their original, beneficial role: protecting artists? creations while allowing them to build on previous creative works. In fact, our system now criminalizes those very actions. Remix is an urgent, eloquent plea to end a war that harms every intrepid, creative user of new technologies. It also offers an inspiring vision of the postwar world where enormous opportunities await those who view art as a resource to be shared openly rather than a commodity to be hoarded. .

Remote Delivery: A Guide to Software Delivery through Collaboration between Distributed Teams

by Zhengping Qu

This book records the author’s years of experience in the software industry. In his own practices, the author has found that the distributed work pattern has become increasingly popular in more and more work environments, either between vendors and customers or between different teams inside a company. This means that all practitioners in the software industry need to adapt to this new way of communication and collaboration and get skilled enough to meet the greater challenges in integrating the distributed work pattern with agile software delivery. By centering on the difficulties in communication and collaboration between distributed teams, this book digs into the reasons why so many remote delivery projects end up anticlimactic and provides solutions for readers’ reference. It also cites successful cases in promoting agile development in distributed teams, which has been a vexing problem for many software development companies. In addition, readers can find suggestions and measures for building self-managing teams in this book. Remote Delivery: A Guide to Software Delivery through Collaboration between Distributed Teams is a very practical guide for software delivery teams with their members distributed in different places and companies engaged in software customization. Developers, QAs, product managers, and project leaders can also be inspired by this book.

Remote Engineering Management: Managing an Engineering Team in a Remote-First World

by Alexandra Sunderland

Managing an engineering team is hard, managing a remote engineering team is even harder—but dedicating effort to setting up a proper remote-first environment will allow for your team to thrive. This book breaks down the most important processes in engineering teams, and demonstrates how to make them work effectively in a remote organization. How do you organize code deployments, onboard new hires, give feedback, and stay up to date with your team when you can’t see each other in person every day? This book looks at how building connections and working together to solve problems comes naturally when a team is co-located, but can feel almost impossible when everyone is working remotely and communicating over video calls and messages. Whether you’re an experienced engineering manager or just getting started, you’ll learn why copying in-office practices to the remote office doesn’t work, the communication issues behind the scenes you may not even realize are happening, and how to make every aspect of remote work better for your team. From learning about how to remove new remote-specific biases from your interview process, to understanding what the team really thinks about those daily status update meetings, this book will be your guide in creating the best and most inclusive version of your engineering team. What You’ll Learn Recognize where current remote processes are falling shortBuild up best practices to lead a team with a people-first and empathetic approachCommunicate effectively in a remote organization Who This Book is For Engineering managers, team leads, directors, and those hoping to move into a lead role, will get the most value out of the book. Many of the learnings around communication will be applicable to any position in an organization, but there’s a focus on processes and job duties most relevant to engineers.

Remote Instrumentation and Virtual Laboratories

by Sandro Zappatore Norbert Meyer Roberto Pugliese Franco Davoli

Accessing remote instrumentation worldwide is one of the goals of e-Science. The task of enabling the execution of complex experiments that involve the use of distributed scientific instruments must be supported by a number of different architectural domains, which inter-work in a coordinated fashion to provide the necessary functionality. These domains embrace the physical instruments, the communication network interconnecting the distributed systems, the service oriented abstractions and their middleware. The Grid paradigm (or, more generally, the Service Oriented Architecture -- SOA), viewed as a tool for the integration of distributed resources, plays a significant role, not only to manage computational aspects, but increasingly as an aggregator of measurement instrumentation and pervasive large-scale data acquisition platforms. In this context, the functionality of a SOA allows managing, maintaining and exploiting heterogeneous instrumentation and acquisition devices in a unified way, by providing standardized interfaces and common working environments to their users, but the peculiar aspects of dealing with real instruments of widely different categories may add new functional requirements to this scenario. On the other hand, the growing transport capacity of core and access networks allows data transfer at unprecedented speed, but new challenges arise from wireless access, wireless sensor networks, and the traversal of heterogeneous network domains. The book focuses on all aspects related to the effective exploitation of remote instrumentation and to the building complex virtual laboratories on top of real devices and infrastructures. These include SOA and related middleware, high-speed networking in support of Grid applications, wireless Grids for acquisition devices and sensor networks, Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning for real-time control, measurement instrumentation and methodology, as well as metrology issues in distributed systems.

Remote Instrumentation for eScience and Related Aspects

by Roberto Pugliese Jan Węglarz Franco Davoli Norbert Meyer Marcin Lawenda Sandro Zappatore

This book will focus on new Remote Instrumentation aspects related to middleware architecture, high-speed networking, wireless Grid for acquisition devices and sensor networks, QoS provisioning for real-time control, measurement instrumentation and methodology. Moreover, it will provide knowledge about the automation of mechanisms oriented to accompanying processes that are usually performed by a human. Another important point of this book is focusing on the future trends concerning Remote Instrumentation systems development and actions related to standardization of remote instrumentation mechanisms.

Remote Investment Transactions in the Digital Age: Perception, Techniques, Law Regulation (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #250)

by Agnessa Inshakova Denis Matytsin Elena Inshakova

The book contains the results of the best research developments obtained during the implementation of major scientific events organized and carried out with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation and the President of the Russian Federation.The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time at the level of Russian and international interdisciplinary social and humanitarian sciences, primarily economic and legal, firstly, philosophical concepts and regulatory legal approaches to the regulation of remote investment transactions have been studied; secondly, a set of economic and legal conditions and means of harmonizing and observing the mutual interests of participants in remote investment transactions has been developed and proposed in order to prevent and minimize potential conflicts between the parties; thirdly, the current state and international regulation of investment transactions concluded and executed on Internet platforms was critically assessed; fourthly, a system of guarantees and protection of the rights of participants in remote investment transactions is proposed, including special contractual structures and an economic and legal model for the proper fulfillment of obligations.Measures are substantiated to expand and increase the intensity of the national investment turnover based on the improvement of the current legislation regulating investments through remote digital technologies in the Internet space, which provided a solution to the world scientific problem of great socioeconomic and economic importance. The book is designed for a wide target audience—scientists of different generations, different disciplinary and industry affiliations. Among them are young researchers, as well as scientists who have received recognition from the world scientific community, studying the socioeconomic, managerial, and legal consequences of the emergence and spread of digital technologies in the field of investment. Readers can be all individuals and legal entities interested in the development of digital technologies in the field of investment.

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